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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Nov 1947, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 London Hotels Fully Booked As Guests from Overseas Arrive Most of London's west-end hotels are fully booked for the Royal Wedding on November 20th, While many of them are unable to accept further reservations, there is still accommodation to be obtained at the more moderately priced estab- lishments. Numerous tourists are already in the United Kingdom and are extending ther stay to see the procession to Westminster Abbey, and also to celebrate the joyous oc- casion, reports the British Travel Association. Overseas Visitors Many enquiries have been receiv. ed from the Empire. Large num- bers of these have come from New Zealanders. An official of the Re- ception Department of the Office of the High Commissioner for New Zealand declared, "We have been inundated with enquiries, and have been trying to obtain seats for visitors. 1 expect that quite a lot of visitors from New Zealand will be present." Australia, Canada and South Africa will likewise have many representatives in London for the Royal' Wedding. American Express hope to organize a Royal Wedding party from America. Among mportant Empire guests will be General Smuts, the Prime Minister of South Africa, and Dr. Evatt, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia. The Crown Prince and Princess will represent the Swed- ish Royal family. The Royal Route : Visitors will have an opportunity of seeing the Royal procession from many excellent vantage oints along the route. If the day is ine, Princess Elizabeth will ride to the Abbey ift an open carriage so that all may see her. From Buck- ingham Palins, the wedding car- riages will proceed down the broad tree-lined Mall, pass under Admir- alty Arch, and from there, continue along Whitehall and Parliament Street to the Abbey, The same course will -be followed on the re- turn to the Palace after the cere- mony has been performed. The route will be lined by contingents of the three services, while mount- ed escorts for the Royal procession will be provided by the Household Cavalry. : Although the Wedding will be © celebrated without the usual pomp and splendor associated with the great regal events of pre-war years, an atmosphere of gaiety and rejoicing will prevail throughout the country on the Wedding Day. The spectacle itself wll provide a scene rich in color and pegeantry with large, cheering crowds in their best attire assembled along the entire length of the route. Colour fot the occasion in the captal wil be provded by the Londoners them- selves who can be relied upon to make the city gay with flags and bunting. Souvenir programmes of the event will be greatly in demand. Invitations to view the Royal Palace have already been despatch- Neaing presents at Buckingham USES FOR VINEGAR Clothes sponged with vinegar will lose their shine. Onion and cabbage odor may be prevented by boiling vinegar on the stove at the same time as veget- ables, Insects and bugs on greens, let- tuce and other vegetables will come to the surface if they are left stand-ng for about 10 minutes in water to which vinegar has been added--one part vinegar to five water. : Poached eggs will remain firm if vinegar is added to the water n which they are cooked. Cracked eggs can be boiled without the running if vinegar is added to the boiling water, Mother's Delight Such easy sewing! ONE main pat- tern piece to this jumper! And the blouse is simple too. She'll look so pretty in this adorable set! Pattern 4735 has a perky little bow at back! This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit, Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4735 comes in sizes 2, 4, 48,10, Size 6, jumper, 1% yds. 54- ; blouse 7% yd. 35-in, Send TWENTY-FIVE, CENTS (25c) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print SIZE, N ADDRESS nid your order 0 DAILY TIMES ttern Department, Oshawa, A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. MOTION SICKNESS 'You don't have to go to sea to ex- perience sea sickness. Many of us, whether we travel by street car, auto or plane, become dizzy and feel that "queasy" feeling in the pit of the stomach which fore. casts vomiting, long before we reach the end of our journey. Because this particular type of discomfort is no respecter of vehicles, today's doctors speak of it as motion sick. ness. Why these symptoms occur in some people and hot in others is an unanswered question, but there may be contributing factors such as over- eating or constipation. Neverthe- less, many people are never affect by motion sickness while as many others are upset by. the gentlest movements of the most stable forms of transportation. Number of Drugs Since so many people are affected in this way, a large number of drugs have been investigated in the hope that they would control motion sick- ness. Tests of these drugs have been made on persons in whom the mo- ordinary swings. * For example, one group of persons was put in a swing, which was kept in motion for half an hour, It was found that a third of those tested vomited within a half hour after the swinging. Then the drugs were tested