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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jul 1947, p. 12

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oT STR E BA PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZEITE FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1947 WANT AD SECTION <sZ555555%7 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL - DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Funeral Directors 8 Female Help ss.eseees 38 Gardening and Articles For Sale .. Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors Automobiles For Sale Wanted sessaese Supplies ditor, Government rep tax forms prepared. secretarial work. Phone 1004J. 295 Arthur St. (Augl3) 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King ac Au! Wanted " bil Auction Sale Barristers sienses Trades .. 1 un St, East. Phone 2127. C ng ac- countant and auditor, (Augl3) RBulldi 2--Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, B. Mortgage Loans arranged. 25 North. Phone 67. Residence 3051. (Augll) I= tunities Wanted 9 op Help Wan CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- In PF. Annis, KC. 7; Simcoe Street South. - Phone 4. Residence 739. (Augl$8) A.W, 8. GREER, EC. BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. Streev Bast Phone 3160. iesidence 3514. Resident ner W. C. Pollard. K.C. Uxbridge, (Augl) FRASER. Co erce Augl) nt. GRIERSON CREIGHTON & Barristers, etc. Bank of Building. R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.0., BARRISTER, etc, 6 Bimcoe Rt. North Phones: Office 814; residence 3297 Money to loan. (Augl) JAMES MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor Suite 201 0 King Bast, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Augl3) P. MANUAN, K.C., BARRIS- Solicitor. Money to loan. Office East, Oshawa. , Phone 837, (Augl) ter, 141% 445. Phone 20 a 4 3 16 a Empioyment anted ONE INSERZTON TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTION su as EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION Above rates apply only to eriginal Subsequent insertions ordered new original order, P and 20 words or less, 20c additi Each initial letter, abbreviation full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-2. Household Repairs 14 douses For Rent .. 28 Money to Loan .. 9 Nursing Service .. 13 Optometrists ....... 5 CLASSIFIED AD RATES : listings--$5.00 per month for Physicians and jurgeons . 38 Personal .. ... -| Personal Services . 13 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repalrs .... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For 8816 .....c.s00000 3D Real Estate Wan! sveed.ee 18 we 27 Rooms For Rent .. 29 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted ......... 308 Veterinarians Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 ceeeee 1 ted ... 39a 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word vevesescescenanann.. 02 45 03% ol 05 cies 23 O15 orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date constitute a onal for all words over 20. $ and c sign, figure count as a ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. eitor 11 King E. Room 2. Office 55. dence 3687R. Ww, and ing. Pohne 99, (Aug?) . N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BARRISTER Solicitor Bamk of Montreal Sulla, ug! A J. PAREHILIL BARRISTER, ETC. mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe Nortin. Poone Asie. ug: MANNING PF. SWARTZ, Solicitor, Notary. Mone; sett Block. suite No. 4 Phone 282 Res. 287TW. (Augl) BARRISTER. to loan. Bas- SOLI- i Phones | 12--Personal Services | 29--Rooms For Reni REGISTERED relieved of Arthritis wishes to help others. Free interview by appointment. Phone Whitby 2124. ( 14--Household Repairs COMPLETELY | 172c) BEDROOM, IN PRIVATE HOME, CEN- tral, continuous hot water. Phone 1160M. (173b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, IM- |%491M. mediate possession, adults only. BoX FRESHLY PICKED RASPBERRIES FOR | (173a) | sale 23c pt. Phone 66wl2 or call ( 311, Times-Gazette, FUR! upholstered. See our recovering. Phone 401. 