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Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Aug 1947, p. 11

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN REGENT--Two great stars appearing together for the first time are Joan Craw- ford and John of Warners' new drama, * field, as 3 Hiey are seen in one of the breathtaking love scenes 'Humoresque," showing Monday at the Regent Theatre. REGENT WARNERS. "HUMORESQUE" OWERFUL SCREEN DRAMA Joan Crawford, the winner of last year's Academy Award, gives a perform- of the first lady of the arner Bros.' "Humoresque' which openg at the ent Theatre, onday night. In Fannie Hurst's popu- lar moving story tf 8 wealthy wo- man's love for a brilliant concert viol- inist. Miss Crawford, who co-stars With John Garfield, reasserts herself as ress of amazing depth, ability a3 sincerity. The story itself is a compelling one and Garfield as Paul Boray, the vir- tuoso, is most convincing, Paul, pre- sented with a violin on his eighth birthday, studies for years with no waridiy snecass until he comes under the sponsorship of Helen Wright (Joan Crawford), a beautiful, neurotic wife of a rich man, who helps him along the way to eminence in the concert "i Tremendous conflict develops when Helen is made to realize that her patronage and love may be doing Paul more harm than good. As Bid Jeffers, ynical, witty planist and Paul's closest friend, Oscar Le- Yans hag never been funnier or tr, Carol Naish as Paul's father, pro- TnSy of a small grocery store on New Forks lower East Side, adds consider- ably to BL reputation as one of Holly- wood's best character actors. Ruth Nel- son, in the difficult role of Paul's mother who bitterly resents her son's stincnment on a married woman mea- the assignment perfectly. The > of the supporting cast, which includes Joan Chandler, Tom D'Andrea, Peggy Knudsen, Cralg Stevens and Paul Cavanagh, handle their roles admirably. Purhter praise must here be directed to the wonderful music that plays such "Humoresque. achieves ng tional impact in all of the difficult concert scenes. Rarely has the close- up, which Negulesco stresses in these scenes, been used to better advantage. Musien] eondustor Franz Waxman has done perb job with 5208 back- ownd vy which d« uch ance the film's entire Ss effect. juced by Jerry wad _ from the sorgenplay, by Clifford Od and Za- chary Gold based on ig story by Fannie Hurst, "Humoresque" is in the tter entertainment brackets and is ngly recommended. Enemy Had Jitters ButSoHadDuffers Ottawa--(CP)--What wuppeared to be a group of over-enthusiastic golfers cluttering up busy teletype and commercial wires between Ot- tawa, Montreal, Toronto and Wash- ington during the war years was, in actuality, a series of secret code | k messages, army headquarters dis- closed recently. At the time there were violent protests from those in charge of wire traffic, and Dr. Otto Maass, wartime chief of the army's direc- torate of Chemical Warfare and Smoke, had some difficulty in ex- plaining the peculiar actions of his apparently golf-mad staff. Now Dr. Maass has explained the golf messages as a clever code to cover a Canadian research project which finally developed the first practical and efficient method of producing RDX--the most power ful explosive yet discovered, ex- cluding atoms. Duffers will no doubt be greatly relieved to learn that some of these phenomenal sub-rar scores really weren't what they appeared to be, and now can go quite cheerfully about the task of shooting in the low 120s. 'Kinsmen Reject - Cancer Project Montreal, Aug. 23.