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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Dec 1947, p. 5

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1947 "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Community Club At Audley Elects Officers The annual meeting of the Com- munity Club, which has been in existence now for over 22 years, was held with a small attendance, large- ly owing to the weather and road condition, but it was an enthusias- tic gathering when Pres. Bill Wint.- ers who has recently obtained living rooms ih Oshawa opened the meet- ing with the usual theme, The Maple Leaf. The secretary, Mrs. R. P. Winter who has recently moved to Picker- ing Village and who has been under- going hospital treatment was not present, and Mrs. C. S. Bryant acted as secretary for the meeting. The financial report was not read owing to the illness of the secretary, but it will appear with the auditors', re- port at the January meeting. The flower committee, which looks after the remembrance of the sick and bereaved submitted a creditable re- view of the year's work. They had a slight balance on hand. The drama committee reported that not much progress has been made and upon motion the drama was shelved for this year and the committee was asked to be prepared for an early showing in 1048. It being moved to the chalr to conduct the elections, ¥. M. Chap- man reviewed briefly the history of the Club stating its objects and the work that had been done for community betterment. Many peo- ple who would like to be at the meetings were detained by nature of their employment at Ajax and Oshawa. Others just took it for granted that the work would go on without their active presence. Misses Dorothy Barlow and Joyce Duncan were named scrutineers and the elections resulted as follows: Pres., Richard Winters Jr.; 1st Vice, Elmo Disney; 2nd Vice, Arch Bell; Secretary-Treas., Mrs. Elmo Disney with Miss May Brown as Assistant Sec.; Directors, Fred Puckrin, Bill Brown, and Percy Neale; Auditor, Mrs. C. S. Bryant; Flower Com., Mrs. Arch Bell, Mrs. C. S. Bryant, and Mrs. F. M. Chapman; Enter. tainment committee, Mrs. Gard Winter, Mary Barlow, Teresa Jor- dan, and Mrs. Wm. Brown; Pianists, Miss Mildred Brown and Mrs. Chas. . Clemence. Votes of thanks were given the chairman and acting and a general discussion took place on ways and means to increase the usefulness of the Club. The fees are $1 per family and the next meeting will be held at the home of Arch and Mrs. Bell Candy bags were then distributed to the children of the members and a tasty luncheon was served. Joe and Mrs. Jordan are in Ontario, attending the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. McBrady is visiting at hét daughter's home here ue a few days. Mrs. C. S. Bryant was leasant] Suptised Ie | week when Sead rom nip and called upon her. = Foranto George Blake and family have re- moved to a house in or near Green- wood. We are sorry to lose them from our neighborhood. Godfrey Willis to our north has Some ion for the winter and . Lyons is looking after pn erty here. is prop George Lawrence has urch 8 lot near Dumbarton aged building upon it in the Spring. nn Mildred Brown attended a 0 e teachers on Tuesday last, St Brodin . _- Gardner Winter has chas = in Fickering village in a at once on the dveiing erection of a Remember the school concert No.3 on Wednesday evening Deo Several of our Jersey breeders at- tended the annual meeting at 2 Poker farm on Wednesday evening Prospect B. M. HOLLIDAY Correspondent Prospect, Dec. 8--Mr., Yi on Sunday preached his fourth in a series of sermons, his theme--This is our Faith, The Holy Trinity, A power took hold of me and gently but irrisitibly made me comfort Jesus: I enjoyed a sharing of, or partnership in, the Spirit of God. Thus the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God are ours Just inasmuch as we are in touch with the Spirit, not otherwise. On Sunday next Dec. 14 church Service at 2.15. Sunday School at Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and John, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wwil- lame, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Law- son Honey, guests at Mr. an Taehe Thompson, li day Dec. 12 -- Christmas Tree and Concert at th Creek School, . Tom to attend the Christm Je aad 'Concert at the Prosest 00l on ursda; Sa @ y evening, Dec. Twenty-two gentlemen of Shirley District, friends and Wi bors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coates met at their home on Tuesday night on the occasion of. their re- cent marriage and treated them to a real charivari. All were invited in and report a grand reception. An enjoyable evening, with sandwiches and home-made candy. On Thursday evening the Pros- pect young people, ladies and gentlemen called on the same happy couple and treated them to another charivari. They too were invited in and report lots of fun, After an en- joyable evening and refreshments left with very best wishes to the bride and groom. Mrs. Ed. Conlin spent the week- end in Toronto with her daughters Misses Marion and Helen Conlin. On Saturday night