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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Dec 1947, p. 8

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} PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1947 Mrs. H. Farndale W. A. President For Kedron Area By Staff Reporter Kedron, Dec. 10 -- Kedron W.A, met at the home of Mrs. W, L. Mountjoy on Thursday. The meeting opened with "Ave Maria" with Mrs. H. A, Werry as pian- ist. Mrs. F. W. Lee and Mrs. R. E. Lee were in charge of worship period and program with Mrs, R. E. Lee presiding. The topic was "Love" with Christmas the leading thought. A manger, accompanying figures and lighted candles made an ef. fective central arrangement, The poem, "Love Came Down at Christmas," was followed by "Gentle Mary" in fine voice by Mrs. F. Snowden and with "Come Let Us Adore Him" in chorus by all. "The Magnificat" was read in unison. "Infant Holy" was sung, followed by the Christmas Story from Luke, read in a clear voice by Mrs, F. W. Lee, inter- spersed with suitable short pray- ers by the leader, "0, LittlefTown of Bethlehem" was followed by a Christnias story by Willa Mount. oy. 19 there's a Song In the Air" was beautifully sung by Mrs, D. McGrath. Mrs. Lee read "Be- cause Jesus Came," and Mrs. J. Glover read "The Stranger." A closing verse and prayer closed this period. Following the business, Rev. G. W. Gardner presided over the election of officers which result- ed as follows: President, Mrs, H. Farndale; vice-president, Mrs, H. A. Werry; secretary, Mrs. E. Mountjoy; assistant secretary, Mrs. H, Pascoe; treasurer, Mrs. H. Crossman, assistant treasurer, Miss Luella Hepburn; missionary secretary, Mrs. C. F. Werry; manse 1.presentative, Mrs. H. Farndale; temperance secretary, Mrs. G, W. Gardner; flower com- mittee, Mrs, H. Crossman, Mrs. H. A. Werry; pianist, Mrs. R, E. Lee; assistant pianist, Mrs. H. Werry. visitors,' Mrs. H, Pascoe, Mrs. C. Werry, Mrs. J. Glover, Miss Luella Hepburn. The program included: Piano solo, Muriel Werry; reading, Beryl Mouu'joy. Mrs. McGrath favored with "Bless This House." Thanks to those assisting, by Mrs. Lee, and a prayer by Rev. G. W. Gardner closed the meet- ing. A delightful lunch was serv- ed and an especial pleasure was to have Mrs. F. W, Lee assist- ing on the program and doing her ow . baking for the group on the approach of the diamond wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs, Lee which comes on Sunday, Dec. 21. Personals Mrs. H. A. Werry and Jeanne were luncheon guests of Miss Marjory Balsdom, Toronto, on Saturday. There was a good representa. tion from Kedron at the Milk Producers' banquet in St. An. drew's Church, Oshawa, on Wed. nesday evening. All report a fine time, We are glad to report Mrs. Percy Mountjoy has so far re- covered to plan on going to spend a while with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Parish, Brooklin, R.R. She expects to leave the hospital on Thursday, Dec. 11. Sorry to know Mrs, Lucy Short fs in Oshawa Hospital for rest, due to a heart condition, We wish Mrs. Short a good recovery, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Arnott vis- ited Miss Aura Osborne, Ebene- zer, recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas, Werry, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. J, Luke. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pascoe, Giant and Douglas, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs, Walton Pascoe, Bowmanville, H. A. Werry and Ronald were Bunday dinner guests at Mr, Thos, Smillie's. Mrs, Werry and Jeanine spent the week-end with Mrs, Smillie, "Rio Vista," Toron- to, and returned home with them. W . are pleased ot know Mrs, I. Wray is enjoying a good "degree of health. We. - extend deepest sympathy to Mr. Roy Cory, June, Donald, Gordon and Marion, in the sud- den passing of a loving wife and mother, The funeral takes place at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rahme, on Wed- 'nesday, at 2.30 p.m. We extend sympathy to the bereaved parents and other members of her family, Interment takes place in Grove- side Cemetery, Brooklin. Also we regret to know of the pa sing of Mr. Harry Bennett. The late Mr. Bennett lived and farmed at Five Points many . years and members of the family attended Kedron 8.8. and church, and it was with regret that the community saw them move to Oshawa and the property go into other bands. We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved rela- tives, Mr, and Mrs. William Elliott and family, Oshawa, visited at Mr. John Elliott's on Sunday. Holstein Breeders' Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flett, Mr. Bob Flett, Mr, and Mrs. C. F, Werry, Miss Muriel Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry attended the Ontario County Holstein Breeders' Association Banquet at Uxbridge on Tuesday. The ladies of Uxbridge United Church serv- ed an excellent roast chicken din. ner. William Watson, Livestock Branch, Parliament Bldgs, Tor- onto, was guest speaker, He re- viewed the present conditions with the disparity in feed prices and market returns and the dan- gerous tendency to reduce stock as seems imperative at the mo- ment. He urged farmers not to cut down too heavily but to take a long range view, and that a continuity of production will best achieve a working balance in the not too distant future, The enter. tainer was Mr. Bruce who pres- ented a variety program calcula- ted to please all tastes. There was a good representa. tion of young people from Ke- dron at the Leadership Training School Banquet at Columbus Sa- turday evening. About 70 young people from Oshawa Presbytery were in attendance, Following the banquet, which was a social event wall planned and carried out and generally enjoyable, there were four discussion groups headed by Rev. Earl Leard, of O.R.E.C., Toronto, Rev, H, F. Yardley, Ebenezer, Rev. B. S. Morewood, Oshawa, and Rev. M. C. Fisher, Brooklin. Schools