WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN Mixing. Bowl Hello Homemakers! With many people looking over seed catalogues in anticipation of succulent garden- fresh vegetables, it is difficult to settle down to the prosaic task of talking about carrots and potatoes and turnips. However, we find that there are many new ways of hand- ling these stand-bys to make lenten meals interesting. There are other foods recommended that we often neglect because the family were not enthused at first--namely Joranips, dried peas and beans; an pumpkin. SPICED PUMPKIN 3% cups pumpkin (1 can) 1 thsp. butéer, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper, % tsp. ginger, 1 egg, beaten. Pour pumpkin into saucepan and add beaten egg and seasonings. Heat thoroughly, stirring frequent- ly. 8ix servings. CARROTS IN ORANGE BUTTER 4 cups cooked diced carrots, 2 theps. butter, 2 tbsps. orange juice, 1 grated orange rind, 1 tbsp. ¢orn syrup. Combine all ingredients and heat. oa PARSNIPS WITH TOMATO SAUCE 4 large parsnips, 1% cups tomato juice, 1 bay leaf, % onion, sliced, 2 whole cloves, 1'tsp. salt and % tsp. pepper. Wash and parboil parsnips. Drain and skin, then dice. Combine with other ingredients and simmer 20 mins. Pick out cloves and bay leaf. Serves 6. "© TURNIPS AND - d APPLE CASSEROLE 2 cups thinly sliced turnip strips, 1 ¢up sliced raw apples, 1% tbsps., brown sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. lemon rind, 3 tsps. lemon juice, 2 tbsps. butter, Alternate layers of turnip and apple in casserole." Sprinkle each " layer with salt and sugar, over top put the lemon rind and juice and dot with butter. Bake, covered in preheated electric oven at 3756 de- grees until turnips are tender. Bake sausages or tenderloin in oven. at same 'time to conserve fuel, BOSTON BAKED BEANS (pressure cooked) 1,lb, pea beans, % 'cup salt pork, 1 chopped.onion, 2 tbsps. molasses," 1%, , salt, % tsp. pepper, % tsp.' mustard, 3% cups water. | Pick over the beans. Cover with 4 cups boiling water, put on a lid and let stand 1 hour. Cut the salt pork in-cubgs and lightly brown in the . pressure cooker. Dra the beans and put inta the cooker with all the remaining ingredients. Close the cooker, bring to 15 lb, pressure and process 35 minutes, Baked Beans Boston Style with Tomatoes; Omit 3% cup water and add 1 cup canned tomatoes before pressuring, * +» TAKE A TIP 1, Burnt vegetables may be sal- vaged if they are caught in time. Shake them into another pan and add a little cold water. Heat or finish cooking, (Do not scrape any burned pieces into fresh pans.) 2. Slice a Spanish onion into the juice left from a jar of sweet mixed pickles. Leave "in_ pickling syrup for a week--then use as pickle; . . very gobd. 3. Next time you make cream sauce, make twice as mach as you need and put half of it in the re- frigerator to use in a day or so. This saves both time and labour. 4. Prepare vegetables to bake, roast or steam in the oven at same time and so conserve electricity. AR 4 THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. W. M. asks: What makes parsnips- bitter? .. .. * Answer: Some varieties have a strong flavour if they are cooked too slowly, and they should be drained as soon as tender. Others may not have had good climatic conditions, Mrs. T. R. asks: What can be don with curdled cream soup ? Answer: Beat the curdled soup at high speed and add % cup fine cracker crumbs. Mr. C. C. asks: How long do you cook oysters and what are the in- gredients in Old Fashioned Stew? Answer: Over-eooked oysters be- come tough and hard to digest. Recipe: 1% cdps scalded milk, 1 tsp. butter, % tsp. pepper, % tsp. salt, 4 tbsps. fine crumbs, % pint oysters, papriRa. Add butter, -pepper, salt and crumbs to milk. When hot add oy- sters and cook ohly until edges curl --about 3 to 5 mins. Sprinkle with paprika. Serves 2, Mrs. J. T. asks: Recipe for Corn Fritters. bo Answer: 1 cup canned cream corn, 1 cup flour, % tsp. salt and f. g. pepper, % tbsp. butter, 1 egg, 1% tsp. baking powder: + :-- Sift dry ingredients and add to corn. Add butter and. beaten" egg. Beat all together and fry. in spoon- fuls on a hot, greased e, or drop in hot fat at 375 degrees. canned | TIPS FOR TEENS A Simple Party Is More JNOR WILLI+ MS By Here's a girl who is all mixed up. She's going to give a party to cele- brate her birthday: "We are planning a party for my 16th birthday, a buffet supper and dancing," she writes. "I want it to be formal, then the girls will wear long evening dresses, but the boys always wear light-colored sports jackets. "I am