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Daily Times-Gazette, 22 May 1947, p. 6

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They must make an early start to combat this unfav- orable condition by using an eye cream faithfully every night of their lives. The cream should be applied first at the inner corner of the upper lid. The finger sweeps out to the temple, does a circle there, comes back un- der the eye to the starting point. Ice {friction is helpful in toning tissues that seem bent on falling in- to accordion pleats. The more cream applied, the better. Continue light movements of the fingertips until the flesh laps up the fragrant emol- lient. The skin loves oil, can't have too much of it. The oil imparts smoothness to the surface, has cleansing properties, Eyebrows of lovely patterns and lasheg that are long, black and up- tilted, contribute to eye glamor, The well-groomed woman keeps her eye- brows within certain boundaries, though she no longer yanks out the ) poor little shafts until there is only a single marching line. Her lashes Many girls use eye make-up to cause a flutter in the man market. > are treated every day to a half- minute friction with mineral oil. Also, they have a little brushing now and then, even if mascara is not ap- plied to impart a deeper color. some of our forward-stepping love_ lies apply a' blue-green mascara to their lashes when they use a blue- green shadow on their lids. This cos- metic trick is particularly effective on blondes and redheads, though there is no law against brunettes us- ing it, or the silver-topped ladies, either, Everything, of course, de- pends upon type. Some chic and sassy beauties can get away with make-up murder and look perfect- ly stunning. Even the worst old grouch wouldn't fling a word of cri- ticism. They have cosmetic art. They are the experts. QUESTION AND ANSWER Are most divorce suits defended? No. In 1925, taken as a represen- tative year, approximately 85 per cent. of such suits were undefended. (Source: Dr. Joseph K. Folsom.) Phone 4692R Williams & Singer 801 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Longer Skirts Make Wardrobe Obsolete Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa., May 22 (AP)--Longer skirts this fall will make obsolete 30 per cent of the wardrobe of American women, saye Mack Gordon, ent of a wo- men's specialty store in Cleveland Gordon, in a speech before 10 textile manufacturers, executive, ad- ministrators and technologists at- tending the second annual National Textile seminar urged a textile re- search project into the buying hab- its of the American public. He"said it would eliminate hit.or miss meth- ods in production and distribution and recurrent cycles of booms and depression. 18,785 Jobs Vacant In Ont. for Women Toronto, May 22--(CP)--Job va- cancies for women in Ontario -in- creased by 685 in April, raising the grand total to 18,785, J. F. Dwyer, mario Slonal employment offi- cer ational Employment Service said yesterday. The avail- able supply of labor totals 10,985. Twenty-five per cent of job va- cancies are in the "service occupa- tions" bracket. The labor situation was described as critical in other fields such as restaurants, hotels, laundries and dry cleaning establish- ments. Seasonal migration of avail- able help to summer resorts is like- ly to further aggravate the condi- tion, said Mr. Dwyer. & # x day with Crown Brand Corn Syrup ~ As a sweetener in baking Crown Brand Corn Syrup * No ration cowpons required Delicious CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP -- particularly nearly fifty years. Its goodness and value are so well known that more tasty meals are being served to- than ever before. adds a distinctive flavour. Its addition to your ingredients makes good baking become-fine baking. Try it also as a delicious spread on bread, toast, scones; pancakes and waffles--you'll realize ther why Crown Brand Corn Syrup has long been a favourite. "We appreciate your loyalty to Quality CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD. MONTREAL - TORONTO: Also Manufacturers of Canada Corn Storch A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. FATS AID GALLBLADDER The gallbladder, which at times causes a lot of trouble, normally acts as 8 storehouse for bile. Dur- ing digestion, the gallbladder empties its content into the intes- tine, where it aids in the digestion of fat. disease probably oc- curs for two reasons. One, infection and two, the retention of bile in the bladder. Eating of Fats The eating of fats is the chief factor in. causing the gallbladder to contract ana empty itself. And, ac- cording to Dr. John A. Boone, of the Medical College of South Carolina, gallbladder disease may well be due to a lack of sufficient fat in the diet. It is really