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Daily Times-Gazette, 22 Jul 1947, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, JULY 22, WANT AD SECTION = SESSET BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 12--Personal Services 26--Rea! Estate For Sale F. A. VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swish Street West. Your patronage sShclied 14--Househoid sehoid Repairs 1--Auditors FURNITURE i BEFAIRED AND "BE Severe D.W, alpen PT Chasies GRABAM BICKLE, ACOOUNTANT AU. tor, Saverbiment reports and thoome § T. HOPKINS, OER eral accountant, 24 Alger Bl t. East. Phone 2127. 8 ng countant and auditor, (Atgth) Phong i ° (Augs) 15--Gardening and Supplies PLANT THIS FALL FOR GOOD RE- suite, order How for early Detover 4 a=. very, com teed ro of "Heels. snide, Beayos, Ornam 3 oe Plants, ete. No 2--Barristers LOUIS 8 HYMAN. BARRISTER, ETC. Morisaas arranged. 25 Simcoe g, kous 7." Residence. 3051, ___ (Augn Sonor & ARN is. AL- In P. Annis, K 1s Simeoe Street South. Phone 4. Eon 739. (Augl®) down ent required. Landscape de- sigha 4 and estimates free. Pose ag 11] re Opportunities STORES, GARAGE AND business see Wilfred McAul a [fe Broker, 150 | Division Bt. [} Office 814; residence Money 1 loan. JAMES R and Solicitor Sue oo 301 3) Genosha Hotel. JOSEPH P. Sa Money ter, Solicitor 1415 King St, East, Oshawa 445. Res. Phone 837, (Augl) BARRISTER Caugl®) ) a BARRIS to loan. Office Phone (Augl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- or 11 Bifeesco S678. © Phos | | 56 W _E. N, SINCLAIR, K BARRISTER and a Solicitor, Bank of Sontren) Sule. MA P, SWARTZ, Sollsitor, otary. t Block. suite No, 4 SETIW, (Augl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. lg , Oshawa, Phone 3832. Hours: eleven i Sueive ci (Saceps Wed. and Sat.), to 4 and 7 to (Augl3) Eh STECKLEY HEALTH OLINIO, 146 a including EE t, dns (Aug!) id ents, Y rs. Blatter, Manager. "BE YOUR OWN BOSS With Small Investment 10 acres Sandy Loam, good chicken or garden land, Near No. 2 Highway & Oshawa. Total Price $1,200 (Terms). W. J. WARREN -- BROKER 64 KENT RD. TORONTO GE 5346 (1708) 22--Lost-and Found LOST--WALLET, BLACK, CONTAINING $80. Finder please phone 582W2. Re- ward. (171b) L WILL, PERSON WHO TOOK SMAL) tricycle from 31 Bruce Bt. or vieinity, please return to above address. (17 0b) T. BLACK PERSIAN KITTEN. child's pet, Phone 1163J. Reward. (168c) Resl '(1671) RR ACREAG 00 ACRE AND RTH side of EO aioe. Phone Bra (1691) A REAL BUY $4000 --buys 6 room stucco house, with double garage. Centrally located. $2000 down. Balance as rent. G. Barrow, Real Estate. 25 Burk St. Phone 3165W, (1708) Articles Por Sale ,. Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors Au Wanted Gerden igSsaing ang asrarene lies Por ses rearaiens Austad ....... Automoblle Repairs Auotl Sale ..... 858 8 -3%8 25¢c--Farmers' Column 85 RED HAMPSHIRES, MONTHS ola. 0. Bad. Hampabire hens, laging. Phone 1653R11. 0a) Instruction Susuten serereee, . -- Male Help JACKALL JACK, ; FENCE STRETCHER; one Shur-Shock Tecirie Fencer, com- lete; Factory-bul w cart; Sulky Ria Plow; Twin par plow. Phone 387 ~3. (1708) Wanted Male or 2 L] 3 1 4 MILKING COWS, FRESH; ONE BULL, 18 months; 2 Deters, Peter Kuzma, e, en Front, nz ACRES TIMOTHY HAY IN a hy . APrleby, JMyxile Sta- tion, BR s Claremont oe PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD. APPLY H. N. Arksey, Brooklin, (170b) 7 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD, WELL START- ed; 300 barred rock pullets, 52 months old. A, erman, Maple Grove. Phone So01, 'Bowmanville, (168¢c) 26--Real Estate Wanted IP YOU HAVE A HOUSE, FARM OR Duliness for sale or © Broker, 150 D! Day or Night. 