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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 May 1947, p. 14

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»- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1947 PAGE FOURTEEN ANT AD SECTION <sZ=%55%7 | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors ACCOUNTANT AND ATHAN TESSIS, pict Apply Box 27, Oshawa, ames Gazette INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS 8 |F and Funeral D Female Help Wanted Articles For Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40 Auditors Automobiles For Bale ......oe0.000 33 Automobiles wagted . ....... 33 siseveee 3 A bil Repairs 18 Sale ..... 83 Insurance .. ior Go BICKELE, RGsGTIRNT Ln forms prepared, DN work. 1004J. 295 Arthur St. (Mayl3) 2 Instruction Trades .. 11 aT. HOPRINS, | CERTIFIED gEN- eral accountant, Alger Bl 8t. East Phone Ha2i: Consul Ty Ane eountant and auditor (May13) 2--Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. Mortg: Loans ariaiized 8 'Simcoe Nora Pnone 67. Residence 305) dayth) NANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- fo F. Annis, KC. 72 Simcoe Street South, Phone 4. Residence 739 (May19) . GREER, K.C., BARRISTER, Btiior. 6 King Street East . C. Pollard, EC. Uxbridge. (Mayl) RIERSON CREIGHTON Barristers, etc. Bank Building. JAMES R MacBRIEN, and Solicitor Suite 201 70 Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. H P. MANGAN, K.0., BARRIS- Solicitor Money to loan. Office East, Oshawa. Phone (Mayl) SOLI- ies May2) J ter, 11% King St. 445. Res. Phone 837. ERNEST MARKS, BARRIS citor 11 King E. Room 2. Office 55. d 3687TR. Business Oppor- Lost and For tunities Business oppor. tunities Wanted 21 Chiropractors ..... 4 3 Male Help Wanged Gardening ap Supplies ... Household Repairs 14 douses For Rent .. 28 Legal Notices ...... 42 Male or Female Personal ....ceeeeee © Personal Services . Pets and Livestock Radio Repairs .... Real Estate Agents Real Estate For Bale ..i.ieiennnne Real Estate Wanted ...oeeevee ie.ee 18 oe eeseees 10 sees Ba und .. 22 Rooms For Rent . . Room and Board.. 30 Room and. Board os v ceense 1 cesses 39 Help W Dressinaking sense . 16 a antod vs verse 41 | Optometrists CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERT TIONS Above rates apply only to original All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office Hours: Money to Loan .. © Nursing Service .. 13 THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . 1 EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION néw wn Seder, listings--8$5.! "20 words or ane) 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation $ and e¢ sign, figure count as a full word. Box charged 10¢ additional Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 wsesese 3 | Wearing Apparel .. 38 AD RATES 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word 02 a5 031% 00 05 25 Hig Dries for consecutive insertions. a later date constitute a 00 per month for MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. N-Bulgng Trades 25--Real Estate For Sale THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! GOT DE (PN NOW. MLEASE CFICER. J CONT AF7OR0 0 A FINE JUST LOST MY JOB. TM BROVEINOT A FRIEND IN THE By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten NOU 6! Mr %#+% # I'LL BREAK NOU FOR { INFLUENCE! I'LL FIGHT RIGHT UP TO THE SUPREME THIS! I GOT FRIENDS COURT IF IT COSTS A THOUSAND! TEN THOUSAND! 26--Real Estate Wanted 32--Automobiles For S.le 36--Articles For Sale wr YOU HAVE A HOUSE, FARM OR to sell list your wants with AINTING, BRUSH AND A De. J. rating. beper Phong 28siw. Ap iro SINCLAIR, K.C. Hi a BoMoltor Bank of Montreal (May) -. Phone '99. Mayl) A. PARKHILL, BARRISTER. ETC. Act 12--Personal Services GOOD TH 18 THAN eat riches Phone your Rawleigh aler, 384 Ritson South, 217R. (May: ON RITSON RD. SOUTH. 