are busy preparing for Christmas concerts -- Maxwell's and Conlin's Dec. 18, and Pere- man's Dec, 19, The Christmas service will be held at Kedron Sunday, Dec. 14, and a Christmas Carol Service on Sunday Dec. 21. A beautiful tree is in place thanl.s to Mr. J. Glov- er assisted by Mrs. Glover and John in the decorating. Special gifts of money for Missions Dec. 21 in place of coucert. Miss Luella Hepburn spent Wednesday v.ith her sister, Mrs. Clarence Vice, $6,000 Reward For 3 Fugitives Ottawa, Dec. 12 -- (CP)--Want to make yourself $6,000? All you have to do is find Donald McDon- ald, Nicholas Minnille and Ulysses Lauzon, who escaped from King- ston Penitentiary on the night of Ap. 17. e new reward total, consisting of $5,000 offered by the Canadian Bankers' Association and $1,000 offered by the commissioner of enitentiaries, was announced hursday by Commissioner S. T. Wood of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Since the three fugitives all have bank robbery records, the C.B.A. decided to place the extra $5,000 on the heads of the three men, The $1,000 offered by the penitentiary commissioner was announced at the time of ths escape. Accidental Death Is Inquest Finding Lindsay, Dec. 12--(CP)--A ver- dict of accidental death was brought in last night by a coroner's jury at nearby Minden enquiring into the death of William Robertson of Haliburton June 25 on the Minden- Kinmount Highway. Robertson was killed while blasting postholes for a rural telephone line for the Dy- sart 'Telephone Commission of which he was chairman. The jury found that "to an ex- tent carelessness was shown in that- adequate precautions were not tak- en." PICTURE WINDOWS 'The most popular size for picture windows in homes is 4% by 55 inches. LAFF-A-DAY BATHROOM FIXTURES Copr. 1947, King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights nservesd, 3 "Now here's a tub I could go for=NO water!" KABAS INQUEST MONDAY Hamilton, Dec. 12 -- (CP)--The inquest into the death of 54-year- old Mrs. Julia Kabas, whose body was found on the veranda of Dun- durn Castle last Saturday, will be held next Monday with approxi- mately 20 witnesses scheduled to be called, J. W. Thompson, Inspec- tor of Detectives, said yesterday. * CHRISTM LAST MAILING DATE FOR LOCAL DELIVERY OF MAIL BEFORE CHRISTMAS Be sure to allow EXTRA TIME for out-of-town delivery So that your letter-carrier may enjoy his Christmas at home there will be NO DELIVERY AS DAY CANADA POST OFFICE Issued by authority of Hon. Ernest B d, K.C, M.P,, P General 7.8 London, Dec. 12.--(AP)--Every adult and child in Britain will be trained for self-protection against air attack in the atom age under a government plan to reorganize the civil defence service. A highly mobile, full-time force will be available at short notice for duty in any part of the country to augment civilian groups. A new civil defence service, to be planned by a joint staff, was disclosed today in a Home Of- fice memorandum which said: Britain Plans Training Against Atom-Age War "After a major attack on a large centre of population, the task of civil service defence will be so onerous that every able bodi- ed man and woman will be requir- ed to make some contribution to the measures of relief and restora- tion." ' A white paper said 1,027,000 of the 56,000,000 acres of land in Bri- tain will 'be retained for use by the Navy, Army and Royal Air Force and for military. research and training, More than half the area will be used for rifle ranges, battle training grounds, tank man- oeuvres and army camps. The re- maining acreage will be permanent sites for airfields, barracks, stores, gun emplacements and radar es- tablishments. WOULD BAN COMMUNISTS San Francisco, Dec. 12--(AP)-- The San Francisco grand jury termed the city the second largest Communist centre in the United States in a report urging estab- lishment of a police intelligence department to hunt reds. The re- port recommended that the Com- munist party "be immediately out- lawed in the United States." Wokingham, Berkshire, Eng, -- (CP)--Floods 'In the Thames Val. ley can be prevented only by vast expenditure, said Lt.-Col, 'C. D, Burnell, chairman of the Woking- ham Council, Ac PAIN ASPIRIN GENUINE ASPIRIN MARKED THIS WAY ' 2», SN Fi LJ "a -- DeSotr GIVES YOU SMOOTHER, SAFER MOTORING ON DESOTO SAFETY-RIM WHEELS T ue rAMOUS smooth-riding qualities of DeSoto reach a new high with the revolutionary new Super Cushion tires as standard WITH THE a equipment on all models. These unique, new-design tires are fully inflated at only 24 pounds air pressure yet they carry 26% more air volume than ordi- nary tires. They cushion the car against crosswise shocks -- the softer tires taking the jars when they hit stones or rough pavement -- something no other tires have previously done. Combined with the famous DeSoto "Safety-Rim"' wheels, these tires set a new standard of safety. They run cooler which lessens the chance of a blowout. Should a blowout occur, the deflated tire stays on the "Safety-Rim" wheel -- even at high speeds -- allowing safe, straight stops. COMFORT -- Lower air pressure and 26% greater air volume greatly reduce road vibration -- give you the smoothest ride in De Soto history. SAFETY -- New DeSoto "Safety-Rim" wheels are one inch wider to fit these bigger volume tires. They combine to set a new standard of motoring safety. LONG LIFE -- Millions of test miles have proved the extra mileage built into these new tires. They have more road contact which gives better traction, reduces tire-wearing wheelspin, NEW TIRES Chrysler Corporation engineers have done wonders to cushion cars against up and down shocks (left). Lateral, or crosswise, shock had never been satisfactorily absorb- ed until Super-Cushions were produced. These bigger, more cushioned tires soak up lateral shock (right) giving a smoother, steadier ride, V7(97 BUILT IN. 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