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Daily Times-Gazette, 27 Aug 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE » WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1947 WANT AD SECTION <i55555%5 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE ACCOUNTANT AU- aha gh reports and 2 Jnguie secretar! Phone 20043" 3 Arthur St. 8 T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED work. teem) | Articles For Sale .. 3 Articles Wanted .. 37 Gardening Supplies Household Auction Sale ... Barristers "es Trades wn countant and -auditor. 2--Barristers tunities ......... 0 Ee Imuay aEnuIn STC. Nora! Bey e. Roaldence 305 ot. 11) fan ey KC. 7ik Simcoe n! Street South. Phone 4, Fo I 739. (Sep.19) Barristers, Building. Solicitor ¢ Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. JAMES R MacBRIZN, and Solicitor Suite 201 70 Hast, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Sept.13) P. MANGAN, K.O., BARAIS- . Money to loan. oo Mg Phe Male Help Wanted Male or tunities Wadtea an Chiropractors ..... 4 Dentists .....co000. 3 Dressmaking ...... 18 Enh ont Money to "esses sssansss Above rates Fh of ond Professional and 20 words INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral Directors Female Help Wanted douses For Rens .. 28 Lost and Found .. 23 Legal Notices ...... @ Pemale Help Wanted ... 30a Nursing Service .. 13 Optometrists ....... § CLASSIFIED AD RATES ONE INSERTION . TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE GONSECUTIVE INSERTION EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION | orders for bit ego Moggi Rg new original order. Business Ii or less, 20¢c addition Each initial letter, abbreviation $ and ¢ sign, ature count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; A ng 8-2. } sicians and eocsacese 3 and seseeiee 18 Repairs 14 Rea! Estate Wanted ....cecc00 Loan ] Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rens .. 31 Wearing Apparel ., 35 31--Wanted To Rent WANTED Store. Will pay $100. to $125. Central location, clean business, long lease. Box 443, Times-Gazette (1961) STUDENT MARRIED, urg [uires furnished or unfurnished, Pe ax, ' Whitby or Oshawa. Apply Box 514, Times-Gaz- ette. (200c) WE HAVE A SPECIAL BUYER WHO will pay cash, for 5 or 7-room bungalow, must be in good condition, well located. Phone 160, Bradley Bros. (196L) 32--Automobiles t or Sale CONDI- (200b) '32 BUICK SPECIAL, tion. 375 St. Julien | 8t, '37 PLYMOUTH "SEDAN, RECONDI- tioned, good tires, heater. ' Garage, Hampton. Phone 2148 BOWIARYIS oe ( ) '38 NASH CABRIOLET, OOMPLETE yi radio, heater. Apply 533 Qh ) IN a GOOD (2008) 1920 WHIPPET SEDAN, condition, Wm, Coe, Beath .00 per month for for all words over 20. p.m. the day Phon (Sept2) BARRISTER A re = 'Sontrea Bulla. (Septl) orignas, loans, National Ho A ER. 2% Simcoe 'Norte. Phone 1614. (Septl7) MANNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Money to loan. Bas- ieitor, sett Block. sults' No. 4 ne 282. Res. BIW. (Septl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons s | 22--L ost and Found 25---Real Estate For Sale LOST, WALLET, BLACK, ENGRAVED G.G.M., Identification cards, chauffeurs Phone collect Toronto, Lombard evenings. (199b) LOST. BROWNIE CAMERA AT airport or Westmount district. Keep- e. Can be identified. Phone 544! (2000) LOST NEAR WOOLWORTH'S, SMALL parcel of dress material. Finder please phone 522J. Reward. (2008) BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve ad dexcept Wed. and Sat), 2 to 4 and 7 to (Sept. 13) hae ry HEALTH ~ OLINTO. 148 Rectro Ep CR a 22 years. Oonsultation free. 9 am. to § pm. dally except and Friday. 