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Daily Times-Gazette, 17 Apr 1947, p. 14

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BE ARIAS Sa AREAS A THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947, PAGE FOURTEEN BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors ACCOUNTANT, AND NATHAN TESSIS, Times auditor. Apply Bes 7, Oshawa Times, rms prepared, work. A 1004s 205 Arthur St. (May13) 8. T. HOPKINS, eral accountant, 24 Bt. Bast. Phone 2 countant and auditor. GEN ., King CER' ad .(Apri3) Funeral INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS. ] and Articles For Sale .. 36 - Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40 Auditors Automobiles For Sal @ sosssrrreinnn Female Leasssane Garden! Supplies Automobiles Wan! . SEaeses Automobile Repairs BT ee Business Male Help Wan ted 2--Barristers (LOUIS 8, HYMAN, BARRISTER, Mortgage Loans ed, North. Phone or. Reside CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. Annis, KC.. Tig Simcoe Street Wy Phone 4 Residence 739 (Apri9) : REER. E.C. BARRISTER AS Qo. 6 King Street Jorma W. OC. Pollard. t. 4. C. RIERSON, OREIGHTOS & FRASER, RE a eto. Bank of Gumi ey JAMES R MacBRIEN, and Solicitor Suite 201 . 10 King Bast, [¢ ha Hotel. Phone 349. wal 8 £EL858 8B » . I > oes @ INSERTION CONSECUTIVE ONE TWO Abo! tes only to bt Rio fh insertions new Professional and Business 20 words or less, 20c ad Wanted © and Legal Notices sevens 42 esiensene 0 Help Wanted ... 30a Money to Loan .. Nursing Service .. 13 Optometrists ....... § CLASSIFIED AD RATES sesesesnsse INSERTIONS . THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS » ss EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION original orders for comsecutive insertions. ordered at a later date constitute a original order. ditional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation $ and c¢ sign, full word. charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office Hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. sesennees 38° seveniee 18 Bale ...oivireiees 38 Real Estate Wanted ...ee0..00 26 Real Estate ' © sese.iee 20 Rooms For Rent .. 20 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board 'Wanted ......... 308 Veterinarians ...... 7 29--Rooris For Rent 34---Pets and Livestock 36--Articles For Salo BEDROOM, 1 FURNISHED, fast if desired. Phone 3304R. (90b) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM SUIT- able for business employee, Phone 3666J, (Svc) COMFORTABLE room, for one or two 3306. gentlemen, close to Motors. Phone (89¢c) 1104J, 29a--For Rent 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI- vate home, garage. Phone LW. (90c) 9 | Women's Ci «23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 Words Each Addl Less Word A0 Ja5 1.00 25 20 = or seees 02 031% £05 A .00 per month for , figure count as a JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.O. ter, Solicitor, Money to loan. 141, King St. Bast, 445. Res. Phone 837. MARKS, BARRISTER, 80 ng King BE. Room 2 Phoves: Office 55, a 3687R. (Apr) 12--Personal Services I" Repair shop at 6 Street West. Your patronage batted, . SINCLAIR; K O., BARRISTER a Bolioitor, Bank of Montres) Put, ing. Phone 99. PARENTS AND CHILDREN SPECIAL. This Saturday, April 19th, 1947, to every Public School Student, that bowls the Fogulas two games Saturday morni 1 receive a chocolate bar free. (90b BOWL FOR PLEASURE! BOWL FOR TIEALTH! If you haven't tried this ulpr s; Jon is the Sime. We have OF a Bowl every day and give Service. If you like Bow to Bowl in a modern, air conditioned ney you'll find that Mastaip Lanes is spot you're looking for. (p71) Drugiees | 14--Household Repairs FURNITURD REPAIRED AND See our D. W. Dalton, 75 RE- for recov: Charles, Phone 401. (Apr8) ling and like | oF 25--Real Estate For Sale LOTS FOR Oshawa on ) 6-ROOM D AND GARAGE, SALE, 2 MILES EAST OF highway. Phone 10wl {2 CLEAN UNFURNISHED 2 elderly ladies. Phone 1892M. 30a--Room & Board Wanted WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY, room and board in quiet home, Box 503, Times-Gazette. ( 31--Wanted To Rent SMALL STORE, OR SHARE SAME, OR good size b t nec y 448 Ritson Rd, South. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, > a lady, in quiet home. Phone 1 38d. (89¢c) (90c) - | BLOND COCKER FURNISHED BED-SITTING ROOM, near Motors, one or two girls, Prone hb MALE, [FOR SALE 2 ears old. Registered w! papers, h 44 good home. Phone 3903W. (89b) DAY OLD CHICK BARGAINS FOR THIS week and next: Barred Rocks, New Hampehires, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex Barred Rocks, ht X New H , Bar- Rock X New Hampshires, New pshire X Light: Xx; Non-sexed erels 4.95 per 100 per Barred horns 95c, Two week old y old prices 6.00 r hundred. Three week old add 11. P 8.00 to cockerels, week old add 16.00 to non-sexed and pullets, 10.00 to . Five to six week old add 18.00 to non-sexed and | pullets 13.00 ped C.O. This ad~- your ore rices. Top (Apri7.1921) 34a--Pets & Livestock Wid. A Top Drives Pal M_ Tiatt, Bethany, BR No 1. Phone 7Ri3. (Apriz) 35--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S SPRING COAT, SIZE 14 YRS. Sand color, Phone 203M. (90D) LADY'S DARK GREY SUIT FOR SALE, size seventeen. Apply 466 Albert Street. Phone 4411W./ (90b) GIRL'S NAVY COAT, SEVERAL skirts, size 14, cream flannel coat, size 16. Phone 1458J. (88c) for non-sexed and' WE CAN STILL TAKE A FEW OR- ders for baby chicks also started chicks and hatching eggs. Phone 161R3. (85%) BEACH GAS AND COAL STOVE, WHITE with pearl Srey enamel, Ruud gas heat. er. Apply . Nicolls, 81 Ontario, (89c) Price $20, 17 Westmount Ave, VENETIAN BLINDS } 7 DAYS DELIVERY! Free estimates, installation and del- {very anywhere--anytime. Met-Wo Industries Limited J. W. MELLEY, P.O. Box 421, Oshawa, phone 4101w 36a--For Exchange LARGE ENGLISH PRAM WILL EX- change for folding stroller. Apply 286 Celina St. ' (90a) 37--Articles Wanted FRENCH CURVE REQUIRED URGENT- ly by student. Phone 938J. __ (90a) CRIB FOR SMALL BABY, PHONE oo FEATHERS AND FEATHER REDS OF all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co. 23 Baldwin St., Toronto, (May15) GOOD USED GOLF CLUBS WANTED, sets or single. Phone 3854W. (88c) (89b) ROGERS, 10-TUBES CONSOLE RADIO, | B Ri UNIT- UMMAGE SALE, SIMCOE ST. ed Church basement, Friday 230m RUMMAGE SALE, ST. GEORGE'S PAR- ish Hall, Centre St., Friday, April 18, 1:30. Ausploes Christ Church After- noon Gr (90a) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LET US PICK UP YOUR LAWNMOWER. now for sharpen reconditioning. Machine ground. n Fudge, 236 Eu- lalle. Phone 3030M. (My1) 42--L egal Notices ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, ETC., LEFT at the Commercial Hotel in lieu of hotel accounts, if not claimed within the next seven gays will sent to e committee in charge of the Cloth- Drive for needy Britons. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 17th day of April, 1947, (90c) RUG, ANY SIZE, PIANO, WASHING machine, sewing machine, Vacuum furniture. electric refrigerator, WANTED, SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM house. Urgently needed by business executive, Mr. Gillespie. Phone FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT or house. Unfurnished. Urgently need- ed. Apply Box No, 514, Tiee-Gusetie ROOMS FOR (89c) 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR 4000. | coats, sults and. pants. 