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Daily Times-Gazette, 3 Jan 1948, p. 8

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2OE <bbm 2< WEQ BE 3.1 PAGE EIGHT 3 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1948 Homemaking Club Formed At Tyrone MRS. W. RAHM Correspondent Tyrone, Dec, 20--On Saturday af- ternoon December 27 a group girls met at the home of leader My's. N. Yellowlees to form a Homemak. ing Club which is sponsored by the Women's Institute branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, After discussing in general the outline of the project for the win- ter actiyities, "The Club Girl Enter- tains", "the following officers were elected: President, Arvilla Beckett; secretdry-treasurer, Bessie Hills and Press correspondent, Doris Park. Following this, hospitality in the home, flower arrangements dishwashing were discussed. Mrs, Vellowlees demonstrated the use of measurements and how to make fruit punch after which a de- licicus lunch was served. The next meeting will be held at the home of assistant leader Joyce Hills on the evening of Jan, 2. id Christmas News Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Virtue and * 'John, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wonnacott, Dixie. s Sorry to learn Mr. Ronald Scott is confined to his bed with pneu- monia, Mrs, W. Miller spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, J. Bird, Bow= manyille. Mr. and Mrs. R. Maynard, Mr. and Mrs, J. McRoberts at Mr, and Mrs, H. Wood Mr. and Mrs, T. Barr and Douglas, Mrs. Anne Phillips and family with Miss F. Gardiner, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. N.. Yellowlees and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wright and Mr. and Mrs.' H, Rundle, Hampton. Miss Jenny Beckett, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Beckett and family, Enniskillen, Mrs. Elva Beck- ett and Joan, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. . Mr. and Mrs, H, Strong, Mr. H. Saud, Salem, with Mr, and Mrs. J. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb and Mur- ray with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford, Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and Sandra, Peterboro, Mr. D. Yellow lees, Toronto, Mr: and Mrs. E, Hack- aday and Evelyn, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Mr. Archie Ca- tion, Hampton, with Mr and Mrs. Frank Wright. Mr, and Mrs. H, Stainton and family, Mr. Luther Stainton with Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Speight, Osha- wa. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp with Mr, and Mrs. D, Hooper, Orono. Mr, and Mrs, W. Macdonald, Bruce Tyrone, Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W, Steward, Mr. R. McCullough and Brenton with Mr. and Mrs, D. Davey, Long Sault. Misses Helen and Joyce Murray, Mr. D. Murray, Mr, C. Prescott, To- ronto, Mr. K. Prescott, Oshawa, at Stewart Hooey's. ? Mr. and Mrs. E. White spent Christmas at Bobcageon Mr, and Mrs, G. Alldread with Mr. and Mrs, C. Alldread, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards, Mrs, Thos. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Bige- low with Mr. and Mrs, A. Hawkey. Mr, and Mrs. S. Duval, Mr, and Mrs. H. Steele, Ronald and Ivy Steele, Mr. and Mrs. J. Park and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Murney and Georgina, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverley, Sylva and Sheila; Mr. and Mrs. D, Park, Thomas and Kenneth, Glenna Joyce, Bowman- ville, were Christmas guests at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park Jr., also Miss Yvonne Byam, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs, D, Perfect and Richard, Bowmanville, with Mr, and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mr, and Mrs. F. L. Byam and boys visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Lillicapp, Peterboro. Mr. B. Dale, Alliston, with Mrs. Walter Jones. Mr. and Mrs, L. Hetherington Al- liston with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Downs, Billie, Caroline Lakefield, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Moore, John and Paul Tyrone with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtues Mr, and Mrs, J. Gibbs and Mich- ael, Mr, and Mrs. T. Gibbs, spent Christmas in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and fam- ily with Mrs, C. Stephens, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Ken- nets, Ronald, Clem and Doreen at Cecil Rahm's, Union, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, nd family, Oakwood, Miss Mary ilkinson, Toronto; Mr. Wesley Hills, Kemptville; K.AS8., Mrs. H, Couch, Marjorie and Eileen, Bow- manville, at Mr. A, Hills, Mr. and Mrs, F. Wright and children with Mr. and Mrs, Gold- wyn Faint, Toronto. Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowman- ville, Mrs, A. Hendricks and Joyce Simcoe, with relatives. > Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy, Bowman- ville, Mr. J. McMahon, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. G. White and Jean, Bow- manville, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spicer and fam- ily, Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan; Mr. aid Mrs, E. A, Virtue and John, Mr. W. Hamley, were guests at Mrs, Laura Virtue and Milton. Sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Charles Bigelow who died December 26. - Mr. and Mrs. Luthér Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lone McCoy, Brocklin, were guests at Mr. and Mrs, N. Woodley. Mr. and Mrs. W, Taylor and fam. ily, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess, Ty~ rone, Mrs. A. B. Stevens, and Beverley, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. H. Burgess Long Sault. Mr, and Mrs, G. White and Jean, Mrs. A. Jenkin, Miss Florence Wer- ry, Mrs. E. J. Silver, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar and family at Mr, and Mrs. F, Werry. Mr, and Mrs, E. Stephens, Joan and Louise, Suton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. FP. Park. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larmar, To- rento, at Mr. and Mrs, G. Rose vear's, Mrs. Elliott, Buckhorn .with Mr, and Mrs, Everton. White. Miss Joyce Hills, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hills. Mr. Edwin Millson, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moffatt and children: : 4 Tr Products banquet at the Ba! Arthur Bowmanville, with" Mr, and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. og Mrs, C. Keller, Toronto, with Mr, 'and Mrs, H. Burgess. Mr, and Mrs. J. Hatherly and of | family, Newcastle, with Mr, and Mrs, R. Hatherly. : i Mr, and Mrs. Allan Down and family, Ebenezer, with Mr. and Ms. Bverton White. Couple Celebrate 40th Anniversa M. HORN Correspondent Hampton, Dec. 29.--Mr; and Mrs Theo Salter, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Salter and Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Peters and sons, were guests on | Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Georgé Davey, it being the occasion of -| their 40th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, Mr. and Mrs will White and Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdon attended the Oshawa, Wood orai Hotel; Bowmanville, in honor ot Mr. Cecll Found on Monday eve. ning, December 22. An enjoyable evening was spent by the guests. Mr. Raymond Petit, Long Branch, Miss Cecil Petit and Miss Gladys Chapman, Toronto, were Christmas week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman. Mr. Murate Robbins, Toronto, was a Clristmas visitor with his mother Mrs. R. Avery and sister Mrs. W. W. Horn and Mr, Horn. Misses Dora Purdon, PHN. | Brockville, and Margaret Purdon, Cherrywood, have been holidaying at home. Mrs. M. and Miss Louise Goodman were with Mr, and Mrs, Allen Parker, Toronto, for the Christmas season. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, visited relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and son Donald, Bowmanville; Mr. Howard Pye, Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen; Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. Kent Caverly and C. W. Souch for Christmas. Miss Mary Wilkins, Reg.N., Osh- awa General Hospital, spent Clrist- mas with her sister, Mrs. Gerald Balson, Mr. Balson and family. Mr. and Mrs, J. Purdon and daughter, spent Christmas with their son, Mr. Harold Purdon, wife and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Greenaway were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne, Oshawa. Miss Eileen Wray, nurse-in-train- ing, Oshawa General Hospital, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wray, for Christmas. Mr, Arthur Baker, Bowmanville. visited his sister, Mrs. Sam Dewell and Mr. Dewell. \ Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, ac- companied by Miss Frances Stafford of Mimico and Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn, Toronto, are with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mark Blackburn, for Christmas holidays. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, is with her mother, Mrs. C. Johns ana sister, Mrs. Will White. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Keith and Ralph, Toronto, and Miss Mary Peters, were with the Salters. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith, Jack and Anna, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Trull, d Mr, and Mrs. Percy Allin and daughter, Shella, Oshawa, were with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Horn. Miss Phyllis Niddery, spent a few days at home, Toronto, Mr. John Purdon; Toronto, was a | visitor with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren were with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. War. ren, Thornton's Corners, for Christ | MAS, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Davies and son Don, were guests of relatives at Kingston, Mr, and Mrs. Orval Chapman, Orono, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kersey and baby son, Ronald, Oshawa; Mr. Ted and Miss Marion Kelly, Oshawa: Mr. Lloyd Kersey, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kersey. Mr, and Mrs, 8, Williams and Miss Eva Williams, spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Edwin Wood, Mr, Wood and family, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdon" and daughters, visited relatives at Jan- etville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowling and two children, of London, have been with his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Johr. Cowling for Christmas week. The Christmas dance at the school on Saturday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' Service Club was well attended and an en- joyable |event. Ruth Wilson's Or- chestra provided the music. Jack Cowling, Brighton, spent the week-end at home, College Hill Sunday School 601 Montrave Avenue SUNDAY--3 P.M. Young People's Saturdays, 7 p.m. LETS ALL GO TO CHURC \ "REGULARLY I The Golden Text be weary, apd: the young men shall utterly fall: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." : Young, middleaged and old per- sons all grow weary at times and '| feel they cannot go on with their many tasks. At such times, if they are quiet for a time, and pray for God's strength, it will come to them, and they too shall "run and not be weary," and "walk and not faint." ' How to Pray From the Sermon on the Mount we quote what Jesus said about our prayers to our Father in Hea- ven. Pirst, He said that {f we pray- ed in secret, God would reward us openly. And after this manner, therefore, pray ye: "Our Father, which are in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name." Our Father, you se Pather to every one of us. » Even those close to Jesus, who (Continugd on Page 16) Praying hands' eath, "He . . . giveth to all life, and br SEE What We Know About God KING STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. J. V. McNEELY, M.A, B.D., Minister WALTER H. JACKSON, Organist and Choirmaster 4 SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11 AM.--"THE VALOUR OF CONVICTION" . Sololst:--MRS., FRANK GODDEN. 2:30 PM.--Tne Church School 1 7 P.M.--"THE FOUR HORSES of the APOCALYPSE" Jan, 5-8--Week of Prayer in St. Andrew's United Church, Jan. 22nd--Annual Congregational Meeting. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1048 ST.ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. George Telford, M.A, B.D. Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. C. J. W. Taylor, D.C.M. Services of Worship, Sunday, Jan. 4th 11:00 A.M.--Setting the Course 2:30 P.M.--Sunday School and Bible Classes 7:00 P.M.--Anchors That Hold Week of Prayer, Monday, Jan, 5th--Friday, Jan, 9th--8 p.m. ' In St. Andrew's Church You Can't Be a Success in 1948 Ce By Your Own Strength! 'Seek Ye The Lord' New Year's Services 11 AM Morning Worship TPM Radio Service AT ALBERT tite CHURCH The Church With The Challenge Minister: Rev. 8. R. Henderson, BA.,, B.D. Dir. of Music--Mrs, A. Holden (The International Uniform Les- son on the above topic for January 11 is Isaiah 40:28-31; Matthew 6:9; John 8-14; Acts 17:22-31, the Mem-~ ory Verse being Acts 17:25, "He . . . giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.") WHAT DO we know about God? We know Him through His won- drous works in nature; in the good- ness in men, and above all through Jesus Christ, who for the first time called Him Our Father. Are there any more inspiring and life-giving words in the world that those uttered by Isaiah, many years before Christ came to. the earth, and when Isaiah was pro- phesying His coming? "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth pot, neither is weary? there is no sedrching of His understanding. "He giveth power to the faint: and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. "Even the youths shall faint and CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH MR. NORMAN WILLIAMS Pastor--Rev. T, H. P. Anderson Organist and Choir Leader 169 Athol St. E. 801 Riston Rd. &, Phone 4602R "Phone 3135R 11 AM--THE ONE THING A CHRISTIAN MAY NOT SAY SERVICE OF BAPTISM. 7 PM.--"I BELIEVE IN THE GRACE OF GOD" 10 AM.~THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. WED. 14th--THE OFFICIAL BOARD. BUN. 11th--COMMUNION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. SUN. 18th--SOUND FILM AT THE EVENING SERVICE. We welcome you to this House of God, this, and every Sunday. We assure you that you will find sincerity, friendliness, and a Christ-like atmosphere. THE FRIENTLY CHURCH. SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. D. Cornett, M.A.,, D.D., O.B.E., Minister. R. G. Geen, L.I.C.M,, Organist and Choirmaster. DIVINE SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. 4th 11 AM.--THE COMMUNION'S MESSAGE OF HOPE . The Sacrament of The Lord's. Supper 2:30 PM.--Sunday School and Bible Classes 7 P.M.--WAJTING UPON GOD Week of Prayer, Jan, § - 9 in St. Andrew's at 8 p.m. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US iY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Pastor -- Rev. Coros LOF. Hall, 20 King St. W. Mr. and Mrs. Brunning 7 P.M. Everyone Welcome GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. N. Eritsch, Pastor NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH COR. SIMCOE AND ARLINGTON Rev, B. §. Morwood, Minister Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist 10 am.--SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 AM.