5--Optometrists ©. BE. TUCK, OPPOSITE Oshaws. Hours | 9 to12 2 1516. Evening A] HARA JURT AID LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS am. to 6 pm., Wednesday 9 to 1. ho a BE Optometrist. Phon 3 Jos? ORO be 23--Women's Column CHARIS FOUNDATION GG. two-way stretch, ical garments, . Blatter, Manager. 24--Personal BROADLOOM, vas. NEW, MODERN eo, seam- 1 to yo feet, any le ess up y ngth. Write Acme Rug, 188 King West, ilton. (Aug28) 25--Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOMED INSUL STONE. PHONE 338TW. 2504 W. Sept i] (198¢c) DREW ST. BUNGALOW, 5 MODERN Foous, 3-pc. bath, jacket Ay fur- 6--Insurance "5% $3,80 2580. Life, Surety Bonds, Plate Glass, Etc. (Sept2) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult 3 lor any of your insurance needs. All classes insurance includ- a8 He. 2 King Street East. . Res. 4318R. phone (Septl) 7--Veterinarians DR. EB. H WEBETER. small animal surgery. St. W. Phone 2010M. 8--Funeral Directors FUNERAL | Charles | 401 DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Home-- Service 75 (Sept20) LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Sept.11) Street. Established 1889. Phone © | miles ply 583 Alert Bt. (1951) --T7 acres good land, 6-room house, hydro, telephone, Zune in kitchen, good barn. 3 Wa. $5, 0002 acres, Scugog Island, good barn large house, spring creek, uit trees, bush. --T75 acres, near Newcastle, chicken raisifif' equip- ished house, 9 rooms, bush water W. McAULEY ROR R | 150 Division st. Phone 3510M | (200d) | BUILDING 2236 SQUARE FEET, 2 | apartments upstairs, $8000 Terms. For t phone 4271W. (1941) 9--Money To Loan 5% FIRST MORTAGAGE MONEY avatisble on new and improved proper- loans. A E Murdoch, | for the Imperial Life Assurance | Mo: Division). Office 23% | Oshawa. Phone 2028). (Sept2) | FOR Swartz, CLIENTS AV, first m Apply M. P Barrister. Block. sul Telephone 282 11--Building Trades MACHINE SHOP, ALL KINDS FARM machinery. Tractors, pice 280313, Courtice. (190t1) 2083-W, OSHAWA. SAND AND BE ol eippiie for dump truck service rs 11, x ionn, barnyard manure, Pea gravel for apply 163 Ritson South. | (Sept5) KEITE CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DB- corator. Also industrial Bx. cellent workmanship All work cuaran- teed. Phone 3639. (Bept26) PHONE G. BESSE 3152W, SAND. gravel, toam. earth fill, delivered or taken away. Truck for hire (Septd) BUILDING, REMODELLI , and home Fons or og NG. ROOFING. insulating done, tes. Phone 1352W (Sept 9) H MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK Alr eouditicalhe. Dealer for ew. ies ides and Furnaces Phone (Septh; SEPTIC TANKS [INSTALLED small cementing Jobe dope formation call 3434W SAND, GRAVEL, $6, 00 --buys 100 acre farm, 80 acres clay loam, all work- | able, balance maple bush, Near Frank- | ford, Northumberland County, 8-roomed house, insul brick, barn 40x60, stabl- | ing underneath, and barn No. 2, 20x30. Hydro in all buildings. This is one of | the best farms in the district. Would agi house in exchange. W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 716 (200b) NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST. WEST. 100x200. Reasonable price. Apply 585 | King -8t, West. (167¢1) $2,500 Row rave Hous , $1500~ down dl pos- ! Gibbon St, '32 FRONTENAC SEDAN, TWO NEW tires. 149 Albert St., er al p.m, 200¢) '28 CHEV. COUPE. 172 CELINA si 00a '39 DODGE SEDAN, HEATER, $750. 193 Nassau St, gaa i (200¢c) THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten oY RIE ~ NOTHING, ESCAPES OL - GIMLET EVE SITTING. = Sled 4 NEW TIRES, 2 lights, just over- - Ey Haied. Apply 103 Mill St, one 28a. FAIR CONDITION, ) [ 36--Articles For Sale 36--Articles For Sale 39--Male Help Wanted DANCING AT THE AVALON EVERY Wed., Pri. and Sat. nine till 12, ny West. (Tues, Fri, L J 42--Legal Notices ! ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, I WILK not be responsible for any debts cone tracted in my name by uyone Sihes than myself, without my ite Dated at Oshawa this n day of ar) August. --Ralph NOTICE TO ETT ALEXAND an iE b> Deceased All persons having Bes sma sxatasy Aloranier Durie, late of the of y Oshawa, in the Count of Ontario, Ine a led on or about indersigned on or before Septe: 1047, full After the Executrix will distribute i, having to claims of wi hich she shall then have notice. DATED at OSHAWA, this 11th day of A 6, 1947, Deus LOTTE DURIE, Executrix, c/9 Louis 8. Hyman, Barrister, etc, 2 romede Bfeet North, awa, Ontario (Aug.13-20-27) 43--Auction Sales FARM SALE arm, stock, implements, and ousehold effects, Of Norman Soott, lot 35, con. 9, ington, will be sold by public auction on A 29th, 1947 at 1 p.m. Ted is oo uce STUDEBAKER, | $250; @Apply 2 Liberty St., Bowmanyiie. ) 35 OLDS. COACH, $450, APPLY 379 (2008) § . session. diss { $ 4 00 --~8-room stucco house. All | ' convenlences. Good loca- tion. $1250. cash, Immediate possession. $4 4005; insul brick, Hib- » bert Ave. $2600 cash, Im- mediate possession, $ 4, 80 --T7-acre farm, 6-room stuc- co house, $1000. down pay- ent, or exchange for Oshawa proper- vy. $3 70 --S5-room brick house, all ' Y conveniences, $1000 down y t. $13,000 30%me $150 per month. Close to King. M. HENNICK REAL ESTATE (2008 26--Real Estate Wanted 5-ROOMED HOUSE, $500. DOWN PAY- Po Call 3205M, mornings = ihe A FARM OR ACREAGE FROM 15 acres up, of good productive land, hav- 1 lake Tronten e, east or west of awa. All information in first letter. Box 512, ,_Times- Gazett (1991) IF YOU HAVE A me FARM OR vusiness for sale or exchange please call, Wilfrid McAuley. Real Estate Broker, 150 Division st. Phone 3510M Day or Night. (Septl5) Ww. J. SULLEY REAL [STATE BROK - er (Wed.-Sat.) and Cash a waiting, 28--Houses For Rent 4-ROOMED BUNGALOW IN TORONTO, | 2 years old, low rental, for similar, or | larger accommodation in Whitby, Bow- | manville or districts. Box 448, THuge. | T c) 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED BUNGALOW, ! in Toronto, will exchange for apt. house or fiat, unfurnished, in Oshawa, Box 517, Times-Gazette, (200c) 29--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOM, SIMCOE ST. N., refined business girl. Phone 8, ( ) ONE LARGE BRIGHT FRONT ROOM, single, hot water, central, one gentle- man. Phone 527W. NICELY FURNISHED gentleman only. Phone fh DROOM, nb only. Phone 3131. (199t1) I FURNISHED BEDROOM RENT, all conveniences, continuous hot water, Phone 358. (1990) | { Al PONTIAC, SILVER STREAK | 33--Automobiles Wantec Phone 322 BABY'S NATURAL WOOD HIGHCHAIR, paby'a electric bottle warmer, 1526. | months ou, laying. Also 10 rock pul- (199¢) | 8 SE- | dan, privately owned, motor overhaul- ed, new radiator, brakes, clutch, 5 new tires. G.M. radio, underseat heater, looks like new. Apply 53 Glynn Ave. Ajax, Wed., Thurs, Fri., after ? m. ic) '4l CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT CON. dition. 66 Hogarth St. Phone 1031W. '46 AC SEDAN, CAREFULLY 47 BEATTY, SIXTY-CYCLE WASHING machine, Simcoe St. | ELECTRIO WASHER. | new. Stainless steel tub, also 2 H.P. | 220 Volt, 60 cy. motor. Apply Box 513, | Times-Gazette. (200b) WINE STUDIO COUCH, NEARLY NEW, | accepted. excellent condition, Phone 1954M BLUE GREY, BABY'S PRAM, BABES steel crib, Phone 4712J. (200b) b) | 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD bedroom suite, like new. Phone br like new, $140. Apply 690 . (200b) PRACTICALLY 110- one easy Sas (200c) SUITE, 4-PC. PONTL driven 13,000 miles. Price $1,950. Abply Box 505, Times-Gazette FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LATE model car, '35 Chev, 1l3-ton truck, WHITE, COMBINATION COAL AND gas range. Phone 3087TW. (200b) 6-5. 