a number of friends from Raglan and Prospect met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bray on the occasion of the recent marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips--nee Noreen Bray-- and presented them with a miscel- laneous shower from the Raglan friends and a twilight floor lamp from Prospect. They received many lovely and useful gifts. Noreen and John responded thanking all and in- viting all to visit them in their new home in Toronto, 124 Glibe- mount Avenue. A few nights previous a number of friends gathered and gave them a send off in the form of a chari- vari, all receiving a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacock and family Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hh Galbraith, Bow- manville. There passed away in Vancouver B.C, on Nov. 21. Mrs, L. Hardman, Mildred (Milly) daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Port. eous. At one time Mrs. Hardman was well known = here attending public school, later marrying and moving to Vancouver. The sym- pathy of her friends is extended to her sisters Mrs. Edward Lyle-Neva, Mrs. P. Raymer, Irma. Her husband predeceased her in 1935. Mrs. P. Diamond after spending a few weeks with he: son Ewart, Mrs. Diamcnd and family has re- turned to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs. J. Dobson and Mr. Dobson. J] Ashburn W.M.S. Holds Election Of Officers MRS. WES, ROUTLEY Correspond t Ashburn, Dec. 8--The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, Russell Lun- ney, Myrtle, on Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 2.30 p.m., with the president, Mrs. Gordon Fisher, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of the Doxology Scripture reading taken from St. John, Chapter 15, beginning at verse 1% to the end of the chapter, by Mrs, Lunney, followed with prayer by the president, Mrs, Walter Knight presided for the election of officers which resulted in the following being elected for 1948: Iresident, Mrs, Russell Lunney; vice-president, Mrs. Gordo. Fisher; secretary, Mrs, Russell Richardson; treas- urer, Miss Vera Leach; pianist, Mrs. Wm, Gardner; assistant pia- nist, Mrs. N. Anderson; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. R. Batten; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs, W. Routley; home helpers secretary, Mrs, F. Peil/ The regular meeting of the Young People's Society was held at the home of Miss Fern Stephen on Friday evening, Dec, 5, The meeting opened with the singing of favourite Christmas carols, Minutes were read and approved. The missionary objective for the year was set at $20. The Scripture lesson was read by Betty Jean Lunney and prayer by Mrs, Wm. Gardner. Duet by Carol and Patsy Lunney entitled "Room For Jesus;" missionary article on India, by Catharine Fisher, Meeting closed with the "EXPORT" CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE Fowlers WHITBY - FOR : . ® COMPLETE OVERHAULS BY EXPERTS ® GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL CARS ® BATTERY CHARGING ® TOWING SERVICE FOWLER'S GARAGE PHONE 893 CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer 7 17 Ju (um ( V4 7 [1] 7 / lV HORIZONTAL . 47. conductors 1. Oriental tea 48. prey upon 4. European 49. new: comb. viper form . musical 50. salutation drama 51. plume , coal scuttle 52. ornamental . large snak~ . roamer . affirmers . aspect . discount . musical vase 53. decimal unit VERTICAL 1. map 2. linger about a 1k 1and- measure 16. scarcity 19. harass 21. grinds together 22. Scottish explorer 23. watering place 25. got up 27. despicable person 3. sun-dried brick 4. emboldened 5. painful 6. dance step 7. musical wind- instrument 8. hammers continuously 9. discernible 10. thing, in law @ group . Italian city . engenders lachrymal ! drops . break suddenly . food-fish removes moisture beverage the dill . marine carnivore press down coppice storm E loses freshness 43. 44. Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 28. single unit 29. divest 31. distinct part 34. vestiges 36. highway 38. contingency 40. double in narrow folds 41, minister to 42. Prussian city 44, petitioner 45. partofa circle 46. Etruscan Bg 47. South. African et : 32 feminine A time of nema Dist. by King Feat: 45. ures Syndicate. Inc. antelope Mizpah benediction, Don't forget the annual Christ- mas tree and entertainment in the basement of the church on Fri- day evening, Dec, 19, at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Hopkins and Miss Hilda Hopkins spent a few days last week with relatives in Mid- land, Miss Helen Jordan, of the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, was a Sunday visitor with her grand- mother, Mrs, M, Parker, Miss Ruth Richardson, accom- panied by her friend, Mrs. G. Mongreau, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs, Lewls Moase and daughter, Karen, of Pickering, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Goose, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Heron and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Heron, Sr., of Brooklin, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Heron, Dowson Will Run Against Saunders