PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1947 WANT AD SECTION 55555) BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax forms prepared, secretarial work Phone -1004J. 205 Arthur St. (Janl2) .8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Blag., Xing .. 36 a7 40 Articles for Sale Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors Automobiles For Sale Supplies Insurance St. East. Phone 2127. countant and auditor. (Jani) 2--Barristers Business Oppor- Business O) Male Help anted OUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. ah Loans arranged. 25 Simcoé North. Phone 67. Residence 0st, ail) ANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, AL- ona: Annis, K.C., 71; Simcoe Street South. F Phone 4, Residence 769. (Decl9) 'K.C., BARRISTER, King Stress East. Phone 3160. di "351 tner W, C: Pollard, K. c Uxbidze, ont. (dant) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, baristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Janl) R. D] HUMPHREYS, K.C,, FARRER Solicitor, etc, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office 814; residence 3297. 'Money to loan. (Janl) AMES R. MacBRIEN, Fits and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Génosha | Hotel. Phone M9. (Janl) JOSEPH _ P. "MANGAN, "EC. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan, Office 1415 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Janl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Ofmce 55. Residence 3687R. _(Jan2) AY J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barrister, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 161 1614. Res. 1975J. ( Janl) MANNING PF. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 28TTW. (Janl) A. W. 8. GREER, Solicitor, ete, 6 3a--Physicians and Surgeons | DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven td twelve and (except Wed and Sat.) 3 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Janl3) 4--Chiropractors STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless | practice inciuding Chiropractic Electro | therapy, mineral vapor bath treatment. | Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. | 9 am. to ¥ p.m. dally, except Monday | and Friday. (Janl) 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Jans) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 pm, Wednesday 9 to 1. A E. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. : (Jan24) 6--Insurance Chiropractors . Dentists : Dressmakin, . 16 Employment anted 41 > TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO! INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Funeral Directors . Gardening and Household Repairs Houses For Rent .. Instruction .. Loan Wanted .... Lost and Found . Legal Notices Help Wanted Money to Loan Nursing Service .. Optometrists ...... CLASSIFIED AD RATES ERTION ......co0ccc00ieoen . ONF. INS ig THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTI ) i Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. : Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date original order. a Physicians and jurgeons ........ 3a Personal .......... 4 Personal Services .. 12 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs .... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Sale Rooms For Rent .. Room and Board .. Rn .Women's Column . 23 13 | Wanted to Rent .. 5 | Wearing Apparel .. 20 words Each Addl Word 02 0334 05 O15 titute a | .00 per month for P and 20 words or less. 11 word. before publication. $5 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure count as a fu Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. 