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Daily Times-Gazette, 27 May 1947, p. 14

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i 3 i ; 10--Instruction , roof od' Bttics, , estimates. . itor, Government forms ' Street. Established 1889, - . PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1947 _ WANT AD SECTION <%= Tt DIRECTORY * 1--Auditors NATHAN TESSIS, ACCOUNTANT AND suditor. Apply Box an, Qshawa, Liiies. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Articles For Sale .. 36 -Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ...° ~ Auditors \..... Automobile For Automobiles Wanted sesveinne GRAHAM BICELE, ACCOUNTANT AU- reports and income work. tax Phone 1004J. Arthur 8t. (Junel3) Auction Sale . Barristers Instruction Trades .. 8. 2127. T. HOPKINS,' CER' accountant, 24 Alger Bi Bt Phone countant and auditor. usines Oppar. » unities ... Pos i ore tunities Wan! ~ 2--Barristers BUD rT Gardening and Supplies ........ 13 Household Repairs. 14 douses For Rent .. 28 Loan Wanted .. Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ...... 42 r'] wsessssnsnnen 3 vsenses 10 « 9a Real Estate Wanted ...ceo..00 26 Horgeey, Lose a1, Foun erage 8 in (Junell) CONANT & ANNIS, In FP. Annis, =s. 715 Simcoe Street ps Phone 4. Residence 739 (Jupel9) 8. Fr KC. gancitor: Cio " 6 King sires: East partner Ww. C. Figmee KC. Uh due: GRIERSO! CREIGHTON & FRASER. 4 ete. ans of Commerce Buide (Junel) 8, K.0.. BARRISTER, . 6 Simcoe St. North. Phones: Office 814; residence Money to loan. (Junel) AMES R MacBRIEN, ! Ja Soueitor Suite 301 70 Bast: Genoshs Hotel. Phon! Phone 349, (Juneld) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.O., BARRIS- Money ter, Solicitor to loan. pint 1415 King St. 445. Res, Phone Easy, Oshawa 837, (Junel) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- Stor iL . Room 2 fos SINCLAIR, ET wa Bank of TR Fuld = Rr 99, (Junel) ational Housing Nortn. Phone 1614. (Junel?) mortinds loans, 0 56 Stmeoe. Nori HET sett Bloc. suits No. 4 Money to Joss. Bas- ir 3a--Physicians and Surgeons BAP Ys RON: 153 KING ST. LAN os Hours: Phones e2) | 1: ETC. | also roofing done. Phone 4037-J, (122¢) Res. { SAND, GRAVEL, Sleten SO. Dressmaking eee. * Bm ent an vessassse 8 OLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO Above rates apply only to original All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office Hours: Optometrists ....... 8 THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... new original order. P and 20 words or less, 20c addition. Each initial otter, abbreviation $ and ¢ AD RATES 20 a5 « LOC 25 orders for consecutive insertions. at 2 2a date date -constitute a 00 per month for for all words over 20. figure count as a ditional 'MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. ull word. Box charged 10¢ 11--Building Trades [256--Real Estate For Sale TILE-TEK { CLEAN LOT, 40 X 115, PLANTED WITH trees, GH, ROOFING, flooring, quick service, work Gruska, Phone 318W. (123c) PHONE GG. BESSE _3152W, ° SAND, gravel, loam, .earth ll, delivered or taken away. Truck for hire. : (Juned) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED; two cro of berries, stock. 601 Montrave Ave. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, TILED KIT- chen and bath, In excellent ¢ condition. , fruit year certified (123c) THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten 37--Articles Wante* L SMALL MEAT SLICER, PHONE 3480, {123¢) 2, woh 1 we Nort Mion 38--Female Help Nanted eniences. Two adults and ter. "Willow Acres," Bowmanville. Tel, . (122¢) WILL PROVIDE ROOM in Jor housek ing June Sept. phone 3624-8 fe for arrangements. (122¢) WOMAN O] R GIRL TO HELP IN home all it Sandey and part Wednesday. Phone 2787 _(122¢) DIS aN ASHER WANTED. APPLY Grand Caf (1211) CED GIRL no Sooking. RS housework, Mc-~ Donkig, Pickering 1 i) CED i SALES lady age 25-40. No attachments to take charge of China and Gift de summer résort. Apply Mrs, tchell, Christian's Electric and Hardware. (1191) BOOKKEEPER TO TAKE CHARGE O sina ey of books, Wille ghing sauce , experiences, references xX 820, Times-Gaszette. (123c) ICED SALESLADY FOR Eiselient salary. Apply round position. liens salary. Apply Box 747, ; mess TE [ENCED GIRL OR WOMAN TO help with housework and look after nik Phone 2099J. (123e) 29-2Rooms For Rent 34--Pets and Livestock : 36--Articles For Sqle 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSEKEEP- 'ing privileges, abstainers. Phone aa ROOMS, ADULTS (123a) AUG- (1238) TWO UNFURNISHED only. Phone 4168J. 3-ROOMED APARTMENT, JULY, 3 ROME TAT 825, Times-G SPANIEL. PUPPIES FOR_SALE, C. 3337W or apply 124 Park. Rd. N. | BABY BUDGIES, BEAUTIFUL COLORS, ready for finger tral Ing stock, 114 Elgin St. E. also bi y |one mohair divanette, COCKER 'PUPPIES, months, male and New oil burner. y iences. Terms arranged. 64 "Alexander Blvd. (123¢) OME ERATIONS, eve J A (May21) Boyd, 16 William 7-ROOMED HOUSE IN goon RESI- i available Reasons, Say Boy I18 is at oncs. Times NEW FURNISHED BEDROOM WIT! rivate 3- pe bath, Soutaining hot water, uitable two. 299 Simcoe South 1b) 29a--For Rent , LOAM AND Sump trucks for hire by LARGE BUILDING, 22x17 FT., re ficor and rolier door. or hour. Robert Muir, Courtice. Phone Oshawa 77J4. (Junel) PAINTING, , Bevel AND SPRAY. DE- iW. (June5) Hig Phorm 'ALLED, ALSO small cemen! obs done. For in- formation call IW. (June8) 146 (Junel) OFFICE. Phone sol asi © (June2d) of your insurance Ot Insurance 1nglud e, nel) fo. Tous. CONE (Juni 7-=Veterinarians -|P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Se 2. | 14--Household Repairs H. GORDON BROUGH, DECORATOR GOOD HEALTH £7) BETTER frost richés. Phone your Raw! er, 384 Ritson South, 217R. ( watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 Street West. Your DPatroBage sclclied | = Ran | $4,80 lshts, phone, double garage. te possession. Situated west side north of Manches- ter. $89. Apply Gravelle, 25 King East. (122¢) --~8-room stucco house, wa- ter, alEhte, 7 acres black oan, 115 miles a, house, all con- a Oshawa Blvd. Possession 6-room veniences, July 1st. $2,6( 600 caver: frame house, all COTTAGES, WITH X=. and boats, near Norwood Write Box 184 or Telos (121e) tricity, Trent River, phone 3266 Norwood, PASTURE FOR RENT, $7 PER Phone 1586M. HEAD. (121c) od folet, tube. v us ul $6 per month. Negioors » limos Nora 'and red. H | Prestonvale, Store. 