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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Feb 1948, p. 7

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN "BEAUTY FOR YOU Your Good-Looks Routine By HELEN JAMESON Does it bore you to tears to have a shampoo and wave-set? Are you impatient to do done with the busi- ness, to dash out of the shop and pick up your activities? That's bad. You have a chance to rest for one full hour you should grab it with Joy, cherish it, make the best of it. Leisure is something that no wo- man seems to have any more. And quiet self.communion is good for the soul, The telephone won't be nagging you. The kids won't be starting all those questions with "Where is my--"". You won't be hunting up lost caps or books, You won't be letting the dog in and out. Your beauty treatment is cheap at any price. And how about the home duties that are going to defy old Meanie Time? Do you begrudge the mo- ments you spend tinting your fin- gernails, or rejuvenating your complexion? Must not do. You don't have to put yeur mind on these chores. You can let your thoughts fall in pleasant places. It is silly to think of beautifying as a bother. The rewards are won- derful, No woman can afford to let herself go to seed. The details of one's pulchritude upkeep - should develop into pleasureable habits. They are to be enjoyed because they rest and refresh one, offer an escape from pressing affairs, The enthusiastic follower of the Goddess Hygeia has 4 her morning bath so she will start the day with 8 glowing complexion and a feel- ing of self.respect. After the scrub- bing with a well-soaped brush, she has an alternating hot and cold shower and a brisk rubdown. 'Then she does five minutes of torso- twisting, so therg will be no chance of the waistline thickening, a habit waistlines have as birthdays stack up. To keep chesty she does the lantern-swinging act that lifts the breasts, tends to keep them firm and of pleasing contour, Only takes a few minutes. But, in a year's time, the minutes count up. At night she removes make-up with a thin cream, washes her face | als \ She does five minutes of torso- twisting, * 00 thoroughly, finally rinsing, drying, and anointing with a heavy cream that remains on over night, The skin, molested as it is by harsh winds and atmospheric dust, feasts upon the emollient, keeps smooth and of fine texture. She anoints her hands, frictions fingernails, The hair gets attention, a num. ber of swift swipes with the hair brush and then a three-minute scalp friction. To preserve her waves, she tucks them into a wave cap. By adopting a beauty schedule she is able to face that ever-pre- sent companion, the lady in the looking glass, without feeling that the reflection is rebuking her. If she falls down on the routine, it surely will do precisely that. TIPS FOR TEENS Up Pops By -".INOR WILLIAMS What do you do when you're go- ing 'so a party or have a date and an ugly "bump" or skin blemish appears just in time to mar your complexion ? You've Been looking forward to this special evening for days, are dressed in your best, then up pops a pimple. A grim experience! Yon'e rush to cover it up with a heavy 'coat of Sis' or Mother's powder and don't resign yourself! to Staying home to eat your heart out thinking of the fun you're missing. There's a better answer. Conceal the blemish with a medY- ceted lotion that will not enly camouflage it, but will also aid the healing process, so the pimple will disappear more quickly. It has a medicinal base that makes it anti- septic and is tinted to match tke skin so it blends with your natural coloring. This makes it unnotice- able on your face, yet your skin looks smoother and more flawless. This is a simple way to cover up unattractive pimples and en- courage them to heal quickly at = Sv a Pimple A Physician Advises You By HELKMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. TREATMENT FOR TRENCH MOUTH EVERY part of the body seems to have its special enemies in the germ world and the gums are no exception, Indeed, the entire mem- brane lining of the mouth seems especially susceptible to the mi- crobes which causes trench mouth or Vincent's angina, Thus, this infection is highly contagious and may be spread from one person to another through droplets which are thrown into the air during talking or coughing, or by contaminated eating utensils, or unsani drinking fountains. Epidemics of Vincent's infection are not unsuual, . Mild Cases As a rule, mild cases of this dis- order can be cleared up easily. In fact, there are many forms of treatment which have never been used for it. However, when the disease becomes severe and pro- longed, thorough . going measures are necessary. The condition produces soreness of 'the mouth and gums. There may be bleeding of the gums, or a bad odor of the breath," The gums are excessively tender. Ulcers or sores may form on the gums and lining membranes of the mouth, During the early stages of mild cases Sunply brushing the 'teeth and gums, night and morning, with warm 'water, to which a little salt has been added, followed by rins- ing for five minutes with equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and water will produce a cure, It is al. s0 suggested that tablets of potas- sium