5-ROOM cottage. 3-pce. bath, furnace. 98x100. Strawberries and rosebushes. $3500. $2800 down payment. Box 622, Times- Gazette. _ (May23, 5,7,9) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, Mill St. Im- Holden, 4d ATTRACTIVE modern conveniences. ir sorties, yy Nort. Phong 1 1614. Mayl7) MANNING F. SWARTZ, Souchiorn, Notary. Mon sett Block, suite No. Cioran HEALTH 1 Simcoe North, Phone 224. Drugless tice including Chiropractic Electro erapy, Inileral vapor bath tr 46 | Phone 401. F. A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited | Gol King E. Phone 92, evenings TMeJ. (106 $3000 BUYS 5-ROOM FRAME Sa ina W. J. Sulley, Real Estate Broker. Phone 716. (106b) | {i--Fousehoid Repairs See . W. Dalton. 75 Charles. (Apr8) TEN LOTS ON SIMCOE STREET North in business section, north Osh- awa, Bast side. South of Catholic Cemetery. and dry, Lots 50 x 125. Des Ms oC. Warwick, 977 Sim orth. 15--Gardening and Supplies Pract! Jears, Consultation free. $ am. aE» to 9 p.m. dally except Monday and (Mayl) FRUIT TREES, pear and cherry trees over five thous- ahd, Soyernmel Inspected, early bear- 65--Optometrists ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST O! Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 8. Shone 1516. May5) OFFICE, 1 low prices. 159 Verdin Rd. May25) 10 OF OUR MOST BEAUTIFUL aah flow a nnial plants, $1.50. 40 or $5. eluding 1047 . Delivered. one 4052). (Myll) JURY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening appointments. A. E. Johnson. Optometrise, "Phone 28 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE A LOVELY SPOT. 4-ROOM COTTAGE cellar, ght, No. Phone 8165W, 25 Burk : (107a) me I am devoting my time to Real Estate and Auctioneering, No sale too large or yet $00 small. Your business solic W. J. Bulley, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer. Phone 1716. (Wed.-Sat.) 27--Real Estate Exchange WOULD LIKE TO EXCHANGE FIVE- room cottage with all conveniences, electric hot water system, new furnace, for a 6 or T-room house with all con- veniences, Box 630, Times-Gazette. (Mon-Wed-Fri) Rooms For Rent FURNISHED BEDROOM, , CENTRA! location, newly decorated. 292 Arthur St. Phone 1004W. (106b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NEWLY decorated, for middle aged or elderly | couple. Phone 3522J. ( 107a) FURNISHED BEDROOM. GENTLEMAN (107a) preferred. Phone 3873M. ROOM..aX AND BOARD, ALSO BED- SIT- Pug Took on ground floor, Apply 135 Cel! na (107¢c) GET ODD Jone DONE, TREES PLANT- ed, pruning and painting. Phone NA 4-ROOM COTTAGE ROOF HOUSE IN northern section. Apply Jack Bracey, R.R. 1, North Oshawa. (106b) ONE | BEDROOM, ALL Gentleman preferred. 65 Elgin East. Phone 3184M (106¢) FURNISHED, FRONT BEDROOM, CON- hot water. 137 Simcoe St. N. ATTENTION--IF YOU HAVE ANY trees, to be planted, pruned or remov- ed, call Oxford 3627 or write G. Kelly, 140 Gledhill Avenue. Toronto. ( ) 7-ROOM HOUSE. APPLY FOR PARTI- culars to 13 St. Lawrence Ave. (108¢) CHOICE ING LOT. 40 X 123. Sewer Sonsutt us for any of your i All classes of insurance includ- ing Tse: Being Street Fast, Fhons 7--Veterinarians E. H WEBSTER. LARGE AND animal surgery. 101 Richmond .W. Phone 2010M. (April) DR. P. W. 1008 VETERINARY SUR- geon. Phone 150, Pickering, Ont. (Apri0) 8§--Funeral Directors 16--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, FOR apply 353 Mary St. 22--L ost and Found LOST, SMALL COCKER SPANIEL, months old, black with white mars: L] ings. Phone 2601J. GOLD BROACH, MON- o terms. Phon; LOST--SMALL day SYSLURE o Arosnd Four yum as Reward. Phone (107¢c) Boon N BURIAL COMPANY FUNERAL e--Ambulance Service, 75 Charles Established 1889. Phone 40! (Ap D120) Money Jo Loan = By oe Bw! os mo z. ed Boe pe Me x, > Api wn LOST, LADY'S GRUEN YELLOW GOLD wrist watch, Centre Street or shop- ping district vicinity, Saturday. This is a keepsake, Pinder name reward. Phone 4400J. (108d) and water, Cheap for cash, Phone 3850W. (106b) INBUL BRICK HOUSE, UNFINISHED, with acre of land, on Muriel Avenue. Apply 360 Park Rd. North. (1051) HOUSE, BROCK EAST, Apply after (6tf) LARGE 147 1 7 | Dringtog in good income. 