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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Aug 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1947 WANT AD SECTION 'BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL | DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Articles For Sale .. 3 | Funeral D Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted .,. 40 f--Auditors BICRIE ACCODNTANT AG: AU- and income tax forms pre; , Phone 1004J. 295 Arthur St, 1 Tio, HOPKI NS, East, gy dar "Gonmifine ac: Saat and auditor: .___ (Augl3) secretarial work. IED GEN. (Atig3) Auditors Automobiles Sal 0 Liieesssninee Automobiles Wanted © sieseee avsaee ar Household ) A . Auction Sale BAITISters ...coces. Building Trades .. 2---Barristers LOUIS 8. JTYMAN, Mortg! ANS AITA Nort, © Phone 6". Residence 3051, _ (Sept.11) ETC, 25 Simcoe por: Me ci Business opp. tunities Wanted Male Help Wanted Male ,or Money to CONANT & ANNIS, lin F. Annis, KC. Tig 8i imcoe Street Sou. Phone 4, Residence 739. (Augl9) CRESS, K.C.. BARRISTER, i sattor, Phone 31 Cit entence S814 Bsaident ner w ' C. Pollard. K.C. Oxbridge. t. tl) GRIZRSON SREIGHTON & iy Bank of Commerce (Septl) etc., Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. JAMES R MacBRIZN, and Solicitor Suite 201 10 Genosha Hotel. Phone 349, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, a ter, Solicitor. Money Bhd King St. Rés. Phone 837. ator 11 King Office 55. Residence SR W_E N. SI ing. Phone 99. oe i | Rawleigh Dealer imcoe N Houta 1614. (Augl?) I PF. SWARTZ, ry Block. suite No. 4 WITW, E. Oshawa 'F Phone 3832. Hours: to twelve D4 (szseye Wea, and Sat). 3% & and 7 to 8 4--Chiropractors STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, Simcoe North. tice including , mineral and 5--Optometrists Sanmwa. Hours 910 12. 3 10 1516. Evening Appointments. (Augl3) BARRIS- loan. Office East, pi Fons Phone (Septl) BARRISTER. sou (Sept) NCLAIR. K.C. BARRISTER and Solicitor Bank of Montreal Bund. BARRISTER. Money to loan. Bas- Res. (Septl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons , SURGEON, 153 KING ST. | uph eleven Augl3) Chiropractic Electro Jyopop bath treatment. : & Friday, in (Septl) signs and estimates free. Phone 1370J, OFFICE. Phone (SeptS) sesvenese 81 ONE INSERTION . CONSECUTIVE Above new Female Help Wanted Gardening and douses For Rent .. 28 Instruction Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ...... 43 Female Help Wanted ... 3% Nursing Service Optometrists ....... 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO « CONSECUTIVE (INSERTIONS te EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION only to eriginal SA ATP ordered at a later date co original order. . iis hua sie 88 ve .eseses 38 | €ETSODAl .....i0eiee Repairs 14 ® tirveeiceneee 38 Real Estate Wanted ...cee..00 308 Real Estate Exchange ........ 37 Rooms For Rent .. 29 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted ......... 308 Veterinarians Women's Column . 33 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel ,, 33 secsseses § weesee 1 Loan .. #§ . 13 » Words Bach Addl Word rh 05 Ole e insertions. te a orders for oconsecu .00 '20 words or y 20c additional gp Sovds over zo, Each Initial letter, abbreviation $ and e sign, Agule count as a full word. Box charged 10¢ additio All Classified Advertisements MUST be in - 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Dally 8-6; Saturday 8-2. 12--Personal Services | 25--Real Estate For Sale 31--Wanted To Rent 36--Articles For Salo HOUSE "oR UNFURNISHED Spariiment by young couple. No child- h work. Non-smokers and dritkers, Apply 'Box 412, Times-Gazet: 3 UNFURNISHED OR FUR! rooms, for light housekeeping. Phone 2485J. (187¢) WAR VETERAN, 6-ROOMED HOUSE. Conveniences, Bus Service, Would de- corate If necessary, immediate posses- sion, for Hother, two school-aged sis- y Smpioyment, Your invest ment would be well taken care of. Ap- ply to Box 410, Times-Gagette, (187a) s On Lg RoOMB, FLAT OR APART. i couple, quiet, ve: Phone 281 P id ic 4-14" JUMBO TIRES, 6 PLY. APPLY Thos. Mann's, Columbus: Post Office. KITCHEN TAB! BUF- De LE, chairs, chrome table and chairs, quick sale. 