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Daily Times-Gazette, 8 May 1947, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1947 Weiner Roast Held at Kedron On Arbour Day Alan Werry, E, Werry, Solina, were tes guests at Mr. R. J. Luke's Wednesday. i, Te, Moni Seon ven e es Board for Miss oyd . hostess for the happy event. Mrs, A. J. Cameron and little grandson, Dale Cameron, 'niece, Mrs. J. A. Glover, Sun- derland. Mrs. R. E. Lee, Mrs. A, T. Stain- * ton, Mrs, C. F. Werry, Mrs J. H. Pascoe attended the play given by Hampton ladies at Zion Friday ev- ening, and report a fine presenta- tion and beautiful costumes. Taunton Beef Ring calling all beef bags! Calling all beef bags to be at Mr, Everett Mountjoy's on or before, May 15 for delivery May 16th. Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Osborne, Eb- enezer, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Arnott. Maxwell's School pupils were all set for a genuine Arbor Day cele- bration. Owing to rain the chid- ren enjoyed a weiner roast, with other refreshments, at the school. Miss Wilma Werry, R.N, Lind- say, spent Friday with Mrs, H. F. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and family, Miss Norma Kerr, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langdon, Welcome. We extend sympathy to relatives and friends of the late Mrs. Lewis R: Luke (nee Annie Richardson) of Oshawa, Mrs. Luke was the last member of the Richardson family, her sister, Nettie, having prede- ceased her a few months ago. The funeral of the late James Douglas Gibson took place from McDougall and Brown's Funeral Chaple, 1491 Danforth Avenue, To- ronto, on Wednesday afternoon, Rey. Harold Watt, pastor, conduct- ed services at the Chapel and graveside, Interment took place in the Gib- son plot, Hillman's Cemetery, Utica. Bearers were School and Church friends: Leonard Jupp, Ray BSolesky, Lyle Catheart, Kenneth Stewart, Ross Boden and Gordon Cridland. The profusion of beau- tiful flowers were silent tribute to a depth of love and syspathy. At=- tending the funeral from Ww. IL. Mountjoy, 'Willa, Beryl, Joy, Messrs Keith, Murray, Donald and Lawrence Mountjoy, Mrs. H. F. Werry, Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Wer- ry, Mr. William and Miss Muriel Werry, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Werry, Miss Nora Werry. A telegram has been received conveying word of the death of Mrs. Rowe, (nee Annie Cornish) and family, Columbus, were Sunday evening guests at Mr. John El- ing?" Miss Muriel Werry favored with a plano solo. There were 23 present. Next Suey evening Y.P.U. ser- day bi ¥0 P.U. will entertain Fldad YP.U. in Columbus SS. Room. Next Sunday, Mothers' Day, Un- jon service will be held at 2 pm. and a Baptismal service will be held for all who will avail themselves of this opportunity. S.S. practice will be at 1.30 pm. Miss Margaret Ballard, London, Ont., spent the week-end with her grond-parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and family, Harmony, Mr. and Mrs, Le- land Love, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Werry and family were Sun- day tea guests of Mr. C. E. Love's honouring birthdays for Mrs. C. E. Love and Leland. We join in wish- ing them many happy returns. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, Mrs. H. PF, Werry were Sunday~ tea guests at Mr. C. P. Werry's. We are glad to know Shirley El- liott has sufficiently recovered to return to her home in Oshawa, having undergone skin-grafting in Hospital for Sick Children, Toron- to. Reports concerning fall wheat are so far encouraging. Otherwise the rural outlook is decidedly damp. This is a fairly early section, but conditions are bad with little work on land on many farms. Mr. and Mrs. J. EH. Davis, Oshawa, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, Davis and June on Sunday. So not better hi to hear June has th, but we're hoping . {for more sunshine for everyone soon. Mrs. W. J. Leask, Barbara and Marilyn Leask, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Leask, Ewart and Eunice Leask attended the play 'The Farmeret- te" put on by the Solina WI. younger ladies at Solina Tuesday evening. This is a good play and the cast 1s to be congratulated on the fine manner in which it was presented. Music was provided by To Mold Plastic Boat of Synthetic Materials Two preity mermaids enjoy their first row in the one- piece all-plastic boat, sh at the d 1 plastics exposition in Chicago. The boat, believed to be the first of its kind ever moulded completely of syn- thetic materials, is made of a glass material and plas tics resin. It is nine feet long and weighs only 80 pounds, which makes it easily handled by one person. It can be moulded in about two hours. The model shown her accommodates five persons. It won't swell or dent, requires no care and is not affected by the elements. Miss Tleen Balson and the Cryder- man sisters. Mrs. J. Glover and Mrs. H. Wer- ry attended the Music Festival of Oshawa Schools held in the Col- legiate Tuesday evening. Mr. John Thompson, Oshawa, Lloyd Smith, Enfield, were Sunday tea guests at W. J. Leask's, Rockwood Church Is Incorporated Halifax, May 8 --(OP)-- Public hearing into a bill to incorporate The People's Church of Nova Scotia was completed in five minutes be- fore the Legislature law amend- ments committee here. There was no opposition. The church was founded by Rev. Perry F. Rockwood who resigned his ministry in the Presbyterian church rather than be censured following conviction by the Halifax-Lunen- burg Presbytery of following "a divisive course." LUNENBURG YACHT CLUB Lunenburg, N. 8.