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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Mar 1948, p. 4

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. ay | 7 BEER IT IRR RRR NAST ETA CEE EET ar PST NRSV ERR RRRRT ESE NER DARE NST fhaaidd | "My Task". PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE * SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1948 LATEST NE W'S OF THE COUNTY TOW N OF WHITBY Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson, Phone 703, All Departments Oshawa Firm To Install $9,500 Heating System In County Court House Contract for the installation of a new heating system in the county Court House at a cost of approxi. mately $9,500 was awarded yester- day to H. R. Stark, of Oshawa. The work is to be completed by early next fall. After making a survey of the pre- sent heating system, Mr, Stark had reported to County Council that the system was not more than 25 per cent efficient. He had described the boiler as "absolutely done" and re. commended a two_pipe system rath- er than the present single line type. While Andrew Muir (reeve, Whit. by) expressed the view that tenders should be called for the job, the majority of members felt that this would cause delay and Mr. Stark was in a position to proceed with the work. It was pointed out that the installation should be completed by September 1, Purchase Files On recommendation of its pro. perty committee also, Council ap- proved purchase of 10 filing units for the registry office at an esti. mated cost of $1,500. No further discussion took place on the question of an addition to the registry office. It has been pointed out by A. W. Bell, registrar, that the present building will be entirely inadequate in two years' time. A duplicating machine is to be purchased too, at .a price of $405, for use in the county court house. In addition to being of use in the various departments this would also facilitate providing County Council members with copies of reports, etc. at Council sessions, In accord with the grand jury's recommendations at the present Assizes, a rest room is tp be provid- ed for female employees in the court house. * : Life Membership Is Presented To W.A. Worker Mrs. Hicks Sr. was awarded a life membership in the Woman's Asso- ciation of the United Church at the Faster meeting of Whitby United Church W. A. this week. Mrs. W. G. Augustus spoke of the long years of faithful and untiring service Mrs. Hicks had given to the organization and Mrs. Costello, an. other of the older members, made the presentation. Mrs. Hicks thank. ed the members for the life mem. bership certificate which she said she would always prize, The president, Mrs. R. MacCarl opened the meeting with an Easter poem and Mrs. E. B. Killens sang Mrs. Charles Malcolm, speaker of the afternoon, brought an inspiring Paster message. Mrs. Ollen-Blittle had charge of the worship service and Mrs. L, Kemp gave the Bible reading. Mrs. A. R. Sanderson gave a gra. tifying report on the clothing re- cently received for Europe. Mrs. Bunner of the Watch Tower 8oclety gave a brief outline of the life of the late Mahatma Gandi of India. Mrs, Hall sang "Open the Gates of the Temple." At the close of the meeting a so. Lg Whitby News In Brief | Accounts of suvcial events and | of visitors to and from the town are appreciated by this department IELEPAONE 703 The Red Cross wish to thank Mrs. Downing, for a cash dona- tion for this month. +* + William Ellis, Dundas Street East, received congratulations from friends yesterday as he mark. ed his 82nd birthday. * bb The regular monthly meeting of the I.O.D.E. will be held in the Library, at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 15. All members are asked to attend. * + The Scout 'and Cub Mothers' will hold a special meeting Mon- day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. Courtney, 1514 Brock Street South. All members are asked to be present. * op Whitby friends of Mrs. J. Cros- sen, Lindsay, (formerly Iona Rowe, Whitby), will regret to learn that she is quite seriously ill in Ross Memorial Hospital, at Lindsay. * pb 8t. John's Church, Port Whitby, is planning an afternoon tea and sale of home cooking in the Sun- day 'School room, on March 