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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Feb 1948, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7; 1948 BY Geo. H. Campbell PORT NAPSHOTS That's the one we wanted! Oshawa's 5-4 vic over the Flyers right in Barrie last night sets the stage for a great retch drive for first place in the O.H.A. Junior "A" race. We still have to win every game of course and somewhere, somehow, somebody has got to take at least one point from Windsor Spitfires, Even a tie game will be good enough but of course if Teepees, Stratford, Galt or somebody could take a win from the Spitfires, then that would be so much the better. Last night's win in Barrie gives the Generals a total of 53 points for 26 wins . and a tle game and once again puts them ahead of Windsor for a while. The Spitfires visit St. Mike's this afternoon and maybe the "Irish" could do the trick, en? Even if Windsor wins this afternoon, the Generals can move in front agein with a win tonight here, over the Flyers. * "Dusty" Blair scored the first goal night Oshawa on the way to victory and then Barrie early in the second stanza, Ross Lowe from Alr, followed by Ross Lowe again, this time in succession to give Oshawa a 4.2 lead. "Pogey" again, made it 5-2, a minute later and two minutes later made it 5-4. From there, for th minutes, it was a ding-dong tussle with the Generals slim 5.4 to take the decision and first place again. Coach he " was very unhappy. "Frenchy" Mayer got one assist, Emms had his boys checking Oshawa's two high-scoring lines so dili- gently that he had nobody left to look after the third Oshawa attack- ing trio and it was this line, of "Dusty" Blair, Sandy Air and Ross 'Lowe that won the game for Oshawa, accounting for four of the 'five goals. That's the type of diversified strength that makes a team real strong and hard to beat. We hope the boys are clicking again in the return game at the Oshawa Arena tonight, when another sell. out crowd is booked. L 4 last after LJ * L J While the Generals were eking out their nip-and-tuck odd-goal Actory in Barrie last night, St. Catherines' Teepees did themselves a lot of good when they eked out a 4-3 win over the Galt Rockets on the Garden City ice. That win boosted Teepees' total to 82 points, 4 points ahead of, the 7th-place Marlboro Juniors, who are idle today. Incident- 'ally, it spelled "end of the line" for the Guelph Biltmores too. 'With only 4 more games left to play now and a total of 23 points, the best they can do is finish with 31 points. 'Teepees with 32 are "in" for 6th place, the «-fihal playoff berth, providing they can hold off the bid Marlies are ex- pected to make next week. Marlies have 28 points now and they have five more games yet to play, none of them a 4-point game. That win ast might in St. Catharines may prove the big win needed for the Teepees and certainly it was the final blow to Guelph's hopes. Blltmores had a good team this year but injuries proved very costly. Guelph also "fan- ned" completely against the Generals and they also dropped the odd game to Toronto teams on their home ice, which they should have won, to earn a playofl berth, * - The Junior "A" today could produce a couple of rare up- 'gots too. That defeat at St. Kitts last night cost Galt Rockets their chance to move up into 3rd place. They meet Teepees right back again, tonight on Galt ice and perhaps the Rockets can win this one, but it will likely only leave them jn 4th place, ahead of Barrie. That's assuming that the Generals can repeat tonight here on home ice, over Flyers and that Stratford will win this afternoon in Toronto, 0 Young Rangers. Kroehlers should waltz to a win in ! this one and the two points will put them.in 3rd place alone, still one point ahead of Galt, even if the Rockets do win tonight. The other game this afternoon finds Windsor facing St. Mike's and while we'd like to see the "Irish" come through with a surprise, it's likely Spitfires will take this one to hold thelr margin over Oshawa. No matter what happens in the other games, the big important one, to Oshawa fans, is right here tonight. If the Generals can take Barrie again tonight, thy'll have only three games left; at Marlies on Friday night, Stratford here next Saturday and in Windsor on the following Wednesday. , *» * _ Al Parkhill's rink' survived their final District. test