--(CP)-- Dele- gates tq the convention of the As- eu of Kinsmen Clubs yester- day defeated a resolution which would have called on the clubs to make it a national project to raise $150,000 for the reduction: of deaths by cancer in Canada. J. W. Sutcliffe, Kenora, Ont. said "people are fed up with send- ing money away from the com- munities where our real duty lies as a service club." Founder Hal Rogers of Toronto agreed that 80 per cent of club ef- fort should be expended in the community but urged that notion- al Pity demanded a national pro- ugh Wilspn, Perth, Ont. said the gy hr oh was objectionable because it dealt with matters re- quiring co-operation of the provinc- es and it was not known whether such co-operation would be forth- _ coming. NW Saves Seven But Can't Swim Halifax--(CP)--Rescuing seven persons from drowning in one sea- son is scmething of a record for Gerald Doyle, caretaker of the Jubilee Boat Club, especially be- cause he can't swim. Doyle expressed a bit of fatalism after his seventh rescue this sum- mer. "One of these days," he said, "I'm going to fall into the water, and with me swiniming like a stone it won't be long before someone else is doing the rescue work around here." to | of the young BILTMORE NEW TECHNIGOLOR "LASSIE" HIT HERE MONDAY ON SAME BILL WITH GRAND MUSICAL A collie almost runs away with the Honore in "Courage of Tassie the pho- BILTMORE--Elizabeth Taylor appears above with the screen's wonder dog "Lassie" in a scene from the new Tehcnicolor hit "Courage of Tagen coming to the Biltmore Theatre on Monday for a two-day engagement. Frank Morgan and Tom Drake appear in featured roles, s the Second attraction on the same pro- "Meet Me On gram brings 1y "moving Technicolor an coming to the Biltmore Theatre for two days starting Monday, with Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Morgan and Tom Drake as the human members of the cast, and Lassie as the dog star whose intelligence and acting perception are almost unbeliev- a Here is a picture Which unashamedly and In glowing pictorial terms re- affirms the Er that the dog is man's best friend. Reuniting the ap- pealing Miss Taylor and Lassie of Lassie Come iHome" fame, 16 tells # tender and often gripping story of the devotion of the youngest member of a sheep-raising family for a stray collie pup. In the face of repeated dis- couragement, and with the help of Frank Morgan, playing a kindly neigh- bor, Miss Taylor trains the collie, called "Bill," to be a discerning and obedient sheepdo A It 1s the period of the war, an "Bill's" training makeg itself CH 1 when he is subsequently "inducted" at an Army Dog Training Center, and af- ter basic Instruction from Sergeant Tom Drake, is sent to do messenger work in the midst of the thickest fining on Attu. Here after being cited for bravery in combat, "Bill" becomes a victim of battle fatigue and goes be- serk under the strain. Returned home, he becomes a viclous killer of sheep and is finally caught and condemned to die His fate is decided at a court- room trial as dramatic as held for a human criminal, Lassie is without doubt the most re- markable dog star to hppear on the screen in recent years and his every action otore the camera holds one any ever serious portrayals ag the understanding rancher; and Tom e gives that straightforward sincerity to the role eant that has marked as one of the leading contenders for stardom at M-G-M. ven a breakthtaking beauty in Technicolor, "Courage of Lassie" has a hauntingly lovely Pastoral quality in he episod howing Miss Taylor and eli at play In forests and glades. Fred M. Wilcox has shown sensitivity and discernment in his direction of both his human players and the canine actor, to bring forth one of the most touching stories the screen has seen in some time. ADDED FEATURE A new musical show with girls and gags, lots of songs and production numbers will be the added attraction on the double program being presented at the Biltmore Theatre the first two days of next week It's Columbia Pictures' "Meet Me on Broadway," and the cast includes Mar- jorie Reynolds, Brady, Jinx Fal- . George Bricker