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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Aug 1947, p. 14

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947, "PAGE FOURTEEN ~ WANT AD SECTION 5% 36--Articles For Sale | THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! 31--Wanted To Rent BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors oRAHAM BICELE, ACCOUNTANT .AU- (Government reports and income red. secretarial work. (Augid) 8 T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King St. Bast. Phofie 2127. Consulting sc- countant and auditor (Augl3d) 2--Barristers . tax ay prepa; » Phone 1004J. 295 Arthur St. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Articles For Bale .. Puneral Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors Suomobties For Sale seseseee Supplies Auction Sale ..... Barristers Building Trades .. Business Oppor- tunities ......... caisasee 2 4 Lo: ¢ ed. 25 Simcoe e ans - arranged. ore ag oan 6". Residence 3051, i (Augll) CONANT & NIS, In P. (ET ARNIS. Tia Simcoe South. Phone 4. Residence 739. (Augl®) a W, 3. GREER, KC. BARRISTER: Buaict tor, etc, 6 Phone 3160. iesidence 3514. Bsidont Janse W. C. Pollard. E.C. Uxbridge, SRIEREON SREICHION & 8. D. HUMPHREYS, K.0., HABRISTER, Solicitor etc., Simcoe . Phones: Office 814; sos Noo + Money to loan. EE naga JAMES R MacBRIZN, and Solicitor Suite 200 0 Ring. King Bast, Genosha Hotel, Phone 349. (Augl3) JOSaPH P. MANGAN, EO. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor Money to loan. Office 144 King St. East, Oshawa Phone 445. 'Res. Phone 837. (Septl) MARES, BARRISTER. SOLI: at Kin . Room 2 Phones Office 55. Residence 3687R. (Sept2) WEN . SINCLAIR, K.C., BARRISTER and Solicitor Bank of Bulld- tunities 4 anted Chiropractors Female Help Wanted .. ...... 38 Gardening and Household Repairs 14 douses For Rent .. 28 A nd CN » Real Estate Exchange ........ 37 Rooms Por Rent .. 29 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board' Wanted Dentists . Dressmaking ee... Em] mens Wanted -- ee ee 41 seesen ONE INSER.ION TWO CONSECUT! Above rates apply Optometrists ....... 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 20 Ww DIK, aS tions. NS . 1.00 THREE K EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION 1... 25 to eriginal orders for Subsequent A. Psd ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. ' a 20 words or less, 20c addition Each initial Jeter, abbreviation $ and ¢ sign, figure count as a full word. Box charged 10¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-2. 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR SMALL house, required by two adults. Phone 3225W (1 182b) 5-ROOMED APARTMENT OR HOUSE. Telephone Co. Employee. Urgent. Box 334, Times-Gazette (1801) 3 ROOMS BY elderly couple. References. Urgently needed. Phone 4773W. (182¢) 31a--Exch. Accommodation 32--Automobiles for Sale , SPOTLESS, APPLY (183b) '37 CHEV, SEDAN, 610 Athol, 'Whitby. "46 FORD DELUXE MODEL, LIKE NEW, radio, heater, Apply 163 Ritson RS (183a) Spoon in HaND Was ri! MA uired. no w NS Cali 1001, Berne Lambert. Teg (183a) 11 4 and Ou ; ANE Meagher' silent a weful, Simcoe To hers USED ce HEATER. PHONE 4518W, (183a) MIXED SOFT WOOD AND SLABS, 4' and stove lengths, cedar posts and Poles. any lengths, delivered. Phone . (182b) 2 RUBBER TIRED WAGONS AND ONE -wheeled trailer, good condition. Phone 109r31, Port Perry. (182c) USED 22" HECLA HOT AIR 422 Masson St. Phone sk. HIP ROOF BARN, NEARLY 45', steel roof, hay fork, rope. Mr. A. Fulcher, Lakeview Gar dens, c/o P.O. Cedar Dale. (182b) 300 SAVAGE RIFLE, BRAND NEW. Phone 4123R. (182¢) te.) '38 CHEV, SEDAN. APPLY 162 CONANT 8t. Evenings. nl i (1832) '33° PONTIAC COACH. GOOD SHAPE, Low mileage. Heater, Good tires, Rea- sonable. Phone 1598J. (183b) '42 CHEV, FLEETLINE, IN NEW CAR condition throughout. All new tires, with heater and defroster. Apply 38 Harmony R a (183a) .00 per month for for ali words over 20. S + '36 CHEV. ( . CHEAP FOR CASH. Apply 107 i bon "St. (183b) '34 CHEV, SEDAN, FOUR NEW TIRES. $365. cash, Phone 3427TW. 183c) '33 FORD SEDAN, NEW MOTOR LAST December. good tires, radio, heater, seal beam headlights, Reasonable. 