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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 May 1947, p. 4

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pate FOUR THE DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1947 EE Tr LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Business Difice, Miss @. . Macpherson; Wm. T. Williams, Editor. Phone 703, A) Departments : Lieut. G.V. Wright Takes Salute At Cadet I Inspect C1011 iia Yost come expressed his ap- Prestation to othe 1 meer for fhe made Sn it had involved a | great deal of work on the paTL of bers but that the end ne net prove to be of great benefit eo other members of the local school ard Wei Present at the ceremony together 1 8 crowd of spectators and schoo oY | children Mo been given time * | off school to Vy the event. to | Also making presence with each word spoken was Serg- eant Major H. a Bailey, BE : Members of the Whitby H School Cadet Corps under the Se = EEE of he Irish Reg! Sergean| Major Ba van 8 great deal of his time un: recent weeks the Corts ye. 2 for gob w= Be oni in the list of officers 8 |. and other ranks who were in charge 3 o various aspects of the inspection exe Corps Commander Major Tom Sean, Captain Dave Hare, Lieu- tenants 'Gordon Neil, Pat Shuen, Doug Ross, Mike Mikasell ang Serg- WOrk. | eant Major Jack Moss. The members of the corps turned in a very smart effort during the inspection and are to be congratu- lated considering the exceptionally short time they had in which to perfect their . ONO) AT PARTY Miss Tonoelle McBrien was guest of 'honor at a Party at the Masonic temple, Balsam Av. 'Toronto, - Tuesday evening when 200 members of Morse St. Rooreatio | centre gathered. Miss McBrien was supervisor of the centre for 33 years, ) | moving to Brooklin on her retire- ment last, Easter. She was presented ough a series of ing Seri man Th EEE present group at the oentie, 8 dresser lamp High School Cadets Smart at rrr gs The Waithy High School Cadet Corns paraded yesterday for their ¥ Franca 1 Frane ar, attached tg the C ictures ng no is by (upper) passing in fropt of the salyti Officer, Cadet Major Tom le of Education and Lieutenan In the above inspected by official party. ill. The saljte was taken right, M.C. and : boll ig ction oder their elntyre of the Wh wid eo] p Cane Services at Op base, and (lgwer) eine --Photos by Times-Gazette Request Meeting To Discuss School Area Enlargement The highlight of the shart busi- Sa | ness meeting of the Whitby Board of Education which was held in the {| Public Library on Wednesday eve- ning was a discussion by board ill | members of a plan whereby Whitby iil | would -be encompassed in a much i | larger secondary school area pos- | [jf ER . NOW PLAYING | fi Two Shows, 7.00 and 9.00 -- Saturday Matinee, 1.30 | [| re. was firsh the Township Township of Picker- he Sub ject, which was intro- meeting by Chairm: broached at a tings held - recently ingly hig By od the series of throughout the County and spon- sored by the Consultative Commit- | tee on Secondary School Education the Ontario County Council In introducing the matter to the members Mr. McIntyre said that the plan which had been sug- one that wouki have a effect, on the three or four of the present areas. It was given to understand that there would be a communal high school erected at a later date to serve the municipalities brought together in the larger ares. It wes peinted out by the De- partment's representatives that they ¢| certainly were not advocating the plan at all but were simply trying to acquaint the various achgol boards in the County with the plan and that it would be then up to the school boards and the county coun- cil to decide Whether the plan had merit. The plap has been tried out in other I¢calities and has been found to be a sane, sensible plan which afforded better service to communities than they Jregeive under the present system. of |} was deserving of much study from ||} iewpoint. i a purely local vi It was decided that the Town li | see what the eventual effect would Si BROS. 200 DUNDAS ST. W. -Whithy PHONE 2250 STUDEBAKER Sales and