17, from 2.30-5 p.m. * op Pb The March meeting of the W.M.S. evening group, of the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. J. O. Ruddy, 200 Brock Street North, Monday at 8 p.m. Mrs. G. M. Goodfellow's group will be in charge. The guest speaker, Mrs. F. Wells, has chosen for her topic the edu. cational picture in Whitby. All mem. bers and friends are invited to at- tend. * + * The Whitby Branch of the Up- per Canada Bible society willl hold its annual meeting In the Baptist Church, at 8.20 tomorrow evening. Officers will be elected for the coming year and reports of the past year's work given. The financial report will be a most encouraging one, as about $500, was raised last year. All those in- terested are invited to attend. The district secretary, Rev.' Edgerton Young, will be present and will show an interesting film, "The Heart of India." At Home | MR. AND MRS. MORLEY MOORE, 210 John Street West, Whitby, will be at home to their friends on Sunday, March 14, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, from 2- 4:30 in the afternoon, and 7-9 in the evening | MR. AND: MRS. RUSSELL RODMAN, | cor. Mark and Matilda streets, Little Britain, will be at home to their friends and relatives on Tuesday, March 16, on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, from 3-5 in the afternoon and 7-9 in the cial half hour was enjoyed, evening. greRpRist JOEL McCREA § VERONICA LAKE DONALD CRISP DON DeFORE Directed by ANDRE de TOTH A HARRY SHERMAN Production NOW PLAYING Two Shows at 7.00 and 9.00--Saturday Matinee at 1.30 PRESTON FOSTER ARLEEN WHELAN CHARLIE RUGGLES wy, 8 Whitby Women Assist In Red Cross Peacetime Program These are typical scenes from the Red Cross work rooms where sewers meet each Wednesday. In the top photo, Mrs. H. H. Goode (standing); ¢hairman of women's work for the Whitby branch, oversees a group at work. They are left to right: Miss Beatrice Fletcher, Mrs. A. R. Whittle, Mrs. F. E. Watts, sewing convener, Mrs. F. G. Erskine and Mrs, A, H, Lecar, Centre, Mrs. E. W. Evans works at one of the machines while Mrs. R. A. Phair examines some of her work. Knitting is another phase of the work room activities, and the lower photo shows a group at the knitting table. They are left to right: Mrs. William Roach, Mrs. Ed. Bowman, Mrs, E. L. Braithwaite, Mrs. Clive Hatch and Mrs. F. J. McIntyre. photos by Marjorie G. Ruddy Rice Proves Special Treat In Box to Whitby, England "I am sure if we could get the spirit of your dear people from All Saints', Whitby, Canada, life would be much happier for all," Mrs. C. B. Snell, wifejof the vicar of All Saints' Chureh, Whitby England, writes in a letter of ap- preciation to the Parish Guild of the church here for a food par- cel received. Speaking of the excitement with | which the box was opened, Mrs. Snell rice she had seen in years. The text of her letter follows: "Box number nine arrived safe- ly. I wish you and all members of the Parish Guild could have been a little mouse to witness us two opening the same. First one says, oh look, sugar, soap and so on-- all in a fever of excitement. And when we saw rice it was almost too much for haven't seen 'it for years, "Please convey our love and thankfulness to each member and say how much we appreciate such kindness. Out hearts are filled to overflowing and we thang God over and over again for having given us such friends, said it contained the first | "We with others enjoyed the con- tents of box number eight for Christmas and the paper wrap- pings were very attractive. We had a very nice but quiet Christmas. The church was nicely decorated with holly and we always have a erib. Mr. Snell, the church war- dens und about eight other mem- bers went to every house carol singing and collected 13 pounds for church funds. I think they all ' RICE PROVES (Continued on Page 5) Certified Dry Cleaning | -- co Give your garments that FRESH look by letting us clean and press them in our brand new, modernly equipped plant right here in Whitby. PHONE 2345 CLEANERS FAST PICKUP. AND DELIVERY Two-day service on Cleaning and Pressing One-day service on Pressing } 4 WHITBY, ONT. | Red Cross Sewers Make Many Items Amid the busy hum of sewing machines and the snip of scissors, an