THURSDAY, JULY 24, A, THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE \ _ Canso Plane Flies to Arctic Wreck By DAVE MCcINTOSH anadian Press Staff Writer Halifax, July 23--(CP)--A stocky, 49-year-old German, who = broke with Hitler and fled his native country in 1933, says that Ger- many and Europe are on the "eve of a construction epoch" but that the "Anglo-Saxons" must turn the government of Germany over to the Germans themselves before Bu- rope can begin to recover. Dr. Otto Strasser, who had spent 14 years in exile, the last four of them in the apple belt of Nova Scotia, told The Canadian Press in an interview today that his party, formerly the Black Front and now for Germany's Renewal, could pull Germany and Europe out of the hole with its program of "economic solidarism," European "| Federation and a revival of Chris- Hudson's Bay Company Canso aircraft, similar to one shown flying over Greenland, is flying from Churchill, Man, to Cape Dorset, Baffin Island, with food and supplies for passengers and crew of the Nascopie, aground on her 34th trip to the Arctic, Alberta Pensions Ultra Vires London, July 24--(CP)--Alberta's pension plan for unemployed resi- dents of the province today was ruled ultra vires of the provincial Legislature by the Privy Council. 'The Bill; passed through the pre- dominantly Social Credit Legisla- ture, was ruled ultra vires of the Provincial Legislature's competence by the Supreme Court of Alberta last fall. 3 'udptient, Today's Privy Counc ul en handed down by the law lords after a three-day hearing last month on section two of the bill, found that section two was ultra vires. Section two permitted thet provincial gove ernment to control credit in the province Act Unvalid The Privy Council said that have ing regard to the relationship be- tween this section and the rest of the act, "the act as a whole cannot be regarded as valid." Viscount Simon, in handing down the judgment of the Privy Council's law committee, said that the clear intent and purpose of the act as a whole "ls to establish machinery sufficiently complete in itself to se- cure that in accordance with the economic concept of Social Credit it will severely restrict chartered banks from continuing to carry on a legitimate part of their present operations." "When part two is cut out, wha! is lieft?" Lord Simon asked. - He added that while part one stated that Alberta citizens were. entitled te a social security pension (amounting to $600 yearly), "these + declarations remain mere aspira- tions unless part two operates to provide how this is to be done." Lord Simon said the Attorney- General of Alberta (Lucien May- nard) hade "ingeniously argued" that control of credit was only one method of securing social security pensions, Maynard further had said that part one standing alone left it within the power of the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council to make the necessary provisions in some other "undefined and unas- certained form." SHUT REHAB SCHOOL Brockville, July 24--(CP)--The rehabilitation school is closing about Sept. 1 and recreational and other equipment is being sent to re- form institutions throughout the province for use of inmates, it was announced here today. z ------------------ BLUSTERY BLOW Wellington, N.Z.