66 Lloyd St. (182b) ROAD-RACER BI atten, $37.50. Apply CLE GOOD CON- 204 Oshawa Blvd, (182b) WASHING MACHINE, BEATTY, COP- per tub, good condition. Phone IW: Cc ICE-BOX, GOOD CONDITION, CAPA- city 50 1bs, Phone 3505. (182c) 23' LONG, 7 BEAM, CONTINENTAL six, converted motor, Hull needs re- pays, No No Teasonable offer Te{ue80; Box es-Gaze! (182¢) WAR SURPLUS ink paper, blackboards, desks, 25 foot link belt conveyor, electric lanterns '38 PONTIAC COACH. NEW MOTOR, just installed, 217 McKim Street. Phone 1794M. (182b) s | 14--Household Repairs 25--Rea! Estate For Sale REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for ing. Phone 99. (Septl) A J. PARRHILL (SARRISTER, ETC Juortgage, loans, tional Housing Act 26. Simcoe Nortn. Phone 1614. (Augl?) MANNING SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solieitor, Notary Money to loan. Bas- sett Block. suite No. 4 ne 282 Res. 28TTW. (Septl) ring. D. W. Dalton. 75 Charles, Phone "or, (Sept8) 15--Gardening and Supplies PLANT THIS FALL FOR GOOD RE- sults, order now for early October del- fvery, comp.ete guaranteed nursery stock of Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedges, Ornamental and Fruit Trees, Roses, Plants, etc. No 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 ip ST. E., Oentwa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed. and Sat.), 2to4and 7 tos (Augl3) 4--Chiropractors Oshawa. Hours 9 1516. Buin Appointments. (Septs) {down payment IRE Landscape de- signs ! | fectionery. and estimates free. Phone 1370J, Oshawa. ( Aug.17) 20--Business Opportunities GROCERY Ls) GRILLS CON- and car sales. Woodwork and po Age factory for red McAuley, Real tate Broker, >To Division St. (1781) REPAIR GARAGE Jower equipment, 6-room house. This real chance for a mechanic. Pro- perty and business, $12,000. DANCE HALL loud record play- er, piano, Sus 315 acres of land, 5-room house. berries, fruit trees, etc. ei property, $8,500. JUR' LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS ff >8 .m. Evi appointments. |) - = Da ening Rs ents. MINK RANCH 6 acres of land, 6-room house, fruit trees, etc. 75 good guilty mink, Pens and 6--Insurance MURDOCH'S GENERAL INSURAN Service, 23; Simcoe St. Nori, over Eastops. Phone 2028). Residence phone 25380, Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile. Surety Bonds, Plate Glass, Etc. (Sept?) INSURANCE SERVICE H E5026 sor ay ot a Jasurance CE | And cabinet f. A WOOD WORKING fully squipped. Iness forces sale, Nice apartment. "WILFRID McAULEY REAL ESTATE BROKER 150 Division St. (1824) Inge' ie Kine. street Hast, phone 22--Lost and Found 7--Veterinarians Peau Ee 1 Rion St. W. Phone 2010M. (Augll) 8--Funeral Directors (Aug20) ING To Loan 5% FIRST MORTAGAGE MONEY Salish on new and proved proper- | firs. Blatter, LOST IN DOWNTOWN SECTION, MON- day night, lady's red alligator under- arm bag, eonteining wallet, snapshots, also other articles valuable to owner. Finder please phone 1827J3. (183) LOST. ROYAL BLUE TRICYCLE, cream fenders, child's, 4 to 6 years. Re- ward. 635 Albert St. (183b) 23--Women's Column CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS. two-way stretch, corrective and sur- ical brassieres. Phone 2504W, (Septl) nts, Manager. 