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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Mar 1947, p. 16

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THE OSHAWA TIMES x (Established 1871) THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE (Established 1863) independent newspaper published daily except Sundsy by The ines Publishing Company boy ell Limited, Arthur R. Alloway, President and Managing Director. COMPLETE CANADIAN PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE The Times-Gazette is a member of the Canadian Daily Newspapers the Ontario Provincial Dailies Association, and the Audit Association, Bureau of Circulations. Authorized as Second Class Matter, Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada. v ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES \ Delivered by carrier in Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Port' Perry, Ajax or Pickering, 24c per week, $12.00 per year. By mail, outside carrier delivery areas, anywhere in Canada and Englana $7.00 per year, $3.50 for 6 months, $2.00 for 3 months. U.S. subscriptions $9.00 per year. Net Paid Circulation Aver: Per Issue 7 , 4 © 7 FEBRUARY, 1947 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1947 A Balanced Budget The budget brought down in the Ontario Legislature yesterday by Provincial Treasurer Frost contained some surprises and it has also served to allay a number of rumors which have been in circulation one of which was that the province planned to impose a tax on income. It is pleasing to note that an expected deficit of $21,065,- 694 for the present year was turned into a surplus of $454,000 due to unexpectedly large revenues and the keep- ing of expenditures within the budget. While the surplus is not large it is indicative that the province is making progress. That better things lie ahead is shown by the announcement that despite the fact that gross expenditures next year will total $166,569,308, a surplus is forecast. There are a number of budget highlights for commun- ities like Oshawa and Whitby. Chief among these is the announcement that special road assistance grants will be made and that the one mill subsidy will be continued. Another is the announcement that the grants will be made to assist in the construction of hospitals and additions to existing hospitals. This is of particular significance to Osh- awa in view of the overcrowded condition of the hospital. There has been a consistent demand for the improve- ment of highways and the building of new roads, particu- larly in the northern sections of the province. Money must be found for this work and consequently little quarrel can be found with the decision to collect the three-cent gasoline tax which the federal government will abandon at the end of this month. It was to be expected that the province would refrain from adding to the income tax burden. Such action would have aroused a storm of protest and might in the end have resulted in the downfall of the government. On the other hand it was something of a surprise to note that a seven per cent levy is to be made on corporation taxes. However, the blow will be lessened by the fact that the Dominion has undertaken to reduce its corporation tax by 10 per cent. A FULL WEEK OF BARGAINS - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th to WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th Here it is again, folks . . . your chance to save money on many, many pro- TRICE PRICES It's the big 1947 version of the A I.D.A. MARCH DRUG SALE. Be sure to take advantage of the unusual values offered during this full week sale at all 1.D.A. Drug Stores. VALUES FOR FULL WEEK -- Wed., March 12 to Wed., March 19 ducts you use regularly in your home. March Drug Sale Special! 1.D.A. BRAND EPSOM SALT A pure white crystalline salt. Fresh crystals --never sold in stale, powdery condition. 1 Ib. tin, reg. 15¢c -- O¢ Slendor Tablets. ......... Bromo-Seltzer ..25¢, 49¢, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food . . .60c Ex-Lax Laxative VITAMIN BA TABLETS 1 mg. 100s 300s 27¢ S59¢ KODAK FILMS Verichrome -- Fresh Stock -- All Sizes 27¢ 32¢ 37¢ ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL Your favorite negative ene larged to 5% 5 7° Black and White in folder 43¢ Hand color- ed in oils. 73¢ 5 grain IDASAL TABLETS for headache & pain 300's--Special 63¢ ANTACID STOMACH POWDER 1.D.A. Brand 49¢ $1.50 CTIVE .D.A. STORES ial delVlci loll ONTARIO We reserve the right to limit quantiti~ MARCH DRUG SALE SPECIAL! SUPER-JUMBO STATIONERY Really a Super-Jumbo Value! 