--(CP)--This city has the reputation of being one of the world's windiest cities, but even the residents were startled \when one gust in a recent gale reached a force of 96 miles an hour, strongest ever recorded in New Zealand. "EXPORT" CANADA FINEST CIGARETTE 'Cheeky Crowd of Beasts,' Labor M.P. on Transport London, July 24--(CP)--Legisla- tion to nationalize Britain's rail- ways, truck and bus lines today seemed likely to evert to its original form after the House of Commons rejected a serles of amendments made by the House of Lords. When the Commons completes its revisions, the Transport Bill is sche- duled to return to the House of Lords, which has power to saddle it with amendments again. - But opinion in parliamentary circles generally was that the Lords would not again risk the wrath of the Commons. It was felt that the Lords made their demonstration and now would yield without much struggle to the powerful forces mov- ing toward nationalization. This seemed likely in view of re- cent. statements by Herbert Morri- son, deputy parliamentary leader, and Health Minister Bevan that ob- struction of socialist legislation by the Lords might result in action to curb the power of the Lords.. Prospects that the Transport Bill would have smoother sailing follow- ed yesterday's stormy session in the Commons in which a small group of Conservatives fought to save the Lords' amendments. In one furious exchange, Labor Member David Birkwood could be heard shouting: "You cheeky crowd of beasts." The outburst followed charges by H., G. Strauss, Conservative, that transport nationalization wduld be used to distribute profitable jobs among labor leaders. Rubber Workers Ask Wage Talk Akron, O,, July 24--(AP)--A for- mal request for reopening of wage clauses in the present contract was sent to the rubber industry's four largest companies yesterday by the The letter we sent asked a meet- United Rubber Workers of America ing, but it specified no definite amount of wage raise," said L. 8. Buckmaster, international president of the union. "We set no hard- and-fast dates for a meeting in our letter." Signed last March 22, the con- tract provided that either side could ask a reopening of wage issues at the end of four months, with the other side given 156 days to reply. Present hourly wage scales in the "Big Four" companies--Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone and United States Rubber--average about $1.50, including a raise of 11% cents an hour granted when the March con-~ tract was signed. About 100,000 workers are involved. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES | am happy to announce to you of the City of Oshawa and District that the price of Plast-1-Gloss Floor Finish will remain the same due to your co-operation and response of purchasing this product and the way it has been speaking for itself from your floors. You have purchased 4235 quarts since the 23rd of May. By continuing to buy you will enable me to keep the price reduced. Plast-I1-Gloss is advertised in the Articles for Sale Column. Phone 4538w, Associated Services, 23 Bond St. W. We deliver. Thanking you, | remain, Yours truly, ORVAL H. KING, District Manager. Once Pub'isher Strasser, once publisher of three daily newspapers who was chased by the Gestapo across the face of nerve-wracked Europe be- fore the war, said he wants to help rebuild Germany along lines anti- communist but not capitalistic. FARES ARE LOW Round Trip + Tax Included 5 ORILLIA . BALA .... CERRY HUNTSVILLE BRACEBRIDCGE (Bubject to Change) Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA + PHONE 2825 Liberty, Economic Security Said Germany's Big Need "What we all want," he said, "Is personal liberty with economic se- curity, Many think we have to trade one for the other, but we bor party in England, the C.C.F. here and some Republicans and Democrats in the United States are all inspired by that goal, though they do not always move in the right direction." . Plans Return His wife, 10-year-old son and 16- year-old daughter still in Swit- zerland----Strasser has not seen