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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 Nov 1947, p. 8

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* PAGE EIGHY oD 7 - "THE DAILY TI MES.-GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1947 BEAUTY FOR YOU -- ; Overweight in Youth By HELEN It mama has the kind of figure that keeps bursting the seams of her frock and if she seeks the big- gest easy chair, daughter had bet. ter be wdtchful of her calories. Fat may not run in families-- though it often seems to -- but conditions are favorable for over. development. Then, too, mama, loving the good things of 'he table, may be a too.generous pro. . vider of palatable groceries. Eh- joying viands that build adipose tissue, she urges jthem on her children, : It is well for any teen-age girl or young woman to be mindful of her weight and measurements. Once the human suet has collect. ed, it is firm substance; it does not grow less of it: own accord. Then, too, a fat girl's life is not any too happy. The boys don't tight for the privilege of dancing with her. Getting pretty clothes is a problem. Large sizes are not likely to be chic and youthful, Poor Plumpie has her troubles. The sensible thing to do is to seek the advice of the doctor, He will make a thorough physical pxamination to see if overweight is caused by a glandular trouble. That does not happen often. The usual cause is nothing more nor less than consuming more food than one needs, or eating the wrong kind of food. Physicians realize well enough that overweight is a health men- ace. The do not regard it as a trivial matter. They are more than willing to plan a campaign that will restore the figure to normal proportions. They provide daily menus that appease the ap- petite, yet include the proper pro. portions of food elements, so the diet is balanced. While fats, sweets and starches are cut down, they are not excluded entirely, because they create energy, The diet will consist mainly of lean meats, fish that is not fat, poultry, vegetables that grow above the ground, especially green salads. fruit and fruit juices, buttermilk and cottage cheese, ae he The life of the fat girl is none too happy. - > Bb It is well worth the effort to delete the over-curves. The fat girl lacks lightness of step and grace of movement, as a rule, Lugging around excess tonnage, she may be inclined to habits of indolence, look older than her years, Exercise Is essential. Athletic girls seldom have to worry about measurements, or the report of the bathroom scales. On strong, active muscles fat cells cannot get a toehold. Youth should have plenty of outdoor life, all thé year round. Enjoyment of outdoor sports will develop into a delight. ful madness that will bring all manner of beauty rewards. Also, schools of physical education of- fer splendid opportunities for re. ducing under professional super. vision, WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT The Form of Name for Cards? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs, Beeckman: Your help, please! I have chosen our Christmas cards, my husband's and mine, but wasn't able to decide"on the form of name I should order. for the im- printing . , . told the store I'd let them know later, and now they must be ordered at once. On most of 'the sample cards shown in the albums, the names of husband and wife were imprinted "Mr, and Mrs, John Smith", but this form seems to be unnecessarily formal. Don't you agree? And still I am uncertain about the rule that would apply. Would I be correct in ordering our names (for exam- ple) "Mary and John Smith"? This is the form my husband thinks correct. Puzzled. This is indeed the $64 question concerning the {imprinting of names on Clristmas cards! As you imply, it is lamentable that so many, many of the sample cards shown in the albums carry the formal names , , , "Mr, and Mrs, John Smith" , , , and it is therefore the temptation of most peopla who don't think about ft, to order their names imprinted in the form that the sample cards seem to suggest as correct, Actually, and sensibly, the rule is that the formal name should be used if the card be a formal card (that is, worded in the third per- son) and if the name is at the beginning of the message. For example: Mr. and Mrs. John Peter Smith send you Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year BUT it the card is informal... and Christmas cards are and should in mc t cases be informal friend-to-friend greetings .. , and the name is to be imprinted at the end cf the greeting, the name then becomes a signature. And always the informal name