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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Apr 1947, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1947 Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. T. Williams, Editor, « Phone 703, All Departments Believe | Forerunner ' To Huge Industrial Sounding the keynote to success for the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce and the Whitby Town Coun- ofl in their fight to have the Whit- by Harbour installations put in proper shape, officials of the Fed- eral Department of Public Works ahnounced Saturday that contracts would be let within the next few weeks and work started soon after on the docks, piers and break- waters. 'The announcement by the de- 'partment follows Parliament's de- eision at their last sitting to ap- propriate $100,000 for the develop- "shenit and renovation"of the Whitby Jharbour facilities. Feeling that if the Whitby har- bour was put in first class shape it would enhance the possibility of securing new industries: to both Whitby and ' Port Whitby, the Chamber of Commerce and the Council have been carrying on an active campaign at Ottawa. asking federal ald in carrying out the pro- ect. Several times delegations from th the Chamber and the Council "appeared at Ottawa before the Min- ister of Public Works to present their appeals and secure action. *, Although much work will have to 'be done on the harbour before it "ean bé used by the large lake boats, the federal department insists that 'the most pressing and extensive re- pairs be carried out first. It has been ihdicated that the reconstruc- tion of the east pier which bounds the harbour on one side will be the initial step in making the harbour once again one of the finest on the north shore of Lake Ontario. De- partment officials have pointed out that interlocking steel pilings will be driven into the lake bed about four feet from the pier on the harbour side. Tie rods will connect the new steel wall with the old pier and the space between the wall and the pler will be filled with sand and rocks and should form a very staunch protecting wall for the pier. It was pointed out that the pier is in a very bad state of repair and that it will be necessary to widen it, re-surface it and reinforce it be- fore the larger lake freighters and craft can use it with any of safety. A 100 foot gap in the break- water connecting the old lighthouse and the Ontario Hospital grounds will be repaired and the complete will be reinforced by steel ' To complete the work for the summer a large dredging operation will be undertaken and will clear the harbour entrance of sandbars and other restrictions which have forced the larger lake boats to steer clear of the harbour for many years. It is estimated that the job will be completed sometime in the late summer or early fall and that work may possibly be continued on the development again next year. Whitby Chamber of Commerce officials' have stated that already two large industries are located near the harbour, Argo Petroleum and Bruntoi Lumber Company, and they feel that with industry and manufacturing concerns of all types looking for locations suitable for expansion Whitby should once again begin to receive serious con- "sideration as a likely site. In & recent address to the Whit by Kinsmen Club Mayor William Davidson, who has been one of the leading exponents in the fight to revitalize the harbour, stated that it the harbour were developed to a sufficient degree Whitby's ideal lo- cation between Oshawa and 'To- ronto and at the southern entrance to .the "great playground of the north" should be enough to satisfy many large industrial concerns that they could nat possibly find a bet- ter location for expansion or new sites, With the appropriation by the federal government already granted Mayor Davidson stated that it should not be too long before pleasure craft and freighters will _ once again be tieing up at the harbour entrance. It is believed that an increasing number of U.S. tourists will use the harbour as a means of entry to Ontario and the | Expansion Scheme north country and that many maniifacturing concerns will make shipments to this area via the lake route. | Chamber of Commerce officials point out that the harbour area is the one place in the town where suitable factory sites abound and that since railway siding service is already in position they will have no trouble convincing industries that it is a logical and suitable place in which to construct. factor- ies. Rotarians To Hear Address On Movie Industry Tuesday The guest speaker at next Tues- day's Rotary Club luncheon to be held in the Royal Hotel will be Claude Stewart, motion picture representative, and it is believed that he will speak on the various aspects of the modern motion pic- ture industry, Rotarian Jim Taylor will be in charge of the meeting and he has assurred all club mem- bers that an interesting address will be presented by Mr. Stewart. Club Secretary, Ted Bowman, an- nounced today that a new president will be elected by the directors be- fore Tuesday's meeting and he re- quests that the newly elected dir- ectpors be present at 11:45 a.m. for the purpose of appointing the new president. Police Blotter Again Blank During Weekend "It's getting to be a habit