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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Nov 1947, p. 16

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AGH "North Shore Realty { BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL ERNEST citor 11 "Office 55. PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 WANT AD SE 10N < SE, DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT A D CLASSIFICATIONS Articles For Sale ., 30 | Puneral [ Articles Wanted Wanted ... Wanted {--Auditors forms prepared. secretarial work. e 10047. Pros Arthur St. (Dec12) u T. HOPKINS, TI7IED GEN- accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King or East. Phone 2127. ng ace untant and auditor. (Deci3) Auditors ...eeeee Automobiles For Sale Automobiles Wanted Copies Household douses For Insurance sesssesneiens sieeres Automoblle Repairs Auction Sale ..... 2--Barristers 3051 (Decl1) tunities Wanted Chiropractors ...e. DeBus « Money to Buel 8B 2,858 8 2% CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- In P. Annis, KC. 713 Simcov Street Bouth. Phone 4, Residence 739. (Decl9) a WwW 8 GREER, KC. PARRIS LE: Boiiettor, Phone Soo Residence sid Resident er W. C. Pollard. K.O. Usbridge. Decl RIEREON CR®IGHTON & FRASER. Barr otc. Bank of Oommerce ifr . B.D. BUMPERELS: KO, BARRISTER, Solicitor ete., Bimoos North. Phones: Office ® ait: 3207 Money to loan. (Decl) JAMES R MacBRIZN, BARRISTER and Solicitor Suite 201 70 King Bast, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349, (Decl) JOSEPH P. MANUAN, K.O., BARRIS- ter, to loan. Office 1415 King St. Bast Oshawa Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Decl) Enporment ONE INSERTION ....cc000v00000ar TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTION! THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERT! Female Help Instruction Loan Wanted ...... 9a Male or Female Help Wanted ... 3a Nursing Service .. 13 Qptometrists ....... 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 20 Words TIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... above rates apply only to eriginal orders for consecutive insertions. and esnse.ee 1B Repairs 14 Rent .. 38 Bale .i...o.a000ee 38 Wanted ...ceec000 3, Real Estate BXChADEe .oev..00 IT verenceee 3 Loan .. 9 or Less LL EE TE sessse « L100 25 at a later date constitute a befure publication. Office hours, new original |, and Hist! 20 words or less, 20¢ addition Bach initial ihe abbreviation § and ¢ II word. Box charged 10c¢ addi Al Clie Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day ordes. .00 per month for for all words over 20. figure count as & tional. ; : Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. BARRISTER. SOLI- . Room 2 Phones Residence 3687R. (Dec2) A J. PARR. AND J. A. YANCH, ° Joans, National Foustng Act loans, 26 Simcoe North price 614. Res, - ( Bolctior. ota lio a No.4 Decl) +SARAISTER to loan. Bas- ne 282 Res. (Decl) Pi and Surgeons | 23--Women's Column 25---Real Estate For Sale FOUNDATION G. Corrective and surgical garments, bras- sterers. Phone Mrs. Blatter, Manager, afternoons and evenings, 2504W. (Decl) 25--Real Estate For Sale $3,500, KING ST. EAST, 6 ROOMS, | frame, city water, hydro, Immediate | possession. Terms. Jones and Nolan, | Brokers, (Nov. 11,13) Da. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. B., Oshawa. Phone 3832, - Hours: eleven to twelve and {Seep Wed. and Sat.), 3to4and 7 tod (Dec13 13) 4--Chiropractors 's ROOM FRAME HOUSE, CHEAP FOR ' cash, leaving town. Phone 923W, Box | 139 Times-Gazette. (264¢ FOR SALE Gent 's Home, Simcoe Street HEALTH 146 Phone 224. Bimcoe North. Drugless practice including Chiropractic Eiec therapy, mineral vapor bath reatient, 22 years, Consultation free, em. to 9 pin. dally except Monday and Friday. (Decl 5--Optometrists 0. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. IR 9 to 12. 2 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Dec5) -- OFFICE SOUBS North, extra house and Faragen. Large grounds, $38,500. Make of A. E. MURDOCH Real Estate Broker $6 50 --~68-room brick house, all ' conveniences, Eulalle Ave. $3,000 down payment. Immediate pos- session. $6,500 comveniences, naif osan. Immediate possession. Ritson Rd, S. $6. 