2 TABLES; 2 CHAI kK 1, 6-ft. y, dual wheels, "good condi- RS; Studio ' Couch; 1 with MASTIC TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- wood, felt, cement, metal trim, Lev-L- Flor, ete. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto. (Aug27) COAL RANGES LARGE SHIPMENT ust received. Some with reservoir, Dif- erent sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits Meagher's, Simcoe North. (Sept8) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER ft. Measured and installed. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Aug23) GENUINE BICYCLES, PARTS AND AC- cessories. Repairs on all makes, Lowest [ices Bicycles for rent 10c per hour. Kingsway Cycle, 595 King West. Phone (Sept3) oy BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A reliable service. Out-of-town stake bod hy Apply 1024 Lakeview G (198¢c) SEDAN, APPLY 90 ROSE- (199b) D CONDITION. AP- eh oo '40 CHEV, dale Ave. '34 GRAHAM, GOO ply 210 Prince St. '37 DODGE SEDAN, GOOD gion Apply 200 Gilbert, Street Fast TRUCK, OR WILL Thon '45 MOTOR, RADIO, throughout. Simcoe Na; hi ED exchange for late model car. 3783. 41 FORD COACH, heater, new condition hest cash offered. 156 ore East, Whitby. PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEWING MA- chine, phone 4271W. (200c) View at Cottage 7, it) fire. 840 Dundes St. (189¢) customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Aug.18) $45. Apply 200 King West or PLAST-I-GLOSS. A GENUINE PLASTIC floor finish, which saves your floors and ends waxing and polishing. one hour. Read about it-- Thursdays--We deliver, Dries in ondays and Phone 4538W, (Sept.27) CAR HEATERS, SHIPMENT JUST AR- rived, limited stock. Conventens terms on thrifty-budget Store, King and R! lan. F, Goodrich tson Ra, Phone 247, Body hardwood, mixed wood, slabwood, cedar posts and poles. Delivered. - Phone 1962W WANTED AT ONCE! MAN OR WOM- an to service customers for famous Watkins Products in Oshawa. Estab- lished business brings $45 weekly aver- age, starting immediately. No invest- ment. Box 423 Times-Gazette. (Septl5) 19-26) . ' Private Sale, 200 Division St., used beds dressers, tables and chairs, odd dishes and glassware, Wednesday. Owns er leaving city. (19904 CLERK, WITH NEAT APPEARANCE and ability to meet public. Must be 'able to handle cash and type. Stead employment. Apply Commercial Hott, Oshawa, 98c) TO SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS, oy day cards paper, seals, ribbon and calendars, etc 180 personal cards, 12/$1.00 and 55781 00. This is the finest and most complete line in Canada. Ex- cellent commission and fast service, For sample and literature, write at once to W. V, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 86 Kensington Ave, N., Hamilton, Ont. (Sept .6) 39a--Male or Female Help CAKE BAKER'S HELPER. Apply Tod's | Bread. (1 99b) RESTAURANT HELP, not necessary. Apply Winnie's Inn, 2 miles west of Oshawa. Phone 200 9 ) 99¢c YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN TO im newspaper reporting. Some experience desirable but not essential. Good edu- EXPERIENCE | FOR SAFE SAILING London--(CP)-- In co-operation with the fleets of 13 other nations, Britain has helped to clear 140,000 square miles of sea of mines laid during the war. The largest share of the work hag fallen to Britain's peacetime navy and it is hoped all European waters will be free of mines by next year. FOR SALE! 1930 PONTIAC COUPE NEW TIRES and PAINT GOOD SHAPE! 