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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 Nov 1947, p. 10

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JAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE CROSSWORD - - '= By Eugene Sheffer i" 7, 7 7 43. substance 47. tune 48. prelude 50. mark left 3 by blow 51. stannum HORIZONTAL frisk anchor tackle 8. fungus ¥ disease of plants 12. corn lily 13. coin of Denmark #4. plant allied tocabbage 28. judgment Ls 8 Loy . abound 8. pure number . repentant . singing voice . edible seed . date . jug . forerun 24. set . timber tree , . ruling VERTICAL 1. source 2. bovine animals "+ 8. aromatic plant 4. green film i oncopper 5. large skunk 6. part of circle 17. Brazilian 5 ap ' complete 19. kindof cloth JE={YIOIE 21. Sumatran 0 chevrotain 23. conflict 24. Brazilian seaport 27. mark used * in printing 31. application 32. the clear sky 33. obligation NO £ IM UBIO ASO LO A A 0 O|RIEMM Plo | 37. firearm | 38. network , | 40. building |Z * tohouse | aircraft & APE Dist. by King Fea 4 Answer to yesterday's puzzle. S|OIVITERAIPIAIR BRA RIL ICIWIEREF|O Average time of solution: 20 minutes. . dwelling house . perch sheep-eating parrot . volcano in Sicily . wrinkled . hunting dog . liquid pitch deviate from the vertical, mining . jejune memorizing through repetition . 44. pipe 45. god of love 46. break 49. by way of 6lA|S|P OIL |E]A|T Hi O|SERT S| / |N tures Syndicate, Inc. Hayden Couple Observe Their Anniversary MRS. HILDA CROSSMAN ; Correspondent Haydon, November 25--Congratu- a to Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Sle~ non on their 10th wedding anniver- On 'Thursday, November 20, they a number of their cou- ERE 8, Milton Slemon. Mrs, on were present. a card table from cousins, Toronto, visited at Mr, Sanderson's home on Sunday. Mr, Giffilar, Sunderland, was a Sunday visitor at J. 8. Mountjoy's. Fred Ashton and family, Toron- $0, visited at Mr, H. Ashton's. Mr, and Mrs, Lorenzo Mountjoy, Nestleton; Mr, and Mrs. T. Sam- i x Brooking, and Mrs. Branican, Bow- manville; and A. Stainton visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemen, Mrs. W. Thompson, who is at Newcastle during the week, spent the week-end at her home, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gavard 'were in Toronto for the week-end. Bert Ashton and Brad visited at A. Read's on Saturday. Mrs. T, Cowling is spending a few days with friends in Toronto, Nearly everyone in the village had their radios turned on bright and early on Thursday morning last to here the broadcast of the royal wed-~ g. The school children enjoyed thelr holiday on Friday in honor of the Princess' wedding. The adult Bible class Is meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Slemon on Thursday evening, when the officers will be elected for the coming year. : The weather man gave us & sud- den change in the weather over the week-end, Sunday was such a lovely day and during the night snow started to fall and continued most of Monday when several ine ches of snow fell. FOUL PLAY RULED OUT Toronto, Nov. 26 (CP) .. Peossl. bility of foul y in the death of Mrs. Florenice May Murphy, 49, who --died of a non-corrosive poison af. ter reaching her home from work Monday night, was ruled out by po lice last night after an investiga tion, I George Crawtord, sald death was caused by poisoning brought on by stimulation, possinly aided by a heart condition, RUPTURED? YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE THE DOBBS TRUSS METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF RUPTURE IT'S BELTLESS! It has no bulb cr ball to spread the weakened muscle tissue and enlarge the rupture opening. It has no belt or strap to irritate the IT'S BULBJ ESS! skin or bind thc body and impede ASK LOR MR. pad holds the rupture closed while walking, lifting, working or swimming. Presses the body in but two places. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA Friday, Nov, 28 -- 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fee Demonstration -- No Obligation -- Clip' This Ad. Now Board Is Planning To Watch Prices On 'Control' Items Ottawa, Nov. 26--(CP)--The success or failure of the govern- ment's action in reimposing some price ceilings and mark-up con- trols will depend to a great ex- tent on the support received from the public, a Prices Board source said Tuesday, He said the board now was working out the formula and ad- . | ministrative machinery needed to carry out Finance Minister Ab- bott's order for reimposition of price ceilings on canned fruits and vegetables and of mark-up controls on fresh fruits and vege- tables and canned fruit juices, The source said he expected the new ceilings would become effec- tive by Thursday. While it was true, he said, that the Prices Board staff and admin. istrative machinery had been greatly reduced since 1945 there still was a nucleus of both. In large cities the board still had a fairly large staff and it was in such cities that most infrac- tion§ of board regulations occur- red. In other centres the board still had rental officers and in- vestigators and these persons could be called upon to. help in seeing that the new price ceilings were respected, P, who in the past played an im. postant part in the enforcement of board orders, POLICE PROTECT MOLOTOV London, Nov, 26--(CP) -- Police yesterday blocked a demonstration before Poreign Minister Molotov of Russia by hal! a dozen British hus- | bands whose Russian wives are den- | led permission to leave Russia, » FIRE PN PIPES Piremen re:ponded 10 3 call at 16.30 am, Yoday to the residence of | HL. Colfrey 54 206 Nassau Street, | where soot from an oil burner had become lgnited in the chimney pipes, Deputy Chief H. R. Hobbs | reported no Gamage, J assim -------- Par