but one we are in full accord with" commented a Whitby Police De- partment official as he scanned an- other entry free blotter denoting a surprising absence of law breakers over the week-end, early this morn- ing. He stated that this was the second such entry-free week-end in succession experienced by his de- partment, The official stated that it.is ra- ther unusual to have such quiet week-ends at this time of year be- cause now that the good roads are here again there is usually a flock of minor accidents resulting from increased traffic on local streets and highways. I"2 expressed the hope that "this is not just a lull before a storm" but added that he believed spells of comparative inactivity' are ex- perienced by police departments Just the same as by any other firm or department. Mr. King Back In 'Great Shape' Ottawa, April 28--(CP)--Prime Minister Mackenzie King has re- turned to the capital from a four weeks vacation in the southern United States and described him- self as being in "great shape" and feeling the benefit of a "real rest." Parliamentarians, Cabinet Min- isters and government officials were ou hand to meet the Prime Minis- Tr. Squirrel Shooter Pots His Friend Chatham, April $8--(CP)--Said to have stepped into the line of fire as he and a friend tried to shoot squirrels that had invaded his home, Robert Smith, 32, of nearby Chatham township, suffer- ed a severe head wound. A doctor sald Smith's condition was "not critical." Keer LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINS FORGE 1 The above photogaphs taken recently of the Whitby H arbor installations show nence why the harbor has not been used in th some degree of promi- recent years. A Federal Government appropriation of $100,000 will be used to repair and renovate the installations as well as dredge the harbor entrance. An announcement made Saturday by the Federal Department of Public W orks officials indicates that contracts will be let soon for the project and that work will be in progress early this summer. It is believed that when the project is com- pleted many new industries will choose to locate here, ~Photos by M. G. Ruddy Cost-of-Living Index Defended By Officialdom 'Ottawa, April 28--(CP)--Domin- ion Bureau of Statistics officials, rushing to the defence of their cost-of-living index, hastened here to correct any impression they lacked faith in their figures, The officials claimed a Canadian Press story based on a Bureau re- port had led to misinterpretation. The story said that between Aug- ust, 1939, and the end of 1946 the official increase in the cost-of-liv- ing index was 26.1 per cent, and that by last month this had risen an additional 2.8 per cent to 128.3, and added:- "But while these figures repre- sented the official average advance, they did not give much indication of some of the things housewives have been howling about. Egg prices are 70 per cent higher than they averaged in the period 1935-39. In the same class are cheese, round steak, rolled rib roast, stewing beef, veal, bacon, lard, rice, beans, corn syrup and lemons." Prices for all items referred to in this paragraph, the officials said, are included in the index and the individual percentages are part of the index. "The cost-of-living index shows the average increase consumer budget items," they ded. "Any average contains figures which are below it and others above it, some- times very much above as in the instances just cited. This is in no sense an admission that the cost- of-living index is wrong." Damrosch Hits Flagstad Blast New York, April 28--(AP)--Dr. Walter Damrosch, 85-year-old con- ductor and composer, has con- demned the treatment accorded Kirsten Flagstad, Wagnerian so- prano, in a recent concert appear- ance in Philadelphia, and offered to accompany heriat the piano for one song if she should appear in New Fork again. uring an appearance at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, stench bombs and cat-calls inter- Tu] 4 Ter Desiormancs., orwegian singer had been criticized in some quarters for re- maining in Norway with her late husband, Henry Johansen, accused of being a German sympathizer, during the Nazi occupation. ------------ THEY'RE HELPING Belleville, April 28--(OP)--Orval May, farmer in - nearby Sidney whnship, sald today he feels his 11 Cows are doing all they can to in- crease milk production. Each of th cows gave birth to a heifer Beaverton Man's Novel Invention Being Produced Beaverton, April 25--A new automatic window screen, the in- vention of a Beaverton man, is now in. production in an Oshawa factory. ' J. B. Tisdale, manager of the Hotel Hamilton in Beaverton, conceived the idea, and assisted by Mr, D. J. Smith, the automatic s:reen was perfected. Attached to the bottom of a window, the screen will automatically unwind from a spring roller when the window is lifted and wind up when the window is lowered, the inventor says. The screen is énclosed in a nickle plated box the width of the window and about two inches wide and two inches deep. One of the completed screens is now on display at the Hamilton Hotel and a model is on display at Smith's Electrical Shop in Beaverton, According to Mr. Tisdale the screens do not have to be remov= ed summer or winter. He says they will be on the market short- y. EXPERT TO o Radios o Refrigerators o Home Appliance "No Monkey Business Is Our Motto"! We Give Expert Service! WhiTBY HOME APPLIANCE 124 DUNDAS W. PHONE 383 Winnie as Boy Had Following Harrow, Eng. (CP).