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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Aug 1947, p. 4

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i | i] | PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1947 LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Phone 703, Al) Departments Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. T. Williams. Editor. Council Agrees To 15 Per Cent Increase For Gas Willingness to grant a fifteen per cent increase in present rates charged by the Ontario Shore Gas Compeny for services in the town was expressed by the Whitby Town Council on Thursday evening dur- ing a special meeting of Council. However, the resolution signifying their willingness to grant the in- crease also contained the stipula- tion that the increase must first be sanctioned in the City of Oshawa and the by-law passed there to cover the ipcrease must meet with the approval of the Whitby Town Solicitor. In asking for permission to levy the fifteen per cent increase in ates, officials of the Ontario Shore Jas Company stated that because )f increased costs of labour, ma- srials and operation they had und it impossible to operate and ay off their present indebtedness > the City of Oshawa. In 1931 a thirty-five year fran- ise was granted to the Company nd in the agreement maximum wes that could be charged were uoted. The company, which serves East 7hitby Township, Whitby Town- ip, Darlington Township, the 'own of Whitby, the Town of owmanville and the City of shawa, informed the local coun- 41 that a willingness to grant +.e increase had been announced Jy Bowmanville, East Whitby. and Whitby Townships, Officials believed that since the City of Oshawa stands to receive )ayment on the indebtedness con- Jacted by the company they will 'xperience little difficulty in con- incing the City Council that a by- aw granting the increase should be Jassed. " Under the old rates, charges lev- 2d by the company were as follows: 10 cent service charge per month with an additional charge of $1.60 per 1000 cubic feet. There was a =iinimum gross charge of 83 cents ser month and a 10 cent per thous- nd cubic feet discount if the bill ~as paid within 10 days. Under the proposed rates with the 15 per cent increase in effect the new charges would be as fol- lows: 40 cent service charge per month with an additional charge of 22 cents per hundred cubic feet for the first two hundred cubic feet |' and thereafter a charge of $1.80 per each thousand cubic feet. The new minimum gross charge would be 85 cents with the same 10 cent per thousand discount if the bill is paid within 10 days. Second Coin Minted 1820 Owned Here In response to an article which appeared in The Times-Gazette on Tuesday, reporting the finding of an unusually old coin bf Ernest Hyderman, Athol St. while digging in his garden, William A. Holliday, well-known local resident, visited the Whitby office of the paper yes- terday and proferred an exact du- plicate of the coin Mr. Hyderman found. Mr. Holliday said that after read- ing the article he was struck with the similarity in description of an old coin which he has. He located the coin and compared it with the description and found that the two tallied perfectly. The coin in question, an 1820 "Halfpenny Token", is about the size of the large one-cent Canadian pieces recently taken out of circu- lation, Engraved on the coin are the words, "Upper Canada" and "Commercial Change", while, in addition, it carries an engraving of an old-fashioned sailboat and a coat of arms made up of crossed spades over an anvil. # Mr. Holliday, who is quite a coin collector, believes the coin to be worth money but said that he had never had it appraised. What's The WHITBY Palm Sports came up with their best performance of the year last night, when they upset the league leading Oshawa Legionnaires 9-8 the second game of their best of three semi-final playoff round, and force the series to its limit. After being nosed out 9-7 in the first game in spite of a five run rally in the last two in- nings, Whitby were facing elim- ination last night, by a team that they had been unable to defeat in seven games this year, bbut Whitby literally blasted their way into a third game with an 11 hit attack, including five home runs, Spencer, Hodg- son and Ross all hit for the cir- cuit in a big six run second in- ning rally, to knock Romaniski from the mound, and they con- tinued against McConkey, who came in in relief, with Mayne and Ross poling round trippers in tHe third inning, * 0» All the scoring in the game was concentrated in