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Daily Times-Gazette, 3 Jan 1948, p. 4

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- --f v THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1948 | pace Four LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Business F200, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. T. Williams, Editor. 4 "Phone 703, All Departments : 9 MINOR MUNICIPALITIES GO TO POLLS MON Markham Down Whitby Keen Election Races Seen For Whitby and Pickering , Townships This Year bree out of the sixteen minor gman JW ménicipalities in the County lof Ontario will see elections on Mon- day, Jaruary 5, although all seats on Council are not being 'contested injany one of them because of ac- clgmations. Thirteen of the sixteen municipalities held their nomina- tidn meeting last Monday while the other three municipalities held their meetings several] weeks ago. Whitby Township the electors will cast their ballots for represent- atives to Council only. N. J. Ander- son, 1947 Deputy-Reeve, was ac- claimed to the post of Reeve for the ensuing year. and Heber Down, senior councillor in 1947, was given an acclamation for the Deputy- Réeve's post. Four candidates will contest the three available seats remaining on Council and they include William Heron and Roy Bonnetta, . 1947 mémbers of the Council, and two newcomers, William Guthrie and Sydney Lockyer. Although deprived of an oppor- tunity to cast ballots for all seats, the electors of Whitby Township are expected to throng the polls to cast their ballots for their respect- ive council choices. In Pickering . Township an elec- "tion will take place for Deputy- Reeve and Council with the Reeve's post being awarded by acclamation to 1947 Deputy-Reeve, William H, 'Westney. Contesting the Deputy-Reeveship will. be Dr, N. E. McEwen and George Todd. Both men are widely known to Pickering Township elec- tars and it is expected that a close race will develop. Contesting the three seats on Pickering 'Township's council will Milfon- "Burk, Frank Disney, Claire Balsdon, Horace Brown, Nor- + High and Low Pressure : Steam Fitting } Hot Water Heating AUTOMATIC CHEATING +i Bute ets fn Stol:icrs Sales and Service i Phone 663 -- Phone 863 . Correll -- W. S. Martin WHITBY. Ortario Littleford and Biward| alm, = Brock Township, Alex Thomp- he was given the reeveship by ac- 'clamiation, but there will be a vote for both the Deputy-Reeveship and Council, Contesting the deputy-reeveship | will be W. V, Beaton and W. J. H. Philp, also two widely known men, seats will be Clifford Brethour, Clarence Fair, Ferguson Munroe and Frederick Lamb. An election for reeve and council is assured in Mara Township, how- ever, James Moffatt secured the de- puty-reeveship by acclamation. Patrick Duffy, 1947 Reeve resigned from municipal life this year and his position will be taken by one of the following: Harper Newman, 1947 Deputy-Reeve' or John Bruce, senior councillor in 1947. A four-man slate will be present- ed to the electors on Monday from which to make their .choice for council. This slate includes William Jackson, Carl Leonard, Dan Munro and John McFadden. The contest- ants for council seats are all new men this year although Jackson sat on Council several years ago. The fifth and last municipality to hold an election on Monday is East Whitby Township where there will be a contest for Deputy-Reeve and Council, The three municipalities holding nomination meetings several weeks ago and all of which returned doun- cils to office by acclamation include the Town of Whitby, Beaverton Vil- lage and Scott Township, The results of the nomination meetings in the other municipalities were as follows with all councils be- ing given acclamations: Rama Township--Reeve, Ernest Camick; Couneil, Westley McArthur, Hector ' McKinnon,' Duncan Mac- Donald, Michael Daffy, © Wilfred Davy, W. I. Hart and Harry Buch- anan were given acclamations to thé School Board. Uxbridge Town--Mayor, R. J. Harris; Reeve, R. M. Fett on) Cotnefl, Mrs. M. Rosebrugh, G. R. Gray, Ted Kelland, Irwin Merrick, Donald Smith," C. B, Willis, J, 8. 'Wilson was given an acclamation to the Public Utilities Commission and William O'Hara, Mrs. Estelle Willis and Norman Belfry were acclaimed to the Board of Education. Reach Township--Reeve, Thomas H. Harding; Depu'y-Reeve, Howard Dobson; Council, Malcolm Bailey, Harry Phoenix and Leslie Smith. Uxbridge Township--Reeve, Stew- DRY HARDWOOD FLOOR CUTTINGS 25¢ Per Bag (Plus deposit on bags) PRES-TO-LOGS "THE CLEAN FUEL" Ideal for Ranges, Heaters, Fireplaces and Furnaces 10c each or $22.00 per Ton Delivered 'Mixed Slab Wood $13.00 per Cord 'BRUNTON LUMBER CO. PHONE 352 NOW PLAYING Two Shows at 7.00 and 9.00--Saturday Matinee at 1.30 with her eye on: the mon they want! and contesting for Council's three Garage Is Entered On Dundas St. E Police Chief J. W J. 