THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1947 PAGE TWELVE WANT AD SECTION = SAAHAS, J BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles For Sale .. Articles Wanted .. A Wanted ted 1--Auditors GRAHAM SICR1E ACCOUNTANT AU- Auditors' _....ee0e Automobiles For Gardening Supplies Household tax forms prepared. secretarial work. Phone 1004). 295 Arthur St. (Dec12) 8 T, HOPKINS, CERTF7IED GEN- eral tant, 24 Bldg., King St. East. Phone 2127. Alger ting ac- countant and auditor. douses For (Dec13) 2--Barristers USTIS § EYMAN. BARRISTER, FTO. North "Trane ©." Residence sos 'C. OONANT & ANNIS, 3 I'n P. Annis, KC. 7!5 Simcoy Street South. Phone 4, Residence 739. (Decl9) a _W, 8. GREER, KO. BARRISTER. Soiicitor, ete. Phone pastoe . ©. Pollard, nt. GRIERSON Barristers, ORRIGHTON & FRASER. otc. Bank of camzieres JAMES R MacBRIZN, BARRISTER and Solicitor Suite 201 70 King Hast a ha Hotel. Phone 349. (Decl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.0., BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office 1414 King St. East Oshawa. Phone Res. Phone 837. (Decl) + sence 8 ONE INSERTION .. TWO CONSECUTI new Professional and Each initial letter, abbreviation full word. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Wan! Loan Wanted . Lost and Pound .. 22 Legal Notices ...... 43 Optometrists ....... 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 20 Words 5000000000000 000000000000s VE ERTIO! THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE orders for a' + re Bh je a a later date constitute a original order. 3 i 20 words or less, 20e addition, Box charged 10¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 pm. beture publication. Office hours: 8 ves 38 1B Repairs 14 Rent .. 20 LJ Radio Repairs .... 17, Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Bale ..ciieicensee 3B Real Hstate Wanted .ccece-cee 38 Rea! Estate EXChADZS .oeo:vee IT Rooms For Rent .. 29 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted ......... 308 Veterinarians Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 casese T Bach Addn or Less Wora A0 02 «a5 0335 oe 05 INSERTION ; consecutive insertions. .00 per month for for all words over 20. $ and ¢ sign, figure count as a the day Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. ' 33--Automobiles Wanted 36--Articles For Sale ASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Sotor Saies. 1271 Simcoe St. North ne 4695W. (Dec3) 278. (Decl5) SEE US BEFORE SELLING We will pay top price for your car. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King St. West (258t1) 34--Pets and Livestock CUTE LITTLE MALE BLACK KITTEN, free, also female mother cat, very good rat catcher, good for farm. Phone 0W11, (264a) FOX AND DEER HOUND, 'APPLY 237 King St. W. Phone 507. (264c) DOBERMAN PINSCHER, BLACK AND tan registered female, 2 months, Allis- ton Gray, Uxbridge, Ont. (264c) CANARIES FOR SALE, GOOD SING- ers. Apply 400 Montrave Ave, Phone 2862J. 258h) REG. FOX TERRIERS (SMOOTH) REG. Cocker Spaniels and Fox Hounds. Pup- 8, ) ples, grown dogs. Knowlton Kenne Five Points, Oshawa. 35---Wearing Apparel A BLACK CHIFFON VELVET EVENING wrap, white satin lining, like new. Phone 2762J, after 6 (264b) FUR COAT, SIZE 18, C.G.I.T. MIDDY, size 20, boys brown twéed suit, boys brown snow suit, both size 5, A girl's (Dec.3 raincoat, size wind- 8, blue 4598W, ERNEST SOLI- Shor (Dec2) King E. Room 2 Office 55. Residence 368TR. Housing Act loans. Phone fois. Res, 1975J. MANNING @ P. BWanre sett Block. suite No. 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. B., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed. and Sat.) 3 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Dec13) , BARRISTER. to loan. Bas- one 282. Res. (Decl) 24--Personal 29---Rooms For Reni (2648) breaker, size 6, Phone ONE L AFRAID TO BAT? REAL FAST LAST- ing relief from acid indigestion, gas FOR RENT, 2 ROOMS APPLY 309 | St. Julien- St. (264b) \ disturbances, heartburn, d belching, bloating, nervous, sour stomach. Take "Golden Stomach Tab- lets," $1,00, $2.00, $5.00. All EE 5,19,22,26,29) (Nov.5,8,12,,1 ARTHRITIC PAINS? RHEUMATI Pains? Neuritic Pains? Lumbago? Sore Back? Pain in arms, stiffness in shoulders, legs? Take 'Golden HP2 Tablet" for real genuine fast lasting pain relief (one HP2 tablet, four times daily with a hot drink) 40 tablets, $1.25; 100, $2.50, All drug stores. H (Nov.5,8,12,15,19,22,26,20.) «A==Chiropractors ; HEALTH CLINIC, 148 Phone 224. Drugless | 25--Real Estate For Sale '4 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, CHEAP FOR cash, leaving town. Phone 923W, Box 139 Times-Gazette. ( Simcoe North. ractice including Ohirc , mineral vapor bath treatment. 