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Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Jan 1948, p. 5

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- ~TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1948 a ae THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WHITBY NEWS Whitby Twp. Elects Former Members; - Big Pickering Vote One-third of the Whitby Town- ship voters turned out yesterday to , elect former councillors to the three ' township council posts for 1948. Roy Bonnetta, a member of coun- cil for the past two terms, headed the polls with 954 votes while Wil- liam Heron, who joined council at the same time as Councillor Bon- netta, came second with 282. W. H. Guthrie and Sydney Lock- yer fought it out for the remaining seat, the former winning by 48 votes. Mr. Guthrie received 251 votes while his opponent's total was 208. He is no newcomer to council, having served for eight terms some years ago, resigning during his ninth year of office. The third member of the 1947 council, Heber Down, was elected deputy-reeve by, acclamation and last year's depufy-reeve, N. J. An- derson, received an acclamation for the reeveship. Last year's reeve, William Manning, is now clerk- treasurer for Ontario County. Heavy Vote In one of the heaviest votes on record in Pickering Townshp, Dr. . McEwen won the deputy- reeveship over George Todd, a member of council for the past seven years. Dr. McEwen re- ceived 999 votes, only 98 more than his opponent. For council, Clare Balsdon, a newcomer to the municipal field, headed the polls with 1,346 votes while Frank Disney and Milton Burk won fourth terms with 996 and 903 votes respectively. A margin of 327 votes separated the third elected candidate and the runner-up in the six-man race, Edward Schwalm. Schwalm re- ceived 576 votes while Horace Brown got 338 and Norman Little- ford 305. In Brock Township, W. V. Bea- ton was re-elected deputy-reeve, winning over W. J. H. Philp by a vote of 415 to 834. For township council, Frederick Lamb and Fer- guson Munro, newcomers to coun- cil, headed the race with 477 and 439 votes respectively. Clarence Fair and Clifford Brethour fought it out for the remaining seat, Fair winning by the slim margin of 378 to 361. "iy Deputy-Reeve Defeated In Mara Township, the remain- ing Ontario County municipality to hold elections yesterday, Jo Bruce was elected reeve over former deputy-reédwe Harper New- man by a landslide vote of 640 to 280. r. Bruce succeeds Patrick Duffy who retired from the post this 'year. 'The new reeve served on council for a number of terms some years ago and is also a form. er reeve of the township. Mr, Newman also had a long record of municipal service and had been deputy-reeve for the past two years. For council a final check was to be made later today to ascertain the exact number of votes for each candidate. It was definite, how- ever, that William Jackson, Don Munro and John McFadyen were elected, with Carl Leonard the de- feated candidate. Only one member of last year's council, William Jackson, appears on this yéar's slate, Munro and McFadyen being newcomers to the field. The township saw a heavy vote as was expected following the heated nomination meeting a! which ratepayers complained of the new county assessment. William Medland Installed As Master Of Mount Zion Masonic Lodge MRS. C. DAVIES Correspondent »rocklin, Jan. 5--William Med- land, Master of Mount Zion Ma- sonic Lodge, was installed Tuesday | \svening 'by V.W. Leslie Hall, assist- "ed by Past Masters of Zion Lodge. The following offices were invested: W. Bro. Harold Mowbray, Immedi- ate Past Master; Bro. Russ Rich- ardson, 8.W.; Bro. E, Powell, JW.; Bro. D. Yellowlees, Chaplain; YL.W. Bro. O. H. Downey, treasurer; R. W. Bro. R. V. Mowbray, secretary; Bro. Hagerty, SD.; Bro. L. G. Moo- dy, J.D.; W. Bro. Lorne McCoy, D: of C.; Bro, L. Stanton, 8S.; Bro. J. Patterson, J.S.; Bro. H. McPherson, 1.G.; W. Bro. Jno. Batty, Tyler. Following the installation a tur- key dinner was epjoyed by the brethren and their wives. A suit- able program was presented. by the members. Jolin Medland was elected by ac- clamation to represent Ontario Ontario County South at the On- tario Older Boys' Parliament, held in Emmanuel College, Queen's Park, Toronto, from Dec. 26 to 31. This Parliament is cut to 'teen size, but the issues are large. There is a Premier, Gordon Dollar of St. Thomas, a