480 Montrave Ave. Shen vier GURNEY COOK STOVE, WHITE enamel reservoir, enamel circulating heater, 730 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Phone 973. (185e) GENINE BICYCLES, PARTS AND AC- airs on all makes, owas Ei Bicycles for rent 10c safe' Cycle, 595 King Wi "phone 32--Automobiles For Sale '46 G.M.C. 2-TON DUMP, Perfest condition, Phone 4641J. 1930 INTERNATIONAL, D835, 4 YD. with Highway Jobs, 2 ew motor and tires, 825-20, Box 407, ita NEW MOTORCYCLES, USED Tires Bd A We eto. Repairs. Doc Berry, 313 202 Pine Open everangs, Phone 4121J. (hugs) '31 MODEL "A" FORD, MOTOR JUST overhauled, almost new tires, hot water 'heater, $250 cash. Ernie Stroud, Fair- port . North, Dunbarton. (187¢c) 1940 CHEV. ONE-TON STAKE BO) T. Branigan. Phone 180R11, Colborne. (187¢) 8000 MILES. (185¢) ump axle. ce $1650. Dum; 8] RAN TEA al | fats with reservoir. Dif- t ans ee isa a D.V.A. credits Meagher's, Simcoe North ( ry N BLINDS a 5 Measured and Mastalted ¢ Gecrae Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond CAugss) .10 bags, 1.30; 30 bags, 1.25; 100 bags 120. Delivered in Oshawa an vicinity. Phone TORONTO MIDWAY 4876 + Reverse charges (1831) PLUS A IL BURNERS -- SALES DY. | complete reliable service. Olt op sown e. Phone 584J. (Aug.18) '1940 SUPER BUICK, UNDER-SEAT heater, defroster, perfect condition in- side and out, Sood tires. Allan Bond, Prince Albert. Phone 246r21, Port (oro) '31 OHEV. COUPE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion; '34 Chev. coach, in excellent con- dition, Apply 201 Nassau St., 7 to (187c) ORDER YOUR PURE PEPPER, CINNA- mon and other Watkins products, at a special price. Phone 4491W. (Sept.6) DON'T SU: or arthritis, MATISM Phone 8. 217R. (8ept3) T SWISS at 46 King Your patronage solicited (Aug20) 14--Household Repairs REPAIRED D RE- See our materials for recovert. D. W. Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 401. (Sept®) 15--Gardening and Supplies WITH RHEU et Ru-mex-ol, 384 Ritson F. A. VON GUNTEN, | watchmaker. Repair Street West. ) PLANT THIS FALL FOR GOOD RE- 146 sults, order now for early October. del- ivery, compiete guaranteed nursery stock of Evergreens, Shrubs, . Hedges, Ornamental and Fruit Roses, Peonles, Rockery . No down payment Ay Landscape de- Oshawa. Aug. 17) 22--L ost and Found LOST: WOMANS BLACK PURSE, containing lighter, ration books and JURY AND 10VEA SOrrICE HOURS am ening appoin : Fonnson. ODLOmEErist: Phone 28. A E J (Aug24) 6--Insurance MURDOCH'S GENERAL INSURANCE Service, 2313 Simcoe St. North, ver Easton's. Phone 2928]. Residence i Life, Accident, 'Automobile, Bonds, Plate Glass, Etc, (Sept2) ptl) VICE purance cid. LOST, GENTLEMAN'S keys. Phone 2909M. (187a) TWO CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, EACH 60 ft. frontage, with ten good apple trees, and berries, good Jocagion, minutes walk from city bus, and hydro available, hone #~-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ON DIV- lon St. Phone 3968J (1831) '34 PONTIAC ACH, NEW TIRES, good condition, a '1320R. ( 187¢) '39 CHEV, SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION, Apply 110 Conant St. (187¢c) '38 DODGE SEDAN, $650, CASH. AP- ply 87 Burk Sf (187¢) '41 MAPLE 1] CHEV, STAKE DUMP, sell or exchange on late model car. Apply 225 Fourth Avenue. (187¢) 3 ($8,000 ow ave fo war | refreshment booth, store- 27x40, - barn 20x30, 5-roomed house, with hardwood and tile floors, furnace and hydro, all in A-1 repair. This business has a turn- {over of $35,000. with propects of ine | creasing. Immediate possession. ie acres of good garden land. . Close awa. $850. 6 acres choice garden land, nice loca- tion. Close to Oshawa. $1000. $8, 00 --buys 40-acre farm, good clay loam, 8-roomed house large bank barn with stabling, hydro throughout. 