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Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Jun 1947, p. 18

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-- "PAGE EIGHTEEN THE DAILY TIMES:CAZETTE - ~~ -~ THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 -§ Yhe Movie Column By RON GADSBY Canadian Press Staff Writer 8 1] §t § GROCER | NEAT JUST ARRIVED! New---longer wearing--Safer-- ® Cushion Cord Latex Dipping © Longest, Toughest Wear \ 897-14 ORDER NOW AT BILL'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE RITSON RD. & OLIVE AVE. OSHAWA PHONE 4029 root of all beauty is love and com- P panionship, The film, by the way, won a prize for color at the recent Internation- al Festival at Cannes. In case you're worried, the English sub-titles are 1 quite adequate. _ Third Role Paul Dupuis, the handsome Mont- real former war correspondent, has been signed for his third movie role just after initialling a seven-year contract with the Rank organiza- tion. Dupuis, who made a sensational screen debut in "Johnny French- man," will play opposite the new French discovery, Simone Signoret, returned to London where he completed es for "Whispering City" and is headed to Belgium for the "Wind" location. A-GARDENING GO -- "If you want to know whether you're a welcome visitor to other people's gardens, be introspective for a minute. Answer this question honestly: When you go to see an- other man's blossoms, do you leave your own blossoms at home? Or test your character thus: 'Can you stand your neighbor's borders five min- ul without saying I--my--me-- mine?"--Julian R. Meade, ¢ New Decoration Show off your versatility in needlework! Embroider and ecro- chet this peacock chair set. Easy embroidery, popular pineapple crochet, You'll be so proud of this chair set! Pattern 7022 has em- broidery transfer crochet direc- tions. Our "improved pattern--visual with easysto-see charts and pho- tos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coin (stamps cannot be accepted). for this pattern. Print NAME, ADDRESS, Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE, Pattern Department, Oshawa. : HOU SEHOLD FINANCE worthwhile Borrow $20 to $1000 for almost any purpose, without endorsers or bankable security. And take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger amoun: Here's all you do to borrow. Ne phone or visit the Household branch office nearest you. Tell us the amount you need and how long you want to take to repay. Your money same day you apply. can be ready-- usually the Use Household Finance's prompt and friendly money service w henever you need money. No other company in your community offers lower rates for this type of service. 15 Simcoe Street S outh (over Kresge's) Phone Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. Hours 9 fo 5 or by appointment -- Loans made fo farmers and residents of nearby towne "Oto 7 wou 13 [o]H)) JT .143 leore off C--ctoercler GLAMORIZING -- [} Do-Dads for a Lady's Hair By HELEN FOLLETT Leslie Brooks, Hollywood star, * » If you fancy you would like to put some sort of a do-dad in your hair when you are about to fare forth in your new summer formal, you'll find a lot of cute tricks in the shops. But don't be hasty about making a selection. It is one dress item that must be precisely and exactly correct, It must look as if it be- longed to you, your type, the rest of your get-up, Unless you are tall and stately, don't fall for any. ela- borate design. There are tiny clus. ters of ostrich tips for long, lean queenly girls; very elegant, to be worn only with the really gorgeous dress. There are laurel wreaths of gold tissue. And what do you think? A Miss Lovely who wore one at a Hollywood party not long ago, also wore gold eye shadows. Effective? You can bet your new hat that it was. The bandeau is in keeping with - models an attractive hair ornament. L 2 L 4 the up-swept. hairdo. Gives one a feeling of confidence that those top coils will stay in place. It may be formed of artificial flowers, of gold tissue. All kinds of materials 'are employed for ornaments of this character. The Sweet Young looks prettiest with lovely locks arranged simply, usually of shoulder length with ends turned under and no de- corative element present. other than a single flower. And that reminds us, fresh flowers were never more fashionable for making the coiffure festive. Strings of Pearls Strings of pearls are used in the most fascinating ways, woven in and out among the rolls atop the feminine head or so draped that they hang down in loops at the back. What, you haven't any pearls, my dear? Well never mind. Tuck a rose behind your ear; you'll look sweet and naive. WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT -- Gift As I Was Proxy Godfather? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Before I was sent overseas during the war I served as "god- father by proxy" in place of a friend of mine who was then ov- erseas, Just after the christening I went overseas, -and since the baby's parents were .not relatives of mine I have not seen -them since my return to this country. Nor is it probable that I will see them for some time to come, for I have been told that they have moved permanently to the other coast, Last evening my sister and I were speaking of these people, and she said that she was sure that, as I was proxy godfather, it was my responsibility to send the child gifts for its birthday, for Christmas, and for such spe- cial occasions. (The baby's god- father is now in this country). I told her I thought this was "bunk," that there would be no reason for such a rule, Is she right? Anthony You're right . . . this idea of hers is "bunk," and there would indeed be no reason for such a rule ag she is concocting. Your courteous responsibility ended when you served as god-father at the christening in place of your friend, From then on the posi- tion of god-father is your friend's responsibility. Bride's Young Brother As Escort: Her Mother Gives Her © In Marriage Dear Mrs. Beeckman: These are our circumstances: My mother and father are separ= ated; we four children, two sons and two daughters, live with Mother, who has a part-time po- sition; my sister and I, the two oldest, have positions; and we are quite an independent little family, Now I am 'to be married goon, and I am planning to use only my mother's name on my wedding invitations. The wed=- ding will be in church at four o'- clock in the afternoon, and my only attendant will be my sister. But now comes the question as to who is to give me in marri- age. Mother ig against my walk- ing up the aisle alone. Would it be proper for my brother, aged 15, to give me away? He is a half-inch taller than I, and acts "peyond his years." I would so much prefer having him rather than any of our relatives who have helped us not at all in the past and whom 'we don't wish to ask for any favors, What is your opinion? H.A. Your sister, as maid of honor, your only attendant, is, of course a perfect plan, By all means, give your fine young brother the hon- or of escorting you up the aisle. And then please plan to give your mother the honor of giving you. in marriage, She will be seated in the first pew on the left of the aisle, and when the minister asks, "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?' she will rise in her place in the pew and say "I do." Or, if she wishes to, she may step forward to your 'side and perform her role in this art of the ceremony. Tip Often Given At Soda-Counter Dear Mrs, Beeckman: 1 had always understood that when one had lunch at a soda counter, it is not necessary to tip the counter-attendant. But lately 1 have wondered if I were right about this, for last week the girl next to me left a 10-cent tip, and today -a man. sitting -next to-me left a 6-cent tip for his check for a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Has this non-tipping custom changed, or is my durabness just because I haven't been around?" Norah Not so very long 'ago it was true that tips were not usually glven to clerks at soda-counters, because then the patron : most often had -a five-or-ten-cent drink. But now that meals are 80 much the order-of-the-day at soda-counters, patrons very of- ten leave a tip, even though a small one, for the clerk. And if the lunch service is at a table in a drugstore, a tip should be giv- en, just as it should be in a res- taurant. GOOD TIME TO PLANT GOOD MANNERS Springtime , , , it's a gbod time to plant the seeds of a fine new crop of good manners. Then happily, high-heartedly, watch the garden growl Make several of these .darling sun-suits and skirts for your lit- tle busybody! Sunsuit of Pattern 4885 takes one yard with con- trast ruffles extra, has one main pattern part, This pattern, easy to use, sim- ple 'to sew, is tested for fit, In- cludes complete illustrated in- structions, Pattern 4885, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5,-Size 2 sunsuit with self- ruffle trim, 1 1/8 yds, 35-in. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in colns (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMECER Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern: Department, LE] Rearrange Kitchen And Win $100 Prize Toronto--How many hours does the average housewife spend in her kitchen? The experts clajm from four to five hours a day, which is about one-third of all her daytime urs. That's one practical reason why every woman should take pains to rearrange her kitchen furaishings so that she can move about quickly, with ease and freedom and a mini- mum of steps, according to Kate Aitken, director of women's activi- ties for the Canadian National Ex- hibition. "If you don't like the kitchen you have, if it clutters your movements and hampers efficient kitchen work, take time out to plan in your own mind just how it could be re- arranged," - Mrs. Aitken suggests. "Jot down all the little problems in your kitchen-problems that handi- cap your work. Make a note of the petty annoyances, the awkward stretches. Think up ways of solv- ing the difficulties." There is $100 in cash prize money for the bona fide homemaker who turns in the best re-arranged kitchen plan to the women's section at the C.N.E. this year. Two plans must be sent in, one of the old kitchens indicating the size, open- ings and working difficulties. The second would chart the kitchen re- modeled, with a list of the changes and their approximate cost. i Architects' drawings or profes- sional layouts will not be consider- ed by the judges, it is pointed out. The prize-winning kitchen will be set up in the Coliseum. NEED FOR VEGETABLES While useful in combination with such nutritious fooas as milk, tomatoes and cheese, mac- aroni and spaghetti are not ade- quate substitutes for vegetables, warn national health nutrition- ists, Canadian housewives, in order to ensure sufficient essential vi- tamins and minerals in the fam- ily diet, should supplement them with real vegetables. Madaron{ and spaghetti are given approval mainly as "calorie boosters." Try a Classified ad in The Times.Gazette for quicls results phy Ike SOCIETY DOG FOOD 20 oz tins 27¢ i JAVINE JAVEL TOMATO JUICE APPLE SAUCE CATELLI GRAPEFRUIT JUICE CHOCOLATE ICINu MACARONI, SPAGHETTI » - . or READY CUTS QUAKER MUFFETS ° | SHREDDED COCOANUT * = ° ° ° CHICKEN HADDIE A & P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS BREAKFAST BACON Choice, Sliced Ib 59 PORK SAUSAGE pure sMaLL LINK = Ib 39c BOILING FOWL FresH GRADE 'A' «= = Ib 33 DUTCH LOAF vArieLear = = = = Ib 37c BACON: LIVER SAUSAG SMOKED HAMS WHOLE or HALF = = Ib 49 ONIONS TEXAS YELLOW NO. 1 = = = GREEN BEANS Mississippi Round Stringless 2 Ibs 29 CELERY HEARTS rLorDA pascaL = bch 29¢ TOMATOES Tex: sclected, Cello Packell = = pkg 33 OWNED AND OPERATED BY Wo oroet ATLANTIC & PACIFIC recor \ \ AY UNSWEETENED FANCY o EMPIRE STATE e SWEETENED ITS NEW--VAN KIRK'S WITH SUGAR - 20-02. 7Y>-0z. e ® eo » 4 Prin 17¢ Maple Leaf § CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 288s = ORANGES FLORIDA VALENCIA 176's = = CALIFORNIA FRESH 252's CUBAN FRESH 24's "\TEXAS FRESH » I {Gy jad 5 N 7, / 4 GRAPEY RUIX T Texas Marsh Seedless 96's = 5 for 27: CANTELOUPES California Salmon Flesh = = ea 19¢ CALIFORNIA BEAUTY 4x5 = = doz@%¢ alifornia Bing, Large, Sweet = = = doz 35 wdoz 39. ib 49. - =» = aad9c 3 bs 21 21bs17¢ _ SIMPLE SIMON GINGER BREAD MIX PKG 29. mn 10¢ Tm 19¢ rn Alf Pug. LO% ENJOY A&P BOKAR COFFEE bh 39: CUSTOM GROUND FINE FLAVOUR 16-0z. 9¢ Pkg: BLUE RIBBON NAPKINS PURE LARD MAPLE LEAF CHEESE FANCY 8-oxz. Pkg. 15¢ Tin 25¢ LIBBY"S LIBBY'S b 41c KELLOGG'S LEGS LB 73 CUT UP CHICKEN -- MILK FED GRADE A BREASTS LB 73 BONELESS CHICKEN PIECES WALNUTS NO RINSING--NO ~ Sea Food Suggestions ~~ WHITE FISH LAKE NIPIGON = = = IF 35¢ HALIBUT STEAKS FREsH = = = = 1b 39 * HADDOCK FILLETS FRESH = = = |b 39¢ COD FILLETS rresH RKIPPERED HERRING BOILED LOBSTERS MEpIUM SALMON STEAKS SALMON STEAKS sLvERBRIGHT Ib 27 J FRY'S COCOA 2 IN 1 LEMON JUICE BABY FOODS WAXED PAPER BAGS SNACK SACKS WHEN AVAILABLE USE 0XYDOL - VEGETABLE SOUP SPIC & SPAN - on 15¢ Ib. 25¢ Yo. fe 20¢ B-ox. Tin iad eo Pkg. 24¢ he I ASSORTED 6-ox. Tins ALL WHEAT - ° 27" 2%¢ ® T-ox Tin Pkg. 19¢ Pkg. 22¢ cm 39¢ WIPING L] Viel. Ctn. 23¢ SHOE POLISH ° * ™ 10¢ ADDS TO YOUR MEAL = C.C.SAUCE © ° ® Large Btl. 18¢ wlb 27¢ "lb 23 «Ib 48¢ Fresh Restigouche |b 65 ANN PAGE

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