the first four in- nings, with neither side being able to push across a run in the last four - frames, as Legion tried des- perately to come from behind, and Whitby hung on to their lead ten- aceously, Hodgson and Mayne were the hit heroes for the Palms, each collecting a home run and a single in three official trips to the plate. w ¥ . However, in spite of their fine showing last night, the Whitby team have been thrown out of further playoffs, for us- ing a player under an assumed name. Len Yuill entered the game in the fifth inning, un- der the name of Roife, and bat- ted once and although Whitby led at this point 9-8 and the score didn't change, the actiom has d the pensi of the Whitby team, and Yuill, who was signed to play for the Junior Tigers, is liable to a life suspension by the O.ASA. Full details are not available as yet, on the final decision of the league and the O.A.S.A. * Lo» There will be four Whitby rinks competing in the annual General Motors Gold Cup Lawn Bowling Tournament to be held next Wednesday. The 104 en. tries, and the 18 sets of prizes valued in the neighbourhood of $1200, make this event one of the largest men's rinks tourna. ments in the world. As has been the practice in the past several years, the Whitby Club greens will be used to accom. modate part of the draw, en. abling the largest entry list in the history of the tournament to compete for the valuable prizes, The four Whitby rinks are skipped by Hilliard Millard, William Cook, Jim Bell and George Canning. Although no Whitby rink has ever won the Cup, local bowlers have always made a good showing. William Cook, has won his three games in the tournament three times, the last occasion being just two years ago, when his rink won fifth place. George Canning's entry for the big event will in. clude three members of the Goodyear Trophy winning rink NOW PLAYING Two Shows at 7:00 and 9:00 - Saturday Matinee at 1:30 "It Takes 'A Heap O' Killin' To Make A House A Home!" 4 ' | 7.99 | PEGGY ANN GARNER - ANDOLPY SCOTT LYNN BARI STEEL CO WL CRAIG.RICE'S = SWEET w LLOYD BACON = prosucss vy LOUIS D. LIGHTON. Four Corners Boasts New Lines, Signs In an effort to control traffic at the Whitby four corners to a great- er degrée, workmen have painted new traffic lines and road warnings on the pavement on Brock St. and Dundas St. on all four sides of the main intersection, Although traffic at the four cor- ners is controlled by stop lights many U.S. and other visiting cars become confused when attempting to turn onto Brock St. from Dun- das or from Brock St. onto Dundas. The new signs and traffic control lines are painted in bright yellow paint with 'the word, "stop", out- lined in letters three feet wide. Local police department officials kelieve that the signs will greatly assist motorists in going through the right movements and motions at the busy intersection. 83,648 Car, Truck Units Produced Detroit, Aug. 16.--(AP)--Passen- ger automobile and truck produc- tion in the United States and Ca- nada this week has been estimat- ed by Ward's automotive reports at 83,648 units, This compared with last week's total of 79,017. In the comparable week last year 88,990 units were assembled, while in the same week of 1941 the total was 45,526 vehicl- es, most plants then being engaged in new model change-over prepara- tions, Of this week's total Ward's said 58,943 cars and 19,120 trucks were made in the United States and 3,- ho cars and 1,865 trucks in Cana- a. , & at Bowmanville two weeks ago, in William Correll, James Ross and Norm Thomas. Hilliard Millard's entry will include Jack Annan, James Sleightholm and Dick Adams, and Jim Bell's rink will include Bob Coppin, George Humphries and Art Patterson, * 2 * Whitby Rotary Juveniles will start their O.B.A. playoff round with Aurora Lions in the Town Park on Monday night. The Whitby boys, who went all the way to the semi-finals last year, have been playing in the Oshawa Juvenile League all season, so that they could play regular, but now that the playdowns have started, both Whitby, and Sunnyside Combines, a midget team, have withdrawn, leaving the other four Oshawa teams to Tight it out for the Lyn. brook Park trophy. It wil] be a best of three peries, with the second game in Aurora on Wednesday, and a third game if necessary, on neu- tral grounds. y * 2 » Gerry Bracey, local track star, will be up against some tough opposi- tion in the All Ontario Open Track and Field Championships in Osha- wa, one week from today. One of the feature attractions of the meet, will be the appearance of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, track