should be used in a signature: Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year Mary and John Smith Isn't it true that those to whom you are sending these friendly messages at Christmas-time call and your husband by your first names? Then why choose the frigidly formal "Mr. and Mrs." form when the pleasantly infor- mal "Mary and John" is, obvious- ly, the form fitting-for-friend- ship? "Lounge Suits" Permitted at the Royal Wedding Dear Mrs, Beeckman: I have just read that on the invitations to Princess Elizabeth's wedding it says that civilians (male) are to wear either morn- ing dress or lounge suits. I know that "morning dress" means for- ma] day attire. But what does "lounge suits" mean? ATR "Lounge suits" are what we call "business suits" or "sack suits". (Incidentally, this is the first 'ime that such informal at- tire as lounge suits has been per- mitted at a royal wedding.) A Party to "Meet" and Welcome An Adopted Baby Dear Mrs, Beeckman: My sister is to adopt a 16- months-old baby, and I would like to know if it would be proper to i * Movie Column By BOB THOMAS Hollywood. -- Bette Davis' next film will be selected partly on the basis of much it taxes her strength. Bette's doctor told her she wasn't strong enough to undertake the strenuous "African Queen," which now has been reported sold 'by Warners. Her next film will be a choice of "Two Worlds of Johnny Truro," "Return of a Soldier" or "Feature For June," and much of the decision will rest on which one will be easiest for her. The actress has been seen in only two films in two years and Warners want her to start another picture right after the holidays. Her cur- rent movie, "Winter Meeting," will be rushed through for a March release. Joan Crawford took over Bette's set the other day. Bette quit work early £0 Joan could use the set for a food conservation short . Friends say the Jack Benny-Al Jolson feud is in earnest... Olivia avilland won't be competing \for another Academy Award this year. "The Snake Pit" won't reach the theatres in time. That will give 20th-Fox a chance to concentrate on its Oscar hopeful. "Gentleman's Agreement." has best chance of any United States film seen by this observer so far . . Horses and Hashes Betty Grable has never worried her pretty head about her own publicity, but when her racehorse gets a write-up, she waves the clippings in front of everyone she meets . . . Note on the state of originality in Hollywood: TU-I is now shooting five films, four from Broadway plays, one a rehash of an old picture-. . . Merle Oberon signed a new con- tract with RKO for on film yearly for the next five years. Her next will be a big color picture . . . Howard Hawks' hard-luck picture, "Red River," is reported to have run up a bill of two-six, which is the way Hollywoodians refer to $2,600,000 . . . Hard Winter Dana Andrews, I discovered, has! a fine singing voice, but he hopes the studios don't find cut. He might have to do musicals . . . it will be a hard winter at RKO. It looks as though there will be noth- ing shooting there from Dec. 15 to Feoruary « « « $ have an adoption-announcement party (or would it be called a shower) ?/ If this would be prop- er, should the party be held be- fore or after she gets the baby? What sort of invitations should be sent out? And should the age of the baby be mentioned in the invitations? This is such an un- usual situation that we don't know what would be correct, N D. J.C. It would be a delightful plan to have an informal little party in- viting the relatives and intimate friends of the family to "meet" your sister's adopted baby. This casual kind of party, given after the arrival of the baby at your sister's home, would be better taste, I think, than your giving a shower, either before or after the baby's arrival. If at a later date one of your sister's friends or a group of her friends wish to plan a shower for the baby, this would be proper and generous-thought- ed, but for you, a member of the family, to give it, isn't in good taste, The invitations to such an in. | formal and intimate gathering may properly be given by tele. phone, or notes might read some- what like this: Dear Aunt Jane, Our adopted baby, 16-months- old - Nancy, has arrived at our Latter |. | GLAMORIZING -- Watch Out for By HELEN > This is the season of the year when the average woman gets little exercise. It is also the sea- gon when those extra pounds sneak up on one. Once the fatl cells take possession it is not easy matter to eviet them, even though you catch them young. Some day, let us hope, there will be a revival of interest in physical education, such as made men