THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE "THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1947 Youth Waits Rx Murder Trial LO Ea ren y 9, 1047. Piounig. (hes of our dear mp sway isued. 7 Yes, Lor- reine, Betty. and and Bud. Card of Thanks Mrs. to thank ill snd the na ho nd friends and relatives, their lovely fruit, flowers, , received a her recent 1ll- 'while the Back Bevin . (Continued from Page 1) TTI ii 7 7 ghee lite E 3 3 :| for LaPeer, Mich., May 29--(AP) --Oliver Terpening, Jr., a confu- sed 16-year-old, farm youth, waited in his Lapeer county jail cell today for his next court ap- pearance in the flower-patch i murder of four playmates. , Twenty miles awa at little Imlay City, the gi of-stricken +Hamily of 67-year-old farmer William Smith prepared for the funeral of Barbara, 16; Stanley, 14; Gladys, 12, and. Janet, two. Meanwhile Terpening quoted by state police as admitting the brutal killings because he won- dered what it would be like to put a bullet through a human be- ing, was bound over court for trial on a first degree murder charge. He faces a possi- ble life sentence, * Brought into justice court late also | yesterday, the youth waived ex- amination and was ordered held a circuit » court appearance next week after being examined by a psychiatric board, When Terpening comes to tri- al, county prosecutor Kenneth H. Smith said he planned to 'offer proof that the shootings Were not the result of a moment's im. pulse but rather took place when the youth was surprised by the younger - victims in an attempt to rape Barbara, whom he had considered his "girl friend." The girl's slacks had been pul- led down when her body was found, Lapeer county officials re- ported, However, Oliver in all his statements has maintained he did not molest the pretty victim whom he said he once kissed in a game of 'post office." Two physicians who éxamined Barbara's body bore out his as- sertion, she had not been raped. Bobcaygeon To Stay 'Dry' Bobcaygeon, May 20--(CP)--This Victoria county village which has been "dry" for 40 years in a local option vote yesterday defeated pro- posal to establish a government liquor store and a brewers' ware- house for sale of beer. The vote gave a slight majority in favor of the liquor and beer but the figure was not sufficient to reach the 60 per cent margin required by law. HEALTHY TO LAUGH Laughter causes use of certain muscles and extra in- take of air into the lungs. It stim- - | ulates circulation of the blood and has a beneficial quickening action on the merves. to circuits -'sale fruit and vegetable prices here Livestock ] previously at $22 for Grade A, $31.60 Farmers' Market Local Grain -- Local selling prices for grain $29-330 ton; shorts $30-$31 ton; baled hay $18-$20 to..; straw $16-$18 ton; pastry flour $2.86 a bag; bread flour $2.90 a bag. Dealers are paying mo set price. Wheat, $1.26 a bushel; oats 53- a, barley 66¢; buckwheat 75- Oc. X Churning 1 1b. 51 fob, 55 delivered. Butter prints Spehanged at: Bade 3, jieete 50, 50, Jed pass ly em as a ap to retail, A large 41, A medium 39- 40, A pullet '37-38, B 37-38, C 35-36; country shippers quoted raed eggs, cases free, A large 38-38%, A medium 363.9% A pullet 34-34%, B 34%-35, C 33. Butter solids unchanged, grade 48%, 2nd grade 46%-47. Honey -- 'Toronto, May 30--(OP)--Whole- sale honey quotations were unchan- ged here today at: 24 1-lb glass jars $4.82; 24 2-lb, glass jars $0.12; car- iB. ua. Er 1 $8.67; 2-1b. Orange Label 2-1b. Red Label 24 $7.98; bulk ro Golden Amber $6.98. Cheese -- Toronto, May 20--(CP)--Whole- sale cheese quotations were un- changed here today .et: First grade large paraffined, colored, 25 3/16 cants lbs, white 25% cents, both FOB factory. New Discovery On Ancient Mexico to have been built between 495 Mayan stronghold at Borampak in of Chiapas. Their discovery fs regarded as one of the most outstanding aspheological events of recent years, Giles G. Healey, U.S. archeologist, who headed the expedition which anesvered the historip findings, is shown left, with a Lacandone Ini Lacandones remaining and are the la There are approximately 200 Ww the pure Mayas. 1Two Youths {Convicted Of Joy Riding Appearing in Magistrate's Court this morning, two 16-year-old youths, - Clarence Smith, 218 Celina Street and Harold Bryant, 31 = Street were convicted of of taking an auto oo consent! manded a week for sentence. Statements made by the two youths at time of their arrest were a8 evidence by Ma~- gistrate F, 8. Ebbs. Evidence was that on the night of May 17, Smith called at the home of their friends and drove to To- Tonto Ini the ens, Smith yuying Um gas. When they ran out of gasoline, they left the car by the road and returned to Oshawa. The next day, May 18 they decid- ed to take another car the state- vin Woodcock. This car finally quit car?" Bryant asked hopefully, Magistrate Ebbs found him guilty