here yesterday afternoon, in outstanding manner. They whipped R. G, Green's Peter- * borough rink 13-2, The Green quartette romped through "A" section of this district, ousting séveral outstanding rinks from Lindsay and Peter- boro -to. reach this last hurdle, but yesterday the Liftlock City curlers just didn't have.it while "Parky" and his mates had everything. The visitors called it off at the end of 10 ends. Oshawa were leading 10-1 at the halfway mark. Lew Beaton, Hugh Beaton, Fred Moss and Al Park- hill will now ge} in a couple of workouts no doubt, before going to Ham- {lton next Thursday, where they'll meet other District winners, in the playoffs for the Ontario single-rink championship and British Consuls Yophy, which means a berth in the Macdonald Brier Dominion 'spiel, + * > « 'The mews that Billy Taylor has been traded to N.Y. Rangers is 'mot exactly a surprise. It was hinted in 'the recent report out of FLYERS HAVE GOOD CHANCE IN NOW "OFFICIAL" HOCKEY TOURNEY St. Moritz, Feb, T--(CP)--Swit. zerland's one-point lead in the Olympic hockey tournament van. ished today under a 7.1 trouncing handed out by the powerful Czecho. slovakian team who in turn jump. ed into a one-point lead. Canada is to play Austria in a game that can move the R.C.AP. Flyers into a tie with the Czechs for the leader. ship. Today's defeat was a blow of Switzerland's chances for victory in the tournament and placed the Canadian team in their most fav. orable 'position so far to take the title. Most observers belleved the Flyers would have no trouble de. feating the Austrian team which has only 'one victory so far in the tournament, A victory this afternoon for Can. ada would give both the Dominion contenders and the Czechs 13 points for six victories and a tle each. Switzerland now has six victories and a loss for 12 points, Canada and Czechoslgvakia bat. tled to a scoreless tle' yesterday. Canada's superior goal average may decide the issue if there is a tie for first place in the final standings. The quotient of goals scored divided by goals against will decide the leader. . Canada hes scored 54 goals with only five against. After today's vic. tory the Czech average is 76 for to 15 against. The crucial match for the dom. inion, however, will be tomorrow against Switzerland. A 'victory for the Flyers will give them either a clear victory or a tie with Czecho- slovakla, The Czechs play the Un. ited States tomorrow and should pull down another victory, however. Today's games were the first of the tournament to be played with the oflicial recognition of the Olympic heads. Hockey was relegat. ed to unofficial status just before the opening of the fifth winter games after a controversy over the United States entry. The United States Amateur Hoe. key Association team had been re. cognized as 'the official United States entry by the Swiss' Organ. izing Commitee and over the pro- tests of the United Siates Olympic Committee, which sent across its own team. The United States Committee contended the AH.A, was "commer. cially tainted." The ruling, announced last night, means that the winner of the hoc. key tournament will be recognized as the Olympic champion and points will be awarded otlier top finishers--with the exception of the United States team. The United States team, already twice beaten, apparently has little chance of bettering "its present fourth-place position. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented the top three fin. ishers in the hockey. tournament, In an out.of-the.noney contest today, Sweden followed the lead of several other teams and defeated Italy 23.0. Tue AHA. team today edged Bri. tain 4.3 to gain thelr fifth victory against two defeats, and drew to within one point of Canada's total before the Flyers.Austria game. The United States was conceded little chance, however, because of their tough game with the rolling Czech team tomorrow. Britain now has two' victories against five defeats. GENERALS CONTINUE WINNING WAYS & 4 Lowe-D. Blair-Air Trio . Set Scoring Pace As Gens Win One On Barrie's Ice i } Ross Lowe Scores a Cou- ple, "Dusty" Blair, "Sandy" Air and Frank Sullivan Get One Each -- Two Assists for "Po- gey" -- Win Puts Osh- | 5iair; Lowe, , '| Scott, Pogue, D. Blair, Brandow, Air. BARRIE awa Back on Top In the Junior Toop, Oshawa Gen- erals won a 5-4 victory over Barrie Flyers at Barrie and broke their | The