i Buropean folk dances under the di- PAGE FOUR SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1947. LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE : Bustness Office, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. 'T. Williams, BEditor. Phone 708, All Departments Many Local Parents|[ Attend High School 'Open House' Event Recapturing the joys of their yo once more, many Whitby rents last night flocked to the y High School for the annual "Cipen House" ceremonies -for the . Puibose of seeing the pupils actual- at work in their classrooms and to meet the principal and teachers who have the responsibility of pro- their children with an ade- education. Believed by many to be the largest crowd to attend the function in years, the parents were given first-hand information and visual proof of the high stand- ard of education demanded by the school staff. n the gymnasium, where girl ran through a series rection of Miss Edna Lorrimer and boys presented a spectacular routine of tumbling, 1 bar work and # basketball game, under the gui- dance of their instructor, John Moncur, dozens of parents lined the walls and every available square foot of space to watch the display. 'The precision and danc- ing of the girls, representatives of all five forms, was a treat to see, Many intricate steps calling for a great deal of practice were display- ed including folk dances of the . Irish, French and Czechoslovakian races. Miss Lorrimer and the girls were roundly applauded for the work they have done on this proj- ect. In the boys' display of gym work and basketball it could be easily understood why Whitby boys make good athletes, An attraction that drew special plaudits from the as- semblage was the tumbling act put on by Bob Purdy and Sandy Mc- Leod. Both students were called on to take flying leaps over the backs of several of the fellow stu- dents ending up their feat with a front roll. -Both students success- mi to clear the backs of t fellow students and were forts. y congratulated for their ef- A sparkling 'fashion show by the gitls of the school was also a feat~ ure attraction. All clothing worn "the student models was made in 603 WALNUT ST. PHONE WHITBY 449 GEORGE BEDDING . BLACKSMITH Iron work made to order and repairs. least could be described ag very "chic" indeed. Following the fashion show the parents made a tour of the various rooms in the school where they ex- plored the intricacies of the and agriculture room where stu- dents, under the direction of Kelvin Bunner, were busily conducting ex- periments and explaining - tural projects made right on the school premises. Commercial students, under the direction of Clifford Sinclair, a on a synchronized typewriting play keeping time with musical re- cordings specially made for the of purpose, In the Social Studies departments parents viewed many fine scale maps of foreign countries and com- positions concerning European and North American history. In the Art Department many paintings and drawings by the stu- dentg adorned the walls. Som were of country scenes while others were portraits and action drawings. This was in charge of Miss Gilland. In the languages department where students, under the tutelage of Miss Edna Lorrimer, learn the secrets of foreign languages, were displayed copies of French composi tions written by the pupils. The Bookkeeping and Cadet Training room also drew a consid- erable number of visitors where stu- dents, under the direction of Mr. Hopkins, learn many useful projects and also learn the rudiments of of- fice management and bookkeeping. In the High School Annex stu- dents were busy at work with tools in the manual tra department, under the direction of Mr. Gilbert, and many fine pieces of wood and metalwork were displayed. In the same building girl students, under the direction of Miss Sheppard, wera busy at electrically sewing machines while others were serving samples of baking. 'The entire event proved to be an outstanding success and served to verify the opinion of the Whitby Board of Education that the teach- ing staff and the educational facili- ties in the Town of Whitby were second to none found anywhere in the area. Burning Tree Causes Short Fire Alarm 'Whitby's volunteer fire - answered an alarm yesterday after- noon in the north-east section of town when a tree stand on the edge of the roadway suddenly caught fire high up in the branches. No damage was done by the blaze which wag soon brought under con- trol by the fire depar'ment. It is believed that the blaze start- ed when sparks. from either a chimney or bonfire landed in the tree top and started eating into the fairly dry upper es. TOWN OF WHITBY CLEAN-UP WEEK the above schedule. May 1st to 7th has been declared CLEAN UP WEEK in' the Town