800 cxteniencen Immediate (263e) 6--Insurance $5. 300-tm, bo sew Bloor St. PEACOCK'S a TR SERVICE Jon y A ciasses of 4 Jnsurance' includ- ing lire; 2 ay Lk Fi Buen phone Bas, props 7--Veterinarians B DR. H. WEBETER. small animal surgery. St. W. Phone 2010M. 8--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY LARGE AND | 101 Richmond (Decll) NY FUNERAL Home--Ambulance Service LA Charles | lished 1889. Toul ® (Dec3n) 9--Money To Loan ' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR | first Hor Apply M. yy Sana a (Dec20) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY EE SEIOAS, A BALE Ld, 40 ALGER BLDG, PHONE 81, OBHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 3 ir nstruction bot $1 5, 500 Cher 'mop s-room brick Ib ouse, all conveniences, turnover from i $45,000 to $50,000 yearly. Immediate | possession, or exchange for Oshawa, |. property. We have several farms for sale. Im- late possession, M. HENNICK REAL ESTATE BROKER 442 SIMCOE ST. 8. (2658) | NEW INSUL BRICK, 4 ROOMS AND {Pity built-in cupboards, new furnace, large lot, possession 3 weeks, Phone | 981 (264b) $ 8, 50 Warren Ave, 8-room brick house, hardwood through- | jout, hot air furnace with oil firing. In ! excellent condition throughout. ly | possesst n. $8, 50 --Oshawa Blvd. 7-room brick, centre hall plan, large living-room, 4 bedrooms, Im- | ) | jmettiste possession, 1$5,80 month, $5.20 $1,500, bedi sion one month EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate--Insurance "Members Ontario Real Estate Board" 82 SIMCOE 8. PHONE 1550 (265¢) $9, 00 --with $5,000 cash buys good garage now doing big business. This a new cement block, stucco with good office. The of- fice could be made into a nice apart- ment. There si a good cellar with oll furnace. $14, 000 with part cash, buys large 15-room brick rooming house. All fully equipped in A-1 condition and brings in around 18% revenue, leaving -room living apartment for the owner. This is very central, $ 6 50 ~--buys lovely brick bunga- ' low, beautifully decorated, all modern in every way. Large double garage. Large lot ey jandscaped. Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer W. J. SULLEY PHONE 716 11;-sforey. Possession one 3) 00 E, 7-room home, e lot, 35x400. Cash | LJ (265¢) 25c--Farmers' Column 6 ROOMS, INSULATED, ALL MOD- ern conveniences, new furnace, bullt- bs cupboards, breakfast nook, aide wood floors. Dossession Dec. 1st. | 140 Times-Gazette (26%) HOUSE AND LOT, 297 FESTUBERT ST. Cash. ply Mrs. H, Wood, Vineland, Ont. 172, (264c) FOR SALE 215-8torey Brick Veneer Home, West Side, Hardwood floors up and down. Lnsulsied, "Possgaion arranged, $7,500. Apply . ver ines BOX 3, TIMES GAZETTE (263e) SUPPLIED. $1 "for Josson, guitar and music. pieces. Bell's Guitar School, opposite Woolworth's, 3647. (Nov24) IRENIE'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. TAP. Ballet and National, Students from five to 25. Saturday at St. George's Par- ish Hall. (Dec4) . 11--Building Trades WILL Bi agon a CHIMNETS BUILT. AND REPAIRED, laster repairs. Apply Gordon May t.R.3, Oshawa, 4 4th Concession. (263¢c) poi AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, Decorators, Also industrial Spraying. Work guaranteed. Phone 3639-4185W (Dec.10) PHONE 2063W, OSHAWA SAND AND gravel supplies for dump truck service. Cinders. fill, loam, barnyard manure, m manure, Pea gravel for ir Apply 163 Ritson South, (Dec5 WE FIX WET CELLARS WITH "AQU- |t ella" used in Maginot Line. Leaves walls sparkling' white, Floors 'cleaned, acid treated and special high grade con- Lh to drafty doors is "Flexotite," the new sponge rubber weather stripping. For rey ephone Associated Serv- ices (Nov29) WEEKLY | THREE ROOMED HOUSE, BUBSTAN- ayment . Balance as rent. ibb St. Phone 432TW. (263¢) TO CLOSE AN ESTATE----NEW 8TUC- | co bungalow in good residential dis- trict; two bedrooms, bathroom, Iliv- ing room and kitchen on ground floor and two finished bedrooms in attic. $8,000. Terms arranged, Box 122, Times- Gazette. (Nov8- 14) 6 ROOMED INSUL BRICK HOUSE, 307 Currie Ave. Immegliate