24--Personal Construction t ent, fot the Im enial Sate rane on ce 12 Be Fi i Oshawa. Phone 2928) (Bept2) CLIENTS "MONIES AVAILABLE first Al M. P. Swartz, a eutie No. & i BT 282, (Aug20) "FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE ZL MoRleiom A North Shore Realty | . Ltd, PHONE 81. OSHAW OSHAWA Tues-Thups-Sat) 11--Building Trades 1 G MATERIAL AVAILABLE; Roots surveyed and estimates free; 10- guarantee; Reference Dun and ENLIST NOW IN THE R.CAF. bile Recruiting Unit trom Central' Al or at . | Command, Trenton, will bert St, » Deas, Pr Friday and Sacurday | ONE and August 8 BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW, Nog decorator's colors, custom made, seam- less up to thirteen feet, any length. Write Acme Rug, 188 King West, ilton. (Aug28) SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY designed. Phone Mrs. J. Henry, 2118M Call after 5. (Sept9) 25--Real Estate For Sale 6-ROOM BRICK, GOOD CONDITION. Possession within month. Apply 225 Beatty Ave. (183c) 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. APPLY 124 Alexander Boulevard. (182d) $4800. SPECIAL, ROOMS BRICK, modern conveniences, garage, north end of Verdun Road, Your iste) (181¢) Jones and Nolan. stone front, tions; Street. \ Apply 64 Arlington Ave. 767M. |iences, 000. OSHAWA BLVD, NEAR KING, rooms brick. A good 'buy. Jones and Nolan. 6!2 Prince (181¢c) '30 ESSEX, FOUR NEW TIRES AND tubes, slip covers, good condition, best offer, Phone 4603J. (1 '38 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, 4 NEW tires and tubes. Battery, heater, per- NEW FIVE-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, ect ctual mileage, 26,800. Phone 143J. (182d) built to N.HA immediate possession; hardwood floors, tile floors kitchen, bath and hall; built-in bath and shower. Jarv! Phone (169t1) NEW HOUSE, LIVABLE, NOT QUITE fluished, double garage, 1 acre land. 1 mile north Tooley's Hill, Courtice. Apply R. 'D. Barradall, RR, No, 3, Bowmanville. (183b) BRICK HOUSE, ON PIV. 3968J. (183; A-ROOMED sion St. Phone BEFORE YOU BUY SEE THESE iE Jains, reasonable for cash, Bullding on Warren and Gladstone Aves. ae. Park Rd, North. Also 5-room house and garage. Write Mrs. A. Goldmans, c/o Pickering Post Office. (183b) 6-ROOM STUCCO, "MODERN SonyaN. sell or gichanfe Ae smaller home. Ap- ply 65 Rosehill Blvd, (183c) ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, HOT AIR furnace. Possession September 1st. or ply W. H. Parry, Port Perry. (182c) '38 DODGE STAKE BODY TRUCK, A-1 shape. Will accept car as part payment 1 1 Or will trade for cattle. Phone Bow- (180d) GOOD CONDI- (182b) manville 2552. '31 CHEV. COUPE, tion, Phone 4599W. '40 HUDSON SEDAN, CASH, GOOD condition. Phone 2576W. 202 Nassau St. ( 182b) '31 FORD CABRIOLET, ENGINE OVER- hauled, new tires, seal beamed lights, new battery etc. Reasonable price. Phone H. Knight, Brooklin 68R23, eve- nings after 6, (181c) '41 3-ton Ford DUMP TRUCK Wood Holst, In Good Condition. Apply 755 ALBERT STREET or PHONE 4377 (182¢) NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST, WEST. 100x200. Raasonable price. Apply 598 King St. (167t2 FARM FOR SALE 225 acres, 200 acres in the 7th Con. Cit h, 25 acits in Townshib of Uxbridge, 32 miles south' e of Uxbridge; 8-romed brick house and good summer kitchen; barn 50x90, steel roof, silo, straw shed steel roof, hen house steel roof, driving shed, steel roof pig pen; 1 ga- rage, 2 cisterns. Hydro available; 7 acres of good bush. Spring creek on south end and north end of farm. Possession March 1st, 1048, ' WM. ARMSTRONG Port Perry RR. 1, Epsom Village CHARLES ARMSTRONG Whitby, Ontario.. Box 276 25¢c--Farmers' Column WOODEN AND STEEL WHEELED WA- gons, cut down and equipped with im- jemment, Sms to take 16" tires. James ipp. . 