5 o"cloc TWO el CLEAN LOTS WITH ALL conveniences, in good district. Cash or (May21) UILDING LOTS. HALF ween Oshawa and Whitby. Ap- rh, Wiliam Garrard, Oshawa ox FL he ACREAGE FOR SALE. 1 mz od n Queen Elizabeth way. J. E Hink- hr Rawleigh Dealer 3041J. (May19) WOULD GENTLEMAN RETURN GA- bardine coat to Avalon Pavilion, taken Cash, snaps and Mina hi , ( ) WOULD THE PERSON SEEN TAKING the doll pram from 160 Annis Street last night please return, as REGISTER NOW. CLASSES COM- mence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- they are known, and avold further trouble. (106¢) $11,000 Poultry farm and market garden 11% acres, going concern, 25 miles from Toronto or Oshawa, accommodation for thirteen hun- dred hens. Stock includes one i ) Bookkeeping and a College Simcoe st North. Phone « Taw. (Apr?) 11--Building Trades FOR EAVESTROUGH WORK OR CE- ment stoops call M. Trimble at bri after 7. 071) FITZPATRICK & JERRETT Th 0g cavating basements and land grading. Write M, J. Fitzpatrick, 101 Jamieson Ave., Toronto. (107c) PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. Estimates free. Try us for fast, efficient service. Call 3305-J or 118 Church Street. (105h) PHONE 2063-W, OSHAWA, SAND AND gravel supplies for dump truck service. Dilitlers, fill, 1,00: barnyard manure, Pea gravel for Tanne '163 Ritson South. (June) CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, GARAGE and cellar floors, sidewalks, by con- tract. Cement mixer for rent. Phone este (May30) 4 YDS. DUMP UMP TRUCK SERVICE, iy "Veterans Haulage" 4653W, Sand, Gravel, Generel Use. Bill and Mike Dro- gomotz, 775 Albert St. Osha S Ost. May30) SPECIALIST ON HOMES AND COM. mercial buildings. Blueprints and spe- cifications to your Teguiremenia Phone Brooklin 47-12. Jas. K. Lawrence, R.R. No, 1, Oshawa. (May29) WELL CURED CONCRETE TILE, 4- inch, 8c per foot 4livered_O Other sizes available. Dance Bros, Whitby (May25) ushroom Srivowaze, PHONE J. MARKIEW, 2094 FOR DUMP truck service. We deliver sand, gravel, cinders, loam and fill. (May15) FRAME HOUSE, 927. | bank barn, stub roof. Price $2800. Half 23--Women's Column FOUNDATION CHARIS GARMENTS, two-way stretch, corrective, and sur- arments, bi ical Svs. Blatter, hae Mills, 3333W, Roberts, (May11) 24--Personal DRIVING TO TORONTO DAILY. 2 Ace 402W after 7 Pg : bird 25--Real Estate For Sale 3, LOTS ON PARR RD, N. $360. PHONE (107¢) th d birds, horse, all imple- ments necessary for garden. Re- tail route for eggs, chicken and garden stuff. Also feed agency for popular brand of feed. thousand cash, three thousand at 5%. Apply Box 632, Times-Gazette (106m) MODERN WOODWORKING FACTORY FOR SALE po BUILDING IN GOOD RE- pair, 15 rcoms and 4 baths including master apartment of 6 rooms on ground Boor. Hx water heating with ol Large lof ur car garage. Appl Box 635, Times-Gazette. ® (i018) $4000 BUYS 150-ACRE FARM. 8-ROOM stucco house, bank barn, large imple- lots of to at J. Sulley, Real Broker, 346 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. (107c) 8-ROOMS AND BATH, HARDWOOD throughout. Phone 45. Price $7500. (107¢) 6-ROOM BRICK AND GARAGE, 120 Burk St. Vacant as desired, $5200. See A. E. Murdoch, Licensed Real Estate Broker. (107c) 48 ACRES, 7-ROOMED cash, Vacant now; Twenty acres, good land, 7-roomed gouse, hydro, . bi garage, hen house, 13 acres well 'sprayed apple orchard. Immediate possession. BUILDING CONTRACTING, REMOD- elling, planning, designing, repairs, alterations and concrete work. ex Vajda, 481 Drew St. Phone 4117-W, after 5 May 9) N BROUGH, DECORATOR ter, 24 hour service, estimates