, » wr <q MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINE Surplus Of $646,230,921 Reported In Nine Months By Treasury Department 4 Ottawa, Jan. 19--(CP)--The sur- plus in the Canadian treasury was $646,230,921 for the first 9 months of the current fiscal year, just $377,- 320,109 above what it was at the same period of the previous finan- cial year and a jump of $73,314,802 over the surplus reported a month ago. In the monthly statement of re- ceipts and disbursements, the comp- troller of the treasury reported Sat- urday that from April 1 to Dec. 31, 1947, unrevised revenues amounted to $2,059,902,578 and expenditures to $1,413,671,657. In the same nine- month period in the previous finan. cial year, total revenues were $2, 061,869,666 and expenditures $1,792,- 958,854. With the surplus already almost twice as much as the $352,000,000 the federal treasury reported for the entire 1946-47 fiscal year, there have been renewed demands on the government for heavy cuts in taxa- tion in the next budget which is due at the end of the financial year, that such cuts, particularly in in- March 31, Observers here believe that such cuts, particularly in in- come tax, will be made by Finance Minister Abbott to take advantage of the surplus position but govern. ment spokesmen have been silent, It is pointed out, however, that the government's surplus may be scaled down in the remaining three months of the fiscal year even if extraordinary circumstances do not occur to cause unexpected outlays, The usual trend is that revenues fall off during the latter part of the year when tax cuts made in the previous budget make themselves felt. At the same time, expendi- tures usually increase. No Action Taken On Game Laws Cobourg, Jan. 19--(CP)--The Northumberland Fish and Game Association, meeting here Saturday, showed official displeasure that asknowledgment had not been made by the Department of Lands and Forests of resolutions sent early last November. The secretary reported he had re- ceived no reply to the message ap- proved at the October meeting. Among the recommendations was one that would set the minimum fine for violation of fish and game laws at $50. Another would pro- vide legal counsel for game wardens in prosecutions. TWO DIE IN FIRE Charlottetown, Jan. 19 -- (CP)-- F-iling in a desperate attempt to reach safety by leaping from an upstairs window, Phyllis and Hilda Larkin, 16 and 18, died from suffo- cation yesterday when fire destroy- ed their tenement home here, 4 of Berlin, Jan. 19 ~-- (Reuters) -- All 13 passengers were drowned when an Elbe River ferry capsized Saturday near Magdeburg in the Russian zone of Germany, it was learned here today. Looking Ahead In. Ottawa Ottawa, Jan. 19--(CP)--External | 1944 rade officials say the first returns on the results of Canada's import restrictions, due in about a for- night, will show they are affecting a sizeable saving in United States dollars, While the figures have not yet been totalled up, one officiel engag- ed in their compilation says they will show "quite a big reduction" in the amount of imports coming into Canada since Finance Minister Ab- bott clamped down bans 'and res- trictions in an effort to hoard the dominion's dwindling stocks of U.S. currency. The first significant totals will co- ver December foreign purchases, The restrictions became effective in mid-November, but the figures for that month don't show any lnpor- tant variations, largely because a great volume of goods affected had been contracted for before the bans took force. Much of this amount was allowed to enter, Trade relations between Canada, the British West Indies and British Guiana will be discussed informally on the arrival in Ottawa Tuesday of representatives from Guiana, Trinidad and Jamaica, Although the supply of flour to British colonies in the Caribbean is a subject of special concern, it is ex- pected that the visiting delegation will explore other commercial avenues, During the war Britain undertook to procure flour for the Caribbean colonies then unable to make their own arrangements and that prac- tice is being continued, But the Bri- tish West Indies and other colonies preferred to procure their own flour. As a result they now are paying a higher price for flour than Bri- tain obtains it under the long-term Anglo-Canadian = wheat contract. The delegation- is expected to at- tempt to purchase flour at a cheap- er price for the colonies not obtain- ing it through Britain. In the first 10 months of this year Canada sold 1146,747 barrels of flour for $14,578,605 to Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Barba- dos, Jamaica, Trinidad, Banamas, and the Leeward and Windward Is. lands, ° Ford Burial Cost Totalled $21,980 Detroit, Jan. 19--(AP)--Funeral services and burial of Henry Ford cost his family $21,980 according to claims on fille in probate court. Ford was buried in a bronze cas- ket that cost $14,935, according to the claims, Other items included $1,683 for flowers and $3,540 for a choir and organist, Huge Seaway Powerhouse Is To Be World's Longest New York, Jan, 19--(AP) -- De- tailed engineering plans for the propesed St. Lawrence Seaway and power project on the New York-On- tario frontier were released Satur- day night by the New York State Power Authority. A resolution, pending in Congiess, calls for approval of an agreement