15--Gardening and Supplies NITUR! REPAIR! AND RE- 2 2 terials for 75 Charles. ma D. W. Dalton. (Augs) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: gleven to twelve and (except Wed. and Sat.), 3 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Augl3) 4--Chiropractors CLINIC, 146 T THIS FALL FOR GOOD RE- ox order now for early October del- ivery, stock of Evergreens, Ornamental aig ie required. Landscape de- | 3306 signs and estimates free. Phone 13704, Oshawa, guaranteed nursery Shrubs, Hedges. Roses, No compiete and Fruit Trees, Rockery Plants, etc. (Aug.17) Simcoe North. Phone 224. ess tice including Chiropractic Electro y, mineral vapor bath treatment. . Oonsultation free. dally except Monday (Augl) 5--Optometrists ' 22--Lost and Found LOST, ENGLISH LEATHER CHANGE purse, sum of money, earrings, vicinity Willlam West Church St. to Reward. Phone 1573W. Burk St. (173a) ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12. 2 to 8. Phone 1516. Evening Appointments. (Augb) FOUND--MAN'S WRIST WATCH IN Whitby. Times-Gazette, Box 305 identify. (172b) Owner JURY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS etrist. Phone 28. mn. : (Aug24) 6--Insurance 'S GENERAL INSURANCE 232 Simcoe St. North, over 2928J. Resid 23--Women's Column CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS. two-way stretch, corrective and sur- ical fio Blatter, Manager. 24--Personal Phone (Augll) brassieres. garments, 2504W. Servi Easton's. Phone J phone 2380, Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile. Surety Bonds, Plate Glass, Etc. (Aug.2) 4 GIRLS WISH A RIDE TO WASAGA | August 2nd. Phone 2097M. (171c) | PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- 3p ure, 2% King Street phone . Res, 4318R. (Augl 7--Veterinarians DR. B. H WEBETER. LARGE AND small animal surgery. 101 Richmond St. W. Phone 2010M. (Augll) 8--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY FUNERAL Home--Ambulance Service, 75 Charles Street. Established 1889. ong 101. 0) ug: 9--Money To Loan 5% FIRST MORTAGAGE MONEY avallable on new and improved proper- ty. Construction loans. A. E Murdoch, agent for the Imperial Life Assurance Co. {Morigage Division), Office 23% Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phone 29289 (Aug2) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FO! first Torigages. id ly M. F. Swartz, Barrister. 'Telephone 282, 0. (Aug20) SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY designed. "Phone Mrs. J. Henry, 2118M. Call after 5. WATKINS PRODUCTS. FOR DELICIOUS { desserts, pure vanilla, spices and other ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- household products. Phone 4491W. (1661) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, MIDDLE- | 1024 Lakeview Gardens. age couple or working girl. Apply, 189 | KITCHEN TABLE, PORCELAIN TOP, | Albert St. 2 BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS, | Kingston Road East. housekeeping privileges, suit business | or7, BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A couple. Phone 4241J. (173a) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, gas stove and sink. Box 250 Times- Gazette. (172b) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- room for one or two gentlemen, Near Motors. Continuous hot water. Phone he i (172¢) LARGE BRIGHT ROOM, FURNISHED, for two. Apply 74 King St. West. (171tf) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ONE BLOCK trom bus, quiet home. Phone 2764W. 559 Masson St. (170c) 29a--For Rent SUN LAMPS FOR RENT, SUN KRAFT ultraviolet, using cold quartz tube. $6 per month. Meagher's, Simcoe Sorth, ug8) 29b--Summer Resorts HOUSEKEEPING CABINS, BY DAY OR week, write 34 River Rd. West, Wasaga Beach or phone 78J. Reservations after August 2nd. (172b) apd { LAKE DALRYMPLE, SHORELINE, LOTS | at reasonable prices. Apply Fred Baker, Sivan, Glen Beach, RR. 2, Brechin, nt. 30--Room and Boara men, sharing same room. Apply 195 Al- bert St. (173b) (Aug9) 25--Real Estate For Sale IDEAL LAKESHORE LOTS ON LAKE Scugog, sand bar, one mile east of Caesarea. W. G. Bowles, Caesarea. 