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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Jan 1948, p. 13

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WEDNESDAY, 'JANUARY 7, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN BOWLING MOTOR CITY LADIES' MAJOR LEAGUE Effevss Of the holiday season were still prevalent in the ranks Mo oul bove the the field, as she rolled three nice steady games to h with an 852 triple (376), Dot. Clements with 749 (306) and Ma Elliott with 704 were the oily 700s, Isa most made it with 608; Glad Bickle 673; Dot. Mc- Tavish 666 (326); Nena Melch H Erline Bentley 658; Ina Bowman "Victory Billiard at Of Pearl' Bakery los} their over tOp spot, as their decisions with Victor's Cycle and Hayden Macdonall tively, in a 2 to 1 count. Oshawa Fur 'riers moved up a rung, n they nipped Lock's for two points. McCallum Transports also boosted their Standing, wi hard luck this section; Livy CABIE Up a Yew points in maining four nights, Yictory Billiards .e Oshawa ry . Cold We o dali rs .... 10 9 yd ald _.. Victor's Sports & Cycle Pearl's . WAIINEED 8. Coca Cola' seed League) No_smoke was noticed in this league either, with Dud. Mills making the best showing with a nice 692, Alice Lanning trundled a 663 triple, with Helen Ma- zurk's 611 and Mildred Bawks' 600 be-, ing the only other scores to reach the spotlight, Burns' "B" Shoes continue their mareh in front of the parade, although thé Osh- awa Dairy kids aren't going to let them get too far ahead of the rest. The Dairy squad outplayed Burns' last Monday night 2 to 1, to keep them- selves right on the heeels of the Shoe lasses. itchell"s also are up in there with their bid, and trimmed Dixon's 2 to'1l in their fixtures. Biddulph's handed a one count to Alger Press, to tie with them on total points on the standing sheet. Henderson's and Say- well's, who are trailing the league both came up with some better games, and trimm Felt Bros. and ite's In- surance respectively for two points. Burns' Shoes -- CARRINRRNO- ALBERT ST, UNITED CHURCH BOWLING LEAGUE Well, it was a great night for Annie Lee on Monday night, she bowled a grand score of 516, take ladies' high double with handicap away from her team mate Muriel Parks, who held the record of 507. Grand bowling Ann, keep it up. Well folks, those Skylarks are certainly going to town, they are out of the cellar now and coming strong. If they had bowled the Alley Cats they certainly would have whitewashed them for they had 2024 for two games and so would the Bombers have taken for 3 points, ney bowled 2007. The Bombers took 3 Po nts from Live Wires, Skylarks, 3 points from Flyers, Porkey's Pets, 3 points from Black Cats, Push Overs 2 points from Gutter Kids, and Alley Cats 2 points from Rockets, 'Ladies' high single--Annie Lee 203, 223, Elsie Morgan Blanche Norton 240, . le 224, Bla Win, Scott 217, M. Rorabeck 215, Ina Parks 207, Gl Bi Shei 207, Margaret Hom! , M. er " en high doubles: --Annie Lee 516, Maude Rorabeck 409. Men's high singles:--8S. Henderson 280, E. Pixley 279, G. Bhemilt 248, R. Wiltshire 229, R. Pike 228, Bent 225, Howard Norton 224, Gord Hornby 222, C. Lee 222, E. Follest 218, H. Crou- ter 214, Ab. Walker 213, Lawson Parks 2 high doubles: --8. Henderson 438, E. Pixley 424, Gord, Shemlit 423, R. Wiltshire 417, E. Follest 412, C. Lee 404. 04 Team Standing Alley Cats Flyer 47, M, Bombers _. Porkey's Pets Skylarks Black Cats...... ------ THE OFFICE LEAGUE The holiday lull left it's effect on the Individual bowlers with high scor- es as an all-time low and two of the better teams as upsets were scored against Ontario Malleable and Smith Transport. Robson Leather rolled themselves into 1st place with a one noint lead by a shut-out over Smith Trans) , 1st section finalist. Scho- field insurance came up with a better than average game and defeated On- tario Malleable by a handy 248 pins to capture all three points. Muriel Stacey of Schofield Insurance was high Lady for the afternoon with 206, o Smith girls, Fran Hancock with 201 and May Bennett with 201 were also to the fore. High Gentleman | was Vince Duguette of Ontario Malle- able with 190. The afternoon results were: Robson Leather 3, Smith Transport 