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Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Aug 1947, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE > . SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1947° LATE T NEWS OF THE COUNT Y TOWN OF WHITBY} Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. T. Williams, Bditor. Phone 708, All Departments DONALD MOTOR SALES SPONSOR SOAP BOX DERBY To Award Fifty Dollars In Cash To Derby Winners The much-discussed soap box derby, to be held in Whitby on . September 13 in conjunction with the Whitby Kinsmen Carnival which is to be held that night in the Kinsmen Memorial Park, has finally acquired a sponsor and one of the most popular sponsors that could be imagined. Gordon Mec- Mahon, Whitby Recreational Direc- tor, today announced that arrange- ments have now been completed whereby the sponsor for the derby will be Harry Donald, well-known local businessman. Mr. Donald has agreed to put up the prize money for the event in the name of his company, Donald' Motor Sales. Mr. Donald, long a favorite with the youngsters of Whitby, will furn- ish prize money in the amount of committee sees fit, It is under- stood from the committee that in addition to having cash prizes for the winner and placing cars in the race, there will also be prizes for the cars adjudged the best-appear- ing and best-constructed vehicles to enter the derby even though they may not win the race itself. In addition to the sponsoring of the race by Donald Motor Sales, the committee in charge of - the event, under Gordon McMahon, are in hopes that a sufficient number of local merchants will agree to sponsor individual cars in the der- by. To sponsor a car a merchant must put up between eight and ten dollars for the purpose of buy- ing wheels and axles for his car, which, when entered in the race, will carry the name of the car's sponsor emblazoned in large letters along the body. This idea falls in line with similar plans carried out with great success in Oshawa and Bowmanville during their - recert derby races. * Several merchants and business- men in town have already signified their intention of sponsoring a car in the race and officials are hope- ful that within a very short time they will have enough merchants lined up to provide each youngster who enters a car with a set of the Specially made "official". wheels. Following - the announcement that the race was definitely on the local lumber yards and garages were swamped with requests from children searching for suitable ma- RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED ~-- IMMEDIATE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel. 707 FOR HIRE NEW CEMENT MIXER, BARROWS AND OPERATOR 5 YDS. PER HOUR terial with which to start construc- tion of their vehicles. Entry forms and complete sets of the rules and regulations which will govern the event are now available at the office of the Re- creational Director and at Donald Motor Sales. Any youngster be- tween the ages of 11 and 16 by Aug- ust 1 is available to enter the event and they are requested to visit eiths er of the above-named places and secure their entry forms." It is im- portant that this be done soon so that the committee will be able to plan their schedule for the derby day afternoon. Alregdy requests have been re- ceived from out-of-town youngsters asking how they can qualify and enter tha Whithv derhv Nao defi. nite decision regarding this has been handed down as yet but it is expected that the race will be con- fined to local entries wherever and whenever possible. If 'a sufficient number of local entries are re- ceived then the officials in charge of the event are expected to rule that only local entries can be ac- cepted. If the response both by contest- ants and spectators is anything like that which has greeted simi- lar events in nearby centres then it is expected that the derby: course, which will be located from the rail- way bridge on Brock St. 8. south- ward to the base line, will be jam- med to capacity for the afternoon. Permission has already been secured from the Streets Committee of the Whitby Council and from Mayor William Davidson to detour traffic around the course on the afternoon of the race. Unlike the Oshawa race, the Whitby event will start from a large and steeply-sloped ramp to be con- structed especially for the race. Whereas in Oshawa the cars were given their initial starting spurt by a shove' from a "mechanic" the cars in the local race will line up abreast on the ramp and at a sig- nal a gate will be dropped and the cars will coast down the ramp un- der their FAI in" the youngsters and the _oldsters will have the time of their lives on derby day. At any rate an indica- tion of how popular such events are becoming has already been received in the response of contestants and individual sponsors for the gars. The one big problem, that of secur- ing a sponsor for the race itself, has now been overcome and Donald Motor Sales will remain high in the estimation of Whithy youngsters Who can thank this company for its support and help in attempting to make this venture a success, WOMAN IS MOH. Lethbridge, Alta. -- (CP) -- Dr. Margaret W. H. O'Meara, a