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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Jan 1948, p. 8

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PACE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE LS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1948 BEAUTY FOR YOU If the ghosts of women who flut- tered fans, wore hoop skirts and rode in phaetons were to return to this troubled earth of ours, they would be surprised indeed! How come, they would wonder, that all girls and women have curly hair? What, in heaven's name, they would ask, has happened to eyebrows? How simple the answer to the first question. The t wave has become an institution. Even if you wear your locks slicked back amooth, you have a permanent, as the hair will appear more abund- tion isn't so easy. twenty years, eyebrows have been mutilated, distorted, sometimes an- nihilated. The whdle business start- ed with a little teasing with the tweezers, Strays were deleted, and that was all right, The girls couldn't find a good stopping, place. They considered it good fun to re- model their brows. Some strange, weird designs resulted. Beauticians have never approved of zigzags and funny quirks. It would seem that now the sisters are seeing the ht. Movie stars have eyebrows that are back to normal and they lead in beauty fashions, They set the style pace. Nature placed the eyebrow along the bony edge just above the eye socket, It was to serve three pur- poses--to catch the honest sweat of one's brow, to catch dust that might.get into the eyes, to serve as & becoming decoration to give beauty and expression to the face. What has happened to it? In many Sales it had done a disappearing act. "Brows are reshaped to a natur- al curve," says Bob King, a famous | Hollywood make«ip artist. "'Exotic effects are avoided." There are your orders. lady. He declares that eyebrows, plucked to a harsh, thin line, are decidedly out of the present-day picture of pul- chritude, They impart a hard, arti- ficial look. Artifice does not con- Fine Points on Eyebrows By HELEN JAMESON The distorted eyebrow imparts a vapid, stupid look, LAR BE form to the 'quaint clothes that have been resurrected from the past when the "painted lady" look- ed like sin, The distorted eyebrow throws the other features of the feminine countenance out of form, Often it imports a vapid, stupid look. An ef- fort should be made to form a soft, graceful . curve, following the pat- tern of the eye as closely as one can, To create a high, round arch when * the ayes are narrow is to display the harmony of features. To send the far end of the eyebrow scooting upward when the eyes are round is ridiculous. But it has been | done, and it is still being done. TIPS FOR TEENS Be Subtle, Girls "JNOR WILLIAMS Too bad all kinds of dates don't be By grow on trees; life would be so much simpler, If you want your telephone to ring oftener, today's answer to a 'teen problem will help. "My girl friend and I like two boys who are good friends, but they spend all their time with a group of boys. When they are with other boys, they hardly say Hello to us. When they are alone, they are very friendly with vs. How can we show theni that girls' companionshin is as enjoyable as their other friends?" Until now, these friends of yours have been entirely absorbed in boys' doings and they're shy with you when they're in the company of their pals. That's very natural, They're not going to become date- conscious all at once and it's better if they don't, . So be subtle, Instead of chasing them, phoning them and giving them lots of invitations, show them gradually that boy-and-girl doings are fun, too. Here's how:-- 1--Plan a Saturday night, hike or bicycle trip and hot dog roast, in- cluding several lively girls who are fun (without pairing in '"couples"), then invite these two boys and some of their best friends. The girls can provide food; the boys can take charge of the fire, fire-wood, some of she cooking and cleaning up afterward. There'll be fun for 2--8ave your allowance to buy six or eight movie tickets when there's a super-special film in town. Then invite several boys and girls to go as your guests. Have them meet at your house or in the theatre lobby and give the tickets to one of the boys to present at the door. Afterward, serve a snack at your house. A Physician Advises You By HERMAN .N. BUNDESEN, M.D. LOW BACK PAIN C The bones of the spine are separated and cushioned by little discs of cartilage which sort of act as shock absorbers... Now and then one of these pads, known to doctors as intervertebral discs, ruptures or slips out of place. As a result, pressure is put on all the nerves