72 sheets of writing paper, folded note size, and 48 envelopes in each package. Regular 27¢ 17 CALAMINE LOTION ~~... 17¢ 1.D.A. Brand, 4-0z. Reg. 25¢ VICK'S VAPO-RUB 43: 2 tor §5¢ or Va-Tro-Nol FLAXSEED Whole 1 Pound. Reg. 16c. "°° * Secessensnne ®iessseianne sas LINSEED MEAL 12 ounces. Reg. 15c. "*"'*** seesscnne Beemer assn ras sue IDOL-ACAR tuners: on & Agar 54. LO: 1LD.A. Brana. 16 and 40-0z. Reg. 69¢, 1.29, SAL HEPATICA 30. 59. $1.15 Saline Laxative . MARCH DRUG SALE SPECIAL! Accuracy in compounding and fresh- ness and potency of the drugs used are assured when your doctor's prescrip- tion is filled at your 1.D.A. Drug Store. March Drug Sale Special! I.D.A. BRAND Heavy Grade A highest quality medicinal oil. 16-0z. bottle 40-o0z. bottle * 33¢ 67¢ MINERAL OIL Thermogene Wool Lantigen "B" . .... icine is 6.00 Mason's "49" 40¢c, 75¢ Spahr's Remedy ..... vr ++. 50c, 1.50 Pertussin . Pinex Compound ...... "read Buckley's Mixture Pens Couch Tablets 1.D.A. Brand BEEF, IRON & WINE For anaemia, impaired nutrition, etc. 16-0z. bottle--§9¢ Shavers' Special SHAVING CREAM & LOTION 70c value for 49¢ A big 27c tube of 1.D.A, Lavender Shaving Cream and 43c bottle Lavender Shave Lotion. 1.D.A. Vegetable LAXATIVE TABLETS 36's -- reg. 25¢ 19¢ I.LD.A. ABS. &C TABLETS 100's -- reg. 19¢ 14¢ BLOOD PURIFIER & TONIC I.D.A. Brand 16 oz. 89¢ TOILETRIES &« COSMETICS Here are a few of the many popular lines we have available for : your choice :-- POND'S MERCOLIZED WAX - 87¢ ANGEL FACE * Trushay Lotion Hinds Cream 29¢, 49¢, 98¢ Don Juan Lipstick 49¢, $1.10 Revlon Nail Enamel 50¢ Lady Esther Powder 29¢, 5%5e¢ | Jeanette TALCUM 15¢, 2/29¢ Large 12-ounce shaker-top cans; choice of odors. . I.D.A. BRAND MILK of MAGNESIA Smooth and pleasant tasting. An ef- ficient alkalizer and gentle laxative. From time to time the Conservative Party has been tabbed as being closely associated with big business. From | a study of the budget this would not seem to be the case as the man in the street stands to benefit to a greater degree than ever before. Compulsory Voting Whether municipal, provincial or federal, an election campaign invariably produces a rash of slogans designed to drum up voter interest. Net result of the independent "get out to vote" campaign | is rarely encouraging. Percentage of eligible voters casting | their ballot often sinks below the half-way mark and has even dwindled to a mere 25 per cent. | One blunt alternative to the present voting procedure is | compulsory voting. A British Columbia legislative commit- tee, after studying the Australian compulsory voting plan, is sponsoring a similar plan calling for a "system of perpet- ual registration." All residents of the province over 21 years of age would be issued numbered cards showing their names, addresses, occupations and electoral district. Failure to register would mean a fine of $10. Further penalties would be tacked on including possible loss of voting elegibility for failure to vote without a gilt-edged reason. The B.C. proposals, still in the blueprint stage, have been blasted by critics who claim that the registration and subsequent voting would usher in a new flood of bureau- ? cratic practices. More serious is the charge that the demo- by us cratic structure would virtually be undermined by a surge of $ uninformed voters to the polls. An intelligent vote, runs this argument, rates far higher than a maximum one. These charges against compulsory voting de undoubt- edly valid in some degree at least. But what other antidote is there for voter apathy? Effective voter education promot- ing continuous interest in political affairs is the usual answer. Unless such a program proves far more successful than it has in the past, compulsory voting will begin to look like the only way to prod democracy out of the doldrums. PROPER CARE of YOUR HAIR Time spent in keeping your hair in condition and well groomed is time well spent, COMB SPECIALS Fitch Shampoo... 35¢, 69¢, 98¢ Wildroot Cream-Qil 59¢ Vitalis Hair Dressing... 54¢c, 99¢ Vaseline Hair Tonic... 