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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Dec 1947, p. 14

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PAGE'FOURTEEN THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1947 WANT AD SECTION v5 S55 ~ BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax- forme prepared, secretarial work Phone 1004J. . 295 Arthur St. (Janl2) ST. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24° Alger Bldg., King | Consulting ac- . East. Phone 2127, SR (Jan13) countant and auditor. 2--Barristers Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted . . 40 Auditors .......... 1 . Automobiles For Sale Wanted . For Rent ,, Supplies Household Houses. For Insurance Instruction Automobiles Wanted Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale ...... 43 Barristers .... te 1 Building Trades ,,.<1 Business Oppor- tunities .... .... 20 | Business Oppor- Wanted. 21 Male Help Wanted . LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. Mortgage Loans arranged. 25 Simcoe North. Phone 67. Residence 308% 11 an CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- lin F. Annis, K.C., 7!2 Simcoe Street South, Phone 4, Residence 769. (Dec19) W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRISTER, etc., 6 King Street East. A. . Solicitor, 3160. 1d 3514. nd K.C., Uxbridge, (Janl) partner W, C. Pollard, Ont. a teen] GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, baristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Janl) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 Kin St. West. Phones: Office 814; residence 3207. Money to loan. im JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, | Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Janl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C.,, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 141; King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Janl) NEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. Residence 3687R. (Jan2) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barrister, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Janl) | . MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. | Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 287TW. (Janl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons | DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven | to twelve and (except Wed and Sat.), | 3-to 4 and 7 to 8 (Jan13) : a | home, 4--Chiropractors | Port Perry. Apply J. I. Coates, 42 Al- STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless | practice including Chiropractic Electro | therapy, mineral vapor bath treatment. Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. ? am. to 9 p.m. dally, except Monday ; and Friday. Jaml) 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Jans) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: | ® am to 6 pm, Wednesday 9 to 1. A E. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. | (Jan24) 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- ing MMfe. 22:; King Street East, phone 2686. Res. 4318R. (Janl) 7--Veterinarians DR. EE H WEBSTER. LARGE AND small animal surgery 101 Richmond St. W. Phone 2010M. (Janl) © 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister. Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Telephone 282. (Jan20) 11--Building Trades FOR TILE AND TERRAZZO, KITCH- ens, bathrooms, washroom, stairways. lobbies and vestibules. Store fronts Frepair work done. Phone 4336W for free estimates, (Dec10,12,15) CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, Decorators. Also Industrial spraying Work guaranteed Phone 3639-4185W, (Dec.10) PHONE 2063W, OSHAWA SAND AND gravel supplies for dump truck service inders, fill, loam, barnyard manure, mushroom manure, Pea gravel for driveways. Apply 163 Ritson South (Jan5) 12--Personal Services DRIVEWAYS CLEANED QUICKLY AND thoroughly by jeep plow. Phone 3344R. creda (28841) | F. A VON GUNTEN EXPERT SWISS | watchmaker Repalr shop at 46 King Street West Your patronage solicited (Dec20) DON'T SUFFER RHEUMATISM | or arthritis. get Ru-mex-ol Phone | Rawleigh Dealer 384 Ritson 8 217R | (Jan3) | 14--Household Repairs FORNITURE REP AND RE-! upholstered See our materials for | recovering. Bruce R. Dalton. 