2 good wells and creek in village, on highway near Oshawa. W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa PHONE 716 (187b) LOST, BLUE AND ROSE COMFORTER from tratler, July 25th between Ver- dun Rd., and Roxborough, Reward. Fhone 34647. (187b) LOST. WILL PERSON SEEN PICKING up wallet in girl's locker, Geneva Park, please return to"owner. (187¢) ' WESTFIELD WRIST lost ev b House and Biltmore Theatre. from husband. ward. W er please return. Phone 4107J, (187c) SILVER WRIST watch _ sterll silver bracelet. Re- ward. Finder p phone 420. (187c) WATCH, Adelaide JeLvoryinarim | 23--Women's Column DR OR al oN W. Phone Salta mre. 8--Funeral Directors 9--Money To Loan MoRTacAGE MONEY AND | CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS. ond | two-way stretch, corrective and sur- Phone (Septl) ical garments, brassieres. fire. Blatter, Manager. 2504W, 4--Personal 'OUNG LADY DESIRES RIDE TO or Fi Lig any time over week- lity. Phone 40) GOING TO REGINA, AUGUST 13TH. Phone 3804W. (185¢) BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW, MODERN 5% FIRST available on new and truction loans. e Division). , Oshawag, Phohe. 2928) ( Bt. Simcoe (Sept2) MONIES AVAILABLE ly M. F. sul abs OLIENTS' first mo! Swartz. Barrister. te No. Telephone 282. (Aug20' FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE . North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, 40 ALGER BLDG. PHONE 81, OSHAWA {Tues-Thurs-Sat) 11--Building Trades ROOFING MATERIAL AVAILABLE; Roofs surveyed and estimates free; 10- year guarantee; Reference Dun and Bradstreet. Box ,h 310. Times-Gazette. (Aug.25) 2063-W, OSHAWA. SAND AND I tor dump. truck service as barnyard manure, mushroom manure _ Pea gravel driveways. Apply 163 Ritson Septsy FOR 4 YDS. DUMP TRUCK one "Veterans Haulage" ravel, Generel Use. Bill and gomota, 775 Albert St. Oshawa, (Aug30) EEE CRAGGS, PAINTER AND OE Also industrial spraying or workmanship All work oR teed. Phone 3639 (Aug26) SERVICE. 'W Sand. : Free mates. Phone collect 653. Bowman. | S-ROO! ville. Len Bromley. (Augld) PHONE G BESSE 3152W, SawD, gravel, loam. earth . delivered taken away. Truck for hire. (Sept9) Mi H MOSIER SHEET A Als qonditioning Dealer for new idea Purnaces Phone 4505). (Sept8) BUILDING, REMODELLING ROOFING, and home insulating done. Free estimates. ok eel aise Buildin b Sen" rave Ba, vel, large or ge. crane. (1851) SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED nting joo done. Por In- (Sept8) small ceme formation call 3434W per: , Cons! AE Mérdoch, t for the Imperial Tate Assurance R |e-RooMED & for ike Dro- Ont. (Sept.9) ANYTHING, Ly job too 's colors, custom made, seam- less up to thirteen feet, any length. Write Acme Rug, 188 King West, Ham- iiton. Aug2s) 25--Real Estate For Sale 8TUCCO, FURNACE, 3-PC. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN, 9- ROOMED, Celina St. Owner occupied. Tmmedi- ate ession, $3,500 complete price. Silhean ntial down payment. Phone (186c) FOR SALE { No. 22 Bruce St.--To close an es- | tate $5500. Valuable business corner. » | $8500, Elgin East. Large brick house, | early possession. | $4200. 9 room stucco, Celina St. Early possession. Valuable apartment house, King St. East. Good investment--increasing in valué daily with business de- velopment, A. E. MURDOCH Real Estate Broker A. HAYWARD MURDQCH Salesman 23 Simcoe St. N. Over Beto 7c) | 26c--Farmers" Column WOODEN AND STEEL WHEELED WA- gons, cut down and equipped with im- Plemen, Jims to take 16" tires. James ipp. RR. 2, Port Perry. (1821) bath, garage. Central. P . _ Price thirty-five hundred Poona. Jones: & Nol an. (Aug.12- -14) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION --4 ROOM solid brick bungalow, lot 40 x 100. Hardwood floors throughout, all con- veniences. Inlaid - linole in hal kitchen, bathroom, Modernized kitchen, built-in sink and cupboards. Newly decorated. Phone 4738W all day or (4034 before six). $5600. (186¢c) CORNER LOT FOR SALE, 3715" x 115'; i Westmoreland Midland. Pave- ts paid for. Phone _3500M. (1861) finished, double garage, 1 a 1 mile north Tooley's Hill, ry Apply R. D, Barradall, No. 3, Bowmanville,' (1861) HOUSE, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. AP- ply 290 Ballard St. (1841) SACRIFICE $3900. buys 9 roomed stucco, on paved street, double garage, posses- sion 2 days. $3000. buys 5 roomed bungalow, new furnace, on paved street, quick pos- session. land, A G. BARROW Real Estate Broker 25 Burk St. / (187a) MED NEW BRICK HOUSE AT 200 Eulalle Ave. Possession Nov. lst. Call after 5. (1851) 