possession, (264d) 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE $3,700, bath and stool, water, lights garage, | tial down | Apply 241 ments. Possession immediately. Phone 4538J. T. L. McEachern, Broker, 15 Bond W. (264b) $14,000 Tectuurane wien modern equipment, doing nice turnover and apartment house with new air condi- Hon and oll burning furnace, good ga rage. all in good state of repalr, on 'x212', street on 3 sides, in "good Ri to build extra new b $1,000 down, balance in monthly' pay- | TRACTOR WORK DONE, PLOUGHING, etc. Phone C. Campbell, 3575J2 (Nov5,6,7,12,13,14.) --Festubert, 6-room frame, | 5.00 monthly. Posses- | 31--Wanted To Rent" 36--Articles For Salo GARADE WANTED VI d Mill Sts. 442 HL 1 uth, Al Phone 1398W. gry 32--Automobiles for Sale '37 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDITION. Best Tal Apply 210 ntario 8t., 'Whit! (265¢) NDITION, (265¢) 31 eal COUPE, GOOD CO! 5 good tires, Phone 3810W, MASTER DELUXE CHEV. jent condition, radio, heater. EXCEL- Phone 483, Bowmanville, (265c) 4 RADIO, HALLICRAFTERS 838, COM- munications JecelyeL All bands. Hoare ly new. S50 es 265¢) Tago id $3 dell 1Gs YOR x. ve! = wood Ry Phone 32885. (265c) i TOE COAL AND urney Get b Too0k on Sm Near, Nos e as cook stove, both cheap, 24 Eigin (2652) COLLAPSIBLE BABY CARRIAGE AND mattress, also play pen, good condition. Complete $25. Phone 2475J. (265¢) 20 FORD, EXCELLENT MOTOR, 5 NEW tires. Apply 138 Hillcroft, Phone 4098W after 6 p.m (285) '33 CHEV, % 10 TRUCK. SOLID Siopy top. 4 pply 43 p™ Albert 8t, (2658) 40, 3600 SERIES OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, $10, cash. Enquire Box 138 Times- azette., Sete J2 BUICK SEDANETTE. GOOD COND tion, to Jo . 3 new A Song bor jorpedo dy. Apply 39 oa ll SEALED BEAM. heater, real good condition, $825, trade for later model, Phone vrai b) '36 OLDS, GOOD CONDITION, GOOD tires, heater, sip Seve, Ji sacri ce for cas) ott, af 6, 150 William SE dase) '37 G.M.C., 2-TON CHA ASSIS AND. C CAB, A United Service Station, corner rt and Athol. (264b) '35 1 PONTIAC COUPE, GOOD OONDIs tion. 122 Hillcroft, Phone 2003M, tween 6 and 9. (hea) 30 C CHEV. COUPE, GOOD MOTOR. Phone Brooklin 49, after 6.30 p.m, (265) '37 BUICK SEDAN, N, EXCELLENT TIRES, good condition, Will take trade, Nal~ man's Garage, 181 Albert St. (264d) "46 HALF TON FORD PICKUP - ed); 37 International house (aos | Ing trailer. 480 Montrave, (264c) DELTA BEL' ER, , FURN- acette with e, excellent o cook sto hy IV condition, A a 305 Gmon, = C BLACK | COAT SND MUFP, SILVER fox im, 43 330. AE TAL pram, small size crib oth good con- 5. ana Ppl y 178 ark Ba. 8. (265D) MASSEY- IY-HARRIS TRACTOR " "102 JUN- tor," 2 years old; one International 3 furrow pl Milton Gray, Janet- ville. (265b) MODERN WESTINGHOUSE COAL AND glectric stove, with oven heat control, ox fitted with water front. Phone 5003, = (265b) 1 BET of 10 TANK, IRON PIPES. '#55 King (264c) ON EE BURNER, FOR JAC- | Phone (264¢) KATES, like Phone (264c) CONSOLE Enquire Bok (264c) odd ket, heater or small boiler. 16985. ONZ PAIR LADY'S WHITE 8 size 7, one pair man's, size 8, new, one pair Yoy's, size 2, Fr A DEFOREST CROSS e radio, Price ,¢Times-Gazgtte. THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten Au ne wom DROOPINELLA DOES INTHE OFFICE YOU aouLD PUT IN A FLYS EAR 7 [ ( 2% ] RECEPTIONIST) R LOVE, ¢ Z PRIVATE YK \ 248 AW, HAVE A Bur one A LsTEN TO HER TALE OF TOIL WHEN MOM ASKS HER FOR A HAND AROUND THE HOUSE. le | Sank DORIS LEWIN, WITH THE DISHES MILWAUKEE 1, Hise. 5 DROOPINELLA , WOULD YOU HELP HEART WILL YA, NOM? 77/15 NOU COULD ONLY SEE THE WAY T SLAVE AWAY /4 NAT SALT NET. 1 « \ CAN JUST BARELY DRAG | MYSELF HOME. MOVING SALE -- trade-in furniture, coal stoves, $19.50 up, mantel radios, $10, Lg Sactiie range, $32.50, odd 8, china cabinet, $10, steel Rgds Plete with spring, $10, small ne bles, $9, d kitchen buffetts, '30 CHEV. COACH, VERY GOOD CON: tien, new. tires, $225, 137 King Bt, | West, (2658) "43 PONTIAC, EXTRA LONG, BEAUTI- ful car. Perfect condition, radio, HE he 3 Jig saw, $35. (263¢) '36 STUDEBAKER SEDA x SO | 1cs chance, $305. 