grad- uate of the University of Alberta medical college, has been appoint- ed city medical health officer. She will also act as medical attendant for indigent sick. Dr. O'Meara, who served with the Canadian army for three years, will receive a salary of $300 a month, Glass eyes were used by the Ro- || mans and Egyptians. NOW PLAYING Two Shows at 7:00 and 9:00 - Saturday Matinee at 1:30 with ! DALE EVANS + OLIN HOWLIN BOB NOLAN and the : SONS of the PIONEERS A REPUBLIC PRODUCTION seems assured that | Coins Still Interesting To Readers When The Times-Clazette first printed an article concerning the finding of an old coin, dated 1820, and found by Ernest Hyderman, Athol St, Whitby, while digging in his garden, there was mo indi- cation that a steady stream of old and unusual coins would begin to flow into the office in ever- increasing numbers. However, that is now the case. Every day for more than a week readers of The Times-Gazette have been steadily bringing old coins into the office both in Whitby and Oshawa, and some surprising coins have come to light as a result. most ancient British coin to come into the office to date was one minted during the reign of George I and dated 1718. This coin was the property of Wallace Martin, of Oshawa. However, the most an- cient coin displayed to date is one, believed to be of Egyptian origin and dated 1330. The most recent ool welong to Aubrey Hurst, © and Robert Butt, of I Mr. Hurst's collection are a coin minted in 1758 during the reign of George III, a coin with the date partly obliterated, but which Mr. Hurst believes dates dates back to the early 1500's, a coin commemor- ating the achievements of Sir Isaac Brock and a Bank of Upper Can- ada penny. ' . Included in Mr. Butt's collection are several English pennies dating back to the early 1700's, and other coins of the face value of one half and one-third farthing. Any reader of The Times-Gaz- ette is requested to bring any old or odd coins in their possession into the office of The Times-Gaz- ette either in Oshawa or Whitby. The results to date have been very gratifying' and an indication that they are proving of interest to the readers is given by the number of persons who have responded to this request. Lavina Varo Becomes Bride Of William Adair A quiet wedding took place on July 26, at the Presbyterian manse, Whitby, when Rev. David Marshall united in marriage Lavina Varo, daughter of Mr. John Varo and the late Mrs. Varo, Whitby, and Wil- liam Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Adair, Whitby. The bride wore a street-length dress of white eyelet embroidery, small white hat and corsage of red roses. She was attended by Miss Isabel Adair, sister of the groom, who wore white eyelet embroidery, white hat and corsage of pink roses. Mr, Willlam Underwood was best man, Mr. and Mrs. Adair will reside in Whitby. Greenwood _ a -- Greenwood, Aug. 22--Mrs, Wal- ker has sold her house to Allan Short who takes possession imme- diately, Mrs. Walker has returned to Toronto where she formerly made her home. The villige is sor- ry to lose Mrs. Walker but is pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs, Short and family. A yh Mrs. Lotta are on a holiday through tern Ontario. Chris and Mrs. Trimble of Win- nipeg are visiting with Ernest and Mrs. Trimble andeWesley and Mrs. Badler and other friends, During the storm on Monday evening the summer kitchen of Norman and Mrs. Wilson was struck by lightning. Mrs, Wilson Teterved quite a shock but no seri- damage was done. The quick action of Mr. Wilson in on the coal-oil stove averted what might have caused further trouble. The Women's Association met at | the home of Mrs. Wm. Brown on Thursday afternoon of Jlast week. After the regular business of the day plans were made by Group I for a drama, to be given by the Solina Young People in the Green- wood church on Tuesday evening, August the twenty-sixth. Walter Green of Buffalo spent last week with Mrs, F. L. Green md | Bdna., 8. Anderson of Guelph is visit- ing with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Anderson, at the parsonage, Several] members of the Andrew Pegg family had a get-together at the Oshawa Lakeside Park on Sun. day afternoon. Miss Georgia Anderson left on Thursday for British Columbia on Rider i ain Silcox occupled the - Pit last Sunday morning, and a. & very thought-provoking talk on world conditions and some things the Christan Church can and is doing today. In spite of the dark picture in many cases, God is still over all and light and a better world to live in is in the making, ---------- QUITE AN ERROR IM A 70-mile-an- r © ugh north Winni- beg 'streets during which two 'police Cars were sideswiped, brought a $100 fine for pref driving to Donald McGregor who told. officers he misbgok their cars him, for those of a gang trying to rob Will Reside in Whitby Mr. and Mrs. William Donald Dilling who were wed in All Saints Church, by Rev. A. G. Channen, last week, The bride is the. former Sophie Charters, daughter of John Yarmola and the late Mrs. Yarmola, Whitby, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dilling, also of Whitby. Following their honeymoon, the couple will live in Whitby. by BILL BRADLEY