team of Bob and Don McFarlane, Jack Parry, and Bill LaRochelle, who have been making a name for themselves all summer by cleaning up in track meets throughout the country. Besides their running abil- ity, the McFarlanes and Parry are three of the best backfielders in the country, and they will be key men in Johnny Metras' Mighty Mus- tangs, who will be trying for their fourth straight Intercollegiate title this fall. Big Bob, the younger Mc- Farlane was the top scorer in the Intercollegiate last Fall, and is an outstanding quarter miler, who will probably represent Canada at the Olympics next summer. Brother Don also holds his own on the grid- iron, and made the Intercollegiate All-Star team last year. However, when it comes to fleet footed run- ning on a rugby field, Parry is in a class by himself. Last year, he scored 14 touchdowns in six games, four of them by running through the whole opposing team, after re- ceiving the kick, Sport Calendar Monday, August 18 Juvenile O.B.A. Playdowns. First game--Aurora Lions at Whitby Ro- tary, Town Park, 6:30 p. m ------ COMES FROM NUTMEG "Mace is a spice found jin the filament between the two hard shells of a nutmeg kernel. WANTED! We Pay Phone Charges GORDON YOUNG LTD. roronto WANTED TO RENT HOUSE OR APARTMENT By Family of Four No Small Children Man Holding Responsible Position. Apply Chamber of Commerce PHONE 2214 or John Kerr Natlie Knitting Mills Phone 338, Whitby Search For Pickering Pilot Lost 5 Days On Flight To Labrador Thirty-five year old J. B. Mutton, R.R. 2, Pickering, is the object of an organized aerial search by planes of the R.C.AF. following his five day disappearance, together with his Fox Moth aircraft, while on a photographic mission to Goose Bay, Labrador. The plane is believed to be somewhere on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, The Fox Moth, equipped with floats was last heard from 10 hours after it left Rapid Lake, north of Seven Islands in the St.-Lawrence River. On a photographic mission the plane left the Toronto deHaviland airport on August 8 and although at first it was believed that the plane carried a passenger officials at deHaviland say the pilot was alone in the aircraft. Officials conducting the search for the missing flier said that he should have landed according to schedule no. later than August 11. In addition to being on a photo- graphic mission the plane was also acting as a supply ship for North- ern Quebec areas. Well known in Pickering Town- ship, Mutton joined the R.AF. in 1936 and in 1944 he transferred to the R.C.A.F. While overseas he flew as an airgunner in the Middle East and after completing training as a pilot he completed two tours of operations over France, Belgium, Holland and Norway. He acted as pilot of a tow plane in three of the most decisive campaigns of the war in which gliders were used-- Normandy, Arnhem and the Rhine crossing. Cars Badly Ohio Man Fined After Dundas St. Accident-- Damaged A charge of careless driving was laid against W. M. Almond, Steub- enville, Ohio, yesterday afternoon by Whitby Police Sergeant Ronald Love, following a collision on Dun. das St. W. between Almond's car and an automobile driven by Al- bert Wilkinson, Trenton, Ont. Both cars were considerably damaged in the collision although neither the drivers or passengers were injured. Wilkinson told police that he was travelling east on Dundas St. be- hind a car operated by John Foster, Toronto, when the accident occur- red. He said that the Foster vehicle had slowed down prior to making a left hand turn into Euclid St. and that he had slowed down and pull- ed to the might attempting to pass the car on the south side, He added that the Almond vehicle had col- lided with the rear of his car with such force that it drove the vehicle up over the south curb on Dundas St., where it came to rest on the boulevard between the sidewalk and the road. After mounting the curb the Wilkinson car narrowly missed cmashing into a steel standard erected on the boulevard. Almond. stated, according to! Sergeant Love, that he had no chance to stop before colliding with the Wilkinson car after it suddenly slowed down, Milton Pearse, a soldier on the staff of the Chorley Park Military Hospital in Toronto was a passen- ger in the Wilkinson car while Earl Wright of Buffalo, N.Y., was a pas- senger in the car driven by Almond. Almond pleaded guilty to the NEW CEMENT MIXER, BARROWS AND OPERATOR 5 YDS. PER HOUR Harry W. Jermyn WHITBY, ONT. Pe A 4 charge of careless driving before J. M, Hicks, Justice of the Peace, and was released following payment of a fine, TROPHY DONATED Hamilton, Aug. 16.