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Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Dec 1947, p. 9

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TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINE i i 5 a a Christmas Messages From Oshawa And District Pastors RS RD A I A A BA A BS A RE AO RR WTR APSO ARR IRDA DA IRA REV. GEORGE TELFORD The Unchanging Realities When the author of the hymn, "Abide with me", wrote the line "Change and decay in all around I see", he expressed a truth which might well be written over ever ci- vilization and every period of his- tory. truth today. An order of life which many accepted as 'permanent has Leen swept away by two great wars. We do not know what the future holds for the world. With changes come confusion, doubt and perplex- ity till the human heart wonders if there is anything that abides. Breaking in upon our doubts and confusions -the voice of Christmas sounds the answer. The answer is that no human error or confusion or sin can alter the fact that God abides. He may be hidden by the clouds of our strife and denied by our selfishness, but at Christmas time the clouds part and the glory of God shines through. Faith comes into her own again and brings with her hope and love. For ultimately 'we must all have faith in some- thing or someone or life - breaks down completely. We must have hope, or life is a dreary prison place. And we must have love or die. . Christmas comes as a timely pro- test against the materialism that so dominates life throughout the year. Indeed it is difficult to prevent Christmas itself from being inun- dated by activities and thoughts that are purely material. The busi- ness of exchanging gifts takes on vast importance, the engine of amusement is running in high gear, the body and its desires occupies a central place. But materialism, at Christmas or any other time, is no answer to our basic hungers. It is always true that man cannot live by bread alone. nor by anything else that he makes with his hands and sells in the market place. The sweet interlude we call Christmas reminds us of the things that really satisfy. These things are wholly spiritual. There is the assurance that God lives and that He cares for us. The crowning evi- dence of His care is in the gift of His Son, That gift reminds us too that God is working to a high pur- pose that includes us all. There is no satisfaction to compare with the conviction that God is interested enough in us to call us in as par- takers in His plans. The Christ- mas message is contained in the proclamation, "Goodwill toward men' which describes God's attitude 40 us. The twin truth that alone promises a world of happiness is "Goodwill among men". Thank God then for another Christmas to re- mind us of the abiding reality that we are the children of God and members one of another. REV. GEO. TELFORD, St. Andrew's United Church. REV. B. 8. MORWOOD God So Loved The World The coming of a little baby into 2 home deepens the understanding and appreciation of Christmas. (True understanding arises in the heart and not in the mind alone). As I look at my son, in all his dif- ferent moods, I find joy in the realization that our Saviour came as such a little babe. And as I think of the Babe of Bethlehem a warm feeling steals cver me and my soul is filled with hope as, in my imagin« ation, I see my boy increase "in wis- dom and in stature, and in favour with Ged and man." (Luke 2:52). Surely, every parent dreams and prays that his child will grow up in the likeness of Jesus. Christmas speaks of the dignity and high destiny of mankind, for Ged revealed Himself in "the Man Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5). Kren to a world such as ours, the E:°rnal Father came in the form cf the Son. He saw in humanity a J lile worth sharing, and in man gometring worth dying for. "Fer Cod so loved the world that He -zave His only begotten Son." (John e are acutely aware of its 3:16). And if we today could see mankind and his great possibilities through the eyes of God in Jesus Christ, what a difference it would make. There could be no more un- concern for the hungry and dying of Europe and Asia, and for the poor and destitiite in our own land; no more indifference toward the drunkard, the gambler, the sensu- ous liver, and the unspiritual sin- ner. There would be a deep concern and a sacrificial longing for the salvation of all men "for whom Christ died". (Corinthians 8:11). The spirit of the first Christmas would grip and hold: our lives not i] |only on one day but on every day of each year. But something is obviously wrong. What is the matter with human and personal, relationships? Fear pulls at our heart-strings today: fear that cities and states, in the twink. ling of an eye, may be blasted from the face of the earth, Distrust and enmity exist among men and na- tions. Pride, greed, and complacent self-satisfaction are obvious among us. Why? Because we have treated only too lightly the second part of the great text, "that whosoever