of the first charge. Bryant was quickly found guilty of the second charge of taking an auto which belonged to Melvin Woodcock without his consent. Woodcock claimed that about $50 Fruit -- Toronto, May 20--(CP)--Whole- supplied by White and Com- pany follow: # «Domestic: Asparagus $1.75-82; cabbage orange crates 35-50¢; mushrooms, 5 1b. carton $2.50- $2.75; radishes, doz. 25c-35c; beets, bu., 560¢; green onions, doz, 20-25¢c; Ontario new potatoes 75 1b. bag No. 1 $1.60-81.76; car- rots' bu., unwashed $1-$1.25; washed $1.26-$1.50; turnips un- washed bu., $1; waxed turnips 50 lbs., $1.15-81.25; cucumbers, | doz., $1.50-$1.75; 24s and 30s, $3-$8.50; outddor rhubarb, doz., 25¢-35c; spinach, 50c-750; leaf let- tuce in boxes $2.50-$3; hot house tomatoes 40-45c. Imported: Cal, oranges $5.25- $7; Cal. lemons $6.26-$6.50; Fla, grapefruit $3.76-$4; Texas grape- fruit $3.75-$4; pineapples $6.50; Texas spinach, bu., $1.76-82; Cal. cauliflower $3.60; Cal lettuce $9.50; Cal. carrots ert., $4.75- $5.25; Green peas $3.75-$4; cab- bages, bags $4.75, crts., $7.50; Fla. celery $6.50-$7.60; yams $4.50; Louisiana beans, green, $4.50, $5; Cal cherries Bings 16 1b. bo tes, '$6.50-$6.75, Toronto, May 20--(OP) cattle sales on the livestock market here today were too few to establish prices. Veal calvés were steady at $16-$16.50 for Jehoice. No price es- tablished for , which closed for Bl. No early sales on two cars of Western lambs. Unsold from yes- May were 200 head of cattle. Re- ipts reported by the Dominion Te -- Service were: Cattle 10, salves 60, hogs 90, sheep and lambs -- Barly | Professors Declare Vitamin 'E' of No Value Heart Ills In Curing He: Toronto, May 29 (CP)--Promi- nent medical professors were quoted in the current issue of "Modern Medicine of Canada," as stating that they have found-no substan- tiation for claims that use of vita- min E has value in treatment of heart disease. 'The method of treatment was advanced by Dr. Ev- an V. Shute of London, Ont, and his brother, Dr. Wilfrid E. Shute of Guelph recently. Dr. W. Ford Connell, professor of medicine at Queen's University, suggested in a letter to the journal that some patients with heart dis- ease have felt better after taking vitamin E but that their improve- ment was psychological, not physi- cal. Dr, Connell added that he had knowledge of treatment with the vitamin in 20 cases "and the results of these cases were dis- appointing." Dr. Robert T. Noble, registrar- treasurer of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario, has recommended that the Ontario De- partment of Health establish an im- partial inquiry into the value of the treatment. Retirement Plan Ford Barrier Detroit, May 20--(AP)--The CI. O. United Automobile Workers' de- mand for an old-age plan from the Ford Motor Company stands as the major barrier to a peaceful settlement of a contract dispute between company and un- retirement ion, The U. A. W. rejected yesterday HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Borrow $20 to $1000 for almost any worthwhile purpose, without endorsers or bankable . security. And take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger andounts. Here's all you do to borrow. Just phone or visit the Household branch office nearest you. Tell us the amount you need and how long you want to take to repay. Your money can be ready-- usually the same day you apply. Use Household Finance's prompt and friendly money service whenever you need money. No other company in your community offers lower rates for this type of service. 15 Simgge Street South (over Kresge's) Hogs -- dressed bacon-hogs were unchanged porting early today. Accused Is Given Benefit of Doubt a public place against morning, when Ebbs decided to g the benefit of the doubt. Evidence of Constable L. 8. Young was that the by two other wititesses at the hear- ing held last week. "Also, an epileptic cused's family physician, Dr. C. W. Toronto, May 20--(CP)--Grade A at Stratford to farmers $21.85, to truckers $22 delivered, in market re- A charge of being being intoxicated In Wiliam Drayton, 292.Vimy Avenue was dis- missed in Magistrate's Court this istrate F. 8. e the accused accused was seen walking along the street in what appeared tb be an intoxicated condition. This was substantiated on the other hand," His Worship said, "it might have been seizure." This evidence having been submitted -by the ac- a company wage offer calling for an 11%-cent hourly boost and six paid holidays. This was the pay increase pattern set in récent acceptances by union Suployees of General Motors Corporation. and Chrysler Corpora- on. In turning down the offer, U. A. W. vice-president and Ford depart- ment director Richard T. Leonard indicated it might have been ac- cepted had it contained the retire- ment plan, held out by the union ag a major demand in contract nego- tiations, The union, which threatened a strike