free. ne 4223W anytime. (May5) FOR DUMP TRUCK SERVICE, PHONE 3152W. We deliver sand, gravel, loam au | and cinders. Gordon Besse, ._(May5 ) FOR YOUR , WATERPROOFING PHONE 3940J, Oshawa. (100) EVEREADY DUMP TRUCK AND CON- crete workers, any type of cement work. Cement mixer for hire, sand vel, loam fill, manure, delivered awa or Whitby. Phone 4571W. (Junel) H MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK, Alr conditioning. Dealer for new idea and Pease FPurnaces. Phone el pre) KEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- corator. Also industrial spraying Ex. cellent workmanship All work teed. Phone TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters. Variety of colors. Pree esti- mates. Phone oollect 653. Bowman- ville. Len Bromley. ~~ (Aprid) CARPENTRY. . HOME _ ALTERA ALTERATIONS, Boyd, 16 William BE Phone 2347R. (May21) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM AND Sump ucks Re by contract or our. Courtice Phone Oshawa 774. 4 (Junel) > | $-room Seven 'erms. Laverne Cle- mens, a RR. 1. Phone 2436. (107c) Apartment Building Four apartments of three rooms each. All modern. Centrally located on main street WRITE BOX 637 TIMES-GAZETTE (107d) 5-ROOM INSUL BRI acre land, north Bg owl down payment; 5-room new brick house, hot water heating, all Xan for Soon. Me, 10 jell of Estate Broker. » He ona 6-ROOM HOUSE, ALSO 2 ROOMS. FIN. Jone hn ante, pid OTS IN egla Py weeks. Apply Box 634, Timesegion, y (106) 15 ACRES OF GOOD GARDEN frame house, chicke: brooder house, if hydro in ho barn, ora, orchard, Phone 920M2. Whitby, 75 acres, one mile. Best crop land in Canada, plowed and just ready for seeding. Owner going to Europe. Write BOX 604, TIMES-GAZETTE (106¢c) Ci letel d with the latest in woodworking machines, Main build- ing 35 x 90, brick and cement gon- Phone 358. (106b) HED ROOMS, SUITABLE person. Close to bus stop and 2 for one General Motors, Apply 264 French St. Phone : 2728M. ___(106c) NICE "FURNISHED BEDROOM. SUIT- able for married couple or two ladles or two gentlemen. Phone 2492-J. (105¢c) 29a--For Rent 7-ROOMED HOUSE WITH TEN ACRES of good garden land and chicken house at city limits, Apply between 9 and 5. J. J. Fleming, 33 Alger Bullding. Phone 3341. 107¢c) FOUR-ROOMED FURNISHED APART- ment from May 15--Sept. 30. Box 638, Times-Gazet/ te. (107a) LOVELY COTTAGE ON REDSTONE Lake, boat, ice nd fuel supplied 2 ply 27 Oshawa Blvd " SON Ear uartz tube. coe North. (Apr8) SUN | FOR ultraviolet, using 'cold $6 per month. Meagher's, S! 29b--Summer Resorts SPEND YOUR VACATION AT POR- tage Lodge in beautiful Muskoka, Rates very reasonable. Boats free. Excellent meals. Cabins. Write A. Walker, 23 Charteris St.,, Chatham. (1051) 30--Room and Board FOR MARRIED COUPLE OR MIDDLE- aged lady, in good home. Phone 2153M. (106b) 31--Wanted To Rent URGENT. TWO OR THREE UNFUR- rooms by young couple. Both abstalners Steady employment, No children. "Phone 367 36TW. (106e) WANTED, 3 "OR Ta UNFURNISHED rooms or small house for Veteran and War Bride wife and 7 months old son. Phone 2134J, (106¢) SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT: CEN- tral. Business couple, Apply Mr. Ross, 11 Bond East or 2022R. _ Bn struction. Heated by hot water fu equipped with stocker. 'Storage build- ing 28 x 30. Modern six room apart- ment is also included. Agencies for various building rg will be trans- 32--Automobiles For Sale MODEL A FORD, 7 TIRES. HEATER. Good condition. $225 or best offer. H. G. Balson, Taunton. Phone 8S y c : = $24,000 Aug, lst 1047. to sell ab ..oieeiienee A list of all machines etc. can be pro- cured at this office. Everett G. Disney 1941 DELUXE FORD COACH, RADIO, heater, defroster. Five nearly new tires. Original owner. Henry Dodd, Port Perry. Evenings or Saturday, (107¢c) '40 DODGE SEDAN, EXCELLENT T CON- dition. Apply after 6 at 68 Church St. Phone 