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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Feb 1948, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE 'MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1948 Col. and Mrs. R.S. McLaughlin Married 50 Years Ago Today By JO ALDWINKLE An avalanche of songratilasions by telegram, telephone, cable an rll has descended at Cedar Lodge, Bermuda, where Col. and Mrs. R. 8, McLaughlin are observ- ing their golden wedding anniver- sary today. Although pressed to stay at home in Oshawa for this notable anniversary, they decided after the first heavy snow storm of the year, that they should seek the balmy air and warm sunshine of their home in Paget, Bermuda. Married at her parents' home in Kinsale, the former Adelaide Louise Mowbray, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Mowbray, start- ed her married life in what is now Llewellyn Hall, King Street East. Before her marriage Mrs. Mc- Laughlin had been a school teach- er at nearby Tyrone, and in bring- ing up her five daughters she saw the unlimited possibilities of the Home and School Association to which she gave untiring service and leadership. At a conference held in Sackville, N.B., last fall of the Canadian Federation of Home and School Associations of which she is honorary president and life member, she received from Mount Allison University the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. Vision Becomes Reality From early days Mrs, McLaugh- Hn had a vision of a large and ef- ficient hospital that could serve the needs of a growing industrial town and the surrounding district, and her singleness of purpose was an inspiration to the women with whom she worked to that end. From the opening of the original unit in the summer of 1910 to the present impressive building her unfailing help and guiding hand have supplied the impetus, Her vision has become a reality. She is associated with over twenty women's organizations, and gives freely of her time in attend- ing meetings. When at home she loves to read, delving into biogra- phy, travel and fiction with equal enjoyment. Knitting and crochet work are also favorite pastimes at which she excels. One particular- ly attractive piece of handwork is a large knitted afghan in brown, beige and rust tones into which she has worked her initials and the date, Though tolerant and under- standing in all things, Mrs. Mec- Laughlin has one aversion. She does not smoke, and she does not approve of women's smoking. Educated in Oshawa Col. R. S. McLaughlin was born at Enniskillen, Sept, 8, 1871, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Laughlin. He attended public and high school in Oshawa and enter- ed his father's carriage factory in 1887, becoming a partner in 1893. In those days he was an intrepid cyclist and cut a fine figure around town on his "Penny- Farthing" until he experimented by riding with the smaller wheel in front of the larger, when his father decided the whole thing was dangerous. About this time he was driving a smart Kensington buggy out to Kinsale quite regular- ye Enjoys Hunting, Fishing He has always been fond of out- door life and sport, particularly fishing and horseback riding. With the countryman's love of horses it was an easy step to acquire racing thoroughbreds, the beginning of the now famous "Parkwood Sta- ble", which has produced three King's Plate winners, Horometer, Kingarvie and Moldy. For many years president of the Ceneral Motors of Canada, T.imited, "and now chairman of the board, Col sacsaugtilii Lies lo keep ..us tine ger on the pulse of industry, and when in town goes to his office every day at about 9 am. and works till 5 p.m. vaking a brief hour for his lunch. For relaxation in the evening he is fond of read- ing, and although he will pick up a travel book or biography at times, he is always interested in books on national economy. Noth- ing gives him greater pleasure, however, than to spend an hour or two reminiscing with an old asso- clate of his carriage factory days and bringing to light faded photo- graphs, recalling many memories and familiar faces. The Colonel is a life-member of Cedar Lodge, AF. and AM. and three years ago he received a fif- ty-year jewel. Later in the same year he was appointed Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada and invested with the regalia. of his office. He is also a member of other Masonic orders, Attached to Their Home Botlhh Colonel and Mrs, Me- Laughlin have travelled widely in this country and in Europe, but they are never happier than when they are at home in Oshawa. They are both fond of flowers and take pride in the produce of their hot- houses and greenhouses. Ome of the most anticipated events of the season is the chrysanthemum tea when they are at home to hun- dreds of guests who are privileged to view the magnificent prize blooms. They are lovers of music and the theatre and go to perfor- mances in Toronto regularly. They are members of the United Church of Canada and attend services at St. Andrew's here. They have five daughters who are well remembered by Oshawa peorle, They are Miss Isabel Mc- Laughlin, who lives in Toronto; Mrs, Churchill Mann (Eleanor) of Ottawa; Mrs, Vancouver; Mrs. J. B. Pangman (Hilda) of Montreal; and Mrs. E. 8. Turner (Mildred) of Miami, Florida. If making others happy is the secret of true happiness then 'Col. and Mrs. McLaughlin