2, Port Perry. (1821) FOR BALE, 1 4 1_40-ACRE LOT OF GOOD productive land, no buildings; 1, 50- a lot with good dwelling, This will be sold. reasonable for rope =| Pooh i tuated 12 miles north-west of | Oshawa. Box 341, Times-Gazette. (182d) REGISTERED SOW, 4 YOUNG BA les, 125 young chickens, 2 Jnonths old. . Burrows, Harmony 1 Rd. os HYBRIDS OE roosters, 4 months old, Apply 473 Ritson 82¢) Ham- | Rd. 115 TE 3 81R, Brooklin. MONTHS OLD, a (182b) PIGS, 8 TO WEEKS OLD. PHONE 1656R, 1225 PL South, (181c) 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED, 5 TO 25 ACRES, GOOD butidings, Oshawa vicinity, hydro, terms cash under VLA. Phone 2113W. (182¢) IP YOU HAVE A HOUSE, FARM OR business for sale or exchange lease call, Wilfrid McAuley, Real Broker, 150 Division St. Phone 350M Day or Night. (Aug15) radstreet Box 310. Ti ¥ (Aug.25) OSHAWA, SAND AND ol supplies "tor dump truck service. loam, barnyard manure, manure. Pea gravel for nro Apply 163 Ritson South. (Sept5) FOR 4 YDS. TUCK SERVICE. "Veterans Haulage" 4653W Sand. vel, Generel Use. Bill and Mike Dro- Comota. 775 Albert St. Osh awa Ont. Se on tt = quUAran- (Aug26) ad LAID BY, BY EXPERT colors. Pree . 4505). | 4-ROOMED HOUSE WITH LAWN 55 X WE HAVE TWO SMALL POULTRY 1 for sale, close to Oshawa. Good buildings, hydro. Jones and Nola at ) c 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. INSULATED, screened verandah, piece bath, laun- 2 UNFURNISHED 29--Rooms For Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PHONE 4351W. HED ROOMS FOR RENT, Apply 253 Ritson Rd. 8. (183¢) dry tubs new heatin lot. Forty-six hundred" Box 342, Timea. Gazette. 82a) FURNISHED BI M: "FOR QUIET TSOn, abstalners Preferred. NICE HOME $7,000 buys lovely home. All con- veniences, double lot, garage, 7 rooms, including sun room. 50 Westmoreland Ave. APPLY 70 ALBERT ST. (1830) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 5-ROOM brick bungalow with porch, hot water, 3-plece bath, beautiful large lot and on residential street in garage north part of Oshawa, Phone 4437J. (182¢) Phone 3 IW, 83b) 2-ROOMED FURNISHED APAF i Central. Adults only. Abstainers, Suit- able jor quiet couple. Box 344, Times- Gazette -(183b) ply Post Office Box 16 Phone 4695W. $275. THAT'S ALL! FORD, TON STAKE, dual wheels, license, all ready for work Andy Nagy Service Station, King oY ( ) '32 PLYMOUTH CABRIOLET. 33 CHEV COACH. '35. CHEV COACH '35 HUDSON SEDAN '37 FORD COACH CASH OR TERMS NORMAN'S GARAGE 181 ALBERT ST. (182d) 1939 INTERNATIONAL, D835, Dump Truck with Highway speed axle. New motor and tires, 825-20. Price $1650. Box 407, Times-Gazette. (173tf) '41 Ford club cabriolet, radio and heater, '33 Chev coach, good condition. Model A Ford coach, overhauled. ANDY NAGY SERVICE STATION KING ST. W. (182b) NEW INDIAN MOTORCYCLES USED motorcycles Parts and accessories. Siren, oll ang, uietis, J etc. Repairs. Berry. 3 and Pine Ave. 3 evenings. Phone 4121J. {Augl5) | 1042 Pontiac coach, radio and heater. A-1 condition. 1033 Chev. sedan, heater, 3 new tires, 5, 1932 Studebaker Victoria coupe, a2 new tires, new slip covers, new paint job, $425. 