1751R. (107¢) '36 36 CHEV. . SEDAN DELIVERY TI TRUCK, REAL ESTATE BROKER 82 Simcoe St. 8. Osh "Exclusive listing" (May3-5-7) 26--Real Estate Wanted IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE, ANY S(ZE, for sale, call G. Barrow, Hora Broker, Phone 3165W, 6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE, CE Beason h cash down payment. Im- e 3946J. (106b) LISTINGS ER FOR FARMS, dwepings, we } we have cash buyers wal (We get results). Jones & Nolan, 6 3 Prince St. ( House Wanted MODERN HOUSE IN NORTH OR EAST PART OF CITY Early Possession BOX 636 TIMES-GAZETE (106¢) Can be seen at Lancaster's Garage, Newtonville, (107b) 1927 FORDSON TRACTOR A NEWLY overhauled. Eldred Catherwood, RR. 4, Uxbridge. Phone (107a) '42 PONTIAC COACH, HEATER, DE- froster, good tires. A-1 condition, will consider trade. Phone 1184W. (106b) 28 CHEV. COACH--$150. 29 DURANT SEDAN--$175. '30 CHEV. COUPE--#$175. "31 ESSEX SEDAN--$175. '35 HUDSON SEDAN---$326. '36 HALF TON INT. PANEL--$325. CASH OR TERMS NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 ALBERT ST. (106¢c) 39 OLDSMOBILE, 8 CYLINDER, PRI- vately owned, in first class condition. Can be seen for demonstration at Fred 1 | Bali Service Station, Simcoe and Col- 1 borne. Phone 2462, 06b) 11939 GMC 3-TON TRUCK, C.O.E, ae ft. stake body. D.P. axle, Good tir and motor. Will accept trade Aly terms. Powell Motor es, North Oshawa. Phone 4694-J. (105t1) 33--Automobiles Wantec PRIVATE PARTY WILL PAY HIGHEST cash price for good used car, Phone 3634M., (107¢c) fob, LOAM AND = GRAVEL. ALSO graded and sodded, Call 4408W Ja ree estimates. (106c) Rate for Advertising) under this hea 3c per id sath inser tion. wm charge 45 RUMMAGE SALE, SIMCOE ST. UNIT- ed Church. Friday, May 9th, 2 p.m. RUMMAGE SALE AT ARMOURIES, Friday, May 9th at 2 o'clock. Ladies' Auxiliary No, 1913. (107b) MADAM NEVADA, PALMIST, AT 77 Ontario St, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday this week. Hours 10 to 9. (106d) MEAT DEMONSTRATION BY SCHNEI- der's Packers--illustrated by movie-- at St Andrew's Church, on May 8, at eight o'clock, lunch served. Silver oollection. . (106b) 38--Female Help Wanted WANTED, A KINDLY, CAPABLE WO- man, to take care of elderly lady and apartment. Live in. Phone 420, (106¢c) EXPERIENCED SALES CLERK FOR ladies' sportswear, for steady employ- ment. Apply Box 611, Tne Gai 107b) GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Sleep in, Phone Whitby 687, (106¢) 39--Male Help Wanted FOREIGN JOBS, MEN, WOMEN, GOV'T and Beation isting, 'hundreds' skilled classifications. 0 pages accurate in- for $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Foreign Jobs, Inc. Bale timore, Maryland. (Apr. 12, 19, 26, Mays, -10, ,17,24 31) PENSIONER OR "MAN FOR LIGHT garden work, Write Box 107, Oshuwa, (106¢) TYPEWRITER, UNDERWOOD No. 3, good condition, Phone 4052J. (107¢) 4 STEEL BED AND SPRINGS SIM- (106b) % mons. Phone 2767M14, FENCE POSTS, CEDAR POLES, MIXED softwood, 4-foot lengths. Delivered. Phone 1962-W after 6.30. (1051) BLACK AND WHITE DI 4 chairs and buffet, NETTE, TABLE, Phone 1184-M. (105¢) BOY WITH BICYCLE TO DELIVER evenings. Apply Oshawa Clinic, 92 Ring Bost. Cis Sa) MAN WANTED TO KEEP LAWN IN order for the season. Apply 376 Kung Street E. Phone 2711, (107¢c) BOY WANTED, 14 OR OVER, AND strong for lawn mowing ont¢e or twice a week at Ross' Corners, Fuone 120 (107a) FOR SALE. Dorset. Phone (4e) OIL BURNERS SALES, PLUS A complete, Reliable Service. Out-of- town customers solicited. W. Borrow- dale. Phone ¢ 7 Ar .8) GIRLS' AND BOYS' BICYCLES, GUAR- anteed repairs to all makes of bicycles. Children's tricycles. Genuine parts and accessories. Dominion and Dunlop tires, all sizes, Kingsway Cycle. Phone Bont y STRAWBERRY Senator Dunlop an 2553J, NEW VACUUM CLEANERS, with all attachments. Only $59.50. Terms if desired. her's, Simcoe