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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jul 1947, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ~ FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1947 BEAUTY FOR YOU -- Create the Illusion of Beauty By HELEN JAMESON There are many women whose features are far from perfect, whose figures would never lend themselves to dress modeling, yet who arg considered lovely, if not downright beautiful. They are the smarties. They know that beauty is a good deal like charming person- ality, It is not exactly what you are, but what you make others think you are, It is a composition of many elements; you don't have to depend entirely upon the gifts of the fairy godmother. You can go ahead and build it. It takes time and it takes brains, but it can be accomplished. Animation lights up many a plain face, makes it so radiant that it touches the emotions of the be- holder, like lovely colors in the sky, or flowers swaying in the wind. Animation is something you get by cultivating mental vitality. A keen wit helps it along; so 6 does good nature, and tolerance for oth- er individuals. You must be alive to the inter ests of other people, to what is go- ing on in the world. Get in a rut, and you are lost. Give way to un- pleasant emotions or brooding, and you might as well chuck the beauty aids out of the window; they won't do you a bit of good. Qualities that help a woman create the illusion of beauty are nice manners, a well-modulated voice, a well-developed dress sense, good taste, and splendid carriage. If one possesses these elements of charm, together with a fine, heal- thy skin and a smart hairdo, one need not worry about making the grade. Of course, there is no deny- ing that the peaches and cream complexion is an asset, but, if one hasn't it, you make use of the items in the make-up box. Applied dis- creetly and with the cosmetic ar- tist's eye, they will. compensate for nature's shortcomings. A Wealth of lovely hair is good fortune, but even a sparse mop can be made to appear abundant after it goes through the hopper at the beauty shop--has a permanent and is smartly arranged, The possibili- has- power, LER J ties of acquiring good-looks are manifold. The expressive, interesting face has a power that puts mere pretti- ness in the back row. It makes a strong appeal; even the dullest among us recognizes it as a form of charm, One observes flashes of beauty in the lighting of the eyes, in the up- lift of the lip corners, the pose of the head, the tilt of the chin. No plain girl need despair. There's beauty gold; she has but to dig for it. The first step probably is to keep sweet, never to invite conflict. Good nature is priceless; it has won millions of adoring husbands. WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT -- Meeting an "Ex-Friend" Socially? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs, Beeckman: Several months ago I had a ser- ious disagreement with an ac- quaintance of mine (she was for. nierly a "friend"), and we have not spoken to each other since. Now my husband and I have been invited to a party which we very much want to go to , . , but I have just been told that my ex- friend and her husband are to be there, What should I do , . .make some excuse and get out of atten- ding the party, or go and ignore her? I do not want to speak to er, C.A. Be grown-up about this prob- lem, which is not es infrequent as you probably think it is, Don't be such a social coward as not to 80 to the party when you and your husband have already ac- cepted the invitation, When you meet her at the party, don't "ig- nore" her, or snub her. On the other hand don't go out of your way to make conversation with her, But remember that you owe it to your hostess to be courteous to any guest, and this means that you must speak to your "exe friend," if only as casually as pos- sible, Young Widow's Wedding Invitation Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Our daughter is a widow (a war widow, twenty-two years old) and simce her husband's death overseas, she has lived with her father and me in our home where she was born. Now she is to re-marry, and is to have a church wedding. Would it be proper for us (as she wishes) to issue the invitations? She would like to have formal invitations. Please tell us, especially, the core rect form for her name , , . should "Mrs." be used before it? B.A. Yes, you and your husband may properly issue the invitations to your daughter's wedding. This is the form (no "Mrs." before the bride's name): Mr, and Mrs. George Ford Allen request the honour of your pres- ence at the mariage of their daughter Beatrice