must know that inward grace. Their public benefactions have included the Band #Shell, Adelaide House (the YW.CA), Camp Samac, the Girl Guide House and McLaughlin Hall (the nurses' residence) but many bless them for their little, nameless acts of kindness and of love, On this day of golden memory the people of Oshawa are grateful for their golden hearts and wish the host and hostess of Parkwood an autumn of health and ' content- ment. Electricians Club Hold Annual Dance The Oshawa and District Elec- trical Maintenance Club held its annual dance on Friday evening in the Club Bayview, Whitby. The success of the dance were due in a large measure to the efforts of its president, Mr. Hugh MoMahon, Mr, Jack McGregor and Mr, Lorne Hastings, The music was supplied by Doug Oliffe and his #and, as- sisted by vocalist, Ray Blakely. Colored hats and lucky prizes made the evening gay and inteér- esting, The first Spot Dance was won by Mrs. Ray Burton and Mr. Hugh Darling, while the second Spot Dance was won by Miss Joan Pearson and Mr. Eddie Drinkle. Attendance prizes were awarded to Miss Grace Holmes and Mr. James Monoghan. Among the guests present were: Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Cullison, Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. J. McGregor, Toronto; Miss Joan Pearson, Mr. W. R. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Parrott, Mr. Henry DeMille, Mr. Frank Amsbary, Mr, Doug Kirkland, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. W. Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lang, Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Ark- less, Mr, and Mrs, V. Landers, Mr. W, Talbot, Mr. R. Wiltshire, Miss Jedn George, Miss Mary Jenkins, Mr. John" Reynolds, Miss Doris Gilson, Mr. Merv. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs, FP. Sturch, Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Drin- kle, Miss Shirley Stephen, Mr. Ross Stainton, Mr. William Mec- Cullough, Miss Verna Smith, Mr. Teddy McCarty, Prince Albert, Ontario; Mr. C. 8, McCarty, Prince Albert. Mr, Len Hornby, Miss Joyce Mc- Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. HL Ram- shaw, Mr. and Mrs. N. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stranks, Miss Bernice Gower, Mr. Sonny Patter- son, Mr. 8. Benham, Miss Kit Bry. ons, Mr. Robert Dunford, Miss J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack, Miss Kay McDonald, Mr. J. Cam- eron, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Burch, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Manning, Mr. W. Ewart, Miss Helene Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson, Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Watson, Mr, and . Mrs. W. Manning, Mr.- and Mrs. Pollard, Mr. Henry Suddard, Miss Erline Hopkins, Mr. Gordon Alexander, Mis Blanche Newton, Mr. Ken Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Miller, Mr. and Mrs, E. Carswell, Mr. and Mrs. H, Darling, Mr, and Mrs. Ern. Vansoh, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Carr, Mr. and Mrs, Harley Piatti, Mr. and Mrs. A, Chalmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, Mr, C. N. Ellis, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dawson, Mr, and Mrs. C. Dawson, Miss Evelyn 'Clough, Mr. M. McGahey, Mr. A. G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. Foreman, Miss May Perry, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Furey, Mr, and Mrs. R. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris, Mr, Cliff Chambers, and many others. | Social Notices Engagement Announcements $1.08 Marriage. Aanouncements $1.00 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MecDon- ough wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Cath- erine (Betty) to Mr. McRobert Henry Christy, son of Mrs. Alfred Christy of Leyton, Fingland, and the late Mr. Christy, The wedding will take place in Simcoe Street United Church parsonage, on Feb- ruary 25, at 3 pm. When what look like rust stains appear on your freshly laundered clothes, it may be that you have not rinsed the garments sufficiently. If there is any soap left in clothes, it often turnes rust-brown under the heat of the iron. To remove such stains, wash the clothes again in soap and water, and do a thorough job of rinsing this time. Sun-bleach- ing is helpful to remove these stains. Eileen McEachren, | Home In Bermuda Observing Golden Wedding Today at Their -COL. AND MRS.'R. 8; MCLAUGHLIN relaxing in the sunshine at their home, Cedar Lodge, Bermuda. Both are of Oshawa, to whom they are endeared, join heartily and sincerely in enjoying the best of health and are happy in receiving the felicitations this expression of good wishes for a long life of happiness together, and ' and good wishes that are pouring in from all parts of Canada. The people hope to welcome them home soon. His Entry Passes the Post i Guest of Honor and a Friend MRS, H. 8. PATTERSON and MRS. R. 8. MCLAUGHLIN chatting informally before the dinner given by the women of Oshawa to honor. Mrs, McLaughlin on whom had been bestowed the degree of THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL and COL. R, S. McLAUGHLIN wreathed in smiles las Moldy, the entry from the Parkwood stables, races fo win the King's Plate at Woodbine last year, Following the race the Governor-General, the Viscount Alexander of Tun!s, presented the guineas to the overjoyed victor, Before a cheering crowd a horseshoe of flowers was placed around the neck of the winning horse, distinguished guests, Mrs, Patterson is president of the S Women's Golf Association, Mrs. Gordon Conant presented the honored guest to the assembly. ' ' ' i : Th ' e Host and Hostess of Parkwood Receive the Lieutenant-Governor and his Lady 8 Doctor of Laws by Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B. One of the ! Wishes Go to Bermuda From Near and Far Ool. and Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin are receiving messages of goodwill today from all over the country. Telegrams have been received from the Governor - General Viscount Alexander of Tunis; the Lieut.