75 | Charles. Phone 401. (Jans) | 18--~Autompbile Repairs | i | MOREY'? GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN | and Gliddon Expert repairs to GM. | Chrysler products. Specializing, « re- building knee action Phone 657 | (Jan13) | 22--Lost and Found | LEFT ON 11.30 P.M. BUS FROM TO- ronto, November 29th, man's large light blue, hand knit sweater. ward, Phone 520, Whitby. (290b) SE, LOST, "CHILD'S GLASSES IN between Simcoe South Sc and Avenue St. Return to 380 Simcoe South, side door. (290b) LOST, BLOND COCKER SPANIEL | pup, child's pet. Phone 1939). (290a) LOST, 2 YOUNG BEAGLE HOUNDS, black, white and tan, Phone 3174M. (288¢" 23--Women's Column CHARIS--HAVE YOUR- FIGURE PROB- lem solved by professional adviser. Phone Mrs. Blatter, morning or eve- ning, Ww. (Janl) 24--Personal CURTAINS, stretched, Apply 85 Ontario St. front door, Bowmanville, Phone 2630. (290¢c) ANY PERSON WHO ORDERED BED- "time Stories and not received them, please phone 723J12. (Dec.12,19) Lo---.cal state For Sale 9-RCOM UNFINISHED HOUSE, ONLY needing plaster, floors and trimmings. Appiy 732 Albert St, (288c) rooms, confectionery 8 SY Gp 00 09 ctore and equipment, good yas ac es location. Prospects very pro- .. Imm:diate possession. vu fy Ny Ny--Attractive 4-room bunga- yUUJUU low, 8 vears old, bullt-in 4 fire-plece, electricity, gar- iate possession. --6-room brick, $1,000 cash, all conveniences, garage, possession. PERT PEYTON Ber' Tia'e and Insurance 13. Bend E. ¥ Phone 3399 DAY OR EVENING (Jan1) | basement with LAUNDERED AND | 4 ve . 3 vssees 16 41 Chiropractors ..... | Dentists .. Dressmaking Employment anted ......... ONE INSERTION os INDEX TO WANT AD:CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Funeral Directors . Gardening and Loan Wanted ... Lost and Found .. Legal Notices ..... Male and Female Help Wanted Money to Loan . Nursing Service .. Optometrists ...... CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Physiclans and Surgeons . : Personal ......... Personal Services .. Pets and Livestock Radio Repairs .... Real Estate Agents . . 38 + 20a | 8 15 Repairs 14 Rent .. Real Estate Wanted . Real Estate Exchange .. Rooms For Rent .. Room and Board .. Room and Board Wanted Veterinarians Women's Column Wanted to Rent .. Wearing Apparel .. 27 29 30 30a : § -23 31 35 «es 392 i i D 13 5 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word od 02 031% 05 Ole 00 per month for full word. before publication. P and $5. 20 words or less. 20c additional for all Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure count as a Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. words over 20. 25--Rea! Estate For Sale 7 HOME FOR CHRISTMAS $3,300--6-room, lights and water. North | estate see Jones and Nolan, Brokers! Oshawa. $4,300--5-room brick bungalow, West | mount. $4,500--6-room frame, Westmount. | $4,500--6-room frame, McMillan Drive. | $6,000--8-room, insul brick, Westmount. $7,000--6 rooms) Stucco, North East. Ni ew. I HAVE OTHERS W. McAULEY, REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M Anytime. (Dec.12,15) | TO CLOSE ESTATE, 8-ROOM BRICK all conveniences, located In bani St., Mimico, Ont. (290c) CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3'80 --4 rooms, Insul brick, $ built-in cupboards, city conveniences, garage. South-East sec- tion. Small down payment. Vacant, possession. Let us show you this one. JONES & NOLAN BROKERS (290b) SIMCOE STREET NORTH $8,900 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7-room brick with modern kitchen and bathroom, 4 bedrooms, natural fire- place, sunroom, attached garage, flag- ged terrace and garden, walk beauti- fully landscaped. An exclusive listing. $7,200 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 115-storey brick home, just decorated. Oak floors. In most desirable resid- ential erea. Owner is moving at once. You cap be .iIn and have your Xmas dinner in a lovely new home. Built in 1946. Electric hot water tank, 7° base- ment, combination doorsiron railing around front porch. Good housekeep- ' ing makes it a pleasure to go through this nice modern home. listing. Dhome 