coming from the spinal cord at that point, The first and chief symptoms of nerve pressure is pain. Where it occurs will depend, of course, on the location of the ruptured disc. If this--as is frequently the case --ig in the lower part of the spine, pressure is likely to be exerted on some of the nerves which go. to make the great sciatic nerve, which runs down the back of the leg, and pain may be felt any- where along its length, Shows in X.ra, As a rule, the ruptured disc will show up in an X-ray plate. If a diagnosis of a ruptured disc is made, many physicians think that a period of conservative treat- ment should be tried before re- sorting to operation. During the early period the patient should be kept at complete rest in bed, and the spine immobilized, that is, kept from moving by the use of a cast or brace if necessary. The patient ghould also be given pain-' relieving drugs if they are requir- ed. Acute Symptoms When the acute symptoms dis. appear, the patient should be al- lowed to move about. However, the back should be protected with a brace or cast, and attempts made to correct the patient's pos. ture, If, with 'this treatment, the pain continues or there is evi- dence of a great dea] of pressure on the nerves, or if the pain is so severe as to interfere with nor- mal activity, operation is neces- sary. In this operation, the ruptured disc is removed, and it is recom- mended that what is known as a spinal fusion be carried out. This consists in fusing a number of the bones of the spine together, If this fusion is not carried out, there may be disabling symptoms following the operation, It would appear that the results obtained when a fusion is done are far su- perior to those operations without fusion. Good results are obtained from the operation in more than three-fifths of the cases. Com plete relief from all sympt however, may not always be se- cured. 5 General Rule Just why rupture of a dise oc- currs cannot always be determin. ed. As a genera] rule some in- jury or accident is responsible. Persons who have pain in the lower part of the back, or scia- tica, of course require a thorough study by an orthopedic specialist to determine the cause. There are many conditions other than a ruptured dise responsible for sci- atica and low back pain. These include such disorders as arthritis New Longer Slip 3--+Invite girls and boys to your home to cook' supper outdoors or | for an indoor get-together to make | candy, pop corn, or play games. Serve simple refreshments. (For tips on games for party fun, write to Elinor Williams, at paper, enclosing a stamped, self- addressed envelope.) Says Women Need Mental Housecleaning The professor who recently an- nounced, after a comprehensive sur. vey, that women have better mem- ories than men added that women actually carry too many unimpor- tant facts in their minds, He said what most of them need, but never give themselves, is a mental house- cleaning. He's right. Women try to carry in their minds an assortment of facts, teminders and "musts" that a man would need a secretary and a mod- ern filing system to handle. When a woman's mind seems te be wandering, she is probably try- ing to remember whether Aunt Minnie wears a size 6 or 6% glove, or just exactly when it was that Junior last had typhoid shots. Running a house and a family is Yet most women try to handle the job of a complicated business, home executive by relying entirely on their memories. Every household ought to have a good filing system. A filing system would not only make the house run more smooth. ly, but it would certainly help the woman in charge keep her mind details, It has never occurred to women that they might simplify their lives by bringing common business prac- tice into their job as homemakers. When it does, they can really clean house mentally, but not be- ore. Times.Gazette classified ads ).., = Why not try one today, NOW OPEN A New Stock of WOOLLENS RAYONS COTTONS DRAPER; BLANKE A NN MER WEBER'S FABRIC CENTRE, FOR BUSINESS BOWMANVILLE this | Dressing-up beging under- neath! Pattérn 4818 has panties and a divine new slip. NO side seams in skirt--no twisting; good fit, easy sewing! Embroidery transfer included. This pattern, easy to use sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. In- cludes complete illustrated in- structions, Pattern 4818 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 2% yards 39- inch.: Send TWENTX-FIVE = CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print ainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS ATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. ISOBELLE'S - AUTY SALON 43 COLBORNE E. Specializing in PERMANENT WAVING and