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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Aug 1947, p. 5

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® THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE T PAGE FIVE MargaretSeymour Doing Interne Work in Toronto MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN Correspondent Enniskillen, Ont. August 4 -- Miss Margaret Seymour who has completed her course in occupa- tional therapy at the University of Toronto, is doing her six month's interne work, Just now she is at the Curative Workshop on Bloor Street. Later she will finish this part of her course at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in Toronto. ° Our people were delighted with a solo sung by Miss M. Wright from 8t. Catharines. Several folks from Orono and Hampton were among the congregation. Their own minis- ters were away on holidays. This is the kind of neighborly spirit that pervades this part of Ontario. Miss Mary Adeline Bradley and Master Georgie Bradley have re- turned back to Toronto with their ' parents after spending a month of holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Griffin. Don Carr is with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Carr's at Codring- ton. - Ronald Rahm visited with Mr, Wallace Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Osha- wa, Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Miss Lottie Cottrell and Misses Marjory and Jean Ashton, Toron- to, spent a few days with Mrs, J. Kennedy. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Whittaker and Eva Ann, Hamilton; are spend- ing their holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mary Griffin, Mr, and Mrs. George Bradley Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bradley Jr. and Master Robert Backhouse, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mary Griffin. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, with Mr. rank Dorland's. : e Griffin, Purple Hill and Mr. Ross Healy, Saintfield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin. George Reid visited with relatives at Little Britain. Mrs. Don Carr and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Almer Beach at Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean visited at Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mrs, E. C. Ashton is holidaying with her daughter, Mrs. 8. Rodman dt Scugog Island. Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanville, visited with Miss E. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thwaites visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. Fleet's. Mrs. W. McHugh and daughter, Jean, have spent ten days holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 'Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin, Toronto, visited with Mrs. A. Leadbeater, " Mr. and Mrs. John May, Michi- gan, are visiting at her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson and children, Hampton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGill, Rus- sell and Ross, are visiting Mrs. John McGill Miss Lillian Morrison and Mrs, - Verna Wood, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon spent the holiday at Sturgeon Lake. Mrs. C. Boyd and her sister, Mrs. Mitchell of Pontypool have gone for a trip to the west to visit their brothers. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Orono, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton's. A goodly congregation greeted the minister and his family as they re- turned from their holidays at venson's Point on Scugog Island, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brake, Wil- mington, Del., King Kent and Mas- ter Jack Hewitt, Brantford; Mas- ter Bill Kay, Toronto; Mrs, L. Mountjoy and Fay, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sharp's. Miss Margarite Wright, St. Cath- arines, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Wright's. Greenbank WMS Host to Members Of Baby Band Greenbank, Aug 6--The Women's Missionary Society entertained the Baby Band members and their mothers on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harvey Real, the Baby Band president. A large number attended and thoroughly enjoyed the varied pro- gram of music, readings and a pa- geant depicting the mothers of the Bible. Mrs. Cecil Phair concluded the study of the year's book on In- 'dia with a fine synopsis of the last chapter. Lunch was served on the lawn and all pronounced it a happy gathering. Mrs. Ray Laswick and small daughter Linda Jane, are with her ANDREWS LIVER SALT SPARKLING LAXATIVE-ANTACID parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Phoenix. : Several Greenbank resjdents were present at the Port Perry Old Boy's Reunion on Sunday afternoon and Monday. Rev. J. A. Miller of Toronto, visit- ed Mrs, E. Phoenix here over the week-end. Mrs. Pearl Boswell of Hamilton, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs, #1. Hook for a few days lately, Miss Mary Real of Toronto, and her friend, Miss Elva Hewitt, of Ot- tawa, were guests of relatives here on Monday. + On Friday evening last a large number of their friends tendered gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whitter, married the previous Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas. Lunch, games and a social time were enjoyed by all. Master Donald Hughes of Toron- to, has spent the past week with his aunt, Miss Olive Real. Miss Ward of Hamilton, is here for two weeks' holidays. Many Visitors In Haydon District MRS. HILDA CROSSMAN Correspondent Haydon, Aug. T7--Arthur Sleep, Mrs. George Ferguson and Gordon Martin, Oshawa; Mrs. B. Ferguson, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. Silas Trewin, Toronto; Mrs. Dr. Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, J. Martyn and Miss C. Trewin, Bowmanville; Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, visited at Wm. Trewin's. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Osmond and Connie, Newcastle, visited at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Gage and family, Thornhill; Mrs. E. Gage, Toronto, Mrs. Mark Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and fam- ily, Toronto; Mrs, Silas Trewin, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Mrs. Publo, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil. Miss May Trewin is visiting in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Graham and baby spent a few days at Jack Lake and Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read and family attended the Read family picnic at Stirling on Wednesday. The community picnic which was held on Saturday at Orono Park, did not have as large an attend- ance as other years. The reason was a number of farmers were busy trying to get their hay in the barns while the dry spell continued. A number of farmers have their fall wheat cut. Some from the village attended the regatta at Lake Scugog , on Monday. Investigate Reports of Counterfeit Money Kirkland Lake, Ont. Aug. 7 (CP) --Cpl. Alex Green of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said here today he was investigating reports that counterfeit money, perhaps as much as $10,000 in face value, was in the hands of persons in Kirkland Lake for possible "purchase" of high-grade ore. Some of the spurious money had already been seized, it was reported, There was no official clarification however of the rumors which said that the false money was being held for illegal purchase of ore for sale across the United States border. Mining men pointed out that where high-grade ore is sold illegal- ly the seller has no legal means of redress if he accepts counterfeit money. Edmonton (CP). -- The deputy minister of health for Alberta, Dr. R. M. Bow, will be one of the three Canadians attending the World Health Organization meeting in Geneva in September. He will re- present the Dominion Council of health, Two Marriages Of Interest To Hampton Folk GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent Solina, Aug. 4--Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smales, Hamp- ton on the birth of their son David John, on July 31 in Bowmanville hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Dunbar, To- ronto, visited at J. Smales' Sr. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor (Ella Millson) who were married in Emmanuel College chapel, Toronto, on Saturday after- noon, at 3:00 o'clock. The recep- tion was held in the Royal York Hotel following the wedding cere- mony. Attending the wedding from here were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison, Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Millson, Jerry, Stan and Eber. Miss Betty Smales entertained girl-friends of Ella Millson at a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday afternoon. The practical gifts were arranged on a table beneath a tastefully decorated pink and white umbrella. Ella, after opening gifts, expressed her thanks. Delicious re- freshments were served by Betty and her mother. Personals Master Douglas Millson, Toronto, has been holidaying this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Millson. Ileen Balson, Evelyn.and Bruce Taylor, accompanied Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, to Leadership Training Camp at Oak Lake for the week-end. Miss Sadie Land and Fred Cook of Peterboro; Miss Helen Stephens, Frank Cook, Mrs. George Mutton and Judy, Bowmanville; Mrs. F. R. Cook and Eddie, Enfield, visited at Frank Westlake's, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder and Helen, visited at Mr. Chris Cook's, Toronto. Mg and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Charles and Helen and Miss Char- lene Scholl visited Miss Muriel Langmaid at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson, Judy and Peter, Cataract, were with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Van Nest and son, Windsor, visited friends here. Mrs. Lyman Ashton, Tillsonburg, visited her sister, Mrs. Don Yonson. Charles Scott, Delhi, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Scott. Robert Scott, Jr., is enjoying two weeks' vacation at home. B. G. Stevens, contractor, is at Guelph this week building a house for Gordon Scott. Gordon is en- tering veterinary college at Guelph this year on a four-year course. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake have enewed the appearance of their ao and store with a coat of paint and Mr. 8. E. Werry has made ex- tensive alterations to the vacant house on their farm where the new school teacher of Solina school, Mr. Gordon Scott and family of Jarvis, will reside. Football Club Benefit The boys of the football club are grateful to all who contributed to the success of the benefit ball game Saturday evening when the collected amount of $75 was given to Bryce Brown. The score in favor of Courtice was 4-1. A large crowd of interested foot- ball fans witnessed the Solina at Enniskillen game on Saturday night. The only goal of this fast game was scored by Solina's John Baker, on a pass from left winger Charles Langmaid. Shortly after the game started, Tom Baker received a painful knee injury and was re- placed by Gordon Pascoe. We were very pleased to see such a fine group of children in the pri- mary class on Sunday. Harold Yellowlees recited a poem, "Three Little Birds." There is always room for more. On August 14 and 15, Thursday At Household Finance Cor- poration, 'you may borrow from $20 to $1000 without endorsers or bankable security. And, you may take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or, even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger amounts. JUST 3 SIMPLE STEPS. :: to get the money you need, First: phone, visit or write the Household Finance office nearest your home. Second: decide how much money you need and how you want to repay it. Third: as soon as your application . BORROW - Without Endorsers Houserold FINANCE CORPORATION 15 Simcoe Street South (over Kresge's) Phone Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. Hours 9 to § or by eppoiniment -- Loans made to farmers and residents of nearby towns BACKED BY 69 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE at is approved, the money is yours, usually the same day you apply. You may borrow at Household for almost any worthwhile purpose-- To pay overdue bills Repair your property Educational expenses Purchase new equipment Doctor, dentist fees Business opportunities So, next time you need extra money, use Household's prompt, friendly money ser- vice. Phone, write or visit the Household Finarice Corporation office near your home today. #77) HOUSEHOLD, FINANCE ---- CZ obporaleose of Canada and Friday evenings, there will be