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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Jul 1947, p. 10

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THE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1947 4:30] Weekend Radio Programs LAFE-A-DAY EEE. HE Sees Moscow Attempting Wor GOV GAL ORE WEIN nC RN OOO WRB \ HE" | To Hold Its Satellites & - i ) LC us : 152 3 TR RR . 38 Youing Wikaer Brows . : i \ RN CRS 1:33Maiinoe Ministre, oY corporated the countries of Eastern i ewa Europe. into the Soviet Union. If rR ------ -------- Party ; \ \ » : t his itself, , if COMPLETE LOCAL AND SINAN ANN I 9 TID | sore on S008 il Eaten, Wessrs" i | i of wri ats i avy 1 ls 5 a. been alized-- embe , a8 WORLD WIDE NEWS 2. Re : } aL 2 ns SYacieties VBL by Moscow. fiercotvel happened a the case of the three BRUANCAST DAILY BY NY NN ; it : Keaton OFR! We om a Then the Soviet western frontier . | B anada imited WN -- : Hit Parade program for European rehabilita-| will run in fact, as it does now in General Motors of C. L : by Cugat CEDO | tion would result in the formation | practice, from Stettin on the Bale 7 , 3s s 630 AM. 730 AM. 12.30 P.M. i = CC NRA Saves lite wEBW of two blocs, She knew it be-|tic to the head of the Adriatic ANN RE cause she herself 'was prepared to . Ballroom AD WW with the Jesters DO | make the division arbitrarily. - Cc Only one of the small nations Plan Power Scheme ON Pa = y == ; RRR Hunt CFRB a ; rr 7 , \ within the Soviet Union sphere of K D Oo Z 74 #\\\ % influence dared accept the Anglo- For Western Isles C YA 77 PER | French invitation to attend the re- 8:15_The Vi anchde 15--Here's eterans 15--Hit Tunes rial ; : : in Sport Edinburgh (CP).--Plans for the 1240 ON YOUR RADIO DIAL . Z 7 : wen habilitation conference scheduled |g. he power scheme in i ------ 7/7 \ : and Sve to open in Paris tomorrow. That | ine' western Isles have been' pub- : Qu was Czechoslovakia--Slavic in ori 4 ] uartet lished by the North of Scotland 7 77/ N 3 Sit bw ester bn its Jagat and | yosro Electric Board : ews 6:15--Monday Morning Headlines * / 7 4 // \ NN ; put. eals, oscow put on the screws, , $988 6 05--Cariion United Ohurch GEEY | 6:13--The Score Board CKEY / / / NL ARN \ ! Sd he Prague OR Ph the island of Skye, in 6:35--1050 Serenade 30--The Concert Album 6:30--News WBEN y \ \ Ommun st premier, w W the valley which holds the famous 640--Wes, McKnight's Sporteviews |11:30--Music Album §:30-CBO News Soot Toe 8 / \ \ . its aouspianss. Alas Storr fishing lochs, Loch Leathen SUNDAY AFTERNOON CJBO / \ Capital 6:30--Sound off--Mark Warnow WGR Indicatis that Russia is and Loch Fada. Ultimately 5,500,000 : Story cations are tha uss kilowatt hours of electricity will be 6:30--The Greatest Ever oaw preparing to inaugurate a counter | generated annually. : 1.0. / / \ 6:55--The Movie 13:00--News 11 \ \ Ah : .