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Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Jun 1947, p. 7

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE The THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1947 | a At Banquet of Victoria Club Before Passing Out of Victoria Club, Now Disbanded Existence Presents Its Financial Report i -- Personals Accounts of social vents and aly' gv = and from i Aan &. Rom. TELEPHONE 38 - Mrs. 'Gordon Conant, Provincial commissioner, is returning today from Edmonton, where she attend- ed the Canadian Girl Guide annual Marie Goodchild, Miss Margaret Haines, Miss Millie Gallag- her, Mrs. Herman Pincombe, Miss Eileen Gibb, Mrs. Ralph Ames, Mrs. Reginald Pinder, Miss Helen Cordick and Miss Mary Glass. The Club's final financial report this page. : Pictured at the banquet held at Adelaide House on Monday | Miss Bessie Chappell (president), Mrs. R. B. Smith (honor- night by the Victoria Club which, after four and one-half | 3TY President) Miss Audrey Morphy, Miss Shirley Smith and . Lillian Koren; back row, from left to right--Miss Jean years) service, is disbanding are: Front row, left to right-- Miss Kay Goodchild, Mrs. Roly Doyle, Mrs. on at their regular meeting which will be held next Wednesday, instead of Monday, which is a school holiday. 200.06 PUD ooconcronssasserasass 100.00 city of Coawe Squatron- ( ) ceessssesescsssses 10003 's Family .....oee0e0 10003 Greek War Relief Fund .... 50.08 Malta War Relief Fund .... 50.00 Total $3664.22 Net Proceeds from various projects:- Dances, Bridges, Bazaars, Style wings, Rummage Sales, Sho sesesssseseesness $3,664.22 Total $3664.22 Social Notices Announcements $1.00 Announcements $1.00 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Passe- bois of Ottawa wish to announce the engagement of their young- er daughter, Reta Mae, to John Wilfred (Jack) Burke, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Burke. The marriage will take place June 7 in St, George's Church, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Glover announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Betty Al- dbertas, to Robert Harold Cook, son of Mrs. Cook and the late Mr, Frederick Cook, all of Osh- awa. The wedding will take place quietly on June 27, L 3R BR J Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweet wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Joseph- ine Naomi, to Earl Raymond Westlake, son of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Westlake, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place at 2.00 p.m. on June 28, in the par- sonage of Centre Street United Church, Heart Insurance Miss Vi McKenna, Miss Grace Luke, Miss Elizabeth Pitt, |Lioyd Short, Mrs. Earl Armour, Miss Betty Moffatt, Miss *> PP The Calvary Ast Youn; People's Association held its whose Former Oshawa Girl and Fiance MR. JOHN WILFRED BURKE t is d today. student of O.C.V.I. when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. P: of Ottawa lived on Beverley Avenue here. Her fiance is the son of Mr. 2° 1 Mrs, Wilfred Burke of Ottawa. ki MISS RETA MAE PASSEBOIS Miss Passebois was a form Miss Harvey Gives Spring Dance Revue The pupils of Miss Irenie Harvey presented a spring dance revue in the Canadian Legion Hall, Centre Street, last night. The opening Bunny Dancing I.esson" had charming simplicity. The second group of variety dances introduced older girls in snappy tap routines and smart costumes. The wee sol- diers in this group were great fa- vourites. The National dances were color- | ful and danced at a sprightly tempo which made them popular. The last group by the Tappettes, Rhythm- teens, Dancettes and Modernettes was made up of Military Tap, Air- force Tap, Sailor's Hornpipe and Wooden Soldiers, with Miss Shirley Smith dancing a solo hornpipe. Shirley also danced a rhythm tap that was much appreciated. Two songs, sung by Mr. Harry Po- loz were "Dancing in the Dark," and "Danny Boy." He was accompanied by Mr. George Norrish who played for part of the program. Mrs, Gor- don Evans of Columbug also acted as pianist. This successful revue will be re- peated in the Legion Hall next Wed- nesday at 8 p. m. Memorial Service At Albert St. W.A. A devotional service in memory -of Mrs. Rosalie Burridge was held by the Sr, Woman's Association of Albert Street United Church last Thursday, Mrs. Burridge was pre- sident of the Eirra Bible Class for a number of years and was a faith- ful worker in the W.A. as long as her health permitted, Her favorite hymn, Rock of Ages, and the 23rd Psalm were part of the service. Mrs, Clayton Lee presided over the routine business, which in- cluded plans for catering commis- sions, Arrangements were made for a variety program and a one. act play to be presented tomorrow evening 'by Mrs, N. H. Dunford's group of the W.A. of Northminster United Church, This will be an You'll Be Surprised How Much Better Your Favorite SNAPSHOTS Look When ENLARGED To Size 6x8" Beautiful ARENA MOUNT 63- TAMBLYN 8 KING EAST -- PHONE 760 Colored in.Olls 56¢ Extra weekly meeting on Tues. evening for Bible Study with Miss Eileen Wright es leader, Each of five young people spoke on a different subject, the first letter of each forming the initials F.B.Y.P.A. Miss June Burnside spoke on "Friends of God," Miss Betty Knapp on "Beloved Brethren," Mr. Bob Burnside on "Yokefel- lows," Miss Joyce Babcock on "Partners," and Mr. Vern Hurl- bert on "Ambassadors." Mr, Dave » | Wilkins