2 COALS, su Al pants. (Bod) W. Bam Swartz USED CLOTHING, Carrying '& 'big 'stock of spring 1 Bond St. Apr) 36--Artjcles For Sale WHITE ENAMEL _ COAL RANGE. Apartment size. House 14, D.V.A. houses, Bloor East. (90c) 2 USED TIRES, 600 X 16. §3. EACH. |ic® ice-box. Phor® 3763J. (May12) PIANOS waNmp FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. Open evenings. (Apr24) BPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Apri3) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, cook stoves and heaters. IW (Apr5) boxes, King West. 3326W. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the FREDERICK JORDAN Deceased. ANT AD SECTION "222225 ASPHALT SHINGLING & REPAIRS BUILT UP FLAT ROOFING & RE-COATING FREE ESTIMATES, PHONE 457IM CUSTOM DRESSING LUMBER To four sides up to 10" yide. We also make ship lap siding, trim mouldings, etc. OSHAWA CABINET MAKERS 173 RITSON RD. 8, PHONE 489J - a2 weed | All ng claims the estate of Charles Frederick Jordan, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired ess Maker, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1947, are noti- fied to file such claims, together with full particulars thereof, with the un- dersigned solicitor on or before the 20th day of May, 1947. Immediately 56 | after the sald date the assets of the sald All be distributed young couple, no children. ur- gently. Phone 4004W. (881) WELLING modern conveniences, 1 session. King East. Phone 92. 48 ACRES, NEAR VILLAGE TYRONE, 7-room frame house, bank barn, new steel roofs, $2,800. Immediate posses sion, Would consider house in city. Laverne Clemens, R.R. 1, Bowmadville, Phone 2436. (90c) Tresane St. $4,900, Holden; 67 | Q (90b) } UIET YOUNG COUPLE URGENTLY require 3 unfurnished rooms or apart- ment by May 1. Both abstainers. Steady employment. Phone 367-W. (87d) BUILDING APPROX. 18 X 42 PREFER- ably on King Street between Ritson Road and Gibbon St. Box 438 Times- Gazette. (851) 18 PT. FACTORY BUILT CABIN TRAIL- . Sleeps four. Well furnished. 1 Fairleigh Ave. (90c) 5-ROOM COTTAGE, ONE BLOCK FROM bus stop, near school, large garden, BUSINESS MANAGER, REQUIRES 6 room house, unfurnished. Please reply Box 403, Times-Gazette. (Apr3o) 32--Automobiles For Sale septic tank, built-in cup Vax Would ve., accept 2908 used down ment. Apply 458 West of Gibbon. Y BRICK BUNGALOW IN BEST 5-ROOM condition, plenty extras. North East About half cash. d car as Madison (80d) 15--Gardening and Supplies ,200. immediate possession. Apply Box 511, Times-( P (90c GET ODD JOBS DONE, Phone TREES PLANT- ed, pruning and painting. Phone FE y. 2 SEVEN ROOM HOUSES, GOOD CON- dition, Apply owner 198 Bond Street west. Phone 3372J. (88¢c) INDITION, heater, radio. Christie St. after 6 p.m. 1041 CADILLAC SEDAN, RADIO AND heater, Also hardwood box traller, 4'x7" with hitch, new tires, very reasonable. Phone 1188R. (90c) i939 G.M.C. 3-TON STAKE, 14 FT. body. Suitable for lumber, wood, etc. Powell Motor Sales, ON--IF YOU HAVE ANY Oxfo ed, call or . Ki 140 Gledhill Avenue, Toronto. (May2) Y--Veterinarians DR. B. H WEBSTER, LARC fall animal Surgery. 101 Richmond .W, Phone 2010M. (April) DR. P. W. LOOS, VETERINARY SUR- goon. Phone Pickering, Ont. 3%, (Aprl0) }--Funeral Directors 20--Business Opportunities 6-ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE. 2%; miles east of Oshawa on highway. Im- mediate possession. Phone 161W4, (88c) '20 CHEV. TON STAKE. STEEL CAB, spare tire and license. 22 Orchard Avenue, Harmony. (90c) EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT, CORNER i d Central Park Blvd. 350x150 1t., h Times-Gazette. (871) YOUR OWN BUSINESS! THIS IS VERY easy to establish by joining our 900 active Dealers. There are splendid ter- ritorles in your neighborhood, where you can make $35. to $60. a week or more, Very little money required. Write for full detalls--FREE ON UBST-- FAMILEX, DEPT. H. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. (Mch 26, Apr4-14) Box 448, azett it BUILDING LOT, CADILLAC SOUTH, 40'x122', Phone 2847TW, (89c) THREE LOTS TOGETHER, ON MILLS Ave, 25'x108' each. Owner P. Matkaluk. 