22 years. Oonsultation free. 9 am. to 9 pun. dally except Monday and Friday. (Decl) 5--Optometrists OR, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Sativa Hours © 10 12. 3 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (DecS) | NEW INSUL BRICK, 4 ROOMS AND path, Puinan SupoRtas new furpace, arge lof possession weeks, ne soi. (264D) 6 ROOMS, INSULATED, ALL MOD- ern conveniences, new furnace, built- in cupboards, breakfast nook, hard- ! wood floors, Possession Dec, 1st. Box 140 Times-Gazette. ' (263c) JURY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS 9 ne to 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 to 1. A. BR Johnson. Optometrist. Prone 1 A 6--Insurance CE SERVICE ce 7=-Veterinarians DR. {LARGE AND > il ery. 101 Richmond 0. Phone 2010M. (Decll) 8--Funeral Directors HOUSE AND LOT, 207 FESTUBERT ST, Cash. Apply Mrs. H, Wood, Vineland, Ont. Box 172, (264c) 11-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ON COL- borne 8t., with double lot and garage. Good income coming in. Apply Simcoe St, 8., or phone 4730R. (262c) FOR SALE 15-Storey Brick Veneer Home, West 2 Side. Hardwood floors up and down. Insulated. Apply ... Possession arranged. $7,500. BOX 32, TIMES-GAZETTE (263e) MED HOUSE, SUBSTAN- ayment . Balance as rent. ibb St. Phone nw; THREE tial down Apply 241 C- TO CLOSE AN ESTATE---- 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AV. first "mortgages. Apply Barrister. Hassett Telephone 282. 10--Instruction UITAR SUP . $1 WEEKLY Sy for lesson, guitar and music, Pearn from pices, Bells Suitar 8, » School, opposite Woo! HT vat) [RENIE'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. TAP, Ballet and National, Students from five to 25. Saturday at St. George's Par- ish Hall, ¥ (Dec4) 11--Building Trades HIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED, on laster repairs. Apply Gordon May RRS Oshawa, 4th Concession. ~(263¢) CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, Decorators, Also industrial spraying. Work guaranteed. Phone a AILABLE FOR Malte Ro 4 (Dec20) PHONE 2063W, OSHAWA SAND AND ravel supplies for dump truck service. Einders, fill, loam, barnyard manure, mushroom manure, Pea gravel for driveways. Apply 163 Ritson Souh, WE FIX WET CELLARS WITH "AQU- ella" used in Maginot Line. Leaves walls sparkling white. Floors cleaned, acid treated and special high grade con- crete paint applied. The answer to drafty doors is 'Flexotite," the new sponge rubber weather stripping. For estimates telephone Associated Serv- ices 4! A (Nov29) BUILDING, REMODELLING, ROOFING fepairing and home Insulating done. ee Phone 1352W, (Nov.19) 12--Personal Services #. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS SR Teas G5 5 w (Dec20) ai ett maps CC £0) OON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM or a 4] Ru-mex-ol, _ Phone awibleh 'Dealer, 384 Riteon & AR 13---Nursing Service two bedrooms, bathroom, liv- room and kitchen on ground floor and two finished rooms in attic, $8,000. Terms arranged, Box 122, Times- Gazette. (Nov8-14) NEW STU co in good residential dis- trict; ing FOR SALE Gentlemen's Home, Simcoe Street North, extra house and garages. Large grounds, $38,500.. Make offer. A. E. Real Estate Broker (263e) 6 ROOMED INSUL BRICK HOUSE, 307 Currie Ave. Immediate POSESERION, ol ( ) 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE: $3,700, bath and stool, water, lights garage, $1,000 down, balance in monthly pay- ments. Possession immediately. Phone 4538J, T. L. McEachern, Broker, 15 Bond W. (264b) 150 ACRE FARM, HALF MILE OFF Lindsay Highway, New 8 room house, hydro conveniences, good buildings. Fall ploughing done, one Port Perry 209J. --with $8,000. cash, buys (261c) $ | 4,00 restaurant with modern equipment, doing nice turnover and a) ment house with new air condi- tion and oll burning furnace, good arog , all In good state of re , on ot 57'x212', street on 3 sides, in good location to bulld extra new