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, WEST- mount area, double lot. Garage: Phone 2802R. 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, 3-pc. bath, newly decorated, bar- gain $3800 cash or terms arranged. Ap- Ply 129 Barrie Ave. well , wooded, with excellent (173a) 24 x 40, all conveniences, (172¢) (17111), NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST. WEST. 100x200. Reasonable price, King St. West. Apply 595 (1671) = $4.50 gre, garage. Lot 40x136. Rosehill Blvd. --buys 6-room, insul brick cottage, furnace, sink, hy- 11--Building Trades ROOFING MATERIAL AVAILABLE; Roofs surveyed and estimates free; 10- year guarantee; Reference Dun and Bradstreet, Box 310, Times-Gazette. (Aug.25) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, PHONE 3530W. (173c) BUILDING, REMODELLING, REPAIR- ing. roofing, insulation for new homes, old attics. reflective panelling Free estimates. Phone 1352W. (Aug?) PHONE 2063-W, OSHAWA. SAND AND vel supplies for 'dump truck service Einders 11, loam, barnyard manure, jushroom m Pea gravel for driveways. 163 Ritson South. (Aug5) manure Apply I have several good buys, with quick on 30, days. | possession - W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 716 (173b) DISTINCTIVE MODERN 1941 MODEL 115-storey, brick veneer home on Ca- dillac Avenue South. Spacious rooms Beautifully finished and tinted. with fireplace and many built-in features. Shining with welded steel furnace Partitioned basement. Large lot, edged and land- scaped Storm windows, screens, drapes and brass track 30 days. Bargain price, $9,900. For ap- pointment phone 3814W. light oak floors. Forced air included, ion (July25) FOR 4 YDS. DUMP TRUCK SERVICE. Phone "Veterans Haulage" 4653W Sand. vel, Generel Use. Bill and Mike Dro- gomotz, 775 Albert St. Oshawa, Ont. (J1y30) EEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE. corator. industrial spraying Ex. cellent workmanship. All work guaran- Phone 3639. (Aug26) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPER1 setters. Variety of colors. Pree esti- mates. Phone collect 653 ville. Len Bromley. (Augld) 3152W, SAND, a loam, earth fill. delivered or away. Truck for hire. (Aug9) vel, METAL WORK, | Ii new idea Phone 4505J. (Augs) H. MOSIER SHEET Alr conditioning. Dealer and Pease Purnaces SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO small cementing jobs done. For in- formation call 3434W. (Aug8) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, dump trucks for hire by bour Robert Mulr, Oshawa 77J4 CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT, SMALL ioe contracted. H. Wilson. Phone 1R (J1y30) Cement by bag or carload. Glazed sewer tile and fittings. Gyproc, lath, and sheets. Chimney flue lining 8% x8% -- 9% x 13. ACREAGE, $100 ACRE AND UP, NORTH side of airport. Phone 920-r-2. (1691) NEW FIVE-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, stone front, nearly complete, built to NHA. i di session; kitchen bath and shower. 25c--Farmers' Column on, 63W3 31--Wanted To Rem ELDERLY COUPLE REQUIRE 3 OR 4 rooms, apartment or small house. Phone 4773W. (173c) 3 ROOMS WANTED BY 2 ADULTS, BY September 1 or sooner. Abstainers. Phone 1281M, 1 (173c) WANTED, 3 OR 4 ROOMS, RESIDENT- ial section--urgent; Toronto business man. Box 301 Times-Gazette. (172b) 2 OR 3 ROOMS WITH HOUSEKEEPING facilities . In quiet home! by young couple soon to be Married: Furniture optional, Box 304, Times-Gazette. (172b) THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, or small flat or apartment. Young business couple. Phone 1187R. (172b) 3 ROOMED APARTMENT, MIDDLE aged lady. Best of references, Apply Box 302 Times-Gazette. (172¢c) MARRIED COUPLE, NO CHILDREN, are in urgent need of house, apart- ment or- flat. Box 248, Times-Gazette. (171c) 31a--Exch. Accommodation FIVE-ROOMED DUPLEX, FENCED IN back yard, in Peterborough, will ex- change for small house near or in (July3l) | } 