Summary | EE OSHAWA Pi- quette; defence, Sullivan, Oleksuik; centre, Scholes; wings, Gamble, C. ' tes, LaFrance, FLYERS8--Goal, Strach- an; defence, Long, Gariepy; centre, Reid; wings, Favero, Meger; alter- nates, St. Pierre, Aikin, Barrett, Mc- Nabney, R. Mayer, Mousseau, Guar. first.place tie with Windsor. It was [da their 26th win in 32 tries. Barrie re- mains in a third-place tle with Stratford Kroehlers, The Generals third line got hot for the first time in quite a few weeks, and with the first two lines receiving most of the heavy checks, jus line really broke into the scor- Ross Lowe was the hottest man for the Oshawa kids as he counted two goals and an assist. Dusty Blair and Sandy Air were right behind him with their efforts. Dusty Blair opened the scoring for Oshawa but Whit Mousseau evened the count two minutes later with the period's remaining 10 minutes scorelees. In the second Gil St. Pi. erre put Barrie ahead for six min- utes but Oshawa replied with two goals from Ross Lowe and one from Sandy Afr, Barrie outscored Generals in the final frame 2-1 on goals by Chick Guarda and Red Fevero. Frank Sullivan got his goal, and that made his night perfect, for he didn't get a penalty. The win puts Oshawa in first place, two points ahead of 'the idle Windsor Spitfires. Windsor has played two less games than Oshawa, ahd will have their chance of get. ting back into the first place tie next week. They meet St. Michael's at the Gardens today, while the Barrie Flyers will play here tonight. If both teams win Oshawa will still be in first place. If Windsor should lose, Oshawa will have a very good chance of ending in a tie for the top spot at the end of the sea- son, ; att at ta ti . Boston, 'which stated that there were two other clubs in the leag that could use him. The former Oshawa Generals' star and later .king-pin in Stanley Cup victory with Toronto Leafs, has been far below par this season. Traded by Leafs to Red Wings, he then went to Boston Bruins in exchange for "Bep" Guidolin. Now Rang. +ere have traded Grant Warwick to Bruins for Taylor and another " player, so far unnamed. If he can get clicking, Taylor, at 28, should still be able to play valuable hockey for Rangers. Certainly his stick~ handling and natural style should fit in with Coach Frank Boucher's technique.. At that, this is probably his last N.H.L. chance so it's up to him to make good. A persistent rumour has it that his health "3s not of the best and this is preventing him from getting into peak - condision, + * * BPICY PICK-UPS--Conny Smythe has announced that Leafs need more rightwing checking strength and in the same story comes word that Fleming Mackell, Les Costello and Phil Samis are ready to move up to Leafs next season, for sure , ... It looked hopeless a couple of weeks ago but following losses at home in recent games by both Canadiens and Bruins; it seems now that Chuck Conacher may get the Black Hawks into the playoffs by the skin of his teeth , , ., In the Senior O.H.A. ranks, both Brantford and Hamilton Pats decided to move home games to Owen Sound ice, due to lack of patronage at home. ... You can read between the lines that this is definitely the last season for Syl Apps, which geans Max 'Bentley will be the ace centre for the Leafs , . . , Boston Bruins have called up centre Paul Ronty from Hershey. He was sought by Generals last season, played baseball here this summer with the Toronto ¢lub that ousted B'Nai B'Rith . .. . Connie Mack has relinquished some of his baseball duties with the Athletics, the business details chiefly, * + * +» FUTURE GAMES--In the Junior "A" loop this afternoon, St. Mike's play host to Windsor Spitfires, and Young Rangers will have Stratford as the visitors , . . . Tonight Oshawa Generals will enter- tain Barrie at home, and Galt will play with St. Kitts . « +» « Monday ; might Marlboros will be at Barrie to give the Flyers a heavy week- end . , «+ « No action in the Junior "B" loop Saturday, but Monday fat the Arena, the last place Lindsay squad will open the usu twin. shill meeting the first place Byers Motors. Oshawa and Whitby meet im the nightcap in a he tint is Maely 3 decide second place, SPORT SHORTS--Jim Loader of Stratford Kroehlers is or will be back in action soon and this should help that team a little. Frank McArdle, another of their worthies suffered a shoulder separation and will be out