business. shows net receipts from rents'of 1312% and could be raised to show 15. --with $1,500. cash, buys with lights, 11% acres land, near Ph om Th W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and A c|2 UNFURNISHED | Phone 1251J, 38 PONTIAC COACH, GOO + | tion, $750. Phone 4762W. ROOMS, * Abstalners: | (264a) | 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED central, 7 months only. | Phone 2477W, after 5. ROOMS AND GAR- | age. Box 137 Times-Gazette. (264c) 4c ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, CON- | tinuous hot water, Gentlemen prefer- | red. 65 Elgin E. Phone 3184M. (264c) APARTMENT, 147 BROCK ST. E. BE- | tween 5 and 6 p.m. (264c) | 3 UPSTAIRS ROOMS, UNFURNISHED. | ; (264a) | FURNISHED BEDROOM, GENTLEMAN | preferred, near Pedlar's, breakfast if | desired. ' Phone 2072, (264b) | i. i ISHED BEDROOM, WITH PRI- vate bath, continuous hot water, suit- able for two. 299 Simcoe South. (262d) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, SINGLE or twin bedrooms accommodate four. Continuous hot water, Gentlemen pre- ferred. Phone 2089, (262d) WARM ROOM, NORTH WARD, NEWLY furnished, hardwood floors, spring mattress, suitable for one or two per- sons, breakfast and 12 o'clock dinner if desired. Phone 1445W. (263c) FURNISHED BEDROOM. APPLY 53 Division St. (263c) 30--Room and Board FOR MEN, NEAR GENERAL MOTORS. Apply 263 Haig St. (2648) 31--Wanted To Rent Ww. TO RENT GARAGE IN THE vicinity of Oshawa Blvd. and William st. Phone 2099J. (2644) 3 OR 4 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, 3 adults just arrived from land, district of Oshawa.. C/o C BE ton, RR. 1, Brooklin. (264c) UNIVERSITY STUDENT AND WIFE, registered nurse, require 1, 2 or 3 un- furnished housekeeping rooms, by Jan. 1, Box 138, Times-Gazette. (264c) BUSINESS COUPLE WOULD LIKE 2 or 3 lighthousekeeping rooms, in north section. Phone 913 W. (263c) COUPLE WOULD LIKE 2 FURNISHED . | dressers, $7.50 ADIES BLACK BOUCLE COAT, trim, size 40. Phone 3184M., 65 Elgin E. (3648) 1 PR. MEN'S FIGURE SKATES, SIZE 7: men's tube skates, sizes 6-7-8-9, 20 Elena St. Phone 3444). (264a) GIRLS SNOW SUIT, CHAMOIS LINED, size 4, dresses, some hand smocked, size 4-6, Tunic, shoes. Phone pe (264c) 3 CLOTH COATS, MOUTON FUR coat, blue taffeta evening dress with matching mittens, sizes 14-16, 106 Wil- liam St. B. (264¢c) BLACK PRINTED SILK DRESS, BLUE crepe with peplum, 2 wool dresses for . 1 red, 1 lime. All size 13. Pink and white wool, size 42, $7. Phone 1509. (263b) BOYS OR GIRLS BLACK GENUINE horsehide leather coat, size 10-12. Ap- ply 708 Cedar St. (263c) KITCHEN CABINET IN OREAM AND green. In excellent condition. Phone 285TR. (263b) 2 WHEEL TRAILER, ALL METAL chassis, good tires. Phone 4286J1, after six, (263b) DRY MIXED WOOD, FOOT LENGTHS, $15 cord. Ray Michels, R.R. 1, Ponty- pool. (262¢) '45 INTERNATIONAL K.8. 5 TRUCK hassis, in good ditt Mrs. A I. McBrien, phone Brooklin 55. (262c) 1 WHITE ENAMEL STOVE AND large size Quebec heater. Apply 63 Avenue St. Phone 311-M. (262c) 3-PO. GIRL'S OUTFIT, SIZE 3; ONE chesterfield suite. Phone 4057-0-1, 62 ) C VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. Estimates and installations free. R. G. TREWIN 59 Division, Oshawa (Mon. Wed. Frl.) CIDER, CUSTOM PRESSED, SWEET cider for sale. 50c gallon. LaSalle, North Harmony. Phone 3430J1. (Nov.10,12,14) CHICKENS, 6 AND 7 LBS, 35c LB. OR $1.50 on foot, order now for week-end delivery. Phone 4730W. (Nov6,10,12,13,17,19) ELNA The sensational sewing machine-- a masterpiece of Swiss precision --Electric portable. SEWS -- MENDS -- DARNS ELNA Darns men's socks with wool, Mends ladies' nylons. Weaves new material into holes of garments. Does fancy work, smocking, em- broidery, initialing, gto. ELNA GIVES 5-year guarantee. Free mechanic service. Free instruction periods, Immediate delivery with terms. PHONE 4180J2 3531-R easy (2648) GLOSSTONE -- GENUINE PLASTIC floor finish. Beautifies all types of floors $1.95 qt. Phone 866J. We deliver. (Novi2) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. sterilized. cl d. and like new. Carrying a big stock of Winter coats, suits and pants. 