'S FOR REND. BUN ERAPT | LADY Ey Reasonable. mile north' Pidduck's 121¢) or will es. hange Ii etd Ph excl e for le one, one Buw, (123a) ONE COOK STOVE WITH RESERVOIR, makes double bed, one 3, horse, 10-volt electric mo- tor. 68 Barrie Ave. Phone oo (122b) OAK LUMBER. DRY FOR FLOORS. 154 Stacey Ave. (122b) 34a--Pets & Livestock Wid. YOUNG CALVES, EITHER 'ANTED, sex. Phone 416J12, (123¢) 35--Wearing Apparel LIGH HT BLUE DRESS MAKER hardly worn, $13. Phone 3138 after 53 :30. SUIT, 23b) 12-14, Pe Lady's ter with red fox collar, size 16, 506 Drew._or phone 1739J. IG COAT, SIZE coat, black il 1 30a-----Koom & Board Wanted . Tresane St, M. HENNICK REAL ESTATE BROKER (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW DESIRES room and board or room with kitchen privileges. Could be Nelpful to some other person who needs company or live assistance, Box 815, Tisken-Giage ette. 5-] COTTAGE. WATER, Imme- Phone 4645-W. (122c) 2 ULTS AND 1 GIRL 11 YEARS, IN qui home, Box 822, Times VENEER DWHEL- East, d 31--Wanted To Rent SEVEN-ROOM BRICK Hoe, Athol . Btreet in - first class -repair, floors, insulated, possession on or before June 15. Se- venty-five hundred do can be arranged for rials io | 802, Times-Gazette. 15--Gardening and Supplies TWO LARGE conveniences, in terms. Phone (May21) FRUIT TREES, PLANT NOW,' APPLE, pear and trees over five thous- and. Government , early bear- al low prices. 159 Verdun Rd. DR. 8B. H. WEBSTER. LARGE AND animal ». 101 Richmond Bee Etna Slot. Gunes DR PF. W. LOOS VETERINARY SUR- goon. Phone 150, Pickering, Cltne10) 8--Funeral Directors (May25) b OF OUR MOST BEAD Li BAxDY lowering Tenn: an 50. 1 $5.00. Rela oul 194 novelty. Delivered. e 4052J. (Jul) GET ODD JOBS DONE, TREES PLANT- ed, pruning and pain painting. Phone B1aow LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE New 6 room home--centre hall plan-- LOTS WITH ALL | on district. Cash or Bone OR TWO CAR @. NE LARG! one 4642W. ota floor. 2 is pporti ~dris hd Aa. self-su ng, non-drinking, no child- ren.-Apply Box 819, Times-Gazette. ad) oors -- (2 ROOMS W. living room 22x11--modern kitchen: {Er wile. ng SPAc Heated with hot water system fired by oll. Good fara large lot. Situated in good ial section north west. Priced to sell at less than cost. $9,300. Down payment $3,600 Elance on y 8ap- DALTON BURIAL COMPANY FUNERAL Ambulance Service. 75 Charles Fhone 401, (June20) 9--Money To Loan LIENS' MONIES AV. FOR F. Swarts, Apply M. Barrister. Busets Hoek, suite No. 4 Telephone 282. June20) FIRST MORTGAGE |%EF MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND oF ais AGREEMENTS North Shore Realty Co. ' Or XN (Tuss-Thurs-sat) iW. (June?) 22--L ost and Found Jos. BLACK WALLET, GOLD ZIP- con! sum of money, snap- Roi, Finder 2557J. registration, please call (123b) LOST, GREEN GOLD WRIST WATCH, leather and chain strap, between Gen- osha and Centre St. Finder Jonas oe 4T11W. fizsa ON SATURDAY AT spss |b Falr, child's str of pearls. Fider please phone 2432 Park a. Bd High 8 Sch Please Teturn to 378 Mitchell Ave. Re- -- (123¢) ST PINK GOLD GRUER wrist watch, near Regent Theatre Victoria Be Finder please phone 38960, ( ' 11--Building Trades Do Ro We dsitvr wna, vel fe FiookiN- BY i setters. Variety enlors, mates. Phone pr I 653. A Bromley. (Aprif) A,_SAND AND (June5) CONCRETE DRIVE A Sn. GARAGE and cellar floors, tract. Cement mixer