29--Rooms For Rem TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT i ple. Apply 112 Brock East. vision St. 23--Women's Colump CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS. Swi yay stretch, corrective and sur- rmen brass Sleret: Phone ot 2504W. (Augll) 24--Personal HAVE YOUR KITOHEN REMODBLLED. Modern cupboards put in, Poone Ta ANYONE DRIVING TO DETROIT DUR- (1708) 2 BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS, w SUIT business couple. Phone 4241J. ( 1709) BRIGHT FRONT BEDROOM, CON- tinuous hot water. North end. Bus stop. Phone 867TW. (170b) BEDROOM, ONE BLOCK quiet home. Phone 2764W, mn Bt, (170c) PURNI! trom bus, 550 PURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for two Single bed, also single room. Phone 3242 (170c) ing G.M, holiday, with room for phone 3340W, Share expenses. (170b) DRIVING TO WINNIPEG JULY. 26th, can take 2 passengers. Phone Whitby 2146. (168c) WATKINS PRODUCTS FOR DELICIOUS desserts, Bch househol products. Phone 4491W. (1661) CER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY L ne Mrs. J. Henry, 2118M. Call after 5. (Augh) ure vanilla, spices and other 411 FUR! pd POR ONE OR two entlemen, enience, quiet e. Apply bi Coiborne. hi BRIGHT CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM, continucus hot water. Phone pew King St. (160c) 29a--For | RAT 3-ROO! COTTAGE AND PORCH, Slectricity, at Little Lake, Phone 2000W, poms ee A 13. 3 20 3 to 8, Oo: 516. Evening Appointments. ~_ (AugS) 25--Real Estate For Sale owns HISME FOR BALE. NORTH (170c) 3-ROOM FLAT WITH BATHROOM A sunporeh, ii residential iy edIDOA A Ting spbotELROHtE. eT Phone 35 end. mode: irs iv plece Bath, New ving £2 a") large lot. Im mediate possession. Phone 3500M. ( 170b) $-ROOMID 3 hs "HOME, GOOD | gg Codorte: BUN LAMPS ultraviolet, per 160b) Ris gold "So tul Meagher's. moo | North 6--Iinsurance MURDOCH INSURANCE Service, 1 North, over 's. Phone ne , Accident, A 20 phe, Lia, Ao Glass, Ete, (Aug.2) PRACOOR'S OS SERVICE Bd Af Ta DR. EH BE AND ps 129 Barrie Ave. (16541) Home owner, corner lot, 6-room Tug brick. Oak tile floors, mod~ ern kitchen, rumpus room, launs; dry room, sun porch and many other built-in features. Possession August 1. PRICE $7,600 PHONE 3859-J 84 GLADSTONE AVE. (188¢c) (Augs) 29hb--~Summer Resorts COTHAGES ON STURGEON LAK E, BR. cellent , first week AEE Box 83, Fenelon Falls. __(170b) TWO FURNISHED COT COTTAGES FOR rent, netewan River, Parry Sound District. hing, swimming, boats, e Write Mr. Shane, ple Liang, Ontario. (170c Box 244, Times. | ss, 000s00 81 ane INSERTION ., CONSECUTIVE Hy GONSECUTIV! EACH ADDITIONAL CONSEC Above only INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral Directors Female Help veosnreee 3B Household Repairs 14 @ouses For Rent ., 28 Loan Wanted .. Loss and Pound .. 23 Legal Notices ,..... 43 seransnes 30 Pemale Help Wanted ,.. 39a Money to Loan Nursing Service .. Optometrists ......, 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES RTIONS IVE INSERTION rates apply to original orders for Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date consirute a new original order. Professional and Business list 20 words or less, 20c addition, Sach initia) letter, abbreviation § and ¢ full word. Box charged 10c additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-2. serseres 18 wvenas 10 veer BB Room and Board Wanted ..,.,.... 308 Veterinarians ,...,. 