21 Bond St. W. Sam Swartz, (Dec?) 36--Articles For Sale ONE KITCHEN CABINET WITH POR- celain top, good condition, Apply 121 Barrie Ave. (264a) 1 SET OF SEPTIC TANK, IRON PIPES, 655 King St. E. (264c) CONVERSION OIL BURNER, FOR JAC- ket heater or small boller. Phone 1698J. (264c) ONE PAIR LADY'S WHITE SKATES, size 7, one pair man's, size 8, like new, one pair boy's, size 2. Phone 1275R. (264c) SE Ea Tmo 5 ce hv ulre 0X 136, es-Gazette. i (264c) MOVING SALE -- trade-in furniture, coal stoves, $19.50 up, mantel radios, $10, Moffatt electric range, $32.50, odd up, china cabinet, $10, steel beds complete with spring, $10, small kitchen tables, $9, odd kitchen buffetts, $7.50, Gilson electric washing machine, $59.50, rangette, $15, All re- conditioned 'and guaranteed. Terms. Murbnys Appliances & Furniture, King 8t, .» Bowmanville, Phone 811, open evenings, (264d) GENERAL ELECTRIC 1; hp. MOTOR, almost new, 60 cycle, $10, Phone 2380, 64a) rooms, no children. Box 134 Times-Gazette. $125.--$150. FOR CENTRAL STORE, pay more if satisfied. Immediate poss- ession or sometime in April, must be central Box 120 Times-Gazette. (260g) DESPERATE IN NEED OF 5 OR 6 room house by end of Dec. Adult family, careful tenants, clean living, respectable and abstainers, Will you help us. Phone . (264c) RESPECTABLE ENGLISH AIR FORCE veteran, wife and infant, urgently need apartment or rooms, Please phone 1778W, evenings. (2611) 32---Automobiles For Sule or partly furnished Urgent. apy (263b) '40, 3600 SERIES OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, $1,200, cash. Enquire Box 136 Times- Gazette. (264c) '42 BUICK SEDANETTE, GOOD CONDI- tion, torpedo body, 2 new tires. Apply 284 Vimy Ave. (264d) FOR QUICK SALE, 2 DINING ROOM suites, kitchen cabinet, 8 day clock, several new vacuum cleaners, no agents. Phone 3766R. (264c) 2 BURNER OIL HEATER. GOOD AS new Seldom used, new in 1946, $32. Will sell for $20- cash. Apply Arm- strong Funeral Home. Phone 2700. (264a) 100 FT. NEW TEN TEST, 3 CEDAR osts, 14 It. of 115" galvanized pipe. 98 we St., after 7.30, (264a) MOVING SALE -- 3 piece CHESTER- fields, velour, $119.50 up, torchieres, $19.50, floor lamps complete with shades $22.50, waterfall design bedroom. suite, 3 pleces, $09.50, washing ma- chines, $149.50, rangettes with automa- tic oven control, $64.50. 10% down, terms arranged. Murphy's A pliances & Furniture, King St. W., Da as ville, Phone 811, open evenings, (264d) FIGURE SKATES FOR SALE, Phone 2037J. : ia '39 FORD DELUXE , SEALED BEAM, heater, real good condition, $825, or trade for later model. Phone gw, '36 OLDS, GOOD CONDITION, GOOD tires, heater, slip covers, will sacri- fice for cash. Apply Mr, Scott, after 6, 150 William St. E. (264c) D CONDI- (264a) '37 G.M.C. 2-TON CHASSIS AND CAB. Apel, United Service Station, corner bert ol. (264b) and Ath '30 PLYMOUTH COUPE, NEW BAT- tery Jinga, spare tire, sealed beams and hydraulic Diakes, poet offer, Apply 84 r 6. PHONE 716 (264c) Bucki (261c) '35 PONTIAC COUPE, GOOD CONDI- tion. 122 Hillcroft, Phone 2093M, be- tween 6 and 9. (264b) FOR SALE 6-acre Subdivision, Oshawa, Ly plotted for 55 lots. Suitable on ACCOMMODATION, ELDERLY OR convalescents, tray service, 98 Athol E. Phone 1671W. (Dec8) 14--Household Repairs REPAIRED AND RE- See our materials for Ww. ton. 75 Charles (DecB) pholstered. u] 'ecove! . Dy Prone. 401 i 17--Radio Repair; RADIO AND APPLIANCE SERVICING, service and satisfaction. pick up and delivery Reasonable rates. Earl Fowler, 1457R. 1096 Ki Rd. E. (Novas) 18--Automagbile Repairs /MOREY'S GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN Sheymer prod ag ler pe n| - bufiding foes 'action. Phone on. 5 H ov. 23--Lost and Found LOST--ONE 8-PLY 600x20 TIRE, COM- pléte with rim, No. 7 or 12 highway en rofite to Alax Pl, leave at 8 Birch Sig lax or phone Brunton Lumbet Co. 263b) WILL PERSON WHO TOOK WRONG, all:weather coat, from Masonic Hall, Friday, Dicass return to 86 Albert St. Phone 1742J, (262c) 4 IntRgrated Housing. Apply : . BE. 23 Simcoe Street North Real Estate Broker (263e) 25c--Farmers' Column TRACTOR WORK DONE, PLOUGHIN etc. Phone C. Campbell, 3575J2 id . (Nov5,6,7,12,13,14.) 26--Real Estate Wanted URGENTLY WANTED BY WAITING | clients, houses of all sizes, Phone G. Barrow, Broker, 3165W. (262c) MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR clients with cash. List your property now and get action, Mortgage loans ar- ranged Phone 3510M and I will call and inspect your property. W. Mec- Auley, Realtor, 150 Division 8t. (Dec.6) '37 BUICK SEDAN, EXCELLENT TIRES, good condition. Will take trade, Nail-' man's Garage, 181 Albert St. (264d) '46 HALF TON FORD PICKUP (CLOS- ed); 37 International house car; sleep- ing trailer. 