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Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Mar 1948, p. 9

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'Notices By DON HOULDEN As e of my associates know, I have a fflend or rather pen-pal living in Franle at Montbeliard. In the course of my many letters to him I have asked him to send me several news- papers of that region and of Paris. The other day I received a large ship- ment of them Last night I started to read one of them in particular, one peper called "Cité Fraternelle," a weekly covering the districts of Belfort in tern France, alui lo and behold, what should I run across than a mention of French cessrul Clup Leader Preparatory Course held the last two week-ends either at the Hillcroft or the Athol Street Scout headquarters. all reports the course was a big success, and this 1s due entirely to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Buesnel and Mrs. D. Alker, who put all they had into their work. As for the fun of the course, Timmy Gil- well (C.M, Fred Warburton) seemed to have everything pat with his genuine smiles and laughs. The last night of the course, which was held at the Athol Street headquarters was devoted entirely to games, songs and square dances, This gave everyone a chance to limber up alter the rather muscle- trying work had been concluded. Big spot in the whole course was the pre- sentation of toggles to the courses Red Six, whose sixer is, believe it or not, Sixer (Cubmaster) Fred Warburton of Whitby. Congratulations and orchids, etc, to you, Red Six! EASTER WEEK-END Easter week-end will be quite an event at Camp, with a great many Troope and Packs and Crews present. Camp Warden Clyde Saunders and wife will have their hands full of energetic Scouts, Cubs and Rovers. Every clump of bushes will hide some stalking group, and every tree will hold a sig- nalling station, The creek will be bridged in a number of places and correct estimations Rd JSRYihing of any sizer will have t noon and evening the hale air will be laden with sweet smells of cooking meats and stews, mixed with fragrant aromas of different woods. ar be on your guards Here we go again 8TH OSHAWA hn CUB 'PACK K NEWS The meeting opened in a real spring | spirit with the raln pouring down, Surprisingly snodgh, everyone but John Humphreys and Garry Fluke were pre- sent in uniform. The meeting opened with Grand Howl and Inspection, Dues, again, We played several games of Pass the Ball--except that we used four boxing gloves. This was followed by about ten minutes of floor hockey. Tests passed during the week or at the meeting were: Flag, by Eddie White, Jack Nicholls, Bil "Towns, and repassed by Lloyd Scott; Tenderfoot First Ald, by Bill Towns; Law and Pro- mise repassed by Lloyd Scott and Ken Fisher; Tenderfoot Knots, repassed by Lloyd Scott. Bill Towns has now com- pleted his Tenderfoot, and is preparing himself for his Investiture. On Saturday the Beavers and the Lions went out hiking. This seems to be Tom Sully's and Ken Pipher's idea of patrol hiking: 1, Hike away from home until you are too tired to go any farther; 2, Eat; 3, You are now too full to feel like moving and too tired to be able to move; 4, NOW hike all the way home, and hurry because we are late. Some time after six Ron and Buddy staggered into the SM"s house to re- port that rookie Eric Buss' fried pota- toes were simply terrible. Eric was not the least bit worried about it; this was his third hike and he has com- Dleted his hiking test, even though he as not finished his Tenderfoot yet. He will go along on our other hikes just for the fun and "exercise." Saturday night we had a Court of Honor at the SM's house. When the business was done, we had cocoa and cookies, and played Droopsnoot and Pig. After gazing across the Council Table for a couple of hours at Doug Girard"s shirt, tle and blazer, we are thinking of wearing Scout uniform after this. Eut the SM's tie was just as horribly grue- some. HO HUM. Bm 4TH WOLF CUB PACK On the call from Raksha, the lights were dimmed and the Cubs silently A LAW By Al iL Fase) and Harry Shorten IJ) THERE! EVEN IF I CAN'T COM- "R-DUPER CHAIN GROCERIES FECLURE NEWSPAPER SYNDI 77 LUCKY FOR ME 5 RE STILL OPEN), a JOHN. PAY US THE REFUND ON These ZZ 1 « BT BOTTLES, WILL YA? WE SOME DOUGH FOR Cl] CE .