for a, Phone on (May30) DUMP TRUCK SERVICE, phone: Yorerany " 4653W. A ravel, era Use. gomotz, 775 Albert St., Oshawa, Ont. (May30 Sand. and Mike Dro- | FOR 1225) | 23-- Women's Column - CHARIS FOUNDATION G. two-way stretch, corrective and 34--Personal ye 'on- (123a 25--Rea! Estate For Sale FOR CHICKEN FARM, 3%; acres, 6-room cement block house, large chicken pen, brooder house and other Apply L. Meringer 995 Lye. view _Gardens. (123¢c) ON SPECIALIST AND COM. "mercial ulldings Braeprints and 1,5" | Gardens, Gi the lake, Apply FOR SALE, 30 ACRES ON LAKEVIEW near. 995 ardens. (123¢) in 47- 71d" 3a Jas. K. i TR No 1, Oshawa (May29) Ls CURED CONCRETE TILE, 4- 8c per foot delivered. Other sles vallable. Dance Bros, Whith PAPER CAL WIRES, EVERY DES- complete line of Fluorescent , efficient service, reasonable (Junet5) | 1088J. 11, gx. | BUSINESS FOI x 13. | adic) | GOOD BUILDING LOT, . Phone 44 Cheap for cash. 36OW. 2 ACRES OF LAND WITH B Lights, water inside, phone, good | build- ing, opportunity for right Wil- son Rd. N. Owner leav! va. Phone CHOICE LOTS ON ALEXANDER BLVD. Cromwell, Ave, 45x120, Phone 3443J. | . ARE (123¢) | MEAT, GRO- | Reasonable Olive Hot R ceries and Sontectionery rent, long lease, Apply -108 FOR . SALE. BRICK HOU SIX rooms and bath. All hardw floors and modern conveniences. Large lot. | diat Apply 1 2 rates. Phone Oshawa 548W REPAIR- BUILDING, REMODELLING, ng, insulation for new hoes. pro flctive panell! © 1333W. ney 27) des CTING. "REMOD- fui l; 8t. E. (123¢) $7500. BUYS HARD- | Sil Garage, | wes Street, This ulley, Sul! Real Ba Tie! (123b) ee I sling, ge anning, alterat! and con Alex Vasan, 481 Drew St. nary. Hy y 9) do EVEREADY DUMP DUMP TRUCK AND OON- crete workers, any 'of 'cement work Cement Mg PR oe hire, sand delivered loam Jawa or Wnttoy. hone 4STIW. (Junel)" io Dent 10 WORK. for Jew idea 4505, ® (Junied) OSHAWA BLVD., fr 5. SHE ua 5s Frinco view k ho! J, Box 817 ae cl use. new, " Ties. Gazer, su ' (123¢) 13 ACRES TO. SCHOOL AND b= $600. Phone (123¢ MODERN N BRICK 1 ETO, EXCEL- lent condition, all conveniences, Ravage. n in two ss, A Louisa St. Westmount. (12. or ble ) For . | ment to inspect phone 2148W. 3 | BUILDING LOT 11510215 ft. Apply 130 CK | LISTINGS WANTED ANTED BY JUNE 18ST. NO Box 818, Tines-Gareits ic CIRCULATION MANAGER REQUIRES house or unfurnished apartment. Phone V. Hi G nearly new, size 3, te. | 32257. T | PIANO WILLIAMS. P) butit at factory. Speci 1 | Also Man' good condition, Phone # (123¢) | farm oe ony | FC sTuDio end tables, $40; 1 cook Sie, $25.; 2 WS BUY AND 3 sterilized, D! Ro posi W. Sam USED CLOTHING, ressed ra suits 354 pants. 21 Bond, 8w (Ap! like ri 36--Articles For Salu 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD DEEP wine velour with 1 Re chair, slightly used. Excellent condition. Apply 298 Jarvis. (122¢) 7-PC. LIGHT OAK "DINING ROOM suite, like new. $59. 156 Simcoe South ore 6. t(122¢) VENETIAN BLINDS * OUR BLINDS ARE GUARANTEED. 5 colors to choose from. 7-day delivery. Free Also servic- ing and re-spraying to any make of Venetian ' blind. PHONE 1843W -- R. CAMPBELL (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) BED, SPRINGS, AND Eapock matt Larg, 1 oil $2.73 "Cotborne West, °tiaic) i PAIR ENGLISH RIDING sacrifice. BOOTS, Phone ( ) | 8 T 6" x 10° 6" GREEN BROADLOOM arpet, $59. 