4-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, IN CITY. Water and lights, possession 1 week. Price two thousand. Terms. Jones Nolan, (Aug.12-14) NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST, WEST. 100x200: Reasonable price. Apply 595 King St. West (1670) 4-ROOMED FRAME BUNGALOW, 3- bath, built-in kitchen cupboards, A age, good condition. Apply 354 Leslie Street. (186¢) 4-ROOMED HOUSE WITH LAWN 55 X 100, i garage, confectionery store in front. In good location, good business. wi aol) good me season for selling, | 4 media L778 Times-Gazette Possession, 1870) For your building requirements and a satisfactory job, contact R. B. WILKINS General Contractor ; 587 Masson St. -- Phone 1467TW (Aug30) SAND. GRAVEL, CIND! hour Robert Muir Oshawa T7J4. Cl MT. Jha contrac'sd H Wilson (Aug30 a Times.Guzette classified 0. "quick and sure results, | re eee. ERS, LOAM AND dump trucks for hire by contract or 'Courtice Phone (Septl) XER FOR RENT, SMALL Phone bank barn, 35 acres bush, some orchard, spring creek, near summer resort, on Scugog Island. $5000. 6 room fo A house, on McMillan Dr, furnace, jacket heater, storm windows etc. Immediate possession, $4,500. WILFRID McAULEY Broker 150 Division St. Phone 3510M _ (1870) pt HOUSE, LIVABLE, NC Nor QUITE 2 100 Acre Farm, {ree house, good 3 { | 26--Real Estate Wanted IP YOU HAVE A HOUSE, FARM OR business for sale or exchange isnse call, Wilfrid McAuley, Real Broker, 150 Division Bt. Phone 3510M Day or Night. (Augi5) TE em For Rent BRIGHT FRONT BEDROOM, CON- tinuous hot water, north end, bus stop. Gentleman preferred. Phone 867W. (187¢c) FURNISHED ROOMS, LIGHT HOUSE- keeping, co filjuous hot water. Apply 665 Hortop (1 a8) sED-STTTING Si WITH KITCHEN privil in downtown apartment, suitable oF 1 or 2 business ladies. Box 411 . Times-Gazette. (187¢) FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Gentleman preferred. Apply 53 Division, (187¢c) NEWLY FURNISHED BEDROOM, CON- tinuous hot water. Suitable for two. Apply 299 Simcoe St. South, (187d) FURNISHED 'BEDROOM. CEN Gentleman , preferred. Phone aa (187b) COMPLETE FURNISHED BEDROOM, partly furnished sitting room and kitchen combined. hot water and use of laundry and phone. 86 Wood St. (186¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Abstainers, business couple preferred. Box 406, Times-Gazette. (185¢) 29a--For Rent UP-TO-DATE SERVICE STATION, & | owned by-large major oil company in town of Uxbridge. Garage space for #50800 cars and two pits. Requires about to handle stock equipment, Xx 405, Times-Gazette, (185d) 5 Laure daing 'cold quarts 0! n $6 per month. Meagher s. 8! orth (Sens) 29b--Summer Resorts FURNISHED COTTAGE FROM AUG. 11 to Sept. 15. Crow Lake near Marmora. ply 6-8 p.m., Tues.'and Wed., at ori A St. (187a) LARGE ROOMS AND PORCH. nec ite, Little Lake. Phone 2000w, evenin 11, Bowmanville, _ days. (187¢c 2, A PLEASANT | HOLIDAY, a fo Sing Slope Bosom, in he Hallbur- '36 - PACKARD, - 3 -NEW- TERES. GOO] condition, Apply 91 Buckingham Ave. « (187b) HARLEY-DAVIDSON 45, TWIN. Good condition. Phone _1188R. (187b) '38 DODGE SEDAN, with built in radio. $765. Phone 3550M. (187b) '35 DODGE. 103 CELINA ST., BETWEEN 5 and 7 p.m. o '36 PONTIAC SEDAN, 6-CYLINDER, new tires, heater, Fock, $550. Ap} 19 112 Celina, before 7 (19h) '31 DODGE SEDAN, C3 NEw rinse tubes and 601 SPORT ) |GENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR 9. | Order now, AWNINGS. WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A limited number. Order early. Cleve Fox 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa (Sept9) FINISH Plast-I-Gloss. Saves your floors, ink will not stain, ends waxing, polishing and hard scrubbing. Dries in one hour. | THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten we deliver. Phone Osh 4538W, Assoc), ated Services, 2 Bond rsa ho Aug24) TILE, RUBBER TR PLY- oy tort, cement, metal trim, Lev-L- Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto, (Aug2?) VENETIAN BLINDS Our blinds are guaranteed 7 day delivery. Free estimates and instal- D | lation. Also venetian blind servicing. Wood slats replaced with Flex-lum or steel slats. Reasonable rates. RK. CAMPBELL Phone 