7 Women's Column , 23 Wanted to Rens ., 31 Wearing Apparel ., 35 oe 01% 38--Female Help Wanted GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN WAITRESS, for hotel work. Apply Queen's Hotel. Ne wecastle. Phone (170c) OGRAPHER SOME EX- perience preferred. Good of opportunity. rmanent sition. Apply A. R. Allo- way, Times- (t1) EXPERIENCED BOO! WANT- ed. Must be capable of taking care of complete foe ot Pooks right party pply itd. 30 Richmond St. pay to Sportrite Junior (3rd Floor). (168tf) KINDLY CHRISTIAN MIDDLE-AGE woman by the month to house care for elderly lady. Appl gv ing all Particulate about yourself an referepces to Box 242, Tires. Cages MECHA! ) lence. on cars, I Rate Sor Advertising under this 3c Wo) oe Rey inser- Ly m! 45 cents. DANCING AT THE AV. ALON EVERY Wed, Fri. and Sat. nine till 12, King (Tues, Pri.) 41--Employment Wanted DRIV! NIC, WITE EXPER- ht and heavy trucks BWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ~-- BOME shorthand end typing required. "Both jobs pay the best current salaries with regular increases. Experience not ne- but will be rewarded. ARR: Box No. 237, Times-Gazette. (1 of 39---Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN TO NEWSP. advertising business. Excellent oppor- tunity for right person, Good educp~ tion pnd lity main 'APER | Ave, Phone 3030M. 'osition with contrac- tor or preferred. Phone 1883R. (170¢) REPAIR lates, all other electrical pliances. BSnudden Phone 2887R. (J1y26) 41a--Lawn Mower Service ewe LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- conditioned, machine ground. Called for and delivered. Lawnmowers bought, any condition. Stan Pudge, 236 Eulalie (Aug.22) WNMO SHARP- $~$5.00 per month for for ali words over 20, 34--Pets and Livestock 36--Articles For Sale YELLOW CANARY, GOOD SINGER, with brass standing cage. Phone Saag (170b) CHOICE PUPPIES COCKERS, BY CAN- ada's Sllistanaing Champion Sky Roc- ket, redg and blondes. Pet prices, de- a will hold until wanted. Phone (170b) BONE DOGS BOARDED. TWIN Kennel. Phone Whitby 839, 35--'Wearing Apparel LADIES' BROWN AND WHITE CHECK 2-pe. suit, size 16. $5. Phone nav, or 188 Bruce St. , 70a) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. steriliged, cleaned, and pr new. Carrying a big stock coats, suits and pants, 21 Bond 8 W. Sam Swartz. (Au 36--Articles For Sal. 3-PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITE, DINING- room set, 74 Rosehill Blvd. (168c) BABY CARRIAGE, BABY STROLLER, and and play pen. P Phone 4715R. (168¢) GENUINE BICYCLES, PARTS AND AC- cessories. Repairs on all makes, Lowest prices. Bicycles for rent 10c per hour. fangzway Cycle, 595 King Wesu. hone 4491M. Augs) CEMENT DELIVERED ANY- in Oshawa. $1.30, 94-1b. bag. Phone Midway 4876 Toronto, reverse charges, (168c) ONE SET OF MUSICAL TRAPS, 1 tank and Rudd heater. Phone 4169R. (168c) BIRCH (Augl2) U.S.A. where HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR KINDL- ing, also hardwood blocks. Phone 3288J, {168c) |A ¢ OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service. Out-of-town 3-ROOMED COTTAGE POR RENT AT Port Perry, Aug. 2nd to 9th, Phone 322173. (170a) 31--Wanted To Rent 8t, W. Safa suger. 8~--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Home--Ambulance (Augll) BRICK VENEER, HARD es | floors throughout, Hot water heat NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST, WEST. . Reasonable price. Apply 506 ing Bt, West. 1674) 2 oy 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BY Toune ow 5-ROOM Te 1% 35x666 ft, Possession 30 days. 745 Ritson Road South. ( 9---Money To Loan FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY © WE BUY MOR IOAN AND F SALE AGREEMENTS Nov Shore Realty Co. Ltd, Hod ST obit Tues-Thurs-Sat) 5% FIRST