1929 Ford Model A coach, heater, good tires, new paint job, slip covers, +365 A. F. COX & SONS 168 King Street West PHONE 666 Genuine Ford parts and service. Stock- "room upstairs. New and used tes, (182b '39 PANEL, 1 TON TRUCK. PHONE 1399J, between 5:30 and 7. (182c) 39 BUICK SEDAN, FIRST CLASS CON- | zi01 dition, 6-ply tires. Apply 217 Gibb St. (182¢) '33 CABRIOLET, PRICED RIGHT FOR quick cash sale Phone 1914J. (182b) 33--Automobiles Wanted steel marking set, let- ind and numbers, 15 inch By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten SHE WAS WORKING 100 HARD, HE TOLD HER- NEP, I MADE UP MY MIND! WE'LL BENT A BUNGALIN \ WE CAN BOTH STAND Ci TE I MeCLURS NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE [7] Ku bard for 3; drive sockets, large screw- drivers with Excelite handles, cable ten- sion gauge, cable splicing tool, welding tips and wire cleaners, eye shields, air motors, air cylinder, etc. Phone 3288J. (183c) 3-PC. STUDIO SUITE, 3-PC. BEDROOM 'suite, cook stove, table and -- cab- inet radio, end tables, ice-box and Dar household furnishings. H, Elmcroft Farm, N, Oshawa. (1820) TWO SEA- SUMMER CABIN, USED sons, hydro, to be moved, 14x18, Steel blower, for air- ==Dhditionit unit, with electric motor, hp 355, cycles. One 220 volt 60 cycle, 3; h.p. One woodworking lathe, 1s hi length bed. Apply 473 Ritson Rd. (182¢), 38--Femalc Help Wanted WOMAN FOR CLEANING ONE DAY por w week. Can arrange other contacts. hone 4136M. (183b) GIRL WANTED FOR FOUNTAIN, PER- manent. Apply South End Bar, 5 Bloor Street ay: (183¢c) DIETITIAN, NURSES REGISTERED, ao Laboratory Tecunteian, Tal ted, to Lady Supt. General Penticton, B.C. "Okanagan (1826) EER: HONEST, RELIABLE , experienced preferred but not an duty; Apply salary e: Hoe ital, ey". RASPBERRIES FOR "SALE, FRESH picked. No delivery on less than ons crate. Apply Box i Times-Gaze Jly29-31-Aug. oy Cut Flowers, Asters, 2Zinnias, Petunias, Snapdragons, Mari- golds and Dahlias, cut to your order. THE FISHER GARDENS 81 Fairbanks Street Bouth of Children's Shelter (Thurs.-Mon) BAKE-RIGHT COOK STOVE, GOOD condition, $39. Apply 752 Douglas St., Cedar Dale. (1 82b) essential, steady employment for right Spplicans, Apply Commercial Hotel, AWS. (182d) YOUNG WOMAN OR ACTIVE OLDER to assist with "Woman's Page" person of Times-Gazette. Good education and least: lity are 1 y in first instance, with references, by letter to W. Ford Lindsay, mes= (174t1) i Oshawa 'OGRAPHER, WITH SOME EX- perience preferred. Good OPPOItunity. rmanent Position, Apply A. R. Allo- way, Times-Gazette. (tn SALESLADY, AGE 30-38. CAPABLE OF taking full charge of front shop. Must have knowledge of Sewing. This per- ition calls for a single girl. W. |4-BURNER GURNEY GAS STO STOVE, USED |g {3 months, pilot light, white enamel, Best offer accepted. 52 Cedar St. die ) "EASY" MODEL A-1 WASHING chine. Spidey type. One only, sss Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. 82c) New car radios, $64.95; Electric $7.45; 3-burner, 3-heat hot plates, Fort 95; Bone cl $6.95; Automatic irons, cuum cleaners, $67.50 and up; Rad! 'fool mixers, $19.95; Va- 1os-- Pleasant working . conditions. Apply Singes Sewin; achine Company, 16 Ontario Street. (180t1) 39--Male Help Wanted Y EMPLOYMENT FOR TWO men, liberal commission. A real Oo) rtunity. Apply at once to Box 3 7, 'imes-Gazette. (183¢) NIGHT PORTER AND CLEANER, , HON- est reliable man, good hours and wages. Apply Commercial Hotel, OSBAWS 2) new and used, $9.95 and up; 4 YD. |5c and up Jobs, 2 MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED. BARONS RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe South Phone 249 (183¢) GOOD RASPBERRIES. PHONE 231 ( ) COOK STOVE, COAL OR WOOD, VA- cuum cleaner. Apply 245 Conant SY oo ) REFRIGERATOR; RANGETTE; POR- celain table; chrome chairs; Serv-all fat fryer; lincleum, all new; kitchen set; ice-box; rug. 480 Montrave. (182¢) ELECTRIC WASHER AND RADIO. Call after 5 pm. R. B. Just, RR 2, Oshawa, Town line east. (181¢) CEMENT 10 bags, 1.30; 30 bags, 1.25; 