58 OSHAWA BLVD, cation and pleasing p lity al, Apply in writing to Editor, Times- G Oshawa, (197t1) 37--Articles Wanted 30 Marmon Sedan, $125. '31 Ford Coupe, $250. 32 Durant Sedan, $265. '35 Chev. Coach, $450. '37 Ford Coach, $525. Cash, Trade or Terms NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 Albert St. (199e) MEN'S BICYCLES, SHIPMENT arrived, - thrifty- budget plan if Rind F. Good UST rich Store, King and Ritson B. Rd. Phone 247. (200b) RANGETTE, chrome kitchen set, dining-room suite, ice-box, french door, 480 Montrave. (200c) ELECTRIO BAW WITH 1; power motor. Phone 4408W1. REFRIGERATOR, silverware, bedroom HORS (200b) NE RANGETTE IN GOOD CONDI- tion, also drop leaf table and 2 chairs. 6W. (200a) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simooe 8t. Norti,' Phone 4695W. (Sept) Phone (199b) i LAKESHORE AUTO {Cars wanted fo or wrecking Highest prices paid. Phone 3362: evens in. Pp 34--Pets and Livestock THOROUGHBRED, ONTH - OLD Police dog for sale, Phone 2537. (199¢) 125 CHOICE LEGHORN PULLETS, § 7 5 nths, Phone Bowmanville BOARDED, TWIN BIRC! nels. Phone 839. COCKER SPANIELS, i Puppies, and grown dogs. Reasonable. and Waubena H KEN- (Sept25) REGISTERED NISHED ROOM FOR RENT, SUIT- able for 1 person. Apply 214 Bloor E. (200c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINUOUS hot water. Breakfast if desired. Phone 3304-R. (200b) EE ons wt Host or lig: ousekeepin; ult, Appl 53 3 Nassau St. . (2000) ) | | Flour and feed business, doing good turnover. Summer cottage, winterized, Oshawa beach, for sale cheap, Im- mediate possession. Get into business for yourself, Country general store, large turnover. A real chance. Enquire about it. $4,800 iopuice™" ui" conven: FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM. ALL conveniences. yoy S Jenin), Private home. Phone 1395-R. Kenneth Ave, (2008) 29a--For Rent SUN LAMPS FOR RENT, SUN KRAFT ultraviolet, using cold quartz tube. $6 per month. Meagher's, S| North. (Sept8) 29b--Summer Resorts fences, garage large lot days. $6,500 Lie ot vu floors. Immediate possession $3.50 ) venience. oie, P poons | $8 500 Ccoveniences. lovers jams 12--Personal Services P. A. VON GUNTEN, rer watchmaker. Repair shop a King Street West Your patronage solicited PEPPER, CINNA- roducts, at a Bept 6) ORDER YOUR PURE mon and other Watkins special price. Phone 4491 WITH Ru-mex-o} get Phone 384 Ritsop 8 21TR {Bept3) N'T or arthritis, Rawleigh Dealer COMPLETE SOUND EQUIPMENT FOR weddings, private dances, ete Call oe I*-vdie at 89 Wilkinson Ave, Phone 834. (200c) WANTED. DAILY RIDERS TO TORON- to and return. For information, Phone 3143J after 7 p.m. (2002) GOING WEST, AROUND SEPT 1ST. Have room for two passengers, For in- formation call 47 from 7 am_ to 7 p.m. Evenings 1492W, (200¢c) 14--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AN eg upholster See our mate: ia recoverin W Dalton Toh AT Phone 40. (Sept8) 20--Business Opportunities A real gaod business for someone with 315.000, inel equiDIent a business # turnover of over 53,000 'Business and property included. action! See Ww McAULEY PROKER 150 Division St. [+] 1$3,00 lawns, A real place for a rest home. W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 716 (199b) Athol Street East--Immediate _posses- SMALL SUMMER COTTAGE FOR rent -- Lake Scugog; furnished. 