leader of the Opposi- tion; Ross Anderson of Brighton, and ninety sitting members. This was the 27th session of Parliament and it 1s hoped that more interest will be shown in the coming year in this worthy project. The annual meeting of the Brook- lin United Sunday School was held on Dec. 29 and the following offi- cers and teachers were elected: Superintendent, Mr. Fred Ormiston; assistant superintendent, Mr. Orval Jackson; secretary, Mr. M, Rout. ley; asst. sec., Bert Hannam; treas., Ronald Ormiston; supt. of chil- dren's division, Mrs, T. Kivell; supts., of temperance, Miss A. Ar- nold Mrs. Rogers; supt. ef Cra- dle 1, Miss N. Longhurst; Mis- sionary supts., Mrs, W. Agar and Migs L. Mowbray; pianists, Mrs, Albert , Mrs. Kaine and Mrs, Blight; singing leader, Mrs. A. Wil- son; lantern operators, Ron. Asling and Eddie Dyer; teachers of begin. ners: Mrs, Wm. Heron and Mrs. J. Ormiston; Primary, Miss Verna Sonley; Juniors, John Medland, Miss A. Arnold, Mrs, T. Kivell; In- termediates, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. De- Hart, Mrs, Blight and Orval Jack- son; Seniors, Mrs. A, Wilson and Mrs, J. Patterson; young people's class, tha Rev. M. C. Fisher; young adult _clasz, Mrs. M. C, Fisher and Mrs. J. McKinney; Bible c¢lass-- looked after by Association groups edch month. : a Miss Shirley Blight celebrated her 12th birthday on Monday, Dec. 29, then she entertained 2 number of ro ir girl friends. Sleigh riding, «xating and a luscious party supper was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Harding cele- _ brated their 28th wedding' anniver- sary on New Year's Day. They had as their guests Mrs. Harding's mo- ther, Mrs. Flint, Oshawa, their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Crago, Bowmanville, and an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knibb, and Miss Doro- thy Bilston, Oshawa. Master Jimmie, Ross entertained a number of little boys on the occa- sion of his 5th birthday on Satur- day, Jan. 3, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Blair and fam- ily spent New Year's Day with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dalby, at North Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Garner and family, Mr, and Mrs. Doug. Carens and daughter of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Carens of Oshawa, all spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carens, Mrs. Errol Carson, Mt. Zion, srent last Tuesday with Mrs. Gib- son and Mrs, Lawrence. Misses Lillie and Alice Brown of Peterborough spent New Year's and the week-end with the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher and family, The Young Adult Class meeting is being postponed from Jan. 8 to Jan, 22, due to the prayer week ses- sions, Mr. and Mrs. George Cragg and son, Garnet, and Mr, and Mrs, Charles Cragg and son, Roger, To- ronto, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. C. Davies and family. - During this week of Prayer a sere vice will be held on Tuesday even- ing at 8:15 in the United Church with the Y.P.U. taking the worship service and: the Rev. BE, Bruton giv- ing the address. On Thursday even- ing at 8.15 a service will be held in the Anglican Church, the Revs. M. C. Fisher and E. Bruton in-charge. The Davey family of London, will give a concert in the United Church on Tuesday evening, Jan. 13. Information about tickets may be obtained from the W.A, The British and Foreign Bible Society realized the sum of $07 from the Brooklin branch, A letter of gratitude has been received, thanking all who took part in the collection campaign. Mr. Jack Nesbitt has returned to Guelph after spending the holidays at his home. Mr. and Mrs. FP, Mason of Osha- wa spent a few days with Miss E. Burton. , Deepest sympathy is extended to Miss Burton in the loss of her fa. ther, who passed away in Oshawa Hospital on Saturday. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs. Guy Stevenson in the loss of her mother, the late Mrs. Diamond, Pickering, last week. * Mrs, Harry White of Toronto spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones. ; POPULATION CENTRES Sydney and Melbourne hold about one-third of the population of Australia. THANK YOU WHITBY TOWNSHIP! A hearty thank you to all the electors who re-elected me as Councillor for Whitby Township. Vwi do my best to justify your faith in mé. Roy. Bonnetta THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten ENOUGH { FOR PETES SAKE! ALL I NEED FOR A WEEK-END 16 A RAZOR, AND YET YOU GOTTA PACK STUFF CRUISE! WHEN D'YA THINK FOR A WORLD Bur ua VER CEN hop FOR LUNCH! TM ONLY OF COMRSE TIL BE BACK GOING OVER ON THE Of Toronto The Whitby Legionnaires opened their current series at home by trouncing Toronto Diggins, 9-5, in a very fast and rugged Senior B tilt last night. The local team were spurred on by the Legion band who came out in full force to give their team support. The Legionnaires played headup hockey and were never headed as their speedy forward combinations were on the offensive all the way while their defensive bowled all éomers. Whitby looked to be the team that uld really show the fans some e hockey this season for if their ce last night is any inclination of their play for the year it should be the Legion's best season especially with coach Maun- drell doing such a fine job. The large orowd on hand seemed espe- cially pleased with the night's per- formance and you can be sure they will be back #gain when the locals make their next appearance, Speedy First The opening period of the battle was by far/the best from Whitby's standpoint as they really poured on the steam. Luther Vipond put Whit- by ahead at the three-thirty mark but Moore of Diggins evened things up thirty seconds later. It was Hef- fering, Whitby's rugged rearguard who put the locals in front to stay on a shot which just trickled over the line, Heard was awarded the assist, Furey from Brugg and Litner was. the next scoring play which gave the fans a great impression of this tricky trio for it was the type of goal which had the crowd on their toes, Elliot then Diggins back in the running at the 11.50 mark. The final goal of the period was off the stick of Maine and gave the lo- cal aggregate a comfortable 4-2 se, heading into the second per- Hectic Second The middle frame was the most hectic of the evening as both teams began throwing their weight around and sticks were carried at the slope, Whitby increased théir margin by one, Litner doing the honors, but to made a real bid to tie the score as they latched two tallies in succession, Imray and Timgrin the marksmen. However, from here in it was all Whitby as they rang up three more markers, Furey, Saman- ski and McCoy being the goalgetters. Elliot added another counter to the Diggins cause, During this session Maine and Moore were chased for roughing while" Burkart the local netminder was given a minor pen- alty which Wiles served when Bur- kart indulged in a rolling tussle with one of the enemy. All Quiet Things slowed down considerably in the final frame as the Legion- naires held Diggins scoreless while Samanski, netted his second goal of the 'evening assisted by Heard to make the final score read Whitby 9 Diggins 5. During the period Gil- christ, Moore and Bragg were sent to the sinbin to repent for minor offences. The Whitby team gave a fine ac- oount of themselves last night and it is to be hoped they can maintain their high standard of play during the schedule. The next home game is Monday Jan. 12 when the Legion- naires play host to QXIL another Senior B team from the Queen city a Thanks I Appreciate the Confidence Shown Me By My Re-Election as Councillor of Whitby Township WM. A. HERON Legion Takes Measure Diggins By 9-5 Count who have in their line-up Hank Goldup. a former N.HL. performer who is also doing the coaching chores for this club. LINE-UPS WHITBY LEGIONNAIRES -- G. Burkhart; def. Heffering, Brown; centre, Heard; wings, Samanski, Mc- Coy; alts, Bragg, Furey Lintner, Wiles, Natau, Vipond, Maine; Chad (sub goal). TORONTO DIGGINS-- G. Dins- dale; def. Hunt, Dinnie; wings, Im- ray, Moore; alts, Valliere, Chris, Wilscn, Sullivan, Elliot, Timgrin, Gibbins, Referee--Morrison, Oshawa, Linesman--Dafoe, Whitby. SUMMARY First Period 1--Whitby, Vipond 2--Toronto, Moore ....... . 3--Whitby, Heffering (Hear 4--Whitby, Furey (Bragg, Lintner) 11 5--Toronto, Sullivan) 6--Whitby, Heard) Penalties--Furey. Second Period T--Whitby, Lintner ..... 8--Toronto, Imray 9--Toronto, Timgrin 10--Whitby, Furey (Bragg) ...14.00 11--Whitby, Samanski (Heard, Elliot (Wilson, veens 4.00 McCoy 12--Toronto, Elliot (Evans, 'Timgrin) 3 13--Whitby, McCoy, (Brown) .16.00 Penalties--Maine, Moore, Burkart (Wiles served time). Third Period 14--Whitby, Samanski (Heard) 4.00 Penalties -- Gilchrist, Moore, Bragg, Now Be Quiet "But, my dear," gushed the pret- ty girl in the railway carriage "one must have the right clothes. When I go riding, I wear a riding habit; when I go out in the evening I wear evening dress ..." "Really," interrupted the man who was trying to read his paper. "And what do you wear at birth- day parties?" 