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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Jan 1948, p. 8

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PACE EIGHT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1948 | BEAUTY FOR YOU -- Fatigue is the Enemy of Beauty By HELEN JAMESON Some women work too hard, too much and too long. Others don't work enough to give their bodies the exercise that is necessary for well-being, The woman who drives herself beyond the limit of her en- durance might as well chuck the beauty aids out of the window; they won't help a bit, Friends that they are, they cannot erase the lines of weariness, . If sleep does not bring a sense |. of refreshment, a feeling of zest for the day's activities, there is danger of cumulative fatigue. This means shadows under the eyes, a tense look and actual physical de- pletion, A common trouble now is nervous exhaustion. It is more tor- menting than a toothache, as any of its victims will tell you, Doctors prescribe rest in bed. Fair enough, but the sufferer has to live with herself, and a large part of her trouble is mental, The old brain keeps right en working, fretting, worrying. To avoid such a miserable state of affairs a woman should organ- ize her life, be as considerate of herself as she is of others. The un- selfish woman is the one who wears herself to a frazzle, She is always "saving" others, and there is nobody to '"save" her because she has spoiled the members of her family by continued indul- gence, The wrong mental attitude to- ward environment or work will send a woman into the doldrums. It is doubtful if any human being enjoys the perfect life, has every- thing as he or she would have it. The thing to do is to have faith that one will feel better, stronger, -more able to carry on, that the slump is only a temporary burden. Tackle the job with courage and cheerfulness, and there is a better Shame that strength will be restor. ed. Postponing tasks -- thinking about them--is ag tiring as doing them. A sense of order is a bur- den-lifter, Confusion is wearing, During nurse's training she is told that whenever she picks up am article she must put it back in its place, The same rule holds for the Don't scratch, don't invite infec. tion. Soothing Meatholatum brings quick, safe relief from burning, itching skin disorders. Jars and tubes 30c. MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Dail An interesting hobby will take the dullness and routine out of life. * ee housewife. When the milk bottle is empty, wash it, place it outside the door. Don't let it stand there to rebuke you. More than one woman who felt that she was going to pieces has found a cure for her troubles by going on a beauty spree. A per- manent, a new hair-do and a chic fat are wonderful tonics for the spirits. If you look better, you feel better. A jolly book that makes you, laugh will help. An amusing movie will chase the mental clouds away. An interesting hobby will take the dullness and routine out of life, HOUSEHOLD HINT If you buy frozen oysters, do not thaw until ready to use. Once thawed, they should not be refro- zen, Cleaning Bottles Bottles, vases, and cruets will be thoroughly clean if hot vinegar is poured into them. Cover and let them cool. This will also destroy any odors, it takes more gas to keep an uncov- ered vessel boiling. If you turn the flame to the lowest point that will keep a cov- ered pan boiling continuously, you will save gas. A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. DIET FOR MOTHER-TO-BE During the past 25 years, re- search has established beyond all doubt that -good health requires ood food to maintain it. Quite fterally, the body benefits in a thousand ways by a well-balanced et. Only recently, however, have we come to realize what this kind of eating may mean to the expectant mother and her unborn child. Re- cent scientific studies show that the diet of women even prior to regnancy is important to the Reatth of their children. If this is so, it is easy to understand the great necessity of maintaining nu- trition throughout the all-import- ant months during which the child is being formed. Various Substances Today we have definite evidence on this score. It shows that lack of Various substances found in food-- vitamins, minerals and proteins-- over a long period of time, may in- terfere with proper development before birth, thus producing de- fects in the baby, hinder breast feeding afterwards, and so lead to disease. In the last 35 years, the death rate among infants under one year of age has been reduced by 82 per cent. That is a record of which we may all be proud and yet, in this same period of time, the number of babies who die at birth or within the first 30 days of life has dropped only 1.8 per cent. In other words, all our marvelous progress in sav- ing babies has occurred in the one month to one year period. Today, many dactors feel htat the newer knowledge of nutrition has given us the clue to an equal accomplish ment in safeguarding the very be- ginning of life. Experiments Carried Out Many experiments have been car- ried out to- show the part played by diet in the health of the mother. to-be and her baby. For example, a study was made on more than 5,000 mothers. Half of them were given a dietary supplement containing vi- tamins and minerals. Those women who received these supplements had fewer babies born before the normal time. Furthermore, there was a decrease in the number of in- fant deaths and stillbirths. Good nutrition is also important in aiding in the mother's. recovery after the birth of the baby as well as in her ability to nurse her baby and, of course, no food has ever been found so satisfactory for a baby as