20 miles from Oshawa. Phone 1170 (199b) FOR RENT, RAINPROOF TENTS AND cots. See Con Glecoff. Phone 1840W or 53W (Sept.5) 31--Wanted To Rent 3-ROOM, APARTMENT, FLAT, OR DU- Plex. for JUNE couple being married September. Oshawa or Whitby. Re- ferences. Box 509, Times-Gazette. (199¢) URGENTLY REQUIRED BY AIR- force veteran, recently married, two or three-roomed flat or apartment. Fur- nished, No children. Phone 417R. (199¢c) BUSINESS GIRL UIRES IM- mediately, central bed-sitting room, with breakfast. Box 510, Tines-Gazelse; (189¢) siop--Duplex--two units, A real investment, heating. Five-room b | outside conven! P: to sell. Hot water alow -- East Whitby -- nces. Lovely garden. EVERETT G. DISNEY "REALTOR" 82 Simcoe Street South--Phone 1550 (200¢) LADY TEACHER, DESIRES BED-SIT- ting room with light kitchen Privileges. small private family, Central. Box Times-Gazette. (199b) 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE OR _APART- ment, young couple and S5-year-old child. September possession if possible. Box 502, Times-Gazette. . (198c) WANTED BY MARRIED STUDENT AT- tending Ajax, one or two rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished, to occupy Sept. 15th. No children and non-drinkers. Write J H. Neff, 214 St. Paul Avenue, Brantford, Ont. 951) 6-ROOMED BRICK, SRL ATTIC, oak floors, early For ap- pointment, call sor 6, oo. J. (200c) FOR BALE--149 COLBORNE ST, EAST. Vacant Oct, 1. $5,500." For further de- tails and appointments, contact A, E. Murdoch, eal Estate Broker, over Eaton's. 001) --8-room ished house. 3-ROOMED FLAT OR TT unfurnished. Urgently needed by elder- ly widow and adult son. Near GM Phone 3628-R. (200c) { Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, ivi Elizabeth Highway Sept16) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned. and pressed like new. Carrying a big stock of Bond 8% coats, sults and pants. 21 W. Sam Swartz. Sept7) ONE WINTER COAT, 4 FALL Fr sizes 12-14; also school books from grade 3-9. 146 Division St. MAN'S WINTER COAT. PRICE $65, sacrifice, $20. Like new. Also grey pram, w 'Wilkinson Ave. Ic) 36--Articles For Sale VACUUM CLEA table and chairs, also coconut rug, and wicker chairs. Suitable for a cottage. Phone Swi, ( LORRAINE Richmond St. MOFFATT TE] RANGE, WITH annex good as new; double bed, wal- nut steel panel, (199b) moreland Ave. Phone postage in Canada. Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke Street, West, Montreal 18, Que. GLOSSTONE -- GENU: floor finish. Gives linoleums, hardwood floors beautiful n| , DROP LEAF rug, dresser, rocker, 99¢c) REFRIGERATOR, like new. 361 (199b) ICE wooden Sousriction, complete, 50 West- 235J. (199¢) CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Manufacturer's clearance, first quality for double and single beds in beautiful two-toned colors, worth 5 double the price. 3 Wearing Apparel if not satisfied. Money refunded Sent C.O.D. plus Handicraft (Wed.-Sat.) INE LASTIC hard-wearing plastic Phone 90-M-1. We deliver. (Sept11) h. AWNINGS, WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A Order early. Cleve QUANTITY OF USED SCREEN DOORS, Suitable for verandah screening. Cadil- ac Hotel, (199%) 36' EXTENSION LADDER. APPLY 203 Nassau St. Phone 4720W. (199b) CARROTS, MATOES, CUCUMBERS, 3 Coakwell's, 1150 Simcoe St. N. Phone 4488J. (Tues.-Wed.-Fri.) mber Fox 412 Be N., Oshawa COOKING APPLES. PHONE 3467J2. 