--(CP)--A yacht club recently was formed at this eastern Nova Scotian port, home of Capt. Angus Walters and his fam- ed Bluenose. Dr. H, A, Creighton was named commodore, Whitevale MISS MARY HERBERT Correspondent Whitevale, May 6--The Mothers Day service at the United Church will be in the form of a reception service. Special music will be ren- dered by the choir. The Women's Institute is spon- soring a tag day for the National Institute for the Blind on BSatur- day, May 10. Taggers will call at each home. Mrs. Norinan Burke is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Randall of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Randall Misses Myrtle Gorrell and Jean Fleming of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, E Fleming. Rev. Ernest Heal of Toronto wili preach in First Baptist Church on Mother's Day. He will also preach in Greeh River Baptist Church in the evening. Miss Mary Burwash is doing very well in her new position as organist in the United Church. The Women's Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Jclin 'Burwash on Wednesday Roll call was answered with the word, "Love". Mrs. Cook of Green River spoke on China. Mr, and Mrs. Francis Herbert visited Mr, and Mrs, Charles Hann of Toronto last week-end. Arol Griffin and Bob Stephens were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Griffin. Misses Norma Middleton and Blanche Hamlin were visitors at their homes over the week-en,, Hyderabad, a state in India, has a population of more than 16,000,000 Balsam and Mount Zion MRS. LORNE JONES Correspondent Balsam & Mount Zion, May 6-- Mrs. Ralph Jones spent Thursday in Toronto. Miss A. James of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Errol Oar- » and Kenndth, special service will be held May Te Mottier's Day, at the Mt. Zion Church. It will be a joint service witlx Sunday School and church combined at 2 o'clock. Special mu- sic is being prepared. Mrs. Leslie Smith and George of Prospect spent a day last week with her mother, Mrs, George Wilson. Miss P. White spent the winter in Toronto, but has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jones for the summer. 'Mr, and Mrs. Orr Graham and family visited on Sunday with her Sister, Mrs. Cyril Steven of Toron- Mr. Jack Brown's mother, Mrs John Brown, of Port Hope, spent the week-end at their home. The Mt, Zion WA. will meet May 14 at the home of Mrs, A. C. Luff- man. Mrs. George Wilson is in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. A, Hunter and fam- ily spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Disney and family. Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Jones of Brooklin, Mrs. Levi Linton and Lloyd of Balsam spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones and fam- A large number attended the dra- ma at the Mt. Zion church on Fri- day evening given by the Greenwood Young People, entitled "Tempest and Sunshine". All did their parts very well and it was enjoyed by all. " CLEO'S HENNA | Henna was used in Cleopatra's time to dye fingernails, palms of | the. hands and soles of the feet. REMEMBER! PRICE 10% REDUCTION May 8th to May 22nd AND B UTT RAD i APPLIANCE 130 BROCK NORTH WHITBY PHONE 707 Bookmaker Sues, Wins His Suit New York, May 8--(CP)--Book- maker Samuel Peters has been awarded $2,000 damages as a result of a newspaper short story depicting one "Sammy Peters" as a "seeker of suckers," the Australian News and Information Service reported toda; y. In a libel action against the Mel putation had been seriously dam- aged by the story in which a char- - | acter named "Sammy Peters" hired others to crack safes. Mountains rise to heights of 24,000 feet in Lisuland, on the border bee tween China and Burma. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Borrow $20 to $1000 for almost any worthwhile purpose, without endorsers or bankable security. And take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger amounts. Here's all you do to borrow. Just phone or visit the Household branch office nearest you, Tell us the amount you need and how long you want to take to repay. Your money can be ready-- usually the same day you apply. Use Household Finance's prompt and friendly money service whenever you need money. No other company in your community offers lower rates for this type of service. 18 Simcoe Street South (over Kresge's) Phone Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. Nours 9 fo § or by oppoiniment -- Loans made to formers and residents of neerby fowas a) HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Sporaleor 1% = cerecreler -- styles that will make walnut finish. 4-Piece and 3-Piece Bedroom Su ites of real 0m ANNIVERSARY | 4 ~ 'BEDROOM SUITES AT BANSATIONAL SA VINGS! FURNITURE .& We are celebrating twenty years of business in Whitby by giving the public of Whitby and surrounding County a real buy in furniture for the first 15 days of May. Our prices will surprise you and give you a chance to furnish your home with the pieces of furniture you have been waiting for. . We want to thank vou one and all for the confidence you have shown in dealing with us over the past 20 years. We have the largest and most eomplete stock of Bedding Equipment in Whitby and District. 2 SIMMONS BED SPRINGS and SPRING FILLED MVATTRESSES. BASSINETTES . and CRIB MATTRESSES (All Sizes) also Continental Beds. BABY'S CRIB Over-stocked in baby's cribs. Must sell them because Remember The Date! MAY 1 to 15th W. C. TOWN & SONS buy. with sides. quality. In the latest your bedroo m a place of beauty. Some in WITH THESE ATTRAC- TIVE DOOR MATS PRO- TECT YOUR FLOOR DOOR MATS Cocoanut Mats and mat- 'ting by the yard. drastically Fouad for this SPECIAL! of lack of space. Take advantage of this splendid Cribs steel and wood. Brown and ivory adjustable room. RUGS ror Your HOME! Of all popular makes and sizes in beautiful designs and lovely colors. For your kitchen, living room and bed- MODERN SELECTION OF CHESTERFIELD SUITES Good-looking and comfortable, covered in fine fabrics, with spring- filled construction and quality workmanship throughout. in wine and green and other popular shades. CHESTERFIELD COVERS in mohair, velour, rep and silk damask £ Colors Price AWNING - MATERIAL 29 Inches Wide Canvas in Five Assorted Colors. W.C. TOWN&SONS 126 BROCK ST. S. '

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