33--Automobiles Wanted 36--Articles For Sale '38-41 CHEVROLET, e., In good condition. Write Box PLYMOUTH OR |TENO! Dodg n 307, Times-Gazette. (173¢c) $2000, OR MORE OFFERED FOR BEST '47 car. Phone 3634M. (173b) WILL PAY UP TO $2000. FOR '47 CAR, | ; Chev, Pontiac, Dodge or Plymouth. Ap- ply Post Office Box 16. (1721) Rhest 1278. g15) wrecking. Hi 3362; evenings (Au LAKESHORE A Cars wanted for prices paid. Phone CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe 8t. North Phone 4695W. (Aug3) 34--Pets and Livestock TWO COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, 3 grown cocker spaniels for sale. Phone 3337TW or apply 124 Park Rd. N. (173b) BRAY HATCHEHY HAS PLENTY started chicks immediate delivery, es- pecially 3-4-5-6 week pullets. ink what these will be earning in a few months! They also have dayolds. And if you want August-Sept. chicks, order now, Agent, L. G. Wilson, Balsam, R.R. 1, Myrtle Stn. (J1y25) AWNIN limited g Fox 412 Simcoe. N., GS. number. Order Oshawa. CEMENT 160 Bags -- 1.20 Per Bag 30 Bags -- 1.25 Per Bag 10 Bags -- 1.30 Per Bag "Phone Toronto MI. 4876 (Reverse Charges) (171¢) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Special price to July 31st. Made to measure in various colors and ma- terials. Free estimates and instal- lations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. W. MELLEY rnone 4101W--Oshawa P.O. Box 421 BIRCH DOGS BOARDED. TWIN Kennel. Phone Whitby 839, (Augl2) 37--Articles Wanted 35---Wearing Apparel EVENING GOWN, YELLOW, SIZE 14-- never been worn or altered. Phone 1187R. (172b) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned, and pressed like WANTED TO RENT, 11 August, late model 5 to 7 h.p. outboard motor. security. Phone 1049. SPOT CASH PAID FOR furniture ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. TO Responsible party will [41 34 Bond West Phone 3766M (Aug13) new. Carrying a big stock of spring coats, sults and pants. 21 Bond St W. Sam Swartz, (Aug?) 36--Articles For Sal. SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEW- metal, GOOD U FUR! WANTED ice boxes. cook stoves and heaters King West. 3326W, R BANJO, PROFESSIONAL MO- del for sale. Phone 2638R. 73b) early. Cleve 26th OF Fin) GOOD USED 56 (Aug5) THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten ZY ANNES FINISHED, AND = EM MAGATINES SHE'S HAD FOR YEARS -TOSSING Out DAY'S PAPER! > 7 NN NAS SIAR TRRNRA IA 1 % HL S554 gy PHN HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON tresses Phone 635 Cedardale Iron Metals, back C,N.R. (_(Augl) rags, mat tario St! (172b) GENUINE BICYCLES, PARTS AND AC- | ing machine, $44.50, guaranteed, 16 On- | Station Es WANTED FOR C. cessories. Repairs on all makes Lowest { 5388, prices. Bicycles for rent 10c per hour. | Kingsway Cycle, 595 King West. Phone at c) | 789 (171cy and child's crib. Phone 2720J. complete reliable service. Out-of-town customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Aug.18) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER sq. ft. Measured and installed. George M. Reld Phone 2104 66 Bond West (Aug23) Rangette, Table top with 2 burner, 3 heat hot plates $9.90 Electric Fans .eee.. cee. $7.50 3% h.p. Motors-, . $19.95 Heating Pads ............ $6.45 Electric: Clocks $6.95 Automatic Irons (Special) $8.95 Radios--$9.95 and up BARONS' Radio & Electric 426 Simcoe South hours koka. ASH, & Lee. 79 Simon NOB. off afternoons, work, Times-Gazette. CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER, ADULT family. Phone 1846. STENOGRAPHER, Records--5c Each and Up perience preferred. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ed. Must be capable of takin complete set of 5 right - party. Apply 8S; Ltd. twice 'ermanent position. Apply A. R. books 30 Richmond St. Phone 249 (172b) COAL RANGES LARGE SHIPMENT Just recelved Some with reservoir. 4if- fererit sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits |J accepted. .Meagher's, Simcoe North (Augs) WHITE ENAMEL STOVE COMPLETE with oll burners, reasonable. 