North, . (May25) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS Cars wanted for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Phone 3362; evenings Roris) Apr] CASH FOR YOUR Gi AT 8. Phon (Apr1sth) SPOT Dodd's car lot, 278 Park Rd. 3344M. CASH FOR YOUR 2: OAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. North Phone 4695W. (Apr3) 34--Pets and Livestock GER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK for all makes of washers. Jack Bid- lulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W {Apr25) 41 41--Employment Wa Wanted GARDENS PLOWED AND H ROWED. Cellars dug. Phone 1 1554M. (107¢) G CELLARS, PLOUGHING gardens, by team. Apply to James Dus- ty. 321 Gliddon Ave. 3648) (21) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LET US PICK UP YOUR LAWNMOWER now for sharpen! hin reconditioning. Machine ground. | n Fudge, 236 Eu- lalle. Scie (June?) MODERN _ "MOWER VICE. ompt pick up. Har- Phone S001R § ig ho, t. _ (May12) Miss Esther Ryan Guest Speaker At W.A. Service Staff ndent Maple Grove, May 6.--The church was well filled on Sunday, May 4 for the annual Sunday service of the Women's Missionary Auxiliary, The guest speaker, Miss Esther Ryan, Toronto, a returned mission= ary from Japan, gave a very inter- esting address. She began by teaching the boys and girls how to say the words "God is love" in the Japanese language and told many of her experiences while in Japan, Miss Doris Stevens sang a solo ace companied by Mrs. Dudley, Bow- manville. Mrs. Dudley also assisted the choir in the anthem, Next Sunday, May 11, the annual Mother's Day service will be held. Rev. F. Yardley will be in charge and Miss Susie Laird will tell.the story. There will also be a bap=- tismal service and parents are in- vited to bring their children for baptism. Practice has begun for our Sun- day school anniversary which will be held June 15. The Sunday school will sing at both services under the direction of Mr. Leslie Collacutt and Miss Marian Foley, pianist. Mr. A. Laird was in charge of the sunday school on Sunday in the absence of our superintendent, Mr. Harry Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and daughter, Joan, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Jack Cunning- ham, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cookson and family, Pickering, were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cookson. Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Freeman and son, Glenn, St. Catharines, were week-end guests of his brother, Mr. Harry Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Bow- manville, were Sunday guests of their son Ted and attended the church service here. SIX-SECOND WARMER A calorie of heat is approximate- ly the same as the heat supplied by a gas flame in six seconds. old Wilson. 375 SHARP- LAW! WERS, , SHEARS, ETO. | ened a repaired. We pick up and | deliver. one 2164W. C. Woods, 636 (May26) | Somerville Ave. COAL RANG! LARGE SHIPMENT ust feceivad yo with reseryolir. Dif- t sizes and makes. D.V.A credits accepted. Meagher's, Simcoe North, Apr! RICH WEEDLESS GARDEN MANURE, $3 yard. 3 yards $6. Also rotted manure. Oshawa Nursery. Phone 3234. (May25) | Bigned: Wm. A, Ashbury. 42--L egal Notices I, WILLIAM A, ASHBURY, OF OSH- | awa, will not be responsible for "any | debts unless personally contracted; -- (106c) 43--Auction Sales ONE JERSEY COW JUST Phone Brooklin 67R14. SALE OF REGISTERED niel puppies and grown dogs. at stud. Visitors welcome. Waubens Ken- nels, mile west of Oshawa on Queen Elizabeth Highway. May19) (106¢c) BPA- Oll space heat cabins, small cottages, etc ares com~ pe. Also Norge space heaters, with porcelain enamel fire chamb- er and the exclusive downdraft, whirl- ator * ube for large homes, factories, etc. Always In stock. Easy 35--Wearing Apparel LADY'S BLACK SPRING COAT, 16; lady's black, white pin stripe, sult 38; Beige shorty coat, 16; Man's brown spring coat, 36. Phone 731, 419 More 0 50 ENGLISH FLANNEL COAT, pale blue, size 2, also boy's white fur coat and hat, size 2, lady's spring coat, size 16. Phone 864. en 07a) LADIES' SUIT, SIZE 12, LIKE NEW. Boy's tweed spring coat, size 3. Phone (106b) E 5 COAT, SUIT, DRESSES, £5, SHOES etc., size 7 to 9.. Good condition. sonable. . Apply y 56 Division f St. 0m 1080) BLACK . TAILORED SUIT FOR YR SALE. Size 38. Phone 3566R. (106¢) NG, d new. Carrying a big stock of s coats, sults and pants. 