of play for some time to come and the Stratford club think that they should have a replacement for him » + « « Art Childs the man who wore the same old clothes (underwear) in that series that the Tigers played a year back, is getting stingy with the goals he lets the opposition get on him, He was the main defence against the high-flying K.W. Flying-Dutchmen. The Dutchmen found the Tigers a little hot, and the final score was 2-0 for the Tabbies . . . . Danny Webb is going to defend his lightweight title against L'il Arthur King, and the Canadian Boxing Pederation has sanctioned the bout. It is supposed to go 12 rounds, and that according to all the rules is too many for King, according to the Tules set-up by the same Federation, He isn't to fight more than eight founds till he is 21 years old . . .. Jack Sharkey's. second comeback attempt ended with the former "gob" loser on points to Tony Shueco, 12 years ago tonight at Boston. World's heavyweight champion three years betore, Sa key Bowe up near the finish when Shucco forged ahead. ey hung up gloves not I after when hi Suaiey hug UP Nie glove long e was knocked out by * * * SCISSORED SPORT--(By The Canadian Press) --Three of the six provinces participating in the Canadian High School curling champion- ship at Winnipeg, Feb. 16.17 have declared their representatives, J. D. Cameron, chairman of the playoff committee announced last night. The Quebec Academy of Quebec City will represent Quebec. Red Goldberg of Hornepayne captured the Northwest Ontario championship and Stan Gowling of Morden is Manitoba's titleholder . . . . Smashing all previous @titry records, 454 rinks -will compete in. the Manitoba Curling Associa- tion's diamond jubilee bonsplel which opens at Winnipeg next Tuesday #34 Dow Is the world's laigest cuslling classic. The previous eiiy-iecoid was set last year when 400 rinks participated--a far cry from the 62 Latest Olympic - Results U.S. WINS BOBSLED St. Moritz, Feb. 7--(AP)---The United Statés rang up her third championship in the fifth winter Olympics today when a reckless bobsled team, headed by Francis | Tyler of Lake Placid, N.Y., roared to victory in the four-man bobsled event. Defying a heavy snow. storn that blew in to mar the next-to- last day of the games) Tyler pilot- ed his bob down the icy chutes in near record time, Y CANADA TO FORE Figure Skating (Mixed Pairs): Suzanne Morrow and Wallace Dis- telmeyer, both of Toronto, placed Hildebrand. third in unofficial standings. Hockey--Canada defeated Aus- tria, 12-0. / FIGURE SKATING CHAMPS The World's Champion figure skating couple, Micheline Lannoy and Pierre Baugniet of Belgium, won the Olympic Figure Skating Pair Championship today on the basis of unofficial scoring. PREMIER OPENS SPIEL Timmins, Ont.--First stone in one of the largest bonspiels in Ca- nadian history will be delivered here at 8:30 a.m. next Monday by Premier Drew, opening the 18th annual Temiskaming and North- ern Ontario 'spiel. . More than 130 teams are ex- pected to compete for five major prizes. Referee--Ken Holmshaw, Toron- |] to; linesman, John Dobson, Barrie. First Period 1--Oshawa, D, Blair (Lowe) ..11:15 (Ham 2--Barrie, Mousseau (Mayer) .13:47 Penalties--Oleksuik, Reid, Aikin. Second Period 3--Barrie, St. Pierre 6:30 4--Oshawa, Lowe (D, Blair) .. 8:10 5--Oshawa, Air .........o0.... 8:45 6--Oshawa, Lowe (Pogue) ....13:07 Penalties--Gariepy, Lowe, Pogue, Scott, Third Period T--Oshawa, Sullivan (Pogue) . 4:00 N 8--Barrie, Guarda (Mayer, Mous- BOBUY 2eoesnserivaniironcene 5:30 9--Barrle, Favero (Reid) .... Penalty--Brandow. TEEPEES EDGE GALT ROCKETS IN 4-3 THRILLER By The Canadian Press With three straight goals, in se. cond period, "Topper" spurred the sixth.place St. Cathar. ines Teepees to a 4.3 win over Galt in a Junior "A" tussle last night. Tepees victory at St. Catharines left Galt in filth place, one point behind Barrie and Stratford, and 8t. Catharineg three points behind Galt, It was their second win in thre starts against the Rockets. "Cralt led NO at the end of first period at St, Catharines but Top. pazzini's hat trick in the second was the clincher for St. Catharines. "Red" Sullivan tallied the other Teepees goal. Galt snipers were "Wiggle" Wylie, Bob Gualazzi and Ken McNally: Galt: Goal, Dougall; defense, Rob- ertson, Singleton; centre, Wylie; wings, Mulholland, Pidherny; alts., Brklacich, Webster, Gibson, Gualazzi, Hopper, McNally, Burcham, St. Catharines: Goal, Gruhl; de- fense, McIntyre, Buck; centre, Sulll- van; wings, Hildebrand, Toppazzini; ., Krahulec, Goegan, Buschlen, Houston, Mullen, Service, Kadotsky. Referce: Charlie Good, Toronto. Linesman--Bill . Bt. Kitts, st Period 1--Galt, Wylle, (Pldhirny, WeDBLEY) io. vsvpsnrervessnse ooo 13:80 Penalties; Robertson, Buschlen, Second Period 2--S8t. Catharines, Toppazzini (GOREN) .ve.ioveresvnnssvarers 3.