100 bags, 120, Delivered in Oshawa and vicinity. Phone TORONTO MIDWAY 4876 Reverse charges (1831) AVNINGS, WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A umbe: Order early. limited T. Fox 412 DE --. N., Oshawa, . (Augd) GENUINE BICYCLES, PARTS AND AC- cessories. Repairs on all makes Lowest prices. Bicycles for rent 10c per hour. Kingsway Cycle, 595 King West. Phone 91M. '(Sept3) OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service, Out-ol-o0n Phone 584J. (Aug. 18) VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER Mi and led. George WILL PAY UP TO $2000, FOR '47 CAR, Chev, Pontiac, Dodge or Ply M Red Phone 2104. % Bong, h, (1721) LAKESHORE AUTO Cars wanted for wrecking Highest prices paid. Phone 3362; evenings 41 ug! COAl RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT ust received Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes 'and makes. D.V.A. credits accepted. Meagher's, Simcoe Sor, CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor Sales. BRAMLEY 1271 Simcoe St North (Sept3) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- room, for one or two gentlemen. Close to motors, continuous hot water. Phone 3306. (183¢c) 2" FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON- veniences, immediate possession, suit working couple or girls, Apply 382 King West. vr a (182b) 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, 8 SUITABLE for one or couple, with light house- keeping privileges. Apply 202 Ritson Rd. Sout jouth. (182d) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, CON- iH garage, confectionery store in ood HED 00] hot water, suitable for two. 299 ALSO | will sell good pr! : 1 INSTALLED, small cementing jobs done. Por in- formation call UW. (Augs poor health. ishmediate ei Box Times-Gazette. (182c) 5 St. South. (182) 2" PARTLY FURNISH ROOMS, hour Oshawa 77J4. CEMENT MIXER FiShe enntrasted. : 8 ROOFING! All kinds. Built-up roofing and shingling. All work guaranteed. Free Estimates. PHONE 4225-W (182d) 12--Personal Services ORDER YOUR PURE PEPPER, CINNA- mon @nd other Watkins products, at a special j price. | Phone 4491 (Sept. 6 WITH. RHEUMATISM Ru-mex-ol Phone 384 Ritson 8 21TR EXPERT SWISS ir shop at 46 Kine patronage solicited (Aug20) BUILDER'S ( OPPORTUNITY | Good .10-room brick house, with 8 ex- tra lots, or will sell lete parcel of 56 lots. College Hill. op corner. HANDY MAN 2 CHANCE 4-room rivil B Gazette, ng pi eges. Box 343, Times- (182¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ONE BLOCK from bus quiet hom - son St. On a Apply 559 Mas DOGS Kennel. GIRL'S sterilized, cleaned. and Dressed LUMBER. 1 Phone 1137TW, 34--Pets and Livestock GENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH Plast-I-Gloss. Saves your floors, ink will not stain, ends waxing, pol and hard scrubbing. Dries in one hour. Cleve Mr, STEADY POSITION WITH LOCAL BUS- iness firm. Offers exceptional opportunity for young (25-35) who is fairly well Yeducated a and who has good per- Some sell and ting experience desirable. Please give full jarticulass, personal data, references, confidence. Box 332 u-Ganstie ) YOUNG MAN TO LEARN NEWSPAPER advertising business. Excellent oppor- tunity for right person. Good educa- tion and pleasant personality nrain essentials, Apply in person or by letter to A. R. loway or T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette. (170t1) APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the County of Ontario for the of- fice of County Treasurer or the office of Tri er Clerk, ts to state age and Er i salary to be set by the County Council.' Applications should be clearly marked and' mailed to J. A