272 Halg St, or phone 43114J. (172b) 1 HEARING AID, POTTER TELETONE good as new. 1 marble slab, size 40x22. 380 Simcoe St. S. (172¢) MODERN BREAKFAST SUITE, WHITE with black, aiso gate leg table, both | in good condition, Apply 121 Annis St. : (172b) LAWNMOWER 1015 King- VAC-U-MO POWER slightly used, reasonable, ston. Rd. E. Phone 1457J. (172¢) 6 PC. KITCHEN SUITE $40, NEW Servel refrigefrator, $245 sewing ma- chine, $8 Also toy terrier puppy, $5. Phone 3081W. (172b) HEINTZMAN & CO. APARTMENT plano and bench, light mahogany, per- fect condition, serial No. 83296. Bow- manville. Phone 432. (172¢c) GENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH Plast-I-Gloss. Saves your floors, ink will not stain, ends waxing, polishing and hard scrubbing. Dries in one hour. Order now, we deliver, ' Phone Oshawa 4538W, Associated Services, 23 Bond Street West, (Aug24) MASTIC TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- wood, felt, cement, metal trim, Ley-L- Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto. (Aug27) Oshawa. Box 249, Times-G . (1711) 32--Automobiles For Sule 1939 INTERNATIONAL, DS35, 4 YD. Dump Truck, 2 speed axle. New motor and tires, 825-20. Price $1650. Box 407, Times-Gazette. (1731) BUTCHER WALK-IN REFRIGERATOR 6' x 6', Universal machine. Bowman- ville Lions Club, phone 2891, Bowman- ville. (171d) ONE 6-PO. KITCHEN SUITE, NATURAL with red trim, 71 Highland Ave. Phone 3418J. (171c) '32 CHEV, COACH; '34 PLYMOUTH :SE- | 3-PC, BEDROOM SUITE, SPRING AND dan; '34 Olds. Sedan; '36 Hudson Sedan: | mattress; kitchen suite with chrome or chairs; 1° Philco radio, Phone 1902M or '42 Ford Army Truck. Cash, Trade Terms. Naiman's Garage. 181 Albert St. | call 887 Robson St. (173) | A GOMEL '37 CHEV. COACH. REAL GOOD CON- dition inside and out. Phone 2833W. (173b) | Phone 3800W. | (171c) ETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. (Aug25) specifications; POs= hardwood floors, tile floors and hall; built-in bath Apply 426 Jarvis Street. (1691) FLEURY - BISSELL FARM IMPLE- | Kim § ments; Tractor plough, tractor disc 8" width; Manure spreader. cepted for later delivery. Four foot Orders ac- R. W. Ball & Oshawa (J1y25,26) oultry fence avatlable. Taunton, Ont. Phone YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS FOR sale, 5 to 6 lbs. Phone 1305R. (171c) "FARM FOR SALE 200 acres, lot 24, conc. 3, Picker- ing, 2-family house, 11 rooms, stucco, Barn 40 x 90. Drive shed 36 x 40. Milk house. Water in all buildings. Milk contract. Hydro, telephone and rural mail. Price $11,000. Apply owner, A. C. Diamond, Pickering, R.R. 1. PHONE PICKERING 96-r-3. ' (Sat) General Building Supplies 26--Real Estate Wanted RITE-WAY BUILDING SUPPLIES 382 Parliament St. Toronto. Randolph 1965 Evenings Adelaide 406¢ (1701) 12--Personal Services DON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM IP YOU HAVE A HOUSE, FARM OR Stisiness for sale or exchange call, Broker, 150 Division St. Day or Night. lease Real tate Phone 3510M (Augl5) Wilfrid McAuley, 26a--Real Estate 5-ROOM HOUSE, 4 MILES FROM CITY. Apply Box 243, Times-Gazette For Sale or Rent (July 24-25-26) Cr. grthritis ~get Ru-mex-ol Rewleigh Dealer 384 Ritson 8 311m G (Aug3) 29--Rooms For Reni: F A VON GUNTEN, | watchmaker. Street West EXPERT SWISS Repair shop at 46 King Your patronage solicited (Aug20) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON- | venlences, mediate possession. Apply 382 King St. | West. ' suit working couple, im-! (173a) | '36 OLDS. SEDAN, NEW HASTINGS, |2 COOK STOVES. 6TH HOUSE, CITY rings and pins, new tires. You must see this car to appreciate, $675. Trade, Cash or Terms. Phone 17904M. 217 Me- Kim St. (173b) '38 PONTIAC COACH, SPECIAL FOR week-end, $675. Phone 1794M. 217 Mec- t. (173b) 38 TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE, 500CC, IN excellent condition, Phone 4597J. (173b) side, Wilson Road North. (173c) CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT AND lumber for sale. Also 5 lots. Cheap for cash, Phone 1640J, (173b) AUTOMATIC GAS, WATER HEATER, gas stove, and coal stove, which can be seen at 89 Simcoe St. South, at noon between 12 and 1, Saturday, ) a '33 MASTER CHEV. COACH. ALL GOOD tires and heater, perfect running or- der. Phone 878M. (173b) '34 FORD V-8 ROADSTER, GOOD CON- dition, 4 new tires, radio and heater. Apply 164 Celina 8t. (173b) 46 STYLE MASTER CHEV. SEDAN, low mileage, excellent condition. Apply |24 Kahn, Kingsale, Phone Claremont 85r2 (173c) 46 FORD 3-TON DUMP JOB, JAMES Rodd, see' owner at Fackney Motors. Phone 4488W. (173b) Ontario. 