'William Elliott announced last night that Whitby experienced its first break-in in some months sometime bétween 2 am. and 8 a.m, on Friday morning. The break-in occurred at Fowler's Service Station on Dundas St. E. Chiet Elliott said that the thieves had made their entrance to the garage building by forcing a back window. He said that a considerable amount of electrical equipment was taken, batteries, spark plugs and tobacco, valued at about $150. Chief Elliott said that the break- in was not reported to him until nearly noon on Friday and by that time it* was virtually impossible to trace the thieves. It is believed that they made their getaway with the loot in a car parked near the scene. Police department officials are continuing to investigate. art Ball; Deputy-Reeve, Isaac Cath- erwood; Council, Wendell Alcock, Ralph Faulkner, Bert Pindall. Port Perry--Reeve, Edward Hayes; Council, R. H. Frise, Dr. M. B. Dia- mond, W. J. Carnegie and William Chapman; School Board, Ronald Peel, Howard Durkin and Norman Heayn. Scugog Township--Reeve, Earle Heayn; Council, George Samells, Angus Wilkinson, Raymond Fralick, Ray Milner. To complete the no-election slate, the five school trustees receiving acclamation were Anson Gerrow, Charles Reader, Cecil Fralick, Mor- ris Fralick, Elton Mark. Thorah Township -- No election will be held. Elected by acclama- rison, J. W. Westcott, Donald Ross; School Trustees, Russel Francis, Howard Hill, Harvey Westcott. Cannington Village--No election will be held, since the 1948 council was appointed by acclamation. They are: Reeve, Garnet C. Wilson; Council, Garnet 1. Woodward, W. C. Livingstone, R. Morley Carter, Hugh A. Wilson; School Trustees, J. 'E. Roberts, Ernest Apps, Lloyd G. Parliament; Hydro Commission- €r, John H. Summerfeldt. RICH IN VITAMIN "A" Oil extracted from dehydrated sweet™ potatoes is several times richer in Vitamin "A" than cod liver oil, experiments show. Births LILLICO--Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd OC. Lillico, of Woodville, Ont., . (nee Gertrude Charters, Whitby), are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their baby daughter, Susan Elizabeth, at Lind- say oHspital, on December 20th. In Memoriam WHITE--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, ry F. White, who passed away January 3rd, 1047, We have only your memory, er, To remember the whole life through; But the sweetness will linger forever, As we treasure the image of you. lovingly remembe; by her hus- band and family, z WOOD--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, , Norman L. Wood, who Sope rted this life gr ary 3 At ight the silent stars look down On a ave not far from here Where sleeps the one we can't forget The one de We loved so ar, The doatont this world Soul, hole The Te smile, a heart of fold, For those who knew him all wi How much we lost one 8 Jnr ago. ly m by Bla wife Alma And family, tion were: Reeve, Thomas Harrison; i * | Cauncil, Archie Vale, Russel Mor- Whitby "Ne ews In Brief Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the town are appreciated by this department TELEPHONE 1703 Eckford and Ted Gow with a number of boys from Upper Canada College, are spending their holidays skiing at Valcartier, Que. * ob The V.O.N. will hold thelr regular monthly meeting in the Library on Monday afternoon, January 5th, at 3 pm. * pb The Evening Group will provide the program at the W.M.S. meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 6th, at 3 pm. in the 8.8. Hall of the United Church. Refreshments will be served. * 4a The Cub and Scout Mother Aux- iliary will hold their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. McLean, 217 Euclid street, on Monday, Jan- uary 5th, at 8 o'clock. All mothers of Cubs and Scouts are invited to attend, * + The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, George Hunt- ley, 220 Green street, on Friday afternoon, January 9th,~at 2:30 pm, Mrs. A. Brady, of Pickering, district president, is expected to be present. A good attendance is hoped for. The oartioet libraries were prob- ably temples. Announcements RESERVE FRIDAY, JANUARY 23rd, for Annual Burns' Night celebration, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Watch for further particulars. SEATING SATURDAY AFTERNOON sud evening, at Taylor's Arenas, ve b] Whitby Legionnaires made their first appearance of the current sea- son out in Markham last night and came out on the short end of an 8-4 score. The home club were really on in their passing plays but their biggest asset in the game last night was the performance turned in by goalie Harper who played heads up hockey all the way. 