Hawtin, Chairman of the Committee, Beaverton, Ontario, on or before August 15th, 1947, R. DONALD RUDDY, County Clerk, Court House, WHITBY, Ontario. ' (July 24, 31, Aug. 7) 40--Agents Wanted EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian made Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many assortments. air Cards, , Tags. Also Everyday Cards. Beautiful free album showing personal cards 25 for $1.00 and up. Liberal com- mission Write tod: sample offer. The Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-W Bleeker St., To- ror:to. Order now, we deliver. Phone Of 4538W, A Services, 23 Bond PUPPIES FOR SALE, 156 GIBBON ST. . (183a) BOARDED. TWIN BIRCH Phone Whitby 839. (Augl2) Shining Apparel Street West. (Aug24) MASTIC TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- wood, felt, cement, metal trim, Lev-L- Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto, | ) Aug?) RIDIN BREECHES, new, size 14, $6. Bons 0W11, WE BUY AND SELL U. CLOTHING e new. Carrying a big spring coats, suits and pants. 21 Bond 8t. W. Bam Swartz. (SeptT7) 36--Articles For Sale APPLY 117 GIBBON ST. (183¢ ic) LIKE (183a) NEW EW CONTINENTAL, 6 | VOLT, 240 29a--For Rent finishing. Bargain $2,200. $1,200. cash. I HAVE OTHERS, WILFRED McAULEY 150 Division St. 182d) PHONE 3510-M $25,000 goer ™ sre, ie service station doing $50, in good cellar, lights and ay 4 lots, needs CO MPLETELY FURNISHED, LOWER duplex, 3 rooms and bath, August 15th to October 15th. References. Box 338, prea ( __(182p) KRAFT LR iolet, TAY. ng aia. $6 per m Hort 29b--Summer Resorts This price includes store 25x50 with garage attached, 8-room apartment with all conveniences, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, in A-1 condition, over store and garage. Situated on 1% acres land, nice lawn, fruit trees. The entire stogke and fixtures included. BE A Ox Rice niences, 9. Phone 1718, Ses, Avalanle Or; FOR RENT, RAINPROOF TENTS ANI cots.' See Con Glecoff, Phone T040W or 53W (Sept 5) Located about 30 miles from on highway. Grand location, W. J. SULLEY REAL COR & BROKER 36 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 716 ROOM AND BOARD FO (182c) '35 Hall St. Phos a374W, 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN, Double bed § - Tington Ave. Phone 167. Avply APR Gat FOR ONE GIRL. (182¢) dio, CE |5 and 7, 3-PC, 3 SINGLE "BED, 1 METAL, L, WALNUT watts, . Albert | Moore, Eaintsied, Fouts 12, P.O. Black- water, R.R. (183b) USED RE TOR CONSOLE RA- long and short wave, 6 push but- tons, Ronograph attachment, $44.95. Wilson Lee, 79 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2388. a (183a) NEW PIANO ROLLS, 56 EACH, WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe "5. (183¢c) eo DINING -ROOM SE +¥c, Fd Bowmanville 2383. CROWN IMPERIAL bY Si > and 35¢ Thelma Briggs, Myrtle, Orie 83a GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS . | Special price to July 31st. Made to measure in various colors and ma- terials. Free estimates and, instal- lations anywhere. : Discs Factory Sales W. MELLEY rnohe OT ORE P.O. Box 421 phir Binion aclthuculy 'A_ COMPLETE STOCK rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Augas) 37--Articles Wanted SPOT Cas® PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, ashen heater, cook stoves. 34 Bond West. Phone 3766M. i (Augl3) goop USED FURNITURE WANTED boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W, (SeptSs) HIGHEST FRICES PAID FOR IRON etal, mattresses 63% Phone Codardale Tron Metals, back C.N.R. 8 (Septl) SUITE, MOHAIR, 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD excellent condition. $125. 