chlorate be allowed to dis- solve slowly in the mouth, under the tongue, three times a day. In more advanced cases, this lo. cal treatment alone is not suffici- ent, It is suggested that penicillin be employed in the more severe cases, and the sulfonamide , drugs for the less severe. In any event, the first step in the treatment is for the dentist to remove deposits from the teeth, us- ing all possible care and gentle- ness. There are some who have sug- gested that penicillin be injected into the upper and lower jaws. However, equally good results seem to be obtained by giving the injections deep into a muscle. Lozenges containing penicillin may also be used. These are held in the mouth and allowed to dis. solve, Ointment Used If the sulfonamide preparations are used, an ointment containing them may be made up. This oint- ment is packed into the pockets between the gums and teeth, The sulfonamide preparations may also be given by mouth. In any event, when Vincent's in- fection develops, the dentist should '| be consulted immediately concern- the same time--a good thing to know if you have an occasional "bump" or if your skin is often broken out. There are several reliable, medi- cated lotions that you can buy to do a quick cover-up job on blemish- es, helping to prevent embarrass- ment and self-consciousness. A good grooming aid to tuck into your top drawer. Keep it handy. Girls wear it as makeup on the ! face, neck and back; boys dot it on just the blemishes, however, blending it on the skin until it's invisible. Healing continues as long as the lotion remains on the pim- ples. This tinted liquid heals in the same sensible way as an overnight ointment. Apply the ointment at night and this lotion during the day for speedy, 24-hour healing. (For tips on the care of oily, blemished ' skin, write to Elinor Williams at this paper and enclose a stamped, self-addressed en- velope.) | Fash Hashes SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL resort dres- ses inclyde one dream made of Swiss organdie handpainted all ovey | with tiny flowers in delicate tones of mauve, blue and rose. Bodice has deep collarless V neckline, and aash.up sleeves. A fitted midriff 'Tises to a point at the base of the neckline. Ankle - length skirt has | deep hem ruffle. * 44 BY POPULAR REQUEST the print dress gnd leng coat ensemble is better than ever. Silk crepe in a rich leaf print in shades of terra | cotta, dark orange, rust-brown and green is used for a simple shirt. walst frock, the méckline tied into VY VYVVYVY "Bluebird" Diamonds CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 King W.--Phone 389 | matron, Lightweight sheer navy blue a huge bow, the skirt softly pleated. Over it a long cost of grey sheer woolen with a linen-like weave, the °| coat lined in the dress print, * eb IT'S WONDERFUL how fur pelts are handled these days. A beautiful coat of black Russian Persian lamb has a tightly fitted bodice that flares into a peplum effect achiev- ed by three pockets on either side, with stiffened pocket flaps. The graceful skirt is very soft and full, rippling in back. * ab JUST THE THING to give body to suits and dresses of lightweight fabric is the ballerina-length half slip. These petticoats, cut with bouffant folds, have either a pleat. ed or a ruffled flounce, and are made of such fabrics as taffeta faille and starched organdie, this last for evening. * HP FINE DETAIL adds distinction to many new frocks designed for the woolen makes a handsome frock, untrimmed except for narrow tuck- ed folds of the fabric that form the collarless neckline and continue ov- er the bodice in 'wide interloopad scallops to open and spread out be. ing the treatment of the condition. With the modern methods of elim- inating this disorder, the condition can be brought under control with. in several days in practically all instances, . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS M. M. G.: Just a week before my periods my breasts hurt. What can be done for this? Answer: Pain in the breasts, which occurs just before the men- strual periods, has been thought to be due to some disturbance in . the glands of internal secretion; poss- ibly to a lack of ovarian extract. In the treatment of this condi- tion, it has been suggested that ovarian residue be employed, start- ing from ten to fifteen days before the onset of mensuration is ex. pected. However, it is advisable for such treatments to be carried out under the direction of a phy- sician, Her Dream Dress 4809 SIZES o--i4 lnne Adams Be an angel, Mother! Make this dress! Perfect for young in-be- tween figures, Pattern 4809, with its pretty scallops and skirt-in-a- whirl. And darling for graduation in white! This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4809 comes in girls' sizes 6 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10, 2 yards 8b-in.; 1% yards contrast. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this finer. Pring plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. a Send your order to DAILY TIMES low the waist into a group of finely pleated center inset pleats. Jf right if results are gratifying, if GLAMORIZING Grooming Tips Start grooming lessons early by * There probably never was a time when women spent so much money on their hair; gave so little time to its health and well being. Two or three permanents a year, frequent shampoos and wave sets, rinses and now those demountable tresses. They dig a pretty deep hole in the good looks budget. All the hair-do is chic. But what about the hair itself? Because the girls would preserve their rolls md ringlets they never lay a hand on a hair brush. All wrong. A good permanent can't be brushed into stringiness. Every night of "your life you cream, massage and tonic your complexion, Why not divide these precious moments, devote a few to your glorious crown that may not remain glorious unless it re- ceives some form of vitalizing treatment. By combining brushing and gralp massage you can keep your locks amiable and shining. You wil] weed out dead shafts. You will remove surface dust. Best of for Your Hair oy HELEN FOLLETT letting a small 'daughter wash her own hair, all, you will force the blood streams to bring nourishment to every silky thread.. They have to eat, if they are to carry on. air Is Dry Friction lifts dead skin scales if they are present; the shampoo next day will flood them away. If the hair is dry, dip your finger tips in hot mineral oil before starting the treatment. Every little girl should be taught to brush her hair before she goes to bed. This practice will do much to promote a healthy growth. She should have two brushes, so that one is always clean. And she can wash her own hair, too. It is never too early to start little daughter along the beauty road; the road of cleanliness, fas- tidiousness of person, extreme neatness. Character is building all the time, With early training the child will develop into a young woman with a keen sense of order, a sense of duty to herself, her health and appearance, Dan Cupid's Sugared Dart Hath Oft a Poison Tip 'It's not the man they care about, it's marriage. It's a mania with them. It's a disease. W. Somerset Maugham. * rp A witty woman is a treasure, a witty beauty is a power. George Meredith. * + When a woman begins to ex- plain why she loves you it's be- cuse she's beginning to wonder why herself. * La Vie Parisienne, op A woman who really wants to refuse has only to say no. She who must explain herself wishes to be convinced. Alfred de Musset. * 3 Man's love is of man's life a thing apart; 'tis woman's whole existence, ; Byron. aE I Kindness in women--not their Siirbonnet Girls Something mighty fetching for your kitchen linens! Six little Sun- bonnet Girl rjotifs--all so gay and colorful. Very easy needlework, Amusing designs to do, brighten transfer of @ix motifs 6x6% inches. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complew directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be Syepled) iy mis pattern. Print p! ly AM ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER" Send your order to DAILY TIMES up your kitchen. Pattern 7200; | beauteous looks--shall win my love, Shakespeare. * » Absence is to love what wind is to fire--it extinguishes little flames, kindles large ones, + 9» dg Bussy~Rabutin, No man wins the heart of a woman through the sacrifices he makes for her, but by those he ac- cepts from her. * bp Marcel Burriere. The fickleness of women I love is only equaled by the infernal con- stancy of the women who love me. Bernard Shaw. * by A woman would be more charm- ing if one could fall into lrer arms without falling into "her hands. Ambrose Bierce. * > With women the heart argues, not the mind. Matthew Arnold. * 3 Charm is a sort of bloom on a woman. If you have it, you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't much matter what else you have. J. M. Barrie. Times-Gazette classified ads pay --Why not try one today. Hollywood Highlights By BOB THOMAS Hollywood--(AP)--The hippy frills and ankle lengths of "the new look" are due for a downfall in Hollywood films. This comes from Paramount designer Edith Head, who states the reason: The men. "Much as we women hate to ad- mit it," she admitted, "men have an influence in setting female fash- ions. And they just won't go for 'the new look.' " Edith illustrated with some clothes she is designing for Bar- bara Stanwyck. The actress told Jer to lay off "new look" extrem- es. Barbara said Robert Taylor wouldn't take her out if she wore them, The Marx brothers will get a new lease on their professional lives in "Diamonds in the Side- walk," which Lester Cowan is plan. ning for them. They will indulge in none of their standard acts. Groucho will narrate, Harpo will play a straight role and Chico will e a mind-reader who interprets Harpo's thoughts. Three other seri- ous performers will be starred. Back to Comedy Robert Montgomery is happy about going back to comedy in his next, "Come Be My Love," which he will also direct. Like many of us, he feels the scréen should re- turn to comedies. "I am responsible for getting myself out of them," he told me. "After seven years of nothing but comedies, I decided I had better turn to drama or the public might get tired of me." Frederic March reports that his plans to play Columbus are ripen- ing. From his account, it appears that J. Arthur Rank hasnt given up expensive films entirely. The film will be shot in color, on a 14-week schedule (long, by Holly- wood standards), and with expen- sive locations. Alfred Hitehecock is concerned with what Australians will think of "Under Capricorn," which he'll make in England with Ingrid Bergman, It shows the early colon- ization of Australia by English convicts, and he fears Australian fans will object, Five } of Hearts St. Valentine's Day miss is blonde | lovely, Barbara Bates. Denver.born "Johnny Belinda." Barbara appears in film version of | WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT A Surprise Baby Shower? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: . I've been making plans to give a baby shower for a dear friend of mine, who is quite soon to have her second child, She has found out about my plans, and has asked me not to have the shower. She says that having such a party for her would mean that the guests felt sorry for her, and she doesn't want pity. I've tried to explain to her that baby showers aren't given for any idea of "pity," but she just can't understand, and says that if any shower is to be given for her, she feels that some mem- ber of her family should be the one to give it. She, like myself, reads your column every day . . . so I wish you'd pleace set her straight about this. (Mrs.) G. B. Although the majority of people enthusiastically welcome any plans for a shower to be given for them, there are still many people who, like your friend, just don't relish the idea of having showers given for them ,and who particularly don't like the idea of a baby show- er. Your friend apparently is a sensitive, modest-spirited woman who is unwilling to even appear to co-operate with the plans of a party to which guests are invited for the purpose of bringing her gifts. And I'm pretty sure that she doesn't want her family to give her a baby shower either . . . she is, I believe, just saying this try- ing to make her point of view easier for you. So, dear lady, although your in- tention is of the very essence of thoughtfulness and generous friendliness, my advice is that you give up all plans for the haby shower. After the baby's arrival, you and some of her intimate friends might, as they go to see her and the baby, take the baby a gift of something pretty and useful. Only Bride's Friends Invited To Shower Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Will you please settle an argu- ment for us? To a bridal shower is it proper for the hostess to in- vite some of her friends who don't know the bride? Three Girls. No. Since everyone who comes to a shower must bring a gift, only the friends of the bride-to-be should be invited. It's inappropri- ate to ask your friends to buy ifts for a guest of honor they don't even know. Her Niece as Flower Girl, Nephew as Page Dear Mrs. Beeckman: My sister has a lovely 6-year- old daughter and an engaging 5- year-old little boy . . . I love them dearly and I want very much to have them both in my wedding party. The little girl will make a beautiful flower girl, and I have planned to have her wear a long, pastel Kate Greenaway dress, and carry an old-fashioned bouquet. But what about the little boy . . . can I plan to have him in the procession, and, if so, in what ca- acity ? I loath. the idea of a ring- earer, so that's out; and having him as a page to carry my train would terrify me. Have you any suggestion about this, Mrs. Beeck- man? (If this makes any differ- ence in your answer, my sister is to be my matron of honor, and there are to be eight ushers and eight bridesmaids.) Claire T. My suggestion is that you have this engaging little boy in your wedding party, and have him walk with his lovely little sister. I agree with your decisions not to have him as a ring-bearer and not to have him as a page to hold your train. But, for want of a better name, he might be called a "page." Since these children are so young, I sug- gest you have them walk in front of their mother, the matron of honor, in the processional (so she can, if necessary, keep a motherly eye on them!), and also in front of her in the recessional, (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questions submitted by readers.) Buy hose or socks that fit. Too short hose can be as bad for the feet as shoes that do not fit. $442 Ose 7 plait with a, 7 0% CONDENSED Vary our weeks menus with these 7 delicious soups Cream of Tomato Vegetable Vegetable Without Meat Cream of Celery Cream of Green Pea Beef Noodle Cream of Green Vegetable Ie They Right, Mary. And axwell House contains choice Latin-American cofiets -- the very Maxwell House has fuller body because Radiant Roasting develops all its extra goodness. GAZETTE Pattern Department, GAZETTE Pattern . De --- ! partment, Oshawa, There's Mary . . . ZZ ve 9 al Ne AN Live on Maxwell House experts combine these richer coffees in one supremely delicious blend. S &2 Packed, 3 wayb: . . UPER-VACUUM GLASSINE-LINED $ TIN BAG . All Purpose Grind Drip and Regular Grinds Ni a Every Street and they know lots about coffee smart and him ~ ote of 90 = d of her home -- and such a housekeeper Why do you always buy Maxwell House, Mary? More people buy and enjoy Maxwell House than any other brand of coffee in the world . . . at any price \ 3 Steet MAXWELL HOUSE Made instantly in the MAXWELL HOUSE = COFFEE "Good to tie Lust Digp!" A Product of General Foods MH-78

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