signed in 1941 by the United States and Canada to complete the project. The over-all program includes a 2,200,000 horsepower hydro-electric development near Masscna, N.Y, in the international rapids section of the St. Lawrence River and for im- provement of navigable channels in other sections of the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence system. Chairman Francis Wilby of the power authority said that new works to be completed in the in- ternatioral rapids section form 71 per cent of the project and would cost an estimated $513,884,000. The plans call for: A powerhouse in Barhhart Island more than 3,400 feet long, located half in New York and half in On- tario with a rated capacity of 2,- 200,000 horsepower, The report says it will be the longest power-house in the world and its lorse-power will be exceeded only by that of Grand Coulee Dam, The Long Sault dam to be lo- cated entirely in New York State will be a curved concrete structure with 40-foot steel crest gates, 50 by 26 feet and non-overflow concrete sections joined to earth dikes at the abutments. The dam will be 3,000 feet long, 150 feet high. A canal and locks located entirely in New York State will carry ves- sels around Long Sault Dam. The new locks will have a combined lift of about 90 feet, and 80-foot width by 800-foot length and 30-foot depth over the sills. Other locks already have been J ouilt in the seaway project includ- ng the MacArthur Lock by the Un- sled States at Sault Ste. Marle, Pile Sufferers Here is a low cost, simple home medicine. It hel make it possible for you to get quick relief from the itch- ing soreness and burning pain of piles. It 1s a medical fact that piles come from causes INSIDE your body. They may need . internal treatment. Hem- Roid is an internal medicine. Its med- ical action helps correct some of the internal conditions that cause such in- CLISQ. SOL nd pals Ham -Rotd re leves liver and blle, eases the tormenting rectal, irritation and helps heal the sore, painful pile tumors. ¥ Fri want. quick and effective relief ask for Hem-Rold today at any drug It has helped thousands of plie . It should helb you too. now and see how quickly and easily ou can relieve your pile misery, constipation, wakes up your lagy | Mich,, and the eight locks of the Welland Canal built by Canada to by-pass Niagara Falls, An Iroquois control dam is plan. ned to maintain the level of Lake Ontario and to provide best operat- ing conditions for the power-house, The Point Rockway Canad and lock, on the New York side, will be used by vessels to by-pass the dam, Every bit of electricity saved will be used fo maintain employment, to make more {obs, to keep Ontario's fac- tories and farms at peak THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Evaded Taxes Fined $18,000 Ottawa, Jan. 19 -- (CP) -- Fines amounting to $18,000 were imposed Saturday on J, Alphonse Langelier and the plumbing supply firm he heads after gullty pleas had been entered to eight charges of evad- ing $71,425 in income tax. Langelier pleaded guilty to four charges personally, and the other four were against the firm. The offences occurred between 1941 and Magistrate Joachim Sauve said he would have imposed an additional Jail term on the 72-year-old defend- ant, president of Langelier, Ltd, had it not been for his age and physical condition, ; However, in default "of payment he prescribed one year definite and three months indeterminate in the Ontario reformatory. Income tax officials testified that the company kept two sets of books and also falsified addition in the "dummy" book on taxes paid be. tween 1941 and 1944. Total under- statements of sales involved $281,854, SAY "THOUSANDS" DYING Berlin, Jan. 19 -- (AP) -- The British-licensed newspaper Tele- graf said yesterday that documen- tary evidence indicates "thousands" of Germans are dying in intern- ment camps in the Russian occupa- tion zone under conditions similar to those which existed in German concentration camps, Now Famous 'Protocol M' Reveals Bolshevist Aims By DEWITT Ma¢KENZIE Associated Press News Analyst When one is engaged in a fight to a finish--even though it be a "cold" war--it's only horse sense to 'ac- quaint oneself with the methods of the enemy, % This column therefore again calls attention to "Protocol M"--pure purported Communist plan for dis~ rupting Western 'Germany and | thereby rendering the Marshall program unworkable. The protocol is a prime example of unscrupulous efficiency of Bolshevist methods, and consequently is worthy of study, I use the term "unscrupulous" deliberately, since the protocol--a top-drawer secret which mysteri- ously went astray--is based on typical Red revolutionary methods in which no holds are barred, and itself calls for "unscrupulous tactics, To quote the language of that for the impending final victory of the working class are the mainten- ance of discipline among the com- rades and (get this!) the unscrupu- lous employment of all function- aries, There must be no doubt that in order to achieve this final victory all the weapons of the proletariat are utilized." Those weapons, as used by Bol- shevism, of course include not only - tthe creation of chaos through strikes and disorders, but the de- struction of property and liquida- tion of ents, That word "liquidation," yAich your diction- ary says means, among other things, to "wipe out" or "destroy," covers many blood-chilling methods, among which are death'and various types 'of imprisonment, Lest there. be any doubt who is back of this scheme for disrupting the efforts of the western democ- racles to rehabilitate Germany, the protocol decjares: . : A "The home. of 'Socialism, the Soviet Union, can amd will support this battle against the monopoly- capitalist powers with every means at her disposal The Communist Information Bureau in Belgrade (widely believed to be a revival of the comintern, or general staff for world revolution) will go-ordinate '| the common battle: of 'all Socialists [7 |' movements in Eurape. "The unconditional prerequisites | However, it should be pointed out here that Russia isn't the home of Socialism in the generally accepted sense of that term, It is the home of Communism on which has been imposed Bolshevism, or revolution ary methods, The Socialists of ; Britain and some other countries of Western Europe have disavowed the Communists -- and the Com- munists have disavowed the Social. ists, Canada Approves Dropping Of Title Emporer Of India London, Jan, 19--(CP)--Common- wealth relations office spokesman said three dominions, including Canada, have approved a change in th King's title; to drop the words "Emperor of India" and South Af- rica is expected to take similar ac- tion in January. The Indian Independence Act, passed hy the United Kingdom Par~ liament Jast summer, gave assent to the omissicn of the title which lost its meaning when the independent dominions of India and Pakiston were created. But under the Statute of West. minster any alterations in the royal titles and styles required formal agreement from all domin. fons, Canada, Australia and New Zea- land have passed acts respecting royal styles and titles and thus have given their consent. It is 89 years since Queen Vic- toria issued a proclamation an. nouncing she would assume the government of Indian Territories formerly administered by the East India Company. On Jan. 1, 1877, she took the title Empress of India, After dominions approval, the King will make a proclamation di- vesting himself of the title. U.K. RAYON OUTPUT United Kingdom production of rayon reached a weight of 18,600,- jy 000 pounds in September, Council Demands Economy Measure Brockville, Jan, 19--(CP)--C. A. Winters, supervisor of the Child- ren's Ald Society of Leeds and Grenville Counties; said yesterday a special meeting of the society would be held Thursday to decide policy as the resvli of a resolution of the Counties Council expressing dissat- isfaction with management of the society. * The council decided not to pay further money to the society until it had been re-organized and shown intention to practise economy. The resolution also sald the Society was caring for some boys and girls who were capable of earning their board, -------------------------------- TRADE EMISSARIES C-n~1i~n trade representatives ar» mainfnined in 27 countries and British Colonies. . Constipation slowing you down ¢ Remember the glad-to-be-alive Se gain' Et years? good times you look older than your years, When l» this: Take a pinch or Kruschen Salts in ho fruit juice or coffe for the ou will find Kruschen because Kruschen thoroughl mornin, weeks, a big hel, genlly a upon the organs of tion, removed , "oon" and at all drug stores, Poisonous wastes are . » you have more you just feel fine, You've pot "That Kruschen Feeling." You'll be glad you 0 two of t water, ee every next few A Grandpa Kruschen says: "Start the doy right -. . . gol thot ' Kruschen feeling" Only Advance-Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS Have All These New and Finer Features: v% Cab that "breathes" % Flexi-Mounted cab vc Uniweld, all-steel construction % Larger, more durable, fully- adjustable seat % 22% greater visibility vc New, rear-corner windows % Stronger, new frames % Full-floating hypoid and spiral bevel rear axles Y% Specially designed hydraulic truck brakes % Valve-in-Head 216, 235 and 248 % New, thorough sealing insulation % Standard cab-to-axle-length di- mensions permitting interchange of bodies *.. . and MANY more! On a heavy-duty job, give me new Advance-Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS and here's a "load" of reasons why. Brother, how these stronger, new frames stand-up! Wheel-bases are longer, too, for better load distribution. And the brakes are exclusively designed for greater brake-lining contact! A PRODUCT OF - Here's a special heavy- duty job and an extra- special truck! There's one made for your special kind of job. ONTARIO MOTOR SAVES LTD. 86 KING ST. EAST - OSH. "R Ee Fr HONE 900 ith bhah | There's nothing like the cab that "breathes" for comfort!® I's cushioned on rubber -- Flexi-Mounted ----with 12 inches more foot room and space. There's 22% greater eight inches more seating visibility, too, they tell me. This seat is fully-adjustable. Man, this is it! Fresh air heating and ventilating system optional of extra cost Look--rear-corner windows! Now it's a cinch to back up without jack-knifing. Yes, sir, these trucks are brand new-- really different with Advance Design. And they're packed with power in the world's most economical engine for its size --Chevrolet's Valve-in-Head engine. DONALD MOTOR SALES 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST - WHITBY - PHONE 304