a matter of eating only a reasonable amount of fat. The trouble comes when the patient tries to eliminate all fats from the In support of these statements, doctors point out that while this disease plagues both sexes, it oc- curs far more frequently in women and especially in those who have borne children. Many women have replaced fats and oils as a source of energy in the diet with starchy foods and sugars, which will not cause the gallbladder to contract enough. Diet During Pregnancy Many women during the child- bearing time have been instructed, and rightly so, not to gain excessive amount of weight. In planning a diet to avoid excessive weight gains the limiting of fats is important but when the fats are almost completely restricted it means that stimulation to emptying of the gallbladder as it should is lacking. Thus," when gallbladder inflam- mation has occurred, or in order to keep it from developing, it is im- portant to include a reasonable amount of fat in the diet and to avoid overweight by exercise and cutting down of starchy foods and sweets rather than by eliminating fats to too great an extent. Attacks of Pain Gallbladder inflammation causes attacks of pain in the right upper part of the abdomen together with sickness to the stomach and vomit- ing." It is possible sometimes by proper dieting and weight loss to lessen the symptoms to some ex- tent. However, Dr. Boone believes that operation is usually necessary. Usually the gallbladder is com- pletely removed at operation, though it may only be drained) On the other hand, many other physicians favor medical treatment unless gall- stones are present or unless the infection become acute with fever and danger that the gallbladder might rupture or break open. More important, however, is the avoidance of overweight, the taking of enough exercise and the use of proper diet in order to help keep gallbladder disease from developing in the first place. Quick to Sew Only NINETY MINUTES to sew this darling drawstring frock! So very easy! Pattern 4751 is one piece; NO buttons, placket, or armhole, no waist or shoulder seams! This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10 takes 2% yards 35-inch fabric. -Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be acceptzd) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMCER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern ' Départment, Oshawa. GLAMORIZING -- Pret By HELEN LJ] L J BLESSED with eyes that have warmth and sparkle it doesn't matter much if other features are not strictly up to beauty par. Pretty eyes make a wonderfa! appeal; what a girl does with them can increase : the appeal tenfold. The colors she selects for frocks and hats can enhance them, A blue hat of the right shade will accent blue eyes, a red one will bring richness of color- ing to brown eyes. Any young wo- man who is keen minded when sh> looks at the reflections in the looking glass must havg no- ticed that, Tan millinery is sel- dom becoming to women with pale eyes, while rich brown mo- dels will prove flattering. The pretty one with green or hazel eyes must never wear grey; it dims their glory. Dress Colors We are :accustomed to think- inz that dress colors must be favorable to the complexion, but it is equally important to consid- er the eyes. Until something happens to her eyes, the average. woman takes it for granted that they need no special care, other than bathing twice a day, Medical men Eyes Make Strong Appeal ; i, A pair of good dark glasses is excellent insurance against eye strain for those who plan to spend long hours in the glaring sun this summer. FOLLETT * LJ say now that the human eye is re-- trograding. There are more im- perfections than in the past, more individuals need glasses. That's something to think about, you girls who 'sew. or read in a dim light. Reading on a moving train is a bad habit, With every move- ment of the head, vision must ac- commodate itself to distance, and that is a strain, Miniature Camera 'he eye is a miniature camera. Te retina_js the sensitive plate. The {iris serves as a curtain, Ev= ery waking moment the eyes are on the job. That is why they should not be overworked, should have periods of rest if you sit at a desk or typewriter all the day long, Close the lids for five min- utes, They will be grateful for even that short period of relaxa- tion, Don't postpone putting on glas- ses if you find that eyes tire quickly. They're the only eyes you have, and it is a shame to abuse them, If they smart and burn they are rebuking you for neglecting them. A pair of good dark glas- ses is an excellent investment for those who plan to spend long bours in the glaring sun. B.C.'s Only Woman Architect Is Housewife First of All Vancouver, May 22--(CP)-- Mrs. Catherine Chard Wisnicki, p-etty, dark-haired wife of a Polisa Air Force veteran and British Colum- bia's only registered woman archi« tect, says she is predominantly a housewife and that the homes she designs are drawn with the comfort of the housewife in mind. The Lug mother-career woman, with her six-month-old twins, knows the need to save steps and specializes in making the home more functional. "Laundries should be placed near the kitchen or bathroom and not in the basement," she says. "Think of all the time and energy wasted as the housewife trots up and down stairs with her washing." She enrolled in the Faculty of Eng! iz at MoGill University at 17--the only girl with 500 men--and graduated at 23 with a Bachelor of Architecture degreg.