led a singsong and short testimony period. The meeting was closed with the singing of the chorus, "Only To Be What He Wants Me To Be." i * > The Home League of the Sal- vation Army met with a large at- today in a world broadcast on his 69th posbar Coupons Valid The Yollowing coupons are valid, Thursday, June 5: Sugar preserves, S26 to 851. Canning sugar, Y1 to Y5. Butter, B35 to B53. Buchman on Air Favoring Democracy Frank , £ Moral R AE 1 one great highway road of God-inspired birthday from his headquarters here that a "God. inspired democracy" is essential for world peace. Declaring that the world's prob- lem is ideological, Buchman said thousands followed their "banners only because they see no convincing alternatives." Not all govern- ments had grasped the importance of "ideological preparedness." "A nation which is materially strong may be ideologically divided against itself, and therefore in dan- ger. Leaders who ignore this fact will sell us short. "There is a road ..,It is the democracy. It is valid for every nation, It is essential for world peace. tendance on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Saynders, president, opened the meeting by leading a number of choruses. Needlework was handed out. The devotional period was conducted by the Big Sister Group and Mrs. William Tweedie and Mrs. Frank Foote sang a duet, "Love Lifted Me." Mrs. Fred Swithenback gave a reading end Mrs, Jack Short read the 21st Psalm. Lunch was serv- ed by the junior members, It was announced that an excursion to Niagara Falls was being planned for Thursday, June 19. The Home League would welcome anyone who has a few hours to spend on Tuesday afternoons every week. The meetings are held in the Sal- vation Army Citadel on Simcoe Street South, * * » Mr. T. A, Wright and his daughter, Miss Hannah Wright, of Oldham, Lancashire, England, arrived at Maple Grove on Tues- day for a visit with his sisters, Mrs, John Tunnicliffe and Miss E. J. Wright, at Maple Grove, and Mr, and Mrs. B. A. Tunnicliffe of Brock Street East, Oshawa. The visitors left England by plane at p.m, 'Monday, reached New York 12 hours later and by 11 o'clock on Tuesday night were sound asleep in bed at Maple Grove, having made a day trip by train from New York. After al- most sleeping the clock round and enjoying a Canadian breakfast, the two English guests, true to form; took a long walk in the country. Mr, Wright is 76 and for both him and his daughter this is their first trip to America to see relatives who haven't seen them for 20 years, for every kind o meat!" BE, "A dash of FRENCH'S mustard =" "Makes every dish a treat!" Are you prepared to give your immediate first aid that soothes pain and pre- vents the serious consequences of 'infection? Check your medicine chest today against thie list of essential first aids that should be in every home -- then come to Jury & Lovells for the missing articles. Preparedness is of first aid. TANNIC ACID JELLY for suns ov.. 50x BISMA - REX ....... FRUIT SALINE ...... MI 31 ANTISEPTIC ........ 25. 47. 87: | MILK MAGNESIA ............... 25 50: EYELO for sore eyes youngster the a FIRST AID WEEK the safety first ont ieans 750,200 RTL TRIS | | Your physician's = specifica- tions are followed to the Nth degree of accuracy when you bring his prescription to us because our pharmacists add the Know-Why of pharma- ceutical knowledge to the practical Know-How acquired in years of prescription com- pounding experience. These are the excellent reasons that invite you to bring your pre- scriptions to us for the truly professional dispensing serv- ice that safeguards your well- being, FIRST AID KITS 95: v 3.50 Band-aids 10c & 25¢ Boracic Acid 10c & 20c Cotton ,15¢ 28¢ 50c Bandages 15¢ 20¢ 25¢ Healing Salve 25¢ Tr. lodine 25¢ 35¢ Tangel 0c Mercurochrome ~~ 25¢ Unguentine 50c Gypsy Cream 30c 60c COMFORT Bachelor Shaving Cream Summer Frocks GAY and LOVELY! HOLIDAY COTTONS! $3.29 e ) "Fiesta" Summer Frocks (by Helen Mor- gan) spell Holiday loveliness for you sun- charmers! The tan-re- vealing elasticized shoulder style shown will have you looking cool as a hilltop re- treat! The nipped-in waist . . « gracefully wide skirt . . . gay all- over floral pattern on a crisp white back- ground . , . will put you in the mood for Sum- mer frolic! See this and other lovely 'PFlesta" Frocks featured at this appealing price! Sizes: 12 to 20 FOR FREE-&-EASY COM-: FORT in the country, slim- fitting Slacks of gabardine- alpine (a rayon fabric) with zipper-closing and handy t. Permanent crease, Sizes 12 to 20 in black, brown, navy, green, $3 9 2 Zeller-Value! ,. STORE HOURS: Dally 9.00 am. to 555 pm, Wednesday 9.00 am. to 12.30 pm. Zeller's Limited «+ » and Beautifull SHOULDER-STRAP HAND- BAGS, of Plastic Patent or Calf-grain with . outside =ip- pered pocket, change purse and mirror. Adjustable shoul- der strap. Snowy white! Easy to keep clean. Zeller-Thrift- Priced * $3.57 WHITE *~. . ee and Sports-right! SLIM-FITTING SHORTS of cool-for-summer Celanese Al- paca. Style as shown, with zipper closing at side. Sizes 12 to 20. Other smart styles, also at this Zeller-low pricel $2.98 SLACK SUITS «« of Spun Alpaca GRAND BUY for Vacation, and all-Summer] Style as shown in colour-combinations of navy with powder blue, navy with aqua or cherry, brown with gold. The slacks are made with permanent crease and adjustable waist. Bizes.... Zeller-Value $10.95 ZELLER'S LIMITED

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