HAIR STYLING PHONE 2583W GLAMORIZING By HELEN LJ MANY a woman Is two-faced, and proud of it. She is just being natliral in an artificial way. What she dips out of the make-up box in the morning may not be what she selects for the gay evening affair, The = perfectly teuched-up com- plexion is a combination of dull surfaces and high lights. Powder does the dimming, the glitter is provided by lipstick. Yes,™ lips should look moist. During the day you can add the synthetic blush if you use restraint. At night your eyelids can carry a pit of pigment- shadows of blue, green, -bronze or mauve as your little heart desires. If you are afraid of shadows, pass the rough pad slightly over your Cherry and Gold With the black velvet formal -- and no frock is more stunning--one can try out the cherry and gold combination, Get a powder of deep Are You a Two-Faced Woman? For daytime and evening application of make-up, a round designed for the purpose, is excellent. L J ivory that carries a golden cast. Af- ter the powder is fluffed: on and | tapped in + the fingers, blend | FOLLETT jis brush, Ld with the tiniest bit of cherry rouge. Use a dark cherry on the lips, It works for blonde and brunette. But got for the redhead, too much col- or. Will detract from the flaming thatch, Believe it or curl up a supercili- ous nose but, on, the delicate thin, falr skin of the red head, a green powder looks very well. It does something that cannot be explain- ed. It is best to omit rouge, to use a lipstick that does not conflict with the hair, For the white-haired lovely: flesh colored powder, mauve eye shadows, lipstick of a rich burgundy tone. This make-up formula brings out the silver shine of the. topknot, makes more vivid the delicate, transparent complexion that comes with middle age. For blending your powder evenly, you might like to try a new circu- lar brush for the purpose. It is made with nylon bristles that are soft to the skin, yet strong enough to stand frequent washing. or inflammation of the joints of the spine, muscle inflammation, and fibrositis, which is an inflam- mation of the connecting tissues, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS . T.: Is there anything that wif kill heed lice and get rid of the eggs? Answer: To get rid of lice, you might try the following: Thoroughly soak the scalp with petroleum, then apply a loose head bandage and leave this in place for from 12 to 24 hours, during which time the hair must be covered to guard against expo- sure to an open flame. Remove the dressing, thoroughly scrub the head with soapy water; apply a lotion of acetic acid, such as vinegar, and comb out the hair thoroughly with a fine-tooth comb, The n8xt night, apply some more vinegar, and -'mb the hair again, Taunton Pair Feted On 25th Anniversary Some forty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, Taunton, to honor them on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last Sunday and taking them com- pletely by surprise. The.dining-room was decorated with pink and white streamers and white candles, On the table was a three-tier wedding cake and in the living-room was a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthe- mus and snapdragons, a gift from Mr, and Mrs. C. Harper. Miss Marilyn Gibson read an ad- dress, and a presentation was made of a china cabinet, an occasional chair, and an end table, by three nephews, Donald Prescott, Murray Vice and Maurice Jebson. Their daughter, Marion, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, George Harper and granddaughter, Faye Marie, present- ed a silver cream and sugar set and tray. ; Appreciative replies were made by the recipients, after which all join- ed heartily in singing, "They Are Jolly Good Fellows". The remainder of the evening was spent in games and lunch wag served. Departing guests expressed their sincere wish for many more happy years of married life for the bride and bridegroom of Jan. 4, 1923. To prevent pie-filling from soak- ing into the bottom crust, brush it with egg white before putting the filling in. A good folly is worth what you pay for it. --Greorge Ade. SWEATERS : The shoulders of sweaters will not sag if a plece of ribbon, the length of the shoulder of the per- son from neck to armhole, is at- tached at each end of the ribbon to the sweater; Gay for Any Linens bo A cross-stitch rose design of unique charm Use it on a cloth and matching napkins, 8-to-the. inch crosses, outline and running stitch, Useful design for any linens. Pattern 7358 has transfer of 20 motifs 1x14 to 43x73 inches, Our improv:d pattern -- vis:al with easy-to-see charts and pho- tos and complete directions-- makes needlework easy, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. 