137 King St, West. | - (263b) a oLDs SEDAN (BEATER A AND RA- | 0, new es, 137 King 8t. | West. _ (263p) '3¢ BUICK SEDAN, MECHANICALLY ver" new tires, $425. 137 Ring 5 | | 41 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE Papin privately owned. Phone S000. (264n 3 SPECIALS 40 PONTIAC COACH '40 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 40 CHEV, COACH ! These three cars are immaculate and reasonably priced. BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING WEST (265a 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor BSaies. Simcoe Phone 4695W, LAKESHORE AUTO {Cars wanted ' for wrecking High prices pald. Phone 3362: ana Ja. SEE US BEFORE SELLING We will pay top price for your car. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King St. West BRAMLEY 8%. North (Dec3) (2580) 34--Pets and Livestock 26--Real Estate Wanted BUILDING LOT, PREFERABLY IN: north section, with city water, priced within reason. | Phone 3747TR2. __ (2652) MODERN N HOUSES | WANTED FOR clients with cash, List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- ranged, Puone 3510M and I will call | and inspect your property. Mc- Auley, Realtor, 150 Division St. (Dec.6) WANTED TO BUY Modern 5-room brick bungalow. East side of city, Jarvis-Oshawa Boulevard districts, Cash deal or exchange for my | six-room brick home west side, Apply my agent. A. E. MURDOCH 23 Simcoe Street North Real Estate Broker (263e) 29--Rooms For Rem FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINUOUS | hot water, very central, gentleman preferred. 64 Charles St. (265b). 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, SUITABLE | for girls, near hospital' and Motors. Phone 2571J. (265c) | SINGLE BEDS, 2 MEN, ALSO Ton 104 Celina St. (265¢) ROOMS FOR R RENT, APPLY 309 8! Julien St. (264b) | 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS GAR- | age. E Box 1 137 ° Times-Gazette. (264c) ONE ONE FURNISHED BEDROO! CON- tinuous hot water, Gentlemen prefer- red. 65 Elgin E. Phone 3184M, (264c This shows net JlceIpe I from Tenis of 131% and could be raised to show 15. $6 00 --with © 41.500. cash, buys ' BUILDING, REMODELLING, ROOFING repairing and home insulating done. Free estimates. Phone 1352W. (Nov.19) 12--Personal Services P. A. VON GUNTEN EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repalr shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited (Dec20) OON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM or arthritis. get Rawleigh er 13--Nursing Service ACCOMMODATION, ELDERLY OR . convalescents, tray service, 98 Athol E. Phone 1671W. |14--Household Repairs (Dec8) FURNITURE upholstered recovering 0. W Dalton. 75 Charles Phone 401 (Dec8) 17--Radio Ri Repair: 3 RADIO AND APPLIANCE SERVICING, service and satisfaction pick uv and delivery Reasonable rates. Earl Fowler, 1457R. 1096 Kingston Rd. E. _(Nov.28) 18--Automobile Repairs. MOREY'S GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN snd Gilddon. Expert repairs to GM! Chrysler products Specializin re- | bullding knee action: Phone & 22-- Lost and Found RED WALLET, VICINITY OF ur Corners and Ross's Corners on day night. Phone 2913J. (265b) THE PERSON SEEN TAKING from front of Times-Cazette 97. Eldon Ave, or phone (2652) Ragom brick, All con- Close to Simcoe 8 Two od, floors, garage. $ 2, 500 cen. "buys S-room home with liguts, on 1%, acres land, near Cdurtice. W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer PHONE 1716 (264c) FOR SALE 6-acre Subdivision, Oshawa, $8,500, plotted for 55 lots. Suitable for Con- tractors for Integrated Housing. Apply A. E. MURDOCH 23 Simcoe Street North Real Estate Broker (263e) . ETT $1,600 ite and er a j tot South east sec. $1,000 down. ($2 500 5° frame and 2 lots | ' Orchard Ave, near Wil- son Rd 8S. Tenanted. Half cash, --50 acres bush; 20,000 ft. $2.30 logs and 30 cords hard- | wood cut, 100 hydro poles and a pile of | | gedar posts cut, camp and stable. Good | |I have several good homes for sale or | exchange. Immediate possession. Lots y | for sale. -Bullding and mortgage loans | ). | ranged. Just phone 3510M, and I will call and show you those properties. No obligations. W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. : (265) FURNISHED