Allen Smith to Mr. Richard Paul Jones Saturday, the third of October United Church Haven, New Jersey Don't Autograph Your Photo- graph . . . Unless Or Until Dear Mrs, Beeckman: A young man friend of mine, not a "serious beau" has asked me for my photograph, Should I autograph it before I give it to him? Helena No, It he asks you later to au- tograph it, it is of course proper for you to do this , , . but make the message of a casual nature. For example, "To Tom, from Hel. ena," or "Best wishes to Tom, from Helena." Opening. Anniversary Gifts At Dinner In Restaurant Dear Mrs, Beeckman: My husband and I are giving a dinner in a restaurant to cele- brate our twenty-fifth Wedding anniversary, If we receive any gitts, should I open them in the restaurant (we are going to have the dinner in a private suite on the floor above the general res- taurant)? Or would it be in bet. ter taste to take the gifts home Featured Vocalist With ART HALLMAN and His Orchestra Wed. July 23rd JUBILEE PAVILION unopened? R.C.B. Since the dinner is to be in a private suite, you should open the gifts, for I am sure your guests will expect this and will enjoy seeing your appreciation and also enjoy seeing the other gifts. GUEST COURTESY DON'T OVERSTAY YOUR WELCOME , . . a very important suggestion for all guests to con- template! (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questions on What Should I Do? submitted by read- ers), PAST PLAY-TIMB -agers should resist the temptation to indulge in violent physical exertion on their annual holidays. Health people at Ottawa warn: "Those who live sedentary lives can't suddenly become 'sports' with safety, particularly if they are past the play-time of life. The family doctor, familiar with their normal types of activity, should be consulted about the type of re- creation y ® [ J Planning and Installation, HILL CORNI Electrical Engineering . Store & Office 12 Athol St. w, Why Put Up With Drudgery ? © ELECTRIC FANS --$6.95 t0516.95 Electric Hotplates--$2.35 1 $10.50 ® All Types of Household Lighting Fixt: ues. fal and Industria] Fluorescent Lighting SH ELECTRIC and Servicing Phone. 341 Warehouse & Service 53 Prince St. A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. DON'T NEGLECT KIDNEY TROUBLE The work of the kidneys is so important to the whole body that no disorder affecting them can be safely neglected. One of the most common of such conditions and one which can occur at any age is pyelitis, or inflamma- tion of that part of the kidney where the urine collects before it empties into the bladder. How Germs Are Carried Germs causing the inflammation may be brought to the kidney from some other part of the body through the blood stream or they may pass upwards from the bladder. But in either case, according to Dr, Joseph C. Birdsall of Philadelphia, they do not usually become entrenched in the kidney itself unless there is some blocking in the urinary tract, that is, either in the bladder or in the tubes which lead to it from the kidneys. A diagnosis of pyelitis is made by such symptoms as a burning sensa- tion when the bladder is emptied, and frequent emptying of the blad- der. Fever is often present, An examination of the urine shows the _| presence of many white blood cells. Any Age Pyelitis may occur in persons of any age. It is more frequent in girl babies than in boy babies. In such cases, the disorder usual- ly starts with chills and fever, and the temperature may go as high as 102 and 106 degrees. Sickness to the stomach and vomiting are often present; Constipation or diarrhea may also occur in older children, In adults, when pyelitis occurs, there usually is some inflammation also of other parts of the kidney. This condition tends to occur espe- cially during pregnancy or during child-bearing time. Complete Rest In treating pyelitis, the patient should be put to bed at complete rest and given a diet cantaining no highly seasoned foods. He should be given plenty of fluids by mouth, and if necessary the fluids may be injected under the skin. Constipa- tion, if present, should be corrected. Frequent emptying of the bladder and sweating should also be en- couraged, Hot, wet packs and the use of aspirin are helpful, accord- ing to Dr. Birdsall. . A search. should be made for any infection in the teeth, tonsils or sinuses, and such infections, if found, should be cleared up since they may be contributing causes for the pyelitis. Various Drugs Various drugs may be used to overcome pyelitis, depending upon rthe type of germ producing the dif- ficulty. For example, mandelic acid is used for bacilluria or infec- tion due to bacilli. Sulfonamide drugs and penicillin are helpful in those infections which are produced by streptococci and staphylococci. An X-ray examination may be made to determine if there is some blocking of the flow of the urine due to a kidney stone or other cause, If such a condition is found, operative treatment may be requir- ed to get rid of it. If it is not treat- ed promptly and thoroughly, pyeli- 'tis is likely to recur and may be- come a chronic or long continued disorder. As You Like It anne Adams Beach coat, rain coat, duster, re- versible! Long, 'ee-quarter, short- ie! You want one--it's in Pattern 4798. You'll love the jaunty hood! Make it in wool for fall, too. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4793 in sizes 10,12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16, reversible, 3% yds. 35-in. edch fabric, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (26c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print 1ZE, PARISI SANE. ABoush Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa, BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS "Bluebird" Diamonds 32 King W.--Phone 389 GLAMORIZING -- By HELEN A lovely complexion SUMMERTIME is reducing time. Fat cells are at their weakest in warm weather. They're off their guard; that's the time to get after them and annihilate them, Appe- tite hasn't gnawing pangs when the thermometer is soaring. One can get along on tid-bits and nib- les of groceries which is what the lady of excess poundage must do. Pastries are rich in fats and sweets, the elements upon which adipose tissues live and thrive. They are definitely out of order. Vegetables are necessary to pro- vide mineral salts; but, if they are garnished with butter, they aren't a bit of help in a reducing project. A hard-working man needs only two tablespoonfuls of fats a day, How about the woman who gets no exercise, who lays butter thickly on her bread and fills her coffee cup one-fourth the way full of cream? She should know better. She'll go right on getting fatter and fatter unless something is done. No need of going on a starvation diet; just cut down on sweets, fats and starches. The heavyweight can get enough sugar by eating fruit, raw or cooked. Candy is concen- trated food; she must not have it; it is stored away in a hurry unless one has vigorous exercise to burn up calories. Cottage cheese, buttermilk, lean meats will supply protein, won't put on an ounce of weight. Almost all vegetables are permitted, especially asparagus, spinach, onions, toma- toes, cauliflower, string beans, cab- Jase, and egg plant if it is not ed. One portion of potatoes a day can be included. Potatoes have been regarded in the past as the enemies of the plump contingent, but they are mainly water and contain little starch, Green salads are reducing agents. They Supply bulk, make the dieter fancy she has had plenty to eat. The dressing should consist of min- eral oil and lemon juice. HOUSE SCRIBE DEAD London-- (CP) -- Myer Jack Landa, 73, veteran parliament- ary reporter and author, died less than a year after his retirement from the House of Commons press gallery, of which he was chair- man in 1943, For Gay Tea Towels 4 Take the dullness out of kit- chen work! Dry your dishes with towels embroidered with these enchanting kitten designs, Fun to have! Mainly single and outline stitch for these motifs. Pattern 7097 has transfer of 6 motifs 6 x 8 inches, Our improved pattern--visual with easy-to-see charts and pho- tos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) "in coins (stamps cannot pe accepted) for this pattern. Print plataly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, ATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Departm Oshawa. Pp ; ent, Summer Good Time to Reduce FOLLETT and a good figr-» are Singer Jo Stafford's reward for eating a well-rounded diet. ® The Movie Column By BOB THOMAS Canadian Press Staff Writer Hollywood, July 17 -- (AP) -- Jane Wyman is discovering the way type-casting works in Hollywood. After her neat job as Ma Baxter in "The Yearling," all her film offers are for mother roles. Jane was pencilled in for the role of a 12-year-old's mother in "Chris. topher Blake," but she has asked Warners to excuse her from it. She does not want to be pigeon-holed in maternal parts. Football star Glenn Davis, tem. porarily an actor, doesn't know how long his army service will be. Says he: "I might find out I like it and want to stay in." . . . Groucho Marx apparently is contented about his debut as a single in "Copacabana". He has made it known he's available for more appearances without his brothers. Phyllis Calvert has to finish "My Own True Love" and be out of the country by Oct. 11. Otherwise she will