9400 chofield INSURANCE Agency 0 REALTORS 6 SIMCOE ST. N. (290b) TEN-ROOM DUPLEX AT 162 PARK Rd. N. Occupied. Unfinished. Large lot, double garage. All for $4400. cash. House under construction, large enough for two or three families, at No. 326 Elgin St. W. Large 75 ft. lot, 8 ft. large windows, with outside doors and windows in. All for $2,600. cash. 75 ft. lot, basement dug out, 18 yds. of field stones, 25 yds. gravel, at 328 Elgin St. W. All for $475. cash, Apply to F. D. Bofre, 162 Park Rd. N. Oshawa, Ont. (290b) $5,000 75cm: rex nose. vasan: | now. $5.8007%:5" frame "aan ai conveniences, hot water heating. Im- mediate possession. | --$1,000 down, 5-room insul $4.80 brick house, water, lights, stool. Vacant now. $4 000 sL.000 down, 6-room frame | ' house, water, lights, stool. | Close to bus line, Vacant now. | --half cash, 6-room insul- $5,200 brick house. All conven- | lences. Immediate possession. --$2,500 cash. 7-room insul- ($4. 500 brick house. Alexander i Blvd, Immediate possession. I 3 80s 840 cash, 6-room stucco 33. from oe: KI Mg $15.00 | -- $6,500" cash, grocery i store and butcher shop, 5 rooms living quarters, Good Icha- | tion. Turn over yearly, $50,000. or ex- | change for house in Oshawa. M. HENNICK REAL ESTATE BROKER 442 SIMCOE ST. S. (Tues.-Frl.) 6 20 --half cash, buys lovely 5- { ' room brick bungalow, | only built six years. Hardwood floors, | Insulated, hot water heating, garage. | Possession when deal closed. $5 60 --Flve-room frame cottage. ' Just off Simcoe. Hardwood ' floors, furnace, garage. Terms and pos- session arranged, a $3 60 --half cash, buys lovely id frame cottage In good condition throughout, large garden, garage. ' LISTINGS WANTED N. J. METCALF Salesman for MOWAT & OSBORNE i FEAL ESTATE BROKER | PHONE 328 -- EVENINGS 762M ) (2908) Exclusive | 25 Real Estate For Sale 31--Wanted To Rent sire room and board in private home. Box 344, Times-Gazette. (290b) GARAGE WANTED, VICINITY SIMCOE and Buckingham. Phone 3712. (Dec.9,10,12) GARAGE, VICINITY GLADSTONE Ave. Phone 3023J. (289Db) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER & WIFE require three or four room apartment. Rent up to $70 per month. Phone 2148W, after 5:30. (289¢) THREE ROOMS OR APARTMENT WITH cooking facilities. Quiet couple with daughter, age 3. Phone 3189J after 5 p.m. (288c) 32--Automobiles. For Sule '36 BUICK, EXCELLENT CONDITION, 6 good tires. Cash, trade or terms. Brown's Garage, Raglan. (290b) '34 OLDSMOBILE 6, EXCELLENT condition, radio, heater, good tires, consider older model as part payment. Phone 4594M after 4. (2 '44 G.M.C. 215-TON TRUCK, A-1 CON- dition, also dry pine lumber. Reason- able, must be sold. Bowmanville 2418. (290b) '28 DURANT, NEW TIRES, GOOD RUN- ning ordér, $150, or best offer. 310 St. Julien. (2908) 1946 CHEV. 5 PASS. COUPE, HEATER, defroster, slip covers and fog light; 7.300 miles. Best offer. 300 St. Eloi Ave. (289b) 1039 MAPLE LEAF TRUCK, 2!2-4ON stake body; good condition. Cheap for cash. National Grocers, 72 Bloor East. (289b) 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, GOOD CON- dition. Phone 276TW1. (290b) '36 FORD COACH, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Phone Pickering 8R13, 31 Tudor Ave., Ajax. (289c¢) { WHEN BUYING OR SELLING REAL | 612 Prince St. Phone 2667. cl | LOT FOR SALE, 50° X 150°, LANS- downe Courts, North Oshawa. Box 249 | Times-Gazette. (290c) 1 25c--Farmers' Column | COW FOR SALE, DUE TO CALF DEC. ! | 18. Sam Burgoyne, Five Points. (290c) |25 HYBRID YEARLING HENS FOR | sale. Phone 2879R.. (288¢c) | 26-- Real Estate Wanted : tata temo. '39 CHRYSLER ROYAL "6", WITH overdrive. Bargain for quick sale, heater, radio, new motor, new radiator, winterized. Phone 3860J. (289c) '31 MODEL A FORD, COACH, GOOD condition, good tires, motor recently overhauled, $250. or best effer. 110 Wil- | llam St. W., days. (288c) | '36, OLDS. SEDAN, 6 CYLINDER, EX- cellent condition, will accept trade, , cash, terms. Naiman's Garage. 