~St. Catharines, Toppazzini (GOeGAN) ...:s0.s0ene sesniee eos 4--St. Catharines, Toppaesini (Krahulec) 5--St. Catharines, Sullivan (Krahulec, Toppazzini) E Penalties: Mcintyre, Toppaszsini, Robertson, Third Period 6--CGAlt, McNally (Hopper, Robertson) e T--Galt, Gualazzi (Webster) Penalties: Singl at a RIBERA» SEREES suSRERseay 14 Ld " ESE oo CO OO UNOMM Batphn Wa a Future Games "Tonight -- Windsor at St. Michael's; Stratford at Young Rangers; Barrie at Oshawa; St. Catharines at Galt. O.H.A. SENIOR "A" G WL T P APts 7 1140 78 49 1164 80 3 152 127 .e 20 .32 3 28 Friday's Results 3 Marlboros ..eee.. ee. 2 Kitch-Wat. ..... 0 ... 8 Hamilton Pats . 5 Future Games Tonight -- Brantford at Hamilton Tigers; Hamilton Pats at Owen Sound. NATIONAL LEAGUE G a & T 20 27 4140173 Future Games Tonight -- Detroit at Montreal; New York at Toronto. Sunday--New York at Chicago; Bos- ton at Detroit. RCAF Flyers Triumph 12-0 Over Austrians Bt. Moritz, Feb, T7--(CP)--With goaltender Murray Downey record- ing his fourth shutout in seven games, Canada's R.C.A.F. Flyers de- feated Apstria 13.0 today in a swirling snowstorm, A victory in the final day of the tournament to- morrow would give Ounada the Ol, ic hock ampio! , The Ri with six victories and a tie in seven starts, moved in. to a first-place tie with Czechoslo- vakia, who defeated Switzerland 7.1 in a morning game. If the Flyers win. against Swit- gerland tomotrow and Czechoslova. kia defeats the United States, as the form indicates, Czechosolvakia and Canada would be tied for first place with 15 points. But under the rules of the Inter. national Ice Federation, the championship in event of a tie for first place goes to the team with the highest quotient of goals scor- ed over goals against. Canada, with 66 goals to her cre. compared with only five scored against her, thus would get the palm over Czechosolvakia. Czechoslovakia's totals goals for 15 against. Wally Halder and George Mara again were the scoring stars of a clean game' with four goals apiece, while Reg Schroeter notched three and Ab Renaud one. First Period are 76 Penalties: None. Second Period 6.--Canada, Halder . 50 7.~Canads, Schroeter (Halder) . 8.--Canada, Mara 3:10 9.--Canada, Renaud (Hal . 10.--Canada, Mam esse innanans Three Senior Games Tt was thelr sixth straight victory over the Twin.Citles squad as the league-leading Hamilton Tigers blanked Kitchener-Waterloo Flying Dutchmen 2.0 in an Ontario Hoe. key Association Senior "A" fixture at Waterloo last night. Jack Cain, of third.place Strat. fora Indians, scored the winning shot with five minutes left to give | rouna Indians a 3.2 victory over Toronto Marlboros at Stratford In last night's second senior game. Packing their second punch into the first and third <periods, Owen Sound Mercurys defeated the sixth. place Hamilton Patriclas 8.5 in a senior game at Owen Sound, to move into a fourth.place tle with Kitchener.-Waterloo Flying Dutch. men, Boxing Champlonships and Olympic trials will be held at Montreal May 27-28, Dennis White, chairman of the Canadian Olympic Boxing Com mittee, announced last night. Entries will be restricted to two nominees in each weight division from each affiliated branch of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada... . t half of the world chess champion. ship tournament will be played "at the Hague from March 2 to 25 and the second half in Russia two weeks later, it was learned yesterday . ... Bobby Newton, a Montrealer playing with Saint John Beavers, was be- lieved to have established a record last night when he scored two goals within two seconds in a Maritime Senior Hockey League game against Truro Bearcats at Truro, N.S. The scor: at 18:58 and 19:00 in the second period. Saint John won 9-8 . . . . Four of the lesser lights of the winter golf tour--Kay Laffoon, Jim Ferrier, Eric Montin and Norman Von Nida--led the greatest par-shattering rampage in the history of the Texas Open yesterday at San Antonio as they laid down a blazing 658 in the rain and mud to tie for the first-round lead . . . . Freddie Mills, European light heavyweight boving champion, decided yesterday he will defend his title against Spain's Pacho Beuno at Harringay Arena, London Feb, 17... Ford Frick, President of the National League, sald yester- day lio and club owners in the circuit had discussed possibilities of a peace settlement between organized baseball and the Mexican League, sntries in the association's first 'spiel in 1889 .., , . The Canadian Amateur | but declined to say what conclusion they reached, N one. Third Period 11.