and Jack Henley wrote the screenplay. Leigh Jason directed. '46 Seed Crop Exports Heavy With the close of the 1046.47 seed crop year on June 30, 1947, the quantity of seed of the 1946 crop approved for export by the Seeds' Inspection Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture was: wheat, 897,878 bushels; oats 997,931 bushels; barley 222,723 bushels; corn 135,574 bushels; oil flax seed 55,329 bushels; fibr¢ flax seed 58,000 bushels; alfalfa/ 5,000,905 Ib.; red clover 1,403,436 14.; alsike 707,- 966 1b.;, white clover §,196 1b.; Can. ada blue grass 170,800 \b.; Kentucky blue grass 31,200 1b, Purchases of seed by the British Food Mission for shipment to the United Kingdom or the United Kingdom Zone of Germany were: alfalfa 60,000 lb.; alsike 1,485,458 1b.; alsike and white clover 386,385 1b.; red clover 2,492,875 1b.; timothy 1,592,958 1b, timothy mixture 351,- 106; and corn 79,770 bushels. UNRRA also purchased 56,230 bush- els of oats and 36356 bushels of barley of. registered and certified grades. OLSEN JOHNSON Coming to OSHAWA Week / Watch TUESDAY'S TIMES - GAZETTE y" starring Marjorie Reynolds, Fred Brady, Jinx Falkenburg, Spring Byington, Allen Jenkins and a host of stars. MARKS "BUCK PRIVATES CON COME HOME" COMEDY OF VET PROBLEMS Smiles, guffaws and roars of laugh- ter ill fill "the auditorium when and Costello's newest comedy opens at the Marks Theatre, on Wed- esday, August 27. Buck Privates Come Home," is a sequel to "Buck Privates," the team's first starring production made in 1941. Using only the basic idea of the former success, the present film is packed with laugh-provoking comedy techni- ques impressed on a story that's cer- tain to please all theatregoers. "Buck Privates Come Home," deals with the troubles of a couple of ex- soldiers trying to ust themselves to civilian life. The many fresh comedy antics which keep the fun at a high level. The story Dies up as Bud and Lou are leaving ance after helping, in a negative sort of a way, to win the war. As they are about to board shi Lou gives in to the urge to smuggle aboard their little war-orphan Jriend, Beverly Simmons, whose discovery route to America plunges the Tot Hs hot water. Keep Orphan Hidden Back in the 8. Beverly escapes from deportation authorities, and Bud and Lou settle down to keeping her hidden until they can legally adopt er. Meeting Joan Fulton and her boy friend, Tom Brown, who is a midget car racer, Abbott and Costello form a partnership with Tom to donate their severance pay and get his car out of hock if fen 11 Tapiit with them the win- nings from a Soming Ia ce. Careens Crazily From there on In the picture careens crazily into a cross-country chase when Costello mistakenly gets into Brown's car at the race and plunges through the stadium fence. But, through the kindness of the fates and the script, Svorything turng out all right in the end. team displays ERIEMRENS TODAY Biltmore -- "Margie", 1.00, 4.05, 7.10, 10.31. "Home Sweel Hom- icide, ? 235, 540, 851. Last complete show at 8.51. Regent -- "Song of the South" 1.40, 3.30, 5.30, 7.20, 9.20. Last complete show 8.55. Marks -- "King of Wild Horses" at 2.25, 5.10, 7.50, 10.30. "Little Miss Broadway" at 1.10, 3.55, 6.40, 9.20. Last complete show at 9.10. For the Jacing o1 SeauenCe Producer Robert Arthur Direc Charles Barton lined up A Sp the coun- try's hottest midget drivers to, get legitimate shot. More than a week's shooting took place at Los Angeles' Gllmore Stadium which is rated as one | of the best midget tracks in the Fulton in Big Rol point of interest, Joan Fulton we ner Tint big id in "Buck Privates Come Home." Joan is the girl Cos- tello discovered in New York and has been sponsoring in pictures. Hereto- fore she has had only bit parts, but her present film gives her the chance for which she's waited. Also In the Jjceure are Nat Pendleton and