0; Pedlar 25 | wouldn't sign it until HOWIE HARVEY 7 Joe Primeau and His Irish. Grads Riding High In BOB PAUL Here are six good reasons, con- | Joe Primeau, why the Foronfo Marl- sisting of five players and the coach, | boros are riding high atop the JOE PRIMEAU Senior O.HA. Last year when | 4 giving their all to 8t. Michael's of Memorial Cup, emblem of junior Primeau and his Irish, Grads were | the Junior O.H.A, they won the "HARRY PSUTKA | hockey supremacy throughout Can- ada, Could be that the Marlboros | have their eyes on the Allan Cup, Albino Deer Albino deer, such as this one shot by F. J. Wehner of Tarentum, Pa., are rare, HALFBACK OFFERED $7,500 Marinette, Wis. --Earl (Jug) Gi- rard, top-flight Badger haliback last season, sald he received a $7,500 contract from New York Yankees of the All-America Conference, but talking to coach Curley Lambeau of the Na- tional League Green Bay Packers. Girard was a draft choice of the 20 | yankees and the Packers in eheir respective loops. NO UNDEFEATED TEAMS Villanova, Pa.--Al Sevehance, vet- eran Villanova basketball coach, be- lieves that none of the nation's top court teams will go undefeated this season, He feels the pressure of long winning streaks and balanced com- petition throughout the country will prevent spotless records. People 2, Bell Telephone 1: Schofield Insurance 3, Ontarlo Malleable 0. Robson Leather Pedlar People .... AH .. Schofield Insurance Bell Telephone .... Ontario Malleable . PRO TENNIS, WHO BESOIN A SERIES OF MATCHES AGAINST JACK KRAMER WN NEW YORK ON DEC. 26 ~ THE OUTCOME OF THIS TOUR WiLL SETTLE THE QUESTION OF wHo Is THE WORLD'S - GREATEST 8088Y, THE TIRELESS Ba RETRIEVER AND TWo- TIME NATIONAL AMATEUR PION, HAS ALWAYS BEEN NOTED HIS'ABLITY TO N HE CAME UP WITH A TERRIFIC, ACING.. $7 SERVICE TWQ ,~ © RTT Y a MA BE MORE THAN TANS SUPREMACY AT STAKE WHEN THE CALIFORNIA CREW CUTS CLASH NEITHER ONE / be) BACKING UP H/S OWN CHANCES WITH A WAD OF 'THE LONG GREEN Spicy Bits From Other Sports Cols. By DOUG GREEN Canadian Press Staff Writer Edmonton, Jan, 6--(CP)--Time was when the enthusiasm displayed by home town fans dver the per- formance of Edmonton Flyers of the Westérn Canada Senior Hockey League was anything but hearten- ing. The fact that Flyers put in =a long stretch in the cellar of the five-team loop brought forth criti- cism from the ¢ity's Sports Editors and indignant letters from faithful followers who objected to sitting in the arena game after .game only to watch their club go down to defeat. Things have changed. Flyers' im- proved performances have boosted them to third place. They're draw- ing crowds of around 6,000--and perhaps the surest evidence of their popularity has been the appearance of ticket scalping, admittedly on a small scale. It came to light in a recent news- paper advertisement which said, "Hockey tickets wanted for game tonight. Bonus, What offers?" The advertiser didn't have long to wait, A ticket holder handed over four reserved seats, cheerfully . ac cepted an extra dollar for his trou- ble, Both parties overlooked a catch in the deal. Such a transaction just isn't legal. The buyer--had he been nabbed--migh have hit to pay $200 for his tickets rather than $5. For the Alberta Amusement Act provides that anyone paying more for tickets than is charged by the operator of an "amusement place" may be fined not less than $25 and costs or more than $200 and for the caper. les E. Wilson, managing Di- e Edjnonton Exhibition arena and--through its - Hockey Committee, the Flyers--said there was nothing in the contract signed by an option holder for seats at games which coyld effect cancella- tion of the option of selling the ticket at a profit. "There probably should be a clause covering that," he observed. Options can be cancelled only through failure to pick up tickets by 1 p.m. on the days of scheduled games. Wembley Show Not For Olympics " Pair--Says AFSA With her eyes on Olympic figures skating laurels, red-haired Suzanne Morrow of this city left yesterday for Zurich, Switzerland. A sched- uled exhibition stop at London's Weuiley Stadium seemed improb- e, As the 17-year-old North Ameri- can -doubles champion boarded a plane with her partner, 