--Canada, Mara (Guzzo) .. » 12.--Canada, Halder ...cc...s0es.. 4:08 Penalties: None, "Fights Last Night | By The Associated Press Worcester, Mass.--Irish Bobby Flana- gan, 1621;, London, Ont, awarded de- cision over Sidney Miller, 16213, New York. (Miller disqualified in third ). W Mass, -- y Del y 14815, London, Ont., knocked out Billy Paul, 140, Bosto) mn (4). New York -- Wilfred Pruden, 141, 8t. Cathar Ont., Jerry Coursol, 14615, Montreal oi Detroit--O'Neill Bell, 160, Detroit, outpointed Tommy Yaross, 166, Pitts- burgh (10), cm------------------ The tea drinking habit was large- ly responsible for the development of fine English porcelain, 0.C.V.l. Senior Senior "B" Lose in Last Quarter Drive--Junior "A" Edged by Whistle -- One Basket Separ- ated Junior "B" Teams By BOB RIFE Oshawa Cll gians Won only one me out of the four played in eterboro last night, but that one game was the one they really wanted to win above all others. The Senior "A" squad walked off the floor with a final score of 80-27. They had the point and territorial advantage all the way, and even though it was one of the struggles of the year, the Oshawa boys were better. all the way. Refereeing disputes, coaches shouting at each other, fans al. most ready to take a poke at one another, these were 'just sidelights to the usual enthusiasm shown against and by Peterboro and Osh- awa, Mgzewsky, Dadson, ¢ Szikszay, 54 | Foster, Crawford and all the rest played great ball "and really de- served the win. Since the Senior "A" ball this year is. a two-game points to count series, the win gives Oshawa three points to carry into the return battle here in Oshawa, this coming Friday night. Senior "B" Play Well Coming up with their best brand of ball this year, the Senior "B" squad from the local Collegiate lost out in the final half 87-19, when the home-town cub finally started to get hot. The Oshawa squad, with their big line of Hank Wells, Ed Samon, and Ray Souch playing terrific ball seemed to have no trouble at all with. the Liftlock City crew in the first half, : In the 'second quarter, this line did thé fadeout act, and play was carried by a line made up of Pie Martin, Ab Gilbert, and Doug Dalgleish. Ab Gilbert, especially, played great offensive as well as defensive ball, and the score was tied 15-15 at the half, The last quarter saw some of the newer members of these lines who did not have the eondition start to fade, and that was when Peterboro saw' her advantage, and looped in shot after shot to take a bjg lead and end the game 387-19. Junior "A" Edged Out The Red, Green and Gold carried by the Oshawa C.V.I. Junior "A" squad went down to defeat for the first time this season, when the foul shot refereeing beat them by a score of 32-22, That may sound like a big start for the crying towel act, but believe it or not it"was just about the true fact of the case. Peter- boro had some of the softest shots called for them that have occurred in a long time, Nick Mroczek has finally got such other members of the team as Sarnovsky, Mackness and Auld, they carried the Play into the Peterboro backyard all the way. Mroczek was snapping the strings very effectively with his one hand shot, and with him on the bit, the whole team seemed to get up. and go. Came then the ref, and "all ye who entered those portals that night Jive up - hope" to say 'the least. The game ended on the sour note of a 82-22 defeat for the lo- cals after the Petes started to sink free throws. Jr. "B" Kids Come Close The closest battles of all these close ones, if scores should count, was that in the Junior "B" loop. The Oshawa kids lost by one bas- ket 16-14. It was not nearly as close as it sounds, for the locals seemingly could not make the ball fall past the hoop. The durned