to see if they would prevent these vomiting at- tacks. It would appear that certain drugs, derived from what is known as belladonna are effective in the prevention and treatment of motion sickness. The most effective single drug is known as hyoscine. How- ever, a mixture of hyoscine and hyoscyamine usually can be given with less danger of unpleasant re- action than can an equal dose of hyoscine. alone. Individual Dose It has also been found that toler- ance to these drugs varies so that the dose must be regulated for each individual. The protection obtained by the usual dose. lasts for from six to 10 hours. Children do not toler. ate these drugs as well as do.adults. That is why the doctor reduces the dose for children considerably. Certain of the drugs known as the barbiturates have also been found effective in the prevention of motion sickness and in its treatment. How- ever, it. would appear that the best results with this type of drug are ob- tained if treatment is started 24 hours before exposure to the motion is to occur. It appears desirable to give the preparation with meals. The treatment should be contin- ued during long trips, but it 'would appear that protection against mo- tion sickness lasts from 15 to 18 hours after it has been administered. Overdosage will cause sleepiness, just as with the hyoscine, and the dose must be regulated in each case by the doctor. QUESTIONS ND ANSWERS H.S.: What causes white spots to form on the arms and hands? I have noticed them recently. They do not look nice but don't hurt. Are they caused by a vitamin defiici- ency? Answer: It is likely that you have leukoderma, the exact cause of which is not known. Too much ex- posure to the sunlight may be partly responsible. Heredity is thought to be a factor by some investigators. Leukoderma is also present in lues but this is not a common cause. There is not a great deal that can be done for this condition. Certain drugs are given internally, such as arsenic and extracts of the thyroid and suprarenal glands. Applying Her Baby Doll Cuddlesome baby doll to make a little girl happy on Christmas Day! Complete outfit--even didies! Make this easy doll for bazaars, too, Inexpensive baby-doll. Popular with younger set. Pattern 7173: has doll transfer; clothes patterns. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. tion sickness has been produced in |- Every other night give your neck good creaming, rubbing up and down with flattened fingers. GLAMORIZING - By HELEN &* LJ WHEN you anoint your complex- jon with fragrant creams, does it occur to you that your neck is en- titled to the same refreshing and stimulating attentions? Probably not With a pretty throat a woman holds her own. Birthdays do not proclaim themselves, And remem- ber this, even you very young ladies: A neck can go back on you in a hurry. Strange changes can take place. 'The thin neck may take on fiddle strings, the fat one may look lumpy. By using a little care, one can take out an insurance against these dis- tressing conditions. It isn't altoge- ther how you look today; it is how you are going to look tomorrow. Color Divorce Often the face and neck have a color divorce, the pillar that sup- ports the head, being of darker col- or. Friction of furs and coat collars will often cause the rear of the neck to look coarse of texture as well as dingy. Of course, you never see the back of your neck, It is well to take Keeping Your Throat snd. Lovely FOLLET1 LJ a look-see now and then with two mirrors. Every other night give the neck a rousing creaming, rubbing up and down with flattened fingers, Every other night apply a bleaching agent just in case. A simple one is com- Movie Column Hollywood--Walt Disney. is going back tb all-cartoon feature films. He has been using live characters in his pictures for a few years, but now he finds not all of his subjects are suitable for such treatment, The studio has decided against a live "Alice in the. forthcoming "Alice in Wonderland." Anne Carter, 11- year-old actress, appears set to speak the role, but the actual char- Serer will be drawn by Disney art- S. Another Disney film, "Cinderella," will feature a cartoon heroine. It won't reach the screens urtil 1951, although artists are already at work on ft. * bb Unsung Alda . Robert Alda heads East after 'April Showers" to appear in a new show, "Break It Up," with Gertrude Neisen. Maybe then Hollywood will recognize his capabilities. . , Ann Sothern is reading scripts from most studios except MGM her home lot. Errol Flynn is among those hit by the economy wave. For years the prop dept, has supplied his favorite oval-type cigarettes while he is working. But no more . . . Para. nfount plans to make a meagre 21 films next year compared to 36 or more in other years. Morgan Out? Henry Morgan who lost his air sponsor is reportedly choosy about his next one. He says if he can't find one to his liking he'll go back to disk jockeying. ... - Mickey, Rooney leaves today for his eight-day appearance tour in Hawaii. He'll return for "It's a Great Big World" another grown- up role for him. He'll be a lawyer . . . Margaret O'Brien got her first screen kiss in "The Big City." The donor: Butch Jenkins. . . LR 3 Fast Review "Gentleman's