~ burst, forth with '"McNamara's Band." ! take every opportunity to practise. Is i Time was running short and so the |was announced that all knotters shoule' Leaders gave the fellows some more jelly beans and everyone went home looking tired but }12py, HE OLD WOLVES | 6TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS concentrate on as many of the Kno they can during the'week and next Scout meeting we will finish off with the hard ones and then have the ex- aminer down. The meeting closed af- | ter a signalling game at which the The regular meeting opened at 7:30 Lynx were victorious. with flag-break. An assignment of a | map of North Oshawa was to be hand- | very good showing, boys. A going-up ceremony was held in which six boys come to the troop, boys. Instruction period was held in which some boys accomplished a good deal of work. Gor- don Townrow and Jimmy Simpson re- ceived their Artist's Badges. These are | the first badges of this kind to be earn- | ed by any boy in the .roop. Good work, boys! The boys then tricd to do some singing but as usual ended in moans and groans. The troop was then cdlled into the horseshoe and after closing ceremonies and Tepesiing the troop yell, the troop was dismissed ~~HENRY THE NEWS HAWK | 5TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS The meeting was opened by Ted Phil- ips with the breaking of the flag. After e flag-breaking the boys who were to be invested were sent downstairs while the rest of the troop prepared | for the investiture. The first fellows to be invested were Bob Fluké and Larry Simons of the Esgles. The next two boys were John Brock and Rich Wilson of the Beavers. Gord Twilliger of the Foxes took the Promise next and was invested into the World-Wide Brotherhood of Scouting, The investi- ture ceremonies lasted until about eight-thirty when the scouts went to their corners and collected their dues. The Lynx patrol with another of their occasional brain-waves, turned in ed in and only one boy did so. Not & a brilliant glossary of their patrol hike last week which was attended by every | member of the patrol. The report was came up {from Cubs to Scouts. Wel- |' book form complete with snapsho of the various members and their hex | tivities. Stout Fellas, Lynx, 8] ikes, as next Friday is a oiday kK how about you other patrols doin i | something about a ptrol hike, eh? Al | Junior leaders are reminded of thes Court of Honour on Sunday evenin at the Scout Hall and the S.M. an ASM. are to bring. the ginger ale. Next week David Halewood is to be invested which will complete the whole troop with the exception of Ken the Cub Pac Nosey was nad | that staffs left tn patrol corners (Owls) and failure to leave the gym at once when ordered (Lynx) lose patrol points. Those responsible kindly note, or else a sticky nasty mess may result, hy ome pr large and hefty boy scouts decide Quietly? sumighten You up. The Wort trip to Toronto was Hyper. (A bit more super than super-dooper, according to |the ASM.) A flat tire on the way up failed to spoil things, and a visit to the Craft Supply shop, Simpson's, hore Mallett Hutcheson and Frandall lost, a swim at the Y.M.C.A. J around the Sports Show at tito seum, the show in the evening and dinner and supper made a great day. Who's next? Don't hg 1 tes a day at that First Ald. Wolves 100, Wild Goose B10 After the dues were collected Scouter (110. And so till next week, crawled from their lairs to form a cir- road of Scouting and had just 'le premier position' in all three relays, now. What ever it. offers, little or | Sutton lined the boys up in relay for- | --Thine Nosey--(And the nose knows) Scouting. Under a very impressive il Call. A very fast game by heading--Paul Emile Victor, Explorateur (80d RO cle in the middle of the room. Sixer au Pole--une interview de Pierre | kim set things hopping, and they con- | gro oo He Perma 8 8 Gren Howl. Dt the first bend, the Cub Pack (ten points a show. It was the frst much, life is now--this day--this hour | mation and a game was played, direct- Sonet," I read a very impressive story | tinued to go for the rest of the night. Akela announced that Kenneth would |8nd was now on the second bend, the relay in a couple of weeks, and boy |--and is probably the Sid experience (ed by Scouter Kellington, The game | 1ST OSHAWA cour; SR00r NWS 'going up" to Scouts on Wednesday Scout Troop. She went on to say that |did we ever see some changes made. | of the kind that one is to have." You |lasted until nine o'clock when the boys |' The lst Oshawa bo & A very exciting instruction. period was of the Great French Arctic explorer, o and his very close Scout connections, ~ | held. Scoutmaster Ron Nicholson of | if. €OI0E UP" to BCOUtS 0a WeChy the Pack hoped that he would con- |The second race was run while every- |are left then. with that thousmt. broke off and went home. night this week