25--Real Estate For Sale BRICK VENEER HOME, 6 ROOMS AND bath, excellent condition, one block from R.C. Church and school, ten min- utes from G.M. See owner at once for terms, etc. Box 417, Times-Gazette. (299a) | 26-- Real Estate Wanted MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR clients with cash. List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- ranged. Phone 3510M and I will call and inspect your property. W. Mc- Auley, Realtor, 150 'Division St. (Janl2) FARMS WANTED LIST YOUR FARM WITH US. CLENTS WAITING. PROSPECTS FOR FARM SALES MUCH BETTER FOR 1048. BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance 13 BOND ST. E. PHONE 3399. (297c) 28--Houses For Rent 5-ROOM HOUSE. APPLY 359 RIPSON Rd. South. Phone 4428J. (299a) 29--Rooms For Rent ONE NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, quiet, clean home, Gentleman prafer- red. Phone 1454W. ( 297¢) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOMS, ground floor, suitable for two, no PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE | Copsult us for any of your insurance | needs. All classes of insurance includ- | 1 life. 221, King Street East, phone | 2 Res. 4318R. (Janl) | 7--Veterinarians DR. E. H WEBSTER, LARGE AND | small animal surgery. 101 Richmond | St. W. Phone 2010M. (Jan1) | 9--Money To Loan TT CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE vo | first mortgages. Apply Barrister. Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Telephone 282. (Jani) | FIRST MORTGAGE | MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE | North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. 40 ALGER BLDG. 81, OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) PHONE 11--Building Trades FRONT END SNOW LOADER AND dump trucks for hire. Grave, sand and cinders, Apply 163 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 2063W. (Jan 15) CRAGGS AND DY] DYKSTRA. PA] PAINTERS, Decorators, Also industrial spraying. Work guaranteed. Phone 3639-4185W (Jan.10) 12--Personal Services DRIVEWAYS CLEANED QUICKLY AND thoroughly by Jeep plow. Phone S8448. (288t1) P. A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repalr shop at 4 King M. F. Swartz, | 1 hous: ping. 299 Simcoe South, 30--Room and Board GENTLEMAN TO SHARE ROOM WITH | another, twin beds, continuous hot water. Central. Phone 1021M, (297¢) | | 32--Automobiles + or Sale '31 BUICK SEDAN, MOTOR, TIRES, good condition. $175. cash. Phone : 920R11 (299b) '32 CHEV, "COUPE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion; also toy terrier puppy. Phone 088RA4. (299¢) PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS '46 Chev. Stylemaster, heater & de- froster. '41 Buick Sedan--heater & radio. 38 Plymouth - Sedan, custom built radio, $695. 37 Ford Coach, heater & radio, | $650. | "36 Chev. Coach, $550. '34 Chev. Coaches (2), $395. Terms to suit your Budget. Your car cay be used as down pay- | ment. 15 months to pay. All cars com- pletely winterized. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King West, Phone 3344R. (297b) 33--Automobiles Wanted WOULD LIKE 37 TO '41 CHEV. PON- tiac or Plymouth. Have cash, Phone 3344R. (20141) CARS SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT. SEE "John" today at Powell Motor Sales, North Oshawa. Phone 4694J. (Janll) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor Saies 1271 Simcoe AN Phone 4695W. (Jan3) Street .West. Your patronage (Dec20) LAKESHORE AUTO - Cars for Highest DON'T Syren WITH RHEUMATISM or arthritis. get Ru-mex-ol. Phone Rawlelgh . Dealer 384 Ritson 8 Ar an Btiouschold | Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND upholstered. See materials oe | recovering. Bruce Dalton. Charles. Phone 401. our R. 18--Automobile Repairs | MOREY': GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN | and Giiddon. Expert repairs to GM. 'Chrysler products. Specializing, building knee action. Phone 657. (Jan13) 22--L ost and Found LOST--MAN'S BLACK WALLET, CON- taining sum of money and bank book, Friday after 4 in the downtown dis- trict. 