them for eight years--he spends his time at Bridgetown, N.S. read- ing and writing. His brother Gre- gor was murdered by the Gestapo. can have them together. The La- | Europe. Another brother is a Benedictine monk in the United States. Strasser has applied to return to Europe and said permission from tish and American govern- ments now seemed "logical" It would take further permission for him to enter'the American occupi~ ed gone in Germany-- he is a Ba- varian, Invasion From East To Strasser, time is short for . He says: "We must over- come the invasion from the East. I am convinced that a third world war is unavoidable, There is an 80 per cent chance that the Russians will peccupy Western Germany and Europe within the next seven months, or possibly three, The Tru- man doctrine and the Marshall plan are too little and too late, but there is a fighting chance. Austria and Czechoslovakia are 'the skir- mishing fields now for another Both sides want to enlist the help of Europe for the coming war. war, ANN PAGE SAND VIRGINIA DARE FANCY QUALITY WHEN AVAILABLE USE Bl SUPPLIES CEETO JELLY JARS ZINC RINGS RUBBER RINGS PAROWAX VINEGAR HEINZ WHITE * * CATELLI EGG WHEAT NOODLES ~ QUAKER CORNFLAKES SLICED LOAF CHEESE MONARCH CHEESE BABY ROLLS FLY SPRAY DIDIT KKOVAH HEALTH SALTS SPRINGVALE BLUE BOY BURNS' CAMPFIRE SAUSAGE SWEET MIXED PICKLES SAVOY CUSTARD MRS. BURGESS' bh MEAT PASTES WHEN AVAILABLE USE SOAP MANYFLOWERS WHEN AVAILABLE USE RED KIDNEY WHEN AVAILABLE USE IVORY SNOW - IVORY FLAKES * ANN PAGE--WHITE or BROWN MILK BREAD over Freer 2 240zionves [3c KELEOGG'S--10 PKGS--5 VARIETIES VARIETY CEREAL CH SPREAD - EXTRACTS SOAP PALMOLIVE « « regcake Qc glantcake 1 Ic PRESERVING Btl. 25¢ Doz. 49¢ Dox. 29¢ Doz. 6¢ me 12¢ ou. ale * Pov 14 3 Pkgs. 25¢ ib. 38¢ Ib. 37¢ Bel 39¢ 4-0z. Tin 2 Rolls 13¢ 20-ox, Tins Voor 20% 2:5. 17¢ Tin 23¢ 4° 25¢ ® Pkg. 29¢ Page PKG THE WONDER WASHER FOR DISHES and WOOLLENS 27c ASSORTED FLAVOURS MAKE YOUR OWN DRINKS NOW ON SALF LYNN VALLEY PEAS 20-0z. Tin f]c pkg 24. usevs, HEINZ, CATELLI Sonier 23 CANNED SPAGHETTI 2: 23: AT LEAST ONE BRAND OF EACH AVAILABLE TANGERINE JUICE - - zou 16: TONAFISH - - - - 7oztin 49 ESTABLISHED OWNED AND OPERATED BY he oven ATLANTIC & PACIFIC vee co. 1a, GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA MARSH SEEDLESS, 100% 4 for 25¢ GRAPES CALIFORNIA RED MALAGA, No. 1 GRADE Thy Ib. 25¢ i CANTELOUP ARIZONA SALMON FLESH, « oa, 23¢ PEARS CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN BARTLETT, No. {1 Grade 1) for 29¢ ¢ SOU CAROLINA, ELBERTA FREESTONE fi PEACHES LA ARGLIN; No. 1 Grade 2 - 23¢ APPLES NEW CROP, DUCHESS, No. 1 GRADE 2 Ibs. 25¢ BRADFORD MARSH - _ fi CELERY STALKS gr LARGE, No. 1 Grade 2 > 19¢ CUCUMBERS OUTDOOR GROWN, SWEET, No. 1 Grade 2 for 13¢ NATIVE GROWN, No. 1 Grade Ibs. POTATOES 10 ™ 39¢ NOW AVAILABLE, ATTRACTIVELY PRICED»~NATIVE GROWN BLUE. BERRIES, RED CURRANTS, RASPBERRIES, OUTDOOR TOMATOES, GREEN AND WAX BEANS Az P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS cry Sagat RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF ROUND STEAK OR ROAST "°M=-==¢ te 49¢ SIRLOIN STEAK OR ROAST * 52g FLAT RIB BRISKET - ° - *™ 18¢ ROASTING CHICKEN MILK FED, sRADE "pe ib 45¢ BOILING FOWL GRAEA" - - - - ib 34¢ (UT UP CHICKEN wi x rep Grade 'a' LEGS & BREASTS » 73c WINGS » 34c vd SALMON STEAKS WHITE FISH PORK SAUSAGE PURE, SMALL LINK Ib. 39¢ CHOICE SLICED BOLOGNA ™ 3] LUNCHEON MEAT LOAF ™ 53¢ CHOICE SKINLESS WEINERS ~ 37¢ DELICIA LOAF "4:= ist §3¢ -- SEA FOOD SUGGESTIONS -- SALMON STEAKS r= coos 43¢ SILVERBRIGHY Ib. 29¢ HADDOCK FILLETS "™== - = ™39¢ CoD FILLETS FRESH « « Ib. 27¢ FRESH LAKE NIPIGON Ib. 28¢ APs CURRANIEE you shop, ask your grocer for Daly's Tea. «