HOETAGAGE MONEY available on new and improved proper- ty. Construction loans. A. E Murdoch, agent for the Imperial Life Assurance Co. (Mortgage Division). Office 2h Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phone (Al CLIENTS pret BE A ply Hg) Totaphon Telephone 282 . wills (Asga0) 11--Building Trades JUILDING, REMODELLING. REPAIR B , roofing, insulation homes: May Aug27) old attics. reflective ee Phone 1352W. NE 2063-W, OSHAWA. SAND D AND Be el wuippiiss tor dump HUE sory inders fill ushroom Mord 1 Apply 163 RI} FOR 4 YDS. hone "Veterans ravel, gomotz, corator. og industrial up MD gellens yorkimancaip Ab Eo = FLOORING LAID BY EXPERI setters. Variety of onlom mates Phone enllect ville. Len Bromley. PHONE a BESSR mw. ave! joam, Sen away. Trick for hire, nh ai (J1y30) an (Augld) SAND oy (Augh) SHEET METAL WORK ing. Dealer a Furnaces Phone x ) SEPITC TANKS [NSTALLED. ALSO small cementing 3h done. Por In- formation call 3434W. BAND, ), GRAVEL, OF CINDER, dump Robert LW a A by Jonyrest of or hour ( Aug) CENT NEE FOR RT i Cement hy bag or carload. Glazed sewer tile and fittings. Gyproc, lath, and sheets. Chimney flue Ying 8% x8% --0% x13. General Building Supplies RITE-WAY BUILDING SUPPLIES 382 Parliament St. Toronto. Randolph 1965 Evénings, Adelaide 4066 (1701) CEMENT Joba contracte! 12--Personal Services DON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM or arthritis. get Ru-mex-ol. Phone 384 Ritson 8. 217R ) | NBW FIVE-ROOM BRICK #64 | Clarke Sf. Basy terms. IF YOU HAVE TO VACATE IN A HUR- ry, I have several good homes for sale with immediate lon. Now is the time to buy. action. Call Wilfred McAuley, Real Estate Broker, 150 Division Street. Phone 3510M, y- time. Bri DISTINCTIVE MODERN 1941 MODEL 115-storey, brick veneer home on Ca- dillac Avenue South, Spacio rooms beautifully finished » tinted wien fireplace and many bullt-in features. Shining light oak floors. Forced alr with welded steel furnace Partitioned Sascment, Large lot, edged and land- . Btorm wind i ssocion uy) ud fbn Bai ain s Bhd, $9,900. potntment | _ fu; Hous AND 1 1oT FOR 8 SALE. ¥ POR | Bo cos South, Apt 3, Phone SI SACRIFICE FOB CASH, BXORLLENT b lding Montraye Ave. A 20 Celina 5 Ang (3s 10-ROOMED HOUSE, INSUL . Apply 231 Conant St. Phone ° 4 ioc) paved. st oEONGALOW et. Central hardwood a of 2a ala ht. Box 20, Tim n te. (168¢) BUNGALOW, | © ly complete, built to NHA ations; med POs~ session; hardwood a tile kitchen bath and hall; built-in bath and shower. Apply ire E44 Glaser) Por oF :. he Here is a Real Buy 8 roomed brick veneer house, oak floors up and down, nicely decorated, 3 pe. bath, hydro, furnace, jacket heater, lot 44x100. Central on Albert St. for only $6600. W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 716 stone front, nei 6 ROOMS, For oc My Box or 304, $5300. 6-ROOM ubs, nice condition, g! _{1700) $6 000-5 cash, buys 9 acres ' good al By 1051 Bundes HOUSE, APARTMENT OR 3 UNFUR- . | ny ronms by September lst. Phone Tedowis, (170c) 3-ROOM APARTMENT, OR SMALL house, north section preferred. Tivo) A BMALL HOUSE, WITH REFERENCE. Phcne 4273R. (170a) SMALL BUILDING SUITABLE FOR ) running lunchroom. Preferably on main highway. Any locality. Apply Box 241. Tiines. Gazette. (168 32--Automobiles For Sule '46 PLEETMASTER SEDAN, EQUIPPED radio, heater, defroster, clock, Apply 301 St. Eloi Ave. _- Oa. 1937 MASTER DELUXE CHEV. ACH, good condition. Phone 3505 oa 5 pm, (170c) 1946 DUMP TRUCK, WITH HIGHWAY Job, 32.4. Hust be sold this week. 359 Ritson So (170b) '40 CHEV. FOTW TIRES. GOOD goin I | Jiprotid u olstery. Radio, heater hone 1867TW. (170b) NBW