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Daily Times-Gazette, 17 Apr 1947, p. 9

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THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE a. Milch Given Imprisonment For Life * Nuernberg, April 17--(AP)--Field Marshal Erhard Milch was sentenc- ed today to spend the rest of his life in prison for drafting slave la- bor into Germany's aircraft factor- ies and using prisoners-of.war in the armament industry in violation of the laws of war. ; The sentence was imposed by Rob- presiding waffe chiemtain's 10-week trial as a war criminal. Miich, 565, heard the verdict in the same room where Hermann Goering and other Nazl leaders were con- demned to the gallows last year by the International Military Tribunal. 31 Await Trial For Killing at Buchenwald Camp By GUY BETTANY Munich-- (Reuters) -- Men and women with ghastly records are among leading 8.8. men and others who will 'shortly stand trial before 8 United States military court at u. The charges against them arise from the killing of thousands of Allied subjects at the notorious concentration camp of Buchen- wald, hear Weimar, For months three American offi- cers have been collecting evidence against the accused. They have heard hundreds of witnesses from every country in Europe, many now occupying important positions, who were ners in Buchenwald. Most of the victims who survived have = suffered permanently in health. In the main they are free from hatred and desire for revenge, but when confronted with their for- mer torturers many have great dif. ficulty in suppressing their emo- tions. Officers responsible for the prose- cution are the chief prosecutors, William D. Denson, Robert L. Kun« zig, and Salomon Surowits. Blind Baby Strutting his stuff for the camera here is 21-months-old Gary Trent, Freelandville, Ind, who was born blind and has been picking out tunes on the piano since he was eight months old. Gary plays such pieces as "My Darling Nellie Gray" and "Wabash Cannon Ball" He learned those tunes by imitating his father, Robert, The parents of the baby said they had never at- tempted .to .publicize .the .baby's ability because they didn't expect anyone would believe them, ed by the Gestapo in France in 1043. Sent to Buchenwald, Katzen. ellenbogen 'was appointed doctor or the so-called Little Camp where he is alleged to have sent thousands of prisoners to their graves either through experiment or neglect. Kawartha Lakes Get U.S. Boost Cleveland, O.--(CP)--The Peter- borough Examiner, published in the Kawartha Lakes area of eastern Ontario, got a special plug in the Thirty-one principal are charged with violation of laws and usages of war in their treatment of Allied subjects, including Ameri- cans, Britons, Russians, Poles, French, Norwegians, Greeks, Yugo- slavs and They are ace cused of carrying out killings, beat- starvation, abuses and indignities, The prisoners comprise almost all who were responsible for run. ning the concentration camp at Buchenwald, the missing few being mostly dead. Among the dead is camp commandant Koch, who ruled Buchenwald for many years whose 40-year-old widow, Ilse . Koch, or "Lampshade Ilse", is the only woman prisoner. The two leading accused are S.8. Oberfuehrer (leader Josias Prinz Zu Waldeck and 88. Oberfuehrer Hermann Piester. Prinz Zu Waldeck was the mili- tary officer in charge of the dis- trict in which Bucfienwald wag sit- uated; it was he who a few days before the arrival of American troops ordered the evacuation of the prisoners, a measure that re- " sulted in the death of thousands. Plester, Koch's successor as camp commandant, is a typical 88. offi- cer who in general matters carried out the orders given him from above and made his subordinates responsible for the maltreatment of the prisoners,' Ilse Koch, the. former comman- dant's widow, took part in the con. trol of the camp and personally as- sisted in the beating and torturing of prisoners. Her specialty wag the collection of human skins, which she used for making lamp shades, She had a collection of lamp shades and used to talk about the history of the prisoners from whom the skins were taken. If she saw a particu- larly fine piece of tattooing on a prisoner she did not hesitate, it is alleged, to have the skin removed frcm the unhappy owner while he wae still alive. Another prisoner is the 60-year- old Jewish doctor, Edwin Katzen- euenbogen, whose activities in Buchenwald are notorious, A doc- tor in Leipzig, he went in 1905 to America, where he. married and was later divorced. He claims Am- erican citizenship, He was arrest- --baked the CHRISTIE WAY! 'Tastier because they're crisp --crisp because they're baked the Christie way. At your * grocer's, always ask for crisp, oven-fresh Christie's Prem- ium Soda Crackers. Christie's Biscuits . Christies - PREMIUM SODA | CRACKERS Now- sweeter, tastier bread with It's so easy to bake delicious, smooth-textured loaves if you use Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast. This fresh yeast is full-strength. It goes right to work to help you get best baking results every fime. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME --insist on Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast. The * cake with the familiar yellow label! Dependable--~Canada's favorite for over 50-50 Chance of Steel Strike May 1 Is Seen New York, April 17--(AP-- The Iron Age, authoritative journal of the steel industry has reported a "50-50 chance" that the steel indus- try in the United States would be shut down by a strike May 1. Occasional negotiations between United States Steel subsidiaries and union representatives since mid- January "have produced nothing," it said. The steel firm has made no wage offer, the publicition added, hold- ing its position that portal pay questions must be settled by legis- lation before such a commitment would be made; the union has nam- ed no definite wage demand except to ask for "a substantial increase." "This fussing around," the maga- zine stated, "is expected to be el- iminated by the beginning of next week when both sides will be forc- ed to attempt to do in 10 days what could have been done in the past 3% months." "Between the middle of this week and the middle of next week," "Iron Age said, "there is a.chance that higher officials in the Steel Cor- poration may take over negotiations. Such a step was taken during the labor controversy in 1946. . "Neither side wants the inter- vention of the government . ... . with the administration's future at stake the government will defin- itely be inthe picture unless Mr. Murray (Philip Murray,) C.1.O. head) and the Steel Corporation can reach some settlement before May 1." - | comment on the Cleveland Sports- men's Show. Morris Ackerman, fish and game authority writing in the Cleveland papers, had this to say: "The Kawartha booth is manned by Alderman John Sullivan of the city of Peterborough and Pete Mc- Gillen, outdoor editor of the Peter- borough Examiner, a newspaper that gives coverage to angling and hunting like no other in the prov- ince. If you are interested in fish- ing anywhere on the chain, from Shen River to the 'Severn, see m." |UK Members Said Plied With Liquor London, April 17--(Reuters)--A charge that journalists in the House of Commons plied Members of Parliament with liquor in a de- liberate attempt to get from them secret information about private Parliamentary meetings has - been made in a newspaper article writ- ten by a Labor M.P., Quentin Hogg, Conservative, said in the House of Comomns. Hogg tabled a co of London World's Press News, e newspa- per, for April 3, in which he said Garry Allighan, Labor Member, un- der a heading "this may be dyna- mite," had made "a deliberate charge of corruption against the lobby journalists and the House of Commons." Quoting from the article, Ho sald that Allighan, a former ne editor of The Daily Mirror, had re- vealed that he himself had approv- ed payments to regular "contacts" who were Members of Parliament. They had given the newspapers "stories, info and tip-offs." ; Lord Beaverbrook's Evening Standard had printed reports of least one of an average of 12 ate Parliamentary meetings week. There was nothing "myst! about the way the story lesked out, 2 the article said. After reading passages from the article, Hogg declared: "1 submit that I Thave made out against the author of this article, against the published and owner of the newspaper, and against the : ifs HE i sk ; PE ---- 2 £2, 7 Pry . FINEST OBTAINABLE--FROM WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS =wamver 2 Ji 2950 NEW. CROP IMPORTED CABBAGE FROM CALIFORNIA--NEW--BUNCH LARGE ORIGINAL CARROTS CALIFORNIA--NEW SPRING GREEN PEAS FLORIDA CRISP GREEN PASCAL CELERY STALKS NEW SPRING CROP--FLORIDA FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES TEXAS SWEET JUICY SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT SOLID GREEN HEADS LB. Jje 2x13 2 uss 29. 2x29 LB. 25. DOZ. 39. 927 BUNCHES TENDER, WELL~ FILLED PODS LARGE 48's TENDER STRINGLESS LARGE 176'S LARGE SIZE 80 ARRIVING BY EXPRESS DAILY -- FRESHLY PICKED STRAWBERRIES FROM LOUISIANA -- ATTRACTIVELY PRICED RENNIES HIGHEST QUALITY SEEDS RENNIES GOVT. STANDARD LE SEEDS RENNIES EVERGREEN BRAND ,,, 1-18. LAWN SEED 31: 2:57. SEEDS we. Dero JQ: PKG. 3 AND 10: MILK FED VEAL LEG ROASTS SHANK HALF Ib. 27¢ RUMP ROASTS CHOICE . 2 » » . 1b. 37 SIRLOIN ROASTS cHoiCE , . . Ib. 40c BONE SHOULDER R0ASTS or CHOPS Ib. 30¢ BLADE ROASTS CHOPS 1. 29 LOIN ROASTS or CHOPS :: Ib. 42¢ Ib. 30¢ Ib. 29¢ FRESHLY MADE BONELESS EE dle POULTRY DRAWN WITHOUT CHARGE COFFEE EXCELL "#50 GOOD YOU'LL WANT MORE™ WS DELICIOUS « ARABIA PINE or MEDIUM GRIND 3.18. PRO. LOBLA PRIDE COFFEE 17/44 - LOSLAWS FLAYOURSOME TWO CUP COFFEE FING OR MEDIUM GRIND 148. PKG. 35 LOBLAWS VACUUM PACKED HIGH PARK COFFEE 47- 148. VACUUM PACKED TIN ) - L ¢ FOR ALL YOUR BAKING PURITY FLOUR PURITY BRAND CRACKED wapar i219: COOK BOOKS --'L0OD AYLMER OVERSEAS' PARCELS DELIVERED, FREIGHT, DUTY PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, NORTHERN IRELAND. es $1.75 Pkg. A $2.23 INFORMATION & ORDER BLANKS AVARABLS IN ALL LOBLAW STORES NUTRIM BABY CEREAL an 45 823273 NGERSOLL MALTED CHEESE we 20: LOBLAWS DELICIOUS 0 LIGHT MALT FRUIT CARE LOBLAWS JACK & JILL PEANUT BUTTER COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD STRAINED HEINZ BABY FOODS { sh. oR ' TINS 4 CONDENSED CREAM OF GREEN VEGETABLE HEINZ SOUP ous 123 MUPLE LEAF CAKE FLOUR 5 27 JEWEL SHORTENING J": 5 30 'NEILSON'S COCOA = 5 19 KRAFT CHEESE "20042 16e GERBER'S BARLEY CEREAL 55° 24 G. WASHINGTON'S CAFEMELD 4" NEWPORT FLUETS = 400%. 19. ROMAN MEAL = acoors' cz me 206 LYONS TER SN" (wo med9 MEAT SAUCE [goes 4n.27. OXO0 CUBES '5S 10-2" 23. o QUAKER PRODUCTS o QUAKER MUFFETS 2 17. QUAKER SPABKIES 772] 27 13. QUAKER QUIX Flakes 25323. AYLMER SPINACH * Jl 2% 13. 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