--(CP)--A tro- phy has been donated by Lady Me- gan Lloyd George to the Hamilton Eisteddfod as a prize for the org- anization's Silver Jubilee Festival Nov, 15, it was learned here. The Eisteddfod -- patterned after the historic Welsh music festivals -- was started many years ago by the Late David Lloyd George, who do- nated a Welsh flag to the Hamil- ton group. GIRLS WANTED To train as Sewing Machine Operators. Permanent posi- tions, Start immediately. EMPIRE PANTS & BOYS' WEAR Brock St. N. Whitby DAILY PICK-UP ond - DELIVERY New Service Cleaners OSHAWA PHONE TUCK SHOP weeaa BY 541 Oshawa, Whitby, Ont. | Electrical Electrical Engineering and Contracting. Electrical, Industrial, Commercial, Domestic and Rural Installations. 7hitby and District. Let Us Solve Your Electrical Problems J. W. VICKERY Electrical Contractor Phone 531 AUTO AUTO ROBES, all wool AUTO AERIALS, each TRUCK FLARES, each 15-PLAT< BATTERIES 17-PLATE BATTERIES Obtainable at WILSON'S AUTO TOPPING, 65" wide, yard . AUTO TOPP!NG, double texture, 54" wide, yd. Pgs SLIP COVERS, to fit late model cars . SPECIAL OILS & GREASES STEEL COAT PAINT FOR AUTOS, BOATS, etc. TIRES AT REDUCED PRICES Complete stock Champion Spark Plugs * Complete Iie of pedal pads to fit all makes of cars. Repairs on Bicycles, Lawn Mowers PARTS "$3.10 ... $10.15 co. $11.95 USUAL PROMPT SERVICE WILSON'S AUTO' PARTS WHITBY -- PHONE 746 itby In Brief Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the town are appreciated by this department TELEPHONE 303 Mrs. Wm. Thomas of Hamilton, is holidaying with Mrs. Edith Hoar, 111 Kent St. N. * ®R * Master Jim McKay spent a few days with his aunt Mrs. Charles 'Daniels, Ajax, Ont, * bP» Mrs. C. A, Wallace, Oshawa, and Mrs. B. Williams, Winnipeg, visited with Mrs. William Cook, Green St., yesterday afternoon.' % * Mr. George Stafford, of Toronto, is visiting his brottier, Mr. Ernest Stafford, and Mrs. Stafford and his brother, Mr. Charles Stafford, Mary Street, * 2 * Mrs, P. N. Spratt and Miss Janet Spratt are holidaying at Bala, Muskoka, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, of Windsor. White Rose, Red Rose on Single Stem One of the more peculiar quirks of nature was colorfully demon- strated yesterday when Gertrude Drew, Euclid St., Whitby, brought into the Times-Gazette office a stem from a rose bush on which were growing two roses, both of vastly different hues. Ome of the roses was a purplish pink colour while the other wag snow white. Mrs. Drew told The Times-Ga- ette yesterday that no grafting whatsoever had been practiced on the bush and that it was the only stem on the whole bush on which this phenomenon occurred. A close examination of the two blooms indicates that they both are perfectly formed and the only dif- ference between the two is in the colour. In one or two places on the white bloom a few very minute specks of colour can be seen but it is only with difficulty that a person can see them. The roses grew in Mrs. Drew's own garden which is a mass of col- our due to the many rose bushes in full bloom there, Whitby Classified WANTED--WA! NTED TO BUY, POUL- try, highest market prices paid, also feathers and horse hair. Aply N. Lemberg, Brock street south, thy. Phage or 992 Whitby. WANTED--LARGE OR SMALL PICKL- ing crock. Apply Times-Gazette, Whit- y. > FURNACES CLEANED--FURNACES VA- ons Cleaned, pipes and chimneys cleaned, 80 spray painti; of all kinds. G. Runion. Phone 044 Whitby. FOR SALE--BUFFET AND DINING table, golden oak, good condition, Ap- pply Mrs, Norman White, Phone 31, Brooklin, FOR SALE--500 BEST LAYING. STRAIN of Rock Pullets. Apply 536 Centre St. North Whitby, Phone 726. (Aug. 19) FOR SALE--MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD condition, new tires. Apply Brock street north, Whitby. (Aug.16) FOUND -- TWO HOUNDS, COLOR black, white and brown, Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply C. Clothier, Kinsale, Ont. LOST--LADIES' WHITE GOLD WRIST watch, initials M.P.T. and date en- graved on back, possibly at lake. Find- er please leave at Times-Gazette, Whitby. 'Reward, (Aug.16) WANTED--WANTED TO BUY, 5-ROOM- ed house, hardwood floors, dry hydro, water, no run down property. State price and particilars, Scarboro to Whitby district, od roads, some land. Write 48 Woodside Ave. Toronto, or Mrs. Paddou, General Delivery, Whitby, WANTED--STENOGRAPHER FOR LE- gal office. Apply D. J. Cuddy, Whitby. Phone 2214. FOR SALE--250 PULLETS FOR SALE, white rocks, ready to lay. Apply Bill Walton, east end of Pickering, south of No, 2 Highway, (Aug.16) WANTED--COOK GG , FAMILY 2 adults, all conveniences, no washing or waxing, highest ages id. Apply Box 39, Times-Gazette, Whitby, (Aui6) WANTED TO BUY---ALL KINDS OF Poultry also new and oid feathers. Highest market es Apply J. Parker. 