industrious group of women meet weekly in the Whitby Council Chambers to turn out warm arti- cles for children in Great Britain, pyjamas and hospital supplies to assist in the Canadian Red Cross Society's program for the relief of and suffering throughout the world. Whitby branch of thé Red Cross is appealing this week for at least $2,300 as its share in the drive be- ing conducted by the Society across the Dominion for $3,000,000. While demands have eased since the, critical war years the Red Cross workers are called upon to supply clothing for needy civilians in Britain, comforts for veterans in the lodges maintained by the So- ciety in connection with all large veterans hospitals in Canada and supplies for the 71 Red Cross out- post hospitals and nursing stations maintained in remote sections of She country. With only time out for a stimu. lating cup of tea, between 20 and 25 members of the Whitby branch make the Whitby workroom a hive of activity from 1:30 to nearly 8 o'clock each Wednesday afternoon. Last year, the Whitby workers, under the direction of Mrs. H. H. Goode, chairman of women's work for the branch, and Mrs, F. E. Watts, sewing supervisor, forwarded between 700 and 800 articles to Red In addition, Cross headquarters. Mrs. C. E, Bowman, knitting con. vener, received more than 400 knit. ted articles made at home by the branch's 'many knitters. During the war years the Society made a total of some 139,000 articles. At present, quotas for Britain are the main project. Since Jan. uary the branch has shipped ap- proximately 25 children's night. gowns, 25 pairs of children's pyja- mas, 40 boys' and 26 girls' waists as well as some 50 pairs of men's py- jamas and hospital supplies. In addition there is the colorful collection of knitted - apparel, ranging from tiny sox to warm nightingales for elderly women, Times.Gazette classified ads pay --Why not try oue today. Births ANDREW -- Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew (nee Pearl Porter) are happy nounce the birth of their daughter, Frances Gail, March 12th, at Oshawa General Hospital, Mother and baby doing nicely, ROOKE--Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rooke, are happy. to announce the arrival of their son Donald Douglas, on Thurs- day, March 11th, 1948, at the Oshawa General Hospital. Whitby Classified FOR SALE -- FOURTEEN - ROOMED house, five-apartments, separate en- trances, also suitable guest home, boarding house, Immediate possession. Whitby 2124. FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale, Mason & Risch, excellent condi« tion. Phone 661 Whitby. FOR SALE -- GREEN BREAKFAST Suite, also cream and black rangette. Cheap. Apply 500 Green street, Whitby. (Mchi6) FOR SALE--BALED STRAW FOR SALE. sop Glen Dhu Farm, Whitby, Phone 912 Whitby. = FOR SALE--1940 FORD OPERA COUPE, excellent condition. Phone 531 Whitby. NEW 60 CYCLE REFRIGERATOR IM- mediate delivery. Call 383 Whitby. Whitby Home Appliance. (15%) SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5. At Allin's & Snelgrove's Drug Stores. (Mar$,13,20,27) FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, light housekeeping privileges, central, Phone 2398 Whitby. pald for all kinds of Poultry, also new and 'used feathers. N. Lemberg, Whitby Phones 644, Whitby, or 695J, Oshawa. WANTED 'O RENT, HOUSE OR apartment, must have two bedrooms, Whitby or Brooklin. Rent up to $60. Apply Box 70, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (Mari13) FOR SALE--USED MAN'S BICYCLE, $25.00. Apply Apt. 2, Rice Apartments, after 5 p.m. (Mch13) WANTED--RELIABLE, CAPABLE WOM- an desires position as housekeeper to business couple or two adults, in Whit- by. Apply P.O. Box 327, Whitby. FEMALE DEER HOUND, WANDERED to our premises. Owner may have same by identifying and paying exe enses. Call at 930 Byron St: North, hitby. (58¢ WANTED TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF Service Station Contest, Activities For Juniors Planned by Garden Club The Whitby Garden Club, held its annual meeting in the library Thursday night when the mem- bers enjoyed two films on gar- dens and plant life. During the business session, Mrs. Joyce Burns wes elected president, Miss Gwen Larson treasurer, and Miss Mildred Price, the