Service! CONVENIENT TIME PAYMENT PLAN == ON = MOTOR OVERHAUL AND NEW TIRES UP TO 12 MONTHS TO PAY USED CARS See Us Before You Sell! TIRES Let Us Check Your Tires | Be sure they are in good shape hefore taking that long trip you have planned. be on the town, Mr. McIntyre told the members bivagetis Glos feo omiiged ent on later. He added that he felt it was the duty of the Board to draw the matter to the attention council He said that there was no doubt but that such a plan would matéri- ally affect the Town of Whitby and that the Board would be in a much better position to discuss the matter with other municipalities involved if they fully understéod the plan. Mr. McIntyre said that he was hopeful that a meeting could be arranged in the very near future. During the recent series of meet- ings which were held in connection with this subject, representatives of the Department of Education out- lined a plan whereby secondary school areas in the County would be enlarged to encompass possibly 48 HOUR DRY-CLEANING SERVICE FOR WHITBY Phone 707 DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY! BUTTS APPLIANCE 130 BROCK ST. NORTH ALSO DAILY PICK-UP AND | DELIVERY! IN AJAX Dollar for horsepower, the new Scott-Atwater Outboard Motors will give you more for your money than any other on the market. De- signed and built by Scott-Atwater, world's second largest manu- facturer of outboards before the war, Scott- Atwater's sensational Singles (3.5 HP. at 4000 rpm. -- 0B.C, Certified) will amaze smooth rocket-like power which will get you "there" in a hurry yet idle down to ideal trolling speed. Fishermen and out- board fans everywhere hail the new Scott- Atwater as "Tomorrow's Outboard Motor--Here Today!" | "Whithy News | is Lg | a Coy ay ti Be 4 Le ers made Fm mbers are od to attend this meeting as election of officers will take place. Juveniles Are Rounding Into Shape Officials of itoy's Juvenile Beh Club ae oar that this year's team will be 'an exgeption- ally strong contender in the hunt for the accolades that go with juve- nile supremacy on the ball dia- mond. 'Cpach Don Gaine said to- day that almost the entire 1946 team have turned out for practices this year, including such stalwarts § Anderson, Turan McDonald, Pill, and in addition several hope- ue including Richardson, Purdy McKay were alsp present. 'Gosh Gaing sald that several oth plagers have already signified or tentlen of turning out for 8s yet have not the club say am practices done so. Officig shat he, Joeliap 0 on 1 pe Tar? eB 1d tthe | tially , th ae 1Brooklin Fair To Present Many 1 Added ration ations xe som: a to be held on ES os ab yo gH t; k, es mas ay v8 8 William @. Manning, Setretgry- |W Trepsirer of the Broklin Spring | © Mr. ing stated that the di- rectors of the fair have or. a money to hep rad ol Joar an "und consequently eed an turnout of Yale and horses is Ber pected. He added that in addition to the regular prize winning classes which are exhibited gv year many new classes have been added and it is expected that the fair will be far more successful gnd interest- ing than usual. One of the lyehlights of the fair which has missing during the war years wi be the exhibits of fer Haehingy and accessories hy the manufaciyrers. Long g regular attraction at spring fairs Yrotigh- out the country, farm machinery exhibits disappeared from the fair scene at the outbreak of war but Mr. Manning said that he can as- sure everyone that the displays will be back as strong as ever. Under the heavy horse classif tions this year prizes will be e aw ed for Clydesdales, Light Praught, Percheron, Belgium and = Suffolk horses or other Light Horses the classes be Commercial, Road- ster, vill be Saddle and Ponles. The beef and dairy cattle classifi cations have been extended a shneld erably and it is e that breeders will submit i usually I entries, Shorthorn cattle in part cular, for which the district is' Tami. ous, are expected to be in evidence far more than usual. Included in the new sections added this year there are many other breeds in ad- dition ta the usual Ayreshire, Jersey sure ent is Stil It "oocing ihe jo) ayers