and women beautiful in an- cient Greece. We rely too much on cosmetics to put us in the front ranks of good lookers. Make-up helps a lot. It boosts the spirits but don't forget that exercise benefits the complexion as well as your svelte anatomy, Gree of Movement Physical training creates grace of movement. With muscles strong and flexible, circulation is speedy. Exercise promotes a sense of well being, therefore is likely to improve the disposition if it happens to be curdled or snarly. It puts ginger in the step, starlight in the eyes. Go | on, get busy, do something. Every morning, before your | bath, devote 10 minutes to cales- | LJ [0] 3 Weight Gains FOLLETT Good for the abdomen: Sit erect with feet out and raise knees slowly, as shown here by Singer Mona Paulee, LJ] thenics. Lift your hands high above your lead, turn the torso from side to side, pivoting at the waist line. That is the torso twist; it keeps the mid-section in youthful condition. Hands at Sides Hands out at the sides, lift on the toes, then lower your body until buttocks rest upon the heels. Up on the toes slowly. Grand to keep thighs and hips normal, Yes, you'll do a flop or two when you first try it, but what's a tumble in the grand and glorious cause of beauty? Lift your hands above your head, touch the floor without bending your knees. If you can't do it easily, you can know that you should do it. You are either muscle bound or you have taken on too much weight. Supple, slender women, accustomed to exercise, find that it is no trick at all. Here's a good exercise for the abdomen: Sitting erect, with feet outstretched, extend your arms and raise your knees to your chest very slowly, keeping back straight, generate and the function or ac- tion of the liver may be complete- ly restored to normal, : QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS L. A.: Please tell me something about snoring. Answer: Snoring is usually cased by the fact that while the individual is asleep, the mouth falls open, allowing the palate to drop; then when air is brought in and out, vibration of the pal. ate occurs. Obstruction in the nose and throat may be responsible for snoring. An examination hy a A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. LIVER DISORDELS AND DIET THE importance of a well-bal- anced diet and the effects of one which starves the body of essen- tial elements is nowhere more dramatically demons cated than in a disease known as cirrhosis, or hardening of the liver. Formerly almost always fatal, it was thought to be a complica. nose and throat specialist will des termine this, HEALTHFUL PERSONALITY The health factor in personals ity is the theme of an announce. ment from' Jvttawa, where health authorities of the Departe ment of National Healh and Wels fare point out that a pleasing per. sonality pre-supposes tip-top health, The fit person is more likely to be cheerful, full of life, and, above all, tactful, the doc. tors say. Hence health is essential for success in human relations, tion of heavy drinking, It was pi ---------------------- supposed that excessive amounts of alcohol taken by the chronic drinker poisoned the liver, kill- ing many of its cells which were then replaced by non-functioning scar tissues so that in the end this vital organ could perform none of its many duties. Then it was noticed that the hard drinker tends to eat very little, and medical men began to wonder if the lack of food--not the excess of .alcohol--might be responsible for the resultant liv- er damage. This one idea and the work which has resulted from it consti. tute one of the greatest of recent medical advances, for today, when the needed foods are supplied in large enough quantities, life can be prolonged even for those with: advanced liver cirrhosis and ear- ly cases can be cured, Cirrhosis of the liver jaundice or a greenish-yellow coloration of the skin, due to collection of bile pigments in tissues, 'There may also be accumulation of fluids within abdomen, When such symptoms are pres. ent, the patient should be in the hospital, and in bed for at least half the day. He is allowed no alcoholic beverages and is given a diet rich in protein foods such as meat, milk and eggs, and also containing an ample amount of starches. A few physicians also believe ample fats should be sup- plied Fruits and green vegetables are given liberally. Meat is served twice daily and milk five times a day. Yeast is also given to supply the vitamins of the B-complex, Injections Given In addition to this diet, vitamin B-1 or thiamin chloride, and con. centrated liver extract are given | by injection into a muscle, the