1843W. (Tues, Thurs, Sat) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of aghe ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. Phone 3800W, Aas) 37--Articles Wanted Ave. (187c) 40 MERCURY CABRIOLET, RADIO and heater. Apply 128 Tyler Crescent. ) USED tion. Phone 3931W. (187¢c) DOLL BUGGY, GOOD CONDITION: Box 413, Times-Gazette. (187a) CON- Mette, Pal- (187¢) OAKLAND SEDAN, dition, Call after 6 merston Ave, Whit 33--Automobiles Wanted pm. Vv. YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY 1271 Simcoe St. North (Sept3) CASH FOR Motor Sales. Phone on He ied Cars OnE for wrecking, = Highest prices paid. Phone 3362; evenings 1278, (Augl5) 34--Pets and Livestock FOX HOUND PUPPIES, FOR 8 weeks old. Cocker Spaniel pupples, red, registered. Stud Service. owiton's Kennels. Phone 1651R11, (185¢) BRAY HATCHERY HAS SOME FINE 4- 5-6 week old pullets for immediate del- ivery, most varieties. Think what these will mean to you for fall and winter egg markets! Chicks for co. Tod, | Oodardale® Tron Morais WANTED TO RENT, OUTBOARD MO- tor, for last two weeks of Auguss, Mr. Soanes, Meyers Studio, after nw, a OLD HORSES, PHONE (Tues -Sat.) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heaber, cook stoves. 34 Bond West, Phone ¥ i WANTED, 4057W12. TRUMPET, IN GOOD CONDI- |G Kae for Advertising under this 3c per word Sach inser Nae Minimam charge 45 cents. DANCING AT THE AVALON EVERY Wed, Fri. and Sat. nine till 12, King West. (Tues, Fri.) 41--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED PIPE FITTER, FULL or part time. Box 300, Times-Gazette. (187a) HOUSEKEEPER DESIRES POSITION on farm or in town, immediately. Ex- change services for room and board, for self and two children, Phone Bow- manville 2266. (187¢c) ENERAL HOUSEWORK, RELIABLE, by hou hour or day. Phone 2806W. (187a) REPAIRING ELECTRIC RANG HOT lates, all other electrical appliances. Snudden. Phone 2887TR. (Aug26) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMO' SHARPENED AND RE- conditioned, machine ground. Called for and delivered. Lawnmowers bought, any condition Stan Fudge, id Eulalle Age. Phone 3030M GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. King West. 3326W, Banta) PRICES PAID FOB ° back CONE (Septl) Station. PIANOS * LW, LE Female Help Wanted October delivery should be ordered now too. Contact us soon. L G. Wilson, Bal- sam R.R. 1, Myrtle Stn. (Aug.8) DOGS BOARDED. TWIN Kennel. Phone Whitby 839, 'Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED a, sterilized, cl snd like new. a big stock of spring coats, suits ad pants. 121 W. Sam Swarts. (Sept?) 36--Articles Fo Sale NORD! , UPRIGHT, MA- hogany fini size, good con- dition. Reasonable, Apply 618° Carnogle Ave, 5 HP, ood condition, .30 and 7 . 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, CHEAP, for or quick sale. . Phone 1060W, (187b) FRESHLY PICKED RASPBERRIES, p= 723712, (Tues.-Frh.) BIRCH (Augl2) Ci JOHNSON OUTBOARD, IN Phone 432R, between 87¢c) GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED FOMAN FOR eep (187¢ A in or out. 66 Vasion Ave. WANTED FOR ood home for jo 45 years Phone % for appointment. (187t1) EXPERIENCED small hotel, Hei RIT: Tod 3 ANTED FOR CASH.. WIL- Lee. 70 Simcoe North. (hone | J 42--L egal Notices DATE, T WILL ON AND AFTER THIS not be nn Sar oy debts con- tracted in by anyone other than mysels w without, m Ry Mg yriiten, gnler, Dated a h da Aug- ust Todt Sane n Aitred Rozell. ! doa NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of NE ROBINSON, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of On- Deceased. tario, Widow, persons havi claims against the Estate of the above named de- ceased who died on or about the 26th day of July, 1947, aré requested to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of September, 1947, after which the Estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice shall be had and to_the exclusion of all others, hE GIRL OR WOMAN, LIGHT housework, full or part time. Phone +4333d¢ RELIABLE WOMAN FOR Gi cleaning. Friday afternoons. Phone 3073J. (187: WITH SOME EX- Good opportunity. Apply A. R. Allo- STENOGRAPHER, perience preferred. ermanent position. way, Times-Gazette, HAIRDRESSER