overstay her six.month permit and have to pay both English and U.S. income tax. Maureen O'Hara's plans to appear in "Out of All Time" for R.K.O. in England have hit a snag. Britain has indicated it wants either the leading man or director to be an Englishman . , . Clark Gable is back in town and he must be happy over the way "The Hucksters" turned out. Van Johnson offers an interest. ing note about social life in Holly. ed at M.G.M. for has never met his Wally , It Berry. may be a small world, but it's a studio. Jack Carson is getting to be known as "Avallable Carson" around Warners. After "Romance in High C", he'll do "Barbary Host", a story of 1910 San Francisco, then "Forever and Always." Lon McCallister gets a vacation until September when he starts "Bridal Hill" for Sol Lesser, "It's a horse or dog story," he lamented. STOCK EXHIBITED London-- (CP)--Experts from all over the world inspected Bri- tain's finest pedigree flocks and herds at the Royal Agricultural Soclety's first post-war show re. cently. Twenty-one breeds of milk and beef cattle, 20 strains of sheep and all breeds of pigs were represented. Brave Police Horses Win Animals' V.C. Three of London's bravest police horses have been honored with the award of the Dickin Medal--the animals' V.C.--at a Hyde Park ceremony. Twelve-year-old Regal, bay geld ing, kept his head twice during air- raids; in burning stables and when a flying bomb hit Muswell Hill Upstart, an eight-year-old chest nut, went on quietly with his patrol in Bethnal Green when a near-miss showered him and his rider with glass. Olga, a bay mare of 16, forgot herself for a few moments when a flying bomb sent plate-glass win. dows crashing in Toothing, but she bolted only 100 yards, then collect ed herself, and returned to point duty. 22 SIMCOE ST. S. HUTCHISON STUDIO Closed for Staff Holidays from MON., JULY 21 TO MON., AUGUST 4 Re-Opening Tuesday, August 5th OSHAWA \ 4 pockets, back tie. Assorted colours, Sizes 7 to 12, ...... 1.29 GIRLS' back belt. BLOUSES pleats. White. Sizes 7-12. 1.00 back -- Colours, blue, rose, Sizes T 10 12. ....¢0.0000000 Clearance BOYS' POLO SHIRTS Stripes and Checks O8c Dainty for coolness and smart appearance. Made of good, quality cotton; in popular crew neck style and short sleeves. "BUYS" FOR THE JUNIOR MISS AT REDUCED PRICES DRESSES es. 178 Of Glenwood floral print with pique collars and cuffs on puff sleeves, ric rac trimmed self panels to waist, 2 fancy Print DRESSES Floral pattern with white collar, circular eyelet frill on yoke, white cuffs and tie Sizes 7 to 10. 1 0 TO clear seve ecrsnses . LJ Of mercerized broadcloth, band and tuck- in styles with organdy frill on round neck and on 5-button facing .ide Junior Misses' PLAY SUITS Solid colour linene, attaché@ halter top with self suspenders, straps and ric rac trim -- pleated shorts with 3-button low A back pocket, pleats and cuffs. 3. and Blue. Sizes 26 to 32, Regular 2.98. 1.49 ing suit. elastic waist, 8 to 14. 1.29 79¢ button, TIMELY ows MID-SUMMER <"CLEARANCE These greatly reduced values at Zeller's come in the nick of of your family. Girls' Print BATHING SUITS 1.39 Girls' ballerina bath- Attached halter top -- 4-row ruffing flared and self trunk. As- sorted prints in sizes at skirt Women's Bengaline BATHING SUITS 2.75 Women's ballerina one-piece suit with attached jersey lined brassiere; with front tie; bare midriff; shirred elastic back and jersey lined gusset. Ben- galine florals. Sizes 8, M, L.~ BATHING CAP -- 60% natural rubber, semi-head shape, strap with plastic chin l1c time for you to fill your vacation needs for every member of Boys' Wear SUMMER LONGS 2.59 Cotton gabardine, sanforized, herring- bone weave, 2 quarter top pockets, 1 | | BOYS' | Sand BOYS' 'SPORT SHIRTS 49c Of cotton broadcloth, notched lapel collar, short sleeves, one pocket, 3-button front, two needle seams. White, Blue | and Sand. Size 2-6, ZELLER'S LIMITED Infants' | Wear | Floral Print | Dress 89¢ Glenwood print with small white collar and cuffs on puff sleeve, tie belt, assorted lace trim, shoulder to waist. Sizes 3-6 years, Seersucker Housecoats 1.79 Of Paisley design, full wrap- around style -- contrasting cotton braid loop edging on "collar and pocket. Red and Royal. Sizes 3-6 years. BONNETS 29c¢ Of Celanese with cotton lined shirred rayon cord trim at edge and on off-the-face brim -- rayon ribbon ties. White, Pink and Blue. Size 12-15. ; © 21 SIMCOE ST. | Summer Accessories LADIES' GLOVES 1.39 Of Simplex fabric in summer pastel shades of lime, rasp- berry and pink. Slip-on styles; sizes 6% to T%. VANITY PURSES ROUND AND SQUARE SHAPH AS SHOWN I Ap td 3 * any

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