vote earlier this week when it said negotiations were not pro- gressing satisfactorily, will resume discussions with Ford representa- tives Monday. Originally the U. A. W. demand= ed a boost of 23% cents hourly along with the retirement program. The Ford offer, which vice-presi- dent John 8. Bugas said would af- fect 130,000 production workers, ex- cluded temporarily at least 3,800 members of the Foreman's Associa. tion of America, currently on strike. The company also announced it was putting into effect June t & 10~ per-cent wage boost for 20,000 salar- Gem Theft | Nets Officer Ten Years Yokohama, May 29--(AP)-- Edward J. Murray, an American Colonel of infantry who won his decorations in combat, today heard an Army court martial sentence him to 10 years impris- onment for misappropriation of a fortune im diamonfis he had ta- ken 'home as 'souvenirs of war +. J" He also was ordered dis- missed from the service, Although the jewels he was charged with taking during his custodianship of the Bank of Japan vaults were valued at first at $210,000, the court reduced this to $92,000, Murray himself, in the only statement he made to the court, said he was ignorant of the dia- monds' value until aftér he had taken them home in March, 1946, and a diamond broker offered his wife '"'a price which astonished her by its size." "To the best of my knowledge," his written statement asserted, the diamonds "were never in the custody of the United States" uns til he himself handed them over to customs officials who had challenged and searched him in San Francisco. He has never revealed the source of the gems, saying only, that they were not in American custody, and that only he was in- volved in their acquisition. TIDINESS FOR HEALTH Tidiness is a good health measure, say health authorities. "Hanging clothes on hangers allows them to "| Court this. morning. or $60 damage had been caused and po that Be Bis not seen it for about-two-da; Bryant hi guilty to the third charge. Vincent Smith, in his defence re- garding the first charge of taking that if they hadn't been given per- mission to take the car, how did he (Bryant) get the keys. Vinson tes- tified' that he hadn't left them in the car. Det. Sgt. Herb Flintoff then read a statement, made by Bryant which claimed Smith bought the gas for the trip to Toronto. Smith claimed he thought the car had been loan- ed to Bryant, because of the keys. Smith was found guilty of this chargé notwithstanding the qtiestion | of the keys. Smith then changd his plea of not guilty, regarding the second charge to one of guilty and let his plea of guilty on the third charge stand. Suspend Sentence For Wood Theft Evidence for the defence 'was heard in the case of Michael Lupul, 171 Mitchell Avenue, in Magistrate's . Lupul was found guilty of a charge of retain- ing stolen goods, taken from the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway. In passing sentence Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs, took Into consideration the fact that it was the defendant's first appearance in court and also that theré may have heen encour- agement for his actions. He placed Lupul under sus, sentence for a period of one year, fined him the costs of the court and warned him to stay away from the CPR. property. J. Cassidy, section foreman, in charge of cleaning cars, testified he had not given the accused permis- sion to take any wocd, or wooden grain doors at any time. He ad- mitted, however, that there had been cases where people took wood and nothing was done about it. Eddy Labinac, checker at the C.P.R. testified he had been watch- ing the cars on May 21. He said he saw Lupul come over and take some wood from beside the track. He warned Lupul mot to, but he took .it so he called. the police. 'Evidence of two other witnesses was heard, one corroborated the evidence of Lupul and the other the | evidence of the section foreman, tot i NEED FOR PENICILLIN London -- (CP) -- A new type of shampoo-developed by penicillin re- | search workers as an agent to re- move cystine from human hair--is on view at the British Industries Fair, Cystine is used in the manu- facture of penicillin. : FIRST CENSUS Canada took the first census of modern times in 1666 when' 3,215 ment read, which belonged to Mel- | the car from Willlam Vinson, asked | Brockville, May 20--(CP) -- "The Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church in Canada entered the third day of sessions today in will conclude Friday night. of the owner and were re~| from Rev. Dr. H. A. Kent, Queens Theological College, Conference that more money was needed to carry efficient training program, and that more ministers' were needed in the ser- vice of the church. He stressed that young "people Sliouid be BIEed. torenters the Maines Rev, A, M, Laverty, newly ap- More Women Missionaries | Needed, McN McNeely Reports their annual 23rd meeting