INDIAN MOTORCYCLES USED motorcycles P accessories. Sires, ofl and bats rari, etc Pals. Open n evenings. Phone 41213. __{Auglh) '40 DRSOTO SEDAN. CON- dition. Phone 2107J. (170c) 1937 DODGE SEDAN, PRIVATELY Fi ints condition. Apply Hoes ers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Aug.18) GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, excellent condition, oad King E. (168c) CLOTHES REEL, MPLETE WITH post, platform and Sou A. R, Alloway, 478 ee 8t. North. (167¢1) TERFIELD, 3 PC. VELOUR, brand and ew new $190. Also kitchen set 0. Phone 811 Bowmanville, or 2900W, shawa, evenings. (1639c) OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT. PHONE 54TW. (168¢) MASTIC TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- woed, felt, cement, metal trim, Lev-L- Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto. (J1y27) 2-ROOM CABIN TRAILER, TRUCK tires, , $100. East of C East of Courtice, (168c) c) | FINLAY KITCHEN COOK STOVE WITH reservoir. Kitchen cabinet, natural wood finish, 237 Drew Street. (169b) SMALL KITCHEN SUITE. PHONE aod, (170a) ) | USED y/ASHING MACHINE, $25. BA- rons' Radlo Electric, 426 Simcoe South, Phone 249. (1708) FOR SALE, ONE NEW SCALE WIL- liams Piano. First class condition. pe 1 (170e) HING MACHINE. AP- a 138 BoTRIC WAS BLIGHTLY USED DINETTE SUITE, reasonable. Phone 4311J. Appl 4 Halg | St, T1700) UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRIT- er, good condition, $75. Apply i» Hu ron St. 0c) COLOR Baby PRAM, iy condition. 625 Mary 8 (170a) 3" USED, INSIDE "DOORS, ALSO 3- burner Moffatt gas range. Phone 1754R. (170b) JACKET HEATER AND TANK, .QUE- bec heater, good condition. Apply 146 Albert St. Phone 964W, (170¢) VENETIAN BLINDS Our blinds are guaranteed 7 day delivery. Free estimates and instal- lation. Also venetian blind servicing. Wood slats replaced with Flex-lum or steel slats Reasonable rates. R. CAMPBELL Phone 1843W. (Tues, Thurs, Sat) ABOUT 150 CEDAR POLES AND POSTS all sizes, and up to 30' long, Ray Hos- kin. Phone 862W3. (1 170¢) ICE- BOX, 25 LBS. METAL, GOOD CON- dition, 377 Elmgrove Ave, (170a) CHESTERFIELD FOR ¢ SALE, RAND new 3-pc, velour, also chrome kitchen set, Sacrifice. Phone 2000W, evenings. (170c) NEW JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, run 4 hours. Phone 3005R. (170a) AWNINGS. WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A limited number. Order early. Cleve Fox 412 Simcoe. N., Oshawa. (Augf) COMFLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of yashs ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. Phone 3800W. Giyasy GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Special price to July 31st. Made to measure in various colors and ma- terials. Free estimates and instal. lations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. W. MELLEY rnone 4101W--Oshawa P.O. Box 421 BARN FOR SALE Near cor. Bloor St. E. and Ritson Rd. 8., Oshawa. Building mate- rials and frame timbers. Apply te Gi. D. Conant, 1050 Simcoe St. S. or Conant & Annis, 7% Simcoe St. 8. OSHAWA (Aug.30) 37--Articles Wanted FOUR - BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE, apartment size. Phone 2083. (170c) WANTED TO RENT, SIDE-WALL TENT for four people, also Sa ts, for AA weeks h Phon: A {11 Blvd. (170c) 8 BLINDS FEE LER i Beld. Phone 2104 (J1y23) HIPMENT rvolr. Dif. A. credits North (Augs) COAL BANGES. nt t sizes $1) makes. D. ted. Meagher's, Simcoe 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, by crib, used furnace, & qu BA. ed of cement blocks, and sand. PRY, = a) | Burk. Laude BEST © ot 1 32 BUI BE aw oR, Phone 1301W. Oc) A 1 FINLAY ELECTRIC RANGE, condition, Apply 181 Celina St. (170b) 2 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE COUPE. 