--Keeper of the "tuckshop" near Harrow's famed public school when Winston Chur- chill was a student there, J." W. Cooper, 82, died in hospital. Cooper used to describe the war time prime minister as "a very bois- terous boy who always had a party of other lads with him when he visited the shop," and added: "One knew he was there because of the uproar which usually fol-' lowed." It pays 'to use Times-Gazette Classified Ads--they get Results. WHITBY MOTORS The extra miles of safe, safehves riving you get from long- wearing Goodyear tires: add up to a saving you can't afford to miss , . . lus compete free- om from jite worry for a long, long time. SEE YOUR GOODFVEAR DEALER WHITBY MOTORS 103 Dundas St. East Whitby, Ontario LL VN YA Whitby May Enter Team In L.LB.L. At a meeting of the Lakeshore Intermediate Baseball Association held in Cobourg last week a request from the town of Whitby for entry into the league during the coming season was heard along with that of Newcastle. No definite decision was reached at the meeting but the Whitby club officials will be asked to appear at a meeting of the league to be held in Port Hope on May 5. Whitby Club officials are desirous of having their entry accepted in the Lakeshore League group be= cause they feel that Whitby will have a strong intermediate baseball team this year. They have indicated that a delegation 'will attend the Port Hope conference next week to present their views to the meeting. The Port Hope meeting will be the last chance to have entries re- ceived and it is expected that a schedule for the coming year will be drawn up. It was pointed out at the Cobourg meeting that the loop will swing into action on May 24, Preparations are being rushed | ahead at full speed in the Town Park here and club officials are confident that they will have a de- cent playing fleld ready for the opening of the local season. The work at the Town Park is being done under the direction of the Town Council who - have assured the baseball officials that they will do everything in their power to see that the park diamonds are in good shape this year. Always a matter of contention in town, the Town Park has never been suitable for both baseball and softball. However, the Council this year has ordered a large sum of money to be spent on renovating the ball diamonds at the park and when work is completed it is believed that the diamonds will be in the best shape that they have been in for several years. Love and Fortune Both Fell on 13th Capetown (CP).--The figure 13 has no foreboding for J. Cloete, of Tamboers Kloof, Cape Province, who actually thinks it is his lucky number, ; He and his mother were born on || { the 13th of the month, and it was on the 13th that his father found his biggest diamond on the dig- gings. At the age of 13, Cloete fell in love, and 13 years later he married that one and only love. His only son was born on the 13th, and on Feb. 13, Mr. Cloete negotiated a transaction which ylelded him a profit of several hundred pounds. India has the largest irrigation system in the world which waters 70,000,000 acres. Births | sTINSON--Mr. and Mrs. Orville Stin- | son, (nee Lois Fletcher), Whitby, are happy to announce the birth of a + son, (Wayne Ernest), April 23, 1947, at Bobcaygeon, Ont. Mother and baby fine. Drive To Secure New Industry For Whitby Revitalized . re La Nnow that definite assurance has been given that the work on the 'Whitby harbour installations would be started this summer, officials of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce will step up their campaign for new industries for Whitby and Port Whitby. The secretary of the local chamber, Dave Cuddy, sald today that it will be suggested at next week's meeting of the chamber that a deputation be sent to Toronto to ensure that when reports of indus- | tries looking for new sites come be- fore the Queen's Park officials, Whitby will not be forgotten. Mr. Cuddy said that although the chamber has been carrying on a fight to secure new industries for the town for some time, they feel that a number of prospects are escaping to other centres because Queen's Park officials are not too familiar with the advantages that Whitby has to offer. He said that in the past the names of several industries, most of them compara- tively small ones, hate been for- warded to the Whitby Council or Chamber of Commerce but that many of the larger companies look- ing for possible sites for expansion are not being familiarized with Whitby's resources and consequent- ly are being snared by other munic- ipalities in the area. Mr. Cuddy intimated that the struggle being waged for new indus try in Whitby is not confined to Whitby alone but that every munic- ipality with any room whatsoever or any facilities whatsoever 15 em- broiled in the le. However, he sald that officials of the Cham- ber of Commerce feel that with the work of renovating the harbour as- sured and with the abundance of suitable Industrial sites near the harbour, Whitby has an edge on some of the other communities and in the end will win out. It has long been the belief of the Whitby Council and the