21 Bo W. Sam Swarts. terms, Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe North Phone 3800W "Look for the store with yellow front" (69t1) FAMOUS EASY SPINDRY WASHER, Ringerless dryer, simplifies rinsing. safety ve vi cup action. Now available, Meaghers B Elec tric, Simcoe North. lay25) VENETIAN BLINDS 7 DAYS DELIVERY! Free estimates, installation and del- ivery anywhere--anytime. Met-Wo Industries Limited J. W. MELLEY, P.O. Box 421, Oshawa, phone 4101w BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENTS, HAVE ) 'just arrived, will work on any Singe» Singer Sewing ne Co., 36--Articles For Salo HOT WATER HEATING BOILER, 1,100 ft. radiation, Welder LE Acety- lene Generator. Apply 1100 Brock Street | South, Whitby. (107b) FARM | WAGON, | RUBBER TIRES, TIRES, 7 FT. x 14 ft. platform, 30 ins. high, Price $150; 2's tooth and stiff tooth culti- vator, og xs 2 Whitby. (107b) GARDEN cultivator, Eh I TO: er. cellent condition, Phone on gs (1072) GOOD IRISH COBBLER AND CATADIN seed potatoes. Phone 3341. 9 to 5. (107¢c) 33 PC. BEDROOM SUITE, NEARLY new and hand washer in good condi- tion. Phone 3795W, (107b) ROGERS TABLE RADK 0, TWO DRES- sers, and Stradivarius model violin and case. 74 Celina. Phone 4650W. (107a) NEW 'SEIBERLING TIRE, 4.75/500-19, never used, also used tube. Phone 1473J- __ (07a) LADY'S BICYCLE, APPLY 224 CLARKE. (1078) DOUBLE BED AND SPRINGS, DRES- ser, Both solid walnut. Kitchen sibk, excellent condition. Phone ON iy (1 ) 41 CHEV, MASTER DELUXE, GOOD condition, Apply 302 Buena line ( a '31 CHEV. GOOD CONDITIO! Apply 171 Fy Blvd. after 6. (1070) ONE BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION. Phone 1268W. (107a) PAIR MEN'S BLACK ROLLER SKATES, lots, goon condition. Apply 290 BN 6. a) 31 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, GOOD CON- dition. Apply Wesley Cutting, Brooklin, HL ) 35 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK, 12 TON, good condition, Cash price $2§5. Phone 43387. (106c) 1928 CHEVROLET COACH FOR SALE, good condition, 4 good tires. Apply be- tween 7 and 8 pm, 201 01 Mary St. (106¢c) '46 BUICK SUPER |! SEDAN; '46- DODGE DeLuxe Sedan; '46 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan; Two '41 Chev. DeLuxe Sedans. No trade necessary. 160 King St. W., at rest. Phone 828. (106¢c) "35 PONTIAG, $375. APPLY 243 CONANT after 6. (106¢) MOTORCYOI ®S, PARTS AND ACCES- ries, Tires, oil and batteries, etc. Phone 4121J. "Doc' Berry. (Mayl) iD IN GOOD CONDITION, W WARD- robe 76/30 with drawer, two beds full size and 3;, with. cable springs, 23 chairs, one table 22/30, and one rug in brown shade, 744 Simcoe South, after 7 p.m. (107a) 16 Ontario St. (86t1) VISIT BRADLEY'S BEDDING DEPARTMENT Large selection of Innerspring mattresses, Marshall blade springs : beds : foldaway cots : chenille bedspreads : pillows. Simmons cribs a specialty. Complete line of Marshall Mattresses BRADLEY FURNITURE CO. 40 King W. 156 Simcoe S. (May16) VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER Measured. and installed. George 66 Bond West (Apr23) sg rh . Reid. Phone 2104. EXTENSIVE WOOD SALE I have been authorized to sell by public auction for Howard L. Bowins, | Lot 13, Con. 3, Manvers Twp., (at Vil- NOTICE! All Parties Wishing to Include Furniture and Other Articles in the AUCTION