retiring president, sec- retary. Those named to the exe- cutive committee were Mrs. Flo- rence Ing, Mrs. Marjorie Van Horne and Norgrove Clemence. The Garden Club is planning a junior section in which the chil- dren who are interested in the raising of flowers or vegetables will be able to take an active part. Thomas Shortt will make a selection of seeds that any youth- ful garden enthusiast will find little or no difficulty in growing. There will be a nominal charge for the seeds and the children of Whitby who 'are interested in having a small garden plot of their own should contact Gordon Me- Mahon who will be looking after the distribution of seeds. Bird House Contest There will also be a contest for the boys and girls along less earthy lines but of a vital interest to the Garden Club. It will be a contest for the best designed and best built bird house and for those not interested in carpentry the best poster. Mr. McMahon the re- | creational director for Whitby will have the full details and the rules for the contests, The service stations in Whitby have been doing such a good job in recent years of making the town more attractive to tourists by | having well kept flower beds and grass plots, that the Garden Club has decided to have a contest for the service stations, This contest will include all the gasoline and service stations within the boun- daries of the town of Whithy. These boundaries extend east to Ross' Hill (Starr's Hill) west to | Lynde's Creek, north to the third | GARDEN CLUB (Continued on Page 5) RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby, Tel. 70? > OLC Student Heads Theory Candidates Margaret Ann Brine, a student at Ontario Ladies' College, ob- tained first class honors in the written piano examination for the ARCM. degree to top the list of successful students in the theory examinations held in Whitby re- cently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto. Miss Brine also received pass standing in grade 5 harmony. Two other O. L. C. students, Blanche E. Bailey and Catherine J. Fisher, passed their grade 4 harmony examinations, with Miss Bailey also being. successful in grade 3 history. Barbara C. Thomson, with first class honors, headed the Whitby pupils trying grade 3 history, while Mary E. Coleman and Virginia Goodfellow received honors and Carolyn Thompson pass standing. In the grade 2 examinations Helen IL. Percival and Janet B. White received first class honors and in grade 1 first class honors went to Marian Archibald and honors to Ann E. Goodwin, Announcements LADIES OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Port Whitby, will hold a Sale of Home Cooking and Afternoon Tea, in the Sunday School room, on Wednes= day, March 17, at 2:30-5 p.m. High and Low Pressure Steam Fitting Hot Water Heating AUTOMATIC HEATING Specialists in Oil Burners and Stokers Sales and Service Phone 663 -- Phone 863 S. Correll -- W. S. Martin WHITBY Ortario GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY WHITBY SERVICES - MARCH 14, 1948 All Church Services Will Be Standard Time Rev. F. Darnell 10 WAM --. "IN DEFENCE OF 7:00 P.M.-- to an- | EVANGELISM . . e MR DON MAGEE A TAR Come With THE BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. Wes Summers A.T.C.M. THIS SUNDAY. A GREAT BIBLE SCHOOL ® MR. LOUIS GRIFFIN--SPECIAL SOLOIST ® .T. DARNELL PREACHING sussecT: "TRUE? or FALSE?" A Service Full of Inspiration and Help Phone 453 AM. THE PHARISEES" . SONG SERVICE ND HIS SPANISH GUI- The Crowd WHITBY UNI Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A., B.D. Mrs. Vernon Rowe, A.T.C.M. rie TED CHURCH 11.00 Mark "THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME" SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION It Is The Lord's Table 7.00 P.M. -- BIBLE STUDY A.M. 7:1.23 THE WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURC WHERE THE FULL GOSPEL IS 2 Pastors: D. IPPOLITO -- R. KING D 817 CENT 3 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7 PM.--LOVE---THE CHRISTIAN'S TEST COTTAGE-PRAYER MEETING--THURSDAY, 7:30 P.M, Come Worship With Us RE ST. S. Poultry aso new and old fi Highest market prices. ALply J, Parker 321 Brook St. N, Fhone $86,

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