31 Elgin E. Reward. (299b) LOST. PAIR OF GLASSES ON MARY between King and William. Please phone 1221J, (299a) LOST--SATURDAY, HEATHER ZIP- pered sweater. Phone 1928W. (299a) LOST. SET 6 KEYS ON 'CHAIN WITH plastic identification case. Urgently needed, Alex Strynatka, 337 Post Office, Whitby. (289¢) FOUND. . SATURDAY AT ~ CORNER Wilkinson and Simcoe, one black suede Dorsay pump, size 3 or 315. Owner may claim for arge of ad, Phone 187R. = (299a) LOST--SMALL HOUND, BLACK AND white, red ears, new collar. Mill Street vicinity, Reward. Phone 4014W, . (298b) 23--Women's Column CHARIS--HAVE YOUR FIGURE PROB- lem solved by professional adviser. Phone Mrs. Blatter, morning or eve- ping. 2504W. (Janll) 24--Personal COUPLE DESIRE RIDE TO "TORONTO, Wednesday. Phone 417R. (299a) 25--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE LARGE TEN ROOM HOUSE, MAIN floor, large kitehen, dining room, lv- | ing room, sun room and small back ! Second floor, large bed- Jooms, Sathisgon and large square hall, Thir@ floor, © Oils and bathroom (unfinished) "double garage, large garden. Good Inyeatment, For {full 2 GOOD COWS FOR SALE, T.B. Jans ) | ea, due to freshen 22 and 26, Phone ry prices paid. Phone 3362: evenings 1278 (Jan15) 34--Pets and Livestock AUSTRALIAN PHEASANT, , MALE, beautiful colours; bantam hen; budgies and canaries, also tiny white finch (hen). 373 Simcoe 8. (299a) TEST- 16J12. (209b) COCKER SPANIEL PUPS FOR SALE; chickens, live weight, 25¢ 1b., or rough dressed, 30c lb. Phone 436J3. (299b) FOX HOUND PUPPIES FOR SALE. AP- ply R. McQuaid, Courtice on Solina Road. (299a) ~~ | PURE BRED COCKER SPANIELS FOR sale, fawn or black, nine weeks old, available now. 1 block north of Var- coe's Camp. A. Villeneuve. (299¢) TWO . RED COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ples, 10 weeks old, registered. Will hold for Xmas. 132 Alexander Blvd. (297c) CANARIES, GUARANTEED SINGERS. Specially priced for Christmas $8. 'each. Powell, 105 Mary St. Phone 14700, (206d) CHRISTMAS AT . Fox Terriers, puppies 'and hawe. PUPPIE PALS FOR Knowlton's Kennels. Reg. Cocker Spaniels, grown dogs: Five Points, (297d) | { box, small; nd 34--Pets and Livestock OVERCROWDED, WILL , SELL REGIS- tered cocker spaniels, various ages, blacks, reds and partis, lovely pupples. Some sired by champions. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Ospawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway. Dec. 29) CANARIES FOR SA TOD "SING- ers and hens; also cages. 400 Montrave Ave. Phone 2862J, (Jan.4) BABY BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS, REA- dy for training. Canaries in full song. Beautiful Christmas gifts. Phone 3745. (Dec27) 35--'Wearing Apparel BLACK SEAL COAT IN GOOD CON- dition. Size 16. Price $50 . - Apply Apt. 3. 96 Centre St., after 5 o' clock. (298c) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, pressed like Ww. Bam Swartz. (Jan?) 36--Articles For Sal. MCLAUGHLIN CUTTER; DOMINION Organ, $20: Combination gas, coal and wood range. Can be seen at Cox Motor Sales. 168 King West. Phone 666. (299a) IDEAL XMAS GIFT FOR BOY. BEAU- tiful large and small acquarium, few tropical fish, also alr rifie. 67 Ritson South. (2992) DRESSER, LATEST STYLE; DROP SIDE couch and mattress; white enamel ice- chesterfield table (fancy), table with magazine large, rack, arm | Rie chair, 373 Simcoe 8. = CHILD'S SKATES, 10 AND 21; small | wagon; badminton racquet. Phone BW. re (299a) UNDERWOOD PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- er and case. Phone 3026). (299a) SUNBEAM ELECTRIC RAZOR; BENT- | ley ping-pong table, net and bats, both sHgnly used; and Iice-box. Phone 695M. _ (2992) MIXED BODY WOOD, $16.00 PER cord; mixed slabs, $13.00 per cord. Cut in stove lengths. Phone 3903J. (299¢) TWO ELECTRIC 'RAZORS, ONE ROLLS razor, excellent condition. Suitable for Xmas presents. Phone 2076W. (299a) GIRL'S TWO-WHEEL SIDEWALK BI- cycle. Excellent condition, 282 Grooms Ave, pl a (299a) APPLES 'BY BASKET, BUSHEL OR barrel delivered. Apply 288 Festubert. Phone 3530W. +2098) ICE REFRIGERATOR, 100 LB. CAPAC- ity, white procelain, Connor Thermo, perfect condition, practically new, bar- gain, $60. Phone 4736W. (297c) KITCHEN TABLE, CREAM AND RED, linoleum top; also wanted, girl's skates, size 3. Willowdale Farm. Phone 416J11. (297¢) ELECTRIC CELLAR PUMP, GOOD condition, reasonable; steel venetian blind, 60x60, slightly used, reasonable. Phone 