breast milk. Better Nutrition Thus, it would seem that better nutrition of the mother-to-be would result in fewer stillbirths, fewer cases of anemia, téxemia or poison- ing, and reduced infant mortality. Many figures have been collected which seem to show that about one- third of the people in the United States are underfed. One reason, of course, is lack of money to buy enough food, but another, which af- fects a great many more people, is lack of knowledge as to the right foods to buy, even where money is no consideration. In view of this, the expectant mother has no great. T NESBITT'S MID-WINTER CLEARANCE ...CONTINUES WITH BIGGER & BETTER VALUES Fur Trimmed and Untrimmed COATS Drastically reduced to $10-50 uw We have a large selection of Mannish and Dressmaker Suits DRESSES Wool and Crepe Dresses ~ Slashed in price to $5.95 mw : ' S [] L] / S [] You are invited to see our beautiful new line of Spring Dresses & Suits. NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 32 KING E. PHONE 133 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE GLAMORIZING Ld DO you "dress" your hands by careful creaming, grooming and attention to the finger nails? Beautiful hands are a grand asset. The skin on the hands differs in no way from the skin on the face, yet it receives much less attention, Considering that it is exposed to dust at all times, its needs are con- siderable, as grime is destructive to the delicate surfaces. It is respon- sive to lubrications that soften the flesh, keep the texture fine. Re- member that when you are cream- ing your complexion. Give your hands a quick going over, thumb- ing the knuckles, frictioning your finger nails, Don't worry; the cream won't weaken your - nail polish, Graceful Movements It is all right to let your hands do some talking for you if their movements are graceful. Too much movement denotes lack of poise, a quality that every woman should cultivate. Hands Need Lots of Care By HELEN FOLLETT Be sure to use a good hand cream at least once a day. pA * . & To keep the fingers ever on the move, fiddling with a bracelet or a lock of hair, is evidence of ner- vourness, If movements are awk- ward, shake the stiffness out of your wrists; that is where the ten. sion is. After creaming your hands, do a few exercises, Only take a few minutes; they will help to make them flexible. Palms Up Place the hands in front of you, palms upward, fingers and thumbs outspread. Slowly and with plenty of muscle pull, bring thumbs and fingers together. Relax, turn the palms downward and wave bye-bye. Back to first position and repeat. This suggestion should be accep- ted by the woman who suddenly discovers that her hands are look. ing old. Wringing the hands is an- other stunt that erases them. Do that when applying an emollient. And of course you must use your lotion or hand cream at least once a day. er duty towards herself and her child than to consult her physician as soon as possible to make sure that she is eating the proper diet throughout her pregnancy. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS , A.S.: Will you please tell me why my six-year-old child grinds his teeth while he is asleep at night? Answer: Grinding the teeth is a sign of nervousness, and the treatment of it consists in proper ygiene. The child should sleep a suffi- cient number of hours in a quiet room, with enough covers over him. He should not be fed or given any- thing to drink during the night. The diet for such a child should consist of plenty of green vege- tables and fresh fruits. Table Linen If a spot of grease has fallen on the table cloth, rub the spot on both sides with French chalk. Fold the cloth and put away. When the cloth is to be used again brush off the chalk and the spot will be gone. Fashion Flashes VERY GOOD versions of the en- semble are ready for Spring. A double-duty outfit consists of a black and white dotted crepe coat dress made with narrow shawl col- lar, bracelet sleeves, slim waist and full skirt. Under it a sheer black dress with deep square neckline, el- bow sleeves and skirt with deep, inverted pleats. de Bb WE LIKE the suit with a jacket that can double as a topper. Glen. plaid woollen is used for a suit of this type, the boxy jacket decorat- ed with a sextet of slit pockets. Convertible collar and shallow cuffs, * kB NOT TOO EASY to find is an after-five frock that is smart yet basically simple, Such a frock is of black silk sheer with high, round- ed neckline and short sleeves. Three circular lace bands set into Many teen-agers are asking for suggestions on how to win the second and maybe third date. The oung lady who is a good listener the best start. Remember, the male of the species likes to talk too. The young lady who babbles on and on about what Sue or May said, wore or did, is probably fast doing herself out of that second date. Also, if your beau tells you of his exploits, such as his ability to ride horseback for instance, and you yourself are an excellent rider, be interested, but don't brag about your proficiency, let him do that, and above all, never go him one better! Dress Carefully Now, for some other sugges- tions. Don't over, or under dress, but do dress up a little. Perhaps this beau has never seen you in anything but school skirts and sweaters. So even if the date is just a movie, a not too dressy af- ternoon dress is acceptable, and take special prin with your hair- do, your makeup. But remember, don't overdo. Too much makeup, an elaborate supply of costume jewel- The Miss Who is a Good Listener Knows How to Get That 2nd Date ry, a too fussy or decollete gown, can only result in embarrassing your escort. But don't underdo either. A sloppy joe sweater, shirt and mocassins are definitely out of place. Don't