480 Montrave. (264c) '30 CHEV. COACH, VERY GOOD CON- dition, new tires, $225. 137 King St. West. (263b) r | Phone 4552R. ICE-BOX IN GOOD CONDITION. 8 ( ) . DROPHEAD SEWING MACHINE" Ly $15. 3-burner coal ofl ne like new. 5-9 evenings. 58 King St. E. rear door. * (246b) DEER RIFLE, .32 REMINGTON SPEC- ial, auto loading, jacket SHIR leg table, kitchen table, 4 chairs, fig- ure skates, men's skates, bedroom suite, dining room suite, 2 floor lamps, one ails lamp, ash sifter, radio, Phone » (264a) SMALL BROWN HEATER, $15, lady" black coat, 'fur i ; 15, Phone 26947, olin 0-42, ate PLAST-I-GLOSS, GENUINE PLASTIC floor finish, ends waxing, polishing, non-slippery, prevents accidents, stain- proof, maintains a lustrous gloss after being washed with soap and water, Saves time, labor and floors. We de- liver. Phone 4538W, Associated Ser- vices, 23 Bond West, (Dec8) HARDWOOD Maple Hardwood and slabs. Stove lengths. Mixed Wood $15. Phone 481 B. W, Haynes -- 39 Park Rd. N. ' (Dec8) WOODEN BARRELS, CAPACITY 20 gallons, suitable for cider, sauerkraut, wines, meats, strong, sturdy, clean. De- livered, 174 Ritson uth, Phone 3235. oF ONSET VET "A Nov, 24) soft THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! Poor TurFLUCK IRE: IT RAFFLES, BANK , NIGHT OR FOOT A NEVER GETS By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten Burin Asmoum {|| : £E ARYL Ka 36--Articles For Sala GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure in various colors and materials, Free estimates and installations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. V . MELLEY Phone 4101W Oshawa PO Box 421 OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service. Out-of-town customers solicited. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Nov18) ORNAMENTAL IRON PORCH RAILINGS Made to Order. Quick Delivery Estimate Given PHONE 1305R (262¢) NEW HOT WATER HEATING BOILER for 1620 ft. radiation, E. M, McGrath. Phone 4364. (257t1) RUMMAGE SALE AT BST. GEORGE'S Parish Hall, Centre Street, at 2 o'clock, Fhursday. CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Bazaar, Nov, 14th, 3 o'clock. Fancy work, home cooking, aprons, child- ren's wear, Country store. Tea served at 3, 25cts, (264b) BAZAAR, 4TH OSHAWA SCOUT AND Cub Mother's Auxiliary, Friday, Nov. 14, 230 pm, St. Andrew's Church. RUMMAGE SALE, ST. GEORGE'S PAR- ish Hall, Friday, Nov. 14th, 2 p.m.. 3 ACT COMEDY PLAY "LOOK OUT United Church, November 12th, 8 p.m. Admission 25 and 15 cents. (263b) 39--Male Help Wanted DELIVERY BOY Delivery Boy full time KARN'S DRUG STORE \. (2601) 39b--Male and Femate Help CUSTOM BUILT TRACTOR, ON RUB- ber, very powerful, Phone 289J13, af- ter 6 (Nov7-20) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St Phone 3800W. (Nov2s) TRICYCLES, NEW, AT REDUCED rices, to cleaf, also Mayelen. Buy now or Christmas. Phone 4491M. (246tf) STEEL VENETIAN B PER ft. Measured and installed. George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Nov23) FUEL OIL TANKS, 64 GAL. ALUMI- num storage tanks Apply. Harry Per- ry Wholesale, 294 Court St. Phone 2015. (Nov7-20) AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY, We advise getting next year's awnings now, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N. Osh- awa. (Nov18) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL your floors, dries in one hour, ends waxing, polishing, hard scrubbing. Pro- tects, beautifies, waterproofs, is crystal clear, will not crack, chip or peel. We deliver. Phone 3235, Glecoff"s Groc- meateria. 174 Ritson Rd. South. (Dec.6) WILSON'S GREAT FALL FURNITURE SALE NOW ON : $99.--New 3-plece Chesterfield Suite. Full spring construction---carved show- Wi fronts and arms, deep restful seats, smartly sophisticated in design-- Real bargain. $189.--It"s a Kroehler beautiful sulte-- New thrilling cushionized constructiorr. See it, try it, sink down deep in its billowy comfort. You will be proud to own this gorgeous suite, . exclusively Kroehler, OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY LOVELY BEDROOM SUITES .--3-plece styled in the modern manner with smooth, streamlined wa- terfall fronts, beautifully finished in walnut, sturdily constructed through- out with roomy drawers. Wonderful buy. $127.