875J3. (298b) SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES FOR sale, 75¢ and $1, delivered. Phone 4187TR after 10 0 am. a __(298¢c) WINTER POTATOES CARROTS, WAX TURNIPS, ONIONS APPLES--Spys, MacIntosh, Tolman, Sweet, Wealthies - Choice and Standard Peas By the case, 24--20-o0z. Tins F. SHAW 262 ST. JULIEN ST. PHONE 4423) (2992) SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING MA- chines, 3 only, $30: each. Reliance Drop Head, 2 only. $25. and $35, Electric cabinet, rotary bobbin with stool, re- conditioned and guaranteed, $79.95. We also have new Consoles and Desk te delivery. odes 2am Machine Company, 16 Ontario Street, 297c) BOY'S TRICYCLE, LARGE BE EX- cellent condition, newly painted, $8. Phone 3854W after 5. (299a) SET OF FIVE BOYS' RI HAND golf clubs. Sulit 10 to 15 years. $8. Phone 3854W after 5. (299a) CHRISTMAS TREES 75¢ TO $1.50 EACH DELIVERED Over five hundred to choose from. Or- der early. Avoid disappointment, 174 RITSON ROAD BOUTH PHONE 3235 (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19,22,23,24) TI re ------ {CR ES. CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisers Know That . THE DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE 36--Articles For Sala BRING RESULTS! EXCELLENT Phone . You Too ' perticulars phone 349 (209b) CHRISTMAS GIFT, ond hand goalie equipment, reasonable. "Sure had a lot of calls and the man who bought the equipment is as satisfied as | am." ean get results from classified advertising, ahd it's so easy. Daily Times-Gazette. BEC- Simply call 35, The a --_-- AR------------------ A ---- -- _ | Free estimates and nursing rocker. | (2998) | 36--Articles For Sale ONE TRICYCLE, VERANDAH GATE. Apply 158 Burk St. (2992) LAST MINUTE GIFT SPECIALS AT BARON'S LIMITED SUPPLY! -Sunbeam Mixmasters Waffle Irons and Sandwich Toasters . Bedlamps Automatic Toasters ' Electric Tea Kettles ... Electric Clocks .. Vacuum Cleaners '. : x Connor Washing Machines 159.50 up Monthly Payments Arranged BARON'S RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. PHONE 249 (2909p) MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 ELE- ments, good condition. 23 Elgin St. E. (297¢) WANTED. SINGER DROP HEAD SEW- ing machines. Highest prices paid. REPAIRS. To all makes of Sewing Ma- chines. RENTS. Rent an electric portable in your own home. Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., '16 Ontario Streat. (297e) RANGETTE, 1942 MANTLE RADIO, BA- by pram, rear spring for '39 Jhev. Phone 1021M. (297c) BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS TREES, spruce or balsam, delivered, will place in home. John Veenhof,. Courtice. Phone 1615J. (Dec9,11,13,16,18,20,23) HERE IT 18, "THE MODERN WAY OF finishing floors. Plast-I-Gloss Plastic. Dries in one hour. Ends waxing. Phone 3235. Glecoff's Grocmeateria. We deliver. a (Jan.9) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC. FOR ALL your floors, ends waxing, polishing. Phone 4538W. 23 Bond West, We deliver. el] {Jan.9) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Dec25; OIL BURNERS -- SALES "PLUS A complete reliable service Out-of-town customers solicited. Borrowdale Phone 584J. (Jan18) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, spruce and balsam, 33 Hall St. (Dec23) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS S5¢ PER 8q. ft. Measured and installed. George M Reld Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Dec23) ~ GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS 7 Day Delivery Made to measure by expert craftsmen | of Met-Wo. Industries Limited. installation any- BOX 421 PHONE A103 J. W. MELLEY OSHAWA where. (295t1) | CHOICE TURKEYS FOR "SALE, OR- ders in before 22nd of Dec. 2639 Bowmanville. (2931) JUST ARRIVED, LARGE SHIPMENT of coal ranges. No tax. All sizes, prices to choose from. Meagher's, Simcoe North CHOICE TURKEYS, ROASTING CHICKENS, CHRISTMAS BEEF, | YOUNG PORK ROASTS Order Now for Xmas GLECOFF GROCMEATERIA A Full Line of Groceries 174 Ritson South So (296d) 300 LON WATER TANK. E. Mc- Grath, Phone 4364. (292t1) AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. We advise getting next year's awnings | now. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N. Oshawa. (Dec.27) 36a--For Exchange 8 ANGORA RABBITS, PEDIGREED stock, including fine breeding buck. Eclentific 6-cage hutch. Will exchange for piano. Box 437, Times-Gazette. (298c) | -- | refused to eat meat, but lapped up" 37--Articlgs Wanted ; GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters 56 King West. 3326W. (Jan$) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box. Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West Phone 3766M tana) PAID FOR [RO Phone os HIGHEST PRICES metal, rags, mattresses Cedardale Iron Metals. back C.NR Station. (Janl) PIANO3 WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388 (Dec27) male Help "Wanted WOMAN "OR GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, 3 adults. Other help kept. Apply Mrs. E. A. Donald, 64 Brock St. E, (297¢) GIRL OR WOMAN, BETWEEN AGE 20 to 40 for light housework, no cooking, | private room with radio, good wages, references. Apply 84 Warren Ave. (207c) 39--Male Help Wanted WANTED, "A PLASTERER LABOURER, good wages paid. Tall youth to learn plastering, 16-18 years of age. Box 418 Times-Gazetie. (299b) Phone | and | 92 | (Jan.13) | Phone 3235 | rs . 1 ] Events DANCING AT THE AVALON Al EVERY Wed., Fri. and Sat. nine ai 12, King West. Tues, Fri.) 39--Male Help Wanted NIGHT PORTER OR JANITOR, RE- quired, live-in, Must be strictly honest and trustworthy. References required. Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, ° (2860) WANTED Man with car to make rural delivery of newspapers for ap- proximately one hour each afternoon. Apply J. H. HARE TIMES-GAZETTE 295) 40--Agents Wanted TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL WAT- kins' household products. No experience necessary. Apply immediately to 'Box 318, Times-Gazette. (Jan 4) 41--Employment Wanted BABY SITTER, AFTERNOON AND EVE- ning. Phone 3896W. _ (2041) Ex-N.C.0. -- Ex-OFFICER OVERSEAS 1939--OCT. 1947° DESIRING TO LOCATE IN OSHAWA PERMANENTLY SEEK EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: MERCHANDISING SALES AUDIT MANAGEMENT Replies Promptly Attended rom | BOX NO. 537 TIMES-GAZETTR LST (29%) 42--Legal Notices | ON AND AFTER THIS DAY, I, RAY- | mond Kellar, will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Ms Pearl Kellar, Lakeview Gardens, Dated at Oshgwva this 22nd Oo of December 1947. Signed--Ray Kellar, 209¢) | Sea-Going Dog | No Landlubber Vancouver -- (CP) -- Mooch, 14 months old, is cne of Canada's voungest, yet most seasoned sea- | dogs. Picked up on the waterfront by sailor Harry Townsend, Mooch, of uncertain and mixed ancestry, join- ed the crew cf the freighter Lake Kootenay a year ago, and since { then has visited Australia, England, Scuth America, Fiji, South Sea | Islands and Cuba. In Vancouver between ships he |a plate of ice-cream and cake in | record time. | "He has stacked up well," said | shipmate Ronnie Auton. "He won his A.B. (able-bodied seaman) rat: ing and stands watch like an old timer." Sam McGaw, technical owner of the dog, hopes to take Mooch back to the Prairies, but his shipmates think otherwise. "Sam will never pull that off," said Auton. "Mooch is just waiting for his ship to sail." NOTABLE CANINE EVENT Vancouver-- (CP) -- Impi of Pen- wick, a Rhodesian Ridgeback bitch, | of a breed used for African lion- hunting, has had a blessed event which caused a stir in Canadian canine circles. Her litter of 10 in. cluded seven males. Only two other dogs of the breed exist in Canada, both in' Vancouver. lin David's Santa Arrives Through Chimney At Thornton's MRS. CHARLES WHITE Correspondent Thornton's Corners, Dec. 22.