181 Al- bert St. (288d) "47 ENGLISH MADE, MORRIS, EXCEL- Phone Orono 76R1. (288c) MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR | clients with cash. List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- | ranged. Phone 3510M and I will call | and inspect your property. W. Mc- | Auley, Realtor, 150 Division St. (Janl2) LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH PEY- | ton's Real Estate, if you are anxious | to sell and appreciate action. 13 Bond | East. Phone 3399. (288c) | ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! PRO- | perties wanted. We sell quickly for (cash. ' Call G. Barrow, Real tate, | 3165W_ (2891) | LISTINGS WANTED | I have clients with cash, wanting { mode .1 5 and 6 roomed houses, also | clients wanting cheaper houses with part cash. If you have a house to | sell, phone me and I will call. No obligation. W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer | PHONE 716 | (27611) | 29--Rooms For Reni DOUBLE ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS, | gentlemen preferred. Apply 157 Agnes , ( St. Phone 4691R. 290b) | TWO ROOMS FURNISHED, ABSTAIN- ers, children welcome. No dogs, cats, or monkeys. Housekeeping, garage op- tional. Phone Whitby 2124. (290b) TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING | rooms. Quiet business couple preferred. ! laun- | dry privileges. Near Collegiate and Hos- | Rangette, extension telephone, | pital. Phone 2456. (280b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE | 2 gentlemen or 2 refined ladles. 231 | Huron St. Phone 3838W. (290a) (FURNISHED BED-SITTING ROOM, | | light housekeeping, suit quiet business , couple. Box 346, Times-Gazette. (290a) | WARM BED-SITTING OR BEDROOM, | housekeeping privileges, continuous i hot water, quiet home, central, ness gentlemen or lady. 4536W. (290a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINU- ous hot water; 65 Elgin St. East, phone 3184M. (289¢c) FURNISHED ROOM, CLOSE TO BUS Hine; quiet home, 559 Masson, phone | 2764W. (289c¢) | MODERN STORE FOR RENT OR SALE, | | at 446 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 2015 (289c) TWO SINGLE ROOMS, NEWLY DEC- orated, hot water; central; two gen- | tlemen. Phone 527W, (289c) ROOM WITH BATH FOR TWO GEN- tlemen, 29 Eléna St. Phone 3444J (289c) | WARM SINGLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR | gentleman, close to Motors. Apply 124 | Agnes St. LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, ground floor, suitable for two, no housekeeping. 299 Simcoe South. (288d) {ROOMS FOR MEN, BREAKFAST IF j gestred. Apply 64 Arlington Ave, Phone | 896J. (27611) | 29a--For Rent | FOUR LARGE CABINS, OIL HEATED. | Apply at Penguin Club or phone 820, Whitby. (28411) | 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, separate beds, near Motors. Phone 3953J. (290b) | GENTLEMAN TO SHARE ROOM another, separate beds, continuous hot , water. Phone 1021M. (2 |31--Wanted To Ren: | on OR TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS | for young business couple, close to ! Motors. Light housekeeping. Phone | 2413W. (290b) busi- | gentleman preferred. | WITH | Reasonable. 181 Albert St. 90c) | WB BUY AND SELL USED 33--Automobiles Wantec CARS SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT. SEE "John" today at Powell Motor Sales, North Oshawa. Phone 4694J. (Janll) '37 TO '38 6 CYLINDER, ANY MAKE, | Phone 4377, before 6. (289¢) CASH FOR YOUR CAR BRAMLEY Motor Saies 1271 Simcoe St. North Phone 4695W. (Jan3) | SEE US BEFORE SELLING | We will pay top price for your car. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King St. West | (258t1) | LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS - | Srice wanted for wrecking Highest orices pald. Phone 3362. evenings 1278 (Dec15) | 34--Pets and Livestock | COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, REGISTER- | ed male and female. Black, red and i blond. Real beauties for Christmas | gifts. Mrs. McLean, Pickering, 104R11. | (Dec.12,13,19,20) COLLIE PUP, 4 MONTHS OLD. $5 Knowlton's Kennels, 5 Points, Oshawa. ! (290c) housebroken. Phone 4374J. ( 289c) 100, SIX MONTHS OLD PULLETS, White Sussex and Red Hampshires. 305 Gibbon St. (289b) REDBONE FOX HOUND FOR SALE Phone 3203R. 11 Woodcrest Ave. Knowlton's Kennels. Reg. Fox Terriers, Reg. Cocker Spaniels, puppies grown dogs. Five Points, Oshawa. (Jan.4) | OVERCROWDED, WILL SELL REGIS- | tered cocker spaniels, various ages, blacks, reds and partis, lovely puppies. Some sired by champlons. Waubena Kennels, mile west of .Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway. (Dec 29) CANARIES FOR SALE, GOOD SING- | ers and hens; also cages. 400 Montrave Ave, Phone 2862J, 4 (Jan.4) | SPANIELS FOR SALE, JAMES THOMP- son. 113 Westmount Ave. (285g) BEAUTIFUL AFGHAN PUPPIES. THE ideal Christmas gift. $25. and up. Twin | Birch Kennels, Whitby 839. (288g) | dy for training. Canaries in full song | Beautiful Christmas gifts. Phone 3745 (Dec27) | 35--'Wearing Appare! | MAN'S COMPLETE TUXEDO, 36-37; also complete tails, 38-40. Phone 1192J. BROWN BRQADTAIL FUR COAT, | | squirrel collar, size 16 to 18, good con- | dition. Phone 2660R. (290a) | LYNX FUR COAT, SIZE 16-18, GOOD | condition, $75. 218 Bloor E. (290a) { FUR COAT, PERSIAN SIDES, BLACK, | size 16 or 17: reasonable. Apply 170 | Alma St. (289b) | MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT, SIZE 40. | Price $10. Call after 7 p.m. Phone an, (289b) Bl COAT AND MUFF, SIZE 16, Phone 3845J. (289¢) ACK $60. | PERSIAN LAMB COAT, SIZE 16-18, good condition. Bargain $100.00. Apply Box 336, Times-Gazette (288c) DRESS SUIT, TAILS; ALSO MAN'S blue Elysion cloth overcoat, Bo (287e) CLOTHING pressed like ter sterilized cieaned and | new. Carrying a big stock of Win | coats suits and pants 21 Bond St | Ww. Sam Swartz. (Jan?) | Times. Gazette classified ads pay --Why not try one today. | | Advertisers Know That .... THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! 34--Pets and Livestock "I could have sold a advertiser. You To » can get oO BEAGLE HOUND, 6 YEARS OLD. EX- cellent hunter for fox, rabbits. Phone and it's so easy, Daily Times-Gazette. dozen more," reported this results from classified advertising, Simply call 35, The ) | Open evenings. JUST ARRIVED . TODAY, SUNSHINE ' lent condition. 45 miles to the gallon. ! RED COCKER SPANIEL REGISTERED, | (288c) | PUPPIE PALS 'FOR CHRISTMAS AT | and | BABY BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS, REA- | | 36--Articles For Sale REFINED BUSINESS COUPLE DE- | GIVE HER OR HIM A BICYCLE FOR | | Christmas, avallable on Thrifty Budget | Terms if desired, at B. F. Goodrich ' Store, King and Ritson Rd. PROD, | ol ONE 10-FT. CIGARETTE WALL CASE; {one 9 ft. sporting goods wall case; ! one 6 ft. wall case; all hardwood. Ap- | |'ply 61 King E. (290c) | TRICYCLE FOR SALE, MEDIUM SIZE, {good condition. Apply 83 Buckingham Ave. (290b) MOVING SALE, TRADE-IN PRINCESS | Pat, all enamel, 9-30 coal range with { warming oven. Princess Pat semi- | enamel 9-30 coal range, with reservoir and warming oven. Beatty copper tub washer, rebuilt, guaranteed. _ 3-pe. | chesterfield springs, like new, covering | fair, $29.50. Daveno bed, like new. | Walnut veneer m suite, dresser, ! chiffonler, bed and springs, like new, | $145. Walnut dining-room suite, com- | plete with China cabinet, $150. Mur- | phy's Appliance and Furniture, 57 { King West, Bowmanville, Phone iL (290b) tricycles, in all sizes. Also boys' anu | girls' sidewalk bikes. Avallabls on | Thrifty Budget Plan if desired. B. F. | Goodrich Store, King and Ritson Rd. | Phone 247. (290b) | ROUND WALNUT CENTRE TABLE. jo Simcoe St. N. Phone 2022R. (280b) SIX CHAIRS, LEATHER BACKS AND seats, priced to sell. Phone 3147J. (2908) CHILD'S C.C.M. BOOTS AND SKATES, size 9, Apply 380 Simcoe South, side door. (290b) ONE 14-KARAT, ORANGE BLOSSOM diamond ring, size 6. Never worn. Rea- sonable. Phone 4734W between 5-6:30. (290c) ! MOVING SALE, NEW VELOUR CHES- | terfield, 3-pc., tub style, regular, $325., | for $242.50; Mohair chesterfield, 3 pcs., regular, $295., for $219.; new repp 3-pc. chesterfield, $119.50; rug, 6'x9', regular $54., for $39. Murphy's Appliances, 57 King West, Bowmanville, Phone 811. | Open evenings. (290b) 8-FT. TOBOGGAN AND CUSHION, i child's skis and poles. 1759R. (290a) QUANTITY USED LUMBER FOR SALE. !2"x6"", Apply Box 349, Times-Gazette. (290c) | 8 SECTION ELECTRIC STEAM RAD- ! lator. Demonstrator model. One only. | $27.95. | Regular $39.95, clearing price, B. F, Goodrich Store, King and Rit- ison Rd. Phone 247. (290b) | CHESTERFIELD SUITE, PRACTICALLY | new, wine and green velour. Bargain, $165. 