50¢, 85¢ THE GENUINE 0] BR] HollRy HAIR DRESSING 29¢, 49¢ 32 oz., reg. 55¢ 43c 16 oz., reg. 33¢c 23c . Pocket or Bobby Combs Drene Shampoo 15¢, 39¢, 67¢, $1.10 25¢, 49¢ Charm-Kurl Cold Wave Kit $1.35 Rayve Creme Shampoo s Glover's Mange Medicine 59¢, $1.10 Kreml| Hair Tonic 59¢, 98¢, $1.39 Velvetta Brilliantine 35¢ OINTMENTS oa Brana Boracic, Carbelic. Zinc, etc. Reg. 25¢ tube. * PENETRATING LINIMENT 1.D.A, Brand, Reg. 4ic, SODA BICARBONATE 5 shades IDA, Brand. 4 and 16 oz. [A New Lipsick Discovery | ALKA-SELTZER Te: ~ 2Q., 57 19: 33 a WHITE EMBROCATION or 5 Selling 24 New Colours ID.A. Prand. 4 and 8 oz. Reg. 25c, 45¢c. SULPHUR LDA. Brand 1 Pound container. Gemey Dusting Powder Gemey Perfume $1.50, $3.50 Cashmere Bouquet Cream 35¢ Veto Deodorant 25¢, 39¢, 59%¢ $1.25 ' 39% Sensational New Make-Up -- Goes on without water -- and stays SHAMPOO Gives a rich, heavy " lather. Does not dry the scalp or cause the hair to become brittle. HAIR Gi ERE ) wR) Jr cocoanut orf | F\ thampoo | 1 NG wry A Beauty Cream that keeps its promise MARCH DRUG SALE SPECIAL! Hestle ID.A. BRAND SOLORINSE WAX PA P E R Tintex All-fabric Dye = 15¢, 2 for 25¢ Special 4 0z.--19¢ Purifies, nourishes, lightens 30¢ ~ 60¢ SCOTT'S «0 METAL GONTAINER BABY NEEDS Johnson's Baby Powder . 28¢, 55¢ Johnson's Baby Oil .. 60¢, $1.10 Mennen's Oil . 59¢, $1.19, $2.39 Vaseline, white, jars ... 15¢, 25¢ Mead"s Pablum 45¢ Lactogen, 1 & 24 |b. 79¢, $1.79 Heinz Baby Foods .... 3 f Baby's Own Tablets Castoria Mead"s Oleum Percomorphum ... 75¢, $3.00 I.D.A. Syrup of Figs & Senna, 25 3 oz. ILD.A. Fuller's Earth, 1.D.A. Senna Leaves 1 and 4 oz. 10¢c, 25¢ Pepsodent Paste or Powder Airwick ..89%, 1.19; Refill 1.75 ..29¢, 45¢ Sunset Dyes 15¢, 2 for 25¢ | Cue Liquid Gillette Blue Blades ...25c, 50c | Peqhirice, ' . y [4 Moth-Tox 49¢c, 89c | Or. Lyon's Tat-Antu Rat Killer. . .35¢, 1.00 Tooth Willian Aqua Velva Powder Extra Heavy Grade A Better Way To Take Cod Liver Oil Ipana Tooth Paste. .. Hutax Tooth Paste. ...29¢, 39 Forhan's Tooth Paste. .29¢c, Colgate Cream or Powder Tek Tooth Brush Twin-Pak pkg. of 2.... 49¢ Polident or Poli-grip 39¢, 73c Listerine Tooth Paste 25¢, 40c THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE 10 SIMCOE ST. S. Delivery to all Parts Of the City TELEPHONE 22 C.A's Business Men's Club. Engag- ° 25 Y r A 0 ed in the Y.M.C.A.'s foreign service work, the guest speaker described ears g Bis experiences in rural India. 'own uncil authorized th Securing the site of the Themen erection of 20 houses by the Osh- Rubber Gompany Plant w ch ha awa Housing Commission. T. H. poe Li d by 1is i Lb Everson presented the Commission's om tel - oodwork, mouldings, mir- | C*¢; Urging construction of all 20 rors, picture frames, etc. would Spi 0 an attempt to relieve the start on May 1. It was expected ge. that 50 men would be employed im- | Quite Simpl mediately with prospects of Jobs for | 0 yginecoman ape his sweet close io 2m ae reduction had | ):itle wife on a very careful way Swing ds Dear of the P of keeping household accounts. At 0 Y€S" | the end of the first month he was byterian Church allocated $11,250 as | very keen to see how she ma; the sum to be collected by congre- ed nag- gations within thé Whitby Presby-| hroug book tery, which included Oshawa. Osh- ue he fc! Wy odd EB he ok awa's share was $3,600. 5s." 'Then it occurred again: Fire Chief Cameron was proud of | «gO K. 3s 94." But on its third a new pair of horses, purchased for appearance he turned to his. little the Fire Department by , Nelson |wife and asked: "My dear, what Baird at a farm north of Lindsay. |does this HO.X. mean?" Victor Ilahi-Baksh, & native Ind- | «Oh, that?" she replied, with a ian of Arabian parentage, addressed | sweet little blush. "That mear- both the Lion's Club and the YM. | 'Heaven Only Knows " Le 4 times' easier to digest than plain cod liver oil. 59¢ 98¢ BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP 8-Oz. Bottle 50 MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE 29: - 47 POWELLS 35 SIMCOE ST. N. (Next to Loblaws) We "Deliver TELEPHONE 1360 EXPORT CIGARETTES 20's 33: - 50s 80 KARN'S DRUG STORE 28 KING ST. EAST (Next to Post Office) Prompt Delivery TELEPHONE 78-79 surprise for CHILDREN At last --a laxative even the fussiest child won't mind take Pleasant, easily-swallowed, Children's .Own Tablets bring quick, thorough action without unpleasant cramping or fri ing. For children 3 to 15, Ma of Baby's Own (ONCER WEARING by the makers ° {§, Tablets, 25¢ CHILDREN'S OWN TABLETS ¢ i

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