156 Simcoe South Belore (122¢) ROOMS Bone 36--Articles Fo Sale Disyng schor Man's and Ji o, very (123) ONE TARPAULIN, SIZE 12 ply 42 Windsor Ave., Ajax, Ont. X 22. AP- |® (123¢) 1, 2-FURROW TRACTO] R PLOW; 2, 4- tired section harrows; scuffiers; rubber wagon; 1 Fleury-! er. Phone 163W3. R. W. Ball 'Taunton, . Bissell 10" & grind- Son, (123¢) FRAGRICALLY NEW, oa PAR TMENT ood range, with 7 modern coal and w prt Bis two' Sots, size 16, ch (123¢) JA , | suite, CEKET HEATER, OAK DINING ROOM couch, e for costs Phone 1395R, 58 Kenneth. SPARK PLUGS GUARANTEED TEN | thousand miles. Your favorite brand for most cars 33-42. 29¢ each. 25 Prince pe? Phone. 4153 or 2709W. (120e) (GHTLY USED VACUUM. APPLY Sot Eulalie Ave. (122¢) 8-PO, WALNUT DINING- ROOM suite. table, 1 ed chairs and buffet. Sacrifice at #79. 156 Simcoe South before 6. (122c) COAL RANGES LARGE SHIPMENT Just received. Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. DV A. credits accepted. Meagher's, Simcoe Now, (Ap GIRLY 20 BOYS' BICYCLES, GUAR- all makes of bicycles. Childrens 2c) | Phone 4739. COUCH SUITE, WITH ts. i only. No phone LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS We have listed today a real money | dan. mute : near Oshawa. Separate bafiding j- age tains stor rooms and 3-pc new hot air furnace. Bituated lot with rok, 1. sche Of land, This EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate General Insurance 82 Simcoe St. 8. MEMBER OF ONTARIO REAL ESTATE BOARD MODERN STYLE, room with ing and R210) 4 ROOMS EACH DUPLEX, STUCCO, e | with all il modern -conveniences, yacant in two ths, Reasonable. 156 Vi erun | 38 121¢c) A BARGAIN $15,000--Lovely brick residence in select residential street. Eight rooms, hot-water heating with new oil burner. Two-car brick garage, storms and screens, Nice garden, House in excellent condi- tion, inside and out. $7,000 cash required. Early possession. Box 821, Times-Gazette 'HOICE ne NTIAC, CABRIOLET, e; '3 C BE mde Station: 5 'land Rd. W. 32--Automobiles For S.le 1838 BUICK, 4-DOOR SPECIAL BSE- Radlo, heater, defroster. In ex- cellent condition, A real buy. Phone 4064J. (123¢) '35-'36 ARIEL MOTORCY! condition, Phone 180J12. ONE FORDSON TRACTOR, STEEL heels, 322 Dundas Street Hast, whit |S GOOD (123b) h; '29 . Super- hitby. (123¢) "mile west of 1038 PONTIAC COACH. NEW Motor overhauled, a Nassau. SLER SED. 6-PLY HEAVY new pain ao gabardine will trade, best received by cil noon. 185 College Ave. Phone 2527M. a oa) TIRES, (123a) and Price ly Glenn t Devine, Castle: ton. Phone 15- (1234) CHEV. GOAGH, $100; "28 OAKLAND, a fon and if tire, 0 or Best offer. Apply 243 Conant 8t. ( 230) "46" DODGE SPECIAL, 8 PARE nis and heater. Apply 160 ing West Gear); WHITE, 3-TON, STAKE 0 condiyon, 14' plat orm, nearly new. This tru on 1 astook ythi accep! Vi or an terms if desired. Phone 2318, ville. '40 CHEV, SEDAN DELIVERY TRICE: Phone 1758, (123b) '42 HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE bu seat and saddle b 49 Div- Dade, 8t. Phone 532J. gs (1235) '36 MAPLE SARL "BODY truck, trade-in Kingsway Garage, (Varcoe's Camp), 3 miles East '38 TRIUMPH SINGLE 500 MOTOR- cycle. Good condition. Apply 146 rome! Phone 4318-J. (122v TWO LARGE CLEA conveniences, in ." Phone * (June22) ) | '36 PONTIAC SEDAN. 