-- Thornton's Corners is right in the busy whirl of Christmas prepara- tions, with extra shopping, baking and Christmas parties. The Women's Association had their Christmas meeting last Tues- day evening in the form of a pot- luck supper. There was a good at- tendance of members and younger children. When all were seated at the tables, "Grace," was sung, after which Mrs. Arthur Pierson read a lovely Psalm and lead in prayer. After eating a bounteous supper, gifts were distributed to each mem- ber from her capsule sister. These gifts' were each preceded by a verse describing the sister and some were very good. A short business meet- ing followed, presided over by pré- sident Mrs. Pope. Gifts were donated to the Salvation Army and "Amputation Fund." The new capsule sisters were drawn for the coming year. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. The Christmas concert, put on by the public school pupils, was held Friday evening to a capacity audi- ence. Much eredit was given the teachers, Mr. Burton Rodney and Mrs. Hall for their splendid con- cert, and to the children for a fine performanc¢e. Also to Miss Spratt, music teacher, who accompanied many of the musical numbers at the piano, and to Mrs. Lander who assisted with the preparation of musical numbers with the juniors. Mrs. Clarence Scott also accomp- anied several numbers at the piano. Mr. Tom Davidson was chairman for the evening and to top off the evening, Santa actually came down the chimney and landed right in the centre of the stage with his pack. He said "hello" to everyone and got right to work unloading the pack and tree. All the child- ren received candy, nuts and an orange, besides gifts. The following is the program: | Chairman address, Tom Davidson; senior room choruses, "Welcome," | "Silent Night," "Angels Song"; plano solo, "Caprichio," Carolyn Bruss; veeal solo, "I Don't Want To Go To Bed," Marilyn Scott; piano solo, "Holy Night," Helen Ferencz; junior exercise, "Sunbeam," by Grade I; senior room play in two acts, "Doing Without Christmas"; piano solo, "Stepping Stones," Nor- ris Hoag; vocal solo, "Santa Claus Express," Diane Mollon; piano solo, "Tally Ho," Nancy Foster; mono- logue, "Giving and Getting," Jack Nicholls; junior exercises, "Christ- mas Pictures," Grade II; solo, "Once Royal City," - Betty Harmer; junior recitations, "The Meaning of Christmas," Marjorie Davidson; "A Little Star," Marilyn Bunker; "Christmas Thoughts of a Little Girl," Helen Ferencz; song, "Santa's Helpers," Geraldine Bous- kill; folk dances, by junior pupils; senior play, "Christmas Crazy Class"; senior recitation, "A Splen- did Word," Desonia Derkach; Mrs. Santa Claus, Shirley Hogel; A Stupid Book, Eddie White. As an intermission the audiénce sang some Christmas Carols. Exercise, "The Christmas Bells," Grade III girls; junior recitations, "Welcome in Jesus' Name," Norris Hoag; "The Little Fir Tree," Teddy Bouskill; "The Brave Speech," Paul Mollon; "My Gift To Christ," Jimmy Kozak; Danish folk dance, junior room; skit, "Shepherds," senior room; junior choruses, Welsh Carol, "A Letter To Santa Claus," "Christmas Lullaby"; mono- logue, "Mr. Brown Returns, Thanks," Jim Sully; junior recita- tion, "A Christmas Message," Nancy Foster; "It Came From the Lips of Shepherds" Ken Herrington; "Christmas Prayer," Bernard Bice; junior exercise, "The Christmas Messengers," Grade III boys; "Christmas Thoughts," Lucille Lick, Beverly King and Violet Hamilton; violin solo, "Good King Wenceslas," Stanley Hoskin; guitar solo, Bryce Blair; exercise, "Christmas Gifts," Grade IV; senior recitations, "Hang- ing the Stockings," 'Olga Trimble; "Curious Little Ted," Daywin Rob- inson; Wreath Drill, Grade IV; duet, "Christmas Lullaby," Marlene and Lenore Scott; round dance, senior room; play, "Zachary's Hired Man," senior room; senior choruses, "Joy to the World," "O Christmas Tree," "Farewell Chorus." There was a gocd attendance at Sunday school last Sunday after- noon. The "Four-On-Up" class pre- sented a very beautiful Christmas pageant. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson entertained Saturday evening. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Barker, Miss Ila Barker, Maurice Robinson. Mr. Frederic Robinson, who is in his fourth year, University of To- ronto, is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Robin- son. Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Dean, Mr. Eric Dean, spent Saturday with Mrs. Cecil Dean and children, Bradford. Cecil Dean has recently been transferred to Parry Sound, where he is now stationed, and is continuing his work with the Pro- vincial Police. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mr, William Luke, Robert Butson Dies Suddenly F. E. SMITH Correspondent Prince Albert, Dec. 19. -- Sorry to hear that George Luke is not so well just lately. | Wm. Heayn is feeling much bet- ter after spending a week in bed under doctor's care. Mrs. Chds. Granger and -daugh- | ter spent Sunday in' Toronto. [ The community was shocked at | noon on Thursday to hear of the sudden death of an old resident, Robert 'Burton. "Bob", as he was known by all, was helping Lloyd Hunter load some hay, and was iaughing when 'he collapsed. He hed been troubled with a bad heart condition for a very long time. His cheerv word and kindly helping hand will be missed by many, School Concert 'The Prince Albert School concert held Thursday evening in the school was a huge success. Each pupil gave his or her part in fine performanre, and the hearty applause showed the appreciation of the interested audience. Even the wee tots, no% ' yet started to school, were not the least afraid to recite or sing their "little bit". Glen Steinhoff, the school president, act- od Bs chairman and did his part well. It would be dificult to mention any one particular part or party in the program as being extra spec- ial, as all were so good. Of course, Old Santa arriving on the scene at the last moment is always a spec- ial with the kiddies and he was there and gave out many lovely gifts and candy. In all, a very pleasant evening was- the result of the work of the children and plenty of patience on the. part of their teacher, Mrs. Eunice Hunter, who deserves much credit. The. beautiful art work decorating the walls and windows of the school is a note worth mentioning. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereft family of the late Mrs. J. Waren, who died in North Oshawa on Monday. Mrs, Warren, who was DNiana Barker, was a resident here in Prince Ale bert many years ago. Driving in the A COMMON RISK! Rain brings ADDED hazards to motoring. Vision always becomes dimmed. You--or we--cannot stop rain, But we can protect against its sometimes costly consequences. With low cost Insurance we pro- vide! Dhome 4400 chofield INSURANCE Agency 6 SIMCOE ST. OSHAWA PHONE 4400 Gh the Hort or DETROIT FACILIG GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tuller, @ modern hotel for those who want the best! Con- venient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly, courte- ous service and real Hotel Comfort. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Dining Pleasure at modest prices. It poys to stay aot Hotel Tuller. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINESY 800 ROOMS $18 WITH BATH FROM HOTEL TULLER RICHARD C. HODGES, Mgr. FARE AND A HALF Good going: --Saturday, De. cember 20th, 1947, to and inclading Thursday, January 1st, 1948. Return Limit:--Leave desti- nation not later than mid- night, Wednesday, January 7th, 1948. Tickets and complete informa- . tion from any Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC mighty St. Lawrence. Toron, TO COME BACK courage your friends Ontario Holidays. TOURIST BUSINESS ONTARIO HOLIDAY RUISE along Lover's Lane,around the Fiddler's Elbow, through the Needle's Eye. You'll find these en- chanting places and many more in the 1000 Islands which lie just beyond Kingston at Gananoque's doorstep where Lake Ontario pours into the route and accommodation de- tails write to Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, LET'S MAKE THEM WANT Let's see they get the best we have to offer. Everyone bene- fits from the income tourist business brings to Ontario. So it's in your interest to en- other: parts to share our IS GOOD BUSINESS For from