of Whitby and citizens are urged to clean up their premises and | place all refuse in front of their property. Pick-ups will be made on the following dates: MAY 1--SOUTH-WEST SECTION OF TOWN. MAY 2--SOUTH-EAST SECTION OF TOWN. MAY 3--PORT WHITBY. i MAY 5--NORTH-WEST SECTION OF TOWN. MAY 6--NORTH-EAST SECTION OF TOWN. During this week only Garbage will be collected according to E. H. OKE, Chairman, Special Committee ONB The local IOOY. & Minstrel held in May 2nd. Shon to Town Hall, on repea her home as a meeting place dur- ing the past winter, "OPEN HOUSE" A full house was the verdict fol- lowing the annual "open house" ceremonies at the Whitby High School last night. The bazaar held in conjunction with the event by the High School Red Cross Society wag also termed a success, Many children and adults, too, were happy to hear of the decision of the Whitby Recreational Associa- tion to investigate the possibilities of constructing an outdoor swim ming pool in Whitby in the near future. CHANGE OF TIME Daylight Saving Time will go into effect again on Sunday, April 27th, at 12:01 am. to 12:01 am. September 28th, Town Clerk John R, Frost has made the Council's an- nouncement to that effeot. All citizens are requested to co-operate. All church services will be on day- light saving time. VETERANS' DANCE The annual Reunion and Dance of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals is being held in Toronto on V-E night, May Tth, A special in- vitation is extended to all who served with the RCOS but all vet- erans are welcome. Any ex-service- men derirous of attending and wish- ing er information are advised to contact Dick Stuart, publicity chairman "for the event, at MEIl- rose Local 28, Toronto. Junior Red Cross Bazaar At School Shows Profit The High School Red Cross So- ciety bazaar held in conjunction with the High School "Open House" ceremonies last night at the high school was termed a particularly fine success by officials in charge of the project. No immediate check was available on how much the proceeds would amount to but it was believed that a fairly sizeable profit would be shown. Many fine items of clothing, both adult and baby sizes, were offered for sale and it was pointed out by officials that all the jtems were made by members of the High School Society under the direction of Mrs. Sheppard, The bazaar was held for the pur- pose of augmenting the funds of the High 8¢hool Red Cross Society, and all funds derived from the sale will be turned back into furthering the work of the group. Whitby Classified WING--GARDENS PLOWED, HAR- rowed or disced, by Tractor. * Phone your order early. Phone 644 Whitby, or apply 520 Kent street, Whitby. FLOORS WAXED--FLOORS CLEANED and waxed and polished. Electric Va- cuum and Polisher. Phone 897 Whitby, or write P.O. Box 94. FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent, central. Apply 121 John street, Whitby. SALE--FOUR YARD PLATFORM Box, ee Phone 731, Whitby. FOR SALE--WELL BUILT CHICKEN house, lojgxt, and ten laying hens, Apply 312 Walnut street, Whitby. Mowe FOR Dump MOWERS LAWN ers abarpeneq and repaired. Called for d delivered, Apply 309 Brock street roy Phone 2245, thy. (May2) MEN "VIGORINE" IF WEAK, by BL Get renewed pep, , I ; tality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At vitality ¥ ANTED--OCAPABLE RELIABLE WO- hii as housekeeper, one adult, all conveniences in home. Apply at once, Times-Gazette, thy. FOR SALE--15-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale and other buildings, in Whitby. Apply P.O. Box 73, Whitby. WANTED--FURNISHED ROOM WITH or without kitchen privileges, Senyiaiy located, by respectable business girl, Apply Times Gasette, Whitby. CApi26) G--FOR discing and cult! Puirko, 2238 Whitb; St. 8, Whitby. WANTED TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF and old feathers. Highest ot prices. Apply J. Parker, MArK ces, . 3 E Brock Bt. y'306. SPRING PLOWING ivating. Phone Paul , OF 8] f ply (Ap 30) Phone FOR SALE] SLAB WOOD. NO extra charge to Oshawa, Brooklin or Afax, Brunton Lumber Co., Ltd., Whit Phone 352, Whitby (tr) EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Comb, Rhode Island Reds EXHIBITION QUALITY $1.50 for 15; $2.50 for 30: $7.00 for 100 STOCK FOR SALE R. H. QUINTON > SONS WHITBY, ONTARIO Income Tax Forms Prepared. For Appointment PHONE 2236 See Swimming Pool A Possibilty For Whitby in Future At a general meeting of the Whitby Recreational Association | tion. held last night in the Town Hall if was decided to investigate the pos- sibilities and cost of g a swimming tank for the town. The idea, fathered by the Whitby Re- creational Director, Gordon Mahon, met with the unanimous approval of thre members present and it was decided that amore ex- tensive enquiry