The band will practice on Mon- day and Thursday evenings in pre- paration for the band concert which will be held in Xinsmen Memorial Park, on Sunday Aug- ust 31, at 8 p.m, Many new pieces will be prac- ticed for the concert, so a large attendance of bandsmen is essen- tial at these practices. This is the first concert given to the people of Whitby, since last May. Since then the band has played on sev- eral occasions, the most recent of which was 'at, the Bowling Tour. nament last week; and also while at camp in Cobourg. The band is now undergoing a reorganization. A number of peo- ple who have joined have lacked the interest or ability to be ac- complished bandsmen. As a result many have had to be dropped from the band.. In connection with the reorganization of the band, section leaders, librarian, WANTED! DEAD HORSES and CATTLE For Free Pickup Telephone We Pay Phone Charges GORDON YOUNG LTD. Toronto secretary and sergeant are being appointed. Some of the band instruments have been sent away for repairs. As a result, there are not suffi- cient instruments to take care of the number of boys wanting to join the band, If there are any of the people of the town who have wind instruments which they are not using, the band would appreciate the use of them, The ancient name of Dublin was Ashcled. = DELIV] ERY New Service Cleaners ¢ OSHAWA PHONE TUCK SHOP WORK, GUARANTEED Complete check-up, Wringer grease and gear oil changed. Wringer rolls in stock, Special price on complete overhauls. ( 130 Brock St, N. Whitby, Tel. 707 Oshawa, Whitby, Ont. =~ Electrical Electrical Engineering and Contracting. Electrical, Industrial, Commercial, Domestic and Rural Installations. 7hitby and District. Let Us Solve Your Electrical Problems J. W. VICKERY Electrical Contractor Phone 531 Whitby Enter Jr.'B' Playoff On Monday Shorty's Tigers will play their first game in the O.AS.A. Junior "B" playdowns on Monday night in the local ball yard, when they play hosts to their perennial rivals, the Brooklin Dodgers. Both Whitby and Brooklin played in the Oshawa Junior Softball League throughout the season, and Brooklin holds a decided advantage over the Tigers on the basis of past performances, having won all four of their meet- ings so far. The Tigers will be without the services of Len Yuill for the play- off series, as the result of his sus- pension, However, Yuill only play- ed in a few games for the Tigers, and while he would have been a de- cided asset to the team, they have played most of the season without him, and will continue to do so. The Tigers will also be without the services of Gerry Fletcher, who will ke away on holidays next week. in spite of Thsir record against Brooklin, the Tigers are looking forward to ending their jinx against the Dodgers in this playoff series, wi if team spirit will help, they Brooklin are highly favored to take the series in the minimum two games, but the Tigers can be counted on to put up a strong fight, and they could easily pull an upset. The second game of the series will be played in Brooklin on Wednes- day night and if a third game is required, the two teams will decide among themselves where it will be played. To Get Their Man With Radio's Aid Edmonton (CP).--It's only a mat- ter of time before most Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police detachments in each of the Prairie provinces will communicate with them by a simi. lar high-powered system. The network will be the first of its kind ever attempted by the force. In Alberta all detachments will be equipped with receiving sets and those within reasonable distance of the three provincial transmitters-- Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge --will haye two-way sets in their detachment cars. > 8. G. Zimmerman, an official of the department of transport is erecting a main transmitting tower for the station here. It is being built about 10 miles northwest of the city limits, On completion of the work here he will go to Saskatchewan to do similar work in connection with the network. It is expected that it will be sometime yet before the complete Prairie network is in operation, al- though the system will be put into use in the Edmonton area shortly. The transmitter here will cover all of the northern section of the prov- ince and part of the south. From Calgary the network will serve the central part of the province while the transmitter at Lethbridee. less powerful than the other two, will cover a portion of the southern par of the province, . FOUND, LOST SUITS Guelph,--(CP)--Capt. Sam Tis- chler of this city, returned to civil- ian life, could not get a dedpnt suit of clothes--then struck it tucky in Toronto where he foynd four suits. At the bus terminal, he set down the package while he went to buy a paper, turned to pick them up again--and they were gone. RATTLER EPIDEMIC Burdett, Alta--(CP) -- If you'd just as soon leave snakes to adven- ture-lovers be careful when you visit Burdett. Rattlesnakes are re- ported "numerous" 'here with two killed rec€ntly--and one had eight rattles! Fuel Wood HARVWOOD BODY WOOD $1 8.00 per Cord (Cut to 12" Lengths) MIXED SLABWOOD CUTTINGS .. $13.00 per Cord (Ct w 12" Lengths) SOFTWOOD MILL CUTTINGS .... $7.00 per Cord DRY HARDWOOD FLOORING CUTTINGS . .25 per bag (Plus Deposit on Bag) PRESTC-LOGS 10c Each--$22.00 per Ton (Pressed Sawdust Logs for Fireplaces) DELIVERED TO--Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, Bowmanville, Hampton, Enniskillen, Taunton, Burketon The Brunton Lumber Co. Limited WHITBY, ONTARIO Telsphone, Whitby 332 Whitby Classified LOST--RONSON LIGHTER BETWEEN Lake and four corners on Brock St. South. Finder phone 873, Whitby. Reward, (Aug.23) FOR SALE--MALE HOUNDS ,FROM good hunting strain for sale. $15.00 each. Five months old, ready for start- ing and for fall hunting, Milton Pegg, Greenwood, Ontario, WANTED--WANTED TO RENT, 5 OR 6-roomed house in Whitby, Oshawa or district. Apply 213 Kent street, Whitby. FOR SALE--SMALL COOK STOVE, coal or wood, also two Beagle pups, 2 months old. Apply Roy Brown, Whitby. Phone 832. FOR SALE~FIVE-ROOMED SUMMER and winter bungalow, fully insulated, large living-room with heatalator fire- lace, panelled and indirect lighting, ocated at Pickering Beach, Immediate jon, ADply C. A. Brown, 1102 ing St. S., Whitby. Phone 405. WANTED TO BUY-ALL KINDS OF Poultry, also new and old feathers. Highest market Je Apply J. Parker. 321 Brock St. N. Phone 486. TREASURER"S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES, . TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. To Wit: -- virtue of a warrant issued by une, 1847, sale of lands In arrears axes in the Township of Whitby Corporatigh bearing date the 10th day o! f ti ~the hour of o! will be held at my offic 2 o'clock in the after day of November, 1947, unless the taxes and costs are soonér paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of August 1947, and that copies of the sald list may be had at my office, Treasurer's Office, this 7th day of August 1947, C. S, THOMPSON, Tre: rer. 13W-Nov.1) Whitby Children To Be Heard In Radio Story Plans are rapidly progressing for the children's program to be aired over CKDO in Oshawa, on August 27, when a number of Whitby boys and girls, under the direction of Miss C. Gentles, will present a ra- dio version of the supposedly au- thentic Indian legend entitled "The Story of the Enchanted Moccasins". The program, to be sponsored by the Community Recreation Associ- ation in Oshawa, will be under the direction of Miss Gentles who has re-written the story so that is suit- able for broadcasting purposes. Included among the Whitby chil- dren who will take part in the pro- gram are the following: Dianne Brady, Eunice Emerson, Carol Jean Wiliet, Marjorie Newton, Thelma Corner, Jimmy Broughton, Johnny Gilbert and Joey Goralczyk. , 8,000 IGNORE RULES Montreal --(CP)-- At least 18,000 Montreal householders have failed to comply with regulations regard- ing garbage accumulation and dis- posal since Jan. 1, according to a report released by Dr. Adelard Groulx, director of the health de- partment. . VOID SWIMMING % Chronic inflamations of the: nose and throat make it advis.: able that sufferers from hay-fever' and so-called "nose colds" should avoid swimming during seasons when they are most subject to the' disabilities, according to health authorities. CARELESS DOE DIES North Sydney, N. 8. -- (CP) --. Everyone but the deer observed safety week on the main highway near here. A doe which crashed in- to a car driven by Douglas Mac~ Eachern caused $50 damage and killed itself. "JEWEL CASE CITY" ) Nuremburg was long known ag the "Jewdl Case of the Reich." ~ . 1.O.D.E. REMINDER Annual Mile of Money for "FOOD PARCELS FUR BRITAIN" Saturday, September 6th | 805 Dundas St. 'W. bon on the 12th, WHITBY ELECTRIC Electrical Instaiations and Repairs FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Have your home wired the Red Seal Way Phone us for Information on Adequate Wiring ; Phone 650 ' small stock of rangeftes. plugged in anywhere. Height 16". glass insulation. Size of oven is 21" wide and 15" high, Large utility drawer at bottom. ed in streamline style and finished in gleaming white porcelain enamel. Cooking top and even have two 13-20 watt 7% inch elements. Top measures 24"x16". Heavy duty oven with fibre Electric Rangettes We have been fortunate in securing a They may be 14" deep, Surrey Limited Quantity Only.. No Phone Orders. { BUDGET or D V.A. TERMS! | AND AP .BUTT RADIO PLIANCE 130 BROCK ST. NORTH -- WHITBY : The Grea All the advantages for which Ford Tractors are already famous plus 22 important new features--all these you'll find in the great new Ford Tractor we now have on display. It's © New transmission . . . 4 forward speeds © New hinged radiator grille © Ford-improved Hydraulic Touch Control of implements FARMERS INDRA Y ye New FORD TRACTOR «esengineered for FASTER FARMING modern, better than ever, in every, possible way. You'll surely want to see this new tractor, Ford-engineered to give you faster, easier, more profitable farming. ~ . ARRAN ARAIRRREDSRFIRRIRAASCRORAIAALEIRENAE LC] .® ® New thet' long-lived' water pump thet's ® Many more practical advantages. 'Come and see the New Ford Tractor and learn about the Dearborn quick-to-hitch farm implements. THE NEW FORD TRACTOR WILL BE ON DISPLAY - FROM AUGUST 19 to 30; ?)

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