4 NEW TIRES. Call 607-W-2, (122b) '42 PONTIAC COACH. . EXCELLENT dit} Pnone 3935-W: (122b) 1 TO 5 ACRES BUILDING LOTS. HALF way between Oshawa and Whitby. Ap- ply Witilam Garrard, Oshawa or bh Phone $6500 Living-room, 12x15, dining-rdom 73x 15, en' x8, 7 bedrooms 10x10%). wood floors, Built cupboards, 2-car garage, Lot #0x310. Low BERT PEYTON Redl Estate and Insurance Bond St. East =~ New S5-room Bungalow, Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. (123a) | 26--Real Estate Wanted FOR FARMS, e cash buyeps walting. Jones & dwell Je 5 wt results). SLE For Rent TWO house! ROOMS FOR LIGHT uit working ¢ouple or keeping, sul 2) girls, Immediate Possession, 382 King t. West. (123b) 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR RENT, continuous hot rate, good locality. Meals if so desired. Phone $v, - 12) No ays} | 1939 ARIEL 600 C.C. $250. Phone 112, 7 (122b) '36 OLDEMO BILE COACH, HEATER, Sealed Bes beam Tights, two new Yires,. new shock absorbers and bearings. 180 Bruce. five NEW INDIAN 'MOTORCYCLES, osm MOTORCYCLE! Good condition, Phone 4121J. (Junei5) 33--Automobiles Wanted A COMBINATION PLATFORM hoist for & truck. Phone 1962W, WITH i] N NEEDS CAR IMMEDIA he ust be in good condition, oo or 1, Box 816, Times-Gazette. (123c) LAKESHORE A! on wanted for wrecking. High est ices pald. Phone 3362; evening. 17 Apr S| bicycle.. Phone BLECTRI b all good dition, '400 St: {Back door), a Genuine parts and minion and Dunlop tires all sizes, aaa) Cycle: Phone 4491M. (May30) 540 19 Mitchel Ave, Phone dsathe i] 3-PC. NEW table, $40. Phone Grob 322 318 Verd } Road. ( mattress. lun SOLID WA! axriin) (123¢c) OIL BURNERS. CASH OR ON TIME. Prompt installation. Guaranteed 5-year Phon fuel ofl supply. Cities Service Oil Co. e 2015. (Jun 627) MACHINE, SMALL PERMANENT WAVE Shelton. Also turbinator drier, {ponths. Appl y Mrs, King E. . 6. used 6 . McDonald, 14s 123a) USED ey 63 Ritson Rd. 8. ACE FOR SALE. APPLY (123b) CEDAR POLES, dry Ee Phong § wood, 41, TR Jenga D Bellyery. ) 29 FORD COUPE ELECTRIC Yoh % 3, motor, Sewing 1 machine. BAW Elec- chair with other ra 28 laying hens, Phone 1088J11. and 1d articles: (123¢) UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, CHEQUE writer and wine pram. All are like new. 4052J. Phone (123c) 1, 6-PC. KITCHEN SUITE, WELL made, excellent condition. White with black trim, 205 Eulalie Ave, (123b) DROP LEAF TABLE, chair, one floor tables. 118 Montrave Ave, ONE HIGH model radio, R ON RUBBER, CTO] like mew. « looks a vahg. Wo jiurtow plow. Also discs, 50 STUDIO 8,' ler, Vista. RE B85, BABY 'Apply 383 CAR- Hi $A, ib. Cities" Service ofl Co. LINSEED TINS tins, 350. Prompt delivery. BABY STEEL OBIE, GOOD tion. Phone 659, PORTABLE PUBLIC ADDRESS S8YS- tem. Clarence Biesenthal, Oshawa Mis- sionary College. (122b| ) | p.m GIRL OR WOMAN "GENER housework. Phone 2731, - (1330) | S& AMBITIOUS YOUNG LADIES FOR INTERESTING 'RETAIL WORK IN NEW MODERNIZED STORE ® Good Salary @ Profit Sharing Bonus ® Promotional Opportunities @ Pleasant Working Conditions Applicants should prefer- ably have completed two years High School, be single and in the 16 to 25 age group. For Interview See Miss