AY » / PAGE EIGHT AN pe THE 'DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, JUNE 12 194] Solo Rendered In Ld / Native Language Ld Ld By Sylvia Hasuik { HELEN DAVIDSON Correspondent Zion, June 10--The Women's As- sociation of Zion held their month- ly meeting for June at the home of Mrs, A. McMaster, The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn 'There's Work to do for Je- sus," which was followed by prayer by the president, Mrs. A. McMaster. Mrs. A. W. McMaster had charge of the worship service. The Scrip- ture, St. Luke, chapter ten, verse 38-42, wag read. Mrs, McMaster gave a reading on "Martha," which was followed by prayer. Solo, 'Nearer My God to Thee," by Mrs. Charles Naylor. Mrs. Gerry Glas- pell gave a icading entitled "The Home Builders." Mrs, McMaster closed the worship service with prayers. The minutes were read and ap- proved. Play reciepts equalled $44.50, Collection $2.35 and Copper Collection 91 cents. Mrs. Mc- Master took charge of the program. A piano solo was presented by Mrs. C. Naylor eniitled "The Mill" A reading was given by Sylvia Hasiuk entitled "This is My Father's World." An encore was & prettily rendered solo in her parents' langu- age. Mrs, Thompson gave a talk on "Measles." Solo by Mrs, Geis- berger "The Blue Bells of Scot- land." Encore was a Lullaby, The meeting closed with Mizpah Bene- diction. A delicate lunch was served by the group in charge, Mrs. A. Mc- Master, Mrs, Hasiuk and Mrs. A. D. McMaster, Sorry to hear that Miss Lois Glaspell has been confined to bed for a few days. We wish _ her, a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs W. Cameron and Joyce visited Mr. and Mrs. 8, Cov- erley of Ebenezer and attended the evening worship service at Ebenez- er 'Anniversary, Mrs, Venner, Sr. is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Venner. Mr, and Mrs. H. Balson attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Balson, of Hampton on Fri- day evening of last week, , and Mrs. Orval Knopp and Jackie of Hamilton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman of Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. G. Glaspell and family, also Mrs. F, B. Glaspell vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. J, 8. Gerry of Toronto on. Sunday. Henry DeMille spent the week- ' end -at his. home in Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. n Balson of Mono Mills, spent ew days holi- days at the home of(Mr. R. W. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. F. Robbins and Isobel spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, . Norman Down of Ebenezer and attended the Church Anniversary Service. Mr, and Mrs. L. Ball and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fice of Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. H. Abbott and amily of Burketon, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, P. Dav- . and Mrs, Russel Stainton Grace, Mrs, J. Stainton and Marie Killen, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. Balson James Killen and Jack Camer- spent last week-end in Lind- say. Mrs, W. Cameron and Mrs. R. Killen were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin of North Osh- awa. James McMaster spent last week- nd with Mr, and Mrs. A, McMas- Misses Mary and Bertha Gels- berger, also Mr, Hans Geisberger, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Geisberger of Hérmony. Wm. Ingerim of Trenton was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs, A. McMaster. FIND ANTIMONY DEPOSITS Vancouver -- (CP) -- Anti- mony, the brittle metal essential in hardening of steel, may be mined in British Columbia to take the place of Oriental exports, now virtually non-existent. Frank E. Woodside, manager of the B.C.- Yukon Chamber of Mines, said three deposits of the metal had been found in the province. PITTY ELECTRICAL AGENCIES . Phone 3287 NEW COMBINATION ROYAL FLOOR POLISHER AND VACUUM CLEANER 93.00 Complete ROYALRIRE "¥R™ VACUUM CLEANERS VACTRIC "wR™ VACUUM CLEANERS 69.50 Come FREE ome. your home. Liberal allowance for your present cleaner. * BURNERS Stoves, Quebec Hedters. 