321 Brock St Phone 486. SALES REGISTER SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd.--Auction Sale of Household furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs George Robb, 135 Perry _ | street, Whitby. The contents of this home will be sold without reserve. An- tique and modern furniture, electric range, frigidaire, walnut and oak pieces, bedding, dishes, fancy glass and silver- ware, rugs and drapes, Jaden tools and many other articles, electric wash- er. This will be the big sale of the geason. Sale starts at o'clock sharp Willlam Maw, Auctioneer. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAX) TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. To Wit:-- By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation bearing date the 10th day of June, 1947, sale of lands In arrears of taxes in the ToNnsniD of Whitby will be held at my office at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 12th N | day of November, 1947, unless the taxes and costs are sooner pad Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, was published in The Ontario Gagette on the 2nd day of August 1947, and that Kk sald list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this Tth day of Au 1947. i C. 8, THOMPSON, T, 13W-Nov.1) RADIO SERVICE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANC 130 Brock St. N., Whithy © Tel. 707 For Saving Commend Local Youth Life of | Near Drowning Victim Orville Summers, young Knitoy resident, received special commen- dation from the Town Council on Thursday night during the special meeting, for his prompt and quick- g actions in saving the life of Jack Gale, young electrician on the staff of the Ontario Hospital here. Summers dove into the wa. ters of Lake Ontario off the Hos. pital grounds on Mbnday and was successful in bkringing Gale to shore after he had got into difficul- ties while swimming in the water with his dog. Following the rescue Summers told bystanders that when he had first observed Gale in the water he had noticed Gale waving his arms but thought nothing of it until he noticed Gale's dog begin to bark and swim in small circles. When a second glance in the direction of the dog did not reveal any sign of Gale, Summers immediately dove into the water and by swimming out to where the dog was he was successful in locating Gale and bringing him ashore. After a few minutes of artificial respiration applied by Summers Gale was able to go to his home where he was soon out of danger, It is believed that Gale was af. fected by the hot sun and when dizziness overcame him he was un. able to reach the shore under hig own power. In commending Summers for his action the members of the Council expressed iheir appreciation for the rescue and committed themselves to writing a letter to the proper officials drawing to their attention Summers' actions in the hope that they will preset him with a suitable award. Try a Times.Gazette classified ad for quick and sure results, Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Baker, Pickering, announce the engage= ment of their daughter, Doris Mar< ie, to Mr. R. Harold Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cooper, 'ONe to, Marriage to take place Septeme ber 20th, in Pickering. HE tC i 305 Dundas St. W. WHITBY ELECTRIC Electrical Insta.lations and Repairs FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Have your home wired the Red Seal Way Phone us for Information on Adequate Wiring Phone 650 HARUWOOD BODY WOOD .... (Cut to 12" Lengths; MIXED SLABWOOD CUTTINGS . (Ct w 12" Lengths) SOFTWOOD MILL CUTTINGS .... DRY HAKVWOOD FLOORING CUTTINGS . .. $18.00 per Cord ) . $13.00 per Cord $7.00 per Cord ; . «25 per bag (Plus Deposit on Bag) PRESTC-LOGS .. 10c Each--$22.00 per Ton ) ! (Pressed Sawdust Logs for Fireplaces) DELIVERED TO--Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, Bowmanville, Hampton, Enniskillen, Taunton, Burketon The Brunton Lumber Co. Limited WHITBY, ONTARIO Lo i "GET NEw AL ASH?, WHY THA SAFE Gagpygan TIRES OY 5 NO CRIME TIME EXTRA MILEAGE SAFER TRACTION because you haven't ready cash. New tires can be yours without waiting. Drive in today . . . drive out on long-lasting, money- saving Goodyears . . . and pay as you are paid. YOUR 'WHITBY MOTORS . © 103 Dundas ot. East GOODS YEAR DEALER Whitby, Ontaria 1

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