8end your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, 'Oshawa, 3 .| styled, wearable bag is both smart - Dr. W. Wishes to That his office is now located at 112 Simcoe St. N. K. Blair Announce Hollywood Highlights 3 By BOB THOMAS Hollywood -- Here are some things a reporter sces and hears while covering the movie sets: Moves toward economy can be noticed all over town as the mov. fe industry faces the rugged fu- ture of the new ear. At Repub- lie, director Frank Borzage is demonstrating how an "A" pict- ure can be made in 30 days, By working with a fast and eager crew and planning each shot be- forehand, he is making '"Moon-4 rige" in half the ordinary time. Another example of "how to save" was seen on the "Carmen" set, With one day left to shoot on location in the Sierras, a win- ter storm swept down. Rather than wait out the siorm and the snow-melting, the company re- turned to Hollywood. Rock for rock, tree for tree, the location site was recreated on a studio stage, still photographs being used as a guide, g At Warner Brothers a bunch of tough guys are acting in "Key Largo." But a scene which will match the film's toughness was played during my visit. It happened when Edward G. Robinson discovered that Hum- phrey Bogart had burned a hole Fin the upholstery of "Little Cae- sar's" new sedan. "All right, you mug, I'm going to get tough -- see?" muttered Robinson, "Yeah?" snarled Bogart. This repartee continued for 10 minutes and I'm not sure whether they were kid- ding. A Hollywood reporter has to ask a lot of people "what picture are you doing next?" Not often does he get an answer like Billy Wilder's on the "Foreign Affair" set. The director considered the question seriously, then answer- ed: "It's a honey, Big production. I'm using the San Francisco tele- phone book for a script. Should have a large cast," Dane Clark was among the many who mourned the death of Mark Hellinger and he had better reason than most. Dane was tell- ing me about how he got his start in films, He drove out from New York to try his luck here and was promptly turned dowa by every studio, Clark especially wanted to crash Warners and arrived there often, leaving his hat in the tal- ent office when he did. Thus he would have a reason to return. One day he ran into Hellinger and gave him a letter from a mu- tual Broadway friend. Hellinger took him to the talent boss and wouldn't leave the office until Clark was signed for a test, The actor landed a role in "Action in the North Atlantic" and hassbeen going well since. ashion Flashes VERY MUCH IN at the waistline and from there on out. - That's the way the . clothes silhouette shapes up for next Spring. The insert midriff, the crushed girdle and the built-up waistline in--one or another version--are three of the favorite waistline 'cinchers, LE IN FAVOR again, after many seasons, is the sachel bag. Done in calfskin or morocco, the simply- and functional; goes well with town, travel or country clothes, LER AE LONG OVERDUE is a good driv- ing glove. One house introduces a good glove, a real non-skid affair. Of sturdy pigekin, the perforated palm has silkings down the fingers to prevent the hands from slipping on the steering wheel. Some models have pigskin palms with doeskin backs, * + SOMETHING DIFFERENT when it comes to a fur coat is a good de- sign in bronze-colored Persian lamb { Dear Mrs. Beeckman: My sister insists that it is not correct to call one of the persons you are introducing "my friend." Ig this true? If so, why? A Betty. Your sister is right. In an in- troduction it is proper to say "my mother," "my sister," "my cousin," because this is a relationship. But to mention to, one person you are introducing that the other pers: s your "friend" is to sug- gestfeither (1) that he or she is your only friend, or (2) that you imply that the other person is not.. If you want to speak of this friendship in the introduc- tion, a gracious form is: "Miss Allen, 'thig is Miss Sumner, I am s0 glad to be able te bring two such good friends of mine to- gether at last." Name of Officiating Minister Usually Given Dear Mrs, Beeckman: Shouldn't the name of the min- ister who performs the wedding ceremony always be mentioned in the newspaper account of the wedding? Reader. Not necessarily , , . but, unless the newspaper account of the wedding is a very brief one, the minister's name usually is men- tioned. . "How Do You Do" Always Correct Phrase To Acknowledge an Introduction Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Is there any one phrase that is always correct to use to acknowl- | edge an introduction, any kind of introduction? XYZ. Yes! "How do you