21-year-old Wally Distelmeyer of ' Kitchener, Ont, Wembley officials announced that the Amateur Figure Skating Association of Canada has refused to sanction the exhibition, set for Thursday. The officials said no reason had been given for the AFSA's refusal. No one was more surprised by the announcement than W. E, Rough- ton of Montreal, president of the association. Roughton sald he had no knowledge of the association re. fusing to allow the young pair, cho- Armor é So Plate Next, , right halfback of the Philadelphia Eagles, is shown carrying the ball for an eight-yard gain after taking a pass from Van Buren in the third quarter of a decisive game between the Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers for the eastern division title of the U.S. National Football league, Bill Moore (72), of the Steelers, comes in at right to stop Craft. The Eagles won the game, 21 to 0. Nose guards, unknown in Canadian rugby, are becoming common on U.S, gridirons, Ollie Gets Around! A 'prizefighter's lot is not so bad. A little roadwork and sha ws, Rn ow boxing, a punch on the nose now and then--but in between times, a smart fighter has opportunity to get around. Ollie Tandberg, the Swedish heavyweight champion now in the U.S. "gets around" better than most, Here he is planting a kiss on Janet Gunderson, queen of the Swedish American colony's Light Festival in New York. A.H.L. HOCKEY CHIPS St. Louis, Jan, 6--(CP)--Veteran Don (Count) Grosso, out for a week with injuries, returned to the St. | Louis Flyers lineup last night and { promptly led them tq an 8.3 victory over Philadelphia Rockets in their | American Hockey League game with a three-goal performance, It was the loop's only game of the even- ing. Bill McComb added two tallies and Norm Tustin, Ron Wilson and Baker completed the Flyer total, while Mike Marduzzi, Ed Bush and | Wendell Jamieson were the Phila- | delphia marksmen, ST Racing Cleanup Now 2 Years Old New York, Jan, 7--(AP)--On Jan, 15 it will be just two years since the United States horse racing industry, suffering from a bad case of the Jitters, hired Spencer Drayton away from the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation and commanded him to give the Sport of Kings a thorough scrubbing. Today the ex-sleuth is entitled to look back upon 24 months of solid achievement, and to contemplate a coming season in which the integri- ty of racing will be less open to question than ever before in its his- tory, Under Drayton's driving insist- | ence, more than 25,000 fingerprints | of racing folk now are on file in| hig office here. He figures he has | only about 10,000 more to go. A to- tal of 7,000 thoroughbreds had iden- | tifying numbers tatooed on their | lips last year, and Drayton expects to complete the job in 1948. "The fingerprints are a great de- terrent to the criminal element," he sald, "Information of criminal re- cords supplied by us has enabled owners of stables to weed out many undesirables, Also, if a man with a record knows he will be fingerprint ed he is not likely to look for a job in racing." DOC WILLIAMS WINS / Newark, N. J, --Doc Williams, 166, Newark, gained an eight-round de- cision over Buddy Farrell, 159%, also of Newark, in the feature bout at Laurel Garden before an estim- ated 1,300 fans, JOHN McLELLAN | awarded annually to the best senior {amateur team in Canada, Wouldn't | be the least bit surprised if some RAY HANNIGAN of these lads will some day help the Toronto Maple Leafs to win the Stanley Cup, World Record 1% i py i Lifting 259'% pounds, George Brun- stedt, Swedish weightlifter, sets a new world's record in Stockholm. This record is for the one-arm push, Nipawin Bonspiel Begins Today Nipawin, Sask., Jan, T--(CP)-- The richest honspiel of them all be- ban today as 121 rinks, 20 more than last year, settled down at this little Saskatchewan town 145 miles «northeast of Saskatoon to battle for $23,000 in prizes including four 1948 automobiles. Brimming with excitement and curlers, Nipawin launched its se- cond annual automobile bonspiel in a brief opening ceremony before be- ginning the first draw in the 10-day marathon. None of the top rinks--Dominfon Champion Jimmy Welsh of Winni- Sports