special Young People's meetings at our church when two young men will speak on the Forward Move- ment Plan. Several unions are ex- pected to join with Solina com- munity to hear these fine speakers. We understand that if you attend the first meeting you'll be sure to come to the next one. All young people and older ones as well, are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Black, Wood- stock; Mrs. J. E. H, Davis, Oshawa, visited at Ralph Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin, Rober! and John, Bowmanville, were Sun. day visitors at Wes Yellowlees', Dr. and Mrs. George Werry and Carolyn, Oshawa, were 'at S. E. Werry"s, for the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jardine and son Donald, Kingston, visited at Gordon Leask's, Sunday school next Sunday will be at 10:00 a.m, as usual when there will be missionary slides shown. In the evening a joint church service will be held at Hampton Church. our pastor, Rev, FE. 8. Linstead, Mrs. Linstead and little daughter, Ilda, are enjoying their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, Audrey, Lormaine and Allan, Les- kard; Mr. William Martin, Mr. Neil Martin, Orono, visited at Bruce Montgomery's. Miss Mary Hepburn, Kedron, is guest of her cousin, Donna Vice. Sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of Mr. Benson Cryderman, who passed away last week and was interred in Hampton Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Miss Jean Cryderman, -Orono, spent the week-end at home. The Young People enjoyed an evening of games at Solina school grounds on Monday evening. Dis. cussion of various business items followed. Miss Charlene Scholl has returned to her home in Charlotte, North Carolina, following two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and family. SIX NEW PIGEONS Six new fledged pilots were born at the Ontario County Flying Club this week. The club members to solo were "Bud" Jones of Newton- ville and Bob McGrath of Oshawa. Four Air Cadets also went up alone for the first time. They were Stan Easson and Don Fish of Oshawa, Bob Swartman of Parry Sound and Bill Hiltz of Unionville. Large Attendance At Prince Albert W.A. Meeting Prince Albert, Aug. 5--There was a large attendance at the July meeting of the Prince Albert Wo- men's Association which was held at the home of Mrs. William Heayn last Wednesday. - Mrs. MacGregor, the president, was in the chair and read an item on "The Greatest Thing in the World." --Hope, Faith and Charity. A welcome was also given to the visitors 'from. Epsom and other places. Mrs. A. Harper read a portion of scripture and prayer was offered by Mrs. Albert Fear. All business was disposed of at : this particular time, and a much enjoyed program of music and singing followed, A reading was given by Mrs. Wagner of Epsom and Mrs. Fear. Instrumentals were played by Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. W, C. Smith, and Mrs. Snodden of Epsom. Misses Joan Ray and Joan Guthrie and Miss Clark of Webwood sang. A delicious salad supper was served and a social time enjoyed. Personals Mr. and Mrs. George Middleton and Ralph Fear, of Toronto, were holiday week-end guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fear. Mrs. Fear, Jr.\ and daughter Linda, returned home after spending two weeks here. Mrs. Curl and Reta have been holidaying at Cobourg. Wm. Snelling was visiting with his sisters in Toronto. Mrs. Stone and Joan Guthrie were in Peterboro for the week- end. Miss Pogue of Toronto is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. John Collins, for a few days. Mrs. Ed. McCrea has been nursing her sister in Toronto. Mrs. Bert Reyner, Donna .and Fred, spent a few days recently at Tweed, Rev. and Mrs. W. Daniel of New Westminster, B.C. visiting Mrs. Reamsbottom. Mr. and Mrs. H, Durrell and children and Mr. and Mrs. L. Dayon and children, of Kirkland Lake, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. N. H, Howey. Mr. and Mrs. John Munroe were with relatives during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Esch and daughter, of Toronto, were at their summer home -for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Passant and children, of Burlington, were spend- ing a few days at the B. Smith home. Other guests during the holiday week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lyle and daughters Elizabeth and Caran, and Mr. and Mrs. P, Kevill, all of Toronto. With Messrs, 'Russel and Bob But. son for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberts of Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. Prindell of Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ross and son of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Roberts and two children, of Oshawa, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eadie. Misses Elva Bond and Shirley Smith spent the holiday week-end with their friend Doreen Doupe at Trent River. ' Wm. Taylor and Beth spent sev- eral days last week at Niagara Falls. Guests during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Newnham were Mr. and Mrs. C. Tobin and son, Scarboro; Mr. 'and Mrs, W. Kim. merly and son, Searboro; Mrs. Em< ma Beckstead, Morrisburg, and Mrs. C. Smith and sons, of Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonnell and family were in Peterboro during the week-end. Misses Irene Bonnell of Oshawa and Mabel of Toronto, were at home for the holiday. $100,000 DAIRY LOSS Marieville, Que., Aug. 7 -- (CP)-- Fire, believed to have started near the boiler, swept through Emile Le- clerc's dairy here Tuesday and dese troyed it with loss estimated at more than $100,000. Some of the equipment was saved by villagers. OSHAWA - RELAX! ON A RESTFUL STEAMER CRUISE GO BY BUS FARES ARE LOW Round Trip « Tax Included { OWEN SOUND .. MIDLAND GRAVENHURST PARRY SOUND ..... 8.85 7.30 8.00 10.70 (Subject to Change) Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES PHONE 2825 One rigid rule prevails at Gutta Percha. It is the Rule of Quality. Gutta Percha, engineers and Gutta Percha craftsmen keep that rule out front -- always. The result is a truly great tire -- for mileage, for safety, for top dollar value. SEE THE NEW GUTTA PERCHA 368-147 Hy NOW AT GUTTA PERCHA TIRE DEALERS 1. Stronger "six-bar" balanced structure gives maximum mileage. 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