Show Off A few other suggestions, or shall we say "Dont's". Don't be "the life of the party" girl. Exude good spirits, but keep the raucous laughter, or giggles 'and loud talking, out of it. Never make your- self conspicuous. Don't flirt with all the other young men in the room. Don't drape yourself all over your escort, and when dancing with him, don't insist he conga or rhumba, if you know how and he doesn't. Don't take a drink if liquor is be- ing served, just because you are afraid your escort will think you're stuffy--even if he does think so (and in all probability he is put- ting on an act and really admires ou for your stand). Anyway, it's Toes to be thought stufffy than to make an exhibition of yourself. Above all, be natural. Trying to copy a movie star's mannerisms and hairdo, trying in any way to be what you aren't can only result in disaster in most instances. Attention Mothers ! 10. All are . .. CHILDREN'S COATS These coats are all regular stock and are smart and well tailored from the finest materials. Size range from 3 to 6x and 7 to% Drastically Reduced! KIDDY CITY 49. SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 1571w Wife Preservers ;Y Hollywood Highlights Stretch Meat TASTY MEAT LOAF 2 cups corn flakes By BOB THOMAS Hollywood--(AP)-- The film in- dustry's economy drive has brought the worst work diought to movie actors. This information ° comes from Ronald Reagan, president of the Screen Actors Guild. He reports that employment of actors in the studios is only 40 per cent of nor- mal. Only 600 S.A.G. members are un. der contracts to studios, a drop of 200. That means that the rest of the Guild's 8,500 members have to find work where they can. And, with producers cutting down wherever possible, particularly on talent, act- ing jobs are scarcer than ever. Reagan feels the ipdustry should offer some help. "One of the great factors in the building of the American motion picture industry," he declared, "was the existence of a vast reservoir of acting talent, 1 feel the indus- try should bear some of the respon- sibility in preserving that supply." Another problem that faces the Guild is taxes. Actors have long felt that the income tax system dis- criminates against them. They claim that their earning power is often shortlived and that they can experience boom-and-bust in a short time, The Guild hopes for a change in the new tax bill and has hired a Washington lobbyist, The proposal is to allow all professional workers to figure their taxes on a fouryear basis, "Not just actors--all profes- sionals," Reagan emphasixed. New Approach Being a touchy lot, newspaper men have long beefed about how they are portrayed in films. "Call Northside TT7" may please them, since it sees the best treatment of newspaper life on the screen so far. Only these flaws were detected: In his interview with the convict Jim- my Stewart mentioned his story "angle" too much; he wrote his own headline atop his story; he single-spaced his typewritten copy. 1% Ibs. ground beef 1 egg, slightly beaten % cup finely chopped onion 4 tablespoons chopped parsley % cup mijlk ¥ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chopped green epper % cup finely chopped celery % cup canned tomatoes 1% teaspoons salt Crush corn flakes into fine crumbs. Combine with remaining ingredients; mix well. Pack in greased loaf pan. Bake in moder- ate oven (350 degrees F.) about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Yield: 8 servings (9% x 4%.inch pan). SoCau If there are nicks in the enamel of your refrigerator, rust spots will form. Touch up the nicks with an enamel paint, using one of the children's paint brushes. Use mild soap and water for cleaning cracked enamel. VVVVVVVVVYVY "Bluebird" Diamonds CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 King W.--Phone 389 ALLA ALAAA 4 HOUSEHOLD HINT To do a neat ironing job on men's soft collars, iron from the points to the center of the back. hme en RI 37H OTHER SOAP CAN WASH CLOTHES WHITER! YOU NEED NO BLEACH - Super Suds' extra suds i wash clothes cleaner, whiter! And colors stay bright! No other soap: in the world can. wash clothes cleaner, whiter than Super Suds. And You Need No Bleach! Everywhere in Canada, women are raving about those "floods o'suds for whiter duds." Try Super Suds to-day. i] pa Je odie converge to a point in ack. Circular bands the long- ish, full skirt. = E LE IR COLOR IS RISING, judging by some of the new hats, Mauve-pink felt is used for a small hat that is swung to the right side. It is bound in light violet velvet and scarfed with violet chiffon placed to ac- cent the split cuff brim, LE OK 3 FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT some shops are importing magnifi. cent saris from India. Fashioned of the finest silk--in glorious colors threaded with gold or silver bullion threads--these saris make the most Sxqustie evening gOWNs or wraps, pecially for the woman Oriental type. Pio PROVED! "IN 342 SEPARATE TESTS IN ALL TYPES OF WATER WE FOUND THAT SUPER SUDS GIVES UP TO 98% MORE SUDS, VOLUME FOR VOL- UME, THAN OTHER SOAPS TESTED." CANADIAN INSPECTION & TESTING CO. LTD, "Super Suds' extra suds make quick work of the biggest wash | Even ground-in dirt gives up in a hurry!" Coneentiates [EE FIRST PRIZE for the most beau- tiful bag of the season should go to a bag that has a wide frame of gold kidskin that encloses a panel of Beauvais embroidery rich with colorful beading, Times-Gazette classified ads pay --Why not try one today. Mc Mahens LADIES: WEAR FINAL 3 DAYS OF OUR January Clearance Sale JAN. 29 JAN. 30 JAN. 31 CLOSED FOR DECORATING FEBRUARY 2nd, 3rd & 4th Mc Mahens 26 KING ST. EE. OSHAWA PHONE 788 ---- A SS EST i

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