Chamber of Commerce that if the resources of the town had been poined out to some of the new industries and con- cerns that have located nearby that | there is a distinet possibility that many of hem would have located here. They now feel that with har- Pour facilities also to offer and en- tice industry to the town a greater effort should be made the Chamber and they feel that one of the first steps to be taken is to go to Toronto and make sure that Whitby is put before prospective manufacturers and also those look- ing for expansion. PRICE CUTS Kingston, April 28 -- (CP) -- The fast-spreading effort to stem rising costs of living had two more re- cruits today, Two Kingston stores, Bibby's Ltd, and George Freed's announced 10 per cent price outs on all articles. Bibby's price redc- tions went into effect Friday while Freed's will be effective today. RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel 707 WHITBY PR AND BUSINESS CARDS OFESSIONAL Dentist Legal DR. DETLOR DENTIST 812 Dundas St. W. Phone 357 D. J. CUDDY, B.A; Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money To Loan WHITBY Street West Undertaking W. C. TOWN Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 410 - WHITBY Murray A. Robinson AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER Phone No. 24 Brooklin Medical Whitby Classified X 136, 202 D. J. Kean, 99 RESIDENTIAL Byron Street North. Apply Kenn Whitby. BALE--SECOND HAND RANG- on with chromium top, in fair cons dition, needs slight repairs. G. .John- ston, 510 Dundas street west, Whitby. Telephone 2103, Whitby, (after 6 o'clock). FOR RENT--GOOD 5- HOUSE in Whitby. Electric light, near lake, at Eastbourne. Apply Times-Gagette, Whitby. (Apl29) FOR SALE--QUANITY OF GOOD clean hay. Apply Fred Dingman, R.R. 2, Whitby. Phone 32r22, Brooklin, Ont. PLOWING--GARDENS PLOWED, HAR- rowed or disced, by Tractor. Phone your order efirly. Phone 644 Whitby, or apply 520 Kent street, Whitby. FLOORS WAXED--FLOORS CLEANED and waxed and polished. Electric Va- cuum and Polisher. Phone 897 Whitby, or write P.O. Box 94. FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent, central' Apply 121 John street, Whitby. DR. J. 0. RUDDY Physician and Surgeon Cor. Mary and Brock Sts, Whitby PHONE 587 Dr. Frederick A. Cuddy PHYSICIAN PHONE 712 Corner Byron and Colborne Sts. Taxis BELL TAXI WHITBY PHONE 364-465 . SALE--FOUR YARD PLATFORM Ry new. Phone 731, Whitby. FOR SALE--WELL BUILT CHICKEN house, 10',x7, and ten laying hens. Apply 312 Walnut street, Whitby. MOWERS SHARPENED--LAWN MOW- i, Tiipened end, OR, CO che and delivered. ply north. Phone 2243, Whitby. (May2) WANTED-OAPABLE RELIABLE Wo. man ,as housekeeper, on 3 conveniences in home. Apply at once, es-Gazette, Whitby. FOR SALE--15-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale and other buildings, in Whitby. Apply P.O. Box 73, Whitby. - PLOWING--FOR SPRING PLOWING, discing and cultivating. Phone Paul Puirko, 2238 Whitby, or apply 910 King Whitby. (Apl.30) St. 8, WANTED TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF Poultry, also new and old feathers. Highest market prices. Apply J. Parker. 321 Brock St. N, Phone 486. FOR SALE--MIXED SLAB WOOD. NO extra charge to Oshawa, Brooklin or Afax, Brunton Lumber Co., Ltd., Whit- by. Phone 352, Whitby (tf) BEGGS FOR HATCHING Single Comb, Rhode Island Reds EXHIBITION QUALITY $1.50 for 15; $2.50 for 30; $7.00 for 100 BTOCK FOR SALE R. H. QUINTON » SONS WHITBY, ONTARIO BOWSER'S TAXI DON ABRAMS Day & Night Service PHONE 333 Printing . HARRY LADE SIGNS PHONE 25R13 BROOKLIN Monuments N. W. STAFFORD Dealer in Imported and Canadian Granites First class work at moderate prices Phone 462 - Whitby Veterinarian Veterinarian and Surgeon DR. A. S. BLACK TELEPHONE £2 BROOKLIN . ONTARIO 09 Du Phone 2214 KLIN BROO Office of Dr. H H. Armstrong Tuesdays 2 to 4 p.m, Wednesdays 7 to § p.m. Phone 70 W. J. HARE, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Office: 110 BROCK STREET N. Telephone 392, Whitby R. DONALD RUDDY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publis Office at the Court House Money to Loan Phone 339 . Whitby Duncan B. McIntyre Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Office: Brock Street South Phone 606 " Whitby W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie 103 COLBORNE ST., W., WHITBY TELEPHONE 689 Insurance EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Branch Office: 109 Dundas St. W. GORDON I. OSBORNE, CL." (Branch Manager) WHITBY REPRESENTATIVES -- ROSS MUNRO--PHIL BURKART.--TOM PUCKRIN, PHONE 522 WHITBY L. W. DUDLEY SICKNESS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE : ACCIDENT 300 Walnut St. Telephone 560 Radio Repairs WILSON RADIO and ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Satisfaction Guaranteed BROOKLIN North of Tp. Hall Phone 25R-12 Optometrist M. HOLLENBERG, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIS1 Office Over Allin': Drug Store Telephone 671 102 Dundas W. Whitby Cartage Dr. P. W. Loos Veterinary Surg. 150, Pickering, Ont. Phone 15 ane. 0) W. G. UNDERWOOD GENERAL CARTAGE Sand, Gravel, Wood Cutting 309 Burns St. E. Phone 523 | LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY | WILL COMMENCE HARBOUR REPAIRS IN FEW WEEKS Work On Harbor To Start Soon i

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