--Morning Service UNDERNEATH THE EVERLASTING ARMS 7 p.m.--Evening Service : SOME DAY YOU MUST GIVE ACCOUNT Be Wise, Take Stock of Your Spiritual Life Now 11 AM.--A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE 5 Nursery for Babies and Young Children 7 PM.--EVENING FELLOWSHIP "The One Thing Worth Knowing' Come and Worship--A Warm Welcome Awaits You, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Centre and John Streets "INDEPENDENT--EVANGELISTIC--MISSIONARY" RFV. A. W. WHITEHEAD, PASTOR 11 a.m.--"Lessons at the Cross" Junior Church and Nursery Dept. during Morning Session, y Sunday School 3 p.m, 7 p.m.--"Salvation Before and After" Wed. 8 pm.--REV. G. WOODWARD of the Poona and Indian Village Mission will be with us. Corner Oak and Simcoe Streets THE SALVATION ARMY MAJOR and MRS. H. G. ROBERTS, Commanding Officers Phone 4455 11.00 a.m.--*Stepping Out Together" 2.15 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes 7.00 p.m.--"Remembering and Forgetting" Band and Songsters in attendance 74 ATHOL ST. W. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) SIMCOE ST. N., AT BROCK Rev. H. F. DAVIDSON, M.A, Minister . Mt. DAVID JENKINS, Organist and Choirmaster, = SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 PUBLIC WORSHIP 11:00 AM.--"A GOAL IN LIFE" 7:00 P.M.--"JESUS" CHOICE OF DISCIPLES" SUNDAY SCHOOLS ° 10.00 AM.--MAIN SCHOOL CLASSES FOR ALL 2:30 P.M. --KNOX YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE.CLASS. 2:30 P.M.--DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL IN THE UKRAINIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICES. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - JANUARY 5-9, 8:00 P.M, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REV. RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AN™ CHOIR LEADER ~-MRS. F. VANDER-VOOT 9.55 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL i1 AM.--"PRESERVING 'THE NEW" -- Broadcast CKDO Communion Service Following 7 P.M.--"WHEN PEOPLE PRAYED" Note Week of Prayer Announcement : A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP REV. J. W. BRAY, PASTOR Special Singing YOU ARE REVIVAL SERVICES JAN.6-18 With REV. J. FLEXON, young, inspiring Evangelist SEN Te Dng FYangelsh Week-Night Services--8.00 p.m, Sunday Services--11.00 a.m.--7.00 p.m. Sunday School--10.00 a.m. Baritone Soloist E. Bray by P.B.C. Trio WELCOME 17 Erie St. -- Cedardale's Evangelistic Centre -- 17 Erie St. - 10 A.M. Morning Subject tam | "IN Evening -- Congregational Singing Pastor : Rev. L:i#E. Fletcher "Only Once a Stranger at the Services" SOLOS, DUETS and a SHORT GOSPEL MESSAGE A timely message for 1948 NASSAU STREET GOSPEL HALL SUNDAY -- 7 P.M. GOSPEL SERVICE WED, 8 PM.--BIBLE READING THURS, 9:15--GOSPEL MESSAGE ON CKDO FRI, 8 PM.--PRAYER MEETING CHILDREN'S MEETING FRIDAY 7 P.M. Every boy and girl attending will receive a prize. A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PASTOR R. A. BOMBAY J 245 SIMCOE ST. 8. SUN., 11 a. M.--Communion -- 7 P.M.--Revival WEEK OF PRAYER TUES. WED,, THUR., FRI, at 8 PM. SPEAKER: REV. K. HAYSTEAD Pastor of the Pentecostal Church, Ottawa. --=Sunday School VENTORY"! 1 p.m. Evangelistic Service Phone 3822-W CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL--1220 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 A.M. Subject: GoD Wednesday evening gting includes testimonies of healing . Sctence. . pas 1" THE PENTECOSTAL YOUTH RALLY "~ Mon 8pm. \~ REV. KEN HAYSTEAD Ontario C.A. President and Director of Ottawa Youth For Christ. Youth groups from Toronto, Peterborough, Belleville and other cities and towns, will unite in a-one night meeting, at CHURCH The reading room at 1 Simcoe St. South Room No. ( i Bassett Block) will be open dally from 2 to 5 pm. and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m, excepting Sundays and legal hoil- days, where the Bible and CI n Sci [¢ e may be died and and Pp placed for periodicals. What We Know About God AN Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus said, "Have, I been so long with you ==d yet thou hast, not known Me?" "Believest thou not that-I am the Father, and the Father in Me?" The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself, but the Father speaketh." » Hallowed be Thy N offered in secret, please God, He said. ; Jesus said, "After this manner therefore' "Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, in Athens, and told the Athenians about the. living God who made all thingy MEMORY VERSE--Acts 17:25." se \ name," and prayers ¥ BW ALIIYS OMNDIIW UNITED SERVICES Arranged by the Oshawa Ministerial Association . Wook of Prayer JANUARY 5th to 9th, 1948 St. dndraws. United. Church. | 8 PM. THEME- "THE CALL OF CHRIST" Mon.--"The Call" Rev. H. F. Yardley Tues.~"The Body of Christ"--Rev. George Telford Wed.--"The Call to Service"--Rev. D. M. Rose Thurs.--"The World's Need"--Rev. John Jacenty 'FRI.--"GOD'S ULTIMATE PURPOSE" DOCTOR GEORGE C. PIDGEON, Toronto For your own welfare, for the good of all, DEVOTE THIS WEEK TO PRAYER AND MEDITATION, Ps : a a I Ue 03 8 irNn4 Ss RR Ra 5

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