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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jul 1947, p. 5

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RA} FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ~~ PAGE FIVE List Promotions At Section No. 5 In East Whitby Kedron, Jul 16--8chool promo- tions 8. 8. No, 5, Bast Whitby, are as follows: Grade I to Grade Le Donald Cory, Gordon Cory, Nel Lynde, Jeanine Werry. ade, JV to Grade V--June Cory, neer. Ont re to Grade VI-- Phyllis MoCormack, Stanley MoCormack, Ann Snowden. Grade VI to Grade VII--Ronald hi A, Ralph Ballard, Donald own, Jack Tate, Harold St. John, teacher. Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott and family, spent the week-end at Ban- craft, attending the Orange cele- bration there on Saturday, July 12. Muriel Elliott remained to spend 8 few weeks with her cousin, Donna Marie Kerr in Bancroft. Recent visitors at Mrs. H. Mount- joy's include Mrs, W. F. Bragg, Miss Ruby Bragg, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Hoskin, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon, Bonnie and Larry, Oshawa. Congratulations to W. N. Hoskin on attaining his 70th birthday. His family honored him with a picnic at Geneva Park, with a full attend- ance except for Mr. M. Heard, and younger son whose ill-health pre- vented attendance. Mrs, W. Parish, Brooklin, visited her daughter, Mrs. Percy Mount- joy, who is convalescing following a tonsil operation. Mrs. Edgar Covert, Peterborough, is spending a week or two with her niece, Mrs. John Elliott. Mrs. R. E. Lee and Miss Muriel Werry assisted on the program with a piano duet at the Strawberry tea put on by Solina Women's In- stitute at Mrs, Percy Dewell's Hamipton, on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Bryce Reeves, entertain- ed the West Group of the W. A, with a quilting on Wednesday af- ternoon, when a pleasant social time and delightful supper were al- 50 enjoyed. Misses Grace Scott and Marjorie Groat are on holiday and will spend next week at Presque Isle. Miss Diane Lee is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Stainton, Browning Island, Mus- koka. The hay crop is heavy but wea- ther very uncertain and much of the hay will be stored in a tough condition, : Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Miss- es Aura and Lyla Osborne, attend- ed the funeral of the late "Mrs. George White, of Dumbarton. Mr, and Mrs. H. Farndale, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Lee and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. A. R Scott attended the Masonic picnic at Geneva Park last Thursday evening. Norman Elliott is spending a few week's holidays with Mrs. Elliott's parents at Highland Grove. Miss O. E. Luke spent the week- end at home. . Pleased to know Mrs. A. Hep- burn is making satisfactory progress following her recent operation in Oshawa Hospital. Rev, G. W. Gardner will be on folidays the first four Sundays in August, returning to his own pupl- pits August 31st. On Sunday, Aug- ust 3rd, Dr. W. P. Fletcher will preach, on August 10th Mrs. Flet- August 17th and 24th. There were 10 present at Y.P.U. on Sunday evening when Miss Mar- garet Ratcliffe conducted the wor- ship service. Some of the members go to Oak Lake on Saturday and there will be no Y.P.U. service next Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. W. Davis entertain- ed Mr, and Mrs. H, Pascoe Grant and Douglas for Sunday tea. Mrs, J. Glover was called to Brooklin and has been spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Jas Pengelly, who has had pneu monia. We ase happy to know Mrs. Pengelly is now making a good re covery. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Cameron, Mr. Keith and Miss Jean Cameron visit- ed Mrs. W. Turner, Port Perry on Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Leask and family visit | ed her mother, Mrs. E, T. Lumb and brother, Dr. F. S. Lumb and other ivlaives, Bancroft, at the week- Mr, and Mrs. Carl Cameron and family have returned from their va- cation at Jackson's Point. Miss Viola Rooke visited Mrs. H. A. Werry prior to her marriage which takes place on Saturday, Ju- ly 19th to Mr. Milton Graig. They will reside in Hamilton, Mr. being Junior Inspector of Public Schools in that area. ---------- "Man in Million" Wife Takes Life ESHER. Surrey, England--(CP)-- Three people gave their opinion of George Lewis Hatton, musician, at an Inquest on his 76-year-old wife we Somitied suicide, "He is a man in a million," a neighbor. sald "He never let his wife down," a doctor. a "He was a good husband," said the coroner. Hatton said he had given up 60 per cent of professional en- gagements to look after his wife. ~ Announcement To Our Customers! Rug. th. to Ith Staff Holidays! COLD SPRING BEVERAGES irnN4 'R, Ormiston are holidaying W.A. at Enfield Hears Talk On Making of Mats MRS NORMAN STINSON Correspondent Enfield, July 16--Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson of Myrtle; Miss Rose Brent, Toronto; and Master Brent Radburn, Toronto, visited at Talmage Taylor's. 