'Whitby took an early lead in the initial frame as Bragg took a pass from=Vipgnd and backhanded the disk into {the net behind Harper. This lead 'was short "lived however as Markham came storming back. McCoy was banished for slashing and while he was repenting his sins the hcme club racked up two tallies to take the lead and hold it for the rest of the game, The both goals came off the stick of Geo. Stark a hard working player. Whithy were robbed of several sure goals in: the next few minutes of play as Harper was unbeatable at this point of the game. Marzham added two more quick goals as poor clearing around the Whitby net and not checking their man left one of the Markham players in scoring position. Mark- ham added one more to make it 5-1 with less than a minute of play re- maining. Tod Lintner local boy of last year Jr, C. club missed a sure goal as he was right in"on goalie Harper only to be out guessed. Aldsworth Cleaners Daily Pick-up and Delivery MURIEL'S SHOP Repairs 105 Colborne St. W. Phene 2243 305 Dundas St. W. WHITBY ELECTRIC Electrical Insta.lations and Repairs FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Hate our hgme wired the Red Seal Way Phone us for Information on Adequate Wiring Phone 650 £L 6. R. WAUDE MACHINE COMPANY BYRON ST. S. WHITBY General and Automotive Machine Work Cylinder Reboring Crank Shaft Grinding Electric and Acetylene Welding PHONES 856 -- 595 Legionnaires In Hard Fought Tilt 8-4 In the second frame the Whitby sextet 'outscored the home club 3-1. Wally Samanski bagged the {first marker on a neat pass from Johnny Heard before two minutes of play had gone by. McCoy was banished for holding and while he was in the cooler Watson bagged his first of a ir on a rass from Harry Milroy. the next play Johnny Heard of the} local squad received a nasty gash over the eye requiring some medical attention Milroy was ban- ished for five minutes for drawing iolood, While Milroy was sitting out his major penalty Whitby took ad- vantage of the odd man as Saman- ski bagged his second tally of the game as he completed a very neat three way passing .play started by Gates and McCoy. Less than a minute later Gates who was filling in for Heard backhanded the neaf- est goal of the night behind 'farp- er who lost sight of the puck nutil he turned to pick it out of the net béhind him, In the final frame it was two much Harper, the Whitby club pep- pered him with rubber from all an. gles but he was just unbeatable. The heme club added two more goals as the game was drawing near to a close. Markham club were too well accustomed to the smaller ice surfage thus throughing the Whit- by team off on their passes. 'Whitby will make their first ap- pearance of the current season on Monday night when they tangle with a club from Toronto called "Diggins", this promises to be a real game of hockey plan to be on hand, The Legionnaires have an- other good club this year and they deserve your support. LINE-UPS WHITBY LEGIONNAIRES--Goal Brkart; defence, Heffering, Brown; centre, Heard; wings, Samanski, McCoy; alts., Bragg, Lintner, Moore, Furey, Maine, Vipond, Gates, Chad (=, goal). MILLIONNAIRES-- Goal, Harper; defence, F. Scott, G. Scott; centre, Milroy; wings, Lawrie, MARKHAM DOWN (Continued on Page 5) Whitby Classified FOR SALE--MAROON excellent condition, Whitby 2168. FOR SALE--'37 CHEVROLET SEDAN, heater, gabardine slip covers, excellent condition inside and out, Phone Whit- by 986 after 6 p.m. CUSTOM BALING--HAY AND STRAW. Ux-Spring Farms Ltd. Uxbridge, Ont. Phone 103r2, Uxbridge. FOR SALE--WALNUT DI DINING-ROOM suite, table, chairs, buffet and china cabinet, Priced for quick sale. Also electric rangette, cook ye and other articles. Phone 747 Whit NOTICE -- WILL THE PERSE WHO took a parcel of laundry from 219 King streft, please return at once. Important. FOR | SALE--HARDWOOD CUTTINGS, 35 cents per bag, delivered. Phone Whitby 2257, (Jan. 1.3) WANTED -- TRANSPORTATION TO and from Toronto dally, Apply 210 Henry street, Whitby. (Jan.3) WANTED ANTED IMMEDIATELY, by reliable tenant, three unfurnished rooms or apartment, Willing to pay several months rent in advance. Apply Box No, 27, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (Jan.5) WANTED--SEVERAL COPIES OF DEC- ember 1Tth, Times-Gazette. Will pay 5 cents per 4 if left at Times- Ghzette Office, Whi FOR SALE--WOMAN'S TWEED GOAT, with fur lining, size 20. Apply 840 Dundas street east, Whitby, cottage 4. (Jan3)y| ABY PRAM, oy 00. Phone Canadian JUST ARRIVED! A SHIPMENT OF $17.00 per Ton 'Immediate Delivery JOHNSTON FUELS, Whitby PHONE 944 Brickettes TO