be- lieveth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16). The world's future wellbeing, and our only salvation in the pres- ent, rest in our belief in Jesus Christ, and this belief involves the full acceptance of the Christ of the Gospels and the consecration of the whole self to the fellowship and power of the risen, living, and dynamic Christ of the present. Belief in Jesus Christ means power: power to transform the in- dividual and the world of men. "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" Whoso- the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (1 John 5: 5 and 4). Christmas is a renewed call to faith in Jesus Christ, that the Igye of God revealed at Bethlehem and continued through to Calvary and beyond, may fill your soul and mine, that God Himself in and through us may overcome and transform the world. May God give us ace . this Christmastide, that we Bo be true channels of our Saviour's redempt. ive purpose for mankind. REV. BEN. 8. MORWOOD Northminster United Church. REV. R. A. BOMBAY God's Way Is Best "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." -- Luke's Gospel, 2:10. If we are to appreciate fully all that is included in this announce- ment by the Heavenly Messenger we must look forward as well as backward. It says 'Which shall be' and that raises hope for the future even when the present seems dark with foreboding. The prophecies of the Bible are as accurate concerning the future as are its historical records. To say that no one could look into the future and foretell with certainty what shall come to pass, is a com- plete denial of the power of God. These prophecies do not claim to have their origin in the minds of men but are the direct revelation of God to Holy Men. In this par- ticular case, it was an Heavenly Messenger sent to earth with an announcement of future blessedness 'which shall be to all people'. How was this to take place? Was it to be a promise of plenty in food, clothes and the luxuries of life? Did it mean that sinful men, remaining in their rebellion against God, should be richly blessed despite their sins? The rest of the an- nouncement makes clear what every Preacher of the Evangel has stated over and over again. 'Good tidings of great joy' comes to all who re- ceive the Saviour, which is Christ, the Lord. Sufficiency in material goods has not produced GREAT JOY. After more than two years we are prepar- ed to concede that an overwhelming victory against the enemies of- our country does not bring us joy. All the efforts to establish any sort of peace have resulted in heartache and disillusion. But there is one thing yet untried, and yet, it has been there all the time for those who will have it. It is the joy of the Lord. It is yours for the taking. It depends upon the Saviour which is Christ the Lord. What you do with Him determines whether you will have joy or no. I say again, the world has NEVER tried this way for joy. And only a very small portion of Christendom has tried it. God's ways are the best ways. "All His paths are PEACE". The good tidings of great joy is to all people and 'it must begin in the individual life. Accept Christ and you-have His joy. He loved us and gave Himself for us. It will be our eternal loss if we refuse Him. "Let the PEACE of God rule in your hearts." REV. R. A. BOMBAY, anlecostal Church, ever "is horn of God overcometh REV. A. D "CORNETT Spirit of Good Will During the long and difficult years of the second world war we all looked forward eagerly tos the coming of victory which we hoped would bring a lasting peace, and a new social order in which the keeping of the joyous Christmas season would not seem .so incon- gruous as it did in those unhappy days. Victory came, and peace, in the sense of the absence of armed strife. Yet it is quite apparent that there is still no real peace in human society. The present international condi- tion has been described as a "cold war". The recent failure'of the Con- ference of the Foreign Ministers of the four great powers, and the pre- vailing unrest in France, Italy, Greece and Palestine, serve to indi- cate how greatly the world needs the truly Christian spirit. The Message of the Christian Church is that healing of the world's ills can only come through the expression of the Spirit of the One whose birth we commemorate on Christmas DAy. Not by every organized group grabbing for more money for itself with no care for others; not by attaining worldly power, or by gaining possession of an atom bomb or any other weapcn to compel others to do our will; but rather by a spirit of good-will to all men, and by unselfish service on behalf of all who are in need, will the realm of justice and freedom and universal brotherhood be at. tained. The great need of the world to- day is to practise the truth express- ed in the message which is asso. clated with the birth of Jesus, viz. "Peace on earth, Good.will to men", Let us endeavour to express that spirit, not only during the Christmas season, but also during all the coming days! May I offer to you, to your staff, and to your readers my sincere Christmas Greetings, and best wishes for the New Year, REV. A. D. CO A Simcoe St. United Church. 