--The beauty and richness of this perfestly matched walnut Bedroom uite will take your breath away--Real distinctive lines, large plate mirrors, luxurious suite--Come in and see for REFRIGERATOR, CHROME rCH- en set, dining and bedroom a ectric fire place, washer, gas stove, dresser and tables. 480 Montrave (264c) . (264¢) IGHT FINISHED SIX PIECE KITCH- = ope, = ood, as new. Please oe entrance. 2ua Biv, dade 1 MORRIS AND FAIRBANK OIL BURN- er, complete with 2 oil 273 at the lake, drums, RS ies a ------ LARGE 3 PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, '42 PONTIAC, EXTRA LONG, BEAUTI- | ful car. Perfect condition, radio, heat- er. Jig saw, $35. 331 Arthur. (263c) | '34 CHRYS. SEDAN, HEATER, WINT -f ized, tires like new, 0460 cash. Call at ' 373 Olive Ave, 5-7 p.m. (263b) '35 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, EX- ceptionally good condition, selling rea- son, have received new car. Phone 3903W, (263b '33 FORD ROADSTER, NEW TIRES, . curtains, heater and radio, Apply 270 Ritson North, (263b) | or ) '4l CHEV. SPECIAL, RADIO, HEA i best cash offer. Apply after 5, 149 Celina 8t. (263a) WANTED TO BUY Modern 5-room brick bungalow. East side of city. Jarvis-Oshawa Boulevard districts, Cash deal or exchange for my six-room brick home west side, Apply my agent. A. E. MURDOCH 23 Simcoe Street North Real Estate Broker (263e) '36 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, MECHAN- ics chance, $395. 137 King St, West. (2683p) '37 OLDS, SEDAN, HEATER AND RA. dio, 2 new tires, $695, 137 King West. ( St, | __(263p) '40, 3-TON DODGE TRUCK, LONG hel bags, 1s Soot Platform, ee an. Jeet . Bast offer. Ra! 18, RR. No. 1, Pontypool. 7 20) i '34 BUICK SEDAN, MECHANICALLY | 23 di 2 Women's Column SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY Cali Mrs. I Henry, after 5. (Nov12) " POUNDATION GARMENTS. surgical garments, bras- e Mrs. Blatter, Manager, and evenings, 2504W. (Decl) \ 28--Houses For Rent FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE, FULLY FUR- nished, all conveniences, adults only. references required. Apply 30 Quebec Street or Ti 114. 1263b) new tires, $425. 137 K t. | West. : No) '37 FORD COUPE. APPLY 960 SIMCOE St. N. (261c) COACH, GOOD CONDITION. Try a Times.Gazette Classified Ad for 'sure and quick results! '38 CHEV, Phone 2302, _Bowmanville. . (262c) 41 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE SEDAN, privately owned. Phone 2803. (264b) | HEATER, |new. Apply 344 Pine A 'ber for 24' x 36' building new slip covers, good condition, fifty dollars, Mrs. George Puckrin mn REY Pickering. " (263c) JACKET HEATER, HOT WATER tank. Phone 34417. fH QUEBEC T APRACTICALLY ve., side entr- ance, (263c) 1 KOLSTER CABINET RA 3: Arthur St, Bio, Soo OIL BURNER, REASONABLE, Rhone after 3, 4688J, or apply 65 A ve. (263b) 1 LOT 50' x 150', FIRST AVENUE, LUM- , 60 bags ce- ment, 200 lbs. of nails, insul brick and asphalt roof shingles, Phone 756W2 or 494 Drew. (263c) BELLANGER STOVE, GOOD CONDI- jon, UjEn white back, with shelf, Hi T, 0, cout 310. Jarvis, 7 ay. RS ONE CEMENT MIXER, FORMS AND planking. _ Apply 371 Olive Ave. (263h) ONE MAN'S SET LEFT-HANDED GOL: clubs and bag; also ladles' black or tric seal coat, 38, brown dress, 16 Phone 3566R, (263c) 3 STORM WINDOWS, TWO 33" x 70", one 35' x 50'. Apply 910 Simcoe North call after 5. (263b) BEACH COOK STOVE, GOOD CONDI- tion; also house for sale. 253 Bloor E. Phone 3340-J. (262¢) 500] EATING APPLES. PHR J (261h) COOKING AND 2553J., delivered, OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY BREAKFAST SUITE $66.--Bright, modern 6-plece Breakfast Suite. Here's a suite that features every modern advantage at a price that rep- resents a real saving. Extra spacious buffet, 4 chairs, jack-knife table. $179.--Beautiful Dinette Suite in gen- uine walnut. Newest styling for the modern new home, YOU WILL BE THRILLED WITH THIS VALUE, OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY STUDIO COUCH $44.50--For fitting up an "extra bed- room" or for the small apartment or bed-sitting room---here's solid comfort. 