and 10 was a quite the 4th Oshawa was our guest, along ) tf to Bn It seems that Paul-Emile Victor is A eetl fo ova nue on the third 'bend, the Rover [one tied a different kn --SN Congratulati: cessful. The meeting opetied Wit Sih mot only an adventurer of worldly ac- Yip our old friend Commissioner An- tp Ceremony. Jiesiing 10} tie we 8 ew. Then Sn tis rood ot Scouting heat, but don't 5 pr BL drat ma---- $Noory becoming Lani so, Joh piu Pie | break and Re claim, but also e. cout o rance, i! he m for a made any difference! ! on Brya - | nlels was unable director of what would be the Gilwell | Raksha took anctper ame after Fi game, Cubs Went fitg the gym there | Point Bagheera stepped into the circle ends were nit ar No 2! Fi PTH osHawa WoL rus race A, en Sant Ior becoming Pat A8SM.s Mothersill and Ho Camp in France, and Scoutmaster of | 2nd ynen he Ee mane, and was another assistant, and then intro- (and presented him with a Bible and you can believe us when we say |portant evening to the 14th Pack--five | Today we had our big paper drive charge of the meeting. We were x. a Boy Scout Troop at Lons-le-Saunier. | W88 Samplire ne Kit, d 2 Du on duced "Bagheera." The two Scouts |Wished him "Good Hunting." Akela nd it gets faster and faster every time |of our Cubs went up into the Troop-- |and I think we did fairly well. to see so many that wanted to take the It mentions his participation in the | # oa er amor os 5 h a n if were also given Jungle names, and | then took Ken out of the circle up to it's done. but I will tell you all about it later Well, folks, my,time's up so ¥ must | Bronze Arrowhead Course, and we will Jamboree at Moisson last August, and | followed by a rather hectic sIng-S0ng. | now on are known as Rann and [the two Scouts who were holding the | Here! Have a 'gander at the "New |The meeting started at 6.30 with roli | be going, so long. --BUSTER | be looking for a lot of ideas when we his lecturing to the Scouters on world- | Lets Qo better net Week, or \t' 1s | Karela. Bagheera, after the game, told (Scout and Cub flags, and introduced |Look" in points. On top are the Lynx |call and dues, Lights went out and eee have our next mieetl friendship. jo a story on i u Ress, alg 1 "g" [the Cubs that we were holding a "St. him to Scoutmaster Honan and told (with 178, no less. Followin in the moonlight we had our Grand ATH OSHAWA SCOUT. NEWS The knotting starte " with three ine It is always reassuring to all to know |foped that ihe pid 5 of e. time | Patrick's Night" and that everyone not him that he. had been a ver, good rest in a pretty close A Howl. The old Evergreen Scout meeting slid | strucon groups, which were a little that Scouting is taking the front page Pacx Son Bain) or aaoney every time | wearing some green, had to go through | Cub and was sure that he would be a |170; Eagles. 168; Fox and Bulld Morley Carnochan was presented with | into gear propmtly at 7:15 pip emma | noisy, but.otherwise O.K. There seems in French newspapers, and indeed all | Me o 2h ok is pouring in, | the mill. And three of the Cubs were fine Scout. The Scoutmaster then in- |162, then come the Buffalo wit . | his second star. George Hubbard re- |and the flag-break under the sinister to be quite a féw boys who know how newspapers throughout the world. a Akal or ae & . Bloctive will caught! troduced him to his Patrol Leader and Ronnie Richards entertained the | ceived his first star and also his first {guidance of the lightning Lynx was [to tle the knots but they all tie them . But what is more important is that | an He i hi 4 fit A short Instruction period was held |8ll the Scouts gave him 'three cheers." | troop with some animal calls last meet- | year service star. Don Hubbard re- |one of those affairs that bring parti- [the slow way. This isn't the best thing such a notable himself burdened wit Th oloal 5D the 10 night was | --8nd during this, Ken Smith passed | The Cubs stayed for a while and ing, and we are using the expression [ceived his first year service star. |cular joy to the leaders. It was per- | for a knot race, so we did the best plans for exploration,' and discovery, |. 