Donald acBride. Fetesnpiay for the picture was turn- ed out by John Grant, Frederic I. Rinaldo and Robert Lees, from an ori- glualo story L.n2 Richard Macaulay and adford as photographed Er Charles oe For your a " enjoyment the Marks Theatre presents several short subjects which include Moonlight Melodies with Frankie Oarle and his orchestra and the latest news. She helped save 'Lassie's life . . . not once, but twice! Flimed In magic | TECHNICOLOR NOTHING LIKE IT - BEFORE! Lassie has thrilled you be. fore, but here's - her grertest taught Lassie TOM GAN DRAKE ore! ON THE SAME PROGRAMME ¥O-DAY "MARGIE" (color) Jeanne Crain Alan Young "HOME SWEET HOMICIDE" Romantic Musical GIRLS! GAGS! SONGS! Madness! FUN and MUSIC! = JINX FALKENBURG MARIJORIE REYNOLDS Slrding MONDAY AIR-CONDITIONED MARKS-Glamorous Joan Fulton makes love to Lou Costello as team partner Bund Abbott looks on for a scene short Wednesday, August 27, The prog! i his comedy m Universal-Internatoinal's latest comedy, "Buck Privates Come Home 3 which opens at the Marks Theatre, a TWO WHO MET AND KISSED AND NEVER SHOULD HAVE MET AGAIN... ('MILDRED PIERCE') JO. Walt Disney's Low Day "SONG of the SOUTH" in color . PORT PERRY - -- Labor Day, SEPT. 1 Exhibition of LIVESTOCK and Farm Produce 2.27 Trot or - Pace $450.00 In Prizes! { ONT. COUNTY BLACK & WHITE Stow There's Fun for Young and Old at the STANGER SHOWS & MIDWAY Merry-Go-Round and Other Thrilling Rides!. GRANDSTAND = STREET DANCE. PERFORMANCE : AND FOIR! hd Music by Admission RUSS CREIGHTON'S | Public School Children FREE Variety Dance Band Adults veers 3B¢ and R Autos ... e's 26¢ crete sannnn. 'nnn Lucky Number Admissions TICKETS =~ 350c Bring the Whole Family for a Day's Fun! ------------y ny Traffic Death Toll Drops For July Toronto, Aug. 23.--(CP)-- High- ways Minister George Doucett an- nounced that Ontario's traffic death toll for July 'was 42 deaths, com- pared with 64 in the same months last year, but warned motorists and pedestrians to coniinue vigilance for accident precention so as not to reverse the improvement. The July total of 42 was 59 be- low July of 10 years ago and in the face of the heaviest traffic in the province's history but the minister said the worst accident period was still ahead. He sald of He wy deaths, five were children be five and 14 years, as a with the tragic deaths of 14 children in July, 1946. The minister thanked the schools, the Department of Education and newspaper and radio stations for co-operation mm Ontario's traffic safety campaign but sald improve- ment n a single month was nothing more than a hopeful sign and was no proof that the uptrend of traf fic fatalities had been reversed. . TODAY ONLY! Starting MONDAY! MARKS "KING OF THE WILD HORSES" & "LITTLE MISS BROADWAY" ZIGeY BRENNAN She's 8 good girl gone bad . « Enjoy a Delicious Dinner This Weekend at Beautiful PINEHURST LODGE (2% Miles West of Oshawa on the Lakeshore) SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Served from 12 Noon to 8 p.m. An EXTRA SPECIAL Eight Course Dinner With All the "Extras" Will Be Served! HOME MADE PIES & CAKES -- 0k SPEciuTY , will be open for gH this opportun thanks to a! Pinehurst Lodg response The habit to dine every gratifying to ing so given me ehurst, Pemodelling business, an the finest and As always, © and Served, W Hes, Again we Sa. ing iid make P and our fond merit your pa hope To Our Patrons riends -- and F week-end that ity myself. To such I ull d we hope to argest resort pe our or trp Beh at y "Thank You" everyone, for helps mehurst the grand success is that we wy tronage next year to Pinehurst Lodge. ak Mrs. Gertrude McTaggart, Prop. Weekend Guests to a Delicious Sunday Dinner at PINEHURST LODGE cal €0~ rts in this ood Food, W! all it was Why Not Treat Those Telephone 350Jr4 reservations

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