2S 66 Brana Bt., after 7. (170a) '35 PONTIAC C. Oc) REDUCED TO INTRODUCE PLAST-I- Gloss. Baves time, work, Ilinoleums, hardweod floors mastic, tile floors and ping our eity is an amaz- '36 OLDS S3AD terms. sore, 211 Kim 5 n, Y 34 MASTER CHEV. tion, new thes. Phone 3255 '$3 CHEV. COACH, MEOHANICALL good, 3 excellent tires; '88 Ford, half rect condition. Appl W. Appleby" Myrtle Station, on, BE. N PP! rd Claremont 88r23. toe) Phone B PONTIAC SEDAN ENGINE OVER- 3. new tires, body rough. Por i dion, A-1 LOROBILE. ya 185 Albert pe. igs SEDAN; '38 FORD, hy long wheel base truck. Phone (ieee 31 DODGE SEDAN. CASH OR (170c) SHDAN, IN GOOD iw 8 ( fon) 192° ANNIS ST. (169¢) Sofi Ge icine a garage 20x24 and a stable 10x16, with loi ® This Bie property has 265° frontage on Sim 4 good property to divide in bullding lots. Six-roomed brick veneer house. Bim- coe St. N. Just outside City Jimis pak floors, Chestnut trim do 3-pe. bath, hydro, furnace, bull io cupboards, hen house, large enough for 200 hens, Batege, lot 43: gsln for cash. Must be sold this %..4 imal Jossilion. a gy t. A bi Py jouble lof ar] al. or 8-roomed house on Ol kK ior XN conveniences, DIWOOR Roos stairs, bullt-in has double go ur age. A bargain a P8000, Pa Ww. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 1716 Rawleigh Dealer (Aug?) (170) NEW Roger Bonner, (169c) os ----_--y SEDAN, seen after 6, Garrard's Rd. innies Mr. Sloan. (170a) 33--Automobiles Wanted WANTED, USED OAR '28 TO '33 MO- _ Opsh for best car offered. Phone 056M. (1708) ALL CASH FOR '39 TO '47 CAR. PHONE 32887. (168c) file mn fon. Apply PY 1941 DELUXE may be North of nn. LAKESHORE AUTO WREC S Cars wanted for wrecking hest prices paid Phone 3362: evenings ts 178 ay CASH FOR YOUR North v Sales. 1271 Simaoe Fo (Augl) ne 4695W, Y | wears like ing wonder. Plastic floor finish. Easy to apply with a brush. No more wax- ing. no hard scrubbing, easy to clean with a damp cloth or soap and water. Retains lustrous high gloss and irrn. Amazing low price. Order your plastic now. We deliver PHONE OSHAWA 4497TW This offer is good until July 23rd, 1947, after which date PHONE NUMBER will be changed to 4538W,~ (July23) SOLID W. DINETTE TABLE, feur chairs, double door china cabinet, lazy-boy chair with ottoman. Div- ision St. 170b) E SIZE WOODEN CRIB. MAPLE ade. Phone 1 10287. (1700) MANTEL RADIO, 5, STEWART-WARNER, nearly new; Perfection 3-burner coal oll stove; quantity used lumber; 3 bag Plaster Parls. Phone 3870M1-3. (1708) SINGER SEWING MACHINE, IN GOOD condition, Phone 3488W or onl] 192 Tresane St 170a) PICKLING BEETS AND YOUNG ay en, ao Phone 436W12, (170b) DON CARRIAGE, WINE AND 1 ASW, $20.; 1 play pen, 3 50. at on Wo, Phone ANOTHER DEVELO NT OF THE speclally for the armed os ai "Water- r0Of - is now avall- able Jor civilian use. ILL all Slotil fabrics, textiles, from dress eavy canvas in 3 minutes thirte ate. 4 invisible when applied. Use wit Spray. brush or dip. Comes port & Cycle in pl half and full gallops. Shea- thet a oar. Vhetor Bhop, -Bat.) | HIGHEST PRICES P al, ma Cedardale Tron Station. ( (Aust) Apply in person or by letter to A, " id or T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette (170t1) BALESMAN FOR BREAD ROUTE. AP- ply Tod's Bread, (170¢) EXPERIENCED COUNTER MAN AND Futter, meat dept. A & P Store, ots y. 111) UTOMOTIVE NSPECTOR ANTED Man wanted by out-of- town concern, capable of assuming full duties as Chief Inspector for Auto- motive plant. State age, experience and salary