WANTED FOR DOWN- town beauty salon. Refer hanfcatiohs to Box es-Gaze' (1 86¢) DIETITIAN, NURSES REGISTERED, floor duty; also Laboratory Technician, Apply stating experience, age, and salary expected, to Lady Supt., General H FURNACE FOR SALE, ALSO paint spraying machine. Apply 25 Bond KNECHTEL 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE, almost new. Cost $250, Will sacrifice, need the room, 4 poster bed style. Phone 34647 afte after r 6. (187b) Penticton, .C. "Okanagan Valley" (1821) YOUNG WOMAN OR ACTIVE OLD! n to assist wih "Woman's Page TED, oh Oshawa this 5th day of JOSEPH AIMIE POIRIER, Executor, by his Solicitor ERNEST MARKS, 11 King St. E.,, Oshawa, Ont. (Aug5,12,19) I, ALFRED ROBINSON, WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts contracted in my name by Norma Loscombe or Mrs. Robinson, on and after this date, Aug- ust 11th, 1947. Signed--A, H. Robinson. a 43--Auction Sales I have been authorized to sell for the Biggs of late Alvin Peters, in Vil- ® of on, on Saturday, August all the household effects imclud- ing plano, chesterfield, dining-room, , kitchen Turnitie dishes, sil- verware, \7 ils, gar- 00k! ER ty tools, carpenter Hn 30 cord stove and many wood, posts, plemen other articles, 932 Chev. sedan, 11 n good condition. As perso. of Times. ood lity are Al fos 4 in first } instance, with Teferences, by letter Ww. Ferd Lindsay, mes- GIRL'S BICYCLE, ( GOOD CONDITION. Apply 113 Gibb St. Phone 2103 by (174t1) SALESLADY, AGE 30-38. CAPA oF taking full éharge of front shop. M 20 BAGS SPUN ROCKWOOL INSULA- tion, 17 Beaty St. Ajax, ularly, © ONE SET OF TWIN HORNS AND ONE Trico Vacuum fan, like new, Will sell reasonable. _Phone S510W, ------ (1870) 1200 NEW E BRICK, QUANTITY O OF stone, Phone 4333J. (187a) HAPPY THOUGHT COAL RANGE, white enamelled back and warmi oven, Phone 2817. 151 Clarke St. (187a, 85 LAYING HENS; 2 CHICKEN COOPS, 1'x30°, 15°%18'. Phone 3903J. (187c) CHILD'S CRIB, $6. GOOD CONDITION. Phone 2720J, Ey MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE, GOOD dition, $22. Apply 234 Bruce St. Sonn) NEW CAR RADIOS, FIT ANY CAR, $64.95. Pay only $13 down, balance in small monthly yet ts; Barons' an do & Electric, Simgoe South. Prone (187c NEW WASHING MA , $159.50. Limited supply. Pay only $15.95 down, balance in small monthly payments. Barons' Radio & Electric, Simcoe South. Phone 249 (187¢) 2 DELCO PRESSURE PUMPS. APPLY 27 Orchard Ave, Harmony. - Phone 3432-J, evenings. (186¢) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE; 6-PC. DI- nette suite; 3-pc. velour studio, All new within the last 6 months. Phone 2640W. (187a) PHONE (185b) TWO DOORS, 6'10" X 2'10", 1818 after 5 p.m. 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE WITH fort mattress, fireplace with electric fire. studio couch, dimin Son table . | calendars, coM- |" have k as manent position calls for a single girl, Pleasant work! conditions. TL Singer Sewing Machine Copan 1 Ontario Street. this is an exceptionally large sale it will ary at 12. Termg cash. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- tioneer. (187c) I have been authorized to sell b Public Auction, for Mrs. Stephens, mile north of Bowmanville, on Man- vers Road, on Thursday, August 14th, her hold effects incl plano, 2 dining-room suites (good), Roar on. d furniture, dishes, cooking 39--Male Help Wanted YOUNS Man TO LEARN vertising business. Racellent PAPER Hniey for nant person. Good educa- tion and pleasant Personality main essentials. Apply in person or by letter to A. R. Alloway or T. 'Wilson, Times-Gagzette. (170t1) STEADY POSITION WITH LOCAL BUS- ness firm, Offers exceptional opportunity for young man (25-35) who is faitly well educated and who has good pe! sonality. Some selling and oan ng experience desirable Please give fu partioutate; personal data, references, n confidence, Box 332, es-Gazotte. TO SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS, EVER day cards. paper, seals, DE und etc, also rsonal cards, 12/$1.00 and 25/$1.00. is 1s the nest and most complete line in Canada. Ex- cellent commission and fast service, For Sa le and literature, write at 8 oe V. Jeandron Greeting Card 86 Kensington Ave. N., Hamilton, (Sept.6) iE MAN TO WORK IN BAKE shop, night work. Apply Tod's Bread. 