5-Year. Guarantee, Easy Terms Arranged 42 Simcoe St. North - Phone 3287 a], FLIGHT LINE Le By A Burr This week's "Flight Line" is ad- dressed especially to the citizenry of Oshawa as a whole in order that they may be better acquainted with the general activities at Oshawa's Municipal Airport. There is now located at the Air- | peared port forty-five aircraft belonging to Photographic Survey Company Limited, Weston Aircraft Limited, the Ontario County Flying Club and many private owners. These aircraft are busy all through the week, and visitors to the Airport on any week day will see the Bell Heli- copter going out on an operation, | a Lockheed taking off for Toronto or Montreal, one or all of the five Ansons coming in or taking off on Get-Together Of Y.P. Groups Held At Greenbank Greenbank, June 9.--A very com- mendable get-together was held under the auspices of the Y.P.U. on Wednesday evening last in out- side and inside activities, between 30 and 40 present. It began in the Public &chool grounds with a soft ball game that violated every rule of the game. The company was divided in two groups (no limit to the number of players) and as new arrivals af- they were assigned equally to either side. Players on the field were as thick as flies. The batting and fielding were of a rare, rich variety. The enthusiasm was con- tagious and it was a real treat to share in happy friendly fellowship. The score was unusually high on both sides that the scorer with a limited piece of paper could not keep up to quick action. Sing Popular Songs As darkness began to fall,' all a photographic mission, dent ded to the ba t of the flyers practicing for their pilots License, and some of the hundred odd aircraft coming in that visit the Airport each month, These visiting aircraft arrive from all parts of Canada and a great num- ber from the United States. In ad- dition to all this activity, there are approximately 80 people employed at the Arport for the general op- eration of the field; the servicing of itinerant aircraft and the re-con- version of aircraft brought to Osh- awa for overhaul. All this is a relatively new in- dustry to Oshawa, and many resi- dents are unaware that, two miles north of the City, one of the fin- est airports in the Province is fast becoming a beehi of activity. They are also unpre that the Arport is now a Municipal project and that the Airport is open to the public and they are invited to come out at any time during the week or on week-ends and see the progress that is being made in aviation in this community. Cars may be driv- en rght in to a parking lot by the hangars and sightseeing parties should feel free to come down to the front of the building where all the activity on the field can be readily seen. To give a brief description of the field, it is situated on 495 acres of land in East Whitby Township. There are two large hangars and various other buildings in connec- tion with the Airport. There are three hard surface runways for the alghting and taking off of air- craft. One runway runs from southeast to northwest and is 150 feet wide by 2,600 long. Another runs from scuthwest to northeast and is the same dimensions, The third runs from east to west and is 150 feet by 2,650. In addition to these runways there is about two miles of hard surface strips for taxiing as well as the paved aprons around the hangars. ' Again, this is Oshawa's Municip- al Airport, it is open to the public, Some out and get arquainted with pr church where the singing of well. known popular songs under the guidance of several members was shared. Games followed and a fine evening was experienced. It all went to prove that Y.P. can enjoy themselves helpfully under proper supervision and if proper. facilities were available, Our Y.P.- could find pleasure at home under the care of the church. Miss Mona Baird conducted the devotion and several members hap- pily co-operated to make the get- to-gether a healthly success, Wein- ers and coffee were served, and the | evening fellowship will not soon be forgotten. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hobson, of To- ronto, visited with Mrs. Pearson and Clifford on Sunday. Sorry to report Mrs. Wm, Som- merville in Lindsay hospital, also John Cook, who is in Oshawa hos- pital. "The community wish them a speedy recovery, Rev. Thomas Wallace spent Thursday last in Toronto, Miss Mary Real and Mrs. Moore, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs. Richard Real on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Ryerson Beare also Miss Aitken, spent the holiday at the latter's home in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, Mrs. H. Real and Joan visited in Oshawa on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs."Walter Ploenix and daughter spent the week-end with Mie former's mother, Mrs. W. Phoe- nix. NEW FIRST AID POST Selkirk, Man. -- (CP) -- The northwest division of the Com- mercial Travellers Association of Canada has donated a highway first aid station to the Highway First Aid Post of Manitoba. The association operates a series of first aid posts on the highways in co-operation with the Red Cross, the St. John Ambulance Association and the Manitoba Good Roads Branch of the de- partment of highways, Marriages At Port Perry Had Scugog Interest MRS. D. HOPE Correspondent Scugog, June 10--The message of Rev. P. G. Joblin was received by a good attendance on Sunday in the basement. The messabe from the choir was "Pentecostal Power". The Sunday School was also well at- tended. Rev. Kingsley Joblin of Weston will be the speaker for the anni- versary service at the head Church on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Rev. F. G. Joblin will accompany his son. Several motored to Port Perry on Sunday evening to enjoy the Odd- fellows' Parade and service which was highly praised. Several from the Island attended the tliree weddings in Port Perry on Saturday afternoon. Two, of the contracting parties spent their childhood days here on the island. Miss Marion Sweetman was mar- ried at her grandmother's, Mrs. A. Sweetman, and Miss Ellen Plough- 'man was married in the United Church. Her cousin, Miss Donna Samells, made a very pretty flower girl Master Tedgly Denny celebrated his birthday on Monday by enter- taining a few of his school friends. All report a splendid time. All en- joyed the lovely supper with the de- corated cake with ten candles on it. Many more harpy birthdays Teddy! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow of Oshawa were Sunday visitors of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Sweetman. Euchre and Dance The young people enjoyed a eu- chre and dance on Friday evening with ice eream and pop which was very plentiful. There were three pri- zes for ladies and three for the gen- H- BATA I'm having great fun giving away dol- lar bills in Oshawa, If you have a Ba- tamix Button and answer correctly my question "What is Batamix?", I will ive you a brand new dollar bill. Among the fortunate winners yester- day were: Betty Proctor, 105 Gibb St.; Mrs, Phyllis M. Weeks, 112 Burk St.; Mrs. C. . A. Marsh, 225 H Read, 17 Westmount Ave.; Manuel, 83 Gladstone Ave.; Mrs, E. Bools, 426 Louisa St.; Mrs. M.. Weh- ster, 66 Park Rd. S.; Mrs, Bruce Ste- venson, 77 Park Rd. S. Remember to carry your Batamix But- ton with you always, so you will he ready when I ask you Get your FREE but- ton at any grocery store, MR. BATAMIX Presents These... "The Family Clothier' for the matron or miss, Ver" : special? Children's Cotton TRAINING PANTIES 2-4-6 3 5 = Years Ladies' Cool Summer *SHAN-RAY" Sp SSES Smart looking new SHAN-RAY Summer Dresses in 8 cool, crisp figured material, Sizes 14 to 44. Just the thing $3.98 Ladies' SHORTS In Alpines and Twills. Regular to $2.98 Price s1 : ay [With "all elastic waistband. On Sale Half Men's COTTON SHORTS 7 5c CREDI TERMS at... i i Bond & Simcoe N. Telephone 44 tlemen and the winners were as fol- lows: Mrs, Martyn first, Miss Mar- jorie Milner second and Miss Edna Prentice third. Mr. Victor Chilton first, Mr. Clarence Carter second and Ray Milner third, /, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and children Ronald and Helen and Roy's brother Leonard of Reach Township were visitors of their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. David Hope on Sunda y. =~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and son Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and son Keith of Scott were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mar- tyn on Sunday. Well children, you have had your last holiday until your mid-summer holidays which is three weeks away. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Fralick and children, Linda and Dianne were visitors of her sister, Miss Mar- jorie and brothers Ray and Ralph and Yvonne. Edgar Strut of Burketon and | ti friend, Mr. Stuart Hpghes, Tyrone, were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Robert Brown. Mrs. David Moore visited in To- ronto, over the week-end. : Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman mo- tored to Detroit for the week-end. Masters * Norman and Donald Johnson visited in Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Russell and children, Isobel and Craig, of Osh- awa were Sunday. guests of her sis- ter, Miss Marjorie Milner. Mrs. Risbourgh of Glen Major and Mr, and Mrs. Abbott and Bet- ty of Oshawa were visitors of their sister, Mrs. Herman Midgley. USEFUL VITAMIN Vitamin A is important for good skin, healthy membranes, such as linings of nose and mouth, night blindness and for generally keeping tissues healthly, say health authori- es. | Birmingham, ' Eng. (CP).--""Gate | ton truck their electrical equipmeny crashing" into th? British Industries | for some time before officials turne( Fair a firm displayed from a three- | them out. ' > "SALADA Gt NAD 7 HAWES 'FLOOR GLOSS PINTTIN 59c LEMONS FOR DISHES 1 OR WOOLLENS OWNED AND OPERATED BY 9 oront ATLANTIC 8 PACIFIC roe cave ONION SOUP »vucx - - - - 3 tes 25 MUSHROOM SOUP ci:v: - - 2 106s 13 ASPARAGUS TIP MEATY PRUNES MEDIUM SIZE = Aylmer New Pack Limited Supplies 12 oz tin 29. 2 ws 29 LEMON JUICE =axcy - - - 3 6ortins 20 APPLE SAUCE sveereneo - ALL WHEAT CORNFLAKES LIMA BEANS KELLOGG'S = QUAKER =o = AYLMER BABY = 20o0ztin 21¢ au 2 okes 23 «3 phos 23 « 20o0ztin 18: A & P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS BONELESS BRISKET Swift's Pickled Ib 34 SMORED FLAMES Choice Wholé& or Half Ib 4%: BOILING FOWL rresH GRADE 'A' SKINLESS WEINERS Mcp Lat DUTCH LOAF MAPLE LEAF = = SPICED BEEF COOKED, SLICED = SPICED HAM COOKED, SLICED = DUCKLINGS Genuine Long Island Grade 'A' 1b 49 ~ Cut Up Chicken ~~ MILK FED GRADE 'A' LEGS & BREASTS 1 73 WINGS ib 34 ~ Sea Food Suggestions ~~ bh 33 bh 37 bh 39 Ib 43 Ib 58¢ SALMON STEAKS Fresh Restigouche Ib 49. COD FILLETS fresu - - FRESH LAKE NIPIGON KIPPERED HERRINC - - HALIBUT STEAKS - © FRESH MACKEREL - SILVERBRIGHT Ib 25¢ b 33 bh 27¢ ~ bh 23¢ Texas Selected Quality -- A&P FARM FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES -- ORANGES © California' Valencia 288's CALIFORNIA FRESH 252's FEORIDA VALENCIA 176's CANTALOUPES CALIFORNIA BEAUTY RED TEXAS BULK TEXAS YELLOW BERMUDA GREEN BEANS Miss. Round Stringless TOMATOES 2 in 45c 6x23 doz 39. each J Qc b23c 3s 21c 2s 19c n23c hb 29c California Long White Washed POTATOES 5 Ibs 29¢ Cal. Salmon Flesh Washington Large Luscious Bing _ CHERRIES ib 39 The Summer Onink BOKAR ne # 39° 8 0'CLOCK Min :»35° SILVERBROOK BUTTER SLICED LOAF CHEESE FANCY BLUE CHEESE LIMITED SUPPLY -- IONA STRAWBERRY JAM TOILET SOAP pM PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP PALMOLIVE WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPER SUDS BRODIES ub oy x CAKE FLOUR = ANN PAGE MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN y Asie 15¢ loaves ANN PAGE COFFEE FIRST GRADE i ib. 5l¢ ib. 38¢ Ib. 69¢ Hr 39 nos. §¢ Sit J1¢ Pkg. 31¢ BUNS - « = = pkg 17¢ ANN PAGE SILVER POUND 5 ROSES FLOU 70. 95 JAVEL gL MYSTIC FLO WAX 1. tin 49: COCOA pe) 13 OUR OWN BLACK TEA KAM" KLIK ~~~ "ro 3¢ MUFFIN MIX 2" 23¢ FATHERS DAY JUNE 15 CAKE - - = - Ib 21 7-1b. SUNBRITE : JUNKET Fle Ile PERFECTION Ib. 67¢ CANNED MEAT ? SPIC & SPAN Fle 23¢ TILBEST GIVE HIM S POPULAR PRICES