should be made into the possibility of providing a pool for Whitby - residents. An outline of the possibilities af- forded by such a project was pre- sented to the gathering by Mr. Mc- Mahon who stated that an adequate swimming pool was certainly need- ed in the Whitby area. Mr. McMahon was given the "go ahead" signal by the association and he will immediately make an extensive survey of other like proj- ects in small centres and estimate fairly accurately the cost of such a project if carried out in Whitby. It has become a subject of live interest since the first indication was given several weeks ago that 'Me-. such a project was under considera- Recently the Whitby Kins- men Club decided to hold their plans of installing a children's wading pool in the Kinsmen Park in check until some definite information is received concerning the proposed ted: by sugges! that if the Recreational Association plans to attempt such a project it would be a sensible idea to abandon their proposed project and join with the association in the new venture, Although plans are definitely in the formative stage it is believed that the possible site for the 1, if carried, would be in the vicihity of the Lawn Bowling Club grounds, It was pointed out that the drain- age in that area is fairly good and that it would be hard to find a more centrally located area for the purpose. > The Association also instructed Mr, McMahon to attend the Pro- vincial Recreation. Association con- ference whicli' will be held in Ham- ilton during the latter part of May. Women's Co-Operative Guild Continuing Good Work of War Years With the recent announcement from the Women's Co-Operative Guild of Whitby to the effect that they have decided to send a $100 cheque to the Co-Operative Relief for Burope fund (CARE), it is again brought to mind the amount of work and good-will being done by this small but worthy local organi- zation. The matter of presenting the cheque was broached at a re- cent meeting of the group held at the residence of Mrs. Anna Town, 8r., under the direction of the pres- ident, Mrs. George Munns. 'The local organization, although seldom heard from publicly, main- tains their quiet way of doing good for others and when it is consider- ed that there are only fifteen ac- tive members in the group it can be readily seen that they are doing a job of which they can well be proud. Mrs, William P. Ashton, member of the local club, stated today that the decision to send the cheque to the CARE organization followed a recent announcement by A. B. Mac- | Donald, General Secretary of the Oo-Operative Union of Canada, to the effect that an agreement had been reached whereby CARE food packages would be permitted to en- ter war and flood-scarred Britain. Local officials, when speaking of the magnificent work done by the Guild in' Whitby during the war years, stated that this further con- tribution to the people who suffer- ed most during the war simply proves what has been known for a long time that this fine group of ladies get a lot of happiness out of helping others. Officials of the Guild are proud of their war record which includes such contributions as ditty bags to the Navy League of. Canada, knit- ting, also for the Navy League, pre- sentation of layettes to the I1.O.D.E. for shipment to Britain, and num- erous cash donations to organiza- tions such as the Sick Children's Hospital, Greek Relief, Canadian Institute for the Blind. and many others. In order to raise funds to carry on their charitable work the Guild has sponsored many (social events including euchres, bazaars, teas, quilting bees and bingo games, Members of the Guild branch in Whitby include the .following: Mrs. George Munns, Mrs: Florence Adam, Mrs, Mabel Lindley, Mrs. William Ashton, Mrs, T. Seymour, Mrs, E. Hepworth, Mrs. Anna Town, Mrs, J. Cowx, Mrs. C. Fraser, Mrs, J, Smythe, Mrs, A. Living- stone, Mrs. G, Burgess, Mrs. PF. Palmer, Mrs. Wilson (Oshawa), Mrs. H. Rowley, Mrs. Bob Ander- son, Mrs. R. Church, Mrs, 8. Martin, Mrs, C. Dalby, Mrs, F, MacDonald and Mrs, Bruce Corner. STEEL-LIKE STRENGTH A square foot of tempered glass can withstand a pressure of 60 pounds to the square inch. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MARY E. S8TRAITON, deceased. ing claims or de- mands against the estate of Mary EB. Straiton, late of the Town of Whitby, Retired Librarian, who died on or about the Twenty-second day of March, 1047, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same tO the undersigned on or before the Tenth Day of May, 1047, after which date the estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to claims of ¥hlon the Uadersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Whitby, this 18th day of April, 1947, DUNCAN B. Mc Barrister & Solicitor, Whitby, Ontario, Solicitor for the state of Mary E. Stralton, (Apr.19,26,May3) All persons hav BABY CHICKS Every Bird Banded and Blood Tested by Government Inspectors, Assuring You of Disease Free, Thrifty Chicks. WHITE LEGHORNS -- BARRED ROCKS WHITE ROCKS -- RHODE ISLAND REDS HYBRIDS BROAD BREASTED BRONZE POULTS Write or Phone For Price List and to Avoid Disappointment, ORDER NOW! ; _ Gaine Poultry Farm Box 160 -- WHITBY, ONT. -- Phone 433 TURKEY POULTS Corporation of The Town of Whithy TENDERS for COAL Tenders will be received in the Town Clerk's Office until Monday, the 5th day of May, 1947, for 30 tons of stove coal and 6 tons of chestnut ¢oal, more or less, to cover the season's supply, delivered to the Municipal Building and the Caretaker's house, also for twenty tons of stoker coal, Cava- lier or equivalent, to be delivered to the Whitby Public Library. Tenders should include analysis of coal and name of mine from which it will be supplied. All tenders must be plainly marked and be addressed to Mr. Seymour Whitney, Chairman, Town Property Committee. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. S. WHITNEY Chairman Baptist Service Sunday to Follow Informal Theme Interesting morning and evening services are arranged for the Whit- by Baptist Church on Sunday with the minister, Rev. Fred Darnell, leading both services. The morn- ing gervice will be featured by a lively sermon by the minister who will take as his theme "Speak For Yourself", A fine musical program en o'clock service featuring the singing of the Baptist choir and solos by Miss Irene Moore. An evangelistic service will be conducted by the minister in the ev and will follow the usual informal pattern. Mr, R. Flemming will be featured as guest pianist and will be followed by several duets and anthems. Mr. Darnell's sermon at the even- ing service will concern the ques- tion, "Why Does God Get Angry?" In speaking of his sermon Mr, Dar- nell said that people speak of the wrath of God but it provokes no feeling of awe and dread within the modern conscience. The minister stated that he intends to ask and answer the question of how we are to reconcile the "Love of God with the idea of a God who gets angry." SUGAR-FOOT MINSTRELS On FRIDAY, MAY 2nd In TOWN HALL, WHITBY (Auspices of 1.0.0.F.) Referved Seats ........ 50c Come and enjoy this show. ot WET WALLS mo CELLARS st AQUELLA {Turn that damp cellar into a "bright dry room with Aquells, the scientific mineral surface coating used to control water seepage in the Maginot Line. 57%. JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. 'Whitby, Ont. The M. G. convention has also been arranged for the elev- |. 'Announcement Ruddy Photography Studio will be CLOSED Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week while Miss Ruddy is attending the of Ontario Society of Photogra- phers being held in Toronto. Also CLEANIN ZXXXXXXIXXXIXIXX The Muriel Shop IS NOW RE-OPENED FOR DRESSMAKING G May Be Left For McGUIRE'S CLEANERS PHONES FOR McGUIRE'S CLEANERS 2443 or 746 -- Whitby IEZXXIXIXIIXIIIIIIIZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZIIIIIZI XI I A XIX XXX}. POWER INTERRUPTION Consumers in WHITBY, PICKERING, AJAX, BROOKLIN and adjoining rural districts are interrupted on SUNDAY, A hereby notified that power will be PRIL 27, 1947 FROM 9 AM. TO 945 AM, DST. 1.30 PM. TO AND 215 P.M, DST. This interruption is necessary on account of work being done on the main supply line between OSHAWA and WHITBY. WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION PHONE 580 Notice to Public Garton Coach Lines announce a change of schedule for their Bus Lines on May 1st WATCH for ANNOUNCEMENT! [ Commencing May 1st, Garton Coach Lines will use the Bryant Bros. BUS TERMINAL Waiting Rooms for all buses. Phone 675 Whitby for information, $895.00 to $1,335. Cash required de- pending on the model selected. CASH REQUIRED 6 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa A Typical "Integrated" Home Many of these were built in Oshawa last year. LJ All homes are built to National Housing Act Specifications. For full information -- blue prints -- Pictures -- Specifications -- see ADMINISTRATORS... Phone 4400 -- INTEGRATED HOUSING FOR WHITBY -- Now you can buy a modern model home--To be built on Green St. and on Centre St.-- Two Models -- A four room and five room bungalow. Veterans of World War Il have first option to buy. DOWN PAYMENTS ARE SMALL Monthly payments are probably less than you now pay for rent. MONTHLY PAYMENTS Including principal and interest, $24.46 = 10.» $29.25 according to the amount of mortgage. 4% 9% Interest By ROMANUK BROS. CONTRACTORS - OSHAWA Phone 4400 . chofield INSURANCE Agency Real Estate Brokers OF WHITBY Vente rs pm, oem oe Seam AR Ye