you need For relief of pain you need it ; quickly i ? Buy the fam- : ily size, save money and have Paradol always at hand in case { g of emergency. | 60 tablets $1. ! IT'S STRAPLESS! fre circulation. A soft CONCAVE BLACK AT THE i. -------- As well, there was the R.C.M. | By STUART UNDERHILL Canadian Press Staff Writer London, Nov. 26--(CP)--London- ers who like to think of their city as big but well-behaved are being scared into shivers by reports of violence as sinister as any that ever came out of Limehouse. The new bad spot isn't Soho or Piccadilly, where spivs and ' their girl friends flaunt themselves under | - the bright lights, but Cable Street, a dingy thoroughfare in East Lon- don, close by the docks, Its notoriety is based on no new vice, but on the old game of separ- ating a sailor from his bankroll. Ca- ble Street's denizens do such a good job of this that policemen, when they venture down the narrow way, walk in threes, and 3,000 residents of Stepney Borough recently pre- sented their council with a petition asking that it be "cleaned up." Any sailor is welcome there as long as his money holds out. If he's slow in spending it, some of the 150 men, said to operate three gangs, hurry the process along. Africans, Maltese, Cypriots and Lascéars, paid off from their ships, drift to Cable Street as if drawn by a magnet. There are fights every night--sometimes in broad daylight, Here is the story of Cable Street, told by a taxi driver who lived in the vicinity 52 years: "The girls who haunt the cafes and pubs are not London girls but come from all over," he said. "Many of them are on the run. Some of them have escaped from reform schools. "They are safe on Cable Street. Most of them are teen-agers. They get drunk and the colored seamen they are with get jealous. Every night there are fighits. Sometimes the gangs arrange fights to steal seamen's money. "For a century they've called this district 'Tiger Bay.' There's a boom now because the colored seamen are getting big pay again." Cable Street is just one of Lon- don's sordid spots. There'd probably be more if the law-abiding folk, like the honest residents of Stephen Green, didn't make public protest when they consider things' are go- ing toe far. To Gilbert Islands In Tiny Sailboat Vancouver -- (CP) -- Three men in a 35-foot gaff-rigged sloop 'with bright new canvas are in Vancou- ver planning to sail to the Gilbert Islands to do missionary work among the natives. Jack Maier, Harold Gray and Mar vin Norsted, all of Bellingham, Washington, pooled their life sav- ings to purchase the vessel and came to Vancouver where they hope to obtain aid from gzoups sympathy with their . missionary work. Majer was adrift 32 days in a small lifeboat with 15 others after a transport was torpedoed in the South Pacific two years ago. Dur- ing their 1,875-mile trip to the Gil- berts, first land they sighted, Maire sald he decided that his life had been saved to bring religion to the island natives. CHARM FOR BEAUTY Beauteous Helen of Troy "the face that launched a thousand ships" were among other jewelry a ring de- corated with the figure of a_fish-- for luck. Railroad Worker Claims He Found $15,000 Bracelet Farnham, Que. Nov. 26--(CP)-- Gerald Theberge, telegraphist for the Canadian Pacific Railway in this Eastern Townships town, said Tuesday he found a $15,000-dia- mond bracelet which now is in the hands of Montreal police, during a holiday in New York last August. (In Montreal, police said the bracelet, made by a London firm, was reported found in a New York city taxi by a Farnham couple.) Theberge said he forgot about the bracelet until he located it in one of his bags after returning from New York. He said he "made no mystery about it. I showed it to many friends." He also tried to trace the owner, he said, and, after learning recent- ly that the bracelet could possibly be one of the jewels stolen from the Duchess of Windsor in London, he Turned it over to customs authori- es. REAL BIRTHDAY GIFT Hawera, N.Z, -- (CP) -- Not knowing what to give his mother for a birthday present, 17.year- old Eric® Judson, of Hawera, at the last minute bought her a ticket in an Australian lottery on the Melbourne Cup. Now Mrs. A. W. Judson has received advice that the ticket won $80,000. J A "My, How ['ve Changed! Not onNLY have telephones been made to look better, but more important, they work better! The telephone has always had one foot in tomorrow. Thousands of inventions you never see or hear about have helped you get clearer, more dependable, better telephone service. And more inventions are always coming along; telephone improvement never ends . . ; The service is expanding, too. We are completing unfilled orders just as fast as materials become available. More telephones plus better telephones -- and always at the lowest possible cost -- mean more valuable service to every user. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA /-\ PL Ti? A Product of General Foods ~ CORN TOASTIES -- WARNER WILLIAMS ~ E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C Dealer for STEWART WARNER RADIOS 78 SIMCOE N. PHONE 7363 % MODERN DESIGNING SERVICE *x KIN DRIED LUMBER * FREE ESTIMATES Phone 2410W HARLEIGH MFG. CO. 160 KING ST. WEST For your . .. Appliance Repairs Radio & Electrical SEE US!!! Parts and Workman- ship Guaranteed for 90 days Lirten to "Console Capers" , , . Popular Organ Melodies. 'Mondays, CKDO, 7 to 7.15 pm. I Shall Do My Best To Justify the Confidence Placed in Me. Alex S. Ross Many Thanks! for My Election as Alderman by Acclamation to Oshawa's 1948 City Council. Russell Sproule Oshawa! ...for Your Confidence Rae Halliday ms | Shall Try To Do My Best For The City of Oshawa As A Whole. "W. J. Lock

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