'Messrs, Jack and Ross Taylor visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Taylor and family at Alax, Misses™ Margaret Smith and Verna Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. J; a the Thousand Islands, énjoying a cruise, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Harris and Bill visited Mr, and Mrs, Hosken Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Prescott and Glen visited Miss, Ella Ste- vens, in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Prescott visited te Carl Ferguson's family at Union. Mrs. Lorna Brent and family, Raglan; Master Bob and John Brown, Ajax; Russel Radburn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stinson and Anne visited Ern. Stacey's at Janetville. X Joe Ashton, Detroit, visited old friends in the community, Albert Niddery, Toronto, visit- ed relatives in the village on Sunday. : William Gray and Billie, Tor- onto, spent the week end with Mrs, Gray. Mr, and Mrs. Jamie Stark and Jimmie, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Stephenson and girls, Maple Grove, visited at the Stark home. Miss Bessie Pascoe, Mrs, L. C, Pascoe; Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Beaton and Ian, Oshawa, visited at Godfrey Bowman's, The Cook Bros. had a very suc. cessful sale of stock on Friday. They intend to move to Bowman- ville in September. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith visited with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Solina, recently. The July meeting of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Simpson, with a fair attendance. Some members were unable to be pres- ent due to the busy time, Those present enjoyed a very fine pro- gram. Miss Aked of Long Sault gave a talk on hobbies, She had with her handmade, braided and hooked mats of her own design and make, Pictures of her own hand drawing were shown. Every one present enjoyed Miss Aked's gracious kindness and hope to spend another such" enjoyable af- ternoon. Miss Aked and parents bought an old stone house near the Lang Sault and are re-modelling and beautifying a summer home. It is now a beauty spot in the commu- nity. The Cryderman sisters provid- ed musie, A bountiful lunch and a social hour brought to a close a very happy afternoon. Mrs, Don. Parr, Carolyn and Leon spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Ormiston, Child Welfare Theme of Talk Solina Institute ---------------- GLADYS YELLOWLEES orrespondent Solina, Jilly 15 -- The Women's Institute mceting was especially for young mothers on Thursday after- noon, July 10. Mrs. Roy Langmaid president, was in the chair for the opening exercises. In the absence of the group lead- er, Mrs. A. Balson conducted the interesting program including a de- talled and interesting account of the fiftieth anniversary of the Wo- men's Institute, at Guelph on June 18, by Mrs. J. Baker, who attended this wonderful event. A talk on pre- school child welfare was given by Miss Lena Taylor, R.N, Bowman- ville Public Health Nurse. A vocal duet was presented by Olive Cryder- man and Donna Vice and a plano solo by Mrs. Isaac Hardy. For guess- ing the nearest correct number of peas in a jar, Mrs. Lorne Hoskin received a prize. Refreshments were served by the group in charge. Wedding bells are ringing! Managers of the buck.rakes are making every possible effort to as- sist farmers in getting in their hay, as the weather is so. catchy. This help saves much time as well as lightens the load considerably. Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivell and Miss Pearl Leach visited at Mr. Isaac Chapman's in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Joe and Anne, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Gwendolyn and Grant, Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Gill and Reva, Enniskillen, visited at R. Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling, Whitby, were with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hockaday. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Baker enter- tained a few friends at a picnic tea at their home on Sunday after- noon; Group IV of the Women's Institute were favored with fine weather for the strawberry tea at the home of Mrs. Percy Dewell, Hampton, on Wednesday afternoon, July 9. While the ladies enjoyed the tempting re- freshments, plano duets were pleas- ingly rendered by Mrs. Ross Lee and Muriel Werry of Kedron. Misses Aurilda and Elizabeth Hockaday visited their uncle, Mr. John Challis,, Bowmanville, who continues ill. ® Solina Wins Football Game The football game, Solina vs. Ty- rone at Tyrone on Wednesday night resulted in a score of 2-1 in favour of Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and family were Sunday visitors at Frank Hoskin's, Unionville. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Slemon; Ethel and Lillie Gilbert, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy and daugh- ters, Heward, Sask., visited at Rus- sell Gilbert's. A. L. Pascoe was in charge of the missionary program, preceding the lesson period on Sunday and also read the story and Mrs. J. Baker sang a solo. Ileen Balson is vacationing with her brother, Allan, and family, at Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson and Philip, Peterborough; Misses Helen New Vice President A. H. MARDEN A. O. Ponder, President of Domin- fon Tar and Chemical Company Limited, announces the appoint- ment of A. H. Marden as Vice- President. Mr. Marden is also Vice-President of Alexander Mur- ray and Company Limited, and a Director of Dominion Tar and Chemical Company Limited. Baker and Irene Bragg, Toronto, visited at J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, Pearl Leach, visited at Doug. Flett's on Sunday. Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Congratulations to Don Pascoe of Solina School and Elma Cryderman and Margaret Robinson of Bradley's on passing their Entrance examina- tions. Clarence Biden, Wolseley, Sask., visited his aunt, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Mr, and Mrs. H. Parker.and Su- san; Mr. and Mrs. John Grooms and Jackie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, N. Metcalfe, Oshawa, visited at S. E. and Wes Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crome and Mr. Arthur Goring, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Chas. Blanchard's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston, Billie and Bobbie, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Harvey, Brian and Linda, Toronto; Mrs. Will Ormiston and Marion, Columbus, at Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broom and family, Toronto, at Lloyd Broome"s. A. L. Pascoe made a business trip to Port Hope on Saturdaf, and at- tended the July 12 celebration there. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and family, Taunton; Mrs. Milton Coch- rane, Irene and Ronnie; Mrs. J. Davidson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, Zion, visited at Tom Westlake's. Mr. and Mrs, 8id Cornish, Mrs. Fred Cornish, Hampton, were at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Geo. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor and Ross, Pontypool, with Mr. E. R. Taylor. Mrs. Ernest Stewart of Salmon Arm, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Cry- derman; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cry- derman, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Cryderman, Shaw's, at Mr. Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, John and Paul, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. T. Pereman, Columbus, at Lorne Hoskin's. *That's what I like about life insurance . . . you don't have to die to win. I was really amazed when a London Life representative showed me how the insurance I bought to protect my family could be 'arranged to serve me too. program. The family will have a definite income every month from my insurance if anything happens to me--always enough forcomfortableliving. If I live there'll be something substantial for me too. have a cheque coming from the London Life every month, after I retire." LR ru This is a type of service in which the London Life has "It's all part of a simple been specializing for years. You can get the benefit of this experience by having a repre- sentative get in touch with you. District Office -- Alger Bldg., King St. E., Oshawa Mrs. H. McGill Is Hostess To W.M.S. Meeting MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ndent Enniskillen, July 16 -- The July meeting of the W. M. 8. was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey McGill on Wednesday, July 9, with 26 adults and 12 children present. e meeting opened with a hymn andiBible reading by Miss Joyce Mc- Gill. Prayers were offered by Mrs. A. Wearn, Mrs, E. C. Ashton and Mrs. P, Dorland. Mrs, Francis Wer- ry's group was in charge of the pro- gram, . Mrs. Dr. Miller, Bowmanville, gave a most interesting talk on In- dia, which everyone enjoyed. A vo- cal solo was given by Ray Ashton. A vote of thanks was expressed to Mrs, Miller for her splendid talk and to Mrs. McGill for opening her home. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, Harold Ashton. Lunch was then served by the group in charge. The W. A. will hold its July meet~ ing at the church on Wednesday July 23. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and family have returned from a 2 week's vacation at Thurstonia Park on Sturgeon Lake, Mr, and Mrs. H. Slemon and Gre- ta, Misses Kate McNeil and Marion Johnson, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. C. Slemon and Patsy of Bowmanville, visited at Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Sle- mon's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke were with Mr. and Mrs, O. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs, George Holmes,and family from North Dakota are vis- iting at Miss E. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Donald, are spending their holidays with his mother, Mrs. John McGill. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H, Hancock, Ro- chester visited at Mrs. E. Page's. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick and Mrs. E. Strutt, Bowmanville, visited with Mr, Ed. Caines, Ponty pool, Mrs. K. Caverly and C. W. Souch, Hampton, visited with Miss Eva 8Souch, Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Verna Ormiston, Toronto, had a very enjoyable week-end motoring to Kingston, Gananoque and other points. They took a boat trip to the Thousand Islands. Mr, and Mrs. John Wotton, Pur- Ple Hill, called on Mrs. Mary Grif- fin. Little Miss Joy DeGeer has re- turned home after spending a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Anthis- tles in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving are spending a week's holidays with Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke visited Long Sault. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Telfer, Toron- to, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur M. Wearn. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Slemon and Gre- ta, Misses Kay McNeil and Marion Johnson, Mrs. W. Hooey and Miss Joyce Murray visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeils, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vancamp and family, Blackstock, visited with E. A. Werry's, 2 Mrs. Harold Westun, Guelph, vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Wearn, for the week. Little Miss Mary Adeline and Master George Bradley, visited their grandmother, Mrs, Mary Grif- fin gor their holidays. Misses Gloria and Carol Wright with their grandparents, Mr. and Ms. Norman Wright in Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and Joan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodman at Lindsay. Misses Mona Brunt, Marienhith- ton, Joyce McGill; Celia and Ruby Griffin, spent the week-end motor- ing to Gananoque, Kingston, and the Thousand Islands. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hetz and family, Fairview, Pennsylvania; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, | Gill with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sims at | Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb, Nestle- ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb Master Brian Borrowdale, Osh: awa, is visiting Garth and Joe Mc- Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dorland and family are holidaying with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland, and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. : Mrs. ©. Sanderson, Toronto, Mr. 'land Mrs. R. Byers, Miss E. Von Jackson, Bowmanville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago and family, Base Line, are at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill's, Tove, fiddlesticks, Lady, that's reason enough, because NASH has EVERYTHING. The beautiful BIG NASH 600 with unitized* body and frame means safety-- means strength, and means rattle-proof, sque sand mortex insulation ak-proof silence. Couple that with NASH Conditioned Air. Economical, t00 . . . 500 to 600 miles on a single tankful of gas in the NASH "600", Unstized--body and frame welded into & single integral uni, See the 1947 NASH "600" and NASH AMBASSADOR today. Aaak veag, " «vt N. H. CR g2=q ~0 < OSSMAN | 1022 SIMCOE ST., NORTH OSHAWA PHONE 118W -- NOW Youcanhave Positive BLOW-OU PROTECTIO With the Sensational Attention All Motorists! ANOTHER BLOW-0UT HT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED 1 NL <n THAT MIG AGLE FETY WHEELS NEW WHEELS NOT REQUIRED Your Present Wheels Are Merely Converted = ...and It Costs You Only. ; | 328 50 COMPLETE GIVES in 25 years. THIS STARTLING NE e POSITI YOU!:- e RELAXATION at Yes, Miracle Safety Wheels prevent blowout accidents by eliminating sudden. settling, the tendency to swerve and the dangerous pull to either side of the road. 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