- Round Table 12:00--BBC News 6:30--Men Behind the Melody CKDO / / economic program for her Eastern | About 180 miles of high-voltage 7:00--8%. Tos Municipal 320m Musto WBEN SRD 6:30--Fred Victor Mission CHUM / / \ \ Closeup S$ bloc. Thus, as things now stand, |jines will make ee A ¥oliege 12:00--Warren Sweeney, News he ¢ YT m-- Instead of a co-ordinated effort in |to more than 70 per cent of the 13: AD Senay Chole ** W | g: ecast CEL / /] \ By DOUGLAS HOW be insets of Suvpsan Tehabilis people on the island of 647 square 3 h U / | Ti HES So sasean ramen oS | JIA) Canadian Pres Start Weiter | Won there wi be tvs compeing 111 : ort CKEY | 645 canadian Short 8 / : \ Tas uy BO ine COS | sources which the other needs and GRAPES SECOND ! ! Shop 4 "| can't get. Next ains, Italy's I t - 12:15--Talk--National Film Board 7:00--The Readers Take Over bious reputation of Montreal pro- ext to grains, y's 'argest ac Place Names CHEY| 7.00--Albert St. United Church CEDO A © | truded itself into senate = debate ay Of The Jolt Seirendinasy Teage is planted with grapes. A TE wes | JO-Hynins and Ballade LL STRAMATY this week with two Quebec 'mem- | aves in an ast nishing statement CIBC] J30--Gens Autiey Snow 1947, King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved. © 7-2 bers, one by inference, one by di-| Lo wi Saige waan| 7:00--Candid Microphone Copr. 1947, King ) y ine h by a Polish government spokesman CEDO : CJBO--~WEBW rect retort, having their say about in Warsaw. Commenting on Po- 0 CHUM | 7:00--Adventures of Willie Piper CJBC "While they are on vacation, he gets 50c every day he its effects upon marital ties hw ey 30--News E wiBw | 7:00--Jack Paar Show WBEN 1 1" Senator Cryille Vail rt @ d's rejection of the invitation to Dominion "30--Songs at Eventide Reoord Review VEBW | 7:00--People's Church . CHUM ~_ sprinkles the lawn! r Cryille Vaillancou: ~ | attend the Paris parley he told a :30--The Old Ranch House J20 Sumner (Serena Gor | 7:30--Those Sensational Years Quebec) provoked the discussion | news conference that his country :30--Make Believe Ballroom t . Woon 0=Sanday Bironuds WEBW--OJB0 during debate on a report which | gti looked principally to the Unit- |] X Y G E N 12: Hits CEEY | 7:30_8ound Of CFRB| 8.00--Percolator Parade CEDO | 12:15--Luncheon Muslo showed that a Senate committee ed States to supply the necessities CEDO | 7:30--Music for a Summer's Eve CBL | 8:00--Breakf B CHUM | 12:15--Farm Broadcast had once again recommended a re- | for rebuilding the war-torn nation os 7:30--Blondle WGR | 8! CFRB | 12:15--Star for Today cord number--350--of Quebec di- Hoping Against Hope ? WaR | 3:00-Nowe of Bam Spade an 8:1 alist CFRB | 12:15--Aunt Jenny Stories WGR | vorces during its 1947 sessions, Undoubtedly there are other Sov- w--oKEy | S:00--Advent, 8:15~Musical Clock (Kenney) SEEY 12:15--Real Stories From Real Me 15a With nothing more direct than | je satellites yy are hoping that . HE. RE CJBC| 3:00--peaciine Mystel¥ mour Wemw | 8:15--Morning Devotions CBL | 12:30--Lorne Greene, News cy (an implication, he said that study 'America will aid them despite || Available CHUM | 5. 