Agreement" (TCF) is movie-making at its best. It is a fast-moving tightly-knit provo- cating story directed and acted with complete sincerity. Gregory Peck is flawless in the role of the maga- zine writer who poses as a Jew to gather "material for an article on anti-Semitism. Dorothy McGuire, John Garfield, Celeste Holm and June Havoc round out the expert cast. CHRISTMAS CAKE UNCOOKED 1 can sweetened condensed milk. 2 cups chopped dates 2 cups raisins 2 cups green cherries 2 cups red cherries ° 4 cups graham wafers 1 cup almonds, blanched 1 cup walnuts 1 cup mixed peel 4 cubes candied pineapple 1% tsp. nutmeg 3% tsp. cloves 1% tsp. allspices Method: Roll wafers fine. Add salt and spices, mix with other in- gredients. Add can of milk and mix thoroughly. Put in dish lined with waxed paper, Let stand in cool place at least two days. It will slice like fruit cake and taste like a candy bar, posed of equal portions of strained lemon juice and peroxide. » In Queenly Fashion Carry your head in a queenly fashion. You'll have poise, but that's not all of it. By keeping the head balanced the muscles of the throat will not relax, the skin fall into lines, Every turn of the head will give firmness to the fibers then, give them exercise. With the head thrown forward, chin drooping, mus- cles have nothing to do. When they soften and lose resiliency the outer padding of tissue loses tone, is like- ly to fall into creases. It is high time that something should be done about necks. Com- plexions qualify pretty well but few necks are up to standard, especially after one has passed the thirtieth milestone on life's road. walnut juice to the white patches is a good method of treatment, or bleaching the pigment around the white patches with a solution con- taining mercuric chloride, alcohol, and wafer in proper solution and painting it on as the physician may direct. If the skin becomes irritated as a result of the use of this solu- tion, it should be stopped and céld cream, or some bland oil, such as sweet 'oll, put on the irritated skin. This solution makes the white patches less noticeable, This condition is. not due to a vitamin deficiency. INTERIOR DECORATING To bring down a high ceiling, try painting side walls for a foot or so with a molding; or use a darker tone for the ceiling. There's no law tha tceilings have to be in white or pastel shades. If ceilings aré too low, run the wallpaper or paint all the way up to the ceiling, using a narrow striped design. Hang curtains as high as pos- sible, using a cornice at the top, and let them extend to the floor. Use a thin material; pleat it or shirr it very full the entire length of the window, then drape it to one side and tie back about one-fourth of the distance from the top. Light colors and two-toned wall- papers with white or light back- grounds make a room appear larg er. Have onl va few wall pictures in light frames. A mirror reflect- ing a window view or an attractive sire of the room lends a spacious air, PEAT BOG ISLE One-seventh of the total area of Ireland is peat bog. A DELICIOUS BLEND OF THE WORLD'S FINEST COFFEES % Back in grandfather's the final quarter of the no movies, no airplanes, "changed to sugar" in the latter, the market. community, there was not in hope and dread. 28 KING EAST -biles, few bathrooms, practicall efficient electrical appliances. contracted diabetes or pernicious ane- mia, your days were numbered. time, during last century, things were quite different. There were no automo- no If you Your blood just former, "to water" in the . There was little protection against virulent epi- demics, Smallpox vaccine was the only biological on hen diphtheria or typhoid rav ed a hing to do but wait it out Yes, a return to the "good old days" would mean, among other things, the sacrifice of the major por- tion of the contribution of medicine and to your health and well-being. KARN'S DRUG STORE pharmacy PHONE 78 (Opposite Post Office) Ver! - thin HUNTSMAN 17-Jewel Precision Move- ment,- 10K: Gold - filled * ° case, $4250 USE OUR PRE.: SERVICE! ORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS LN ... the gift that always pleases . . Veri-thin CADENCE 15 - Jewel Movement, 10K Gold-filled Bezel, Stainless Steel Back. $29.75 FAIRWAY 15-Jewel Movement, 10K Gold-filled Be- zel, Stainless Steel Back. Expansion Bracelet. $42.50 MONTEREY bh 17-Jewel P. cision Movement, 14K Solid Gold Case. SMART 1 ... this Year SHOP PEOPLE EVERYWHERE are buying WATCHES You will want to own a GRUEN eventually ... because only GRUEN gives you precision time, utmost quality and craftsmanship, combined with beauty that is the choice of international stylists. Your GRUEN is wait- ing for you ... ready to give you lasting satisfaction. THE FAMOUS - PARKER "51" s&]wis27 PEN and PENCIL + SETS LADIES MEN'S J INITIAL RINGS " / Massive Gold Mounting Set yith @§/ Initial on Onyx sescsesssse LOVELY BIRTHSTONE RINGS P Special -- 3-Piece Dresser Sets To Clear $2.95 up CREDIT TERMS RONSON LIGHTERS 34 Piece Service for in the Debutante Chest CONTENTS: 8 Knives 8 Teas 1 Butter Knife 8 Dessert Spoons 1 Sugar Spoon 8 Forks Eight $47 50 i hol iif BE HORWICH CRED 24 SIMCOE ST. N.

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