BUY---ALL KINDS OF ultry, also new and old feathers aay market prices. Avply J. Parker, 321 Brock St. N. Phone 486. PROPERTY FOR SALE $7.7 New 6-room brick house, splendid location, lot 45x135, oak floors, tile bath, fully insulated, best of materials throughout, immediate possession. GORDON OSBORNE Real Estate Broker * 109 Dundas Street West Whitby RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 30 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel, 707 Ski Outing At Raglan On Sunday Although Thursday aight's driv- ing blizzard which piled snow to a depth of three feet or more through- out sections of Ontario County, was a headache to most people, it bers of the Whitby Ski Club. Be- cause of the lack of a sufficient depth of fhe white.stuff Whitby skiers have been virtually without brought a new spark of life to mem-} a place to " D) hats" so far * this winter. The new fall, "however, bas : changed the picture. Officials an- nounced today that the Raglan Ski : Course, owned by the Oshawa Ski Club but used by the Whitby en- thusiasts, lies- snugly buried under several feet of good skiing week- end ventured. by the club to date ° this year. ¥ Transportation will be available at Heard's rage on Brock St. N., to take club members to the Raglan - course on Sunday afternoon at 1.30 * p.m. oo Club officials urge all members and prospective members to take advantage of the transportation and make this, the first real outing this year, a definite success. classes. registrations. Whitby High School NIGHT CLASSES Tues., Jan. 6, Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 to 9.30 p.m. in Dressmaking, Typing and Shorthand. Owing to the large advance registration, the Dressmaking Class will be held in two sections; on Tuesday, those with little or no experi- ence in sewing; on Thursday, those who are more experienced. Typing Classes will be: held both Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30, and Shorthand, both evenings from 8:30 to 9:30. All pupils, including those who registered in advance, please pay fees in the office before going to the first class. Fees are $3.00 for those attending classes full time, i.e. both Tuesday and ' Thursday, for two hours; $2.00 for those attending half time, , Le, only Tuesday or Thursday, or one hour Tuesday and Thurs- day. Fees will be refunded '0 those who attend over 85% of the The High School office wil be open at 7 o'clock both Tuesday and Thursday, January 6th and 8th, to receive fees and sm at 7.30 p.m. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY WHITBY SERVICES -- JANUARY 4th, 1948 All Church Services Will Be Standard Time F. Darnell . THE BAPTIST CHURCH Yours to Serve MRS. W. B. G. SUMMERS, AT.CM. -- MUSIC Ph, 453 ey 10 am. - THE 7PM. - \ NEW YEAR SERVICES i 11 AM.- A Question You Can't Answer "Why | Preach The Gospel" A Modern Minister's Defence of the Christian Message Music by Oshawa Russian Church New Year's Sacrament Service in the Evening BIBLE SCHOOL / WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A, B.D, Mrs. Vernon Rowe, A.T.C.M, 11 AM. THE DIVINE PROMISE CHURCH SCHOOL AT 11 A.M. ; 7 P.M. NECESSITY OF UNITY , --Phil, 334 THE WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors: D, IPPOLITO -- R. KING 7 P.M.--A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE o COUNCIL CHAMBERS eo 3 P.M.--Sunday School A Class for All -- Bring. Your Children Along "Forgetting those things which are behind . . the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." . I press toward Merrill Ross Myrtle Station TELEPHONE BROOKLIN 33R14 Remember: our responsibility yl 'doesn't stop with the SALE of Surge Equipment. The kind of SERVICE that Equipment gives 'you Is also our concern. Call on us at any time for somplete INFORMATION, PARTS or REPAIRS Certified Dry Cleaning "Give your garments that FRESH look by letting us clean and press them in our brand new, modernly equipped plant right here in Whitby. L OF 4 x CLEANERS PHONE Two-day service on Cleaning and Pressing : ' One-day service on Pressing WHITBY, ONT. PS . Amount $ 989 4947 98.93 494.63 Whitby, January 2nd, 1948 1st-15th TOWN OF WHITBY TAX PREPAYMENT CERTIFICATES Prepayment receipts may now be purchased at the Treasurer's Office in amounts of $10.00, or any multiple thereof, at the following discounts: J JANUARY 16th-31st $ 991 49.55 99.10 495.50 These receipts may be applied on any 1948 taxes by the purch same with the tax bill on due date of first instalment, April 15th. 'S PURCHASE NOW AND OBTAIN -MAXIMUM "DISCOUNT FEBRUARY 1st-15th 16th-28th $ 993 8 994 49.64 49.71 99.28 99.42 496.39 497.10 the Aer sur g JOHN R. FROST, Towm Treasurer,

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