8 ig gh n to Joh nh and | Signalling. ood hunting, Ken, plated a couple of games with the 'animal'. for the simple reason that | Inspection was held on uniforms. | fectly super-duper. As Fred Whalley-| thing possible, in trying to show them can not only head the French Scout [De regen tak on thei at ry c Ritter Etro Akela took the |Scouts and then went home. words to suit the situation are scarce Then we played "Cars" and "Rooster | pulled the rope, and the old na the fast way. It will take a while, but Association but also In a simple and | alion ol hoa ETD, or 8 vk Tg Cubs in a short game, "Pat and Mike," | Well, that's just about all for now, for the present, anyway those expres- | Fight. | came fluttering forth, Jack Jeffs, the |we know that your patrol leaders will quiet way run a Scout Troop. To the jera pi ons. oy " ow B44 en Will We | which even the leaders got con- | Cubs, 50 Good Hunting to you all, and (sions ranged from a chicken call early hen the Scout Troop came in and | Lynx P.L., was seen to give a huge sigh | give you all the help they can. In this Scouters that sun meetings out of the |° oh R080 No yee pene Grand Howl | fused. This was followed by a game (especially, "Scout" Kenneth Smith. in the morning to an owl or what- | everyone quietened down. Lights went |of relief and wipe the dampness from |respect, I might mention that we are limelight, let us remember that even | --o ne gal | by Rikki called "Rhyming Pat." Then "THE OLD ONES." | have-you, late at night. The show was | out again and the Pack had another | his brow. | going to keep turning more of the pat- Paul-Emile Victor, the great French Con, TR LS ions to Rikki for running | Raksha ran a game with dice and jelly a" tops for Ronnie received a good hand |Grand Howl for the Cubs going up ne The Cub Pack were out in fine force | rol work over to the patrol leaders, as | hero, the representative of an Empire |, J akin 80 smoothly. She certain- | beans. Before we play that game again, 7TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS from the boys as well as his entertain- | the Troop. They were: Barry Cock- |t0 send one Ken Smith happily on his these fellows now haven't enough to in the Arctic, 1s quietly and effectively | 4" "nb oetions job we'll have to do something about those | You wanna play a game? We got |er's badge. Well done, Ron. burn, Stanley Lukow, Morley Oarno- | way along the scouting trall in a novel | leading his Troop for better Scouting | "geo™ voy "aly next week, Cubs who "cheat." Just one Cub can spoil | plenty of ideas. So the leader's thoughts | In circle formation the SM empha- | chan, George Hubbard. Ross Clark was and inspiring going-up ceremony. Cub- j "ie is growing near the hiking season and better citizenship in this troubled : MOWGLI, |2 game by cheating and everyone has (went up until last Monday, when the [sized the importance of the editorial |sick last week, and though he wasn't | master Cobb presented a beautiful (and we want to see a hane trol work and oftime despairing world of ours. to pay. So let's join into all the games, | fellas in the troop put on a leetle too [in the Pathfinder this month, entitled, |at the meeting he will be going into | Bible suitably engraved with a map of in this field this season. your pat- | BRONZE ARROWHEAD and play fair! much weight for those tin cans that | "Troop Spirit". Said the editorial in [the Troop as soon as he is feeling | the Scouting Trail, from' Cubs to [rol will go on a hike and hig back a Now back to Canada, and in particu- 11TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS After the period of games, the Cubs | were incorporated Into the game. Oh, |defining the word 'spirit', "in the dic- | better. | Scouts and on through Rovers, to Ken | written report of who went, where, and + lar the City of Oshawa. Scouting is Flagbreak was carried out by Second |and Leaders formed a circle and Akela | now mind you, it was a good idea for tionary it means, 'breath', 'the soul', | Good hunting to you, Cubs, and good as a parting gift from the Pack. S.M. |what you saw and did it should be holding its annual Bronze Arrowhead | Alan Hoskin of the Wolves. fter the announced that Kenneth Smith was [some fun, but when the cans started | 'mental force' or 'vigour', the 'spirit- |luck in the Troop. | Holloway welcomed the new recruit | worth some points for your patrol in Award course at the Athol Street Scout | reading of the Log. by Darwin Robin- now eligible for his Second Star, but |to give a little, it was finis to all that |less' is defined as 'without life'. There | After our Going-Up ceremony, every- | and turned him over to Jeck Jeffs, his [the competition. Last year there was Hall under the direction of Executive |son and the Inspection, won by the as they cannot be purchased from |riggamoreo. The intentions were |you have the topic of the writing, but lone was given a shamrock to bin on | P.L., while the rest of the troop cheer- |hot nearly enough of this done, and it Commissioner Leonard C. Knight. Lions, we played our first