244 Grayburn Avenue, (891) an em 1 4 DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, HIGH | loam drainage, faci Simcoe FOR 'SALE OUTSTANDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! OWNER LEAVING COMMUNITY New Bervice Station, all new Equip- Fa, Ho ete. Fifteen miles from Oshawa on No. 2 Highway. * Unlimited Opportunity if you Act 9--Money To Loan pr POR CLIENTS MONIES Ayanasig Barrister, suite No. 4. Telephone 282. (Apr20) Apply BOX 509, Times-Gazette (900) 22--L ost and Found FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, « 40 ALGER A PHONE 81, OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. OCLASSES 'OOM- mence each Monday. hittuend, Typ- LOST. TAN HOUND, PART GREY- hound, answers to "Mickey", any in- formation, phone A (90b) LOST. PEARL ROSARY, BROWN CASE. Reward. Phone 2708J. (90b) good 88 ng 8t., directly North of Northway Court ! . Apply 864 Simcoe N. (89c) $3600. RESTAURANT AND EQUIP- ment for sale at Port Perry, Quick - session. Guaranteed money maker, location. Buy now, as b! just starting. Jones & te Broker, 612 Prince Si. 1 TO 5 ACRES BUILDING LOTS. HALF way between Oshawa and hithy, 4p. PA Dian Garrard, Oshawa or Phone 16J3. (June2l) 1941 TWO-TON TRUCK, 14 FT. WHEEL base. Apply 84 Athol East. (90c) '37 CHEV. SEDAN. MOTOR OVER- bauled. Tires, heater. Price $625. First house north of Thornton's Corners, east side. Call after 6. . o (90c) 1 CYLINDER INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. Price ble, Would h on car, Phone 4634R. (90a) '41 CHEV. PARTIAL BLOCK, NEW ri , pins, bearings, excellent condi- tion. Apply M. J. Wright, ines Gazette ce. (89t1) "40 CHEV, CLUB COUPE, IN EXCEL- lent condition. Phone 2143R. ; (89h) N, A-1 SHAPE, AIR CON- cash or trade, Apply 7 (80t1) 941 HUDSO! ditioning, Green St., Whitby. '36 PONTIAC 8, COACH, FAIR CON- dition. Apply 65 Elgin East, call after ; BILE, GOOD CO) Best offer. Apply 65535 (90a) North Oshawa. | PO! (90c) Phone 1458J. (90c) LUE PRAM, GOOD CONDITION. hone 3854J. 151 Ritson South. (90b) PASSENGER TUBES, SEC- 300 NEW onds from 650x16 to 21 inch at half price. Phone 3362. (901) LADY'S BICYCLE, tion, $25. Apply ve. , IN GOOD CONDI- Hillside Grill, 303 Hillside A (908) SMALL MANTEL RADIO, FOR SALE. Phone 2357J13, (90b) USED TIRES 18" X 600, APPLY 15 Division after 5. (90c) COOK STOVE (COAL OR WOOD) $15. 3-burner oil stove with oven, $15. 22 rifle, $15. Apply 70 Burk Street. CORD, MIXED, DRY WOOD. EASY to get at. Phone 4R22, Sunderland or write Gordon Adam. (90c) WINDOW FRAMES AND SASH GLAZ- ed for a S-room house d 3 door frames all new. 1' cook stove and 1 bathroom basin. Apply Wilson Road N. 5th house, (80c) WER SPRAYER WITH 3!; HP. EN- gine and double action Bean pump, with 120 gal."tank. On a rubber tire Jagon, Edgar James, Pickering R.R. No, 1. 3 miles north of No. 2 on the Brock Road. (80a) BABY'S BASSINETTE, COMPLETELY covered. Phone 369J. (89b) GOOD TEAM HORSES, DOUBLE HAR- ness, lumber wagon, set of spring tooth harrows single plow new, scuffl- er new, '32 x car, and various other articles. Phone 1808W2, (89c) 3 BEDS, DRESSER, WASH STANDS, wooden crib, cutting box (hand or power), cream separator (Primrose) (cap. 450 lbs.) 12 ngt bed frames, kit- chen sink (18x25). "Call after six. 3 Kivell, Brooklin. (89b) BLUE PRAM FOR SALE. 518 RITSON South, 5 (89b) WELL ROTTED MANURE, MUSHROOM manure, send gravel. loam, cinders and fill, Also washed sand and gravel. Pea gravel for driveways. Phone 2063W. Apply 163 Ritson Rd. 8 (Apr.29) BROODER, ELECTRIC, 300 CHICK rg Ey e. x one, 50'; . y King Ww. Phone 235TW1l1. (Apr.4) CREAGE FOR SALE, on Queen Elizabeth way, J. E. Hink- son, Rawleigh Dealer. 