BEDROOM, GENTLEMAN preferred, nepr Pedfar's, breakfast if desired. Phone 2072, (264b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, M, WITH PRI- vate bath, continuous hot water, suit- able for two. 209 Simcoe South. (262d) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, SINGLE or twin bedrooms accommodate four. Continuous hot water Gentlemen pre- ferred. Phone 2089, (262d) WARM ROOM, NORTH WARD, D, NEWLY furnished, hardwood floors, spring mattress, suitable for one or two per- sons, breakfast and 12 o'clock Qinher it desired. Phone 1445W. 63c) FURNISHED BEDROOM. APPI pe 53 Division St. {263c) | 31--Wanted To Rent LADY DESIRES FURNISHED OR UN- furnished room, or apartment, down- stairs with kischen | privileges, Central. Phone 279. . Call (285¢) WANTED TO eg SE IN THE vicinity of Oshawa Blvd. and William st. Phone 2999J, (264d 3 OR 4 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- | furnished, 3 adults just arrived from | England, 'district of Oshawa. C/o C. E,_ Felton, R.R. 1, Brooklin. (264c) UNIVERSITY STUDENT AND WIFE, registered nurse, require 1, 2 or 3 un- furnished housekeeping foams, by Jan. 1, Box 138, ,_Times-Gazette (264c) FOR CENTRAL "STORE, | Immediate poss- must be | (269g) 1 $125 --$150. pay more if satisfied. ession or sometime in April, central Box 120 Times-Gazette, | DESPERATE | room house by end of Dec. Adult { family, careful tenants, clean lving. respectable and abstainers. Will you help us. Phone 3 480W, (264c) RESPECTABLE ENGLISH ATR FORCE veteran, wife and infant, urgently nead aphiiment or rooms. Please phone 1773W, evenings, (2611) FARM "30 TO 150 ACE ACRES, WITH GOOD | buildings, near Oshawa. Phone 4733J. Box 131, Times-Gazette, (2658) ) | 346702 IN NEED OP 5 OR 6 CANARIES, GUARANTEED 1 $10. Youn hens $1.50. { Wakeford, alentia, Ontario. FOX AND DEER HOUND, APPLY 237 | King St. Ww. Phone 507, (264c DOBERMAN PINSCHER, BLACK AND | tan registered female, 2 months, Allis- ton Gray, Uxbridge, Ont. (264¢ Cc) | CANARIES FOR SALE, GOOD SING- fc Apply 400 Montrave Ave. FHons INGERS, Mo, Percy (265¢) 58h) REG. FOX TERRIERS (SMOOTH) REG. Cocker Spaniels and Fox Hounds, Pu ples, grown dogs. Knowlton Kenne! Five Points, Oshawa. (Dec.3) 35--Wearing Apparel ONE YOUTH'S BROWN OVERCOAT, size 34; 1 pr. women's black skates, size 1. good condition, - Phone 1137TW. + _(265b) ONE LADY'S COAT, GREEN, FOX collar; girl's coat, beige. Both size 15. 2 girls' suits, size 14, like new, | Phone _4528W. (2653) | GIRL'S BLUE WOOL "SUIT, BIZE 1 11, {sary new. Reasonable price. Phone 3608J (265b) | BOY'S FUR LINED PARKA JACKET, | size 16. Dress and skirt, size 16; lady' | shoes, size 8. Phone 19537, (2658) | A BLACK CHIFFON VELVET EVENING | Wrap, white satin aid like - new. i Phone 2762J, after 6, (264) | GIRLS SNOW SUIT, CHAMOIS LINED, ! size 4, dresses, some hand smocked, size 4-6, Tunic, shoes. Phone 4570J. (264c) 3 CLOTH COATS, MOUTON FUR coat, blue taffeta evening dress with | matching mittens, sizes 14-16, 106 Wil- liam St. E. (264¢) | BOYS OR GIRLS 1 BLACK GENUINE horsehide leather coat, size 10-12. Ap- | ply 708 Cedar St. (263c) WE BUY AND SELL USED NG, sterilized, cleaned. ar coats, sults and W. Sam Bwartz, 3b--Articles For Sale 960 SQ. FEET OF GYPROC LATH FOR sale. Phone _4163R, evenings. (265a) TD 14 "INTERNATIONAL T DIESEL tractor with Buoyrus-Erie hydraulic angl zer. D4 caterpillar (1 cable- | controlled dozer. D4 with Trackson {front end loader. D2 with hydratilic | bulldozer, All machines in good con- dition. Can Srratite terms. For furth- er particulars write Box 143, Times- Gazette. (2658) YEARLING HENS AND ROASTING giickeng) dressed and delivered. Phone b) 3, SIZE BED, LE 477 Ritson (265¢) 321 Bond St. (Deg?) pants. ONE ENGLISH PRAM carrots, $1.25 bushel, Rd. 8. MOFFAT ELECTRIC STOVE, FOUR burners, high oven, also Jacket heater. Phone 816, (265¢) | YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS FOR sale, 30c alive, 35c dressed, dellvered. { Phone 4680J, (265b) WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS 'MANURE; three seventy-five per yard, three yards | for ten. Oshawa Nursery. Phone 3234. (Nov13-26) i 4 