8:15--News WEKBW | 12:30--World at Noon .WKBW | of the figures had showed that 90 0 wolk Mal he ng Folks CBL 500--Momories 1 si OFRE 8:20--Terry Washburn WEKBW | 12:30--Luncheon Club WBEN | per cent of the applications had fieis, refuse) to participate in the Pentecostal Church Service 00----Alec Templeton Show... on, 8:30--News 12:30--CHUM Valley Program CHUM | con op O05 8 * BAT arshall plan. Should the United . i : CED | g.15 The Week's News CHUM | 8: 12:30--Radio Show CJBC Mle Same. ory: States subscribe to such a program Purox" Apparatus :00--News and Sports CFZ8 | 815 Carrousel CKEY | 8: CEDO | 12:30--New, CKDO--CFRB| Senator Thomas Vein (L-Quebec) | it would put her in the position of " " ; tor 8:30--Half Hour with the Bible CKDO | 8:30--Musical March Past 12:30--Ont. Farm Broadcast CBL | arose in retort. i the Sovi 1 Oxweld Supplies CEEY | 8:30 Tci L'on Chante OBL | 8:35--1050 Hit Parade 12:30--Romance of Helen Trent WGR| "Like all metropolises," he said. |S PPYing the Soviet and its satel- WBEN | g'3 unnyside Sing Song CFRB | 8:45--Gospel Singer 12:40--Hollywood Reporter CFRB | ,, polises, » | lites with the sinews to combat the C.G.E. Arc Weldin Cinp (| 23)--Sunnyalde Sing 2 WGR | 8:45--Percolator Parade CKDO | 12:45--Luncheon Musle CKDO | 'Montreal is comopolitan and, if | policies of the Western de. niet g 1 Miniatures WKBW 8:30--All The World Sings CHUM | 8:50--News Ww 12:45--Big Sister *\ es' CFRB | there is much evil there, not a lit- mocracies Machines -- Electrodes "30--The 1 Eee Wily Teo Of David and the | 8:30Fred Allen WEEN | 5 00--Brenktast Cran WEBW--CIBO | 12:45 Women's base of The Aw | tle of it is due to some of the peo- | "gn connection with any = Musco- :30--Haylort Hoedown CKEY eo 8:30--Fred Allen CKEY: 9:00--CBC News J ple of Levis (where he was born) | vite plan to provide the where- cera 30--Ne avi OEDD| 5:50 --ied Cuimer News 9:00--Church in the Wildwood 12:45--Sirgin' Sam and to others who had come from | withal for economic rehabilitation pr Toda; CHUM :00--Press N CK : : 33--Nea Catmer, News Rd cnurch = CHUM | 'ico waiter Win : WOR | 13.35 Hs of the bay Cibo | the good old City of Quebec | of the Eastern bloc, it is obvious ' Eka of Bill Lance WRB 130.-Bllly Keaton's Amateur Show | 9:00--Fews Legend CK 9:05--All Time Hit Parade 1:00--Novatime y (where he practised law)." that the Soviet Union isn't in posi- Tae Mighty Casey CJBC | 1:30--Sammy Kaye's Serenade : 9:05--Music in the Morning 1:00--Kitchen Party Any responsibility "for what is tion at present to supply anything . . l :00--Flight Into the Past CBL - --WKBW | gi El 9:10--Novatime | FRE | 1:00--To The Ladies FRE | complained of" should be distri- | jike all the needs Ctl Refrigeration Sales : RO 1% he Sunday Bow CTR un. Eve. concert Your ~ -G 915-1030 Cavaicad HUM | 1:00--Big Sister Serta buted "over a wider field, extend-| of : 4 inp 1:30--Man of God CBL LI aves Toor : avi o : g Sister Ser! INE ror I on : course that situation may and Service 1:45--George Wright CKDO '15--Louella Parsuns WK 9:15--Listen to Liebert 1:00--Romance ; CHU. g en eyon e undaries o change with time, If Moscow can 145--Howard K. Smith--from London | y:15--Norman Cloutier Do| Dilt-O¥laloms Sopndup or fe, (190300) Tring in Montraer® were People | hold its satellites in line for a few OSHAWA