13. (Apr.19) LOTS, 50 X 150 FOR SALE, road, west of Oshawa. Apply West. AIRPORT 630 King (Mayl) EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT, WEST end of city, Water and sewer. Reason- able. Phone 2072. (86g) 23--Women's*Column FOUNDATION _G, CHARIS ARMENTS. two-way stretch, oorrective and sur- gieal varments, brassieres. Phone Mills 24--Personal (May11) ing, Bookkeeping subjects. Oshawa College, 18 St." North. Phone I1314W. (Apr7) ~ 11--Building Trades shiie, eas 4 TR, GENERAL CARPENTRY WORK, BUILT- in cupboards, frame work, etc. Harold Hill, Phone 374TW2. (90c) SPECIALISTS ON EAVESTROUGHS, asphalt and shingle roofs also flat and gravel roofs. Quick service. Job guaranteed. Phone 3494. 147 Bloor Bas, JOE'S ECONOMY (DUMP TRUCK) Haulage, Phone 2882J. Filling, patching, lawns and driveways a decorators' colors, custom BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW MODERN al seam- Acme Rus 188 milton. (Apra3) 25--Real Estate For Sale EARLY POSSESSION NEW MODERN stucco, 5 roomed bungalow, east end, finished apartment upstairs, oil heated, air-conditioned. Cash $4000., balance easy terms. Apply Box 445, Times- Gazette. (Apr.12,15,17) less, up to 13ft. width. Write 188° King West, Hamilton. Son; | HOUSE FOR SALE, 7 ROOMS, 66 WIL- son Road South, wa. (88¢c) 9 ROOMS BRICK ON SIMCOE NORTH near hospital. Two rooms vacant now. " (Tue.-Thurs.-Sat.) PHONE J, MARKIEW, 2094 FOR DUMP truck service. We deliver sand, gravel, cinders, loam and fill, (May15) BUILDING CONTRACTING, REMOD- elling, Pp alterations and concrete work. Alex Vajda, 481 Drew St. Phone 4117-W, after 5 May 9) rented 150 monthly. Oil heated. Good in : also, ! Vacant lot with lumber for six-room house and garage and 5000 cinder block. Two ki 213" and 4" is Road. RED BRICK HOU 7 ROOMS. APPLY 245 Burk St. in (89¢c 4-ROOM INSUL BRICK HOUSE, NEW H GORDON BROUGH, DECORATOR painter, 24 hour service, 3} free. hone 4223W anytime. (May35) m, and attic, good cellar, lsrge garden, Early possession. FOR DUMP TRUCK SERVICE, PHONE 3152W. We deliver sand, gravel, loam, fill and cinders. Gordon . (May$) H. MOSIER SI METAL WORK, Alr conditioning. Dealer for new idea and Pease Furnaces. e % od WHOLESALE, ' RETAIL. FOR ALL sizes of well cured concrete weepers. Call Dance Bros. Whitby 927. Prompt delivery anywhere. (Apr.17) BUILDING CONTRA! Thomas Gill, ._ Phone 1503J, CARPENTRY. HOME ALTERATIONS. general repairs. Call evenings. H Boyd, 16 Willlam BE Phone Bark. (Apraid SILVER - FLEX INSULATION FOR homes, old attics. Reflective panel "Work for factories. stores, garages. In- formation phone 1352W. (Apr24) TILE PLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters Variety of colors Free esti- mates Phone collect 653, Bowman. ville. Len Bromley. (Aprid) repairs, SE Fanning de. (Ap! sikning: erville Ave. r27 D ly 360 Park Rd. North. ply i $ 4 5(0(S!x-room brick erse: ll conveniences, Al $1000 down. Possession 2 months. $ 3 50 ----=Seven-room frame house, half an acre land. $800. down. Immediate possession, $190 --4-room new insul brick house, lot 140x230. Im. mediate possession. On No. 2 highway. veniences. $1500 down. Immediate - ne $ ate pos. -room insul brick house, $3500 5 acres of land. North Oshawa. $1500, down. Immediate pos- sessions $ 520 --T7-room Ming House, 7 acres of land. M half west of four corners. Will 10052 exchange for Oshawa property. 95005; stucco house, Al- S200, tar mw Fonte KEITH CRAGGS. PAINTER AND DB- iri wt rhea hip. Al k Shara: celle; 0) ns| x - teed. Phone 3639 » wo Apr20) PATNSING BRUSH AND SPRAY, DE- cor: aper a special J P McKenna Phone 1684W. pie ASPHALT ROOFING AND GG ' carpentry work. W. Parkhurst, 272 Grooms Ave Phone 433) (Apr.18) Loam and general haulage $13000 SE oom Som 5 'early t from $45,000 ,000. hn gg 3B, for a0. Ror $5500 300m stucco house, All land. 5% 1 - Bal pm M. HENNICK REAL ESTATE BROKER 442 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH SAND. GRAVEL. Robert Muir, Courtice. Phone Oshawa TIJ4 (Apr24) (8b) Blatter, Manager, 2504W; Mrs. |D 3333W, Mrs, 