-Gov- enor the Hon. Ray Lawson; Prime Minister Mackenzie King; . George Drew, Premier of Ontarlo, and many others, The Times-Ga-| zette is privileged to publish a few of these personal messages. * & b The citizens of Oshawa send you poth their heartiest congratulations on your golden wedding anmiver- sary. May your health and happi- ness remain with you for many years to come. Frank McCallum (Mayor) * 4 Heartiest congratulations. We are both delighted to send our good wishes for your golden wedding an- niversary on February 2, a truly noteworthy occasion. © You have both been wonderful citizens. You have enjoyed life and at the same time have given so much pleasure and happiness to others. Our Prov- ince--yes, and the whole world--is better for your having lived. Hop- ing you will both continue to enjoy good health for many many years, . Lawson Ray * 4 The celebration on Monday of the golden wedding anniversary of Mrs. McLaughlin and yourself will be the occasion of many congratu- lations from members of your fam- ily and friends throughout Canada and other parts of the world, I should like to join with them all in'extending to you both my warm- est of greetings and best of wishes for the day and for years to come. Canada has reason to be grateful to Mrs, McLaughlin and yourself for many services you have render. ed to your country. May you long be spared to enjoy the rewands which come with fears of patriotic endeavour, W. L. Mackenzie King * ed It came to my attention that some time ago on this date you would be celebrating your golden wedding anniversary. It is not giv- en to many people to share the joys and sorrows of wedded bliss for so many years. You are among the fortunate in that respect. As one, who from a distance has ad- mired the head of the family for many years, I wish to extend to both him and his better half my heartiest congratulations and best wishes, I sincerely hope that to- gether you may be privileged to ce. lebrate many more similar anniver- saries, in the days that lie ahead. Mrs. Bracken joins me in sending you our felicitations and best wish- es on this happy occasion, Yours very truly, . John Bracken bp + Mrs, Drew joing me In bearing congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary. We hope you have a very pleasant day and that you may be blessed with many more anniversaries of this memorable day together, Kindest personal re- gardg from both of us. George Drew * eh Your host of friends will be very pleased to hear that you are able to celebrate the event in good health and in a pleasant climate although they would heve liked very much the chance of greeting you here at this time. My wife Joing me in the most cordial greet- ings and good wishes for many more years of health and happi- ness, T. K. Creighton, K.C.,, MLA. . * bb 'Together with his personal greet- ings, Mr. Creighton forwarded to Colonel and Mrs. McLaughlin the official greetings of the Provincial Government, which is a formal document under the seal of the Province, expressing the congratu- lations and good wishes af the en- tire Government: May I extend to'you on behalf of the Government of the Province of Ontario heartiest congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary, and the wish that you may both enjoy further ones in good health and happiness. D. R. Michener, Provincial * bp We send you heartiest congratu- lations for your golden wedding day and our very best wishes for your continued good health and great happiness. Lendrum and Hartman Ltd. (General Motors of England) * eb COL, and MRS, R. S. McLAUGHLIN AT HOME receiving the distinguished guests on the occasion of the | Mrs. Ray Lawson, Miss Ysabel McLaughlin, who assisted of guests were received and privileged to stroll through the chrysanthemum "tea held "early from left to right the picture shows Col. R. 8, in November. Reading her parents in rec:iving the gucsts, Mrs, R. 8. Mc! aughlin McLaughlin, | and the Hon. Ray Lawson, Licutenant-Governor, hdihons 5 and greenhouw ses banked with hundreds of mag- Hundreds | nificent blooms, : | Colonel and Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin: good health. On this, the occasion of your 50th wedding anniversary, the Rotary Club of Oshawa today in their re- gular meeting, unanimously send their most sincere wishes for many, many more years of happiness and The Rotary Club of Oshawa * 9 Greetings from all the Guides and Brownies in Oshawa on your gold- en wedding anniversary. Elizabeth McMullen (Chairman) * p+ All of us here at the Times-Ga- zette join in affectionate congratu. lations on this notable occasion. Your many kindnesses and helpful co-operation through the years are very deeply appreciated. A. R. Alloway (President) LES The