'A Christmas Meditation The 'Simple Charm of the Christmas story that makes its appeal to all hearts, lies in the fact that the Heavenly Babe by His matchless presence glorified a place so lowly that it was not even set apart for human habita- tion, Love always glorifies the commonplace! The lowly manger became the first meeting place of faithful folk to worship and adore Him, The Simple Truth of the -Christ- mas message is that "God so lov- ed the world that He gave His R. B. WILKIN! only begotton Son', and that in due time, according to the Serip- tures, the promised 'Messiah" "became Flesh and dwelt amongst us," and we beheld His glory with joyful astonishment, and that lat. er on wise men came from afar bearing gifts. ote the heaven- ly proclamation that attended His coming, 'Peace on earth, goodwill toward men", The Will of God has ever been for the good of mankind. To know the extent of His provision for man in the vast storehouse that we cal] #e earth, is to marvel at His Love and Wisdom, The Amazing Fact of the Christmas message is "That unto you ig born a Saviour, which is Christ thc Lord", Herein is the Love of God revealed that into this sin-cursed world He sent His Son, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life", Christmas should be for all of us a time of profound thanksgiving to God for His wonderul Gift. As we truly accept God" Gift there is given to us a new song, and to Christmas a new vitality. : y "What will He not bestow? Who freely gave this mighty Gift, unbought, Unmerited, sought; What will He not bestow"? R. B. WILKINS, Acting Pastor, unheeded and yn- "How God Made His Love Known" "This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you," "In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because God sent His Only Begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him." ; : Again we approach the season of the year when men's thoughts turn toward that historical fact, which the Apostle John declares in his first Epistle, to be God's way of saying to all His children of men, "I love you." John's message is, that God's supreme manifestation of love to us is to be found in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. There are many who are puzzled as to how God could love those who have rebelled against Him. Paul's reply is that "while we were sinners, Christ died for us, much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." (Rom. 5:8-9). There are many other questions which space forbids me to answer, REV. A. W. WHITEHEAD A Wonderful Birth Any reasonable person would ,| never call the "birth of the Lord REV. J. N. H. NORTON but I commend for your consider- ation the song of T. C. Upham: "Go, count the sands that form the earth, The drops that make the mighty sea: Go, count the stars of heavenly birth, And tell me what their numbers be, And thou shall know love's mys- try. "No measurement hath yet been found, No lines or numbers that can keep The sum of its eternal sound, The plummet of its endless deep, Or heights to which its glories sweep. "Yes, measure love, when thou canst tell The lands where seraphs have not rod, The heights of heaven, the depths of hell, And lay thy finite measuring rod On the infinitude of God." In closing this Christmas message, may 1 express the prayer, "That Christ may dwell in your hearts, richly." J. N. H. NORTON. Ajax Community Church. (Interdenominational) A Merry Christmas First, I would blend my voice with the echoing chorus, "A Merry Christmas". And then, since that term is variously ap- plied and interpreted, I would qualify my sincere wish for you, my friends, by saying a "Joyful Christmas". For while merriment may be produced by many out ward stimuli and is generally of a very transient character, joy- fulness can only be the product of a personal appreciation and ap- propriation of the Great Christ- mas Gift; and joy is the eternal quality and reality that I want you to have. Did I hear some one say "I'll take the merriment, let others have the joy", Well, many do so choore, but Reason, Wisdom and the Spirit of Him whose birth we now commemorate, cries aloud, and saith, "What is a man profit. ed if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own soul?" Moreover, the joy which the One whose name {is called "Jesus" gives, is in reality, as far supe- erior to the pleased sensation called merriment or fun, as the brightness of the noonday sun fis to the flicker of a candle light. Su, if you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy, let Jesus come in- to your heart. Say not again those tragic words "no room"-- but rather "Room and time I give to Jesus," "Come in thou Heaven- ly Guest, and dwell with me, Emmanuel" , , . and He'll come, and His joy will be in you, and your joy will be full. ""A Joyful Christmas". REV, R. D. CAMPBELL, Ajax Baptist Church. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CHRIST- MAS The basis of Christmas is the rock, Christ Jesus; its fruits are in. spiration and spiritual understand- ing of joy and rejoicing,--not be- cause of tradition, usage, or corpor- eal pleasures, but because of funda- mental and demonstrable truth, be. cause of the heaven within ns. THE basis of Christmas is love loving its enemies, returning good for evil, love that "suffereth long, and is kind." The true spirit of Christmas elevates medicine to mind; it casts out evils, heals the sick, raises the dormant faculties, appeals to all conditions, and sup- plies every need of man. --Mary Baker Rddy, Discoverer Gibbon Street Mission. | and Founder of Christian Science. Jesus Christ" anything short of wonderful. There are many wond- erful things you and I might be thinking of at this time but this is the most wonderful. Let us weigh some of the facts concerning this wonderful person and see again for ourselves why we make so much of Him, ~ The birtta of the Lord Jesus Christ, God's. Beloved Son, was prophesied 4,000 years before His appearance | at Bethlehem as a little babe, diety wrapped in human flesh, a helpless child, and yet the Mighty Deliverer. Isaiah prophesied about him 750 years before His coming and said of Him: "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, 'and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Again Mat- thew tells us how the Wise Men predicted this wonderful birth whicta they sald would take place in Beth- lehem of Judea. Yes, we must all admit that His birth was a wonder- ful birth, It was also wonderful in the miraculous sense of the word. For no other ever was, or ever shall be born such as God's Son was born into this world. It had to be a miraculous birth, my friend, for here was a miraculous person. God tells us in His Word (speaking of Mary): "For that which is con. ceived in her is of the Holy Ghest, behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son." In Luke 1:35, we have this same pre- diction. To deny the virgin birth of God's Son is to deny the very foundation ' of Christianity and hence to have a "vain religion." | | Then too, and that whi~h is most important for your consideration at this time is the fact that it is wonderful because of it being bene- ficial. Had not Jesus come nearly two thousand years ago this world would have been left without hope and without God, doomed for eter- nal destruction. But He came and we may benefit by His coming by receiving Him as our Redeemer. Paul said of Him, "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all accepta- tion that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief." The very best you can do this Christmas is to recognize this Wonderful birth in the way that will be beneficial to you and that is to receive this wonderful person who had that wonder- ful birth as your wonderful Saviour. "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10). REV. A. W. WHITEHEAD, Calvary Baptist Church. Celebration Of Christmas By REV. R, BARCLAY WARREN The mammoth celebration of Christmas, in which billions of dol- lars are spent on this continent alone, is now in full swing. It has many pleasant and commendable features. It is regrettable that to many people, Christmas has become Xmas in which Christ has become the unknown represented by X. The deception of children occasioned by superstitions taken over from pa- ganism is one of the liabilities. I know a medical doctor wlio never quite got over the shock when, as a boy of ten years, he discovered that his parents--people of honor--had been telling him wuntruths about Christmas. " Christtnas is not for Santa Claus. It is a remembrance of the birth of Christ. The simple story recorded by Matthew and Luke is one of exquisite beauty and simplicity. As we sing the carols which are a very important part of this annual ob- servance, we catch something of the joy the angels felt as they sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom 'He is pleased". As we ex- change gifts we think of the gifts A GOOD GIFT FOR YOUR WIFE Give her an up-to-date work- shop. At this season of the year we specialize in re-modelling komes -- kitchens -- bathrooms --- attics -- R. B. WILKINS General Contrastor 597 MASSON ST. OSHAWA PHONE 1467TW of the wise men and of the star, and most of all--God's Gift to us, His Son Jesus Christ. Christmas is a time for rejoicing; a time to give thanks, a time to manifest the spirit which God dis- played in giving of His best for us. We London--(CP)--Rare early 16th century books belonging to Chiches. ter Cathedral were repurchased by the resident Canon, W. K. Lowth. er-Clarke so they could remain the cathedral's property. The books were being sold "by mistake." save o PASSENGER e AIR MAIL * AIR EXPRESS TRANSCONTINENTAL days AND HOURS The Secesce Rove WINNIPEG & WEST via SAULT STE. MARIE, FORT WILLIAM, PORT ARTHUR * A Round Trip Ticket Saves You 10% TELEPHONE ADELAIDE 5231 TORONTO OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT. ' 8.7127] EA INTERNATIONAL TRANS -OCEAN / Vd °

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