1104) ) | omce. "| 26--Real Estate Wanted $5500 7, cm Jct. Bouse. Hot conveniences on 91; acres | Elgin Onams. Country general store, near Oshawa, h ze, 1% acres land, good 1 MILE WEST |3 1931 FORD COACH, 3 NEW TIRES. G. Corby, North Oshawa, first house eas Catholic Cemetery. (89¢) 1 LASALLE COUPE, 4 NEW TIRES. Good running car, Price $175. Apply 74 Centre Street (rear) after 6 p.m, (89b) '36 MAPLE LEAF, 213-TON DUMP, 1 $650, ity, used one season, Phone 3767J1. (89¢) LADY'S C.CM. BICYCLE, GOOD CON- dition. $30. Phone 3224W. (89D) 3 PR. NEW MONKSHOOD \ chairs, electric table I , electric fron, other articles. 320 Athol Bt oF ) " (88¢) '36 DODGE, GOOD CONDITION, JUST overhauled, will sell rea STRAW CUTTER, LIKE NEW, ALSO two cylinder 4-inch water pump, 50 ft. 4-inch hose, Apply 864 Simcoe Street North. (89c) , food tires sonable. Apply 1024 Lakeview after 6 p.m, (88¢c) SEE AFTER (88¢c) '35 FORD SEDAN, $275. 5:30. 52 Cedar Street, Ajax. -room ho turnover, show! increases. Pri ve thousand dollars, nt ce including stock and equipment, some ew. JONES and NOLAN REAL ESTATE BROKERS 6% PRINCE ST. ~ (Tues.-Thurs.) on ys. $5000, 7-room brick, all conveniences, double garage, on Albert Street. Possession 30 days. W. J. Bulley, Real Estate Broker, Simcoe Street South, Phone 716. (88¢c) $ 1 0 00 --8-room brick, hardwood ' throughout. Hot water oil heating, large attic, could be finish- room ed for a three- apartment, ve: central, double garage. if finished $8900, rom rk: in base- ment, large living and ining soom, lan Tr. wit] by A real buy. East section of city. $950 --Grocery store and business in good locality, to be sold as a going concern. Further in- formation may be obtained at this $360 mWilon Rd. 8, close to ng, 4-room frame, extra 3-room house on back of lot rented for $10. per month. See this today. Listings required on all types of pro- perties. Cash clients waitMig, EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate--G I , SIMCOE 8. PHONE 1550. (88c) STORE W. WILL Fo Bont % yer) ine ot Buicoe ., Bon ol, .,_ Prince to Ontario. Box 447, Times Gagette, (Apl 14 & 17) 27a--Exch. Living Quarters WILL EXCHANGE MODERN FOUR- ent Hamilton for similar room apartm accommodation Oshawa. Phone 2300, local 412, (Apr.19) 29--Rooms For Rent TWO FURNISHED new home, close to 3652W. BEDROOMS, IN Motors. Phone (90a TWO, TWO-ROOMED APARTMENTS at t the lake. Apply 178 Division 8t. (90c) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL CON- venlences. Gentleman preferred. ( 900) . | good running 8 p '20 FORD SEDAN 34 BUICK SEDAN 35 FORD COACH CASH or TERMS NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 ALBERT STREET (88¢) 1928 CHEV. COUPE, FOUR NEW TIRES, condition. '83 Patricia Ave, .m. (88¢c) 1934 OLDSMOBILE DELUXE COUPE, ood pearance, good motor, fires rt heater, reasonable. 321 Glid- don Ave., after 5. (88¢c) , Indian Motorcycle Dealer 292 and 313 Pine Ave. OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 4121J. "Doc" Berry Open Evenings (851) BS, PARTS AND A sories. Tires, oil and batteries, etc. repairs. Phone 4121J. "Doc" Be ir1) 12-INCH HEA DUTY WOOD PLAN- er, 14-inch heavy duty band saw, tilt- ing table, Both machines low priced. Quick delivery write Giffin Equipment Co. P.O. Box 273, Toronto. (88c) ONE UPHOLSTERED LIVING-ROOM chair, One blue pram baby carriage, Phone 4234J. (88c) BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENTS, HAVE ust arrived, will work on any Singes Machine. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 6 Ontario St. (sete) COOK STOVE, COAL AND WOOD, good condition. 