game, Spin headquarters, he would have to do (these: A rope was looped through |there followed an emphatic but clear his persey and Scout shirt, and ve |ed him lustily. The Cubs were in- | should be improved, Nature should be With almost 40 boys expected, the the Plate. This week Al was in |without until they could be purchased. holes in the tops of some cans--little description of "Troop Spirit". | held 'a 1ittle party to celebrate St. Fat- | cluded with the Scouts in a lively game |one of the things you all know a lot course should leap into action about charge of the games. So Kenneth, even If you haven't got |cans, about the size of a pkin- | "Hercky" 'has come back to us as of (rick's Day on the 17th. We played (of Crows and Cranes which they ap- (about, and if we can be of any help ):30 a.m., Saturday mornin d both |. The Fireman's Badge class then |your Second Star, you are a Second ple filling container--then t TD ns last Thursday evening, just in time to ("The Irish Washerwoman" (hanzing peared to enjoy very much and then |just ask us. ectures and games will be cgéred. Dif- withdrew for their ordeal, the test to (Star Cub h to step up on top and try a |take the Wolf patrol out to the cabin |tea towels on_a clothesline) and the |sat down to watch while the Scouts | The actual knot race was rather ad rent Commissioners a Scouters see who was ready to go down to the | The rest of the evening was spent in (walk. The walk lasted until the boy |for the week-end. No sooner does he | Scouts won. For their prize they each |got down to business. It was noted at slow, but interesting, in the fact that | i | some of the new boys were taking the hroughout the city will be giving lec- firehall and try for the badge. Oh, singing Irish songs. Prayers closed the | reacted the other end of the hall and [get his rest and operation, when du- | Ot a Jelly bean. Then we played 'Pat |inspection that Allan Fice, Bill Bruce, res on topics very important to the well, four of us passed; the rest will | meeting. On Wednesday night the back again. ZA walk on_ stilts, you |ties piled up from weeks beforehand |and Mike" (a Scout with a Scout and [Alan Scammel and John Murray were | honours leaving some of their older might say. It was the Eagle patrol (come at him as always, Life, then is a Cub with a Cub, just in case anvone | away sick. Bryce Smith was also ab- |scouts still twisting and m loops that messed theirs first we thing, al- | pretty tough, but don't quote us on [1s worrying) and after they beat each |sent but as no message was received (not knowing quite what to do next. le of Patrol Leader, have to do some work. The "lucky" |Cubs went down to the Scout Troop I am with many Scouters throughout chumps were Ken Fisher, Jim Sully, | meeting for the "Going Up" ceremony. |other up a few times, we decided to [from him we do not know whether he | This will be improved at the next meeting or four patrol leaders will have ie Dominion in emphasizing the Doug Girard and Buddy Robinson. |After the Cubs gave Grand Howl, with | though a couple of the others had a |that statement, huh? onze Arrowhead Course | While this was going on, the other two | Second George Wiskin leading, Ken- | handsome-looking mess at approximate- We do not face you with our putting | have a sing-song. We sang "I'm Look- | was sick or not. Nosey noticed that UB LEADERS COURSE PL"s Tom and Ken, were teaching | neth Smith was called into the circle, [ly time similar. the pretext of being of Epicurean phil- |ing Over a Four Leaf Clover" and the | first aid practice just wasn't being some explaining to do. The meeting {closed with the lowering of the flag when he became a Tenderfoot Cub. | jup a ovely set -of knots, especially | week is as comes to you following. "Tt | 80 they sang "My Wild Irish Rose" |ing about this, as with 14 boys in the and the Lord's Prayer, wi, HARD Flowers, orchids, ten-gun salutes, and | their boys many useful things -- no [and repeated the Promise he had given | Rien ser this the Seventh whipped | osophy but the choice quotation oi Scouts decided they could sing better done. The leaders were heard mutter- rs. Dorothy Alker, for the very suc- Then we all began to enjoy ourselves | Akela then told Ken that he was well | the a for they walked off with |is good for one to realize that life is [and then the Cubs burst, and I mean iS Johns class it would be best to gal bon (YR dy jor SRN Watch the miles roll away beneath Spring and it's you for the open road. Gosh no, Mister, you don't need a NEW car for all of that. 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