at all positions wi only stipulation being that were under 19 on May 1, Believing that this year's of the juveniles will be consi stronger than the 1846 team Which regehed the Ontario semi-finals, of- Ticlals copsider that the team will have a good opportunity to reach the finals and perhaps walk off with the Ontarlo title. If they don't it will not be because of lack ef | Eng The team members are urning eut for Jractice every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday eve- nings and are slowly hut surely overcoming the layeff symptoms which usually develop over the winter season of comparative in- activity, It is almost certain that the local || Juvenile season will get under way STINER MOTORS 208 Dundas WEST Dealers for . « » DODGE-DESOTO Cars and Trucks WHITBY PHONE 853 ; McCOLL FRONTENAC PRODUCTS GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS on May 24 in Whitby with an exhi- bition game against an as yet un- named Sppengh. However, officials belieye that there is every possi- bility that an all-star team from Oshawa might aogept the exhibition assignment and if go the game will be played as part of a double head- er with the Whi and Port Hope Intermediates tangling in the other Whitby Classified TWO PAIRS OF DRAPES A large coconut verandah rug, ne 2253, Whith a. (May16,17) FLOORS WAXED AND Electric Polisher and Vacuum. 897 hi P.O. Box ¥™, Phone (May17) OR FOUR UNFUR- itby. Apply Box 42, a Whitby. (MaylT7) bh good a! App! pt Shu ay, u 24 PRIy en u Farm. Pho hi 912 Whitby. WING, a, Pon ith 7] PLOWING--PLO discing, done actor. Crawfo! 320 Kent Weg Phone Whitby. WANTED -- SEVERAL TR OFFICE chalrs, strong and in good condition, Mun 03, Whit ellow Printing Co. phone thy. TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF new and old feathers, try, Highest market prices. Apply J. Parker, 321 a 8t. nN Ph © 486. -- BOY'S With OVERCOAT, gay i ek color, on Byron Speey north. der please phone 460 Whit thy. FOR SALE SIX - - PIECE DINETTE suite, good epndision, $30.00. Apply 42 Beatty Ave, Ajax. LAWN MO! rpened and repaired. Called for and delivered. Apply 300 Brock street north. Phone 2243, Whitby (May23) SLAB WOOD. NO to Oshawa, Brooklin or 5 nton Lumber Co., Ltd.,, Whit- by. Phone 352, Whitby (tf) rr WET WALLS wo CELLARS se AQUELLA bdo | Turn that ¢ damp ce cellar into a bright dry room with Aquella, the scientific mineral surface coating used to control water Seepage in the Maginot Line.' 3. JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S, . Whitby, Ont, d Holsteins. Directors of the fair re hoping that recognition will be made of the fair in much the same way as was the ease last year when the Senior Champion bull was pur- chased by the Australian Govern- meng for shipment to Australia to used to Rid up the standard of the cattle th yery oe Junior a eS ii) hae dom te fo I Meld To ions 1 Chee te In aqdition 5 the Uvstock shows BROOQKLIN FAIR (Continued on Page §) EXPERT REPAIRS « Radios o Refrigerators Home Applinnce "No Monkey Business Is Qur Matto"! We Give Expert Service! WHITBY HOME APPLIANCE 124 DUNDAS W. PHONE 383 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY | WHITBY SERVICES, MAY 18 All Church Services Will Be Daylight Saving Time F. Darnell -- 10 AM.-- 11:00am. . "WHEN YOU ARE 7:00 p.m.-- THE BAPTIST CHURCH 'At Your Service' -- Phone 453 MRS. G. BR. W. SUMMERS, AT.CM. - MUSIO THE BIBLE SCHOOL THE CANAANAIRES CKDO Oshawa PLAYING -- 'SINGING -- PREACHING Mr. J. B. Warbuton -- Speaking NOT YOURSELF" WHITBY Rev. Charles Malcolm, M.A., B.D, Mrs. Vernon Rowe, Musi¢ Director 11 A.M. '{s . : . If Christ Be Not Risen" Church School with Congregation at 11:00 and Class Work at 11:30 7 P.M. THUMBNAIL SKETCHES OF THE TWELVH (6) Philip -- An Ordinary Man. UNITED this service. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH Sunday After Ascension Day -- May 18 CONFIRMATION SERVICE at 7:00 p.m. The Rt. Rev, G. A. Wells, C.M.G., D.D., will be here for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. MARSHALL, Minister 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL

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