40--Agents Wanted EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian made and 4 chairs ice box etc. View anytime." ¥ "hits tage 7, 840 Dundas C! cards to your friends, They sell OB 8! n Cards, Tags. Also Everyday Cards. album showing personal "Clean ettes. uring Ugus 105, W For reserva- tions phone 21 _ Whitby. (1851) FOR } RENT, | RAINPROOP TENTS AND Sots. See Con Glecoff. Phone 1840W. or (Sept 5) 31--Wanted To Rent Wi EE CS couple, in owntown rict. Phone SW (1851) STORE OR OFFICE SPACE. BOX 401, Times-Gi (187¢) Highl Ont. oni Boat ting, Riding. housekeeping cabins and cot A fap SosaTvaugns available a " LOSSTONE -- GENUINE a floor finish. Gives linoleums; hardwood floors beautiful' hard-wearing plastic finish, Phone 90-M-1. We aeitver ity GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure in various colors and materials, Free estimates and installations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. W. MELLEY G Phone 4101W Oshawa PO Box 421 |i (Tues, Thurs Sat) - i cards 25 "for A100 and up. Liberal com- mission Writ en today for unusual sample offer. uglas Greeting Card Company, ow Bleeker St., To- rocto. HM or Wanted LIGHT HOUSE DUTIES IN EXCHANGE for room, board and small remunera- tion, by refined protestant lady. Phone 332R2. (187¢) EXPERIENCED BOO! - AC- countant payroll clerk, desires position Oshawa or district. Phone .632. (187¢) APER | Elmer Wilbur, Sale Cash. (187b) an utensils and many other articles. 6.30 Please note time. Terms, Auctioneer, Bethel Cemetery Plans Decorations -- | Greenbank, Aug. 11--Memori- al services will be held here on Decoration Day in Bethel Ceme- tery, Sunday afternoon next, Aug. 17th, at 3 p.m, -Rev, Stanley Mc Millan of Hamilton, will speak 'and music will' be given by the Oddfellows' Quartet. « The morning service in the United Church next Sunday mor- ning will be omitted because of Memorial service in the after. noon. 'The Sunday School will be held as usual at 10 a.m, Master Allan Hughes of Wil. lowdale, who has been visiting his aunt here,'returned home -n Thursday. The Young People's Society will hold their annual picnic at Beaverton Park on Tuesday, Aug. 12, leaving Greenbank at 1.30 Many assortments, Gift | p.m Roderick Real of Saskatoon, flew home to attend his mother's funeral on Saturday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, William Somer- ville report extremely hot wea- ther during their trip by bus to Chicago last week. Mrs, Annie Gibson of Teeter- ville, is visiting Mrs." Emma Phoenix: here, Mr. Tyson Lee of Blair Ave., Greenbank, celebrated his eighti- eth birthday on Sunday, Aug. 11, His entire family were present from Toronto and Port Perry, as well as those ne: rby. Many neigh- bours and friends also called to wish him happiness on this >ca- sion. Brougham Man Suffers Broken Foot Brojgham, Ont., Aug. 11 -- A number of visitors were in the village from outside points atten- ding the Malcolm . Miller wed- ding on Saturday last. Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs, John Wells of To- ronto, were with Mrs, Brown on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. Wells are spending a few days of their hol- iday with Mr, an. Mrr. R, Craw- ford. llicotts', and Mr, and daug ers holidaying with them. r. and Mrs. Warren Willson Francie, were leaving Mon- day fcr a motor trip to the West. The John Knox family of Sol- ina spent the week end with the Malcolm family, Mr. Howard Malcolm had an unfortunate accident on Monday last, when a horse stepped on his foot, breaking the bones, necesai- tating it being placed in a cast. With haying not finished and grain cut, it is a bad time to be compelled to be idle. Ted and Mrs. Iollows have been on holiday with his people. Mrs. John Hanley of Stratford, spent the week end with her aunt, Miss Ida Bate, A largely attended shower was held in the Township Hall one night last week for Mr, and Me. Gordon. Duntan, who have arriv- ed home from their honeymoon trip. They were the recipients of many lovely and useful gifts and a pleasant social time was enjoy- ed by those