and Piction WEBW | 5:30 Tony Marie Show CFRB Won | 9:30--Melody Magio . HUM | 1:05_Tops in Pops living in Motired who came from | years on short rations, perhaps the 9:30--Album of Familiar Music 9:30--Clevelandaires 1:05--Concert Favorites many other cities, Soviet can engineer the economic T. SOUTH News WB! 9:30--Morning Memories 1:15--Ma Perkins WG "Since," he concluded, "I live in rehabilitation of its 'bloc, though 182 SIMCOE ST. Dancing CKDO for Life 9:30--Candlelight and Silver 94s AMY SION Nib 1a rom A Yo Z in Novelty CKDO | Montreal, I may state that the peo- that would be a tall order 30--Yaughn Monroe's Orch, " 3:30uen Roth CEDO | 9:45 Melodic Sketch t : ody Time FRB | ble with whom I came in contact . Phone 2959W 30--Music from the Pacifie Merrill 9:45--The Policewoman 3 elodic Sketches 1:30--Melody Time The position at the moment is :30--Dance Orch. 1 King Show 10:00--Voice of Strings 9:50--N 1:30--News loth C there are very good people and just that Russia has to all intents in- 10:00--Prof. Quiz L. Thomas 10:00--Take it or Leave It p use Jal Varieties | as sound, law-abiding and righte- 10:00--Canaanheirs DO CKEY |10:00--To Be Announced oo; I ry: a orparal CBL | Ous as those who live in any other 10:00--Bert ¥arlett's Orch. CKEY Mister WEBW | 10.00 8tory tor Fontan 10:00_Parade of Bands 1:30--8ally Work WEEN | great metropolis." :00--CBC News an 10:00--Gabriel Heatter 10:00--Look Your Best 1:30--Young Doctor Malone c Hot Air Report 10:00--To Be Announced CFRB | 10:00 , 35--C d Musicale CKEY | 10:00--Symphony at Ten 10:00--Tarey's Musto. "Shop I Wane or the "World *CBL| The draft that sweeps through to Ya won | 10:00--CBC ciauonat fiews 10:00--Mickey's Music Shop 1:45--Three Sons and a Starlet CKEY | the Commons Chamber to the an- of America CKEY ngs 10:05--Make Believe Ballroom 1:45--Young Doctor Malone CFRB | noyance of some members may mE ews 2 J=Sroadway Melodies :00--Mutual Music Show a 00 wr CFRB | 10:15--Once Upon Our Time 2:00---Dr. Pau CFRB ir WBEN Period, \G | 10:30--The Bo | 10:25--Hymns of all Churches 2:00--News GEEY | Some J20.000 os voted, m tie 30 Gana Om OMY : the Sky HUM | 10. Lo 10:30 Kate Altken 2:00--The Second Mrs Burton WGR | Main estimates of the ic Wor 0:3 Hawa Dol Ry. os CFRB 10:30 Melody Mirror 10:30--Ethelwyn Hobbes 2:00--Nelson Olnstead CBL | Department to improve the ventila- :35--Ontario 5 0--To Be Announced 10:30--Rom, of Evelyn Wi rs 2:00--Celebrity Time CHUM . 10:40--Joe Chrysdale, Shor CEEY | 3: a 10:45--Don Hasket Sings CFRB| 1050 bom. Of F 3:00--Today's Children tion or me Compton: i when the muy Shed Sree 3 Minis 10:45--Aloha Oe! Songs News BE dy hudren supplementary estimates were in- ppv Man 00--Al. Goodman CKDO | 10:45--Fress News DO | 10.30--News 2:15 Ridin' the Range troduced they added an addition- CFRB | 3: Lassie" 11:00--Back Home Hour WEKBW | 10:20--Road of Life WB 2:15--Jack Berch Show al $5,000 to the original amount. 