250 CHICK. BROODER $10, 2645M. Apply 22 Jackson St. (Sept9) (199b) KITCHEN CABINET. APPLY 222 OLIVE Ave. _ (198¢) PHONE (198¢c) Ys WHY BE STUCK WHEN You can get-gas and oil at JACKSON'S 424 Park Rd. 8S. 24-HOUR SERVICE (1991) BROAD! M RUG, 9 X 12, WITH filler, nplete, $70., like new, Also solid' walnut ate-leg table, $45. Call 811 Bowmanville, reverse charges, days. Evenings, : awa. (200d) CREAM B BAB) PRAM, EXCELLENT condition, "y Jacket, size 14. Phone | 2478M, (200b) Wilson's Furniture Co. AUGUST FURNITURE SALE CHESTERFIELD SPECIAL 10-pc. Chesterfield ensemble, spring filled, smart good wearing upholstering, consisting of 3-pc. Chesterfield suite, 2 fancy cushions, table lamp and shade, cker, end table, and hassock. Special 10-PC. BEDROOM SPECIAL $119. Modern water-fall style vanity, MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE REQUIRE 2 furnished light Jousekeshing rooms, immediately, Will pay up to $50 per month, Box 516, Times- zetre; "(2060) URGENT. FURNISHED ROOM_ FOR Oshawa Blvd., large lot. 2-room cottage included, rent for 38 per month. Two thousand cash own, $4,000 00m suc Demo: i? ces, OW. McAULEY BROKER 150 Division Street Phone 3510-M to occupy Sept, 1st. Phone collect 171r14, Port Perry. (200c) WANTED TO RENT Man with steady position at good wages, who can furnish references, urgently requires five or six roomed house to rent, in order td bring his family to Oshawa. City or country, aster lm Contact G. M. oodfellow, Mundy = Goodfell Printing Co., Osos, Sodjeliow (198¢) | bed, pHing, felt mattress, feather pillows, bed lamp, 2 pictures. Exceptional value. 10-PC. KITCHEN OUTFIT $9.50. Smart Kitchen Suite, consisting spacious buffet, extension table, 4 a y chairs, electric iron, toaster, garbage container, and stool. Excellent BABY PRAMS Choice selection of new 1947 styles and colours, convertibles and prams, also play. pens, high chairs, beautiful cribs and mattresses, doll prams, etc. Visit our large baby department. wil- son's prices are lower, Wilson's Furniture Co. 20 Church Street (Tues.- Wad, -Fri.-Sat.) | DORMEY ER, ECTRIC FOOD MIX- now avallable on budget terms. Ten dollars down, and five dollars per! month. Meagher's, North. (Sept.15) Simcoe suite, E | GOOD COLEMAN TWO - BURNER CAMP stove, in good condition. Phone ES ( ic) * 2-PC. MATCHED LUGGAGE, (198¢) LADIES' in good condition. Phone 2828. CLEAN BASKETS, 6 QUARTS, 40C PER dozen. Apply 43 Richmond St. W195 ) (198¢! USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Sept5) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box. Quebec heater, coo stoves. .24 Bond West. Phone 3766. (Sept.13) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON metal, rags mattresses Phone 635 Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station (Septl) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone (Aug24) 38--Female Help Nanted SALESLADY FOR DRY GOODS, MUST | A: have high school education. Apply Ward's Store. (199b) TWO EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, good wages. Phone 2282. (199c¢c) CHRISTIAN'S OSHAWA BRANCH OF- fer very fine opportunity for a lady, age 30-45, single, ag manager of Gift and China Department, Oshawa store. Must be prepared to travel, purchase and Supervise departments in other stores. Salary much above average for the right person. Apply, ask for Miss Johnstone, phone 1000. (1991) HOUSEWIVES! Turn Your Spare Time Into Cash for Christmas! Sew Dolls' Clothes At Home Clean, Easy Work! for Further Information Telephone 1836M (199¢) WAITRESS WANTED, OVER 21 YEARS. Experience not necessary, Apply Cadil- lac Hotel (198c) RELIABLE HOUSEHOLD HELP, UN- der 45, 3 adults, all conveniences. Pri- vate room, bath and radio. Good wages. Phone 378. (198tf) STENOGRAPHER, SHORTHAND AND typing required. Best current salary with regular increases. Experience not y but will be rewarded. Apply A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. Phone 3800W. WESTINGHOUSE MANTEL RADIOS, $29.75, Meagher's, 68 Simcoe St. N. {Aug25) $5 per month, $10 down and (Sept.15) Simcoe North. PLAST-I-GLOSS FOR SUCCESS USE THE BEST FOR THE BEST USE PLAST-I- GLOSS, A GENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH Beautifies, Waterproofs, Protects, and Glistens. Can be applied on Mastic Tile, Hardwood, Linole- ums, Masonite, and Painted Sur- faces. DRIES IN ONE HOUR. Ends Waxing, Polishing, and hard scrubbing. Easy to clean with a damp cloth. Ink will not penetrate or stain. Maintains 'a lustrous gloss after being washed with soap and water. WILL NOT CRACK, CHIP, OR PEEL, Posi- tively non-slippery, prevents acci- dents and wears, and wears, and wears! Special directions for ap- plying supplied. Price -- $1.95 per quart. Reductions on larger quan- tities. ORDER NOW, WE DELIVER. Associated Services Oshawa 23 BOND ST. W. PHONE 4538W {Mon.-Thurs.) Box No, 507, Times-Gazette. (19911) FOUNTAIN WAITRESS, PART OR full time Apply Karns' Drug Sie 80) CAPABLE, RESPONSIBLE GIRL TO help with children and do some house- work. Must like children. $8 weekly with full maintenance, to start. In- crease if satisfactory. Phone 6-¥ for appointment. (200c) YOUNG GIRL, MOTHER'S HELP. EASY work. Phone 170. (200c) WA RE SOME EXPERIENCE preferred. Good wages and uniforms supplied. v Ppl Delicateria Restaurant, Port Perr (200¢) DE WAITRESS WANTED Phone 4667-J. 39--Male Help Wanted (200b) BOY, FULL TIME. APPLY DELIVERY Karn's Drug | Store (199b) MECHANIC FOR LATE MODEL FLEET | of G.M. cars, must have own tools, and chauffeur's license. ing salary, Box 504, Times-Gazette. al. Box 508, Times-Gazette. ( CONTRACTOR WANTED erect wall 22'x24'x7'x8" thick with footing and floor. URGENT Apply 597 King St. W. > (200b) BOY FOR STOCK AND INSIDE WORK, full time. Apply Karn's Drug Stowe, TRUCE DRIVER, STEADY POSITION. Apply . Wilson's Furniture Co.. 20 Church Streets, (200¢) to 3%9b--Male and Female Help EXPERIENCED COOK FOR SMALL hotel, good wages, good home for right person, preferably 35 to 45 years old. Apply Hotel Elmhurst, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3304 for Sppolnument a 40--Agents Wanted THREE NEW FAST SELLERS. FISH Hook Disgorger, Crankcase Ventilator, Auto towbar attachable to bumpers without tools. Attractive sales proposi- tion. Victory Manufacturing Company, Cornwall, Ontario. (Aug.18) 41--Employment Wanted REPAIRING ELECTRIC RANGES, HOT plates, all other electrical appliances, Frank Snudden. Phone 2887R. (Aug26) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- conditioned, machine ground. Called for and delivered. Lawnmowers bought, any condition Stan e, 236 Eulalle ve. Phone 3030M (Aug22) FOULED BY PEST Teddington, England--(CP) -- A luxurious motor launch lay idle in the Thames for nearly an hour be- fore its owner found the cause of the trouble--a dead mosquito in the carbureter. MAY BE 117 Bodrhyddan, Wales--(CP)-- Born before the registration of births was compulsory, Isobella Shepherd, deaf, but in good health says she is "between 109 and 117." MOVING CARTAGE AND TRUCKING Local and Jong distance eon- tract work our specialty. Reasonable rates. MIKE JOY 520 BLOOR STREET E. Oshawa Phone 3026 M | Jor Sale! Modern Bungalow 73 ONTARIO ST. "A Grand Buy for Someone" We can't begin to ii all interested, it will be ... Open for Inspection completed), 1-test style, two-apartment bungalow. If you are for Information Call at 81 ONTARIO ST. or TELEPHONE 3853W of this (just the con AUGUST 29 - 30th Reply stat- | (199¢) YOUNG- MAN WANTED FOR MEN'S clothing store, some experience essen- | A 199b) | TUESDAY, Office Hours. City Offices August 26-1947. City of Oshawa TAXES The Fourth Instalment is For the convenience of Ratepayers, the Ta "Evening, September 2nd, | in addition to t payable on SEPT. 20d

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