MAPLE BODY WOOD, LEAVE YOUR orders at United Service Station, corn- 'ér Athol and Albert. Phone 47. (263b) {CLIMAX COOK 'STOVE, farm home; oval heater, coal or wood; hand washer, Priced. to sell. 58 Wil- liam East. (265¢) EXTENSION N GATE, 5c; HARDWOOD kitchen buffet, $14; pink bunting bag. 75¢; blue bunting bag, $1. Phone 200, . | several and pressed ike new. Carrying a big stock of Winter' SUITABLE $7.50 Glin Sects washing conditioned and 15. All re- "guaranteed. Terms. Murphy's Appliances & Furniture, King Bowmanville, Phone 811, oped events, (264d) FOR QUICK BALE, 2 DINING ROOM suites, kitchen cabinet, day clock, new vacuum 3, no agents, Phone 3766R. (264c) MOVING SALE -- 3 plece CHESTER- fields, velour, $119.50 up, torchleres, $19. 9.20, floor lamps complete with shades 225%, waterfall design bedroom suite, 3 Liscta, $90.50, washing ma- chines, $149.50, rangettes with oe tic oven control, " S. 0% down, AITANG urp s pyliances & Furniture, King Sf Ad Bowman- ville, ¥ Phone 811, Spen evenings, (264d) JOE-BOX IN ~ GOOD CONDITION. Phone 4552R, (264b) VENETIAN BLINDS -Guaranteed Steel or Aluminum 7 DAY DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES Also complete servicing. PHONE 1843W, R. Cam).bell (Tues. Thurs. Sat.) $s. DROPHEAD SEWING MACHINE SAE $15. 3-burner coal oll stove, like new, 5-9 evenings. 358 Ring St. E. rear door. (246b), SMALL lady's black coat, $15. Phone 26945. (264b) REFRIGERATOR, CHROME KITCH- en set, dining and bedroom suites, el- ectric fire place, washer, gas stove, dresser and tables. 480 Montrave {gt C LARGE 3 PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, new slip covers, good condition, fifty dollars, Mrs. George Puckrin, R.R-1 Pickering. (26 3c) WN HEATER, $15, tury collar 40-42, PRACTICALLY | QUEBEC HEATER, new. Apply 344 Pine Ave, side entr-. ance. (263c) CHICKENS, 6 AND 7 LBS, 35¢c LB. OR $1.50 on foot, order now for week-end delivery. Phone 4730W. | (Nov8,10,12,13,17,19) ELNA The sensational sewing raachine-- a masterplece of Swiss precision --Electric portable. S8EWS -- MENDS -- DARNS ELNA Darns men's socks with wool, Mends ladies' nylons. Weaves new material into holes of garments, Does fancy work, smocking, em- broidery, initialing, etc. ELNA GIVES 5-year guarantee. Free mechanic service. Free instruction periods, Immediate delivery with terms, PHONE 4180J2 easy (265a) ONE MAN'S SET LEFT-HANDED GOLF clubs and bag; also ladies' black elec- tric seal coat,' 38, "brown dress, e Phone 3566R. __(263c) PLAST-I- GLOSS, GENUINE PLASTIC floor finish, ends Jaane polishing, 36--Articles For Sala 38--Female Help Wanted PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL your Sook dries in one hour, ends | Jaxing, D olishing, hard scrubbing. Pro- | tects, beautifies, waterproofs, is crystal clear, will not crack, chip or peel. We deliver. Phone 3235, Glecoff's Groc- meateria. 174 Ritson Rd. South. (Dec.6) ORDER NOW! it May Snow Tomorrow SOFTWOOD SLABS $12 Per Cord. Stove Lengths IMMEDIATE DEL'Y, PHONE 548M (Nov11,13) COOKING AND EATING APPLES. PH. 2553J., delivered. (261h) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER 8 1,3 Measured and installed. George id. Phone 2104. Bond West (Nov23) AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. We advise getting next year's awnings now Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Osh- West. (2652) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure in various colors and materials, Free estimates and installations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. . MELLEY Phone 4101W Oshawa PO Box 421 OIL BURNERS --- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service. Out-of-town customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Dec18) NEW HOT WATER HEATING BOILER for 1620 ft, radiation, BE, M, McGrath. Phone 4364. (257 tf) CUSTOM BUILT TRACTOR, ON RUB- ber, very powerful. Phone 289J13, af- ter 6 (NovT7-20) A COMPLETE STOCE OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St N Phone 3800W. (Nov25) 37--Articles Wanted OLD AND DISABLED HORSES WANT- ed, highest prices, Clough Fur Farm, Courtice, Ont. Phone Oshawa ah Cc) PIANO WANTED, ANY MAKE, WHEN writing . please state size, description, make and price wanted. Box 124, Times-Gazette - . (Nov21) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, SIDE WALK bikes, any size or condition, also white skates. Phone 4491M. Kingsway Cycles. (Nov, 15.) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box. Quebec heater, cook stoves. Bond West. Phone 3766M (Dec13) PIANO3 WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- Ds Lee. 79 Bimcoe North. Phone HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON | metal, rags, mattresses Phone 635 | Cedardale Iron Metals, back CNR Station. (Decl 5 (GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ire boxes, cook stoves and heaters 50 King West. 3326W. (Dec5) 38--Female Help Wanted S YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN BOOK- keeping department with local firm, Apply in writing, giving particulars of school training, business experi ence and references. Box 141, Times- Gazette. (265t1) HOUSEKEEPER FOR 2 ADULTS "AND 10-year-old child, light housekeeping, | modern home, all conveniences, pleas- ant room avallable, live or out, ; Phone 419M (264b non-sippery, prevents idents, stain- Jroes, maintains a lustrous gloss after eing washed with soap and water. Saves time, labor and floors. We de- liver. hone 4538W, Assoclated Ser- vices, 23 Bond West, (Dec8) HARDWOOD Maple Hardwood and slabs, Stove lengths. Mixed Wood $15. Phone 481 B. W. Haynes -- 39 Park Rd. N. (Dec8) 1 LOT 50' x 150', FIRST AVENUE, LUM- 3% for 24' x 36 building, 60 bags ce- ment, 200 1bs. of nalls, insul brick and asphalt roof shingles. Phone 756W2 or Drew. (263¢) BELLANGER STOVE, GOOD CONDI- tion, high white back, with shelf, also Rudd heater, Boy Scout hat. ap ly 310 Jarvis, Cc) FUEL OIL TANKS TANKS, 64 GAL. ye num storage tanks Apply Harry Per- ry Wholesale, 204 Court St. Phone 2015. "(Nov7-20) WINTER POTATOES for 'sale, delivered. Also cooking onions and cooking ' and eating apples. Gold Medal Choice Quality Peas 24-tin case $3.50 Lynn Valley Standard Qudlity Peas 24-tin case $3.00 F. SHAW 262 St. Julien St. Phone 4423J ___ (Nov.11,13,14) WOODEN BARRELS, CAPACITY. 20 'gallons, suitable ror 'cider, sauerkraut, wines, meats, strong, sturdy, clean. De~ | livered, 174 Ritson Jouth, Phone 3235. (Nov. 29) TRICYCLES, ' NEW, AT REDUCED Br Gh to clear, also bleyeles.. Buy no or Christmas. Fhone 4491M. (24680) soft Oshawa DRY MIXED WOOD, FOOT LENGTHS, | #15 cord, Ray Michels, R.R, 1, Ponty- pool. (<02e) i OPPORTUNITY For Girls "You'll like being a Telephone girl" 1--Good pay with regular in- creases. 2--No experience necessary. 8.--You're paid while you train. 4--Five-day week. 5.--Friendly associates. 6.--Regular rest periods. 7.--Opportunity for advance- ment, Applicants should preferably have. completed Grade X, be single, and in the 16 to 25 age group, 9 % SEE MISS H. C. ROBERTSON Chief Operator BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 Victoria St. Oshawa (Nov24) | " MIDDLE AGED WOMAN OR YOUNG girl for general housework, sleep in or out, evenings free, 3 adults, ar=- ren Ave, (263d) BRIGHT YOUNG LADY WITH STENO- graphy and ize, for permanent po- sition, good salary and favorable hours. Phone 352 phi office hours, or Box 133 Times-Gazette (263e) A YOUNG WOMAN Age 20 to 40 years FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING in private home. Own furnished room with radio. Must live in, PHONE 1309 (284c) 39--Male Help Wanted HANDYMAN, FOR HOTEL, waiting, live in, Hotel, Whitby. RELIABLE MAN, W WAITER FOR BEV- erage room, Apply 'Spruce Villa Ho- tel, Whitby, (264b) FULL TIME CARETAKER "WANTED for Northminster Church, Apply by phoning 395J, after 6 p.m, (263c) S WAN 16 YEARS OR SOME Apply Spruce Villa (264b) PIN BOYS WANTED, over, $25-$30 weekly; for good live boys. Apply Motor City Bowling Club, 521, Bimcoe St. N. ( 2608) CARPENTERS for TRIM and GENERAL WORK Steady work for approximately three months starting immedi- ately. Inside work. Apply on the job to A. W. Robertson Ltd., Division St. North, Cobourg, or 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto. (264d) DELIVERY BOY Delivery Boy full time KARN"S DRUG STORE (2601) 39b--Male and Female Help WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAN as 'handy man and help in beverage room, good home and good wages for right couple. Apply Mr. Taylor, Hotel Elmhurst, Newcastle, Fhore 3304, (253t1) 40--Agents Wanted . Write Raw- EY Dept. ML-K-310-100, Montreal, (Nov13,20,28) 43--Auction Sales I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ¢ by Public Auction for Chas. Ma Son, Lot 1, Broken Front, E. Whitby (Art Pascoe farm), on Sat. Nov. 22, his | farm stock, 2 tra rs and tractor equipment; machinery, all nearly new; 2 trucks, pigs, hay, grain, potatoes and etc. See Bills, Sale 12.30 sharp. Gor- don Gifferd, Clerk. mer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (Nov13,15,18) SATURDAY, . NOVEMBER BER 15TH -- THE undersigned has received Instructions | to sell Tor Thornton's Corners Sunday School, a list of articles donated by members of the community, including furniture, sewing, home cooking, appies fruit and vegetables, electric lamp (new), toaster, good bumper Jack, live- stock, pups and numerous other arte icles, all in excellent condition. Sale starts at 2 o'clock on the Public School Grounds, In case of rain, sale will be held inside. L. J. Warren, Auction- eer, Morris Robinson, Clerk, (265b) 41--Employment Wanted RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS POSITION as kitchen assistant or do dishes in restaurant, cafeteria, industrial. Box 145, Times-Gazette. (2658) PRACTICAL NURSE _ AVAILABLE (265¢) day or night. Phone 4180J1, RUMMAGE SALE SIMCOE STREET Church, Friday, November 14th, as 2 pm, (2653) LET US HELP BOLVE YOUR CHRIST mas gift problem. Come to Mary St, School Bazaar, Friday, Nov. 14th, 3 p.m. sharp. (265 CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Bazaar, Nov, 14th, 3 o'clock. Fancy work, home cooking, aprons, childe ren's wear, Country store, Tea served at 3, 25cts, 264b) A DANCE WILL BE HELD IN NEWe castle Community Hall, Auspices Newcastle Ladles' Softball Club, Frie day, November 14, 9 pm, Roy Forres ter and his 7-pc. band in attendance. Admission 50c per person. Also a draw for 10 valuable prizes. Tickets 3 for 25c. (Nov.11,13) 41--Employment Wanted WOMAN WANTS WORK BY 7- hours. Phone 4604W., 5 A 4 {265a, 42--Legal Notices STATEMENT OF A QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED TO. THE VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA; Are you in favour of borrowing $700,000.00 to purchase the Bishop Bethune College Prop- erty and to erect and equip a Collegiate Institute thereon? TAKE NOTICE that the above is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the City of Oshawa pursuant to Bylaw Number 2624 of the Corporation passed the 3rd day of November, 1947. of The day for taking the vote of th® electors upon the said question and the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Fetuining Officers shall be the same as for the annual election for the municipal council for the year 1948 and the Returning Officer appointed to hoki the said election shall take the vote. Persons entitled to vote upon the said question shall be those electors who are qualified to vote on money bylaws. And notice is further given that the 29th day of November, 1947, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon at the City Clerk's Office in the City of Oshawa has been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk, On the 3rd day of December, 1947, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon at the City Clerk's Office in the City of Oshawa the City Clerk shall attend and.sum up the votes given for and against the said bylaw. Dated at Oshawa the 5th day of November, 1947. F. E. HARE, City Clerk. (Nov. 6,13,20) FORM "U" SOCIETY Kingston, Nov. 13 (CP)--A tm* versity of Toronto Society, embrac. ing graduates and those who have been associated with the university, has been formed in Kingston, home of Queen's University. Magistrate J. B. Garvin was elected president and PF. J. Parker, secretary at an organizational meeting here yestere day. Miss Bright Eno's 'Fruit Salt' for cheerful livers

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