272 Grooms Ave., phone 433J. (289¢c) DRY HARDWOOD: FACTORY CUT- tings, delivered, $5 per lot. Phone 3288. (289¢) | CHRISTMAS TREES FOR _SALE. 61 Brock St. East or Phone Dave Bradv, | 3866. (2891) SPRINGFIELD .22 AUTOMATIC, A-1 condition. Phone 1874J. (289¢c) BABY TENDA, GOOD CONDITION; reasonable. Phone 4615W. (289¢c) MOFFATT ELECTRIC STOVE, WRIT- inz desk. 387 . Beverly Street, off Roxborough. (289¢c) PAIR LADY'S FIGURE SKATES, SIZE 612; doll beds, dolls, men's and boys' | tube skates, sizes 5 to 81%; radio and settee. 29 Elena St. Phone 3444J. (289b) ONE WASHING MACHINE, 8-PIECE dining room suite, crib, double bed, | mattress and spring, electric steam | heater, dresser, chrome table, 4 chairs, refrigerator. 480 Montrave Ave. (289¢c) ONE BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE in good operating condition. One 14" | typewriter in good operating condition ! $65; one Dictaphone in good working condition. Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, Ont. (Dec.3,5,8,10,12,15) WOOD FIBRE MATRICES (Similar to heavy cardboard sheets) SIZE 24" x 20" Suitable for insulating garages, hen houses, barns, or similar blds. lc EACH--ANY QUANTITY APPLY TIMES-GAZETTE D. M. ALLOWAY (287e) NEW AND USED ARMY TYPE HEAT- ers, Used Quebec heaters and cook | stoves. Dominion Furnishing Co. 156 Simcoe 8. (Dec.22) HERE IT IS, THE MODERN WAY OF i finishing floors. Plast-I-Gloss Plastic. Dries in one hour, Ends waxing. Phone | 3235. Glecoff's Grocmeateria, We deliver. (Jan.9)y TREES FOR _ SALE, Delivered. CHRISTMAS | Scotch pine and: spruce. | Phone 4187R. (285g) | 3 PAIRS GIRL'S WHITE SKATES, SIZE | 4, 4%3, 5. Phone 4292J, anytime before 4 :30. w (288c) | CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, spruce and balsam, 33 Hall St. (Dec23) MAN'S LEATHER COAT, SIZE 38, HIGH back sink, taps, and drain board; hand | wringer; open stove, Phone 449J. (288c) DORMEYER FOOD MIXERS, ONLY A few left. Importation from States ban- ned, one only to a customer. Meagher's. | Phone 42, (Jan.5) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ ° 8q ft. Measured and Installed. George M Reid Phone 2104 66 nd AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. We advise getting next year's awnings | now. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N. Oshawa. ! (Dec.27) GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR BABY Doll Prams, Kindergarden Sets, Tri- 'cycles, Wagons, Rockers, Kiddie Cars, Cradles, Sleighs, Automobiles, Desk Sets, Rocking Horses, Baby Prams, Cribs, High Chairs, Commodes, Walkers. FOR IM Smokers, Lounge Chalrs, Cellarettes, Bed Lamps, Table Lamps, Magazine Racks, Bridge Sets, Card Tables, Book- cases, Desks, Blankets. FOR HER Sewing Cabinets, Cushions, Electric Tea | 36--Articles For Sal 37--Articles Wanted TURKEYS FOR XMAS From 12 to 25 lbs. All raised on ! wire, milk finished. ! CAPONS .........., from 5 to 9 lbs. ROASTING CHICKENS | J ee ieiienersvverss from 5108 Ibs. BOILING FOWL .. from 5 to 7 lbs. ! FRYERS ...e0s... from 2 to 3 Ibs. GEESE .... . from 12 to 15 lbs. DUCKS .......... from 3 to 4 lbs. Place your order before | DEC. 20, 1947 for New Year's delivery. We also draw ready for oven. PHONE 4394M R. LITZ POULTRY STATION 117 BLOOR EAST (290h) 9 BAGS CEMENT, 799 ROWENA ST. Phone 3589R. (289b) WELDING EQUIPMENT. (288c) ACETYLENE Phone 1150R. CHRISTMAS TREES 75¢,TO $1.50 EACH DELIVERED Over five hundred to choose from. Or- der early. Avold disappointment. 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH PHONE 3235 (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19,22,23,24) | Loin Pork Chops or Roasts 1b. 43c | Lean Minced Round Steak 1b. 45¢ | Teabone, Wing or Sirloin Steak | vias cer sesesess lb. 47c | Fresh Pork Liver .. 2 1b. 39¢c | Fresh Stewing Lamb .... 2 1b. 25¢ Shoulder Lamb Chops .... lb. 29¢ Fresh Minced Hamburg .. 2 Ib. 49¢ Smoked Bacon Squares .... 