Roundup New York, Jan, 7--(AP)-Oarl Olson, Pitt track coach who visited Europe last summer, figures that the United States will have a tough time winning any race longer than 100 yards in the Olymp! next summer , . . . The field events look a little easier, especially if Bob Fitch decides to compete. Fitch, an amateur coach, hasn't made up his mind yet . . . Incidentally, the Olympic Committee is scheduled to meet Saturday to select thie coaches, Hughie Devore can't even answer when you ask him about that report he'll become Notre Dame coach when Frank Leahy resigns after the 1948 season. He just snorts some- thing about the guys who know more about a person's plans than the guy himself does and then talks about the depth of the snow In West Orange, N.J. Earl Sande, who has wintered his horses in New York for several years, is considering moving to Hot Springs, Ark, this year .., Greg Rice, who insists that he's in pretty ° good shape for a guy who has to battle ong Island snowdrifts, is working out at King's Point, where he used to coach, in hopes of shed« ding 20 more pounds. . . . Cornell's Mose Quinn insists that his wife never reads the papers to leam whether Cornell won or lost. "She looks to see who has been fired and paid off for a couple of years," he says. "Then, she tells me it is a great idea." CROMWELL RUMORED COACH New York, Jan 6--(UP)--Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson, western confer- ence commissioner and chairman of the Olympic track committee, an~ nounced that the Olympic track coach would be announced Sature day night, peg's Deer Lodge, Leo Johnson of Winnipeg's Strathcona or Howard Wood of Winnipeg's Granite who won last year--are slated to play until late in the day. The defending Saskatchewan champion rink, comprising the fame ous Campbell family of Avonlea, al- 80 is well favored. Breakdown of entries showed 13 from Manitoba, six from Alberta, one from British Columbia, one from Minnesota and 100 from Sas katchewan included 37 from Nipae win {tself, } sen to represent Canada in the Olympics, to participate in the ex- hibition. Miss Morrow and Distelmeyer, ex- hibition or not, will be in Zurich | Saturday to start an arduous train- ing program on unfamiliar outdoor ice. Suzanne is accompanied by her mother, Her father, remaining at (ilome, remembered a promise he made Suzanne, "She's crazy about skilng -- I premised her an evira week in Zuricli, just for skiing--if she brings back a crown." | Fights Last Night By The Associated Press Hartford, Conn.~--Willie Pep, 12013, Hartford, outpointel Pedro Blesca, 134, Mexico City (10) (non-title). Los Angeles~ Haj old Dade, 12413, Los 7. Los Angeles (7). yracuse, N.Y.--Joe Dejohn, 155, racuse, knocked out Chet Vinci, Snicugo Luther Burgess, 120, Detroit, outpoin Jess Underwood 1323, Huntington, W. Va. (8) Poimed Talmadge Bussey, 137, Detroit )e Times.Gazette classified ads pay Angeles, TKO Bobby Jackson, 12 8y- 136, Utica, N.Y. (7). Detrolt--Ace Miller, 137, Toledo, out- --=Why not try one today. citizens. WANTED? Young men who are interested in civic improvements, national affairs and an opportunity of learning to be better If You Are One of These, Come to Our Meeting MONDAY, JAN. 12 ADELAIDE HOUSE © 7.30 PM. and hear the facis on power conservation. Movies and speakers. BUFFET LUNCH OSHAWA JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE a. A atl GOOD CITIZENSHIP dof tl ing v2 . "Please" words "PLEASE" AND "THANK MAGIC and "Thank You" are little words that everyone knows: It's a shame they are heard so seldom in our daily conversation! They are magic words, too . : . they often earn a friendly WORDS YOU" ARE smile. They bring quick service : : : gne make life happier. A gracious "Please" 3:.asincere --just try them and in' conversation is * iy it! ood Citizenship". hank You" will get results oliteness You can help this public service effort. Make a note of some of the little things which, in your opinion, contribute to Good Citisenship, ig! Sponsored by BRAD Capital Brewery ING'S Limited, Ottawa This series of advertisements is planned to help make your community the best plhace tarlive in.

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