planning to send written invitations and I want each boy to call for a girl. Shall I tell them which girl to call for in the invita. tion? want to have an escort, too. Should I ask him in the in. yitation to be my escort? Should I tell the boys to get corsages for the girls? How will they know what time to go home?" It's OK to send written invita. tions, but most girls and boys pre- fer a simple phone invitation that doesn't require a written reply. Whether you write or phone, state that you're planning a birthday celebration (give the date) from 8 to 11 or 11:30 or whatever the usual deadline is in your locality. Then they'll know what time to go home, If the girls wear long evening dresses, boys should wear dark suits, preferably navy blue. Instead of asking the boys to es. cort a certain girl in the invitations, phone each boy a few days before. hand and ask him to call for Jane or Betty on his way to your home. Why an escort for you? You're not going anywhere. If yoff like a cer. Fun - tain boy, you'll probably have the first and last dance with him, but | otherwise you, as hostess, should share your attention equally. The party is for the group; not couples. You cannot ask the boys to pro- vide corsages for the girls. The girls aren't their guests; they didn't in. vite them. If you want ihe girls to | have flowers, it's up you as host. ess to give them s corsages as party favors, But ages are only for big, formal affalrs. You'll have as much fun without them. (For tips on games for party fun, send a stamped) self addressed en- velope to Elinor Williams at this | paper.) Discontented Women Should Seek Cause A great many stay-at-home wo- men are dissatisfied with them- selves and with their lives, with- out being able to understand why. They should be happy, but they aren't. And they don't know what to do about it. Often, the trouble is just that First Prayer For the Baby's room -- a prayer panel to hang over his bed. Teach him his first prayer from this-- sweetest of all nursery decorations. Simple embroidery for those odd moments. Pattern 7137 has trans. fer 15% x 19% inches; directions, Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to.see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTX-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES 'GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. / their hours are so' full -of endless small "tasks that the days and months seem to run together, and, despite all of their work, they never seem to get anywhere, It might help a lot if the woman who feels that way would ask her- self these questions: : i How can I be of the "biggest help to my husband this year? Diseolored pewter articles should se washed in hot soapsuds, then 'insed thoroughly so that no soap 5 left In the crevices." Dry thor. oughly to prevent pitting. Light .arnish can be removed with silver CARE OF PEWTER polish. If the tarnish is severe, ap. ply silver polish with a soft brush. While the polish is wet apply a heavy lather of mild soap, work up the soap lather and polish; rinse in hot water with a little softener add. ed, and dry thoroughly. Rub to a soft lustre with a flannel polishing | cloth. A soft lustre is preferable to a bright shiny surfcae on pewter. Perio ically oil, clean and adjust your sewing machine and it will last two or three generations. to drink from disease Although pure water lacks odor, color and taste, these alone do not guarantee its purity! safy So, it's not springs and wells just because their water is clear and palatable, water can harbor Contaminated even | more than impure milk. That is why Canadian communities guard water supplies so carefully and why drinking water is checked con- stantly on our trains, ships and ev- en aboard airplanes. We don't want to drink disease. What is it that I most want to do for my children right now? In| what ways do they need me most? | Have I time for any.worthwhile | community job? " What do I want for myself? If . she will. give - honest -and | thoughtful answers to such -ques- | tions. as those, the housewife who | isn't, getting what she wants out-of | life or doing her well as she should, can . probably .. figure out whete she is failing and how she can manage her life better. 2 But many a woman would probs | ably find out that she is already | § doing the most important things, | and' that 'ihstéad' of feeling like a failure, she should be proud of the Job she is doing, 1. Either 'way, 'the woman who checks upon herself occasionally will be better off, a 4 ANY. / Ger FAST UP 1nd DOWN Relief If you're miserable with ;sough =:foam..