1b.29c Smoked Fillets, Bonless ...., lb. 33¢ Smoked Breakfast Bacon .. lb. 55¢ 174 RITSON ROAD 8S. PHONE 3235 FREE DELIVERY wih (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19) | PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL your floors, ends waxing, lishing. | Phone 4538W. 23 Bond West, We deliver. | an sy (Jan) | 3% WALNUT STEEL BED, SPRINGS | and spring-fillled mattress, also walnut | dresser. All in A-1 condition. Phone 4076R, (288¢) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simene St N Phone 3800W. i 1 6-FT. WASH-UP BASIN Complete with 3 sets of hot and cold mixing taps, mounting brackets etc, Suitable for garage or small factory. APPLY TIMES-GAZETTE D. M. ALLOWAY (287e) MAKE IT A SPORTING XMAS Skis, Poles, Binding, Boots, Slacks and Accessories. Gun Cases, Decoys, Ammuni- | tion, Flash Lights, Lanterns, Shirts | Casting Rods, Trolling Rods, Casting {and Trolling Reels, Tackle Boxes, Nets, | Lines, Baits, etc. No Excise Tax on | This Merchandise. | | | SMITH SPORTS 353 KING ST. WEST Open Evenings. Guns, PHONE 472 (Dec.13) | STOVE, OIL STORAGE TANKS, COM- | plete with taps. Harry Perry Wholesale, | 9 Court St. Phone 2015. (Decl?) FISHING TACKLE FOR CHRISTMAS Lines, Baits, etc, Good stock of Ameri- i can and Canadian tackle to choose from. SMITH SPORTS 353 KING WEST Open Evenings PHONE 472 | (Dec.13) | OIL; BURNERS ~ SALES PLUS, A complete reliable service Out-of-tbwn customers solicited. Borrowdale. Phone 584J (Dec18) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Order her Venetian Blinds for Christ- mas. Custom-made by expert craftsmen of Met-Wo Industries Limited in var- lous materials and colors. Free estimates and Installation anywhere. J. W MELLEY Phone 4101W Oshawa P.O. Box 421 7-Days Delivery (273t1) CHOICE Christmas Trees PHONE 821 H. & K. HARDWARE 337 Simcoe St. S. After 6.30, 8 Olive Ave. (290c) Kettles, Chenille pre H ' Irons, Coffee Tables, End Tables, Lamps, Sparkling Mirrors, Tri-Lite Lamps, Ce- dar Chests. GIVE FURNITURE THE LASTING GIFT Beautiful Kroehler Chesterfleld Suites, modern lovely walnut Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Suites, Marshall Spring-filled Mattresses, Famous Beauty Rest Mat- tresses, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs, Hall Trees, Chest. Drawers, Drapes, Pictures, Gateleg Tables, Rugs, Rangettes, Coal Stoves, Refrigerators, Electric Heaters. OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY BUDGET TERMS WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA, ONTARIO (Dec.22) 37--Articies Wanted | WHITE OVERSHOES TO FIT BABY'S boot, size 31. Phone 2889W. (290b) MECHANICAL TRAIN WITH TRACKS. Phone 1622J. (2902) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL. | |son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388, (Dec27) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters 56 King West. 3326W. (Jan5) TWO ° PAIR GIRLS' SKATES WITH white boots, size 7. 'Mrs. T. I. Thom- son, Brock Street South, Whitby. Phone 633. (289b) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box. Quebec heater. cook stoves 24 Bond West HIGHEST PRICES No taxon present stock of Reels, Rods, PIANO SUITABLE FOR SCHOOL, WILL pay highest cash, plain case preferred. In writing state make and price want- ed, Box 316, Times-Gazette. (Dec.16) 38--Female Help Nanted GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. No cooking or washing. Live in. Free Any evening desired at 5. $17 weekly. Bonus of $10 for working Christmas Day. Phone Pickering 121, (290a) FOR FINANCIAL OFFICE: JUNIOR Typist and file clerk, not necessarily experienced. This position offers good opportunity for advancement. Apply Box 345, Times-Gazette, giving full particulars. (290c) HOUSEKEEPER FOR TWO ADULTS and 10-year-old child, light housekeep- ing. Modern home, all conveniences. Pleasant room available, Sleep in or out. Phone 419M. (290b) MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL FOP general housework. 3 adults. Evenings off, 66 Warren Ave. (289b) 39--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY MAN FOR large risuive Soe, in Peter- ugh, best working condition. Appl 340, Times-Gazette, 2 (288) SALESMAN TO SELL GUARANTEED electrical products direct to consumer, offices, factories, schools, retail stores. Experience not necessary if aggressive. 