00 | Christmas. Ajax Residents Are Injured While at Work H. M. PIPER Correspondent Ajax, Jan. 2.--The Ajax Varsity Christian Fellowship wishes to an- nounce that theys will endeavour to have a special speaker for any Sun- day service in any church between January 10, 1948, and the end of the school . term. For particulars write or phone R. K. Parish, Resi- dence 730, Queen's Road, Ajax, On- tario. Mr, and' Mrs. R. Rahmer of Windsor Avenue, spent Christmas in Kitchener, the guests of Mrs, Rahmer's parents, enjoying a com- plete family reunion, with sisters and brothers and their families and also the brother and his wife and two children, who have been holi- daying here from South America. We are sorry to report two acci- dents this week. Eric Winram of Brock Street was injured about his head while at work on Monday at the Power Plant here. Ben Severs had his neck injured while at work at the General Motors plant, Osh- awa. We trust they are both well on the way to recovery. Rev. and Mrs. Norton spent Christmas as the guests of their daughter and her family at Wel- land. Mr, and Mrs. D. Merrick, 6 On- tario Street, visited Mrs. Merrick's parents at Pendleton, Ont. for Mr. Merrick's brothers and sister from Toronto were their guests for New Year's Day. Mr, and Mrs. Georgé Martin and baby Paul of Palmerst$n have tak- en up residence at 12 Ontario Street, the home/ vacated by the Upton's. Mr. Martin will be busy in the bank here. Mrs. Rebb of Palmerston. is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Martin, and family at 12 Ontario Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cox of Wiseton, Sask., are visiting her sis- ter, Mrs, Cliff Purdon, 25 Ontario Street. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ogston, Windsor Avenue, were Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Trory, Peter and John of Toronto, and Mrs. C. S. Palin, Barbara and Donald of New Toronto and for New Year's, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ogston, Jr., Bill and Barbara Anne of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Brace of Ajax. Miss Esther McRae, Reg. N.,, of 1 presentative from the Home Econ- .{ Thessalon on Sunday. ~~ Toronto, is: spending a few days holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McRae, on York Street. Mr. and Mrs. George Schell of Edward Street were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gemmell, in Toronto. Miss Verna Smythe, Reg. N.,, of Londn, ' Ontario, is visiting her brother, E. Smythe and family, 20 Mary Street. On Tuesday, January 13, the Women's Institute is having a re- omics Department, Toronto, who will hold a class from the hours 10 to 4, on the care of clothing at the Community Hall. Silver collection. Everybody wecome. 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. McWotters and sons, George and Gordon, of York Street, spent Christmas in Toronto and were accompanied home by Mrs, McWotter"s Sr., who is visit- ing here this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, R. Price, 50 Windsor Avenue, on the safe arrival of their son, born Friday, December 28 in the Osh- awa Hospital, brother for Andrea and Ronnie; also to Mr. and Mrs, W. Metcalfe, 25 Tudor Ave., on the birth of their son on . Christmas Day in the Pickering Nursing Home, brother for Paul. Miss Carmel Kavanagh, Reg. N., of Detroit is spending a New Year's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Kavanagh, 2 Elm Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Rosemary and Terry, of Windsor Avenue, spent Christmas in Detroit as the guests of Mrs. Hunter's mother. Steve Whitten is spending two weeks' holiday with his family on York Street. He leaves again for Dan Batherton, who is employed at Welland, Ontario, spent Christ- mas with his family here. Also vis- iting the Bathertons of Cedar Street were his brothers, Alex and Johnnie Batherton, of Port Hood, N.S. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wiles, Mr. and Mrs, W. Wiles of Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Smalley - of Ux- ARTHUR SLYFIELD I take this opportunity of eompli- menting Messrs. T. D. Thomas, W. E. Nobley N. Fraser, E. Powell and N. Down' on their election, and Messrs. Glover, Bowins, Brown, Childerhose, Crawford, W. Down, Powers and Trimm on standing for office. For my friends in East Whitby, I.am very thankful. With] representative citizens of calibre, experience and wealth at the Council table, there is assurance of good Township government in 1948. May many others be -in- spired to contend for like honours, in the years to come. be 6 p.m. centre it now 8. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM . HARDWARE STORES OF - WHITBY, After careful consideration of all factors relating to the welfare of our employees and customers, it is decided that; Effective Saturday, January 10th, 1948 THE OPERATING HOURS OF OUR HARDWARE STORES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY-8 AM. THURSDAY - 8 AM. FRIDAY SATURDAY - 8 AM. As will be noted from the above schedule the Saturday closing hour will 8 AM. 8 AM. to to to to SAM. We are appreciative of }.e support of all local and rural residents of Whitby for thghr contribition in making Whitby the important shopping It shall be our continued aim to render the utmost in value and service and we bespeak the.co-cperation of all our frieptls and customers by anticipating their needs in our line, to conform with the above store hours McINTYRE HARDWARE MqgcCARL HARDWARE WHITBY HARDWARE to 12 AM. to. 6 P.M. 6 P.M. 6 P.M. 6 P.M. 6 PM. and Mrs. Wiles of Mary Streeat. Christmas and New Year's guests of the Amos Barrys, Mary Street, were Mr. G. 8. Barry, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barry and Miss Eleanor Edgson, of Toronto. ; Mr, and Mrs. R. McKnight, Bob and Bill, of 40 Tudor Avenue, spent Christmas with Mr, McKnight's family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. McLuhan and children, Gail, Donna, Judy and John, 35 Beatty Avenue, spent Christmas with their parents in Lindsoy. We have visiting in our village from Bedlington, England, Matthew Battle and his daughter, Nancy, at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Ruddy, Cedar Street. Mr. Bat- tle's wife, who expects to come to Canada later on, was the lucky winner in an Irish Sweepstake, making a winning of $126,000. Mr. Battle would no doubt be very popular in these parts, especially if he could pass on information as to how to pick a winner. Now that the festive season is about over and we are beginning to come back to normal after Santa's visit and the goodies in which some of us indulged not wisely, but too well, we may be ab- le to get around to something else. The police report thai we have been a very quiet and well-behaved Ajax over the holiday season, and that is a very fine report for our village. Mr. and Mrs. T. Adair, Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Russell Hallman and children, Teddy and Dianne, of bridge, spent Christmas with Mr. | The Whitby Kinsman Boys' Band will play at the' junior. B hockey game to-morrow night. To pay honor to the Red Wings at the first home game this season, 'the band will play a short pro- gram of marches before the game and entertain the fans between the periods with other selections, The Band will meet at the Town Hall at 7.45 sharp and go to the Arena in a group. Members of the band will not wear uni. form and are advised to bring all their music with them. Stands will not be needed, but tyres will be the order of the day, New Delhi -- (CP) -- India will be the first country, apart from the United States, where documene tary films for the United Nations will be made and shown. First of these films is expected to be ready in December. Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Piper and family, Ontario Street. Mr, and Mrs. Len Cubbage, Joyce and Jacqueline, of Brooklin, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. Guay, Mary Street. New Years Greetings To the electors of The Township of Pickering expresses his appreciation of acclamation as REEVE FOR 1948 EAST WHITBY RATEPAYERS! I wish to thank my supporters for my election DEPUTY REEVE FOR 1948 1 will do my utmost to deserve your confidence. THANK YOU EAST WHITBY | greatly appreciate the confidence expressed in me at the polis yester- day when 1 was elected as Councillor for 1948. / A TO THE PEOPLE OF EAST WHITBY "Thank you for your loyal support in re- electing me to the council for 1948. May this year be a happy one to you all.

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