which | who # ers, teacher and other representa~ tive 'groups in = educational against the Has which the new TE lation had increased. Meat-Eating Owls -| Home-Loving Pets Regina--(CP)--A pair of horned owls are the pnique pets of George Blackhurst"s family here whose only complaint is t the meat- eating birds have a taste' also for their garden radishes. The owls, "Hootie" and "Arnie", male and female, with wingspans feet, 10 'inches respectively, are about one year old and have been with the Blackhursts since they were just "balls of fluff." The almost inseparable pair of four feet, four inches and three gram' doors spend most of the time out of but close to the Blackhurst home. _ At' night, they swoop onto the Blackhurst porch for their ' daily feed of raw mi scraps. But hi, they spend" their nights ss the blizzard which the I last February, birds remained in the Blacknurst home, They were usually perched on top of a'china cabinet and vise itors to the house sometimes mis- took them for stuffed owls and were shocked when they were first noticed moving, There were no cattle in North America until they were imported by settlers. | | SULFORON 4s completely wettable, remains in suse pension, will not fag: spray ! wozzle o> Better Control of icro-fine S ulphur EASIER ON FOLIAGE AND FRUIT BUDS SULFORON 1s wader iy Vordeats or lime sulphur, yet gives highly effective control of apple, peach and pear scab, powdery mildew, brown rot of stone fruit, Carnation rust; snapdragon rust, black spot of roses, and many other diseases: SULPORON penetrates right through the downy covering of young fruit and the underside of leaves. Six to eight pounds make 100 gallons of spray (may also be used as dust). Ask your dealer for SULFORON. 6-Ib. and 50-1b, bags. : A C-I-L Plant Protection Product CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Agricultural Chemicals Division Chatham, Ont. Wi Colgary New Westminster pm Guarantee Satisfaction Grade "A" BOILING FOWL 4 to 7 Ibs. 'each | | | Ferrier, who had added at the time, empl air properly and slso improves tne however, that he is forbidden by | ayes, appearance of the closet or clothes | persons were enumerated in "New law to drink alcoholic beverages. . ' France. "The next time, : warmed Drgion. you wi wil gu. the Baking Oven (Continued from Page 1) g maximum, kery and were in business at this N.S. Miner 8 location for many years, before they closed up. (Continued from Page 1) 'Phone Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. Hours 9 10 5 or by appointment -- Loans mods fo farmers and residents of nearby lowes Shank Off SHOULDERS PORK BACKED BY 69 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HOUSEHOLD FINANCE = Corpo sveclecre of Nae Crna lee D. M, Tod, 136 Simcoe Street |. ! North, decided to' open the ! . store as a branch bakery soon af- Don't Miss ter the above owners closed how- \ 4 ever and lucky he did, for shorte . this Closing Meeting of the Sennen ly after this, his. bakery on King . GUEST SPEAKER Street West caught fire and was t REV. W. H. HUNNISETT emporarily closed, for repairs. of he or Voor Mission, Toronto "I relied completely upon this BRUCE HARRAD, Soloist branch store," he said, "It bein possible to bake 320 loaves © ; THE MUSICAL EVERITTS of Port Huron, Mic! bread at one time in that oven." Mr, Tod stated that when his Salvation Army Band in attendance Sat., May 31 -- 7:30 ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH the branch store, and was the . Boosh Don't Forget last one to use the huge ynder- ground oven, the Annual Sunset Cruise hi Ey months of the nr. Bh matters affecting production, and brought up at this conference, will be taken up and fully dis- Mr. Scott said the company was putting into effebt changes which were to be discussed jointly during the first six months of the contract KN | which is yet to be signed. He said 'the company had taken away '"cer- tain rates and conditions of con- tract of many years standing." ORS majulics was "the dismissing of r employees and placing them ion on," when they were cap- \able of doing a fair day's work, a matter which the union had "bite terly opposed." There was no comment from com- the situation gp She ! wi cropped up after i | miners began to return - work yesterday - following . acceptancs of a= agreement giving them wage in- creases of $1 over pre-strike basic Tales of $5.84 a day. A LITTLE COVENT MARKET | ATHOL AT SIMCOE PHONE 1507 eevssssess Ib. 35e serves Ib. 59¢ The reason for this was that the government banned all und- erground ovens for baking, a law which was sponsored by Honor- able John Dryden, M.P. So now, after all these' years, the old bricks are being pulled out to make way for the through passage of underground wiring and no longer will the aromatic odor of baking bread waft out from it's caverous space tp tempt | I'the palate and tease the taste, SESS / '