SALE at 56 Bond St. East SAT. MAY 10 PHONE 3766R E.J. Pomery AUCTIONEER lage of Pontypool), only 28 miles North East of Oshawa, on 10th, 1947: 25 acces more or less 2 standing timber; Maple, Beech, Oak, Birch, and some soft wood. To be sold in quarter acre lots, more or less. The wood is close wo highway, snd good road for trucks in woods. Purchaser will be given till May 1st, 1948, to Tee move timber. Sale at one o'clock D.S.T. Terms cash, Alf. Mitchell, clerk, John Payne, Pontypool, Auctioneer, (May 23,7,8) BENEFIT EX-SERVICEMEN Lagos, Nigeria -- (CP) -- The government of Nigeria, contributing toward the proper resettlement of ex-servicemen, has purchased arti- san's tools for re-sale to ex-service- men, ROOFING! ® Asphalt Shingling! ® Built-up Flat Roofing! MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED! FREE ESTIMATES! : 3628J SHAWA ® 3'NDED © FINISHED 014 Floors Made Like New! New Floors Made Like Glass! ESTIMATES FREE GUARANTEED WORK! CECIL H. LEVY Successor to B. W. Haynes) Ls Rd. - Phone 161J4 Floors Shrubs, Evergreens, Perennials, Iris (named variety), Rock Garden Plants. Phone 4488 J 1150 Simcoe St. North 37--Articles Wanted ONE PORTABLE GRAMOPHONE, IN good con condition. Phone 1392J. (107b) USED GARAGE EQUIPMENT WANTED, (compressor, paint sprayer, acetylene torch, battery charger, etc.) Phone 4634R, J ( ove) ) FEATHERS AND all Jesoriptiape. Highest nest. prices ices aid Write to Queen City Feat! win 8t., Toronto. Shuy1dy RUG, eS SIZE, PIANO, WASHING machine, sewing machine, Vacuum cleaner, furniture, electric refrigerator, ice-box. Phone 3763J. (May12) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Apr3) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. Open evenings. (Apr24) ONE 8 SECTION HOT WA slightly used. Phone 3441J. 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD After 6. 302 St. Eloi Ave. 4-BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE. 74 Yonge Street between 5 and 8. (106b) LAUNDRY STOVE, ELECTRIC VI- brator. for massage, 2 men's spring and winter overcoats, size 40, Abply 324 | Leslie. 3-BURNER COAL OIL BOVE a white enamel, practically mew. Phone 2574W. ( 106¢) RAD, (106b) RADIO. (106¢) '42 Pontiac Club Coupe '41 Chev. Opera Coupe "42 Plymouth Sedan '34 Ford Coach '32 Chev. Roadster 1 Car Radio 414 KING WEST Cash, Trade or Terms BABY WALKER, REMOVABLE HANDLE, good condition. Phone 2949W. foe) VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. Trewin (Mon-Wed-Fri) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD: USED furniture, ice 8 box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bo! West. Phon . Suen, Apr HIGHEST PRICES | 2p FOR JON metal, rags, Phone 635 Cedardale tron otate back C.N.R. Station. (Aprl) 38--Female Help Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. Two half days weekly. Apply 96 Con- naught St. Phone 1822. (107¢c) CAPABLE SALESLADY WANTED AT manent for right person. TTRACTIVE YOUNG WOMAN, CA- pabie of Instructing sewing classes, t have oF Sone personblity and knowledge aking. Age 24 to 36. Apply Singer Sewing Mashine Co. COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 80 Hillcroft St. Phone 1333J. (106¢) WOMAN OR GIRL, GOOD CHARAC- ter, for housework, wanted by fam'ly of 4 adults. Good wages. Phone 2161. (105¢) purr' ® OSHAWA ee PHONE 389 32 KING ST. WEST CREDIT EWELLERS RS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, May '17, 1947 for the PAINTING and DECORATING AUDITORIUM SUPPLY ROOM and ENTRANCES at HARMONY PUBLIC SCHOOL Lowest or Any Tender Not Necessarily Acoeptedl. Work may be commenced July 1, 1947 and must be com- pleted on or before August 16, 1947, Copy of specifications may be had by applying to the under 4 Clarence A. Greentree 775 King Street East. | Secretary-Treasurer S. 8. No. 1, East Whitby.

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