expected. Competent and experienced men only considered. BOX 245 TIMES-GAZETTE BRICKLAYERS Wanted for large battery of 'WILPUTTE COKE OVENS No lost time, work under cover of large building, 6 day week. Experience in "fire brick work not necessary, Excellent wages and working con- ditions. Transportation to job paia after one month's work. COKE OVEN CO. of CANADA, LTD. Box 210, Hamilton, Ont. c/o The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., (Julys1) 39b--Male and Female Help Wanted YANTER TO TO BRENT O TREADLE Sewing ine, 0h ri (170b) ERRY PICKERS. APPLY 146 VERDUN . ( MEDIUM /SIZE COMBINATION LBC. 'good condit! tric and coal range in FPhon x WANTED GOOD ice box 0a) 40--Agents Wanted ) | EARN EXTRA CASH -- MAKE MORE money easily in spare time. Just show our b ul Canadian made Christ- Seon pioves and King West. (Augh) POT To on FOR GOOD USED Surnit: ure, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves, 24 Bond West. Phone ¥.. 3] Ha WANTED WOR RASH. has Fe Help Wanted Reliable Firm Has Position For CAPABLE STENOGRAPHER or DICTAPHONE OPERATOR Would consider junior who is goed typist and has other neces- sary qualifications for training as dictaphone operator. Excellent opportunity. BOX 222 + TIMES-GAZETTE (July26) mas cards fo your friends. They sell Many assortments. Gift , Seals, Tags. Also Everyday Cards. Beautiful free album showl cards 25 for 1.00 and up. Lf mission. Write today for unusual sample offer The Douglas Greens C Sara Company, 50-W Bleecker St. Jiy22, has 26.29. ue. EARN EX money eas ny our Reauu. Canadian made Christmas cards your friends. They sell on sight. Yan assortments. Gift Cards, Seals, Tags. Also Everyday Cards. Beau- tiful free album showing personal 25 for $1.00 and up, Liberal com- mission, Write y for unusual sample offer The Douglas Greeting dd Company, 50-W Bleecker 8t., To- ro iy10; 12, 15, 17,10,22,24,26,29,31,Au.2,5,7) CASH. MAKE MORE in spare time. Just show | LA WERS, 8 ened and repaired We 'vise up and Phone 2164W. Wonds, 636 Somerville Ave. (J1y26) LAWN MOWERS SHA ED - AND repaired, Shelly and other =dged tools gloung a Simmons, 95° Patricia hone 3168R. (Augs) 43--Auction Sales I have received instructions from C. W. Law, 245 Kendal Ave, to sell by Dae auction, Wednesday, July 23, at 1:30 p.m. the following; New Scale Willlams Plano; Electric Range and Annex; Bedroom ' Suite; Coal and Wood Range; Music Cabinet; Beds; Springs and Mattresses; 2 Writing Desks; 2 oak Dressers; 1 oak Hall Seat, Rack and Mirror, Sidehoard; Dining- room Table and 6 Chairs; Several Rock- ing Chairs; 2 Wicker Chalrs; Floor '| Lamp and small Lamps; 2 large Trunks; Weagh Stands; Verandah Chairs; Awn- ings and Floor Mats; Camp Bed; 2 Linoleum Rugs; 4 Kitchen Chairs and Table; 2 pair Silver Candlesticks and 1 pair Wooden Candlesticks, and many other articles too numerous to men- tion, Terms, Cash, Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, (July18-22) I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction, for J. Arvay, 2 miles East of Oshawa and south at Hart's Hill, on Aattiday, following valuable items: Equipment; 12" Sticker OMC ( condition, dresses four sides); for Shavings; Gasoline Power, 20 Appr. 7, Belts inc. face; Portable saw mill with 48" insert tooth saw; Foi n Tractor, electric starter; Ce- ment Mixer (London), Appr. 4lp cubic feet; Gas Engine, 11% .P.; Double Action Force Pump; Oil Burner (elec- trie motor), good; Block and Tackle Bteel Cables; Wire Fences; Incuba- tor and Brooder Stove: Quantity of doors, new and used; Building 16'x30°, metal; Quantity of slab wood; Quanti- ty of oak