3-BURNER COAL OIL STOVE, AS- bestos rings. Phone 3553R. (173a) KITCHEN SINK, TAPS, HOT WATER tank, hot water heater, electric fixture. Phone 4570J. (173a) 2 HEATERS, HIGH BACK SINK, USED toilet complete. 361 Verdun Rd. Phone 96W. (173c) QUANTITIES OF EXCELLENT USED lumber, 10', 12' 'and 16', 2x4 cedar, also 1" cedar in various widths and lengths, 117 Gibbons' 8t., or 'phone 1137TW Bis 5. (173a '31 DODGE SEDAN. 192 ANNIS ST. ' (173c) FRESH "PICKED RASPBERRIES, FOR sale, 23c pt. Phone 66J3. (173c) 1938 DODGE STAKE BODY TRUCK, A-1 shape, will accept car as part pay- ment. Phone Bowmanville 2552. (173b) TON $325. THAT'S ALL! FORD 1 stake, dual wheels. This is a.real good truck, all ready for work. Apply Andy Nagy"s Service Station, King West. (173b) '34 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, EXCELLENT eondition. all new tires, -two spares. Apply 195 Albert St. (173c) 1934 OLDS. DELUXE COACH, 6 wheels, heater, good mechanically. 17 Athol West, 3 to 8 p.m,' (173b) UPE, REASONABLE. ti 172c) "28 CADILLAC COU! Apply 327 Buena Vista. ( NEW INDIAN. MOTORCYCLES USED motorcycles Parts and . accessories. Tires, oil ana si Th etc Repairs. Doc ' Berry, 313 and Pine Ave. Open evenings. Phone 4121J. {(Augl5) STATHAM'S GARAGE, 1929 AUBURN sedan In lovely condition. Apply 162 King St, E. Before 6 p.m. Phone 3070. [} (172¢) 13135R, DOUBLE BED, WALNUT STEEL AND felt mattress. One double brass bed and springs. Single Simmons. bed and Marshall mattress. One dresser. Square top dining .table, 5 chairs and buffet. One chesterfield, One Perfection 3- burner coal oil stove. One "Princess Beth" coal and wood stove. Phone 742) between 6 and 7 p.m. (173b) CEMENT MIXER ON RUBBER, GOOD condition, $125.00. 1225 Simcoe A (173a MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION. Phone 3267W. 673 Carnegie Ave, (173a) FOR QUICK SALE, 235 FT. OF MATCH- ed lumber forms, 7'x4" high. Can also be used for building purposes. Phone 4390M or 371 Olive Ave. (173b) SINGER SEWIIIG MACHINE. PHONE 2820W3. (173b) KITCHEN, DROP-LEAF TABLE, 4 chairs, one rocking chair, one ice-box. Phone 4435R. (173a) PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION. PHONE (173b) have good pe:sonality. Pp shorthand and typing required. Both obs pay the best current salaries with regular increases Experience not ne- cessary but will be rewarded. Box No. 237, Times-Gazette. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR -- SOME typing and filing, no shorthand must WIL~ Phone Aug24) ne | BABIES' PLAY PEN, IN GOOD CON- (Augd) | dition. Phone 2744, Bowmanville. (173b) 38--Female Help Wanted | RELIABLE GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with housework. «Good wages, every evening free. Enjoy balance of summer in Mus- Transportion provided. This is an excellent opportunity for permanent |or temporary position, Phone 2923, After July 27th write Box 75, Port Carling, Ontario. CASHIER, EXPERIENCED PREFERRED, not essential, Apply C, Marsh, Ge! Grill. 2 (173e) nosha (173¢) GIRL HIGHSCHOOL AGE, FOND OF children wanted for month of August, to help with children at summer cot- tage. Fhone 2124R. (172p) RELIABLE - WOMAN FOR HOUSE- weekly. ' Apply Box 303 (172¢) (171e) WITH SOI EX- Good IDUOIERIILY, o- Used Console and Mantel way. Times-Gazette. (4) WANT- care of pay to rtrite Junior . (3rd Floor). (168tf) ; ws T° TRY'N KEEP HER FROM Thunts A.SALOWITZ, DETROIT 13, MICH: ™ A 39--Male Help Wanted CERTIFIED AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC. Apply 15 Church St. (171c) UTOMOTIVE NSPECTOR ANTED Man wanted by out-of- town concern, capable of assuming full duties as Chief Inspector for Auto- motive plant. State age, experience and salary expected. Competent and experienced men only considered. BOX 245 TIMES-GAZETTE Reliable Firm Has Position For CAPABLE STENOGRAPHER or DICTAPHONE OPERATOR Would .consider junior who is good typist and has other neces- sary qualifications for training as dictaphone operator. Excellent opportunity. pa BOX. 222 - TIMES-GAZETTE (July26) to Times-Gazette. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN TO SERVE in canteen operated by University of Toronto, Ajax Division, Experience de- sirable but not essential, if quick snd accurate in handling change. Apply in writing or in person to D. L. | Hart House Ajax Sales Clerks Wanted For Responsible Positions in Gift & China Depart- ment. Better Than Aver- age Wages For Experienced 'Personnel. APPLY MISS JOHNSTONE CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC AND HARDWARE OSHAWA 39--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN TO LEARN NEWSPAPER advertising business. Excellent oppor- tunity for right person. Good tion and pleasant personality main essentials. Apply In' person or by letter . R. Alloway or T. L. Wilson, (170t1) Apply (1681) educa- ond, (172¢) BRICKLAYERS Wanted for large battery of WILPUTTE COKE OVENS No lost time, work under cover of large building, 6 day week. Experience in fire brick work not necessary. Excellent wages and working con- ditions. 'Transportation to job paia after one month's work. COKE OVEN CO, of CANADA, LTD. Box 210, Hamilton, Ont. c/o The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., 1, / (July31) H1--Employment Wanted JOB WANTED. OFFICE CLEANING, , etc, ex d Night work preferred. Phone 2528M. (173b) WIDOW WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCES, desires position in adult home, prac- tical 1 A ble Aug- ust 1st, Box 300, Times-Gazette. (173c) YOUNG GIRL WANTS JOB AS MOTH- er's helper. Apply 367 Centre St. (172b) iG ELECTRIC RANGES, HOT lates; all other electrical appliances. Frank Snudden. Phone 2887TR. (Aug26) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- conditioned, machine ground, Called for and delivered, Lawnmowers bought, any condition. Stan Fudge, 236 Eulalle Ave, Phone 3030M. (Aug.22) LAWNMOWERS, SHEARS, ETC. SHARP- ened and repaired. Wi plex ub and deliver. Phone 2164W. C. W. , 636 Somervjlle Ave. (Aug26) Tepaired, Shears and other aged too Te) , shears and other = Sroun AW. Simmons, 95 Patricia one Bl168R. (Augs) 43--Auction Sales COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, 33 HALL 8t. Sat. July 26 at 1.30. p.m. consisting of Willlams piano, Brunswick Radio Floor Model, 3 plece chesterfield suite, dining room suite (oak) kitchen range (Beaver), Quebec' heater, dining room table (oak), 6 chairs (oak), buffet (English design), library table and chair (oak), living room table, 1 bed spring and Marshall mattress, electric fan, leather chalr, ice box (metalic), (SMP) es, chesterfield chair, elec- tric. wi ing pad, violet ray and vib- rator, machine, electric irons, electric coffee automatic ; rs, 2 lawn mowers, step ladder, large chest drawers, work , steamer trunk, 2 burner coal oil ve, 1 set dishes, 56 plece set, (new) Sun Buff English pottery, garden tools, drapes Victrola, incubator, dishes and many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, Frank Stutwant, AUSHORES v6) Rate for Advertisinf under this Beading, 3¢ per word each inser- tion. imum charge 45 cents. DANCING AT THE AVALON EVERY Wed., Fri. and Sat. nine till 12, King West, (Tues, Fri.) YOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT TAY- lor's Arena, Whitby, Saturday evening at 9 pm, (Fri) 7 43--Auction Sales I will sell for Mr. Alf Tapping, at 24 Elgin St. E, Oshawa, on Saturday, July 26th, 1947,'all his household ef- fects, consisting of 3-pc, chesterfield suite, 4 large wicker chairs, piano, end- tables, floor lamps, 8-pc. English oak dining-room suite, 6 tube Philco radio, 2 , 2 dressers, 1 cook stove with 1 combination coal and electric stove, kitchen table, ice-box electric washing machine, vacuum cleaner, dishes and cooking utensils, other articles too numerous to niention. Everything in nice condition. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash, If it is a stormy day sale will be held on Monday, July 28th. W, J, Sulley, Auctioneer, (July22-23-25) I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for jGlen Hoskin, lot 10, con. 1, Cartwright, one mile north of Burketon, on Friday, Aug. 1st,: 22 head of cattle, 4 horses, 13 pigs and his farm implements. Terms' cash. Sale 1 p.m. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer, (Jly25-28-30) Wutehall Notebook By JAMES McCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer London, July 24--(CP)-- When the United Kingdom Parliament has a moment to spare from shud- dery debates on national and in- ternational crises, scores of local and individual anxieties demand their attention. Among those waiting for atten- tion are men and women married within the last few years at Dinam Chapel, Nantymoel, Glamorgan- oll burner, cases of doubtful validity and mar- riages and, where a service has been conducted in good faith, dee clare it valid pending final decise ion of Parliament. Clergymen who performed the marriage services await the orders and Parliament's approval almost as anxiously as the couples. The orders free the clergymen of blame if he has overlooked some of the legal details, such as making sure the church was licensed for the solemnization of marriages, and may provide that he "shall not be liable to any proceedings for penal- ties whatsoever or to any ecclesias- tical censure by reason of having solemnized such marriage.", Marriages may be made legally uncertain by small misunderstand- ings. Ede and Parliament, be- tween them, will relieve the anxi=_ ety of a couple married in Trinit Presbyterian Church, Aberdare, &' properly-registered building, in 1946, The registrar had been told the marriage would be in the Aber- dare Methodist Church and the certificate he issued specified the latter as the place of marriage. To repair this, Ede issued an ord- er that the marriage should be deemed valid as if it had been sol- emnized in the Methodist Church. Another couple, married in the Ebenezer Welsh Baptist Chapel, Aberavon, Glamorganishire, learn- ed afterwards that they had failed in their duty. Husband and wife had resided in the districts of dif- ferent superintendent registrars and due notice of the marriage was given to only one superintendent registrar. Both should have been informed and validity of the mar- riage fell in doubt. ' The obliging Ede, followed b Parliament, will say the marriage is just as solid as if both superin<+ tendent registrars had been in- formed in due order, Attention Farmers! SEE THE NEW WOOD'S MILK COOLER shire; Abbey Church, St. 'Andrew | the Less, Cambridgeshire; Church of St. Joseph, Crickhoweil, Breck- nockshire; Trinity Presbyterian Church, Aberdare, Glamorganshire; and Methodist: Church, Lancing, Sussex. % Not Kosher |, These couple, and others from as- sorted parishes throughout the United Kingdom, have found mar- riages supposed to have bound them for life-may not bind at all because some legal requirement was miss- ed. Now they wait for Parliament | to make their. original marriages | legal, no matter what original de- tail was forgotten. Parliament goes about this duty at a sober pace but eventually pro- duces a bill confirming provisional orders made by Home Secretary Ede, who has power to inquire into | iA COOLS MILK TO 50° IN JUST ONE HOUR! --For Sale By a R.W.BALL & SON Taunton -- Phone 163W3 rn ® { ~ 'VIGOR OIL CO.| We Deliver to Farmers EC a +JIGOR 0O1 "convince ] 3 Ea GRADE NO. 2 GASOLINE AT REASONABLE PRICES also 100 PER CENT PENNSYLVANIA OILS AND OTHER MOTOR OILS s We Also Sell COAL OIL -- FUEL OIL -- STOVE OIL {- PHONE 3198 FOR QUICK DELIVERY !

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