present. Miss Evelyn Beer is holidaying with her people here, Mrs. T. Robertson is enjoying a few days' holiday this week. Mrs. Mary Mathews is visiting Toronto friends for a few days, Another War (Continued from Page 3) security zone, It is also why Rus- sia seeks to disrupt the other nations by her actions, Fear Neurosis "My sharpest single impression that I obtained in Russia was that a fear neurosis is present in | | duating from University of Tor- the people from top to bottom, and a sense of fear is underlying their whole existence, This incre- dible fear reaches right into the Kremlin, as shown in the leaders fear of the outside world, which is developed from the misunder- standing of Western ideas, prin- ciples: and attitudes in trying to be friendly. Even the Russian pa- pers are filled with nauseating nonsense about the Western World, which is painted as a cor- rupt and evil vulture, waiting to pounce on Russia." Turning to the aggressive poli- tical policy as a basis for their actions, Munro stated that Russia is trying to impose their doctrines on as many other countries as they can, "It is a very sinister and dan- gerous policy, and we must op- pose it both politi:ally and econo- mically" he pointed out. Despite her huge size and population, Russia really has only the poten. tials to carry on a war, Her los. ses were tremendous in the past war, and it will take her many years to make them up. While it is true the Red Army is the lar- gest in the world, with some four and a half million men still under arms, Russia's great military wor. ry is her Air Force, which is es- pecially weak in ground crew maintenance. Alarming Progress "We can oppose Russian ag. gression by economic and politi. cal action, and prevent a further spread.of communism in Western Europe, Communism has made alarming progress in Western Europe and by fraud, deceit, and gangster methods they have prey- ed on the countries to set up th own regimes against t wie the people, "Communism has now moved into most of the levels of society, and the smartest, hardest work- ing politicians in Europe today are Communists. Many Euro. peans in despair and disparage. ment are grasping at the com- munistic promises. Socialists are doing by far the best job of op- posing Communism in Europe to- day, and in France, Sweden, Den. mark, and Norway they are put- ting up a courageous fight. But one of the big difficulties is the lack of collaboration between the party in one country and another, whereas the whole Communist show is directed from the Krem. lin, "Europe is going through a terrible crisis, The disruption and chaos were bad enough when the war was finished, but the recov. ery in many countries has been almost negligible, and it has ev. en gone from bad to worse in some countries. Communism. is playing havoc with the remaining institutions of democracy in Eue rope, and it is woefully apparent that Europe has been split down the middle. However, following the announcement of the Marsh. all Plan, a wave of new hope has been sweeping England and France. In conclusion, Munro pointed out that in spite of the grim situ- ation in Great Britain, he did not believe that the country would go under. "I don't believe the eclipse of a people who put up such a fight during the war could be ac- complished in one generation," he said, but they will need the en- couragement of Canada and the rest of the colonies to pull through the next winter." The speaker was introduced by | Rotarian Tom Wilson, who brief. ly outlined his career since gra. onto in 1936, and pointed out the highlights of his seven years ser- vice as a CP correspondent in Europe, Vice-President John G. Geikie, who presided over the meeting moved the vote of thanks to the speaker, BE -----_ tI, ® GRADING ® PLOUGHING ® EXCAVATING DAVE MITCHELL 89 BURK PHONE 3149) POSITIONS OPEN | Dominion Government Department of National Revenue INCOME TAX DIVISION Stenographers -- Typists -- Clerks Male and emale : Experienced or Inexperienced Apply to ¥ Room 502, Dominion Public Building 1 Front Street West, Toronto In Writing or In Person

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