--= Her idea of a modern home is a "design for living ahd working in a home"--with the architect studying the couple's personalities, hobbies and manner of entertaining, then planning the home around them. Pattern 4751 comes in girls' sizes She also thinks designs should in- clude illustrations of furniture. Her advice to young couples plan- ning a home is not to "choose hap- hazardly from magazines," but to "benefit from everyday observation and analyze your actions to discov er features causing the most waste of time." SMOUSEHOLD HINT { Always wash cloths used in wax- | ing furniture. If they are not washed before they are put away, they should be kept in metal cans to eliminate fire hazards, Berlou Mothspray is Guaranteed, in writing, ] protect your fi rugs, blank loth and furs from moth damage for five rs, or Berlou pays for the damage. 44c will' protect a man's Bult dor five yeu a year; other articles equally A Buy this guaranteed mothspray today from your department, drug or hardware store. Leading laundries and dry cleaners can Berlou your clothing, furs, blankets, rugs and f BERLOU Guaranteed MOTHPROOF you Yeast from your grocer today. over 70 years. Always fresh. ® Light, luscious hot buns if with Fleischmann's. Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast gives you full value, because it's full-strength, fast-acting. Bakes better bread, tastier buns. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, order Fleischmann's Fresh the familiar yellow label has been Canada's favorite for This dependable yeast with at your grocers 7 Tomorrow's Activities Adelaide House Jr. Boys' Tumbling Archery--Girls Teen Centre Archery--Teen Centie Art Exhibit The Movie Column By RON GADSBY Canadian Press Staff Writer If you like Mickey Rooney and are a follower of the Judge Hardy family adventures, you are in for a treat in the current "Love Laughs at Andy Hardy." In it is one of the funniest sequences we have seen in many a moon. The story, which is the usual fluffy comedy of life in "a typical American family," gets Rooney in- volved with the tallest and most beautiul female imaginable. She is Dorothy Ford, six-feet, four-inches tall, and every well-proportioned acre of her is balm to the eycs. Ultimately the minute Rooney, who has to shade his eyes to look at .the top of a hydrant, attends a dance with Miss Ford and they do a jitterbug routine that will roll you in the aisles. ¢ The Hucksfers Sequel Frederick Wakeman, author of "The Hucksters," has been at it again and his latest manuscript has been purchased by Rinehart and Company for publication next Aut- umn, Universal-International have bought screen rights to the story which will be called "Saxon Charm." It is a tale with a New York background and is about theatrical people, which could 'méan almost anything. Wakeman also wrote "Shore Leave" which re- celved wide acclaim for its earthi- ness, Follow The Trends Movie companies are probably the greatest "trend followers" in the world. Their products run in cycles, 'it seems, and here's a pro- phecy of a new one, Watch the flood of quickies that will concern the affairs of juveniles, a follow-ip on present interest in the rising crime wave among the young. QUESTION AND ANSWER Will the divorce rate continue te accelerate? Yes. In 1940 one marriage in every five or six ended in divorce; in 1946, one out of every four. By 1996 one marriage out of every two will so end, according to long-range analyses. '= '+o: Walter F. Will- cox and others) x ANNTEER Pinafore or Tie on practical Gay apron with appliqued pansies, (one cunningly forms a pocket), and lazy-daisy flower decoration. Gay glamour apron, easy sewing and embroidery, Pattern 7128 has transfer; necessary pattern pieces. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-tossee charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coin (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. . Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE, Pattern Department, Oshawa. (CAMPBELLS ~ FLOUR FOR LIGHTER - PIES, CAKES AND PASTRIES MORE TENDER ACNE CAN BE , CONTROLLED By W. H. Karn, Phm.B, An acne condition of the skin is too often accepted as inevit- able at certain ages--something that cannot be corrected--that must be outgrown. Most young people do outgrow acne, but not until it has left large pores or unsightly marks that are permanent. Or worse, has denied these young people many hours of happiness by making them unattractive and self-conscious. Let your doctor examine your child's skin to determine the proper diet and cleansing meth- .od to follow and he will also be' able to prescribe certain drugs that will help correct acne, : A competent pharmacist will fill the 'prescription with fresh effective ingredients, Karn's Drug Store Dear Mrs. Beeckman: My brother is going to be mar- ried in June, and our family and my brother's fiancee's family are certainly having trouble as to who should pay what wedding ex- penses, First of all, Mother and Dad have purchased everything for the kitchen of the couple's new home, Mother is having a beautiful and expensive Commu- nion Breakfast at our home, and we are going to have photographs taken at that time because the bride-to-be doesn't want .to have photographs taken at a studio. We are hiring a hall and engag- ing an orchestra for the after- noon and evening reception. We are buying a corsage for every woman relative of ours, and a boutonniere for every man rela- tive. And we are paying for ho- tel rooms for quite a few out-of= town guests, Now my 'brothers future mother-in-law suggests that we pay for the bridal cake, for the invitations, and, if we de- cide to have the cinner at a ho- tel, for the dinners of everyone on our side (including my broth- er, the bridegroom!). Even though we have shown this family a newspaper clipping of your column stating who pays what wedding expenses, it seems they are not paying any attention to it. I had 'understood that my mother, the bridegroom's moth- er, was supposed to be the guest at the wedding, and not the host- ess, Will you please clear up these questions for us? Ww. 8 Although, as you say, the bride's family is not paying any attention to the customs as to who pays what wedding expenses, what I cannot understand is why your family, the bridegroom's family also has not abided by these regulations, And although it is true that the bridegroom's mother and father are the guests of honor at the wedding, I can- WHAT SHOULD 1 DO ABOUT -- The Bride's Family Imposing? By MRS. PORNELIUS BEECKMAN not understand why, unless they wished to do 80, they have taken over so many of the responsibili- ties of the bride's mother and father, who are the hosts of the wedding. 1f the plan was to have a Com- munion Breakfast, it was the bride's family's responsibility to give it and to pay for it . , .it was not the responsibility of the bridegroom's family to give this breakfast either at their hom or anywhere else, Nor was it the responsibility or prerogative of the bridegroom's family to make arrangements for the photo=- graphs , , . these arrangements should be left to the preference of the bride-to-be, And why did the bridegroom's parents take fit upon themselves to hire the hall and engage the orchestra for the reception, the expenses of which should be paid by the bride's pa- rents, the hosts? Of course it is proper for the bridegroom's mother and father, it they wish to, to furnish the equipment for the kitchen, It is the bridegroom's responsibility to | send a corsage to his bride's mo- ther and to his own mother (to other women relatives if he wish- es), and to provide boutonnieres for himself, for each of his at- tendants, for the bride's father, and for his own father. And it is proper (though not necessary) for the bridegroom's family to provide hotel accommodations for their out-of-town relatives, Apparently your mother and fa. ther are unusually generous peo- ple, and apparently the fiancee's mother and father belong to the "gimme" school of thought, will- ing to, eager to,take advantage of your parents' kindness and generosity. 1 marvel that you brother, the prospective groo isn't embarrassed by the unattrace tive tactics of his prospective in- (Continued on Page 7) > -- - ' 0s Nz h/ bad Sor -- Rich in promised happiness, the thrilling béauty of a Bridal Wreath diamond ring is worthy of the love which goes with it. So remember that only Bridal Wreath offers this THE PPO gic > 3 omise with a of sincerity « Fhe 4-point Polit bo of perfect color, cut, brilliance and flawless Quainy! Look for the name Bridal reath inside the ring you choose. Bridal Wheat THE PROUDEST NAME IN DIAMONDS SEE DISP OUR rh [4 1 Simcoe S. \¥ Phone 1650 2 NAME IN DIAMOML Ded nie BRIDAL WREATH 3) (amen AS te y Burns Credit Jewellers 32 King W. Phone PROUDEST NAME IN 389 HCH) 4

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