00--] WBEN--CFRB--CKEY | 3:00--News 11:00---Dominion Network News, CJBC |10:35--Larry's Music Shop CHUM | 2:15--Styles in Rhythm Th draft has d 1 00 News CJBC S Symphony Orch. 1: :.8ay It with Music, CKEY | 10:35--Piano Interlude 2.15--Perry Mason e Commons dra as drawn 3100 Rows and Peature Story. WG | 3: rn Donoho 11:00--News WGR--WBEN--CFRB | 10:35 Morning Melodies c 2:15--Woman in White complaints from Progressive Con- oo ang Jota Jn 3:00--Carmen Cavallaro LE CBL 10:45--Music in Marchtime 2:28 Masquerade servative members during the last 3:05--Musle by Martin CKEY | 11:10--Rainbow Rendezvous 10:45--Novelette 2:30_Parade of Melody two years. They have stated that CAPABLE ELECTRICIAN -- Must 3 Cal yar Sr hompson Show | 11:15--Skyline Melodies 10:45--Jane Weston 2:30--Jerry Sears Orch. CFRB | the breeze floating by them neces- J 4 POR WKBw | 1};13--Raiph Hubbell Sports 10:48 Mid Moming Melodies 2:30--Bride and Groom Show WKBW | sitates their leaving the Chamber. : : . : :45--Clu me 3 ne Journey - A i - 330Dave Bose, Presents, CHUM | 11:30--Henry Russel's Music 10:45--Joyce Jordan, M.D. 2:30--Musteally Yours opus be abl: to install all types of appli 15--Geo Hic! 3:30--Sunday Serenade CKDO | 11.30 Henry Russell's Musle ee vier: Hows 2:35 Showtime MB : E : 3 : y Crocker remal f. all the Polish : : : 5 Pootnots CPR | 30 Memory Music nd the Wola" | 11:30--Sunday Serenade 11:00-- Breakfast' in' Hollywood 2:45_Rose of My Dreams kor Seman: of 21 the Doig ances including COMMERCIAL 11 30-- Martin Tobins Tune Time WGR | 0 10is Week nd BW JBC | 11:30--Tex Beneke Orch. CFRB | 11:00--Fred Waring Show 2:45--Nat Brandwynne his on n 1350 a rele 11:30--Wally Wicken's Orch, CBL 4:00-The Quiz Kids 1 Tr 11:00--Arthur Godfrey 2:45--Light of the World who 0 Aug ; 0p! 10:15--Parade of Bands 1:45--The Guiding Light WGR » hy EEN 10: WBEN | 10:15 Southland Singing 145-3, Time © CHUM | Soon become known as the $25,000 and Soy ¥: 10:15 Maurice Bodington 2:00 aster Hour Concert CKDO | wind that blows no good. 0 : y Dorsey Otch. WGR | 11:00--Road of Life 3:00--Ladles Be Seated died in 1733, lie in the crypt below EWIRING 1:30--Martin Tobin's Tune Time WOR Thess Our Children 1200 News: Say it With Musto CKEV 08 Hiorauge Vasetie | 300 News BY ie ey ao , Lie 1h A Zip be 0) EQUIPMENT, also HOUS : 4:00--Musical Program _ CBL--CKDO |i) News WBEN--WGR--CFRB | 11:00--Shady Vaile 2100 -Double oF Noihmg } 3 200--' : y Folk :00--Frank Herbert Concert Hour 400 -Walises of ine' World CHUM 12:00--CBC News Bulletin Moir 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom 3 29% [Harber ton CIBC EXPERIENCE necessary. 4:08--Rendesvous in Rhythm = OCKEY 33110 Musical Showcase & WKBW | 11.15 Betty and Bob 300-1050 Marinse PA : : ; a: -T CFRB 4:15--I Hear the Southland Singing 12:15--Sunny Dunham's Orch. 11:30--Aunt Mary 3g Ten Test Be Beautiful; 4:30--Rendezvous in Rhythm CKEY CFRB--WGR | 11:30--Gale N, Drake WBEN--CBL ; . . : 4:30--Songs From Heaven's Alrways 12:15--Blue Barron Orch. CFRB | 1 :30--Jack Berch Show 3:05--Jerry Burke Showe CKEY Write or apply for interview with gHuM 1230 Bie: Barron's Orch won S0--Chuck Wagon Serenade 0 330 Jatenuge Tt on i k iz of Two Cities WEEN | 12:30--EI RET :15--Salon_Conce; i - ; MR. R. GRANT 4:30--Qu : 30--Tin . CFRB| 1° ews --WGR | 11:30--~Grand Slam WGR | 3:15--1050 Matinee CHUM pi TR CBL MONDAY MORNING Hay tr Muse Me Dara Tor Tor ; ; th WEEN 4:30_This Week Round the World 11:35 Stork Club of the Als epper oun s He BEN--CBL BW BW . $:00--Say It With Music CEEY | 11:45--Do You Remember 3:30--Paul Whiteman Club Lal ibeiin DUAR BED we 11:45--Rosemary 3:30--News Cc enderson Orch. CFRB :30--News CFRB 12 WBEN %, KDO--C! BT tr wan SED0 | SSH un Mune GHEY rims Bevin ia | 33tesn rn Kewion ! M 3 anger. : . atinee . 5 SUNDAY MORNING Music in the Modern Magne M WCB i A 3ed Malons, Columnist $35 Fatace of Melody ne > 7:00--Columbla's Country Journal 4:45--News by Con :00--News CFRB-- ; 5-lucy Linton try 4 aR ews by trast CHUM 11:50--News 3:45--Right to Happiness WBEN--CBL We Stock and Sell, CKEY 0--Clint Buehlm WBEN CFRB 7 CKEY arm 00--N 1008: 4: Four O'Clock News phony of the Aly MONDAY AFTERNOON re CKEY PLUMBING and i I Reporter : ews 200! Orch CEDO 4:00---1050 Matinee CHUM aD eSylphony Orch, | olBd! 8: 12:00--Studio 88 CHUM | 4:00--Jackie Rae Show CJBC HOT 'WATER HEATING : A DW ARE :00--News : Sunrise Roundup CKDO | 12 s. 4:00--Backstage Wife REY OIL BURNERS and an Ww . Ase New: 100--News 4;00--Popular Son :45--1050 Roundup CHUM | 12:00--Easy Rhythm FR 4:05--Ciab 580 of STOKERS :45--QGospel Singer :00--Shady Valley Folk 4:10--Winner Take All. New or Re Work! E CKEY | 6:55--News :00--Welcome Travelers WKBW | 4:15--Music for Monday pair . N. SHAWA PHONE 1000 B a 7:00--News; Musical Clock 00--Wendy Warren and the News 415_Stella_Dalias WBEN a SIMCOE ST. N : oO Ee a Von HERA G. BURNETT :30--Coun WEBW- EN--CFRB r 4:15--Wi | ] terspy News = 13 oe Pick the "Hits OKEY | 418 Many Hoppy Ret 30 0 Hours With Holly, 3 cl ° KEY :18--Many Happy urns 3 3 Nowa in Nature 7:00--Ralph Snyder 3 Rony WGR | 12:10--News CHUM | 4:30--Adventure Parade 349 Louisa St. Ph. 4296 : Hal 4051p 0' the Morning 12:15--Reading 'tween the Lines WBEN | 4:30--Lorenzo Jones tion "Safety" :15--Moments of CKEY 8:30--Devotional Services, WBEN Church CHUM o Church CKEY | 3: : t Buen: $3580 News 43 Jomepn ©. Hateeh WaR | 7:30--Headlines : > :00--Old Fashioned Revival Hour '45--News cme | 7: CHUM | 5:55 Musical Interlude Bn-press News , CKLO :00--News--Stone CKEY ; rs R--WBEN.- 7:35] CFRB Ne : Roundup CHUM :05--Plano Music CBL | 8: CREDO i . 15--Morning Devotions 6:00--CJBC News ? LL to Order WB! Sunrise Roundup Sacred Heatrs Program CKDO atrs News ews CHUM ou Know Your Music CJBC N :00--News y Police 3 CHUM 8:00--Martin Agr WKB \ GENERAL MOTORS | Slightly | FOR $ DELCO-HEAT | Used -- AUTOMATIC HEATING EQUIPMENT OIL BURNERS '-- COAL STOKERS [Sain Te we Soe] PS POPULAR * SWING * CLASSICAL 0:30--Concert Dances CBL i348 Merting herve Zw || FINE QUALITY COAL - COKE - FUEL oi RECORD FANS... here's your chance -- Christian's are offering you a great selection of WKB ter Church Service o: "CL, ds by the most popular orchestras in the land. Come in -- get your records today. gsm ob || THE ROBERT DIXON COMPANY LIMITED in RE nr, 313 ALBERT ST. TeLepHone 202 | ll JACKSON'S POINT + OSHAWA °

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