Oshawa Boy Scouts Associa- tion join with your many friends and acquaintances in- extending to you our sincere best wishes and congratulations on this day, the celebration of your 50th wedding anniversary. i H, J. Rigs, (President) Byron S. Edmonson, (Vice-president) +* > Heartlest ET tinations on the occasion of your golden wedding anniversary. The Y.W.CA, of Oshawa * * Heartlest Inimlations and good wishes on the occasion of your golden wedding anniversary. You both have contributed greatly to progress and development of Can- ada, and the hope of your friends Accounts of . social events and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department . TELEPHONE 35 Miss Elizabeth Kerr, secretary for Ontario Girl's Work Board will be the guest speaker on Wednesday evening for the Leaders' Council and Canadian Girls in Training rally. an Mr. R. L. Coleman, director of the C.R.A. will be the guest speaker at the Annual Girl Guide Associated meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 8 pm. in the drawing room at Ade- laide House. LA Mrs. H. G. Willes will be the con. _ vener of the program to be presen- || ted at the regular meeting of the. W.C.T.U. which will be held in St. Andrew's United Church Parlors on Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 2.30 pm, A good program has been arranged and everyone is invited to be present. * bP Miss Joy Bennett was Mistress of Ceremony at the Over 20 Club on Saturday evening. The hosesses were the Misses Phyliss Jardine, Irene Lawery, Marion Whitefield, Blanche Clark, Phylis Langford, Enid Brooks, Grace Smyth, Joyce Lan- deen, Helen Petro, Joy Bennett, and Eleanor Clarke. The spot dance was won by Miss Jean McKnight and Mr. Bill Robinson. The elie mination dance was won by Mr, ack Merce and Miss Aura Walls, Next week is to be a Slack Dance, when eeryone will come in slacks and plaid shirts, Groups , Clubs Tucilioni SALVATION ARMY The various sections of the local corps of the Salvation Army pres. ented a variety concert last Mon- day evening. The following was the program given: selections by the Senior and Junior Bands; vocal se- lections by Songsters and Young People's Singing Company; Trio by the Misses Dorothy Stubbings, June Owen, gnd Doreen Holmes, three members of the Songster Bri. gade; piano solo by Brownie Evan. geline Roberts; guitar duet by Brownies Katherine and June Mgc- Eachern; guitar solo by Brownie Katherine McEachern; Finale by the Brownie Pack. Chairman for the evening was Major H. G. Roberts. It was sugges ted that these programs be contin. ued. There is room for a few more girls in the Brownie Pack which meets each Friday at the Salvation Army Citadel. The newly formed Girl Guide Company will meet at 630 of the same day. Girls, not attached to other companies will be welcomed, Mary Street H&S Holds 'Games Night' »Mrs, E. A Collins, Mrs. N. 8. Hoag, Mrs. J. W, Payne, and Mr. Charles Anderson, convener of the men's committee, received the guests on Thursday evening when Mary Street Home and School As- sociation sponsored a successful "Games Night", The proceeds are to be given to "Reconstruction of Schools through UNESCO" and the "United Nations Aid for Chil- dren." The president, Mrs. A. E, Collins, welcomed the guests and thanked them for their support of the cam- paign, Prize winners of the various games were: Mrs. William Cayley, Mrs. W. Feiner, Mrs. V. Heinman, Miss Hazel Dixon, Miss Margaret Brown, Mr. E, F. McLeod, Mr. Harold Wright, Mr. N. B. Atters sley. The prizes were donated by: Ward's Department Store, Zeller's Limited, Jury and Lovell Drug Store, Mitchell's Drug Store, McMahen's Ladies' Wear, Karn's Drug Store, Pearl's Linger< ie Shoppe, Felt Bros, Kaye's De- signing Shoppe. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. Thompson and her commit- tee. Mrs. E. A. Mounce was gene eral convener, Mrs. R. N. Johns as- sisted by Mr. Percy Fletcher, Home Educational convener, chose the winning tallies. Inherits Birthday Because she was born on Christe mas Day, Mairi MacIntyre, of Ley- tonston, Essex, England, has for all of her 21 years had only one day & year for congratulations and pre- sents. Now she has a new birthday. In the will of her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Susan Graham Camp- bell, of Calcutta and London, just read there is the bequest: "My own birthday, June 16, to be kept by her as long as she lives in place of her own birthday. She will thus have two festivals in the year." Save odds and ends of soap that are too small or thin for regular use. Dissolve them in hot water, using one-third cup of soap to one quart of water. Cool and set aside to jell. A jar of this soap jelly on the kif. chen sink is a kelp when you have odd bowl or pot te clean. Just ¢ hy ih lightly into the jelly (ke. it thin for kitchen use), and the piéce will be clean in a jiffy without preparing a whole pan of suds. Charles Darwin never denied the existence of God-in his theory of evolution. enjoy many more years of wedded life together. i Robert H. Saunders, (Mayor of Toronto) rm -- PROMPT, ALMOST CERTAIN R -- A R EL IMPLES- BLACKHEADS Scientifically di d Cuti d the world ov: pro tly Jeis Clear up pi» eczema, rash, blemishes, blac y at your druggist today! Made in Canada, CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT and fellow citizens is thet you. will LN]

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