In Election Race Toronto, Dec. 11--(CP)--Toronto was assured of a mayoralty contest this year as Ross 8. Dowson of the Revolutionary Workers Party Wed- nesday was nominated to oppose Mayor R. H. Saunders who has held the office since 1945. Citizens vote Jan. 1. Mayor Saunders said one of the main points of his campaign would be a promise to reduce taxes in 1948. H. Clairmont, a newcomer to the race for four board of control seats, was one of seven nominated for con- trollers' posts. Communist Stewart Smith, defeated last year, again was nceninated, The other nominees were H. E. McCallum, D. A. Balfour, John M. Innes, K. B, McKellar and Harry Bradley. City hall officials said that all mayoralty and board of control candidates had qualified, although qualification deadline is 9 p.m. to- night. McCallum, Innes, Balfour, and McKellar are sitting members of the board of control. Clairmont, a cloak maker, was identified as a member of the Revolutionary Work- ers' Party Ross Dowson, opponent of Mayor Saunders, is a brother of Murray Dowson who was a mayoralty can- didate last year. Murray Dowson polled .- 3,201 votes as compared with Mayor Saunders' 93,220. In last year's mayoralty voting, a third candidate, Frank O'Hearn, rolled 9,402 votes. Mayor Saunders' majority was the largest in the ci- ty's history, Mayor Saunders, in.his nomina- tion day speech today in council chambers, pledged himself to reduce 'the tax rate as much as possible and "at least three-quarters of a mill." Lathe operator Harry Bradley is making his 19th consecutive at- tempt to win election to board of control, DO YOU KNOW that in Canada today there are at least 25,000 people with "unknown cases" of tuberculosis? are kills more Canadians between 15 and 44 than any other disease--as they unwittingly spread infection, maybe to you, yourself, or to a loved one? + +» that the surest means of dis- covering TB early, before it spreads, is the chest X-ray? Please, send your contribution to- Sponsored by The J TTARCTRRGIS KIWANIS CLUB of OSHAWA . that your Christmas Seal money buys X-ray units and makes possible mass examinations? that these "unknown cases" a major reason why TB still \ 'S FOR XMAS GIFTS oa Yuletide essence of 1 hearts! . . . "Scent" fumes, toilet waters f selection. Perfumes, Colognes and G Jarden, Lentheric, Tweed GO TO SNELGROVE'S FOR XMAS GIFTS ove to enchant feminine by you -- powders, per- rom our fragrant holiday ift Sets by Prince Matchabelli, Yardley, Daggett & Ramsdell, Mountain Heather, Eve- ning in Paris, Country Garden, Old Spice, Friendship's hb) , Gemey. GO TO SNELGROVE'S FOR XMAS GIFTS IEEE GO TO SNELGROVE Compacts. Come in While We Still Manicure Sets, Prophylactic Hair Brushes, Stationery, Bath Salts, Dusting Powders, Bubble Bath, Fine Soaps, and Shop Have A Selection « +» Come in and see Xmas gifts that will put a sparkle in the eyes of your men folk. Shop early and you won't be disappointed at Snelgrove's. Lentheric Gift Sets Remington Electric Razors Ronson Lighters 6.00 to 13.50 Pipes, 1.00 to 3:50 Tobacco Pouches 3.00, 4.00 any Razors and Shaving equipment Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobaccos Yardley Gift Sets Woodbury Gift Sets Palmolive Gift Sets Mennen's Gift Sets Spruce, Toiletries for Men 1.50 to Old Spice Toiletries for Men 1.00 to 1.50 Shaving Brushes 1.00 to 5.00 Q GIFTS FOR EVERYONE Wallets, Waterman's Pen and Pencil .Sets, Cameras, Phgto Albums, Pla;ing Cards, Children's Story Books, Puzzles, Gift Sets for Babies. (Limited Stock of Cameras) First Come -- First Served Cameras and Films w.C DRUGGI!S Phone WHITBY SNELGROVE 1 and STATIONER S1419 SVWX ¥04 SIAOUDTINS OL 05 HENNE S110 SYWX 404 SIAOUDTAINS OL 0 684 ONTARIO Phone 3060 MALLETT FUEL 671 ALBERT STREET--OSHAWA PAGE FIVE Phone 3060 | NOW IN STOCK NO. 1 GRADE AMERICAN ANTHRACITE -- ALSO -- ® COAL e COKE @ HARD COAL BRICKETTES Phone 3060 MALLETT FUEL | roone3060 NY DAY -- ANY NIGHT -- ANYTIME! Eno's 'Fruit Salt' for cheerful livers 10-47 111 KING W. -- SWEET, JUICY SUNKIST OPANGES ... FRED'S "Drive-In"' Open Evenings Opposite McLaughlin Coal PHONE 4151W > SPECIAL! _ . D os. 39¢ Emperor OFares ie . Per Doz. 29¢-49c Fresh, Sweet APPLE CIDER, gal. 60¢ Plus 15¢ for Container Pick Your Xmas Tree Now! All Scotch Pines! ~~ FARES ARE LOW Round Trip -- Tax Included % HALIFAX ....00000 ei. e $56.10 QUEBEC ... 23.65 ¥T. JOAN .... NORTH BAY .. 316.50 57.80 71.85 88.55. WINNIPEG .co0esvese.. REGINA ...... . CALGARY VANCOUVER ... Tickets and Information at OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL PRINCE STREET PHONE 2825 PHONE 2825 MORE MONEY! IF YOU HAVE GOO», HEAVY, WELL-FATTED CHICKENS OR CAPONS -- SEND THEM TO PICKERING. FARMS at Whitby, Ontario And You Will Have More Money to Take Home We sell direct te the consumer and can afford to. pay you a higher price for your good chickens and capons. LIVE CHICKENS LIVE CAPONS 1 Ibs. and up Ib. 30: Ih. 23: 8 Ibs. and up We also pay highest prices for DRESSED POULTRY -- TURKEYS -- CHICKENS DUCKS -- GEESE TIA . "PICKERING FARMS LIMITED WHITBY 336 -- NIGHT OR DAY WHITBY, ONTARIO

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