£old. . or smoking . . . suffer with a stuffy nose... here's double relief -- fast! Smith Brothers Menthol Cough Drops work up and down. Medication goes down to case |f tickle, soothe irritated membranes. Menthol vapors go up to bring coal comfort to stuffy nose. = Smith Brothers are richer. in menthol-- plus exclusive Smith Brothers medication. Buy a box today! Look for "Trade" and "Mark" on ac STILL ONLY 10¢ SMITH BROTHERS § MENTHOL 8 mo COUGH DROPS MARK $8.7.12 MEDICATED rs JOINT AND MUSCLE PAINS Youll Be Surprised How Much. Better Your Favorite SNAPSHOTS Lock When ENLARGED To Size 5" x 7" in roe Royal Mount _63c_ Colored in Oils © 55c Extra - AYERST 'COD LIVER = That Kills "Al Household 'CONTAINS . VITAMIN GROVE'S COLD TABLETS For La Grippe, Headaches and Colds 29¢ -49c¢ nt Medicines| FOOD The Tonic Your Child Needs for Health 3F - 295 4 96 Capsules for Adults DOMINION CASCARA BROMIDE QUININE Relieves Head Colds, Headaches and La Grippe 25¢ GOLD LABEL COD am LIVER OIL CONTAINS: 2,000 _Interna- fional Units of vitamin A and 200 Interna- tional Units of Atami B: per gram 16-0z. Bottle Reg. 1.00 New Cream SWEET NITRE KIDNEY PILLS Relieves Kidney and Bladder Trouble 29¢ per box 16-07. Bottle Reg. 19¢ PAR-OL-«AGAR INTESTINAL LUBRICANT For Young or Adult Aids Constipation Much Preferred to the Plain Paraffin Oils and Pleasant to Take A Palatable Emulsion of HEAVY PARAFFIN OIL and AGAR - with Phenolphthalein (3% grain AGAR teaspoonful) and Sodium Benzoate (% grain to 1 oz.) 40-02, ttle Reg. 1.49 COUGH CHECKER Check Huskiness Tickling Cough and Sore Throat 25¢ VITAMIN PLUS LINIMENT For Backache Muscular and Rheumatic 35¢c-70c Catarrh, Sinus, Antrum, Ete. So Ere Pains bd EE hi bo SX au oe The Complete Daily Vitamin Routine 1.00-1.75-3.25 b "A -- FREEZONE Removes Corns Promptly Without Pain 32¢ COUGHING For Backache and Kidney Ills GIN PILLS ANACIN TABLETS Quickly Relieves Headaches Neuralgii and Head Colds FOR RELIEF OF Pam out 10 WEABACN LS, COLDS, Nuns ND RHEUMATIS I 25¢ 49c¢ 74c 1.19 'Mother, if only I could go South!..." "a FELLOWS' Compound SYRUP Hypophosphites Canada's Favorite Tonic for 75 years "Darling, you must learn to take care of yourselfat home! Start taking 89° 1.39 Care for your precious WIRE HAIR BRUSH Invigorating to the Bealp "APU may mean kidney trouble A function of the kidneys is to help elim- inate impurities from the system. If the kidneys grow sluggish, these impurities-- in garcitslar, excess acid--accumulate and e, and may become a cause of Jain and suffering in joints and muscles. e way to tackle the root of the trouble is to hel the kidneys. They should be toned up wi De Witt's Kidney yand, Blagder ) Pills--the medicine made specially for thi De Witt's Pills invi te the a $0 that they Durable and Drain on brown paper ahd serve at 3 Air Cushioned once, Makes 8 fritters, . skin as faithfully as you brush your teeth! IN JUST 2 SECONDS E) * he " ww Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o this paper. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. ------ en IT WAS CAMOUFLAGE Made in England SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAM The Indians did not wear war paint fér the purpose of terrifying their foes, but as camouflage to make them less conspicuous. Special Value Goes to Work to Relieve for Sait natural Susiction properly. itt's Pills are a very well- tried ly, They are sold all over the world and we have many letters from suf- ferers telling of relief gained, after years of suffering, through taking De Witt's Pills. act on the kidneps quickly. Try. them for your trouble. Go to your JOINT PAINS drug store and get a supply to-day. = RHEUMATIC PAINS = - LUMBAGO , SCIATICA ECONOMY PACK The $1.00 pack is an economy - you must not miss. It contains 2 : times the quantity of the 60 cent size. De Witt's Pills are made specially for BACKACHE For dry skin: Cleanse with Dorothy Gray Dry-Skin Cleanser ".".4 softens as it cleanses $1.25. Follow with refreshing, non- drying Orange Flower Skin Lotion. $1.25. Use richly lubricat- ing Special Dry-Skin Mixture as your night cream, $2.50, aA TCR el SI SV. V1 If your nose some= times fills up with stuffy transient con- gestion pu a few s of Va-tro-nol each nostril, It quickly red: gestion and makes 24 Tablets 29¢ 12 Tablets 100 Tablets 79¢ For a Super-Smooth Shave in Softens the Toughest Beard from sniffly, sneezy, stuffy distress of head Giant Size i: colds. Follow directionsin the package. 3 VICKS VA-TRO-NOL ii PI : cies © ey Tube for Kidney and Bladder Troubles" oA TN ss