188 Monk Street. Phone 17W. (88c)) VISIT BRADLEY'S BEDDING DEPARTMENT E Large selection of Innerspring mattresses, Marshall blade springs : beds : foldaway cots : chenille bedspreads : pillows. Simmons cribs a specialty. Complete line of Marshall Mattresses BRADLEY FURNITURE CO. 40 King W. 156 Simcoe S. (May16) 2 | EXPERIENCED PAID FO. [RON metal, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, bark CNR Station. (Aprl) 38--Female Help Wanted AMBITIOUS, CULTURED WOMEN over 30 for exceptional opportunity in local business permitting flexible hours. Box 504, Times-Gazette, (90b) RELIABLE WOMAN housework, sleep-in, King West. ATTRACTIVE SALESGIRL, SINGLE, age 18-28, capable of taking full charge of front shop, with knowledge of Sewing required, to train as Sewing instructress. Permanent position. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario Street. Vv (8st) INTERESTING EXPERIENCE IS OF- fered in Red Cross outpost nursing. Spring vacancies now being filled. For articulars write Ontario Division Red ross, 621 Jarvis Street, Toronto, (89¢c) DO YOU WANT MONEY TO HELP THE family budget? A few hours a day will bring you a nice income, Avon Pro- ducts Inc, Box 440, Times-Gazette, (Apr.12,15,17,19) CHAMBERMAIDS FOR COMMERCIAL Hotel, only experienced persons need apply. . (79t1) , FOR GENERAL two adults. Apply (80a) Oshawa Firm Requires SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR for busy private board. Must be experienced and well recom- mended, . BOX 432, Times-Gazette (84t1) 39--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN. PREFERABLY 17 TO 18 for general office, and assist with retail promotional work. Give character re- ferences, Box 508, Times-Gazette. * (80a) AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC FOR ORIL- lia garage. Must have certificate and references, No others need apply. Good working conditions and good Wages. Replies strictly confidential. BOR a: Times-Gazette. ) MEAT CUTTER, CA- Jape of taking charge. State exper- ence, give references. Box 449, Times- Gazette. . (88e) SALESMEN WANTED Are you interested in people? Are you interested in selling? Are you interested in earning a good living? Are you interested in a permanent career? Are you interested in a pension plan? Are you neat appearing? Are you between 25 and 40? If you are, apply to Box No. 510 Times-Gazette stating education, marital standing, present earnings, and age. Informa- tion given will be treated confiden- tially. (90b) 40--Agents Wanted WANTED MAN FOR PROFITABLE Rawleigh business. Must be satisfied with good lying at start. Write Raw- leigh's Dept. -D-310-101, Montreal. FINDLAY WARM AIR FURNACE, pipeless, large size. Used part of one season, otherwise brand new, be seen at Christian's Electric and rd- ware, Bargain for quick sale, (851) 33--Automobiles Wanted OR STATION WAGON, IN from up, needed Box 444, Times-Gazette. (861) WRECKERS ~-- for wrecking. Highest 3362: evenings 1278. (Apr15) BRAMLEY St. North. (Apr3) AUTO ted Phone YOUR 1m USED CAR URGENTLY NEEDED 1940-41 CHEVROLET DESIRED CASH PURCHASE Replies Treated in Confidence 1] BOX 450 CAR. Simcoe (Apristt) 34--Pets and Livestock it. Phone 3 ONE BEDROOM AND kitchenette light near General Motors. 2707 French. Phone ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, CON- tinuous hot water, central. Phone 745. (90a) MALE FOX TERRIER PUP, 564 WEST- mount Ave, (90b) 3 GOOD WORK. HORSES FOR SALE, also oil brooder, 500 -chick capacity. | Cameron Farms, Harmony. (80D) 10 OF OUR MOST BEAUTIFUL HARDY Sowsring Pereuial plants, $1.50. 40 for $5.00. cluding oulsisnding 1047 novelty. Delivered. Phone 4052J. (My1l) Nd tata ied & George 2104. 08 Bond West. 4 (Apr23) SURNERS FOB Cooks 35 5. Jreksured Reld. Phone SILENT GLOW OIL cookstove, jacket heaters. etc and Sharp Electric. Phone ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK tor all makes of washers. Jack Bid- dulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMEN! ust received. Some with reservoir, Dif- erent sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits accepted. Meagher's,, Nora CLEAN WOODEN BARRELS, FORTY and twenty gallons capacity, Sood for rain barrels. meats pickling, cider, etc. Glecoff Grocmeateria, Ritson South. (Apr.25) Ofl space heaters, suitable for trailers, cabins, small cottages, etc, $47.95 com- plete. Also Norge space Dedters) with er and the exclusive downdraft, whirl- ator tube for large homes, factories, warehouses, etc. Always in stock. Easy terms. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe North Phone 3800W "Look for the store with yellow front" (691) -- SALES. PLUS A Reliable hh Out-of- OIL Bi complete town customers solicited. dale. Phone 4046J. Borrow (Apris) 41--Employment Wanted LADY DESIRES POSITION AS SECOND cook or counter girl in snack bar, will also take day work. Phone 4168J. (89b) TANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. Ine Oshawa 3946R. Whitby 866. (88e) 41a--Lawn Mower Service MODERN LAWN MOWER SERVICE. Phone 3091R for prompt pick up. Har- old Wilson, 375 Gibbon St. (May12) The Times-Gazette classified are sure to get results. To Get Complete Satisfaction Call E. J. POMERY Auctioneer PHONE 3766R 40 Simcoe St. N. -- Oshawa Phone at 12 Noon or after 5 p.m. R. J. McCONNELL AUTO RADIO SALES & SERVICE Motorola Auto Radios .E. Radios and Appliancés Philco Warranty Service COR. KING AND CENTRE Phone 'KARN'S DRUG STORE (The Family Drug Store) PHONE 78 - 79 Next to Post Office wi the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the solicitor shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 14th day of api, AD. 1947, THUR W, 8, 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. (Apr.17,Mayl) 43--Auction Sales I will sell by public auction at 346 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, on Satur- day, April 19th, 1947: 6 new cupboards, ready to paint, with hardware, 2 lawn mowers, one end table, one end table with book tray, one small oven, a quantity of equipment for lunch counter, one kitchen stool, one tool box and some tools, one copper boller, quantity of moulding, one clothes line and pulley, one rubber extension cord with sockets, one jig-saw with motor, one gramaphone, girl's bicycle, one Good Cheer hot air furnace, a quan- tity of coal, other things too numerous to mention. This a good chance for anyone building a house, Sale at 1:30 pm. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auc- tioneer, (90b) EXCAVATING , AND GRADING Phone 31497 D. MITCHELL PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and ASeurately Filled MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE ) Simcoe N. Phone 48 W. 8. GREER, K.C., | "Oshawa Roofing" Built Up Felt and Gravel Roofs "Eavestroughing" Asphalt Shingles PHONE 3148 or 2009) Evenings 390 RITSON 8S. FURNACES Now in Stock . .. ORDER WHILE STILL AVAILABLE! A deposit will hold furnaces till needed, Eavetroughs now in stock . . . Estimates given free of charge. Phone 4505J 26 ATHOL ST. WEST FOR accepted. Board of Education April 15, 1947 RE-WIRING OF RITSON PUBLIC SCHOOL Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received up to April 28, 1947 for the re-wiring of Ritson Public School. Form of tender with blueprint, specifications and conditions mag be obtained at the office of the Board of Education, 120 Centre Street. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be THE W. Gordon Bunker, Business Administrator 111 ELGIN W., OSHAWA BY VACUUM SYSTEM Chimneys Cleaned. Repairs for all makes of Boilers & Stokers ED. THOMAS Phone 3760-J \ 0 JANITOR REQUIRED ~ OSHAWA . Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Janitors in the Oshawa Schools. Applicants must be under 50 years of age. Good position for a conscientious worker. SCHOOLS W. GORDON BUNKER, Business Administrator Board of Education, 120 Centre St., April 17, 1947

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