do" is al- ways correct. And you can add warmth and charm and friendli- ness to these words by adding the name of the person being intro- duced to you , . . "How do you do, Mr, Chatfield" , . , by your pleas- ant manner, and by the friendly tone. of voice. Gifts For The Christening Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Is it necessary for guests at a with hem and sleeves scalloped and edged in stone marten. A big rounded collar, also marten-trim- med, can stand up or be released to reach the waistline in back. LE BE ALWAYS INTRIGUING is the outfit of rich fabrics done on casual or even sportlines. For late after- noon-into-evening wear one design- er does a suit with slim skirt and very boxy double-breasted jacket in heavy blue silk slipper satin. The jacket has welting at the collar and notched revers down the front and has slit pockets. With it a navy and white striped basque sweater, the stripes worked with blue bugle beads. A stocking cap to match the sweater completes this jaunty, youthial, ensemble, * * UNDER SUNNY SKIES down south, and at points adjacent, the linen dress is starred. A smart re- sort dress is of yellow, white and navy blue checked linen with a hal- ter-neck collar and cummerbund of plain navy. linen. Under the brief eton jacket, the dres has a bare back, THE SICK ROOM Try using a broken alarm clock in 'the sick room, setting the hands | at the time when the medicine is | next, due, Times.Gazette classified ads pay | --Why not try one today. | | (4 0400.0 48404441 "Bluebird" Diamonds i BURNS { 32 King W.--Phone 389 RY A GL WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT Introducing Friends?" By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN christening to give presents to the baby? T. C. No, this isn't necessary . . . but neither is it incorrect if guests wish to make this gesture. God- pareats always give gifts to the baby, WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU? By Mrs. Beeckman There are two kinds of people, (1) Those who endear themselves to givers-of-gifts by writing prompt and enthusiastic notes of appreciation. And (2) alas and alack (and it is a "lack") those non-endearing procrastinators who (a) either put off writing their ank-you notes so long that their words of thanks are almost lost in the deluge of exe cusges-for-thae-delay, or who (bh) with a maddening casualness, lazily wait to thank for gifts une til they chance to meet the givers, (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questions submitted by readers.) ow <® oY, Ruth Parsons | < Sleeping on his stomach is good & for baby. It prevents the back of his head from flattening, and th hair from wearing off. It also fa ables him to lifc himself just a © soon as he feels so inclined, there by exercising arms and back. Hi covers stay in place better, too! Baby may be taught to sleep on his stomach when he grows strong enough to lift his head and turn, it in order to breathe easily, ¢» Choose a time when he's sleepier. than usual, to introduce him tol . this new experience. Speak! & soothingly to him as you place him in this new position. Then leave him. He may cry a little the first few times, but he'll soon get & over the strangeness and begin to enjoy Sag Food Facts Every Mother Should Know There are 22 nourishing varies ties of Heinz Baby Foods: Beef and Liver Soup; Tomato Soup; Vegetable Soup; Asparagus; Car- rots; Green Beans; Peas; Beets; Spinach; Peas and Carrots; Squash © and Carrots; Chicken, Vegetable and Farina; Vegetables with © © Lamb; Applesauce; Peaches; " Prunes; Pears with Farina; Plums with Farina; Apricots with Oate meal; Orange Custard Dessert; Peach Custard Dessert; Prune € Custard Dessert. 'There are 12 delicious varieties of Heinz Junior Foods: Chicken Soup; Lamb and Liver; Vegetable Beet Dinner; Tomato an Creamed Diced Vegetables? Mixed Vegetables; Carrots; & Spinach; Green Beans; Prune Pudding; Pineapple Rice Pud. ding; Apple, Figand Date Dessert, < < <¢ < \ CREDIT JEWELLERS §| i It's here! New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, the modern granule form that's always there when you want it. No need to keep it in the icebox--New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast stays fresh in the cupboard for weeks--ready at any time for speedy action. Just dissolve according to directions on the package: IF YOU BAKE AT HOME--you'll be amazed at its fast rising action--delighted at the delects able flavor, finer texture it gives to breads. Order a month's supply of New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocers; Rice; / Baby : HEADQUARTERS "ood J ean BABY FOODS \

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