20% commission. Exclusive teritory, with repeat business credited. Give complete details and phone number to Box 430, Times-Gazette. (290c) 42--Legal Notices TENDERS addressed to the igned, and d "Tender For Harbour Repairs (East Breakwater), Port Hope, Ontario" will be received until 3.00 p.m., Wednesday, January 7, 1948, for harbour repairs (East Break- water), Port Hope, Durham County, Ontario, ' Plans, form of contract and specifi- cation can be seen and forms of tend- er obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at the office of the District Engineer, G.P.O. 36 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario, and at the Post Office at Port Hope, Ontario. Note: Upon application to the un- dersigned, the Department will supply blue-prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of $10.00, in the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on the return of the blue- prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered kank in Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Pub- lic Works, equal to 10-per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Can- ada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount, By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, December 8, 1947. EALED grALE | SHOOTING MATCH, SATURDAY, DEC. 13, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Turkeys, Geese, * Ducks. Fred LaSalle, Harmony Rd. N. 1st road East. Phone 3430J1. (Dec.9,11,12) ANNUAL NATIVITY SERVICE AT ST. George's Church, Friday, December 19th, at 8 p.m. (Dec.9,12) DANCING AT THE AVALON EVERY Wed., Fri. and Sat. nine till 12, Ki West. (Tues, Fri, 40--Agents Wanted TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL WAT. kins' household-products. No experience necessary. Apply immediately to Box 318, Times-Gazette, (Jan 4) #1 --Employment Wanted SCOTTISH LADY WOULD LIKE housework; few days weekly. Apply Box No. 343, Timgy-Gazette. (289b) SAWING CORD WOOD, BY HOUR. Own equipment. Phone Whitby iL ) SNOW PLOWING AND WOOD CUT- ting done. Phone F, Balley, 23047, (2861) Science Changes Fishing Vessels 1 Vancouvar--(CP)--Pacific coast fishing fleets--formerly little boats with gaping holds and waiting nets --are becoming more and more sci- entific as the quest for king tuna takes them further to sea each year. Refrigeration, costing approxi. mately $2,000 per boat, is taking the rlace of huge blocks of raw ice once thrown in the hold to preserve catches. The idea is believed the first step toward fast Canadian tuna clip- pers, similar to United States vese sels operating out of Portland and Seattle, each costing $250,000. The trend toward more complete | refrigerating plants and long dis- | tance navigation instruments is a | direct result of fishermen being | forced to follow the Japanese cur- | rent each year, sometimes staying at sea months at a time. Sometimes ships come on tuna 100 miles off shore, after having been out 12 days or more afd may have to fish for several days to in. sure a remunerative catch. High cost of installing refrigera- tion equipment is a result of the difficulty of insulating the tiny, weather-worn hulls, OIL FROM COAL Capetown--(CP)--After 10 years of research on production of oil from coal, and investigations ' of processes overseas, licenses will be issued by the government for oil from-coal projects to be started in the Union. Letchworth, Eng.--(CP)--Prize at a local dance was 10 pounds of potatoes, which are rationed in Britain." JANITOR WANTED Applications. will be. received for the position must be under 50 years of Janitor of the Oshawa Schools. Applicants of age. Apply in writing giving full particulars of qualifications to W. GORDON BUNKER, Business Administrator, Board of Educafion AR RR r. and Mrs. Coal User: service. liveries hazardous, it is supply and future del Every Citizen Knows PHONE 58 metal, rags, mattresses Cedardale Iron Metals, Station. Be Wise and Order More of Your Goal Needs--NOW! We are anxious to give you the best possible But when icy or snow-filled streets make de- take care of last-minute rush orders. Remember, too, that coal cars are still in short sizes of coal are uncertain. We can give you immediate delivery in all sizes of "blue" coal now. LANDER COAL COMPANY most difficult for us to veries of your favorite "blue coal" qualities 43 KING ST. A ROS

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