liv- | er extract twice a week, and the vitamin B-1 daily. In those patients who have a collection of fluids in the abdom- en, fluids are reduced to some ex. tent and salt in the diet is also restricted, If too much fluid collects with- in the abdomen, it is. removed by puncturing the abdomen and withdrawing the fluid with a sy- ringe. Certain mercurial-contain. ing substances may also be em- ployed to stimulate the action of the kidneys and get rid of excess fluid. Of 124 cases of cirrhosis of the liver, 51 showed signs of improve- ment with the diet outlined. It was found that the hest response occurred when treatment was started during the first few weeks of the disease. Thus, it is doubly important that this disorder be diagnosed promptly and treat- ment is conscientiously carried | out in the early stages, there not | {only will be complete relief of the | | symptoms but liver cells will re. | 154 Simcoe , SOUTH causes dis- the -the an the LADIES' '10 choose from! week-end. BUY NOW... and SAVE! During home, and° we want so much to have you and her "meet" each other! So won't you please come | to a little tea-party I am giving on Friday, December 12, at 4 o'clock, for a few relatives and | friends to welcome this charming | young lady into our lives and | Lovingly, "GoTender, Go Delici Thats Calumets baking powder. Calumet protects baking from start to finish. In the mixing ous -- | Double Action" hb) ENDER cakes, little cakes and cookies . . . light, eved textured muffins and batter puddings -- that's the story when you use Calumet Baking Powder! And consistently fine results with Calumet will make you join the thousands of Canadian women who, once trying Calumet, will use no other liearts? Do say "yes"! | i | bowl, myriads of little bubbles form when liquid is added. In the oven, thousands more tiny, even-sized bubbles are released to continue raising the mixture, holding it high, light and even. Follow directions on the tin for any recipe. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK CALUMET DOUBLE ~ACTING BAKING POWDER Lidoiai Wiping. . - asses gleam m to wipe awd MID-TO SHOPPE "Oshawa's Most Exclusive Ladies' Store" and DRESS Suns Each All these are most of our "better" dresses in crepes, bengalines, wool and 2-piece Gress suits. What a selection to All shades in the lot. Sizes range from 11 to 52. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity this No Refunds, No Exchanges WN] Phone4420R Presents This... This Sale! Ladies' WINTER OATS 15 only, . Fleececloth, Meltons, Duveteens., Interlined and cha- mois. Fitted and box styles-- a few of these have hoods. Sizes 11 to 19. Here's the big oppor- . tunity you've waited for! ON SALE Grand Selection HERE'S ALL YOU DO... Just put a few teaspoonfuls of VEL in your dishpan (about half as much as soap). Add water. VEL gives the water amazing new cleaning power that lasts long after suds dissolve. VEL removes grease faster, more completely than soap--in hardest water. Dishes, glasses sparkle without the touch of a towel. And VEL is milder to hands, free from soapy alkalis! Makes hard water act soft Cleans long after suds dissolve Economical--try using half as much Better even in cool water Milder to hands |] VE! salon HANGS water WETTER | to dean sl things BETTER Bi. | VEL uliey Gicaraneedt ¢y GULGATE of the Smartest BLOUSES IN TOWN! In Sheers, Lace Trimmed. Al shades and sizes! Priced at $3.98 See our grand stock of house- coats, Lingerie, Hosiery, etc. Co-Eds Look! Collegiate Blazers Something new in school colors and crests in the new longer lengths. These wre different and 'smart. Pure Wool materials. Ideal for Xmas files. Sizes 11 to bY i On Sale 39.49 EACH A small deposit will hold one of these 'til Xmas! ® Sil : IN OUR YARD VEL keeps stockings oe sheerer, lovelier/ Says Claire Honeyford, Toronto. "My nylons stay lovelier longer now I wash them with gentle VEL. I put just a teaspoonful of VEL in the basin, add luke- warm water . . . dip and squeeze a few times, and JERSEYS--54" WOOLS--In all shades 54" Blue, Anne Green, suitable 54", $2.69 yd. JUST ARRIVED! BLACK CHIFFON VELVET--44 inches wide TAFFETAS--In all colours, 44 inches wide WOOL JERSEY MATERIAL--In Turquoise, Powder We also have a stock of Crepes, Jerseys, Lingerie Crepes, etc. GOODS DEPT. i $2.69 yd. for dresses and dress suits, L washes nylons and ' undies fresh and sheer as Dew , ; , NO dulling soap film", SKIRTS! SWEATERS N-v-78 Wools, Alpines, Plaids éte. Sizes 11 to 44. Oardigan Sweaters of 1000. nmre wool. Evening Gowns made-to-order for Xmas and New Years $3.98 $3.98 ¥ the

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