lumber; Quantity of scrap iron; Quantity of French door glass; Household Furniture; Single beds (iron); Double beds (iron); Dining- room table and chairs; Lawn mower. Many other articles too numerous to mention, Terms, cash, Sale 1:30 sharp. Elmer Wilbur, Auct. (July19-22-24) I will sell for Mr. Alf Tapping, at 24 Hgia St. E, Oshawa, on Saturday, July 26th, 1947, all his household ef- fects, consisting of 3-pc. chesterfield suite, 4 large wicker chairs, piano, end- tables, floor lamps, 8-pc. English oak dining-room suite, 6 tube Philco radio, 2 beds, 2 dressers, 1 cook stove with burner. 1 combination coal and electric stove, kitchen table, ice-box electric washing machine, vacuum cleaner, other articles too numerous to mention. Everything in nice condition, Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash, If it is b stormy day, Selo will be held on Monday, July 28th. W. J, Sulley, Auctioneer. (July22-23-25) 44--Tender TENDERS WANTED FOR PAINTING | interior and exterior of Union School ! No. 4, on new highway, one mile west | of Oshawa. Lowest tender not necessarily | accepted. Aoply to William Dearborn, | (1708) | Bloor St. W, RR, No. 3 | The Times-Gazette classified ads will get you quick results, PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly amd Accurately Filled MITCHELL' S DRUG STORE ) Simeoe N. Phone 48 Portable NG MACHINE Tous Own o $5 Moath SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 18 Ontario St ' Phone 696 NG ELECTRIC RANGES, HOT | dishes and cooking utensils, | Mix Photo 'Fix' Lake Cake Batter Rochester, N.Y.--(AP)--A push- button ocntrol system at the East man Kodak Co. now mixes photo- graphic developer and fixer solu- tions in 1,000-gallon batches $asier than a housewife can mix up cake batter. At a central panel of valves and levers, an operator can dump meas- ured amounts of powdered chemi- cals and liquids into a tank, start an "evy-beater" mixer, and filter and pump the solutions into storage tanks. Previously, the company said, the solutions were mixed in 200-gallon lots through several sep- arete operations at various lora- tions Lift Hotel Licenses, Operation Faulty 'Toronto, July 22--(CP)--The li- censes of five Ontario hotels have been lifted for varying periods of time for what the Liquor License Board describes as "unsatisfactory operation." They are: Imperial Hotel, Toronto, 10 days; Geraldton Hotel, Geraldton, indefinite; Vic- toria, Fort William, two weeks; Golden Lake Hotel, Golden Lake, one week and Atherley Arms, Ath- erley, two weeks. When your BACK ACHES... Backache is often caused kidney action. When kidneys get a by dass excess 330420 esos vues othe vin Vim turbed rest or that 'tired out' tong Sow Sa. To help rt nar working properly--use 's Kidney Biers ata Joba Sle, oral §% Deand Doe Kite Pile inti thee RAIL FARES EASTERN | QUEBEC AND THE MARITIMES Seing dally June 23 to Sept. I Return limit 21 days FROM OSHAWA, Ont, TO Annapolis Rpyal (via Digby) .. (via Truro) .. Charlottetown ........ Digby (via St. John) ., (via Truro) Fredericton Kentville .. Moncton .. Riviere du Loup ... es Saint John Sydney .... St. Andrews .,.. St. Stephen Yarmouth (via Digby) (via Truro) Tax extra. Stopovers Permitted. Low fares between other points Ask any railway ticket egeat CANADIAN | CANADIAN NATIONAL | PACIFIC FURNACES VACUUMED Chimneys, Registers and Basements Cleaned! Phone 3760J ED THOMAS COOK MOTOR SALES a 139 KING TO ANY MAKE GUARANTEED REPAIRS | pHoNES Authorized Sales and Service for OSHAWA FARGO LTH CHRYSLER «PLYMOUTH | 3948 e GIBSON TRACTOR

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