M. Chaplin Personnel Supervisor ZELLER'S LIMITED Oshawa, Ont. (May23,27,29) 39--Male Help Wanted FAMILEX OFFERS YOU MORE MONEY oa Jarger Jie in the door Jo door ' are over the value of our 200 nae household necessities. Ev ntial Dyes, the count cure the 2 Sry Dept. real, May15,27J Mons ) BEVERAGE ROOM Lan NEAT Paper and pleasant Jereonaiity at) suite. Could be seen after 6 pm. 8 Mill St. ( 9-PC, SOLID WALNUT DINING-ROOM | TWO MEN FNANNID, 'ders, over 21 years and b must 122c) | satisfied th. $1.50 an_hour to start. CHOICE HARDWOOD ' Get it now, one cord of cord wood cut up in stove lengths and delivered. Price $21. -- Soft Slabs $14. B. W. HAYNES 39 Park Rd. N. Phone 481 : (Junell) AWNINGS. WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A limiated number. Order early. Phone 34787, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Osh-' (Juned) oh ROLLS KEPT IN for all makes of washers. lulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. OIL BURNERS -- SALES, PLU complete, Reliable 'Service. town customers solicited. W. 'dale. Phone 4046J (ADII0) VENETIAN BLINDS Made of Highest Quality Metal, ' also. Sun-stop Shades, "Seven days Delivery. ESTIMATES FREE. Phone 3531-R R. G. Trewin (Tue.-Thur.) VENETIAN BLINDS 7 DAYS DELIVERY! 3 | Pree estimates, installstion and del- on, COLUMBIA BERR CANES FOR I hey. SALE, (123a) ) | ual" outs iol outa, Jacket: heater. in a: Se Phone PRIVATE WALE HOU nishings. ba 13 only. Street, Phone 2885! B Y gd = sand "color, Sagless cloth Sout, siz 4. Phone 31377, RE BED, ring-filled mattress, 1 3 slik WAY- polo (123¢) FRER TILL 3m DIVISION B FONE 24357. (123a) Laps BIGYOLE, GOOD tion. Phone 1910M after 6. CONDI - (123a) ONE GI two = linoleu AUTO SANDER, SPRAY boi saw outfit, Phone 3401W. C STOVE, convertible bert ie 123b) (123¢) 3-PC. VELOUR CHE binadfon or Sot i Bridles, No dealers, 'WINE suite. Vietor com- prop thd refrigerator and , 153 0 23c) ATOMIC POWER COMES TO OSHAWA ag 4 district, Saviug sume, 'ASH/ FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. North Phone 4695W (Apr3) SPOT CASH Dodd's car lot 3344M. FOR 278 YOUR OARS a1 Park Rd. B. / AIST) 34--Pets and Livestock PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD, FOR SALE. 322 Dundas Street East, Whitby, (133¢) 1} 1 soap and water. h gloss and wears like iron. work, lino- th Retains its lustrous Amaz- ns low price. Order your Plastic now PHONE 4497TW, OSHAWA (1301) --1. ivery anywhere--anytime. [Klso factory blinds and porch shades Mea-wo Industries Limited rin Gazette, 41--Employment Wanted write Box 816, Times (123¢) COMMERCIAL ARTIST, YOUNG MAR- ried man, experienced in all types of art, Including silk screening 2, display and showcard writing. oud or as large store. Box 824, Times. te. i (123c) EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE available now, Doctor's references. Phone 4143J. JG. BABY SITTER, AFTERNOON: OR evenings, Age 19, Phone June at i Cc) OFFICE CLERK, EXPERIEN IN income tax and insurance, desires po- ) | sition in local office. Box 814, Tess Gazette: ) FURNACES Phone for Advertising Md h (= 3¢ Bering 465 Dor a ote Si nant cents. RUMMAG! "SALE, REET Church, ty 28, 2:30. pe, 8 DANCING AT THE AVALON EVERY od, Fri, and Sat., nine till 12. King West (Tues. Fri, 39b--Male and Female Help FARM COUPLE WANTED WANTED--a cook who can #érve the meals Dad talked about--a real old- fashioned cook--one Who soorhs like rants used to do. Also ted--4& man with a strong back, a hg disposition and some- between the ears besides a hat rack--One who can fall in line with esperiinental farming but has a good 1 farm backg | No others need apply. Good wages. Giving references. - (1201) 41--Employment Wanted PLOWING GARDEN, AND SCRAPING cellars team. Apply 110 William WwW. Phone 4501W, (May31) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired, shears ahd other edged tools Phone 3163R. (June) LA ened and rep deliver. Phone Somerville Ave. LET US PICK UP YOUR.LAWNMOWER now for sharpen and joconationing. M e ground. Stan Fudge, 236 Eu- lalle. Phone 3030M, (June?) MODERN . LAWN SERVICE. Phone 3091R for Plo ck un, Har- old Wilson. 375+ t. (May12) aired. We pick up and 2164W. C. Woods, WER ibbon Youth Clubs Tough For Social Workers Manchester--(CP)--Canon F. Paton-Williams, a 'member of the "Christian Commandos" who try to take religion into dance halls, _ pubs and other public places, said © it Was easier to talk to dockers * and "sophisticated adults" than to go into some youth clubs. "here is a deeper Christian background in the north than in London where the majority of clubs cater for social activities and nothing else," the canon said, LF ESSERY FOR HIRE or BY CONTRACT Diesel Front End Shovel ozer, also Fleet of Trucks %-X &B 342 DIVISION ST. !} PHONE 3470 R. B.ABBOTT ® FOUNDATIONS ® SIDEWALKS AND ALL OTHER CEMENT WORK Phone 1640W VACUUMED Chimneys, Registers and Basements Cleaned! 3760J ED THOMAS W. MELLEY, P.O. Box or Oshawa, phone 4101w oF Gallen, ways in stock. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe North ? Phone 3800W "300k for the store with yellow F50nL* ) 2 37--Articles Wantcd Ww. URGENTLY! WASHING AND Sowing chine, Plano, Rugs any size, Electric Refrigerator, furniture, Vacuum Cleaner, Typewriter, Please write Box 48, Times-Gazette. (June20) VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER 'Measured and installed. George Phone 2104. 66 Bond ost April, 1947, 3:00 p.m. fioop USED FURNITURE JYANTED boxes, soon stoves and heaters. Bing. West. 3326W. (Apa) HIG! PRICES 'PAID FOR IRON tiresses Phone (May15) 8SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. Sponsored by UNITE (June13) | Attention Carpenters AND PERSONS DOING BUILDING and REPAIR! The Industrial Standards Act (In Brief) Carpentry Industrj-- Oshawa-Whitby Zone Approved--ird April, 1947. Filed--oth (Schedule published in the Ontario Gazette, 'April 26th, 1947)' (Effective from May 6th, 1947) Working week consists of 40 hours, 8-hour day Monday ll Friday, 8 am. till 5 p.m. Rate of wage $1.20 per hour regular working hours. Overtime $1.80, limit 3 hours per day. Sundhy or Holiday work double time. Attention persons working the regular week in other industries and doing Carpenter work after hours, days and Sundays are liable to prosecution according to the Act on work other than their own. One of tatskal Standards Comittee BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA ~~ . Local No. 397, Oshawa, ont,

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