1009, spring construction. Has roomy wardrobe for storing extra bedding-- smart covering. $13.95--Folding bed--Just the thing when company comes--A real ace saver--Folds into a convenient size for storing when not in use. BABY PRAMS Choice selection of new 1847 styles and colours, convertibles and prams, also play pens, high chairs, beautiful cribs, | and mattresses, doll prams, etc, Visit our large baby department. Wilson's prices are lower --GIPT SUGGESTIONS-- Give furniture -- the lasting gift. We have many beautiful walnut tables for your selection. Coffee Tables, End Tables, Tables, Smokers, m 'ables, Gateleg Tables, Cedar Chests, Tri light Lamps, Mirrors, Pictures, Fan-, cy Cushions, Recliner Chairs, room Chairs, Hampers, Blankets, Bedspreads. WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. w. 20 Church Street 7" (Nov.10,11,12,14,15) Lamp CHESTERFIELD SUITE SPECIAL | ce 37--Articles Wanted ANNEX STOVE. 114 WARREN AVE. Phone 811J. (2648) WOULD LIKE BESCOVEY DUCKS, dressed, for Christmas use. Apply Box 128, Times-Gazette, (262¢) WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAN as handy man and help in beverage room, good home and good wages for right couple. Apply Mr. Taylor, Hotel Elmhurst, Newcastle. Phore 3304. (253t1) 41--Employment Wanted PRACTICABLE NURSE AVAILABLE, day or night. Phone 4180J.1 (263c) MIDDLE AGED WOMAN DESIRES EM- ployment as companion help or house- keeper, 5 day week,- Phone 247TW, af- ter 5, (263b) PIANO WANTED, ANY MAKE. WHEN writing please state size, description, make and price wanted. Box 124, Times-Gaszette (Nov21) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, SIDE WALK bikes, any size or condition, also white skates, Phone 4491M, Kingsway, Cycles, ov. 15. SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec 'heater, cook stoves. 34 Bond West. Phone Joe PIANO3 WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388 (Nov24) FOR [RON Phone 635 C.N.R. (Decl) FURNITURE WANTED stoves and heaters. 56 6W. (Dec5) a Tg rg mi Tags, mattresses. Cedardnie Tron Metals. back Station. . GOOD USED boxes; cook King West. 3326W. 38--Female Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER FOR 2 ADULTS AND 10-year-old child, light housekeeping, modern home, all conveniences, pleas- ant room available, live in or out. Phone 419M. (264b) MIDDLE AGED WOMAN OR YOUNG girl for general housework, sleep in or out, evenings free, 3 adults, 66 War- ren Ave. (263d) TWO REGISTERED NURSES. General duty, 8 hour, six-day week, $110.00, plus full maintenance. 34-bed hospital. Ap- ply Superintendent, Groves Memorial Hospital, Fergus, Ont, (263b) BRIGHT YOUNG LADY WITH STENO- graphy and typing, for permanent po- sition, good salary and favorable hours. Phone 352 during office hours, or Box 133 Times-Gazette. (263e) A YOUNG WOMAN Age 20 to 40 years FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING in private home. Own furnished room with radlo. Must live in, PHONE 1309 (264c) 39--Male Help Wanted HANDYMAN, FOR HOTEL. SOME waiting, live 'In. Apply Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby. (264b) DISTRIBUTOR OF A LEADING CAR battery requires local representative on-. commission basis. Apply by letter on- ly. Attention Sales anager, British Traders Ltd.,, 26 Queen St, E., Toronto 1. 8, RELIABLE MAN, WAITER FOR BEV- erage room. Apply Spruce a - fol. Whitby, (264b) FULL TIME CARETAKER WANTED for Northminster Church, Apply by phoning 395J, after 6 p.m. €263c) PIN BOYS WANTED, 16 YEARS OR over, $25-$30 weekly; for good live boys. Apply Motor City Bowling Club, 523 Simcoe St. N. (260e) CARPENTERS for TRIM and GENERAL WORK Steady work for approximately three months starting immedi- ately. Inside work. Apply on the job to A. W. Robertson Lid, Division 8t. North, Cobourg, or 57 Bloor St. West, 'Toronto. Fralick Family Now Living In Their New Home F. E. SMITH Correspondent Prince Albert, Nov. 10.--Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fralick and family have moved into the recently purchased house, formerly occupied by - E. Wagg and family. The Fralicks resided in Toronto for several years.. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Saunders of Healy Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Donnin and children, of Belleville, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heayn and son, Edward, visited in Norwood during the week-end. Because of Memorial Servjces held on Sunday afternoon, our church service was held Sunday ev- ening. Next Sunday the service will be in the afternoon as usual. We are pleased to say that Elva Bond and Marion Smith are recov- ering nicely after their recent at- tack of jaundice. The cold blustery winds and snow flurries on Sunday makes us think of winter in the not-too-far- distant-future and we delve into our cupboards for heavier wraps, Britain to Export Coal to Europe ndon, Nov. 12 -- (Reuters)-- British coal will be availdgle for export to Europe in 1948, at least the extent of the 6,000,000 tons specified by the Marshall Plan if British miners maintain last week's record output of 4,250,000 tons, it was stated in authoritative quarters here. Britain is already exporting limit- ed quantities of coal, mainly through the bunkering of foreign ships in British ports. \ Working a five-day week in the nationalized coal mines, the miners have stepped up production under a voluntary ~overtime arrangement which in some cases involves Sat- urday working and in others a long- er week day. If mainicined last week's produc- tion, allowing for annual holidays and other factors, would give a net annual output in the region of at least 225,000,000 tons compared with «| the official minimum target of 200,000,000. FORMED IN 1908 The Boy Scout movement had its (364d) beginning in the British Isles in 1908, 4 W.A. at Scugog Plans Supper On November 19 MRS. D. HOPE Correpondent Scugog, Nov. 11.--All were please ed to see so many out on Sunday at both churches. It was the first message by Mr. Denton from the new Bible and pulpit in Grace Un- ited Church. The subject' was "A Change in the Upward Way", which was highly 'praised. The message of the choir was "The Truth Goes Marching On", Grace United Church worships every Sunday morning at 11:30 and the Head United Church at 2 pm. every Sunday. All are invited at both churches, Mrs, Denton and son, Harry, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. Libby on Saturday in Oshawa to a birthday dinner in honor of their daughter Doreen's birthday. Greetings from Scugog folk. Rev, James Miller was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Aldred while on Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bone of Oshawa, visited her sister, Mrs. R, Burnshaw on Sunday. The W. A, meeting and supper in the basement of Grace United Church on Wednesday, Nov. 19, wily be under the convenership of Mrs. Alan Martyn and Miss Marjorie Mile ner preparing a good program. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey moved to their new home in Port Perry on Monday where we all hope they will be comfortable. Miss Ruby Brown was the guest of Miss Edna Prentice on Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Pogue of Valentia, is spending a couple of weeks with with Mrs. Russell Pogue. Mr and Mrs. Gimply and Mrs. Smith of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Samells, The der hunters around this dise trict who have left for the hunting grounds are Mr. Russell Pogue, C, Hardy and son John; M. King, J, L. Sweetman, Milton Demara, Mr. We. Mark and son Stewart, Harry Hays and Leonard Hope. All hope they get 'their number of deer with no accidents. Birthday greeting to Mrs. Johm Pearce, Scugogs' oldest lady. The Head and Foot Schools gae thered at the Centre school on Frie day afternoon for a game of base= ball and other games which they-all enjoyed. Scugog had its first snow storm on Sunday but it did not last long but the snow fences are being put around, so winter is just around the vornen but we have had a lovely all. \ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reader and son Owen and wife and little son Brian, visited in Toronto on Sate" urday. All hope for a lovely day on Sate wday for Mr, Orr Jeffreys' stock sale. Miss An Melnychuk spent Tues day with her sister Nettie at the home of Mrs, Raymond Fralicks. Miss Lois Jeffrey is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. W. Mark in Port Perry and attending high school, Alan Martyn has the hydro turne ed on now and is fine. The Milner boys, Ray and Ralph are having their wiring done now for the hydro. RUMMAGE. SALE OVER BETTY CAKE SHOP Thursday, Nov. 13 2:30 p.m. When you need |! | Paradol For relief of pain you need it quickly Buy the fam« ily size, save: money andi have Paradol always ab | hand in casei a of emergencye 60 tablets $1.! EEE