thing rolled all around and over the loop of metal, but just wouldn't fall through for the points that would have meant victory. Bryan Coggins was hot, alon with the two guards, Simpkin an "A" Cagers roughest and hardest fought cage Struk into stride, and with the help of" Bak, They handled the ball like | Win 30-27 In Peterboro veterans, and set up quite a few of the few shots that went in. If assists were given in basket- ball, some of these players would get recognition, but as they are not, we mentioned purely b they so seldom get credit for mak- ing the set-up in the 'court game. We don't mean that only for those boys, but for all playmakers. Te goal score again was 16-14 for etes. GOALIE FORCED OUT Palmerston. -- Stu Williams, goaltender for the Palmerston Rail- roanders OHA Intermediate "B" team has been forced to retire due to a heart condition, His place in the nets will be taken by Harvey e, : BOWLING POPULAR 8ydney, Australia--(CP)--Lawn bowling is growing increasingly popular in Australia, particulariy in New South Wales. The pen. nants competition this year at. tracted more than 3,000 players in itions in various grades in the" 8ydney metropolitan area alone, At least another 5,000 will play in county tournaments. Al. together 20,000 bowlers are affil. lated with the New South Wales Bowling Association and most clubs report long waiting lists. SLICED HIS SHOT FOR RECORD DRIVE Newcastle, South Africa, Feb. 7. ~--(CP--A local golfer, driving off the 15th tee, sliced the ball. It landed on the top of a car on a freight train travelling towards Durban nearly 200 miles away. Af the ball reached Durban, the drive may be claimed as a world's long-distance record. » OSHAWA JR.B BLANK ORONO ON THEIR ICE "he Junior "B" league tightened up even more as Oshawa moved closer to Whitby, with a 7-4 win on Orono last night. The team was playing hot and cold hockey, and when they were on, they couldn't be stopped, and elted the goalie with rubber till Pe finally gave in, 3 That was the wey the game was won, for Oshawa had very little of the territorial edge at other times in the play. Sturrock from Siblock was the cry in the first period as Orono took a 2-0 edge. 2: Sturrock beat Jimmie Claus | cleanly on two tries, but the locals hit their stride with Irv Welsh ppsting his first of the night from ooper and Weddup, and then Turnbull shot from the blueline on Cowle's pass-out to tie the count 2-2 at the end of the period. The second period was all Osh- awa as far as scoring went. Hooper got his goal on a nice solo, 'and then Cowle banged in -Bradley's pass and the locals were leading Oshawa scored three more goals - in the beginning of the third frame to lead 7-2, before Orono came to life with a last minute rally that netted them two more goals, and a 7-4 loss. Welsh got his second of the night from Hooper and Weddup, and the pass off Roy Turnbull's stick was turned into the .sixth Oshawa goal by Wilson. Robinson scored unassisted for the final en- try on the Oshawa side the ledger. : Sturrock" performed the hat- trick with his third goal of the night, and Siblock made it 7-4 with only 25 seconds remaining in the game, ORONO--Goal, Hooper; defence, Flintoff, Cox; centre, Siblock; wings, Rundle, Elliott;s Alts., J, West, D. West, Johnston, Melvor, Perfect, Storrock, Pattum, Rowe, (sub goal). OSHAWA--Goal, Claus de- fence, Barnes, Jenkins; ceptre, Hooper; wings, Weddup, 'Welsh; Alts,, Cowle, Robinson, Wilson, Turnbull, Bradley, Bone and Mur- phy. . First Period 1.--~Orono, Sturrock (Siblock) 2.~Orono, Sturrock (Siblock) .. 9:40 3.--Oshawa, Welsh (Hooper, Weddup) 10:25 4.--Oshawa, Turnbull (Cowle) ..13:25 Penalties: Mclvor, D. West, Cox and Jenkins, . 17:10 Second Period 5.--Oshawa, Hooper vase T210 6.--Oshawa, Cowle (Bradley) .. 7:47 Penalties: Hooper, West and 'Headley, Third Period 7.--Oshawa, Welsh (Hooper, Weddup) 8,--Oshawa, Wilson (Turnbull) 9.--Oshawa, Robinson ee 10.--~Orono, Sturrock (Elliott) ... 11.--Orono, Siblock (D. West, J. West) Penalties: Cowle (major). Jr "A » HOCKEY TONIGHT 8.30 P.M. BARRE FLYERS OSHAWA GENERALS | stdin Room on Sale 7.30 p.m. JR. "B" HOCKEY MONDAY NIGHT 8 P.M. BYERS MOTORS : vs. LINDSAY 9.30 P.M. OSHAWA Vs. WHITBY \ [ Adults 50-children 25: | OSHAWA ARENA OZARK IKE # 2.8 MORAN fi E NERVE Y Al3iVS OADIW Ay +l, nih pps a ; A AR SO GoM IfrN4

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