24 Eigin East. | son ic) SMALL OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT, fiLvaod construction, real food value. PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- 301% Las. Sues North. PODS jy 38--Femals Help Nanted ust, ail. Apply 254 Clarke 30 pm. (183b) finish, panel style, used 3 weeks. Also & b walnut finish, Apply 97 Elgin st. Find (183¢c) YOUNG GIRL OR. WOMAN TO MIND children while mother works. Phone 4420R between 9 and (183¢) WANTED, DISHWASHERS, APPLY Grand Cafe, (183¢) Roof §elient comm TO SELL CARDS, EVERY- day cards paper, seals, ribbdn and calendars, etc. also personal cards, 12/$1.00 and 25/$1.00. This is the finest and most complete line in Canada. Ex- lon and fast service. ne and literature, once o> Jeandron Greet ing Co., 86 Bh O Ave, N., Hamilton, Ont. (Sept.6) 41--Employment Wanted Coast Guard Cutter Finds Disabled Cruiser Cleveland, Aug. 7--(AP)--A dis- abled cabin cruiser, 20 hours over- Rate for Advertising Hea Minimum charge 45 RED HARDIE'S DANCE TONIGHT, Jubilee due on a Lake Erie crossing from Canada, was towed into Ricky River by a Coast Guard cutter yesterday with all five passengers uninjured. The vessel, Ajax, owned by John A. Kruse, was spotted by the crew of a private airplane. this 3c per word ry inser- cents. Pavilion. .Admission 35c, 9 (Thurs) It is estimated there still is enough coal unmined in the United States to last several thousand Kruse, investment executive, left Port Bruce, Ont., Tuesday. George Brickmont, pilot of the plane which discovered the Ajax, said signals flashed by a mirror aid ed him to locate the vessel through a heavy mist. COAL UNLIMITED Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims NOTICE Kecent amendments to the above Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before 1st September, 1947. All applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the Minister and the Minister may 'reject an application that is not made in such form or that does not contain such information. The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Dis- . trict Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. All pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st August, 1947, will not be accepted. Department of National Revenue! Ottawa James J. McCann, M.D,, Minister of National Revenue. POSITIONS OPEN Dominion Government Department of National Revenue INCOME TAX DIVISICN Stenographers -- Typists -- Clerks Male and Female Experienced or Inexperienced Apply to Room 502, Dominion Public Building 1 Front Street West, Toronto In Writing or In Person YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION in dentist's or doctor's office. Exper- ishced, od st bookkeeper, meeting pub 345, Times-Gazet tte. (183b) pL YT YEARS EXPERIENCE, wishes em] loyment, Oshawa or dis- trict, Box 339, Times-Gazette. (182m) REPAIRING ELECTRIC RANGES, F HOT pistes, all other electrical Appliances, k Snudden. Phone 2887TR. (Aug2é) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND DRE, for and delivered. Lawnmowers hy t, any condition Stan Fudge, 236 Eulalle Ave. Phone 3030M (Aug22 LAWN hone 3168R. 42--Legal Notices ON AND AFTER bo DATE, AUGUST 1st, 1047, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by one other han mn worl without m da re ade t he Oghawe wb Ris Ww ay ugus 3 ned Hurlbert, [1 82b) MRS, MAUDE MACKAY HAS NEVER resided at 311 Oshawa Blvd, and I am not Fesfonsiile lor oy debts cole Hucted her in name this. dat Aun oth, 1047. 81 a= ate N . 1 hi n Mackay. (1830) CEMENT SEPTIC TANKS While They Last Manufactured Under Government Approved Specifications McLaughlin Coal iis Limited , 110 King St. W.

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